path: root/tool-figure.tex
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <>2020-12-17 14:04:42 +0000
committeroverleaf <overleaf@localhost>2020-12-31 14:48:38 +0000
commita5249eb597549437802d2ed852919e5b9a923840 (patch)
tree29a32aa1fba1dc0211be88497884d0c7a2db1690 /tool-figure.tex
parentea9289245fbc493530e9435faf498cc4a824c70f (diff)
Update on Overleaf.
Diffstat (limited to 'tool-figure.tex')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/tool-figure.tex b/tool-figure.tex
index efdaf95..a7e0131 100644
--- a/tool-figure.tex
+++ b/tool-figure.tex
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
file/.style={draw=none, fill=black!25, shape=circle, minimum width=5mm},
-block/.style={draw, minimum width=20mm, minimum height=8mm,align=center},
+block/.style={draw, minimum height=8mm,align=center},
- \node[block] (csmith) at (-2,1) {\strut Csmith};
- \node[block] (pragma) at (0,-1) {\strut pragma \\ generation};
- \node[block] (gcc) at (4,1) {\strut GCC};
- \node[block] (hls) at (4,-1) {\strut HLS};
- \node[block] (eq) at (8,1) {\strut co-simulation \\ checking };
- \node[block] (red) at (8,-1) {\strut reduction};
+ \node[block] (csmith) at (-1.3,1) {\strut Csmith};
+ \node[block] (pragma) at (-0.2,-1) {\strut pragma \\ generation};
+ \node[block] (gcc) at (2,1) {\strut GCC};
+ \node[block] (hls) at (3.2,-1) {\strut HLS tool \\ under test};
+ \node[block] (eq) at (5.5,1) {\strut co-simulation \\ checking };
+ \node[block] (red) at (5.8,-1) {\strut reduction};
\draw[-latex] (csmith.east) to [out=0, in=90] (pragma.north) ;
\draw[-latex] (csmith.east) to [auto] node {C program} (gcc.west);
- \draw[-latex] (pragma) to [auto] node[align=center] {C program $+$ \\ directives} (hls) ;
+ \draw[-latex] (pragma) to [auto] node[align=center] {C program \\ $+$ \\ directives} (hls) ;
\draw[-latex] (gcc) to [auto] node {executable} (eq);
- \draw[-latex] (hls) to [auto] node[inner sep=0] {Verilog program} (eq) ;
- \draw[-latex,dashed,red] (eq) to [auto] node [red] {fail} (red) ;
+ \draw[-latex] (hls) to [auto, pos=0.3] node[inner sep=0, align=center] {Verilog \\ program} (eq) ;
+ \draw[-latex,dashed,red] (eq) to [auto, pos=0.7] node [red] {fail} (red) ;
\draw[-latex,dashed,red] (hls) to [auto] node [red] {crash} (red) ;
% marking the test harness
%\node[] (label) at (3.7,1.75) {\strut Test harness} ;
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ block/.style={draw, minimum width=20mm, minimum height=8mm,align=center},
% \includegraphics{}
\caption{The overall flow of our approach to fuzzing HLS tools.}