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diff --git a/evaluation.tex b/evaluation.tex
index a80ee79..0147bdc 100644
--- a/evaluation.tex
+++ b/evaluation.tex
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ By looking at the median, when division/modulo operations are enabled, we see th
To gain further confidence that the Verilog designs generated by \vericert{} are actually correct, and that the correctness theorem is indeed effective, we fuzzed \vericert{} using Csmith~\cite{yang11_findin_under_bugs_c_compil}. \citeauthor{yang11_findin_under_bugs_c_compil} previously used Csmith in an extensive fuzzing campaign on CompCert and found a handful of bugs in the unverified parts of that compiler, so it is natural to explore whether it can find bugs in \vericert{} too. \citet{herklotz21_empir_study_reliab_high_level_synth_tools} have recently used Csmith to fuzz other HLS tools including \legup{}, so we configured Csmith in a similar way. In addition to the features turned off by \citeauthor{herklotz21_empir_study_reliab_high_level_synth_tools}, we turned off the generation of global variables and non-32-bit operations. The generated designs were tested by simulating them and comparing the output value to the results of compiling the test-cases with GCC 10.3.0.
The results of the fuzzing run are shown in Fig.~\ref{tab:fuzzing}. Out of 155267 test-cases generated by Csmith, 26\% of them passed, meaning they compiled without error and resulted in the same final value as GCC. Most of the test-cases, 73.97\%, failed at compile time. The most common reasons for this were unsigned comparisons between integers (\vericert{} requires them to be signed), and the presence of 8-bit operations (which \vericert{} does not support, and which we could not turn off due to a limitation in Csmith). % The latter programs are present because of a slight limitation with how Csmith can be configured, as it does not allow 8-bit operations to be turned off completely, and will get stuck when it generates the C code.
-Because the test-cases generated by Csmith could not be tailored exactly to the C fragment that \vericert{} supports, such a high compile-time failure rate is not unexpected. Finally, and most interestingly, there were a total of 39 run-time failures, which the correctness theorem should be proving impossible. However, all 39 of these failures are due to a bug in the pretty-printing of the final Verilog code, where a logical negation (\texttt{!}) was accidentally used instead of a bitwise negation (\verb|~|). Once this bug was fixed, all test-cases passed.
+Because the test-cases generated by Csmith could not be tailored exactly to the C fragment that \vericert{} supports, such a high compile-time failure rate is expected. Finally, and most interestingly, there were a total of 39 run-time failures, which the correctness theorem should be proving impossible. However, all 39 of these failures are due to a bug in the pretty-printing of the final Verilog code, where a logical negation (\texttt{!}) was accidentally used instead of a bitwise negation (\verb|~|). Once this bug was fixed, all test-cases passed.
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diff --git a/limitations.tex b/limitations.tex
index a470028..cedd3b4 100644
--- a/limitations.tex
+++ b/limitations.tex
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The introduction of pipelined operators to \vericert{}, especially for division,
\paragraph{Limitations with I/O}
-\vericert{} is currently limited in terms of I/O because the main function cannot accept any arguments if the Clight program is to be well-formed.\footnote{Technically, \vericert{} (and indeed, \compcert{}) can compile main functions that have arbitrary arguments and will handle those inputs appropriately, but the correctness theorem offers no guarantees about such programs.} Moreover, external function calls that produce traces have not been implemented yet, but once they have, they could enable the C program to read and write values on a bus that is shared with various other components in the hardware design.
+\vericert{} is currently limited in terms of I/O because the main function cannot accept any arguments if the Clight program is to be well-formed.\footnote{Technically, \vericert{} (and indeed, \compcert{}) can compile main functions that have arbitrary arguments and will handle those inputs appropriately, but the correctness theorem offers no guarantees about such programs.} Moreover, external function calls that produce traces have not been implemented yet, but these could enable the C program to read and write values on a bus that is shared with various other components in the hardware design.
