path: root/picosoc/firmware.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'picosoc/firmware.c')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/picosoc/firmware.c b/picosoc/firmware.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660ef56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/picosoc/firmware.c
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define reg_spictrl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x02000000)
+#define reg_uart_clkdiv (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x02000004)
+#define reg_uart_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x02000008)
+#define reg_leds (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x03000000)
+void print(const char *p)
+ while (*p) {
+ if (*p == '\n')
+ reg_uart_data = '\r';
+ reg_uart_data = *(p++);
+ }
+char getchar_prompt(char *prompt)
+ int32_t c = -1;
+ uint32_t cycles_begin, cycles_now, cycles;
+ __asm__ volatile ("rdcycle %0" : "=r"(cycles_begin));
+ if (prompt)
+ print(prompt);
+ reg_leds = ~0;
+ while (c == -1) {
+ __asm__ volatile ("rdcycle %0" : "=r"(cycles_now));
+ cycles = cycles_now - cycles_begin;
+ if (cycles > 12000000) {
+ if (prompt)
+ print(prompt);
+ cycles_begin = cycles_now;
+ reg_leds = ~reg_leds;
+ }
+ c = reg_uart_data;
+ }
+ reg_leds = 0;
+ return c;
+char getchar()
+ return getchar_prompt(0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+extern uint32_t cmd_read_spi_flash_id_worker_begin;
+extern uint32_t cmd_read_spi_flash_id_worker_end;
+void cmd_read_spi_flash_id()
+ uint32_t *src_ptr = &cmd_read_spi_flash_id_worker_begin;
+ uint32_t *dst_ptr = (uint32_t*)0;
+ while (src_ptr != &cmd_read_spi_flash_id_worker_end)
+ *(dst_ptr++) = *(src_ptr++);
+ ((void(*)())0)();
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+void main()
+ reg_uart_clkdiv = 104;
+ while (getchar_prompt("Press ENTER to continue..\n") != '\r') { /* wait */ }
+ print("\n");
+ print(" ____ _ ____ ____\n");
+ print(" | _ \\(_) ___ ___/ ___| ___ / ___|\n");
+ print(" | |_) | |/ __/ _ \\___ \\ / _ \\| |\n");
+ print(" | __/| | (_| (_) |__) | (_) | |___\n");
+ print(" |_| |_|\\___\\___/____/ \\___/ \\____|\n");
+ while (1)
+ {
+ print("\n");
+ print("\n");
+ print("Select an action:\n");
+ print("\n");
+ print(" [1] Read SPI Flash ID\n");
+ print("\n");
+ for (int rep = 10; rep > 0; rep--)
+ {
+ print("Command> ");
+ char cmd = getchar();
+ if (cmd > 32 && cmd < 127)
+ reg_uart_data = cmd;
+ print("\n");
+ switch (cmd)
+ {
+ case '1':
+ cmd_read_spi_flash_id();
+ rep = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }