path: root/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml
diff options
authorChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@inria.fr>2015-01-12 16:28:10 +0100
committerChantal Keller <Chantal.Keller@inria.fr>2015-01-12 16:28:10 +0100
commitcfb4587e26623318f432c7e3e21711afc2b966e7 (patch)
treea90c6f372633458aa0766510bcfdc4682eaa8f6a /src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml
parent1e10dcc783b82269cc3fe3bb7419b9c1cc9e0fa7 (diff)
Initial import of SMTCoq v1.2
Diffstat (limited to 'src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml b/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11d650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Smtlib2_ast
+open SmtAtom
+open SmtForm
+open SmtMisc
+open CoqTerms
+(* For debugging *)
+let pp_symbol s =
+ let pp_position p = "{pos_fname = "^p.Lexing.pos_fname^"; pos_lnum = "^(string_of_int p.Lexing.pos_lnum)^"; pos_bol = "^(string_of_int p.Lexing.pos_bol)^"; pos_cnum = "^(string_of_int p.Lexing.pos_cnum)^"}" in
+ let pp_loc (p1,p2) = "("^(pp_position p1)^", "^(pp_position p2)^")" in
+ match s with
+ | Symbol (l,s) -> "Symbol ("^(pp_loc l)^", "^s^")"
+ | SymbolWithOr (l,s) -> "SymbolWithOr ("^(pp_loc l)^", "^s^")"
+(* Main functions *)
+let string_of_symbol = function | Symbol (_,s) | SymbolWithOr (_,s) -> s
+let identifier_of_qualidentifier = function
+ | QualIdentifierId (_,id) | QualIdentifierAs (_,id,_) -> id
+let string_type s = match s with
+ | "Bool" -> Tbool
+ | "Int" -> TZ
+ | _ -> VeritSyntax.get_btype s
+let sort_of_string s = (string_type s, [])
+let sort_of_symbol s = sort_of_string (string_of_symbol s)
+let string_of_identifier = function
+ | IdSymbol (_,s) -> (string_of_symbol s)
+ | IdUnderscoreSymNum (_,s,(_,l)) ->
+ List.fold_left (fun c c' -> c^"_"^c') (string_of_symbol s) l
+let string_of_qualidentifier id = string_of_identifier (identifier_of_qualidentifier id)
+let rec sort_of_sort = function
+ | SortIdentifier (_,id) -> sort_of_string (string_of_identifier id)
+ | SortIdSortMulti (_,id,(_,l)) ->
+ (string_type (string_of_identifier id), List.map sort_of_sort l)
+let declare_sort rt sym =
+ let s = string_of_symbol sym in
+ let cons_t = declare_new_type (Names.id_of_string ("Smt_sort_"^s)) in
+ let eq_t = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("eq_"^s)) (Term.mkArrow cons_t (Term.mkArrow cons_t (Lazy.force cbool))) in
+ let x = mkName "x" in
+ let y = mkName "y" in
+ let rx = Term.mkRel 2 in
+ let ry = Term.mkRel 1 in
+ let eq_refl = Term.mkProd (x,cons_t,Term.mkProd (y,cons_t,mklApp creflect [|mklApp ceq [|cons_t;rx;ry|];mklApp (lazy eq_t) [|rx;ry|]|])) in
+ let eq_refl_v = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("eq_refl_"^s)) eq_refl in
+ let ce = mklApp cTyp_eqb [|cons_t;eq_t;eq_refl_v|] in
+ let res = Btype.declare rt cons_t ce in
+ VeritSyntax.add_btype s res;
+ res
+let declare_fun rt ro sym arg cod =
+ let s = string_of_symbol sym in
+ let tyl = List.map sort_of_sort arg in
+ let ty = sort_of_sort cod in
+ let coqTy = List.fold_right (fun typ c -> Term.mkArrow (Btype.interp_to_coq rt (fst typ)) c) tyl (Btype.interp_to_coq rt (fst ty)) in
+ let cons_v = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("Smt_var_"^s)) coqTy in
+ let op = Op.declare ro cons_v (Array.of_list (List.map fst tyl)) (fst ty) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_fun s op;
+ op
+let make_root_specconstant ra = function
+ | SpecConstsDec _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: decimals not implemented yet"
+ | SpecConstNum (_,s) ->
+ (try
+ let i = int_of_string s in
+ Atom.hatom_Z_of_int ra i
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ let i = Big_int.big_int_of_string s in
+ Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra i)
+ | SpecConstString _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: strings not implemented yet"
+ | SpecConstsHex _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: hexadecimals not implemented yet"
