path: root/src/verit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/verit')
10 files changed, 2124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/verit/smtlib2_ast.ml b/src/verit/smtlib2_ast.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cce4625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/smtlib2_ast.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq, originally belong to The Alt-ergo theorem prover *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 *)
+(* *)
+(* Sylvain Conchon *)
+(* Evelyne Contejean *)
+(* Stephane Lescuyer *)
+(* Mohamed Iguernelala *)
+(* Alain Mebsout *)
+(* *)
+(* CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Smtlib2_util
+type loc = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
+type specconstant =
+ | SpecConstsDec of loc * string
+ | SpecConstNum of loc * string
+ | SpecConstString of loc * string
+ | SpecConstsHex of loc * string
+ | SpecConstsBinary of loc * string
+type symbol =
+ | Symbol of loc * string
+ | SymbolWithOr of loc * string
+type sexpr =
+ | SexprSpecConst of loc * specconstant
+ | SexprSymbol of loc * symbol
+ | SexprKeyword of loc * string
+ | SexprInParen of loc * (loc * sexpr list)
+type attributevalue =
+ | AttributeValSpecConst of loc * specconstant
+ | AttributeValSymbol of loc * symbol
+ | AttributeValSexpr of loc * (loc * sexpr list)
+type attribute =
+ | AttributeKeyword of loc * string
+ | AttributeKeywordValue of loc * string * attributevalue
+type an_option = AnOptionAttribute of loc * attribute
+type infoflag = InfoFlagKeyword of loc * string
+type identifier =
+ | IdSymbol of loc * symbol
+ | IdUnderscoreSymNum of loc * symbol * (loc * string list)
+type sort =
+ | SortIdentifier of loc * identifier
+ | SortIdSortMulti of loc * identifier * (loc * sort list)
+type qualidentifier =
+ | QualIdentifierId of loc * identifier
+ | QualIdentifierAs of loc * identifier * sort
+type sortedvar =
+ | SortedVarSymSort of loc * symbol * sort
+type varbinding = VarBindingSymTerm of loc * symbol * term
+and term =
+ | TermSpecConst of loc * specconstant
+ | TermQualIdentifier of loc * qualidentifier
+ | TermQualIdTerm of loc * qualidentifier * (loc * term list)
+ | TermLetTerm of loc * (loc * varbinding list) * term
+ | TermForAllTerm of loc * (loc * sortedvar list) * term
+ | TermExistsTerm of loc * (loc * sortedvar list) * term
+ | TermExclimationPt of loc * term * (loc * attribute list)
+type command =
+ | CSetLogic of loc * symbol
+ | CSetOption of loc * an_option
+ | CSetInfo of loc * attribute
+ | CDeclareSort of loc * symbol * string
+ | CDefineSort of loc * symbol * (loc * symbol list) * sort
+ | CDeclareFun of loc * symbol * (loc * sort list) * sort
+ | CDefineFun of loc * symbol * (loc * sortedvar list) * sort * term
+ | CPush of loc * string
+ | CPop of loc * string
+ | CAssert of loc * term
+ | CCheckSat of loc
+ | CGetAssert of loc
+ | CGetProof of loc
+ | CGetUnsatCore of loc
+ | CGetValue of loc * (loc * term list)
+ | CGetAssign of loc
+ | CGetOption of loc * string
+ | CGetInfo of loc * infoflag
+ | CExit of loc
+type commands = Commands of loc * (loc * command list)
+(* loc stands for pos (position) and extradata *)
+let loc_an_option = function
+ | AnOptionAttribute(d,_) -> d
+let loc_attribute = function
+ | AttributeKeyword(d,_) -> d
+ | AttributeKeywordValue(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_attributevalue = function
+ | AttributeValSpecConst(d,_) -> d
+ | AttributeValSymbol(d,_) -> d
+ | AttributeValSexpr(d,_) -> d
+let loc_command = function
+ | CSetLogic(d,_) -> d
+ | CSetOption(d,_) -> d
+ | CSetInfo(d,_) -> d
+ | CDeclareSort(d,_,_) -> d
+ | CDefineSort(d,_,_,_) -> d
+ | CDeclareFun(d,_,_,_) -> d
+ | CDefineFun(d,_,_,_,_) -> d
+ | CPush(d,_) -> d
+ | CPop(d,_) -> d
+ | CAssert(d,_) -> d
+ | CCheckSat(d) -> d
+ | CGetAssert(d) -> d
+ | CGetProof(d) -> d
+ | CGetUnsatCore(d) -> d
+ | CGetValue(d,_) -> d
+ | CGetAssign(d) -> d
+ | CGetOption(d,_) -> d
+ | CGetInfo(d,_) -> d
+ | CExit(d) -> d
+let loc_commands = function
+ | Commands(d,_) -> d
+let loc_identifier = function
+ | IdSymbol(d,_) -> d
+ | IdUnderscoreSymNum(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_infoflag = function
+ | InfoFlagKeyword(d,_) -> d
+let loc_qualidentifier = function
+ | QualIdentifierId(d,_) -> d
+ | QualIdentifierAs(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_sexpr = function
+ | SexprSpecConst(d,_) -> d
+ | SexprSymbol(d,_) -> d
+ | SexprKeyword(d,_) -> d
+ | SexprInParen(d,_) -> d
+let loc_sort = function
+ | SortIdentifier(d,_) -> d
+ | SortIdSortMulti(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_sortedvar = function
+ | SortedVarSymSort(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_specconstant = function
+ | SpecConstsDec(d,_) -> d
+ | SpecConstNum(d,_) -> d
+ | SpecConstString(d,_) -> d
+ | SpecConstsHex(d,_) -> d
+ | SpecConstsBinary(d,_) -> d
+let loc_symbol = function
+ | Symbol(d,_) -> d
+ | SymbolWithOr(d,_) -> d
+let loc_term = function
+ | TermSpecConst(d,_) -> d
+ | TermQualIdentifier(d,_) -> d
+ | TermQualIdTerm(d,_,_) -> d
+ | TermLetTerm(d,_,_) -> d
+ | TermForAllTerm(d,_,_) -> d
+ | TermExistsTerm(d,_,_) -> d
+ | TermExclimationPt(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_varbinding = function
+ | VarBindingSymTerm(d,_,_) -> d
+let loc_couple = fst
+let loc_of e = loc_commands e;;
diff --git a/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml b/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11d650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/smtlib2_genConstr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Smtlib2_ast
+open SmtAtom
+open SmtForm
+open SmtMisc
+open CoqTerms
+(* For debugging *)
+let pp_symbol s =
+ let pp_position p = "{pos_fname = "^p.Lexing.pos_fname^"; pos_lnum = "^(string_of_int p.Lexing.pos_lnum)^"; pos_bol = "^(string_of_int p.Lexing.pos_bol)^"; pos_cnum = "^(string_of_int p.Lexing.pos_cnum)^"}" in
+ let pp_loc (p1,p2) = "("^(pp_position p1)^", "^(pp_position p2)^")" in
+ match s with
+ | Symbol (l,s) -> "Symbol ("^(pp_loc l)^", "^s^")"
+ | SymbolWithOr (l,s) -> "SymbolWithOr ("^(pp_loc l)^", "^s^")"
+(* Main functions *)
+let string_of_symbol = function | Symbol (_,s) | SymbolWithOr (_,s) -> s
+let identifier_of_qualidentifier = function
+ | QualIdentifierId (_,id) | QualIdentifierAs (_,id,_) -> id
+let string_type s = match s with
+ | "Bool" -> Tbool
+ | "Int" -> TZ
+ | _ -> VeritSyntax.get_btype s
+let sort_of_string s = (string_type s, [])
+let sort_of_symbol s = sort_of_string (string_of_symbol s)
+let string_of_identifier = function
+ | IdSymbol (_,s) -> (string_of_symbol s)
+ | IdUnderscoreSymNum (_,s,(_,l)) ->
+ List.fold_left (fun c c' -> c^"_"^c') (string_of_symbol s) l
+let string_of_qualidentifier id = string_of_identifier (identifier_of_qualidentifier id)
+let rec sort_of_sort = function
+ | SortIdentifier (_,id) -> sort_of_string (string_of_identifier id)
+ | SortIdSortMulti (_,id,(_,l)) ->
+ (string_type (string_of_identifier id), List.map sort_of_sort l)
+let declare_sort rt sym =
+ let s = string_of_symbol sym in
+ let cons_t = declare_new_type (Names.id_of_string ("Smt_sort_"^s)) in
+ let eq_t = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("eq_"^s)) (Term.mkArrow cons_t (Term.mkArrow cons_t (Lazy.force cbool))) in
+ let x = mkName "x" in
+ let y = mkName "y" in
+ let rx = Term.mkRel 2 in
+ let ry = Term.mkRel 1 in
+ let eq_refl = Term.mkProd (x,cons_t,Term.mkProd (y,cons_t,mklApp creflect [|mklApp ceq [|cons_t;rx;ry|];mklApp (lazy eq_t) [|rx;ry|]|])) in
+ let eq_refl_v = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("eq_refl_"^s)) eq_refl in
+ let ce = mklApp cTyp_eqb [|cons_t;eq_t;eq_refl_v|] in
+ let res = Btype.declare rt cons_t ce in
+ VeritSyntax.add_btype s res;
+ res
+let declare_fun rt ro sym arg cod =
+ let s = string_of_symbol sym in
+ let tyl = List.map sort_of_sort arg in
+ let ty = sort_of_sort cod in
+ let coqTy = List.fold_right (fun typ c -> Term.mkArrow (Btype.interp_to_coq rt (fst typ)) c) tyl (Btype.interp_to_coq rt (fst ty)) in
+ let cons_v = declare_new_variable (Names.id_of_string ("Smt_var_"^s)) coqTy in
+ let op = Op.declare ro cons_v (Array.of_list (List.map fst tyl)) (fst ty) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_fun s op;
+ op
+let make_root_specconstant ra = function
+ | SpecConstsDec _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: decimals not implemented yet"
+ | SpecConstNum (_,s) ->
+ (try
+ let i = int_of_string s in
+ Atom.hatom_Z_of_int ra i
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ let i = Big_int.big_int_of_string s in
+ Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra i)
+ | SpecConstString _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: strings not implemented yet"
+ | SpecConstsHex _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: hexadecimals not implemented yet"
+ | SpecConstsBinary _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_specconstant: binaries not implemented yet"
+type atom_form = | Atom of SmtAtom.Atom.t | Form of SmtAtom.Form.t
+let make_root ra rf t =
