path: root/src/lfsc/lfsc.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lfsc/lfsc.ml')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lfsc/lfsc.ml b/src/lfsc/lfsc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f9fd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lfsc/lfsc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *)
+(* *)
+(* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Format
+open Entries
+open Declare
+open Decl_kinds
+open SmtMisc
+open CoqTerms
+open SmtForm
+open SmtCertif
+open SmtTrace
+open SmtAtom
+(* Given a lfsc trace build the corresponding certif and theorem *)
+(* Instantiate Converter with translator for SMTCoq *)
+module C = Converter.Make (Tosmtcoq)
+exception No_proof
+(* Hard coded signatures *)
+let signatures =
+ let sigdir = try Sys.getenv "LFSCSIGS" with Not_found -> Sys.getcwd () in
+ ["sat.plf";
+ "smt.plf";
+ "th_base.plf";
+ "th_int.plf";
+ "th_bv.plf";
+ "th_bv_bitblast.plf";
+ "th_bv_rewrites.plf";
+ "th_arrays.plf" ]
+ |> List.map (Filename.concat sigdir)
+let process_signatures_once =
+ let don = ref false in
+ fun () ->
+ if !don then ()
+ else
+ try
+ (* don := true; *)
+ List.iter (fun f ->
+ let chan = open_in f in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ LfscParser.ignore_commands LfscLexer.main lexbuf;
+ close_in chan
+ ) signatures
+ with
+ | Ast.TypingError (t1, t2) ->
+ Structures.error
+ (asprintf "@[<hov>LFSC typing error: expected %a, got %a@]@."
+ Ast.print_term t1
+ Ast.print_term t2)
+let lfsc_parse_last lb =
+ printf "Type-checking LFSC proof...@?";
+ let t0 = Sys.time () in
+ let r = LfscParser.last_command LfscLexer.main lb in
+ let t1 = Sys.time () in
+ printf " Done [%.3f s]@." (t1 -. t0);
+ r
+let lfsc_parse_one lb =
+ printf "Type-checking LFSC proof...@?";
+ let t0 = Sys.time () in
+ let r = LfscParser.one_command LfscLexer.main lb in
+ let t1 = Sys.time () in
+ printf " Done [%.3f s]@." (t1 -. t0);
+ r
+let import_trace first parse lexbuf =
+ Printexc.record_backtrace true;
+ process_signatures_once ();
+ try
+ match parse lexbuf with
+ | Some (Ast.Check p) ->
+ (* Ast.flatten_term p; *)
+ let confl_num = C.convert_pt p in
+ (* Afterwards, the SMTCoq libraries will produce the remaining, you do
+ not have to care *)
+ let first =
+ let aux = VeritSyntax.get_clause 1 in
+ match first, aux.value with
+ | Some (root,l), Some (fl::nil) ->
+ (* Format.eprintf "Root: %a ,,,,,,\n\ *)
+ (* input: %a@." *)
+ (* (Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt) l (Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt) fl; *)
+ if Form.equal l fl then
+ aux
+ else (
+ (* eprintf "ADDING Flatten rule@."; *)
+ aux.kind <- Other (ImmFlatten(root,fl));
+ SmtTrace.link root aux;
+ root
+ )
+ | _,_ -> aux in
+ let confl = VeritSyntax.get_clause confl_num in
+ SmtTrace.select confl;
+ occur confl;
+ (alloc first, confl)
+ | _ -> raise No_proof
+ with
+ | Ast.TypingError (t1, t2) ->
+ Structures.error
+ (asprintf "@[<hov>LFSC typing error: expected %a, got %a@]@."
