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+# SMTCoq sources
+This document describes the organization of the SMTCoq repository and locations
+of source code and modules.
+Sources are contained in the directory [src](../src) which can be found at
+top-level. The directories [examples](../examples) and
+[unit-tests](../unit-tests) contain respectively example files of usage for
+SMTCoq and regression tests for the different tactics and vernacular commands
+that the plugin provides.
+The rest of the document describes the organization of `src`.
+## Top-level architecture of SMTCoq
+SMTCoq sources are contained in this directory. A few Coq files can be found at
+### [configure.sh](../src/configure.sh)
+This script is meant to be run when compiling SMTCoq for the first time. It
+should also be run every time the Makefile is modified. It takes as argument an
+optional flag `-native` which, when present, will set up the sources to use the
+*native Coq* libraries. Otherwise the standard version 8.5 of Coq is used. See
+section [versions](#versions).
+### [SMTCoq.v](../src/SMTCoq.v)
+This is the main SMTCoq entry point, it is meant to be imported by users that
+want to use SMTCoq in their Coq developments. It provides (exports) the other
+SMTCoq modules as well as declares the OCaml plugin for adding the new
+vernacular commands and tactics.
+### [Trace.v](../src/Trace.v)
+This file defines the types of certificates and steps (atomic certificate
+pieces) as well as the *main checkers*.
+The first section `trace` gives a generic definition of a main checker
+parameterized by the type of individual steps and a function to check
+individual steps `check_step` (small checkers). Correctness of the main checker
+is proved under the assumption that the small checker is correct.
+These generic definitions are applied to construct main checkers for resolution
+(module `Sat_Checker`), CNF conversion (module `Cnf_Checker`) and
+satisfiability modulo theories (module `Euf_Checker`). They each define an
+inductive type `step` to represent certificate steps. For instance, in the case
+of the resolution checker, the only possible step is to apply the resolution
+rule so steps are defined as:
+Inductive step :=
+ | Res (_:int) (_:resolution).
+The main theorems for these modules are named `checker_*correct`. For instance
+the main result for the SMT checker (`Euf_Checker`) is formulated as follows:
+Lemma checker_correct : forall d used_roots c,
+ checker d used_roots c = true ->
+ ~ valid t_func t_atom t_form d.
+which means that if the checker returns true on the formula `d` and the
+certificate `c` then `d` is not valid (*i.e.* `c` is a refutation proof
+certificate for `d`).
+### [State.v](../src/State.v)
+This module is used to define representations for the global state of the
+A state is an array of clauses:
+Module S.
+ Definition t := array C.t.
+End S.
+on which we define resolution chain operations `set_resolve` that modify the
+Variables, literals and clauses are defined respectively in modules `Var`,
+`Lit` and `C`. Binary resolution is defined between two clauses in `C.resolve`.
+### [SMT_terms.v](../src/SMT_terms.v)
+This Coq module defines reification types for formulas (`Form.form`), types
+(`Typ.type`) and atoms/terms (`Atom.atom`). Formulas are given an
+interpretation in Coq's Booleans, types are interpreted in Coq types (for
+instance, type `TZ` is interpreted as Coq's mathematical integers `Z`) and
+atoms are interpreted as Coq terms of type the interpretation of their type
+(for instance an atom whose type is `TZ` is interpreted as an integer of `Z`).
+**Some important lemmas:**
+A function `cast` allows to change the encoded type of a term of type
+`Typ.type` when we know two types are equal (the inductive `cast_result`
+provides the conversion function).
+Fixpoint cast_refl A:
+ cast A A = Cast (fun P (H : P A) => H).
+This is the lemma to use to remove cast constructions during the proofs.
+Lemma i_eqb_spec : forall t x y, i_eqb t x y <-> x = y.
+This other lemma says that Boolean equality over interpretation of types is the
+equivalent to Leibniz equality. This is useful to allow rewriting.
+Atom (as well as formulas) are encoded by integers, and mapping is preserved by
+an array `t_atom`. Another array maintains interpretations of encodings. The
+following lemma states that these two relates:
+Lemma t_interp_wf : forall i,
+ t_interp.[i] = interp_aux (PArray.get t_interp) (t_atom.[i]).
+### [Misc.v](../src/Misc.v)
+This module contains miscellaneous general lemmas that are used in several
+places throughout the development of SMTCoq.
+### [versions](../src/versions)
+This directory contains everything that is dependent on the version of Coq that
+one wants to use. `standard` contains libraries for the standard version of Coq
+and `native` contains everything related to native Coq. Note that some
+libraries are already present in the default libraries of native Coq, in this
+case they have a counterpart in `standard` that replicates the functionality
+(without using native integers or native arrays).