+ let hlets = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+ let rec make_root_term = function
+ | TermSpecConst (_,c) -> Atom (make_root_specconstant ra c)
+ | TermQualIdentifier (_,id) ->
+ let v = string_of_qualidentifier id in
+ (try Hashtbl.find hlets v with
+ | Not_found ->
+ make_root_app v [])
+ | TermQualIdTerm (_,id,(_,l)) ->
+ let v = string_of_qualidentifier id in
+ make_root_app v l
+ | TermLetTerm (_,(_,l),t) ->
+ List.iter (fun (VarBindingSymTerm (_, sym, u)) ->
+ let u' = make_root_term u in
+ let s' = string_of_symbol sym in
+ Hashtbl.add hlets s' u') l;
+ make_root_term t
+ | TermForAllTerm _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_term: ForAll not implemented yet"
+ | TermExistsTerm _ -> failwith "Smtlib2_genConstr.make_root_term: Exists not implemented yet"
+ | TermExclimationPt (_,t,_) -> make_root_term t
+ and make_root_app v l =
+ match (v,l) with
+ | "=", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' ->
+ (match Atom.type_of a' with
+ | Tbool -> Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fiff, [|Form.get rf (Fatom a'); Form.get rf (Fatom b')|])))
+ | ty -> Atom (Atom.mk_eq ra ty a' b'))
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "<", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_lt ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "<=", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_le ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | ">", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_gt ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | ">=", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_ge ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "+", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_plus ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "-", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_minus ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "*", [a;b] ->
+ (match make_root_term a, make_root_term b with
+ | Atom a', Atom b' -> Atom (Atom.mk_mult ra a' b')
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | "-", [a] ->
+ (match make_root_term a with
+ | Atom a' -> Atom (Atom.mk_opp ra a')
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | "distinct", _ ->
+ let make_h h =
+ match make_root_term h with
+ | Atom h' -> h'
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let a = Array.make (List.length l) (make_h (List.hd l)) in
+ let i = ref (-1) in
+ List.iter (fun h ->
+ incr i;
+ a.(!i) <- make_h h) l;
+ Atom (Atom.mk_distinct ra (Atom.type_of a.(0)) a)
+ | "true", _ -> Form (Form.get rf Form.pform_true)
+ | "false", _ -> Form (Form.get rf Form.pform_false)
+ | "and", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fand, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "or", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (For, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "xor", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fxor, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "=>", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fimp, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "ite", _ ->
+ Form (Form.get rf (Fapp (Fite, Array.of_list (List.map make_root l))))
+ | "not", [a] -> Form (Form.neg (make_root a))
+ | _, _ ->
+ let op = VeritSyntax.get_fun v in
+ let l' = List.map (fun t -> match make_root_term t with
+ | Atom h -> h | Form _ -> assert false) l in
+ Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (op, Array.of_list l')))
+ and make_root t =
+ match make_root_term t with
+ | Atom h -> Form.get rf (Fatom h)
+ | Form f -> f in
+ make_root t
+let declare_commands rt ro ra rf acc = function
+ | CDeclareSort (_,sym,_) -> let _ = declare_sort rt sym in acc
+ | CDeclareFun (_,sym, (_, arg), cod) ->
+ let _ = declare_fun rt ro sym arg cod in acc
+ | CAssert (_, t) -> (make_root ra rf t)::acc
+ | _ -> acc
diff --git a/src/verit/smtlib2_lex.mll b/src/verit/smtlib2_lex.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f235403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/smtlib2_lex.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq, originally belong to The Alt-ergo theorem prover *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 *)
+(* *)
+(* Sylvain Conchon *)
+(* Evelyne Contejean *)
+(* Stephane Lescuyer *)
+(* Mohamed Iguernelala *)
+(* Alain Mebsout *)
+(* *)
+(* CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Lexing
+open Smtlib2_parse
+let newline lexbuf =
+ let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+ lexbuf.lex_curr_p <-
+ { pos with pos_lnum = pos.pos_lnum + 1; pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum;
+ pos_cnum=0 }
+rule token = parse
+| ['\t' ' ' ]+
+ { token lexbuf }
+| ';' (_ # '\n')*
+ { token lexbuf }
+| ['\n']+ as str
+ { newline lexbuf;
+ Smtlib2_util.line := (!Smtlib2_util.line + (String.length str));
+ token lexbuf }
+| "_" { UNDERSCORE }
+| "(" { LPAREN }
+| ")" { RPAREN }
+| "as" { AS }
+| "let" { LET }
+| "forall" { FORALL }
+| "exists" { EXISTS }
+| "set-logic" { SETLOGIC }
+| "set-option" { SETOPTION }
+| "set-info" { SETINFO }
+| "declare-sort" { DECLARESORT }
+| "define-sort" { DEFINESORT }
+| "declare-fun" { DECLAREFUN }
+| "define-fun" { DEFINEFUN }
+| "push" { PUSH }
+| "pop" { POP }
+| "assert" { ASSERT }
+| "check-sat" { CHECKSAT }
+| "get-assertions" { GETASSERT }
+| "get-proof" { GETPROOF }
+| "get-unsat-core" { GETUNSATCORE }
+| "get-value" { GETVALUE }
+| "get-assignment" { GETASSIGN }
+| "get-option" { GETOPTION }
+| "get-info" { GETINFO }
+| "exit" { EXIT }
+| '#' 'x' ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']+ as str
+ { HEXADECIMAL(str) }
+| '#' 'b' ['0'-'1']+ as str
+ { BINARY(str) }
+| '|' ([ '!'-'~' ' ' '\n' '\t' '\r'] # ['\\' '|'])* '|' as str
+ { ASCIIWOR(str) }
+| ':' ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '+' '-' '/' '*' '=' '%' '?' '!' '.' '$' '_' '~' '&' '^' '<' '>' '@']+ as str
+ { KEYWORD(str) }
+| ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '+' '-' '/' '*' '=''%' '?' '!' '.' '$' '_' '~' '&' '^' '<' '>' '@'] ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '+' '-' '/' '*' '=''%' '?' '!' '.' '$' '_' '~' '&' '^' '<' '>' '@']* as str
+ { SYMBOL(str) }
+| '"' (([ '!'-'~' ' ' '\n' '\t' '\r' ] # ['\\' '"']) | ('\\' ['!'-'~' ' ' '\n' '\t' '\r'] ))* '"' as str
+ { STRINGLIT(str) }
+| ( '0' | ['1'-'9'] ['0'-'9']* ) as str
+ { NUMERAL(str) }
+| ( '0' | ['1'-'9'] ['0'-'9']* ) '.' ['0'-'9']+ as str
+ { DECIMAL(str) }
+| eof
+ { EOF }
+| _
+ {failwith(
+ (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ^
+ ": lexing error on line "^(string_of_int !Smtlib2_util.line))}{}
diff --git a/src/verit/smtlib2_parse.mly b/src/verit/smtlib2_parse.mly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4e02a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/smtlib2_parse.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/* */
+/* SMTCoq, originally belong to The Alt-ergo theorem prover */
+/* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 */
+/* */
+/* Sylvain Conchon */
+/* Evelyne Contejean */
+/* Stephane Lescuyer */
+/* Mohamed Iguernelala */
+/* Alain Mebsout */
+/* */
+/* CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud */
+/* */
+/* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence */
+/* */
+ open Smtlib2_ast
+ let loc () = symbol_start_pos (), symbol_end_pos ()
+%start main
+/* general */
+%token AS
+%token EXISTS
+%token FORALL
+%token LET
+/* commands */
+%token SETLOGIC
+%token SETINFO
+%token PUSH
+%token POP
+%token ASSERT
+%token CHECKSAT
+%token GETPROOF
+%token GETVALUE
+%token GETINFO
+%token EXIT
+/* Other tokens */
+%token LPAREN
+%token RPAREN
+%token EOF
+%token <string> NUMERAL
+%token <string> DECIMAL
+%token <string> HEXADECIMAL
+%token <string> BINARY
+%token <string> STRINGLIT
+%token <string> ASCIIWOR
+%token <string> KEYWORD
+%token <string> SYMBOL
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.commands option> main
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.an_option> an_option
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.attribute> attribute
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.attributevalue> attributevalue
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.command> command
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.commands> commands
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.identifier> identifier
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.infoflag> infoflag
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.qualidentifier> qualidentifier
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.sexpr> sexpr
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.sort> sort
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.sortedvar> sortedvar
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.specconstant> specconstant
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.symbol> symbol
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.term> term
+%type <Smtlib2_ast.varbinding> varbinding