+ | SpecConstsBinary _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: binaries not implemented yet"
+type atom_form = | Atom of SmtAtom.Atom.t | Form of SmtAtom.Form.t
+let make_root ra rf t =
+ let hlets = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+ let rec make_root_term = function
+ | TermSpecConst (_,c) -> Atom (make_root_specconstant ra c)
+ | TermQualIdentifier (_,id) ->
+ let v = string_of_qualidentifier id in
+ (try Hashtbl.find hlets v with
+ | Not_found ->
+ make_root_app v [])
+ | TermQualIdTerm (_,id,(_,l)) ->
+ let v = string_of_qualidentifier id in
+ make_root_app v l
+ | TermLetTerm (_,(_,l),t) ->
+ List.iter (fun (VarBindingSymTerm (_, sym, u)) ->
+ let u' = make_root_term u in
+ let s' = string_of_symbol sym in
+ Hashtbl.add hlets s' u') l;
+ make_root_term t
+ | TermForAllTerm _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_term: ForAll not implemented yet"
+ | TermExistsTerm _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_term: Exists not implemented yet"
+ | TermExclimationPt (_,t,_) -> make_root_term t
+ and make_root_app v l =
+ match (v,l) with
+ | "=", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' ->
+ (match Atom.type_of a' with
+ | Tbool -> Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fiff, [|Form.get rf (Fatom a'); Form.get rf (Fatom b')|])))
+ | ty -> Atom (Atom.mk_eq ra ty a' b'))
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "<", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_lt ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "<=", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_le ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | ">", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_gt ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | ">=", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_ge ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "+", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_plus ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "-", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_minus ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "*", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_mult ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "-", [a] ->
+ (match make_root_term a with
+ | Atom a' -> Atom (Atom.mk_opp ra a')
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | "distinct", _ ->
+ let make_h h =
+ match make_root_term h with
+ | Atom h' -> h'
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let a = Array.make (List.length l) (make_h (List.hd l)) in
+ let i = ref (-1) in
+ List.iter (fun h ->
+ incr i;
+ a.(!i) <- make_h h) l;
+ Atom (Atom.mk_distinct ra (Atom.type_of a.(0)) a)
+ | "true", _ -> Form (Form.get rf Form.pform_true)
+ | "false", _ -> Form (Form.get rf Form.pform_false)
+ | "and", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fand, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "or", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (For, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "xor", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fxor, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "=>", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fimp, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "ite", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fite, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "not", [a] -> Form (Form.neg (make_root a))
+ | _, _ ->
+ let op = VeritSyntax.get_fun v in
+ let l' = List.map (fun t -> match make_root_term t with
+ | Atom h -> h | Form _ -> assert false) l in
+ Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (op, Array.of_list l')))
+ and make_root t =
+ match make_root_term t with
+ | Atom h -> Form.get rf (Fatom h)
+ | Form f -> f in
+ make_root t
+let declare_commands rt ro ra rf acc = function
+ | CDeclareSort (_,sym,_) -> let _ = declare_sort rt sym in acc
+ | CDeclareFun (_,sym, (_, arg), cod) ->
+ let _ = declare_fun rt ro sym arg cod in acc
+ | CAssert (_, t) -> (make_root ra rf t)::acc
+ | _ -> acc