+A particular point of interest is the files
+[smtcoq_plugin_native.ml4](../src/versions/native/smtcoq_plugin_native.ml4). They
+provide extension points for Coq by defining new vernacular commands and new
+tactics. For instance the tactic `verit` tells Coq to call the OCaml function
+`verit.tactic` (which in turns uses the Coq API to manipulate the goals and
+call the certified checkers).
+TACTIC EXTEND Tactic_verit
+| [ "verit" ] -> [ Verit.tactic () ]
+### [spl](../src/spl)
+This directory contains everything related to simplifications of input
+formulas as well as the Coq machinery to handle step checkers that use
+assumptions (and generate sub-goals).
+- [Arithmetic.v](../src/spl/Arithmetic.v): Arithmetic simplifications
+- [Operators.v](../src/spl/Operators.v): Simplifications of SMT-LIB 2 operators
+ (atomic disequalities and distinct operators)
+- [Syntactic.v](../src/spl/Syntactic.v): Flattening and normalization of
+ propositional structures
+- [Assumptions.v](../src/spl/Assumptions.v): Small checker for assumptions
+### [extraction](../src/extraction)
+This is the extracted version of the SMTCoq checker, that can be run outside
+Coq. It still needs to be fixed for the new additions and extensions.
+### [classes](../src/classes)
+The definitions of interpretations of terms and types of SMTCoq requires some
+additional constraints that are encoded as Coq type-classes. This directory
+contains definitions and properties of these classes
+[SMT_classes.v](../src/classes/SMT_classes.v) as well as predefined useful
+instances of these classes
+These classes are:
+- `EqbType`: types with a Boolean equality that reflects in Leibniz equality
+- `DecType`: types with a decidable equality
+- `OrdType`: class of types with a partial order
+- `Comparable`: augmentation of class of partial order with a compare function
+ to obtain a total order
+- `Inhabited`: class of inhabited types (used to obtain default values for
+ types)
+- `CompDec`: a class that merges all previous classes
+## Small checkers
+Small Coq checkers are organized in sub-directories that reflect the theories
+they handle. Small checkers for propositional logic, equality over
+uninterpreted functions and linear integer arithmetic all use preexisting
+standard Coq libraries (Bool, Arith, Z, BinPos, ...) to formalize the
+underlying interpretation of these theories. The theories of fixed-width
+bit-vectors and functional unbounded arrays are formalized in new custom Coq
+libraries (that are distributed with SMTCoq).
+Computational small checkers have the following signature:
+Definition checker (s : S.t) (p1 ... pn : int) (l1 ... lm : lit) : C.t := ...
+where `s` is the state of the main checker, `p1`, ..., `pn` are positions
+(there can be none) of deduced clauses that appear in the state `s` and `l1`,
+..., `lm` are literals. The function `checker` returns a clause that is
+`deducible` from the already deduced clauses in the state `s`.
+Correctness of checkers are specified (and proven) through lemmas of the form:
+Lemma valid_checker : forall s rho p1 ... pm l1 ... lm,
+ C.valid rho (checker s p1 ... pm l1 ... lm).
+It states that the clause returned by `checker` is valid. In most cases for the
+small checkers, when they fail they return a trivially true clause (`C._true`).
+### [cnf](../src/cnf)
+Small checkers for CNF (conjunctive normal form) are defined in the module
+[Cnf.v](../src/cnf/Cnf.v). In essence they implement a Tseitin conversion.
+For instance, the checker `check_BuildDef` returns a tautology in clausal form
+(the validity of the clause is not dependent on the validity of the state) and
+the checker `check_ImmBuildDef` is a generic encoding of conversion rules that
+have a premise (which appears in the state).
+### [euf](../src/euf)
+The checkers for EUF (equality over uninterpreted functions) are defined in the
+module [Euf.v](../src/euf/Euf.v).
+The first one checks application of the rule of transitivity. `check_trans`
+takes as argument the result of the rule application as well as list of
+equalities of the form `a = b`, `b = c`, ..., `x = y`, `y = z`.
+The other checker takes care of applications of the congruence rule. Functions
+in SMT-LIB have a given arity and they are interpreted as Coq functions. The
+checker for congruence can check rule applications with a number of equalities
+corresponding to the arity of the function.
+### [lia](../src/lia)
+Checking linear arithmetic lemmas that come from the SMT solver is performed
+using the already existing `Micromega` solver of Coq. The corresponding
+checker is implemented in module [Lia.v](../src/lia/Lia.v).
