path: root/src/zchaff/satParser.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/zchaff/satParser.ml')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/zchaff/satParser.ml b/src/zchaff/satParser.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..731d499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zchaff/satParser.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+type lex_buff = {
+ buff : string;
+ mutable curr_char : int;
+ mutable buff_end : int;
+ in_ch : in_channel
+ }
+let buff_length = 1024
+let open_file s name =
+ try
+ let in_channel = open_in name in
+ let buff = String.create buff_length in
+ let buff_end = input in_channel buff 0 buff_length in
+ { buff = buff; curr_char = 0; buff_end = buff_end; in_ch = in_channel }
+ with _ ->
+ Printf.printf ("%s file %s does not exists.\n") s name;
+ exit 1
+let close lb =
+ lb.buff_end <- 0;
+ close_in lb.in_ch
+let eof lb = lb.buff_end == 0
+let curr_char lb =
+ if eof lb then raise End_of_file
+ else lb.buff.[lb.curr_char]
+let refill lb =
+ let ne = input lb.in_ch lb.buff 0 buff_length in
+ lb.curr_char <- 0;
+ lb.buff_end <- ne
+(* Unsafe function *)
+let is_space c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
+let is_space_ret c = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'
+let skip to_skip lb =
+ while not (eof lb) && to_skip lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] do
+ while lb.curr_char < lb.buff_end && to_skip lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] do
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1
+ done;
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb
+ done
+let skip_space lb = skip is_space lb
+let skip_blank lb = skip is_space_ret lb
+let skip_string lb s =
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ let pos = ref 0 in
+ while !pos < slen && not (eof lb) && lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] == s.[!pos] do
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1;
+ incr pos;
+ while !pos < slen && lb.curr_char < lb.buff_end && lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] == s.[!pos] do
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1;
+ incr pos
+ done;
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb
+ done;
+ !pos = slen
+let match_string lb s =
+ if not (skip_string lb s) then raise (Invalid_argument ("match_string "^s))
+let aux_buff = String.create buff_length
+let aux_be = ref 0
+let aux_pi = ref 0
+let aux_cc = ref 0
+let save_lb lb =
+ aux_cc := lb.curr_char;
+ aux_be := lb.buff_end;
+ aux_pi := pos_in lb.in_ch;
+ String.blit lb.buff !aux_cc aux_buff !aux_cc (!aux_be - !aux_cc)
+let restore_lb lb =
+ lb.curr_char <- !aux_cc;
+ lb.buff_end <- !aux_be;
+ seek_in lb.in_ch !aux_pi;
+ String.blit aux_buff !aux_cc lb.buff !aux_cc (!aux_be - !aux_cc)
+let check_string lb s =
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ if String.length s <= lb.buff_end - lb.curr_char then
+ let cc = lb.curr_char in
+ let pos = ref 0 in
+ while !pos < slen && lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] == s.[!pos] do
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1;
+ incr pos
+ done;
+ if !pos = slen then begin
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb;
+ true
+ end else begin
+ lb.curr_char <- cc;
+ false
+ end
+ else begin
+ save_lb lb;
+ let b = skip_string lb s in
+ if not b then restore_lb lb;
+ b
+ end
+let blank_check_string lb s =
+ skip_blank lb;
+ check_string lb s
+let blank_match_string lb s =
+ skip_blank lb;
+ match_string lb s
+let is_digit c =
+ '0' <= c && c <= '9'
+let is_start_int lb =
+ skip_blank lb;
+ not (eof lb) && (is_digit lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] || lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] == '-')
+let input_int lb =
+ if eof lb then raise End_of_file
+ else begin
+ let sign =
+ if lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] == '-' then begin
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1;
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb;
+ -1
+ end else
+ 1 in
+ if eof lb then raise End_of_file;
+ if not (is_digit lb.buff.[lb.curr_char]) then raise (Invalid_argument "input_int");
+ let n = ref (Char.code lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] - Char.code '0') in
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1;
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb;
+ while not (eof lb) && is_digit lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] do
+ while lb.curr_char < lb.buff_end && is_digit lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] do
+ n := !n*10 + (Char.code lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] - Char.code '0');
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1
+ done;
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb
+ done;
+ sign * !n
+ end
+let input_blank_int lb =
+ skip_blank lb;
+ input_int lb
+let skip_line lb =
+ let notfound = ref true in
+ while not (eof lb) && !notfound do
+ while lb.curr_char < lb.buff_end && !notfound do
+ if lb.buff.[lb.curr_char] == '\n' then notfound := false;
+ lb.curr_char <- lb.curr_char + 1
+ done;
+ if lb.curr_char = lb.buff_end then refill lb
+ done