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.attributevalsexpr_attributevalue_sexpr5> attributevalsexpr_attributevalue_sexpr5 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.commanddeclarefun_command_sort13> commanddeclarefun_command_sort13 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.commanddefinefun_command_sortedvar15> commanddefinefun_command_sortedvar15 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.commanddefinesort_command_symbol11> commanddefinesort_command_symbol11 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.commandgetvalue_command_term24> commandgetvalue_command_term24 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.commands_commands_command30> commands_commands_command30 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.sexprinparen_sexpr_sexpr41> sexprinparen_sexpr_sexpr41 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.sortidsortmulti_sort_sort44> sortidsortmulti_sort_sort44 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.termexclimationpt_term_attribute64> termexclimationpt_term_attribute64 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.termexiststerm_term_sortedvar62> termexiststerm_term_sortedvar62 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.termforallterm_term_sortedvar60> termforallterm_term_sortedvar60 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.termletterm_term_varbinding58> termletterm_term_varbinding58 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.termqualidterm_term_term56> termqualidterm_term_term56 */
+/* %type <Smtlib2_ast.idunderscoresymnum_identifier_numeral33> idunderscoresymnum_identifier_numeral33 */
+| commands { Some($1) }
+| EOF { None }
+| attribute { AnOptionAttribute(loc_attribute $1, $1) }
+| KEYWORD { AttributeKeyword(loc (), $1) }
+| KEYWORD attributevalue { AttributeKeywordValue(loc (), $1, $2) }
+| { (loc (), []) }
+| sexpr sexpr_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sexpr $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+| specconstant { AttributeValSpecConst(loc_specconstant $1, $1) }
+| symbol { AttributeValSymbol(loc_symbol $1, $1) }
+| LPAREN sexpr_list RPAREN { AttributeValSexpr(loc (), $2) }
+symbol_list: /*commanddefinesort_command_symbol11:*/
+| { (loc (), []) }
+| symbol symbol_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_symbol $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+sort_list0: /*commanddeclarefun_command_sort13:*/
+| { (loc (), []) }
+| sort sort_list0 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sort $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+sortedvar_list: /*commanddefinefun_command_sortedvar15:*/
+| { (loc (), []) }
+| sortedvar sortedvar_list
+ { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sortedvar $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+ { CSetLogic(loc (), $3) }
+ { CSetOption(loc (), $3) }
+ { CSetInfo(loc (), $3) }
+ { CDeclareSort(loc (), $3, $4) }
+ { CDefineSort(loc (), $3, $5, $7) }
+ { CDeclareFun(loc (), $3, $5, $7) }
+| LPAREN DEFINEFUN symbol LPAREN sortedvar_list RPAREN sort term RPAREN
+ { CDefineFun(loc (), $3, $5, $7, $8) }
+ { CPush(loc (), $3) }
+ { CPop(loc (), $3) }
+ { CAssert(loc (), $3) }
+ { CCheckSat(loc ()) }
+ { CGetAssert(loc ()) }
+ { CGetProof(loc ()) }
+ { CGetUnsatCore(loc ()) }
+ { CGetValue(loc (), $4) }
+ { CGetAssign(loc ()) }
+ { CGetOption(loc (), $3) }
+ { CGetInfo(loc (), $3) }
+ { CExit(loc ()) }
+command_list: /*commands_commands_command30:*/
+| { (loc (), []) }
+| command command_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_command $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+| command_list { Commands(loc_couple $1, $1) }
+numeral_list: /*idunderscoresymnum_identifier_numeral33:*/
+| NUMERAL { (loc (), ($1)::[]) }
+| NUMERAL numeral_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc (), ($1)::(l1)) }
+| symbol { IdSymbol(loc_symbol $1, $1) }
+| LPAREN UNDERSCORE symbol numeral_list RPAREN
+ { IdUnderscoreSymNum(loc (), $3, $4) }
+| KEYWORD { InfoFlagKeyword(loc (), $1) }
+| identifier { QualIdentifierId(loc_identifier $1, $1) }
+| LPAREN AS identifier sort RPAREN { QualIdentifierAs(loc (), $3, $4) }
+| specconstant { SexprSpecConst(loc_specconstant $1, $1) }
+| symbol { SexprSymbol(loc_symbol $1, $1) }
+| KEYWORD { SexprKeyword(loc (), $1) }
+| LPAREN sexpr_list RPAREN { SexprInParen(loc (), $2) }
+sort_list1: /*sortidsortmulti_sort_sort44:*/
+| sort { (loc_sort $1, ($1)::[]) }
+| sort sort_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sort $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+| identifier { SortIdentifier(loc_identifier $1, $1) }
+| LPAREN identifier sort_list1 RPAREN { SortIdSortMulti(loc (), $2, $3) }
+| LPAREN symbol sort RPAREN { SortedVarSymSort(loc (), $2, $3) }
+| DECIMAL { SpecConstsDec(loc (), $1) }
+| NUMERAL { SpecConstNum(loc (), $1) }
+| STRINGLIT { SpecConstString(loc (), $1) }
+| HEXADECIMAL { SpecConstsHex(loc (), $1) }
+| BINARY { SpecConstsBinary(loc (), $1) }
+| SYMBOL { Symbol(loc (), $1) }
+| ASCIIWOR { SymbolWithOr(loc (), $1) }
+| term { (loc_term $1, ($1)::[]) }
+| term term_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_term $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+varbinding_list1: /*termletterm_term_varbinding58:*/
+| varbinding { (loc_varbinding $1, ($1)::[]) }
+| varbinding varbinding_list1
+ { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_varbinding $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+| sortedvar { (loc_sortedvar $1, ($1)::[]) }
+| sortedvar sortedvar_list1
+ { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sortedvar $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+attribute_list1: /*termexclimationpt_term_attribute64:*/
+| attribute { (loc_attribute $1, ($1)::[]) }
+| attribute attribute_list1
+ { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_attribute $1, ($1)::(l1)) }
+| specconstant
+ { TermSpecConst(loc_specconstant $1, $1) }
+| qualidentifier
+ { TermQualIdentifier(loc_qualidentifier $1, $1) }
+| LPAREN qualidentifier term_list1 RPAREN
+ { TermQualIdTerm(loc (), $2, $3) }
+| LPAREN LET LPAREN varbinding_list1 RPAREN term RPAREN
+ { TermLetTerm(loc (), $4, $6) }
+ { TermForAllTerm(loc (), $4, $6) }
+ { TermExistsTerm(loc (), $4, $6) }
+| LPAREN EXCLIMATIONPT term attribute_list1 RPAREN
+ { TermExclimationPt(loc (), $3, $4) }
+| LPAREN symbol term RPAREN { VarBindingSymTerm(loc (), $2, $3) }
diff --git a/src/verit/smtlib2_util.ml b/src/verit/smtlib2_util.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce5e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/smtlib2_util.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq, originally belong to The Alt-ergo theorem prover *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 *)
+(* *)
+(* Sylvain Conchon *)
+(* Evelyne Contejean *)
+(* Stephane Lescuyer *)
+(* Mohamed Iguernelala *)
+(* Alain Mebsout *)
+(* *)
+(* CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+(* auto-generated by gt *)
+(* no extra data from grammar file. *)
+type extradata = unit;;
+let initial_data() = ();;
+let file = ref "stdin";;
+let line = ref 1;;
+type pos = int;;
+let string_of_pos p = "line "^(string_of_int p);;
+let cur_pd() = (!line, initial_data());; (* "pd": pos + extradata *)
+type pd = pos * extradata;;
diff --git a/src/verit/verit.ml b/src/verit/verit.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87e74a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/verit.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open Entries
+open Declare
+open Decl_kinds
+open SmtMisc
+open CoqTerms
+open SmtForm
+open SmtCertif
+open SmtTrace
+open SmtAtom
+let debug = false
+(* Interpretation tables *)
+let mk_ftype cod dom =
+ let typeb = Lazy.force ctype in
+ let typea = mklApp clist [|typeb|] in
+ let a = Array.fold_right (fun bt acc -> mklApp ccons [|typeb; Btype.to_coq bt; acc|]) cod (mklApp cnil [|typeb|]) in
+ let b = Btype.to_coq dom in
+ mklApp cpair [|typea;typeb;a;b|]
+let make_t_i rt = Btype.interp_tbl rt
+let make_t_func ro t_i = Op.interp_tbl (mklApp ctval [|t_i|]) (fun cod dom value -> mklApp cTval [|t_i; mk_ftype cod dom; value|]) ro
+(** Given a SMT-LIB2 file and a verit trace build *)
+(* the corresponding object *)
+let import_smtlib2 rt ro ra rf filename =
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let commands = Smtlib2_parse.main Smtlib2_lex.token lexbuf in
+ close_in chan;
+ match commands with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (Smtlib2_ast.Commands (_,(_,res))) ->
+ List.rev (List.fold_left (Smtlib2_genConstr.declare_commands rt ro ra rf) [] res)
+let import_trace filename first =
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let confl_num = ref (-1) in
+ let first_num = ref (-1) in
+ let is_first = ref true in
+ let line = ref 1 in
+ (* let _ = Parsing.set_trace true in *)
+ try
+ while true do
+ confl_num := VeritParser.line VeritLexer.token lexbuf;
+ if !is_first then (
+ is_first := false;
+ first_num := !confl_num
+ );
+ incr line
+ done;
+ raise VeritLexer.Eof
+ with
+ | VeritLexer.Eof ->
+ close_in chan;
+ let first =
+ let aux = VeritSyntax.get_clause !first_num in