+### [bva](../src/bva)
+The small checkers for bit-vector operations can be found in module
+[Bva_checker.v](../src/bva/Bva_checker.v). They implement the rules for
+bit-blasting operators of the theory of fixed width bit-vector.
+There are small checkers for:
+- bit-wise operators (`bvand`, `bvor`, `bvxor`, `bvnot`)
+- equality
+- variables
+- constants
+- extraction
+- concatenation
+- arithmetic operations (addition, negation, multiplication)
+- comparison predicates (signed/unsigned)
+- extensions (zero/signed)
+The theory of fixed width is realized by an implementation provided in
+[BVList.v](../src/bva/BVList.v). There, bit-vectors are interpreted by lists of
+Booleans. The type of bit-vectors is a dependent type:
+Parameter bitvector : N -> Type.
+In the implementation, a bit-vector is a record that contains a list of
+Booleans `bv`, *i.e.* the lists of its bits, as well as a proof of well
+formedness `wf`, *i.e.* a proof that the size of the list `bv` is the parameter
+`n` of the type.
+Record bitvector_ (n:N) : Type :=
+ MkBitvector
+ { bv :> M.bitvector;
+ wf : M.size bv = n
+ }.
+### [array](../src/array)
+The theory of unbounded functional arrays with extensionality is realized in
+Coq by a custom type that can be found in [FArray.v](../src/array/FArray.v).
+Definition farray (key elt : Type) _ _ :=
+The type `farray` is parameterized by the type of keys (or indexes) of the
+array and the type of the elements. `key` must be a type equipped with a
+partial order and `elt` must be inhabited.
+Record slist :=
+ {this :> Raw.farray key elt;
+ sorted : sort (Raw.ltk key_ord) this;
+ nodefault : NoDefault this
+ }.
+Definition farray := slist.
+An array is represented internally by an association list for its mappings with
+additional constraints that encode the fact that the list is sorted and that
+there are no mapping to the default value.
+Computable equality and comparison functions require additional constraints on
+the types `key` and `elt` (for instance they need to have a total order,
+This library also provides useful properties on these arrays. Notably
+extensionality which is required by the theory of arrays in SMT solvers:
+Lemma extensionnality : forall a b, (forall i, select a i = select b i) -> a = b.
+The extensionality rule that is used by the checker is a bit different and
+requires classical axioms to be proven. This is done in section
+```Classical_extensionnality``` which provides an alternative version without
+contaminating uses of the library.
+There are three small checkers for arrays. They check application of the axioms
+(in the theory sense) of the theory of arrays, two for *read over write* and
+one for *extensionality*
+## OCaml implementation of the plugin
+Part of SMTCoq is implemented in OCaml. These concern functionality which are
+not certified such as the reification mechanism, the parsers, pre-processors
+and the definitions of tactics.
+This part communicates directly with Coq by using the OCaml Coq API.
+### [trace](../src/trace)
+This directory contain the implementation of certificates and the
+representation of SMT-LIB formulas in SMTCoq.
+[coqTerms.ml](../src/trace/coqTerms.ml) contains imports from Coq of terms to
+be used directly in OCaml. These include usual Coq terms but also ones specific
+to SMTCoq.
+[smtAtom.mli](../src/trace/smtAtom.mli) contains the definitions for the types
+of atoms in SMTCoq but also provides smart constructors for them. The modules
+defined in this file have functions to reify Coq terms in OCaml and to
+translate back OCaml atoms and types to their Coq counterpart interpretation.
+[smtForm.mli](../src/trace/smtForm.mli) plays the same role as `smtAtom` but on
+the level of formulas.
+[smtCertif.ml](../src/trace/smtCertif.ml) contains definitions for an OCaml
+version of the steps of the certificate. These are the objects that are
+constructed when importing a certificate from an SMT solver for instance.
+[smtTrace.ml](../src/trace/smtTrace.ml) contains functions to build the Coq
+version of the certificate from the OCaml one.
+[smtCommands.ml](../src/trace/smtCommands.ml) constitute the bulk of the
+implementation of the plugin. It contains the OCaml functions that are used to
+build the Coq vernacular commands (`Verit_checker`, `Lfsc_checker`, ...) and
+the tactics. It also contains functions to reconstruct Coq counter-examples
+from models returned by the SMT solver.
+[smtCnf.ml](../src/trace/smtCnf.ml) implements a CNF conversion on the type of
+SMTCoq formulas.