+ Ast.print_term t1
+ Ast.print_term t2)
+let import_trace_from_file first filename =
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let p = import_trace first lfsc_parse_last lexbuf in
+ close_in chan;
+ p
+let clear_all () =
+ SmtTrace.clear ();
+ VeritSyntax.clear ();
+ C.clear ()
+let import_all fsmt fproof =
+ clear_all ();
+ let rt = SmtBtype.create () in
+ let ro = Op.create () in
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let roots = Smtlib2_genConstr.import_smtlib2 rt ro ra rf fsmt in
+ let (max_id, confl) = import_trace_from_file None fproof in
+ (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl)
+let parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace fsmt fproof =
+ SmtCommands.parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace
+ (import_all fsmt fproof)
+let checker_debug fsmt fproof =
+ SmtCommands.checker_debug (import_all fsmt fproof)
+let theorem name fsmt fproof =
+ SmtCommands.theorem name (import_all fsmt fproof)
+let checker fsmt fproof =
+ SmtCommands.checker (import_all fsmt fproof)
+(* Same but print runtime *)
+let checker fsmt fproof =
+ let c = import_all fsmt fproof in
+ printf "Coq checker...@.";
+ let t0 = Sys.time () in
+ let r = SmtCommands.checker c in
+ let t1 = Sys.time () in
+ printf "Done (Coq) [%.3f s]@." (t1 -. t0);
+ r
+(** Given a Coq formula build the proof *)
+(* module Form2 = struct *)
+(* (\* Just for printing *\) *)
+(* open Form *)
+(* let rec to_smt atom_to_smt fmt f = *)
+(* if is_pos f then to_smt_pform atom_to_smt fmt (pform f) *)
+(* else fprintf fmt "(not %a)" (to_smt_pform atom_to_smt) (pform f) *)
+(* and to_smt_pform atom_to_smt fmt = function *)
+(* | Fatom a -> atom_to_smt fmt a *)
+(* | Fapp (op,args) -> to_smt_op atom_to_smt op fmt (Array.to_list args) *)
+(* | _ -> assert false *)
+(* and to_smt_op atom_to_smt op fmt args = *)
+(* match op, args with *)
+(* | Ftrue, [] -> fprintf fmt "true" *)
+(* | Ffalse, [] -> fprintf fmt "false" *)
+(* | Fand, [x; y] -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(and %a %a)" (to_smt atom_to_smt) x (to_smt atom_to_smt) y *)
+(* | For, [x; y] -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(or %a %a)" (to_smt atom_to_smt) x (to_smt atom_to_smt) y *)
+(* | Fand, x :: rargs -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(and %a %a)" (to_smt atom_to_smt) x *)
+(* (to_smt_op atom_to_smt Fand) rargs *)
+(* | For, x :: rargs -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(or %a %a)" (to_smt atom_to_smt) x *)
+(* (to_smt_op atom_to_smt For) rargs *)
+(* (\* andb and orb are left-associative in Coq *\) *)
+(* (\* | Fand, _ -> left_assoc atom_to_smt Fand fmt (List.rev args) *\) *)
+(* (\* | For, _ -> left_assoc atom_to_smt For fmt (List.rev args) *\) *)
+(* | Fxor, _ -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(xor%a)" *)
+(* (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" (to_smt atom_to_smt))) args *)
+(* | Fimp, _ -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(=>%a)" *)
+(* (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" (to_smt atom_to_smt))) args *)
+(* | Fiff, _ -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(=%a)" *)
+(* (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" (to_smt atom_to_smt))) args *)
+(* | Fite, _ -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(ite%a)" *)
+(* (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" (to_smt atom_to_smt))) args *)
+(* | Fnot2 _, _ -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(not (not %a))" *)
+(* (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt " %a" (to_smt atom_to_smt))) args *)
+(* | _ -> assert false *)
+(* and left_assoc atom_to_smt op fmt args = *)
+(* (\* args is reversed *\) *)
+(* match op, args with *)
+(* | Fand, [x; y] -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(and %a %a)" (to_smt atom_to_smt) y (to_smt atom_to_smt) x *)
+(* | For, [x; y] -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(or %a %a)" (to_smt atom_to_smt) y (to_smt atom_to_smt) x *)
+(* | Fand, last :: rargs -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(and %a %a)" *)
+(* (left_assoc atom_to_smt Fand) rargs (to_smt atom_to_smt) last *)