+ match first, aux.value with
+ | Some (root,l), Some (fl::nil) ->
+ if Form.equal l fl then
+ aux
+ else (
+ aux.kind <- Other (ImmFlatten(root,fl));
+ SmtTrace.link root aux;
+ root
+ )
+ | _,_ -> aux in
+ let confl = VeritSyntax.get_clause !confl_num in
+ SmtTrace.select confl;
+ (* Trace.share_prefix first (2 * last.id); *)
+ occur confl;
+ (alloc first, confl)
+ | Parsing.Parse_error -> failwith ("Verit.import_trace: parsing error line "^(string_of_int !line))
+let euf_checker_modules = [ ["SMTCoq";"Trace";"Euf_Checker"] ]
+let certif_ops = CoqTerms.make_certif_ops euf_checker_modules
+let cCertif = gen_constant euf_checker_modules "Certif"
+let clear_all () =
+ SmtTrace.clear ();
+ VeritSyntax.clear ()
+let compute_roots roots last_root =
+ let r = ref last_root in
+ while (has_prev !r) do
+ r := prev !r
+ done;
+ let rec find_root i root = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | t::q -> if Form.equal t root then (i,q) else find_root (i+1) root q in
+ let rec used_roots acc i roots r =
+ if isRoot r.kind then
+ match r.value with
+ | Some [root] ->
+ let (j,roots') = find_root i root roots in
+ used_roots (j::acc) (j+1) roots' (next r)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else
+ acc in
+ used_roots [] 0 roots !r
+let parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace fsmt fproof =
+ clear_all ();
+ let rt = Btype.create () in
+ let ro = Op.create () in
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let roots = import_smtlib2 rt ro ra rf fsmt in
+ let (max_id, confl) = import_trace fproof None in
+ let (tres, last_root) = SmtTrace.to_coq (fun i -> mkInt (Form.to_lit i)) certif_ops confl in
+ let certif =
+ mklApp cCertif [|mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
+ let ce4 =
+ { const_entry_body = certif;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant trace (DefinitionEntry ce4, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ let used_roots = compute_roots roots last_root in
+ let roots =
+ let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
+ Term.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ let used_roots =
+ let l = List.length used_roots in
+ let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref (l-1) in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
+ mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; Term.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ let ce3 =
+ { const_entry_body = roots;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant root (DefinitionEntry ce3, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ let ce3' =
+ { const_entry_body = used_roots;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant used_root (DefinitionEntry ce3', IsDefinition Definition) in
+ let t_i' = make_t_i rt in
+ let t_func' = make_t_func ro t_i' in
+ let ce5 =
+ { const_entry_body = t_i';
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant t_i (DefinitionEntry ce5, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ let ce6 =
+ { const_entry_body = t_func';
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant t_func (DefinitionEntry ce6, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ let ce1 =
+ { const_entry_body = Atom.interp_tbl ra;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant t_atom (DefinitionEntry ce1, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ let ce2 =
+ { const_entry_body = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf);
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant t_form (DefinitionEntry ce2, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ ()
+let ccertif = gen_constant euf_checker_modules "certif"
+let cchecker = gen_constant euf_checker_modules "checker"
+let cchecker_correct = gen_constant euf_checker_modules "checker_correct"
+let interp_roots roots =
+ let interp = Form.interp_to_coq (Atom.interp_to_coq (Hashtbl.create 17)) (Hashtbl.create 17) in
+ match roots with
+ | [] -> Lazy.force ctrue
+ | f::roots -> List.fold_left (fun acc f -> mklApp candb [|acc; interp f|]) (interp f) roots
+let theorem name fsmt fproof =
+ clear_all ();
+ let rt = Btype.create () in
+ let ro = Op.create () in
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let roots = import_smtlib2 rt ro ra rf fsmt in
+ let (max_id, confl) = import_trace fproof None in
+ let (tres,last_root) = SmtTrace.to_coq (fun i -> mkInt (Form.to_lit i)) certif_ops confl in
+ let certif =
+ mklApp cCertif [|mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
+ let used_roots = compute_roots roots last_root in
+ let used_rootsCstr =
+ let l = List.length used_roots in
+ let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref (l-1) in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
+ mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; Term.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ let rootsCstr =
+ let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
+ Term.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ let t_atom = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
+ let t_form = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
+ let t_i = make_t_i rt in
+ let t_func = make_t_func ro t_i in
+ let theorem_concl = mklApp cnot [|mklApp cis_true [|interp_roots roots|]|] in
+ let theorem_proof =
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "used_roots", used_rootsCstr, mklApp coption [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]|], (*7*)
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "t_atom", t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|], (*6*)
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "t_form", t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|], (*5*)
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "d", rootsCstr, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|], (*4*)
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "c", certif, Lazy.force ccertif, (*3*)
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "t_i", t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_eqb|], (*2*)
+ Term.mkLetIn (mkName "t_func", t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|t_i|]|], (*1*)
+ mklApp cchecker_correct
+ [|Term.mkRel 2; Term.mkRel 1; Term.mkRel 6; Term.mkRel 5; Term.mkRel 4; Term.mkRel 7; Term.mkRel 3;
+ vm_cast_true
+ (mklApp cchecker [|Term.mkRel 2; Term.mkRel 1; Term.mkRel 6; Term.mkRel 5; Term.mkRel 4; Term.mkRel 7; Term.mkRel 3|])|]))))))) in
+ let ce =
+ { const_entry_body = theorem_proof;
+ const_entry_type = Some theorem_concl;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = true;
+ const_entry_inline_code = false} in
+ let _ = declare_constant name (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition Definition) in
+ ()
+let checker fsmt fproof =
+ let t1 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ clear_all ();
+ let t2 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let rt = Btype.create () in
+ let ro = Op.create () in
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let t3 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let roots = import_smtlib2 rt ro ra rf fsmt in
+ let t4 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let (max_id, confl) = import_trace fproof None in
+ let t5 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let (tres,last_root) = SmtTrace.to_coq (fun i -> mkInt (Form.to_lit i)) certif_ops confl in
+ let t6 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let certif =
+ mklApp cCertif [|mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
+ let t7 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let used_roots = compute_roots roots last_root in
+ let t8 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let used_rootsCstr =
+ let l = List.length used_roots in
+ let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref (l-1) in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
+ mklApp cSome [|mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cint|]; Term.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res)|] in
+ let t9 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let rootsCstr =
+ let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
+ Term.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, res) in
+ let t10 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let t_i = make_t_i rt in
+ let t11 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let t_func = make_t_func ro t_i in
+ let t12 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let t_atom = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
+ let t13 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let t_form = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
+ let t14 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let tm = mklApp cchecker [|t_i; t_func; t_atom; t_form; rootsCstr; used_rootsCstr; certif|] in
+ let t15 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ let res = Vnorm.cbv_vm (Global.env ()) tm (Lazy.force CoqTerms.cbool) in
+ let t16 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ Format.eprintf " = %s\n : bool@."
