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authorYann Herklotz <>2021-09-28 20:08:07 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <>2021-09-28 20:08:07 +0100
commit63390015522177818f8243754186adb415345814 (patch)
parent1d28ea5932620dd194147d4fc7f5bb3fb4926587 (diff)
Add repository descriptions
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conf/gitolite.conf b/conf/gitolite.conf
index f059815..b3eb80d 100644
--- a/conf/gitolite.conf
+++ b/conf/gitolite.conf
@@ -48,5 +48,38 @@ repo emacs-zettelkasten
repo verismith
desc = Verilog Fuzzer to test the major simulators and sythesisers by generating random, valid Verilog.
+repo leela
+ desc = Ray tracer written in pure rust running on the CPU.
+repo Vivant
+ desc = OpenGL low-poly terrain generation written in Haskell.
+repo alluvial-hs
+ desc = Alluvial diagram generation for Tex using Haskell.
+repo FMark
+ desc = Commonmark parser written in F\# with various extensions added such as macros.
+repo median-cut
+ desc = Median cut illumination map generation implementation implemented in Haskell.
+repo mirror-ball
+ desc = Mirror ball ray tracing implementation.
+repo pfm
+ desc = Haskell parser for the pfm file format for HDR images.
+repo YAGE
+ desc = YAGE game engine implementation.
+repo MipsCPU
+ desc = Cycle accurate MIPS CPU simulation.
+repo Compiler
+ desc = MIPS Compiler implemented in standard C++.
+repo Simplex
+ desc = Simplex algorithm implementation for integer linear programming.
repo private/formal_hls
RW+ = ymherklotz