path: root/src/trace/smtBtype.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/trace/smtBtype.ml')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/trace/smtBtype.ml b/src/trace/smtBtype.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b8ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace/smtBtype.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+open SmtMisc
+open CoqTerms
+(** Syntaxified version of Coq type *)
+type indexed_type = Term.constr gen_hashed
+let dummy_indexed_type i = {index = i; hval = Term.mkProp}
+let indexed_type_index i = i.index
+let indexed_type_hval i = i.hval
+type btype =
+ | TZ
+ | Tbool
+ | Tpositive
+ | Tindex of indexed_type
+let index_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17
+let index_to_coq i =
+ let i = i.index in
+ try Hashtbl.find index_tbl i
+ with Not_found ->
+ let interp = mklApp cTindex [|mkInt i|] in
+ Hashtbl.add index_tbl i interp;
+ interp
+let equal t1 t2 =
+ match t1,t2 with
+ | Tindex i, Tindex j -> i.index == j.index
+ | _ -> t1 == t2
+let to_coq = function
+ | TZ -> Lazy.force cTZ
+ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cTbool
+ | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cTpositive
+ | Tindex i -> index_to_coq i
+let to_smt fmt = function
+ | TZ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int"
+ | Tbool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Bool"
+ | Tpositive -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int"
+ | Tindex i -> Format.fprintf fmt "Tindex_%i" i.index
+(* reify table *)
+type reify_tbl =
+ { mutable count : int;
+ tbl : (Term.constr, btype) Hashtbl.t;
+ mutable cuts : (Structures.names_id_t * Term.types) list
+ }
+let create () =
+ let htbl = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+ Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cZ) TZ;
+ Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cbool) Tbool;
+ (* Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cpositive) Tpositive; *)
+ { count = 0;
+ tbl = htbl;
+ cuts = [] }
+let get_cuts reify = reify.cuts
+let declare reify t typ_eqb =
+ (* TODO: allows to have only typ_eqb *)
+ assert (not (Hashtbl.mem reify.tbl t));
+ let res = Tindex {index = reify.count; hval = typ_eqb} in
+ Hashtbl.add reify.tbl t res;
+ reify.count <- reify.count + 1;
+ res
+let of_coq reify t =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find reify.tbl t
+ with | Not_found ->
+ let n = string_of_int (List.length reify.cuts) in
+ let eq_name = Names.id_of_string ("eq"^n) in
+ let eq_var = Term.mkVar eq_name in
+ let eq_ty = Term.mkArrow t (Term.mkArrow t (Lazy.force cbool)) in
+ let eq = mkName "eq" in
+ let x = mkName "x" in
+ let y = mkName "y" in
+ let req = Term.mkRel 3 in
+ let rx = Term.mkRel 2 in
+ let ry = Term.mkRel 1 in
+ let refl_ty = Term.mkLambda (eq, eq_ty, Term.mkProd (x,t,Term.mkProd (y,t,mklApp creflect [|mklApp ceq [|t;rx;ry|]; Term.mkApp (req, [|rx;ry|])|]))) in
+ let pair_ty = mklApp csigT [|eq_ty; refl_ty|] in
+ reify.cuts <- (eq_name, pair_ty)::reify.cuts;
+ let ce = mklApp ctyp_eqb_of_typ_eqb_param [|t; eq_var|] in
+ declare reify t ce
+let interp_tbl reify =
+ let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) (Lazy.force cunit_typ_eqb) in
+ let set _ = function
+ | Tindex it -> t.(it.index) <- it.hval
+ | _ -> () in
+ Hashtbl.iter set reify.tbl;
+ Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force ctyp_eqb, t)
+let to_list reify =
+ let set _ t acc = match t with
+ | Tindex it -> (it.index,it)::acc
+ | _ -> acc in
+ Hashtbl.fold set reify.tbl []
+let interp_to_coq reify = function
+ | TZ -> Lazy.force cZ
+ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cbool
+ | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cpositive
+ | Tindex c -> mklApp cte_carrier [|c.hval|]