path: root/tool-figure.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool-figure.tex')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/tool-figure.tex b/tool-figure.tex
index 8c140a7..f909da1 100644
--- a/tool-figure.tex
+++ b/tool-figure.tex
@@ -19,14 +19,12 @@ block/.style={draw, minimum width=20mm, minimum height=8mm,align=center},
\draw[-latex,dashed,red] (eq) to [auto] node [red] {fail} (red) ;
\draw[-latex,dashed,red] (hls) to [auto] node [red] {crash} (red) ;
% marking the test harness
- \node[] (label) at (3.7,1.75) {\strut Test harness} ;
- \draw[-,dashed] (2.85,2) -- (2.85,-1.6) -- (5.2,-1.6) -- (5.2,-0.6) -- (7.1,0.3) -- (9.2,0.3) -- (9.2,2) -- (2.8,2) ;
+ %\node[] (label) at (3.7,1.75) {\strut Test harness} ;
+ %\draw[-,dashed] (2.85,2) -- (2.85,-1.6) -- (5.2,-1.6) -- (5.2,-0.6) -- (7.1,0.3) -- (9.2,0.3) -- (9.2,2) -- (2.8,2) ;
%\draw[-latex] (pragma) [out=360-15,in=180+15] to (red);
%\node[] () at (4,-2) {C program};
% \includegraphics{}
- \caption{A figure that shows the overall flow.
- \NR{Is that more accurate now? Do programs that crash get reduced? Do pragmas get reduced too?}\YH{Yes that is accurate, crashes and failures are reduced now.}
- }
+ \caption{The overall flow of our approach for fuzzing HLS tools.}