+ (if Term.eq_constr res (Lazy.force CoqTerms.ctrue) then
+ "true" else "false");
+ let t17 = Unix.time () in (* for debug *)
+ (* let expr = Constrextern.extern_constr true Environ.empty_env tm in *)
+ (* let t16 = Unix.time () in (\* for debug *\) *)
+ (* let res_aux1 = Glob_term.CbvVm None in *)
+ (* let t17 = Unix.time () in (\* for debug *\) *)
+ (* let res_aux2 = Vernacexpr.VernacCheckMayEval(Some res_aux1, None, expr) in *)
+ (* let t18 = Unix.time () in (\* for debug *\) *)
+ (* Vernacentries.interp res_aux2; *)
+ (* let t19 = Unix.time () in (\* for debug *\) *)
+ if debug then (
+ Printf.printf"Clear: %f
+Create hashtables: %f
+Import SMT-LIB: %f
+Import trace: %f
+Compute trace: %f
+Build certif: %f
+Build roots: %f
+Compute used roots: %f
+Build used roots: %f
+Build t_i: %f
+Build t_func: %f
+Build t_atom: %f
+Build t_form: %f
+Build checker call: %f
+Compute checker call: %f
+Print result: %f\n" (t2-.t1) (t3-.t2) (t4-.t3) (t5-.t4) (t6-.t5) (t7-.t6) (t8-.t7) (t9-.t8) (t10-.t9) (t11-.t10) (t12-.t11) (t13-.t12) (t14-.t13) (t15-.t14) (t16-.t15) (t17-.t16);
+(* Printf.printf"Clear: %f *)
+(* Create hashtables: %f *)
+(* Import SMT-LIB: %f *)
+(* Import trace: %f *)
+(* Compute trace: %f *)
+(* Build certif: %f *)
+(* Build roots: %f *)
+(* Compute used roots: %f *)
+(* Build used roots: %f *)
+(* Build t_i: %f *)
+(* Build t_func: %f *)
+(* Build t_atom: %f *)
+(* Build t_form: %f *)
+(* Build checker call: %f *)
+(* Build constr: %f *)
+(* Build conclusion1: %f *)
+(* Build conclusion2: %f *)
+(* Build conclusion: %f\n" (t2-.t1) (t3-.t2) (t4-.t3) (t5-.t4) (t6-.t5) (t7-.t6) (t8-.t7) (t9-.t8) (t10-.t9) (t11-.t10) (t12-.t11) (t13-.t12) (t14-.t13) (t15-.t14) (t16-.t15) (t17-.t16) (t18-.t17) (t19-.t18); *)
+ flush stdout)
+(** Given a Coq formula build the proof *)
+let export out_channel rt ro l =
+ let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(set-logic QF_UFLIA)@.";
+ List.iter (fun (i,t) ->
+ let s = "Tindex_"^(string_of_int i) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_btype s (Tindex t);
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-sort %s 0)@." s
+ ) (Btype.to_list rt);
+ List.iter (fun (i,cod,dom,op) ->
+ let s = "op_"^(string_of_int i) in
+ VeritSyntax.add_fun s op;
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-fun %s (" s;
+ let is_first = ref true in
+ Array.iter (fun t -> if !is_first then is_first := false else Format.fprintf fmt " "; Btype.to_smt fmt t) cod;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ") ";
+ Btype.to_smt fmt dom;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ")@."
+ ) (Op.to_list ro);
+ Format.fprintf fmt "(assert ";
+ Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt fmt l;
+ Format.fprintf fmt ")@\n(check-sat)@\n(exit)@."
+let call_verit rt ro fl root =
+ let (filename, outchan) = Filename.open_temp_file "verit_coq" ".smt2" in
+ export outchan rt ro fl;
+ close_out outchan;
+ let logfilename = (Filename.chop_extension filename)^".vtlog" in
+ let command = "veriT --proof-prune --proof-merge --proof-with-sharing --cnf-definitional --disable-ackermann --input=smtlib2 --proof="^logfilename^" "^filename in
+ Format.eprintf "%s@." command;
+ let t0 = Sys.time () in
+ let exit_code = Sys.command command in
+ let t1 = Sys.time () in
+ Format.eprintf "Verit = %.5f@." (t1-.t0);
+ if exit_code <> 0 then
+ failwith ("Verit.call_verit: command "^command^
+ " exited with code "^(string_of_int exit_code));
+ try
+ import_trace logfilename (Some root)
+ with
+ | VeritSyntax.Sat -> Errors.error "veriT can't prove this"
+let cchecker_b_correct =
+ gen_constant euf_checker_modules "checker_b_correct"
+let cchecker_b = gen_constant euf_checker_modules "checker_b"
+let cchecker_eq_correct =
+ gen_constant euf_checker_modules "checker_eq_correct"
+let cchecker_eq = gen_constant euf_checker_modules "checker_eq"
+let build_body rt ro ra rf l b (max_id, confl) =
+ let (tres,_) = SmtTrace.to_coq Form.to_coq certif_ops confl in
+ let certif =
+ mklApp cCertif [|mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
+ let t_atom = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
+ let t_form = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
+ let t_i = make_t_i rt in
+ let t_func = make_t_func ro t_i in
+ let ntatom = mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = mkName "c" in
+ let nti = mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = mkName "t_func" in
+ let vtatom = Term.mkRel 5 in
+ let vtform = Term.mkRel 4 in
+ let vc = Term.mkRel 3 in
+ let vti = Term.mkRel 2 in
+ let vtfunc = Term.mkRel 1 in
+ Term.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ Term.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ Term.mkLetIn (nc, certif, Lazy.force ccertif,
+ Term.mkLetIn (nti, Term.lift 3 t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_eqb|],
+ Term.mkLetIn (ntfunc, Term.lift 4 t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|t_i|]|],
+ mklApp cchecker_b_correct
+ [|vti;vtfunc;vtatom; vtform; l; b; vc;
+ vm_cast_true (mklApp cchecker_b [|vti;vtfunc;vtatom;vtform;l;b;vc|])|])))))
+let build_body_eq rt ro ra rf l1 l2 l (max_id, confl) =
+ let (tres,_) = SmtTrace.to_coq Form.to_coq certif_ops confl in
+ let certif =
+ mklApp cCertif [|mkInt (max_id + 1); tres;mkInt (get_pos confl)|] in
+ let t_atom = Atom.interp_tbl ra in
+ let t_form = snd (Form.interp_tbl rf) in
+ let t_i = make_t_i rt in
+ let t_func = make_t_func ro t_i in
+ let ntatom = mkName "t_atom" in
+ let ntform = mkName "t_form" in
+ let nc = mkName "c" in
+ let nti = mkName "t_i" in
+ let ntfunc = mkName "t_func" in
+ let vtatom = Term.mkRel 5 in
+ let vtform = Term.mkRel 4 in
+ let vc = Term.mkRel 3 in
+ let vti = Term.mkRel 2 in
+ let vtfunc = Term.mkRel 1 in
+ Term.mkLetIn (ntatom, t_atom, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force catom|],
+ Term.mkLetIn (ntform, t_form, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force cform|],
+ Term.mkLetIn (nc, certif, Lazy.force ccertif,
+ Term.mkLetIn (nti, Term.lift 3 t_i, mklApp carray [|Lazy.force ctyp_eqb|],
+ Term.mkLetIn (ntfunc, Term.lift 4 t_func, mklApp carray [|mklApp ctval [|t_i|]|],
+ mklApp cchecker_eq_correct
+ [|vti;vtfunc;vtatom; vtform; l1; l2; l; vc;
+ vm_cast_true (mklApp cchecker_eq [|vti;vtfunc;vtatom;vtform;l1;l2;l;vc|])|])))))
+let get_arguments concl =
+ let f, args = Term.decompose_app concl in
+ match args with
+ | [ty;a;b] when f = Lazy.force ceq && ty = Lazy.force cbool -> a, b
+ | [a] when f = Lazy.force cis_true -> a, Lazy.force ctrue
+ | _ -> failwith ("Verit.tactic: can only deal with equality over bool")
+let make_proof rt ro rf l =
+ let fl = Form.flatten rf l in
+ let root = SmtTrace.mkRootV [l] in
+ call_verit rt ro fl (root,l)
+let tactic gl =
+ clear_all ();
+ let rt = Btype.create () in
+ let ro = Op.create () in
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let env = Tacmach.pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = Tacmach.project gl in
+ let t = Tacmach.pf_concl gl in
+ let (forall_let, concl) = Term.decompose_prod_assum t in
+ let env = Environ.push_rel_context forall_let env in
+ let a, b = get_arguments concl in
+ let body =
+ if (b = Lazy.force ctrue || b = Lazy.force cfalse) then
+ let l = Form.of_coq (Atom.of_coq rt ro ra env sigma) rf a in
+ let l' = if b = Lazy.force ctrue then Form.neg l else l in
+ let max_id_confl = make_proof rt ro rf l' in
+ build_body rt ro ra rf (Form.to_coq l) b max_id_confl
+ else
+ let l1 = Form.of_coq (Atom.of_coq rt ro ra env sigma) rf a in
+ let l2 = Form.of_coq (Atom.of_coq rt ro ra env sigma) rf b in
+ let l = Form.neg (Form.get rf (Fapp(Fiff,[|l1;l2|]))) in
+ let max_id_confl = make_proof rt ro rf l in
+ build_body_eq rt ro ra rf (Form.to_coq l1) (Form.to_coq l2) (Form.to_coq l) max_id_confl in
+ let compose_lam_assum forall_let body =
+ List.fold_left (fun t rd -> Term.mkLambda_or_LetIn rd t) body forall_let in
+ let res = compose_lam_assum forall_let body in
