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@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ It has an unlimited number of pseudo-registers, and is represented as a control
This section will introduce Verilog for readers who may not be familiar with the language, concentrating on the features that are used in the output of \vericert{}. Verilog is a hardware description language (HDL) and is used to design hardware ranging from complete CPUs that are eventually produced as an integrated circuit, to small application-specific accelerators that are placed on an FPGA. Verilog is a popular language because it allows for fine-grained control over the hardware, and also provides high-level constructs to simplify the development.
Verilog behaves quite differently to standard software programming languages due to it having to express the parallel nature of hardware. The basic construct to achieve this is the always-block, which is a collection of assignments that are executed every time some event occurs. In the case of \vericert{}, this event is either a positive (rising) or a negative (falling) clock edge. All always-blocks triggering on the same event are executed in parallel. Always-blocks can also express control-flow using if-statements and case-statements.
-\NR{Might be useful to talk about registers must be updated only within an always block.} \JW{That's important for Verilog programming in general, but is it necessary for understanding this paper?}
+\NR{Might be useful to talk about registers must be updated only within an always block.} \JW{That's important for Verilog programming in general, but is it necessary for understanding this paper?}\YH{Yeah, I don't think it is too important for this section.}
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@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ The contributions of this paper are as follows:
\item In Section~\ref{sec:proof}, we describe how we proved the correctness theorem. The proof follows standard \compcert{} techniques -- forward simulations, intermediate specifications, and determinism results -- but we encountered several challenges peculiar to our hardware-oriented setting. %\NR{`specific' is better than `peculiar'?} %JW: I think this is a nice use of peculiar. Note that it means `distinctive' here, not `weird' -- the third meaning at
These include handling discrepancies between the byte-addressed memory assumed by the input software and the word-addressed memory that we implement in the output hardware, different handling of unsigned comparisons between C and Verilog, and carefully implementing memory reads and writes so that these behave properly as a RAM in hardware.
%\JW{Not sure `rearranging' is quite the right word. Sounds like you're rearranging independent reads/writes w.r.t. each other. Maybe change `correctly rearranging' to `carefully implementing'?}
- \item In Section~\ref{sec:evaluation}, we evaluate \vericert{} on the \polybench{} benchmark suite~\cite{polybench}, and compare the performance of our generated hardware against an existing, unverified HLS tool called \legup{}~\cite{canis11_legup}. We show that \vericert{} generates hardware that is \slowdownOrig$\times$ slower (\slowdownDiv$\times$ slower in the absence of division) and \areaIncr$\times$ larger than that generated by \legup{}. This performance gap can be largely attributed to \vericert{}'s current lack of support for instruction-level parallelism and the absence of an efficient, pipelined division operator. We intend to close this gap in the future by introducing (and verifying) HLS optimisations of our own, such as scheduling and memory analysis. \JW{This section also reports on our campaign to fuzz-test \vericert{} using over a hundred thousand random C programs generated by Csmith~\cite{yang11_findin_under_bugs_c_compil} in order to confirm that its correctness theorem is watertight.} %\NR{Question rather than comment: Will there be verification issues to add support for hard IPs like division blocks?}\YH{Not really any issues, just many different levels of reliability. You don't have to prove IP correct, but theoretically could.}
+ \item In Section~\ref{sec:evaluation}, we evaluate \vericert{} on the \polybench{} benchmark suite~\cite{polybench}, and compare the performance of our generated hardware against an existing, unverified HLS tool called \legup{}~\cite{canis11_legup}. We show that \vericert{} generates hardware that is \slowdownOrig$\times$ slower (\slowdownDiv$\times$ slower in the absence of division) and \areaIncr$\times$ larger than that generated by \legup{}. This performance gap can be largely attributed to \vericert{}'s current lack of support for instruction-level parallelism and the absence of an efficient, pipelined division operator. We intend to close this gap in the future by introducing (and verifying) HLS optimisations of our own, such as scheduling and memory analysis. This section also reports on our campaign to fuzz-test \vericert{} using over a hundred thousand random C programs generated by Csmith~\cite{yang11_findin_under_bugs_c_compil} in order to confirm that its correctness theorem is watertight. %\NR{Question rather than comment: Will there be verification issues to add support for hard IPs like division blocks?}\YH{Not really any issues, just many different levels of reliability. You don't have to prove IP correct, but theoretically could.}
%\JW{This sentence seems pretty good to me; is it up-to-date with the latest `challenges' you've faced?}
\vericert{} is fully open source and available online.
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\newcommand{\Comment}[3]{\ifCOMMENTS\textcolor{#1}{{\bf [\![#2:} #3{\bf ]\!]}}\fi}
diff --git a/related.tex b/related.tex
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@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Most practical HLS tools~\citep{canis11_legup,xilinx20_vivad_high_synth,intel20_
Ongoing work in translation validation~\citep{pnueli98_trans} seeks to prove equivalence between the hardware generated by an HLS tool and the original behavioural description in C. An example of a tool that implements this is Mentor's Catapult~\citep{mentor20_catap_high_level_synth}, which tries to match the states in the 3AC description to states in the original C code after an unverified translation. Using translation validation is quite effective for verifying complex optimisations such as scheduling~\citep{kim04_autom_fsmd,karfa06_formal_verif_method_sched_high_synth,chouksey20_verif_sched_condit_behav_high_level_synth} or code motion~\citep{banerjee14_verif_code_motion_techn_using_value_propag,chouksey19_trans_valid_code_motion_trans_invol_loops}, but the validation has to be run every time the HLS is performed. In addition to that, the proofs are often not mechanised or directly related to the actual implementation, meaning the verifying algorithm might be wrong and hence could give false positives or false negatives.
-Finally, there are a few relevant mechanically verified tools. First, K\^{o}ika is a formally verified translator from a core fragment of BlueSpec into a circuit representation which can then be printed as a Verilog design. This is a translation from a high-level hardware description language into an equivalent circuit representation, so is a different approach to HLS. \citet{loow19_proof_trans_veril_devel_hol} used a proof-producing translator from HOL4 code describing state transitions into Verilog to design a verified processor, which is described further by \citet{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces}. \citet{10.1145/3437992.3439916} has also worked on formally verifying a logic synthesis tool that can transform hardware descriptions into low-level netlists.
+Finally, there are a few relevant mechanically verified tools. First, K\^{o}ika is a formally verified translator from a core fragment of BlueSpec into a circuit representation which can then be printed as a Verilog design. This is a translation from a high-level hardware description language into an equivalent circuit representation, so is a different approach to HLS. \citet{loow19_proof_trans_veril_devel_hol} used a proof-producing translator from HOL4 code describing state transitions into Verilog to design a verified processor, which is described further by \citet{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces}. \citet{10.1145/3437992.3439916} has also worked on formally verifying a logic synthesis tool that can transform hardware descriptions into low-level netlists. This synthesis backend can seemlessly integrate with the proof-producing HOL4 to Verilog translator as it is based on the same Verilog semantics, and therefore creates verified translation from HOL4 circuit descriptions to synthesised Verilog netlists.
Perna et al. designed a formally verified translator from a deep embedding of Handel-C~\citep{aubury1996handel} into a deep embedding of a circuit~\cite{perna12_mechan_wire_wise_verif_handel_c_synth,perna11_correc_hardw_synth}.
Finally, \citet{ellis08} used Isabelle to implement and reason about intermediate languages for software/hardware compilation, where parts could be implemented in hardware and the correctness could still be shown.