+[smtMisc.ml](../src/trace/smtMisc.ml) contains miscellaneous functions used in
+the previous modules.
+### [smtlib2](../src/smtlib2)
+This directory contains utilities to communicate directly with SMT
+solvers. This includes a lexer/parser for the SMT-LIB 2 format
+([smtlib2_parse.mly](../src/smtlib2/smtlib2_parse.mly)) a conversion module
+from SMT-LIB 2 to formulas and atoms of SMTCoq
+([smtlib2_genConstr.ml](../src/smtlib2/smtlib2_genConstr.ml)) and a way to call
+and communicate with SMT solvers through pipes
+### [zchaff](../src/zchaff)
+Files in this directory allow to call the SAT solver ZChaff. It contains a
+parser for the sat solver input files and ZChaff certificates. The
+implementation for the Coq tactic `zchaff` can be found in
+### [verit](../src/verit)
+This directory contains the necessary modules to support the SMT solver veriT.
+In particular it contains a parser for the format of certificates of veriT
+([veritParser.mly](../src/verit/veritParser.mly)) and an intermediate
+representation of those certificates
+([veritSyntax.mli](../src/verit/veritSyntax.mli)). This module also implements
+a conversion function from veriT certificates to SMTCoq format of
+certificates. This pre-processor is a simple one-to-one conversion.
+The file ([verit.ml](../src/verit/verit.ml)) contains the functions to invoke
+veritT and create SMT-LIB 2 scripts. This is used by the definition of the
+tactic `verit` of the same file.
+### [lfsc](../src/lfsc)
+This directory contains the pre-processor for LFSC proofs to SMTCoq
+certificates (as well as veriT certificates). The files
+[ast.ml](../src/lfsc/ast.ml) and [builtin.ml](../src/lfsc/builtin.ml) contain
+an OCaml implementation of a type checker for LFSC proofs. This directory also
+contains a parser and lexer for LFSC (*c.f.*,
+The pre-processor is implemented in the module
+[converter.ml](../src/lfsc/converter.ml)) as a *functor*. Depending on the
+module (for terms and clauses conversions) that is passed in the functor
+application, we obtain either a pre-processor from LFSC proofs to SMTCoq
+certificates directly or a converter from LFSC proofs to veriT certificates.
+> **Note:** You can obtain a standalone version of the converter by issuing
+> `make` in this directory. This produces a binary `lfsctosmtcoq.native` that
+> can be run with an LFSC proof as argument and produces a veriT certificate
+> on the standard output.
+Finally, the tactic `cvc4_bool` is implemented in the file
+[lfsc.ml](../src/lfsc/lfsc.ml)). It contains functions to call the SMT solver
+CVC4, convert its proof and call the base tactic of `smtCommands`.
+## Tactics: proof search
+### [BoolToProp.v](../src/BoolToProp.v)
+This module includes the tactic `bool2prop` that converts a goal, if Boolean, into
+a goal in Coq's `Prop`, after introducing universally quantified variables into the
+It simply performs a search in the goal and does the mentioned conversion step by step
+benefitting the `reflect` predicate popularized by the `SSReflect` library:
+Inductive reflect (P : Prop) : bool -> Set :=
+ | ReflectT : P -> reflect P true
+ | ReflectF : ~ P -> reflect P false.
+In fact, the predicate `reflect` returns the Boolean counterpart of a proposition.
+Besides, it makes below lemma easily provable:
+Lemma reflect_iff : forall P b, (P<->b=true) -> reflect P b.
+This simply says that if a Coq proposition `P` is equivalent to some Boolean
+`b` being `true` then `b` is indeed the Boolean counterpart of `P`.
+Now, let's exemplify how the tactic `bool2prop` benefits above steps:
+Imagine a very simple goal that embodies the `or` connective
+G0 || G1
+for some Booleans `G0` and `G1`. Then, the tactic performes the following
+rewrite step on the goal
+rewrite <- (@reflect_iff (G0 = true \/ G1 = true) (G0 || G1)).
+which turns it into:
+G0 = true \/ G1 = true
+together with introducing an additional goal:
+reflect (G0 = true \/ G1 = true) (G0 || G1)
+The first goal is indeed the intended one. However, the tactic can still go a step further
+putting the goal into the following shape:
+H0 \/ H1
+for some propositions `H0` and `H1`. This is indeed the case for Boolean equality and comparison over bit-vectors,
+Boolean equality and comparison over Coq intergers `Z`, and Boolean equality over fuctional arrays;
+since the corresponding propositional predicates are proven to be equivalent. E.g.,
+Lemma bv_ult_B2P: forall n (a b: bitvector n), bv_ult a b = true <-> bv_ultP a b.