+ Tactics.exact_no_check res gl
diff --git a/src/verit/veritLexer.mll b/src/verit/veritLexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3314fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/veritLexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+ open VeritParser
+ exception Eof
+ let typ_table = Hashtbl.create 53
+ let _ =
+ List.iter (fun (kwd, tok) -> Hashtbl.add typ_table kwd tok)
+ [ "input", INPU;
+ "deep_res", DEEP;
+ "true", TRUE;
+ "false", FALS;
+ "and_pos", ANDP;
+ "and_neg", ANDN;
+ "or_pos", ORP;
+ "or_neg", ORN;
+ "xor_pos1", XORP1;
+ "xor_pos2", XORP2;
+ "xor_neg1", XORN1;
+ "xor_neg2", XORN2;
+ "implies_pos", IMPP;
+ "implies_neg1", IMPN1;
+ "implies_neg2", IMPN2;
+ "equiv_pos1", EQUP1;
+ "equiv_pos2", EQUP2;
+ "equiv_neg1", EQUN1;
+ "equiv_neg2", EQUN2;
+ "ite_pos1", ITEP1;
+ "ite_pos2", ITEP2;
+ "ite_neg1", ITEN1;
+ "ite_neg2", ITEN2;
+ "eq_reflexive", EQRE;
+ "eq_transitive", EQTR;
+ "eq_congruent", EQCO;
+ "eq_congruent_pred", EQCP;
+ "dl_generic", DLGE;
+ "lia_generic", LAGE;
+ "la_generic", LAGE;
+ "la_tautology", LATA;
+ "dl_disequality", DLDE;
+ "la_disequality", LADE;
+ "forall_inst", FINS;
+ "exists_inst", EINS;
+ "skolem_ex_ax", SKEA;
+ "skolem_all_ax", SKAA;
+ "qnt_simplify_ax", QNTS;
+ "qnt_merge_ax", QNTM;
+ "resolution", RESO;
+ "and", AND;
+ "not_or", NOR;
+ "or", OR;
+ "not_and", NAND;
+ "xor1", XOR1;
+ "xor2", XOR2;
+ "not_xor1", NXOR1;
+ "not_xor2", NXOR2;
+ "implies", IMP;
+ "not_implies1", NIMP1;
+ "not_implies2", NIMP2;
+ "equiv1", EQU1;
+ "equiv2", EQU2;
+ "not_equiv1", NEQU1;
+ "not_equiv2", NEQU2;
+ "ite1", ITE1;
+ "ite2", ITE2;
+ "not_ite1", NITE1;
+ "not_ite2", NITE2;
+ "tmp_alphaconv", TPAL;
+ "tmp_LA_pre", TLAP;
+ "tmp_let_elim", TPLE;
+ "tmp_nary_elim", TPNE;
+ "tmp_distinct_elim", TPDE;
+ "tmp_simp_arith", TPSA;
+ "tmp_ite_elim", TPIE;
+ "tmp_macrosubst", TPMA;
+ "tmp_betared", TPBR;
+ "tmp_bfun_elim", TPBE;
+ "tmp_sk_connector", TPSC;
+ "tmp_pm_process", TPPP;
+ "tmp_qnt_tidy", TPQT;
+ "tmp_qnt_simplify", TPQS;
+ "tmp_skolemize", TPSK;
+ "subproof", SUBP ]
+let digit = [ '0'-'9' ]
+let alpha = [ 'a'-'z' 'A' - 'Z' ]
+let blank = [' ' '\t']
+let newline = ['\n' '\r']
+let var = alpha (alpha|digit|'_')*
+let bindvar = '?' var+
+let int = '-'? digit+
+rule token = parse
+ | blank + { token lexbuf }
+ | newline + { EOL }
+ | ":" { COLON }
+ | "#" { SHARP }
+ | "(" { LPAR }
+ | ")" { RPAR }
+ | "not" { NOT }
+ | "xor" { XOR }
+ | "ite" { ITE }
+ | "=" { EQ }
+ | "<" { LT }
+ | "<=" { LEQ }
+ | ">" { GT }
+ | ">=" { GEQ }
+ | "+" { PLUS }
+ | "-" { MINUS }
+ | "~" { OPP }
+ | "*" { MULT }
+ | "=>" { IMP }
+ | "let" { LET }
+ | "distinct" { DIST }
+ | "Formula is Satisfiable" { SAT }
+ | int { try INT (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))
+ with _ ->
+ (Big_int.big_int_of_string
+ (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | var { let v = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ try Hashtbl.find typ_table v with
+ | Not_found -> VAR v }
+ | bindvar { BINDVAR (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | eof { raise Eof }
diff --git a/src/verit/veritParser.mly b/src/verit/veritParser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36b857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/veritParser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+/* */
+/* SMTCoq */
+/* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 */
+/* */
+/* Michaël Armand */
+/* Benjamin Grégoire */
+/* Chantal Keller */
+/* */
+/* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab */
+/* */
+/* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence */
+/* */
+ open SmtAtom
+ open SmtForm
+ open VeritSyntax
+ définition des lexèmes
+%token EOL SAT
+%token LPAR RPAR
+%token <int> INT
+%token <Big_int.big_int> BIGINT
+%token <string> VAR BINDVAR
+/* type de "retour" du parseur : une clause */
+%type <int> line
+%start line
+ | SAT { raise Sat }
+ | INT COLON LPAR typ clause RPAR EOL { mk_clause ($1,$4,$5,[]) }
+ | INT COLON LPAR typ clause clause_ids_params RPAR EOL { mk_clause ($1,$4,$5,$6) }
+ | INPU { Inpu }
+ | DEEP { Deep }
+ | TRUE { True }
+ | FALS { Fals }
+ | ANDP { Andp }
+ | ANDN { Andn }
+ | ORP { Orp }
+ | ORN { Orn }
+ | XORP1 { Xorp1 }
+ | XORP2 { Xorp2 }
+ | XORN1 { Xorn1 }
+ | XORN2 { Xorn2 }
+ | IMPP { Impp }
+ | IMPN1 { Impn1 }
+ | IMPN2 { Impn2 }
+ | EQUP1 { Equp1 }
+ | EQUP2 { Equp2 }
+ | EQUN1 { Equn1 }
+ | EQUN2 { Equn2 }
+ | ITEP1 { Itep1 }
+ | ITEP2 { Itep2 }
+ | ITEN1 { Iten1 }
+ | ITEN2 { Iten2 }
+ | EQRE { Eqre }
+ | EQTR { Eqtr }
+ | EQCO { Eqco }
+ | EQCP { Eqcp }
+ | DLGE { Dlge }
+ | LAGE { Lage }
+ | LATA { Lata }
+ | DLDE { Dlde }
+ | LADE { Lade }
+ | FINS { Fins }
+ | EINS { Eins }
+ | SKEA { Skea }
+ | SKAA { Skaa }
+ | QNTS { Qnts }
+ | QNTM { Qntm }
+ | RESO { Reso }
+ | AND { And }
+ | NOR { Nor }
+ | OR { Or }
+ | NAND { Nand }
+ | XOR1 { Xor1 }
+ | XOR2 { Xor2 }
+ | NXOR1 { Nxor1 }
+ | NXOR2 { Nxor2 }
+ | IMP { Imp }
+ | NIMP1 { Nimp1 }
+ | NIMP2 { Nimp2 }
+ | EQU1 { Equ1 }
+ | EQU2 { Equ2 }
+ | NEQU1 { Nequ1 }
+ | NEQU2 { Nequ2 }
+ | ITE1 { Ite1 }
+ | ITE2 { Ite2 }
+ | NITE1 { Nite1 }
+ | NITE2 { Nite2 }
+ | TPAL { Tpal }
+ | TLAP { Tlap }
+ | TPLE { Tple }
+ | TPNE { Tpne }
+ | TPDE { Tpde }
+ | TPSA { Tpsa }
+ | TPIE { Tpie }
+ | TPMA { Tpma }
+ | TPBR { Tpbr }
+ | TPBE { Tpbe }
+ | TPSC { Tpsc }
+ | TPPP { Tppp }
+ | TPQT { Tpqt }
+ | TPQS { Tpqs }
+ | TPSK { Tpsk }
+ | SUBP { Subp }
+ | LPAR RPAR { [] }
+ | LPAR lit_list RPAR { $2 }
+ | lit { [$1] }
+ | lit lit_list { $1::$2 }
+lit: /* returns a SmtAtom.Form.t */
+ | name_term { lit_of_atom_form_lit rf $1 }
+ | LPAR NOT lit RPAR { Form.neg $3 }
+name_term: /* returns a SmtAtom.Form.pform or a SmtAtom.hatom */
+ | SHARP INT { get_solver $2 }
+ | SHARP INT COLON LPAR term RPAR { let res = $5 in add_solver $2 res; res }
+ | TRUE { Form Form.pform_true }
+ | FALS { Form Form.pform_false }
+ | VAR { Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun $1,[||]))) }
+ | BINDVAR { Hashtbl.find hlets $1 }
+ | INT { Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_int ra $1) }
+ | BIGINT { Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra $1) }
+term: /* returns a SmtAtom.Form.pform or a SmtAtom.hatom */
+ | LPAR term RPAR { $2 }
+ /* Formulae */
+ | TRUE { Form Form.pform_true }
+ | FALS { Form Form.pform_false }
+ | AND lit_list { Form (Fapp (Fand, Array.of_list $2)) }
+ | OR lit_list { Form (Fapp (For, Array.of_list $2)) }
+ | IMP lit_list { Form (Fapp (Fimp, Array.of_list $2)) }
+ | XOR lit_list { Form (Fapp (Fxor, Array.of_list $2)) }
+ | ITE lit_list { Form (Fapp (Fite, Array.of_list $2)) }
+ /* Atoms */
+ | INT { Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_int ra $1) }
+ | BIGINT { Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra $1) }
+ | LT name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_lt ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | LEQ name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_le ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | GT name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_gt ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | GEQ name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_ge ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | PLUS name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_plus ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | MULT name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_mult ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | MINUS name_term name_term { match $2,$3 with |Atom h1, Atom h2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_minus ra h1 h2) | _,_ -> assert false }
+ | MINUS name_term { match $2 with | Atom h -> Atom (Atom.mk_opp ra h) | _ -> assert false }
+ | OPP name_term { match $2 with | Atom h -> Atom (Atom.mk_opp ra h) | _ -> assert false }
+ | DIST args { let a = Array.of_list $2 in Atom (Atom.mk_distinct ra (Atom.type_of a.(0)) a) }