+(* | For, last :: rargs -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(or %a %a)" *)
+(* (left_assoc atom_to_smt For) rargs (to_smt atom_to_smt) last *)
+(* | _ -> assert false *)
+(* end *)
+(* module Atom2 = struct *)
+(* (\* Just for printing *\) *)
+(* open Atom *)
+(* let distrib x l = List.map (fun y -> (x,y)) l *)
+(* let rec cross acc l = match l with *)
+(* | [] | [_] -> List.rev acc *)
+(* | x :: r -> *)
+(* cross (List.rev_append (distrib x r) acc) r *)
+(* let cross = cross [] *)
+(* let rec compute_int = function *)
+(* | Acop c -> *)
+(* (match c with *)
+(* | CO_xH -> 1 *)
+(* | CO_Z0 -> 0 *)
+(* | CO_BV _ -> assert false) *)
+(* | Auop (op,h) -> *)
+(* (match op with *)
+(* | UO_xO -> 2*(compute_hint h) *)
+(* | UO_xI -> 2*(compute_hint h) + 1 *)
+(* | UO_Zpos -> compute_hint h *)
+(* | UO_Zneg -> - (compute_hint h) *)
+(* | _ -> assert false) *)
+(* | _ -> assert false *)
+(* and compute_hint h = compute_int (atom h) *)
+(* let to_smt_int fmt i = *)
+(* let s1 = if i < 0 then "(- " else "" in *)
+(* let s2 = if i < 0 then ")" else "" in *)
+(* let j = if i < 0 then -i else i in *)
+(* fprintf fmt "%s%i%s" s1 j s2 *)
+(* let rec to_smt fmt h = to_smt_atom fmt (atom h) *)
+(* and to_smt_atom fmt = function *)
+(* | Acop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a) *)
+(* | Auop (UO_Zopp,h) -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(- "; *)
+(* to_smt fmt h; *)
+(* fprintf fmt ")" *)
+(* | Auop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a) *)
+(* | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> to_smt_bop fmt op h1 h2 *)
+(* | Atop (op,h1,h2,h3) -> to_smt_bop fmt op h1 h2 h3 *)
+(* | Anop (op,a) -> to_smt_nop fmt op a *)
+(* | Aapp (op,a) -> *)
+(* if Array.length a = 0 then ( *)
+(* fprintf fmt "op_%i" (indexed_op_index op); *)
+(* ) else ( *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(op_%i" (indexed_op_index op); *)
+(* Array.iter (fun h -> fprintf fmt " "; to_smt fmt h) a; *)
+(* fprintf fmt ")" *)
+(* ) *)
+(* and str_op = function *)
+(* | BO_Zplus -> "+" *)
+(* | BO_Zminus -> "-" *)
+(* | BO_Zmult -> "*" *)
+(* | BO_Zlt -> "<" *)
+(* | BO_Zle -> "<=" *)
+(* | BO_Zge -> ">=" *)
+(* | BO_Zgt -> ">" *)
+(* | BO_eq _ -> "=" *)
+(* and to_smt_bop fmt op h1 h2 = *)
+(* match op with *)
+(* | BO_Zlt -> fprintf fmt "(not (>= %a %a)" to_smt h1 to_smt h2 *)
+(* | BO_Zle -> fprintf fmt "(not (>= %a (+ %a 1))" to_smt h1 to_smt h2 *)
+(* | BO_Zgt -> fprintf fmt "(>= %a (+ %a 1)" to_smt h1 to_smt h2 *)
+(* | _ -> fprintf fmt "(%s %a %a)" (str_op op) to_smt h1 to_smt h2 *)
+(* and to_smt_nop fmt op a = *)
+(* let rec pp fmt = function *)
+(* | [] -> assert false *)
+(* | [x, y] -> fprintf fmt "(not (= %a %a))" to_smt x to_smt y *)
+(* | (x, y) :: r -> *)
+(* fprintf fmt "(and (not (= %a %a)) %a)" to_smt x to_smt y pp r *)
+(* in *)
+(* let pairs = cross (Array.to_list a) in *)
+(* pp fmt pairs *)
+(* end *)
+let string_logic ro f =
+ let l = SL.union (Op.logic_ro ro) (Form.logic f) in
+ if SL.is_empty l then "QF_SAT"
+ else
+ sprintf "QF_%s%s%s%s"
+ (if SL.mem LArrays l then "A" else "")
+ (if SL.mem LUF l || SL.mem LLia l then "UF" else "")
+ (if SL.mem LBitvectors l then "BV" else "")
+ (if SL.mem LLia l then "LIA" else "")
+let call_cvc4 env rt ro ra rf root _ =
+ let open Smtlib2_solver in
+ let fl = snd root in
+ let cvc4 = create [|
+ "cvc4";
+ "--lang"; "smt2";
+ "--proof";
+ "--no-simplification"; "--fewer-preprocessing-holes";
+ "--no-bv-eq"; "--no-bv-ineq"; "--no-bv-algebraic" |] in
+ set_option cvc4 "print-success" true;
+ set_option cvc4 "produce-assignments" true;
+ set_option cvc4 "produce-proofs" true;
+ set_logic cvc4 (string_logic ro fl);
+ List.iter (fun (i,t) ->
+ let s = "Tindex_"^(string_of_int i) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_btype s (SmtBtype.Tindex t);
+ declare_sort cvc4 s 0;
+ ) (SmtBtype.to_list rt);
+ List.iter (fun (i,cod,dom,op) ->
+ let s = "op_"^(string_of_int i) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_fun s op;
+ let args =
+ Array.fold_right
+ (fun t acc -> asprintf "%a" SmtBtype.to_smt t :: acc) cod [] in
+ let ret = asprintf "%a" SmtBtype.to_smt dom in