\paragraph{Lack of support for global variables}
In \compcert{}, each global variable is stored in its own memory. A generalisation of our translation of the stack into a RAM block could therefore translate global variables in the same manner. This would require a slight generalisation of pointers so that they store provenance information to ensure that each pointer accesses the right RAM. It would also be necessary to generalise the RAM interface so that it decodes the provenance information and indexes the correct array.
diff --git a/related.tex b/related.tex
index 2ec5114..656bc1a 100644
--- a/related.tex
+++ b/related.tex
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ A summary of the related works can be found in Fig.~\ref{fig:related_euler}, whi
Most practical HLS tools~\citep{canis11_legup,xilinx20_vivad_high_synth,intel20_sdk_openc_applic,nigam20_predic_accel_desig_time_sensit_affin_types} fit into the category of usable tools that take high-level inputs. On the other end of the spectrum, there are tools such as BEDROC~\citep{chapman92_verif_bedroc} for which there is no practical tool, and even though it is described as high-level synthesis, it more closely resembles today's logic synthesis tools.
-Ongoing work in translation validation~\citep{pnueli98_trans} seeks to prove equivalence between the hardware generated by an HLS tool and the original behavioural description in C. An example of a tool that implements this is Mentor's Catapult~\citep{mentor20_catap_high_level_synth}, which tries to match the states in the 3AC description to states in the original C code after an unverified translation. Using translation validation is quite effective for verifying complex optimisations such as scheduling~\citep{kim04_autom_fsmd,karfa06_formal_verif_method_sched_high_synth,chouksey20_verif_sched_condit_behav_high_level_synth} or code motion~\citep{banerjee14_verif_code_motion_techn_using_value_propag,chouksey19_trans_valid_code_motion_trans_invol_loops}, but the validation has to be run every time the HLS is performed. In addition to that, the proofs are often not mechanised or directly related to the actual implementation, meaning the verifying algorithm might be wrong and hence could give false positives or false negatives.
+Ongoing work in translation validation~\citep{pnueli98_trans} seeks to prove equivalence between the hardware generated by an HLS tool and the original behavioural description in C. An example of a tool that implements this is Mentor's Catapult~\citep{mentor20_catap_high_level_synth}, which tries to match the states in the hardware description to states in the original C code after an unverified translation. Using translation validation is quite effective for verifying complex optimisations such as scheduling~\citep{kim04_autom_fsmd,karfa06_formal_verif_method_sched_high_synth,chouksey20_verif_sched_condit_behav_high_level_synth} or code motion~\citep{banerjee14_verif_code_motion_techn_using_value_propag,chouksey19_trans_valid_code_motion_trans_invol_loops}, but the validation has to be run every time the HLS is performed. In addition to that, the proofs are often not mechanised or directly related to the actual implementation, meaning the verifying algorithm might be wrong and hence could give false positives or false negatives.
Finally, there are a few relevant mechanically verified tools. First, K\^{o}ika is a formally verified translator from a core fragment of BlueSpec into a circuit representation which can then be printed as a Verilog design. This is a translation from a high-level hardware description language into an equivalent circuit representation, so is a different approach to HLS. \citet{loow19_proof_trans_veril_devel_hol} used a proof-producing translator from HOL4 code describing state transitions into Verilog to design a verified processor, which is described further by \citet{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces}. \citet{10.1145/3437992.3439916} has also worked on formally verifying a logic synthesis tool that can transform hardware descriptions into low-level netlists. This synthesis back end can seamlessly integrate with the proof-producing HOL4 to Verilog translator as it is based on the same Verilog semantics, and therefore creates verified translation from HOL4 circuit descriptions to synthesised Verilog netlists.
Perna et al. designed a formally verified translator from a deep embedding of Handel-C~\citep{aubury1996handel} into a deep embedding of a circuit~\cite{perna12_mechan_wire_wise_verif_handel_c_synth,perna11_correc_hardw_synth}.