+ | VAR { Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun $1, [||]))) }
+ | VAR args { Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun $1, Array.of_list $2))) }
+ /* Both */
+ | EQ name_term name_term { let t1 = $2 in let t2 = $3 in match t1,t2 with | Atom h1, Atom h2 when (match Atom.type_of h1 with | Tbool -> false | _ -> true) -> Atom (Atom.mk_eq ra (Atom.type_of h1) h1 h2) | _, _ -> Form (Fapp (Fiff, [|lit_of_atom_form_lit rf t1; lit_of_atom_form_lit rf t2|])) }
+ | LET LPAR bindlist RPAR name_term { $3; $5 }
+ | BINDVAR { Hashtbl.find hlets $1 }
+ | LPAR BINDVAR name_term RPAR { Hashtbl.add hlets $2 $3 }
+ | LPAR BINDVAR lit RPAR { Hashtbl.add hlets $2 (Lit $3) }
+ | LPAR BINDVAR name_term RPAR bindlist { Hashtbl.add hlets $2 $3; $5 }
+ | LPAR BINDVAR lit RPAR bindlist { Hashtbl.add hlets $2 (Lit $3); $5 }
+ | name_term { match $1 with Atom h -> [h] | _ -> assert false }
+ | name_term args { match $1 with Atom h -> h::$2 | _ -> assert false }
+ | int_list { $1 }
+ | INT { [$1] }
+ | INT int_list { let x1 = $1 in let x2 = $2 in x1::x2 }
diff --git a/src/verit/veritSyntax.ml b/src/verit/veritSyntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60d34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/veritSyntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+open SmtAtom
+open SmtForm
+open SmtCertif
+open SmtTrace
+(*** Syntax of veriT proof traces ***)
+exception Sat
+type typ = | Inpu | Deep | True | Fals | Andp | Andn | Orp | Orn | Xorp1 | Xorp2 | Xorn1 | Xorn2 | Impp | Impn1 | Impn2 | Equp1 | Equp2 | Equn1 | Equn2 | Itep1 | Itep2 | Iten1 | Iten2 | Eqre | Eqtr | Eqco | Eqcp | Dlge | Lage | Lata | Dlde | Lade | Fins | Eins | Skea | Skaa | Qnts | Qntm | Reso | And | Nor | Or | Nand | Xor1 | Xor2 | Nxor1 | Nxor2 | Imp | Nimp1 | Nimp2 | Equ1 | Equ2 | Nequ1 | Nequ2 | Ite1 | Ite2 | Nite1 | Nite2 | Tpal | Tlap | Tple | Tpne | Tpde | Tpsa | Tpie | Tpma | Tpbr | Tpbe | Tpsc | Tppp | Tpqt | Tpqs | Tpsk | Subp
+(* About equality *)
+let get_eq l =
+ match Form.pform l with
+ | Fatom ha ->
+ (match Atom.atom ha with
+ | Abop (BO_eq _,a,b) -> (a,b)
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.get_eq: equality was expected")
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.get_eq: equality was expected"
+let get_at l =
+ match Form.pform l with
+ | Fatom ha -> ha
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.get_eq: equality was expected"
+let is_eq l =
+ match Form.pform l with
+ | Fatom ha ->
+ (match Atom.atom ha with
+ | Abop (BO_eq _,_,_) -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.get_eq: atom was expected"
+(* Transitivity *)
+let rec process_trans a b prem res =
+ try
+ let (l,(c,c')) = List.find (fun (l,(a',b')) -> (a' = b || b' = b)) prem in
+ let prem = List.filter (fun l' -> l' <> (l,(c,c'))) prem in
+ let c = if c = b then c' else c in
+ if a = c
+ then List.rev (l::res)
+ else process_trans a c prem (l::res)
+ with
+ |Not_found -> if a = b then [] else assert false
+let mkTrans p =
+ let (concl,prem) = List.partition Form.is_pos p in
+ match concl with
+ |[c] ->
+ let a,b = get_eq c in
+ let prem_val = List.map (fun l -> (l,get_eq l)) prem in
+ let cert = (process_trans a b prem_val []) in
+ Other (EqTr (c,cert))
+ |_ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkTrans: no conclusion or more than one conclusion in transitivity"
+(* Congruence *)
+let rec process_congr a_args b_args prem res =
+ match a_args,b_args with
+ | a::a_args,b::b_args ->
+ (* if a = b *)
+ (* then process_congr a_args b_args prem (None::res) *)
+ (* else *)
+ let (l,(a',b')) = List.find (fun (l,(a',b')) -> (a = a' && b = b')||(a = b' && b = a')) prem in
+ process_congr a_args b_args prem ((Some l)::res)
+ | [],[] -> List.rev res
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.process_congr: incorrect number of arguments in function application"
+let mkCongr p =
+ let (concl,prem) = List.partition Form.is_pos p in
+ match concl with
+ |[c] ->
+ let a,b = get_eq c in
+ let prem_val = List.map (fun l -> (l,get_eq l)) prem in
+ (match Atom.atom a, Atom.atom b with
+ | Abop(aop,a1,a2), Abop(bop,b1,b2) when (aop = bop) ->
+ let a_args = [a1;a2] in
+ let b_args = [b1;b2] in
+ let cert = process_congr a_args b_args prem_val [] in
+ Other (EqCgr (c,cert))
+ | Auop (aop,a), Auop (bop,b) when (aop = bop) ->
+ let a_args = [a] in
+ let b_args = [b] in
+ let cert = process_congr a_args b_args prem_val [] in
+ Other (EqCgr (c,cert))
+ | Aapp (a_f,a_args), Aapp (b_f,b_args) ->
+ if a_f = b_f then
+ let cert = process_congr (Array.to_list a_args) (Array.to_list b_args) prem_val [] in
+ Other (EqCgr (c,cert))
+ else failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongr: left function is different from right fucntion"
+ | _, _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongr: atoms are not applications")
+ |_ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongr: no conclusion or more than one conclusion in congruence"
+let mkCongrPred p =
+ let (concl,prem) = List.partition Form.is_pos p in
+ let (prem,prem_P) = List.partition is_eq prem in
+ match concl with
+ |[c] ->
+ (match prem_P with
+ |[p_p] ->
+ let prem_val = List.map (fun l -> (l,get_eq l)) prem in
+ (match Atom.atom (get_at c), Atom.atom (get_at p_p) with
+ | Abop(aop,a1,a2), Abop(bop,b1,b2) when (aop = bop) ->
+ let a_args = [a1;a2] in
+ let b_args = [b1;b2] in
+ let cert = process_congr a_args b_args prem_val [] in
+ Other (EqCgrP (p_p,c,cert))
+ | Aapp (a_f,a_args), Aapp (b_f,b_args) ->
+ if a_f = b_f then
+ let cert = process_congr (Array.to_list a_args) (Array.to_list b_args) prem_val [] in
+ Other (EqCgrP (p_p,c,cert))
+ else failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongrPred: unmatching predicates"
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongrPred : not pred app")
+ |_ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongr: no or more than one predicate app premice in congruence")
+ |[] -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongrPred: no conclusion in congruence"
+ |_ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkCongrPred: more than one conclusion in congruence"
+(* Linear arithmetic *)
+let mkMicromega cl =
+ let _tbl, _f, cert = Lia.build_lia_certif cl in
+ let c =
+ match cert with
+ | None -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkMicromega: micromega can't solve this"
+ | Some c -> c in
+ Other (LiaMicromega (cl,c))
+let mkSplArith orig cl =
+ let res =
+ match cl with
+ | res::nil -> res
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkSplArith: wrong number of literals in the resulting clause" in
+ try
+ let orig' =
+ match orig.value with
+ | Some [orig'] -> orig'
+ | _ -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkSplArith: wrong number of literals in the premise clause" in
+ let _tbl, _f, cert = Lia.build_lia_certif [Form.neg orig';res] in
+ let c =
+ match cert with
+ | None -> failwith "VeritSyntax.mkSplArith: micromega can't solve this"
+ | Some c -> c in
+ Other (SplArith (orig,res,c))
+ with
+ | _ -> Other (ImmFlatten (orig, res))
+(* Elimination of operators *)
+let mkDistinctElim old value =
+ let rec find_res l1 l2 =
+ match l1,l2 with
+ | t1::q1,t2::q2 -> if t1 == t2 then find_res q1 q2 else t2
+ | _, _ -> assert false in
+ let l1 = match old.value with
+ | Some l -> l
+ | None -> assert false in
+ Other (SplDistinctElim (old,find_res l1 value))
+(* Generating clauses *)
+let clauses : (int,Form.t clause) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let get_clause id =
+ try Hashtbl.find clauses id
+ with | Not_found -> failwith ("VeritSyntax.get_clause : clause number "^(string_of_int id)^" not found\n")
+let add_clause id cl = Hashtbl.add clauses id cl
+let clear_clauses () = Hashtbl.clear clauses
+let mk_clause (id,typ,value,ids_params) =
+ let kind =
+ match typ with
+ (* Roots *)
+ | Inpu -> Root
+ (* Cnf conversion *)
+ | True -> Other SmtCertif.True
+ | Fals -> Other False
