path: root/src/classes
diff options
authorChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@lri.fr>2021-04-01 18:35:15 +0200
committerChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@lri.fr>2021-04-01 18:35:15 +0200
commit0955c9b404b2bebbe76a15daaad09c03670e849e (patch)
tree8c97b887203af929a0612a6655ad7fea63b0ec46 /src/classes
parentbc568f070a168135b5a285154a6ed307fa4f0d79 (diff)
parent1c5ff0e9d329518158fd39fe9875e8f197bdb8f6 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:smtcoq/smtcoq into coq-8.10
Diffstat (limited to 'src/classes')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v b/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v
index 4ab111c..89d6c62 100644
--- a/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v
+++ b/src/classes/SMT_classes_instances.v
@@ -664,11 +664,109 @@ Section option.
End option.
+Section list.
+ Generalizable Variable A.
+ Context `{HA : CompDec A}.
+ Fixpoint list_eqb (xs ys : list A) : bool :=
+ match xs, ys with
+ | nil, nil => true
+ | x::xs, y::ys => eqb x y && list_eqb xs ys
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Lemma list_eqb_spec : forall (x y : list A), list_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl; split; try discriminate; auto.
+ - rewrite andb_true_iff. intros [H1 H2]. rewrite eqb_spec in H1. rewrite IHxs in H2. now subst.
+ - intros H. inversion H as [H1]. rewrite andb_true_iff; split.
+ + now rewrite eqb_spec.
+ + subst ys. now rewrite IHxs.
+ Qed.
+ Instance list_eqbtype : EqbType (list A) := Build_EqbType _ _ list_eqb_spec.
+ Fixpoint list_lt (xs ys : list A) : Prop :=
+ match xs, ys with
+ | nil, nil => False
+ | nil, _::_ => True
+ | _::_, nil => False
+ | x::xs, y::ys => (lt x y) \/ (eqb x y /\ list_lt xs ys)
+ end.
+ Lemma list_lt_trans : forall (x y z : list A),
+ list_lt x y -> list_lt y z -> list_lt x z.
+ Proof.
+ induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys] [ |z zs]; simpl; auto.
+ - inversion 1.
+ - intros [H1|[H1a H1b]] [H2|[H2a H2b]].
+ + left; eapply lt_trans; eauto.
+ + left. unfold is_true in H2a. rewrite eqb_spec in H2a. now subst z.
+ + left. unfold is_true in H1a. rewrite eqb_spec in H1a. now subst y.
+ + right. split.
+ * unfold is_true in H1a. rewrite eqb_spec in H1a. now subst y.
+ * eapply IHxs; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma list_lt_not_eq : forall (x y : list A), list_lt x y -> x <> y.
+ Proof.
+ induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl; auto.
+ - discriminate.
+ - intros [H1|[H1 H2]]; intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ + eapply lt_not_eq; eauto.
+ + eapply IHxs; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Instance list_ord : OrdType (list A) :=
+ Build_OrdType _ _ list_lt_trans list_lt_not_eq.
+ Definition list_compare : forall (x y : list A), Compare list_lt Logic.eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ induction x as [ |x xs IHxs]; intros [ |y ys]; simpl.
+ - now apply EQ.
+ - now apply LT.
+ - now apply GT.
+ - case_eq (compare x y); intros l H.
+ + apply LT. simpl. now left.
+ + case_eq (IHxs ys); intros l1 H1.
+ * apply LT. simpl. right. split; auto. now apply eqb_spec.
+ * apply EQ. now rewrite l, l1.
+ * apply GT. simpl. right. split; auto. now apply eqb_spec.
+ + apply GT. simpl. now left.
+ Defined.
+ Instance list_comp : Comparable (list A) := Build_Comparable _ _ list_compare.
+ Instance list_inh : Inhabited (list A) := Build_Inhabited _ nil.
+ Instance list_compdec : CompDec (list A) := {|
+ Eqb := list_eqbtype;
+ Ordered := list_ord;
+ Comp := list_comp;
+ Inh := list_inh
+ |}.
+End list.
Hint Resolve unit_ord unit_eqbtype unit_comp unit_inh unit_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve bool_ord bool_eqbtype bool_dec bool_comp bool_inh bool_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve Z_ord Z_eqbtype Z_dec Z_comp Z_inh Z_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve Positive_ord Positive_eqbtype Positive_dec Positive_comp Positive_inh Positive_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve BV_ord BV_eqbtype BV_dec BV_comp BV_inh BV_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve FArray_ord FArray_eqbtype FArray_dec FArray_comp FArray_inh FArray_compdec : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Resolve int63_ord int63_inh int63_eqbtype int63_dec int63_comp int63_compdec option_compdec : typeclass_instances.
+Hint Resolve int63_ord int63_inh int63_eqbtype int63_dec int63_comp int63_compdec option_compdec list_compdec : typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve option_ord option_eqbtype option_comp option_inh : typeclass_instances.
+Hint Resolve list_ord list_eqbtype list_comp list_inh : typeclass_instances.