+ declare_fun cvc4 s args ret
+ ) (Op.to_list ro);
+ assume cvc4 (asprintf "%a" (Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt) fl);
+ let proof =
+ match check_sat cvc4 with
+ | Unsat ->
+ begin
+ try get_proof cvc4 (import_trace (Some root) lfsc_parse_one)
+ with
+ | Ast.CVC4Sat -> Structures.error "CVC4 returned SAT"
+ | No_proof -> Structures.error "CVC4 did not generate a proof"
+ | Failure s -> Structures.error ("Importing of proof failed: " ^ s)
+ end
+ | Sat ->
+ let smodel = get_model cvc4 in
+ Structures.error
+ ("CVC4 returned sat. Here is the model:\n\n" ^
+ SmtCommands.model_string env rt ro ra rf smodel)
+ (* (asprintf "CVC4 returned sat. Here is the model:\n%a" SExpr.print smodel) *)
+ in
+ quit cvc4;
+ proof
+let export out_channel rt ro l =
+ let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
+ fprintf fmt "(set-logic %s)@." (string_logic ro l);
+ List.iter (fun (i,t) ->
+ let s = "Tindex_"^(string_of_int i) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_btype s (SmtBtype.Tindex t);
+ fprintf fmt "(declare-sort %s 0)@." s
+ ) (SmtBtype.to_list rt);
+ List.iter (fun (i,cod,dom,op) ->
+ let s = "op_"^(string_of_int i) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_fun s op;
+ fprintf fmt "(declare-fun %s (" s;
+ let is_first = ref true in
+ Array.iter (fun t ->
+ if !is_first then is_first := false
+ else fprintf fmt " "; SmtBtype.to_smt fmt t
+ ) cod;
+ fprintf fmt ") %a)@." SmtBtype.to_smt dom;
+ ) (Op.to_list ro);
+ fprintf fmt "(assert %a)@\n(check-sat)@\n(exit)@."
+ (Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt) l
+let get_model_from_file filename =
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ match SExprParser.sexps SExprLexer.main lexbuf with
+ | [SExpr.Atom "sat"; m] -> m
+ | _ -> Structures.error "CVC4 returned SAT but no model"
+let call_cvc4_file env rt ro ra rf root =
+ let fl = snd root in
+ let (filename, outchan) = Filename.open_temp_file "cvc4_coq" ".smt2" in
+ export outchan rt ro fl;
+ close_out outchan;
+ let bf = Filename.chop_extension filename in
+ let prooffilename = bf ^ ".lfsc" in
+ (* let cvc4_cmd = *)
+ (* "cvc4 --proof --dump-proof -m --dump-model \ *)
+ (* --no-simplification --fewer-preprocessing-holes \ *)
+ (* --no-bv-eq --no-bv-ineq --no-bv-algebraic " *)
+ (* ^ filename ^ " > " ^ prooffilename in *)
+ (* CVC4 crashes when asking for both models and proofs *)
+ let cvc4_cmd =
+ "cvc4 --proof --dump-proof \
+ --no-simplification --fewer-preprocessing-holes \
+ --no-bv-eq --no-bv-ineq --no-bv-algebraic "
+ ^ filename ^ " > " ^ prooffilename in
+ (* let clean_cmd = "sed -i -e '1d' " ^ prooffilename in *)
+ eprintf "%s@." cvc4_cmd;
+ let t0 = Sys.time () in
+ let exit_code = Sys.command cvc4_cmd in
+ let t1 = Sys.time () in
+ eprintf "CVC4 = %.5f@." (t1-.t0);
+ if exit_code <> 0 then
+ Structures.error ("CVC4 crashed: return code "^string_of_int exit_code);
+ (* ignore (Sys.command clean_cmd); *)
+ try import_trace_from_file (Some root) prooffilename
+ with
+ | No_proof -> Structures.error "CVC4 did not generate a proof"
+ | Failure s -> Structures.error ("Importing of proof failed: " ^ s)
+ | Ast.CVC4Sat ->
+ let smodel = get_model_from_file prooffilename in
+ Structures.error
+ ("CVC4 returned sat. Here is the model:\n\n" ^
+ SmtCommands.model_string env rt ro ra rf smodel)
+let cvc4_logic =
+ SL.of_list [LUF; LLia; LBitvectors; LArrays]
+let tactic_gen vm_cast =
+ clear_all ();
+ let rt = SmtBtype.create () in
+ let ro = Op.create () in
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let ra' = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf' = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ SmtCommands.tactic call_cvc4 cvc4_logic rt ro ra rf ra' rf' vm_cast [] []
+ (* let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ * let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ * (\* Currently, quantifiers are not handled by the cvc4 tactic: we pass
+ * the same ra and rf twice to have everything reifed *\)
+ * SmtCommands.tactic call_cvc4 cvc4_logic rt ro ra rf ra rf vm_cast [] [] *)
+let tactic () = tactic_gen vm_cast_true
+let tactic_no_check () = tactic_gen (fun _ -> vm_cast_true_no_check)