+ | Andn | Orp | Impp | Xorp1 | Xorn1 | Equp1 | Equn1 | Itep1 | Iten1 ->
+ (match value with
+ | l::_ -> Other (BuildDef l)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Xorp2 | Xorn2 | Equp2 | Equn2 | Itep2 | Iten2 ->
+ (match value with
+ | l::_ -> Other (BuildDef2 l)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Orn | Andp ->
+ (match value,ids_params with
+ | l::_, [p] -> Other (BuildProj (l,p))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Impn1 ->
+ (match value with
+ | l::_ -> Other (BuildProj (l,0))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Impn2 ->
+ (match value with
+ | l::_ -> Other (BuildProj (l,1))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Nand | Or | Imp | Xor1 | Nxor1 | Equ2 | Nequ2 | Ite1 | Nite1 ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | [id] -> Other (ImmBuildDef (get_clause id))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Xor2 | Nxor2 | Equ1 | Nequ1 | Ite2 | Nite2 ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | [id] -> Other (ImmBuildDef2 (get_clause id))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | And | Nor ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | [id;p] -> Other (ImmBuildProj (get_clause id,p))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Nimp1 ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | [id] -> Other (ImmBuildProj (get_clause id,0))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Nimp2 ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | [id] -> Other (ImmBuildProj (get_clause id,1))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ (* Equality *)
+ | Eqre -> mkTrans value
+ | Eqtr -> mkTrans value
+ | Eqco -> mkCongr value
+ | Eqcp -> mkCongrPred value
+ (* Linear integer arithmetic *)
+ | Dlge | Lage | Lata -> mkMicromega value
+ | Lade -> mkMicromega value (* TODO: utiliser un solveur plus simple *)
+ | Dlde ->
+ (match value with
+ | l::_ -> Other (LiaDiseq l)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ (* Resolution *)
+ | Reso ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | cl1::cl2::q ->
+ let res = {rc1 = get_clause cl1; rc2 = get_clause cl2; rtail = List.map get_clause q} in
+ Res res
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ (* Simplifications *)
+ | Tpal ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | id::_ -> Same (get_clause id)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Tple ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | id::_ -> Same (get_clause id)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Tpde ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | id::_ -> mkDistinctElim (get_clause id) value
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Tpsa | Tlap ->
+ (match ids_params with
+ | id::_ -> mkSplArith (get_clause id) value
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ (* Not implemented *)
+ | Deep -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule deep_res not implemented yet"
+ | Fins -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule forall_inst not implemented yet"
+ | Eins -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule exists_inst not implemented yet"
+ | Skea -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule skolem_ex_ax not implemented yet"
+ | Skaa -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule skolem_all_ax not implemented yet"
+ | Qnts -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule qnt_simplify_ax not implemented yet"
+ | Qntm -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule qnt_merge_ax not implemented yet"
+ | Tpne -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_nary_elim not implemented yet"
+ | Tpie -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_ite_elim not implemented yet"
+ | Tpma -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_macrosubst not implemented yet"
+ | Tpbr -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_betared not implemented yet"
+ | Tpbe -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_bfun_elim not implemented yet"
+ | Tpsc -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_sk_connector not implemented yet"
+ | Tppp -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_pm_process not implemented yet"
+ | Tpqt -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_qnt_tidy not implemented yet"
+ | Tpqs -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_qnt_simplify not implemented yet"
+ | Tpsk -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule tmp_skolemize not implemented yet"
+ | Subp -> failwith "VeritSyntax.ml: rule subproof not implemented yet"
+ in
+ let cl =
+ (* TODO: change this into flatten when necessary *)
+ if SmtTrace.isRoot kind then SmtTrace.mkRootV value
+ else SmtTrace.mk_scertif kind (Some value) in
+ add_clause id cl;
+ if id > 1 then SmtTrace.link (get_clause (id-1)) cl;
+ id
+type atom_form_lit =
+ | Atom of SmtAtom.Atom.t
+ | Form of SmtAtom.Form.pform
+ | Lit of SmtAtom.Form.t
+let lit_of_atom_form_lit rf = function
+ | Atom a -> Form.get rf (Fatom a)
+ | Form f -> Form.get rf f
+ | Lit l -> l
+let solver : (int,atom_form_lit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let get_solver id =
+ try Hashtbl.find solver id
+ with | Not_found -> failwith ("VeritSyntax.get_solver : solver variable number "^(string_of_int id)^" not found\n")
+let add_solver id cl = Hashtbl.add solver id cl
+let clear_solver () = Hashtbl.clear solver
+let btypes : (string,btype) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let get_btype id =
+ try Hashtbl.find btypes id
+ with | Not_found -> failwith ("VeritSyntax.get_btype : sort symbol \""^id^"\" not found\n")
+let add_btype id cl = Hashtbl.add btypes id cl
+let clear_btypes () = Hashtbl.clear btypes
+let funs : (string,indexed_op) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let get_fun id =
+ try Hashtbl.find funs id
+ with | Not_found -> failwith ("VeritSyntax.get_fun : function symbol \""^id^"\" not found\n")
+let add_fun id cl = Hashtbl.add funs id cl
+let clear_funs () = Hashtbl.clear funs
+let ra = Atom.create ()
+let rf = Form.create ()
+let hlets : (string, atom_form_lit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let clear () =
+ clear_clauses ();
+ clear_solver ();
+ clear_btypes ();
+ clear_funs ();
+ Atom.clear ra;
+ Form.clear rf;
+ Hashtbl.clear hlets
diff --git a/src/verit/veritSyntax.mli b/src/verit/veritSyntax.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9813b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verit/veritSyntax.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+exception Sat
+type typ = | Inpu | Deep | True | Fals | Andp | Andn | Orp | Orn | Xorp1 | Xorp2 | Xorn1 | Xorn2 | Impp | Impn1 | Impn2 | Equp1 | Equp2 | Equn1 | Equn2 | Itep1 | Itep2 | Iten1 | Iten2 | Eqre | Eqtr | Eqco | Eqcp | Dlge | Lage | Lata | Dlde | Lade | Fins | Eins | Skea | Skaa | Qnts | Qntm | Reso | And | Nor | Or | Nand | Xor1 | Xor2 | Nxor1 | Nxor2 | Imp | Nimp1 | Nimp2 | Equ1 | Equ2 | Nequ1 | Nequ2 | Ite1 | Ite2 | Nite1 | Nite2 | Tpal | Tlap | Tple | Tpne | Tpde | Tpsa | Tpie | Tpma | Tpbr | Tpbe | Tpsc | Tppp | Tpqt | Tpqs | Tpsk | Subp
+val get_clause : int -> SmtAtom.Form.t SmtCertif.clause
+val add_clause : int -> SmtAtom.Form.t SmtCertif.clause -> unit
+val mk_clause : SmtCertif.clause_id * typ * SmtAtom.Form.t list * SmtCertif.clause_id list -> SmtCertif.clause_id
+type atom_form_lit =
+ | Atom of SmtAtom.Atom.t
+ | Form of SmtAtom.Form.pform
+ | Lit of SmtAtom.Form.t
+val lit_of_atom_form_lit : SmtAtom.Form.reify -> atom_form_lit -> SmtAtom.Form.t
+val get_solver : int -> atom_form_lit
+val add_solver : int -> atom_form_lit -> unit
+val get_btype : string -> SmtAtom.btype
+val add_btype : string -> SmtAtom.btype -> unit
+val get_fun : string -> SmtAtom.indexed_op
+val add_fun : string -> SmtAtom.indexed_op -> unit
+val ra : SmtAtom.Atom.reify_tbl
+val rf : SmtAtom.Form.reify
+val hlets : (string, atom_form_lit) Hashtbl.t
+val clear : unit -> unit