+where `bv_ult: bitvector n -> bitvector n -> bool` and `bv_ultP: bitvector n -> bitvector n -> Prop`.
+However, the second one must somehow be solved. This is indeed not so hard:
+it suffices to apply the below lemma which has already been proven again by benefitting the `reflect` predicate:
+Lemma orP : forall (a b: bool), reflect (a = true \/ b = true) (a || b).
+Notice that the same sort of conversion steps for the other Boolean connectives are also handled
+by the tactic `bool2prop`.
+### [PropToBool.v](../src/PropToBool.v)
+This module includes the tactic `prop2bool` that converts a goal, if in Coq's `Prop`, into
+a Boolean goal, after introducing universally quantified variables into the context.
+It is, in fact, the inverse of the above explained `bool2prop` tactic.
+It simply performs a search in the goal and does the mentioned conversion step by step
+benefitting the `reflect` predicate (see above `BoolToProp.v`). The predicate `reflect`
+makes the following goal easily proveable:
+Lemma reflect_iff : forall P b, reflect P b -> (P<->b=true).
+This basically tells us that if `b` is the Boolean counterpart of some proposition `P`,
+then `P` is indeed equivalent to `b` being `true`.
+Now, let's exemplify how the tactic `prop2bool` benefits above steps:
+Imagine a very simple goal that embodies the `or` connective as
+H0 \/ H1
+for some propositions `H0` and `H1`. At this point, the tactic needs to go a step further and
+puts the goal into the following shape to be able to make use of the `reflect_iff` fact:
+G0 = true \/ G1 = true
+for some Booleans `G0` and `G1`. This step is indeed doable for propositional equality and comparison over
+bit-vectors, propsitional equality and comparison over Coq intergers `Z`, and propositional equality over
+fuctional arrays, since the corresponding Boolean predicates are proven to be equivalent. E.g.,
+Lemma bv_ult_B2P: forall n (a b: bitvector n), bv_ult a b = true <-> bv_ultP a b.
+where `bv_ult: bitvector n -> bitvector n -> bool` and `bv_ultP: bitvector n -> bitvector n -> Prop`.
+Then, the tactic performes the following rewrite step on the goal
+rewrite (@reflect_iff (G0 = true \/ G1 = true) (G0 || G1))
+which turns it into:
+G0 || G1 = true
+together with introducing an additional goal:
+reflect (G0 = true \/ G1 = true) (G0 || G1)
+The first goal is indeed the intended one. So that the tactic leaves the goal as it is. But the second
+one must somehow be solved. In fact, this not so hard: it suffices to apply the below lemma which
+has already been proven again by benefitting the `reflect` predicate:
+Lemma orP : forall (a b: bool), reflect (a = true \/ b = true) (a || b).
+Notice that the same sort of conversion steps for the other propositional connectives are also handled
+by the tactic `prop2bool`.
+### [Tactics.v](../src/Tactics.v)
+This file includes four tactics that are written in `Ltac` language:
+ - `zchaff` -> can function on the goals in Coq's `Prop`:
+ first calls `prop2bool` on the goal, getting the goal in `bool`,
+ then calls the reificiation tactic `zchaff_bool` (which can only function on Boolean goals),
+ and finally puts the goal back in Coq's `Prop`, by calling `bool2prop`, if not solved.
+ - `verit` -> can function on the goals in Coq's `Prop`:
+ first calls `prop2bool` on the goal, getting the goal in `bool`,
+ then calls the reificiation tactic `verit_bool` (can only function on Boolean goals),
+ and finally puts the goal back in Coq's `Prop`, by calling `bool2prop`, if not solved.
+ - `cvc4` -> can function on the goals in Coq's `Prop`:
+ first calls `prop2bool` on the goal, getting the goal in `bool`,
+ then calls the reificiation tactic `cvc4_bool` (can only function on Boolean goals),
+ and finally puts the goal(s) back in Coq's `Prop`, by calling `bool2prop`, in case it is not solved or additional goals returned.
+ - `smt` -> subsumes the powers of `cvc4` and `verit` tactics:
+ first calls `prop2bool` on the goal, getting the goal in `bool`,
+ then calls either of the reificiation tactics `cvc4_bool`, `verit_bool` (can only function on Boolean goals),
+ and finally puts the goal(s) back in Coq's `Prop`, by calling `bool2prop`, in case it is not solved or additional goals returned.