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diff --git a/algorithm.tex b/algorithm.tex
index 71add1f..737031b 100644
--- a/algorithm.tex
+++ b/algorithm.tex
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ The .NET framework has been used as a basis for other HLS tools, such as Kiwi~\c
\draw[->,thick] (htl.west) to [out=180,in=150] (4,-2.2) to [out=330,in=270] (htl.south);
\caption{\vericert{} as a Verilog back end to \compcert{}.
-%\JW{Did we ought to add CompCert's other back ends to the diagram? X86 etc? Otherwise it might look like we have a very out-of-date view of CompCert.}}%
+%\JW{Did we ought to add CompCert's other back ends to the diagram? X86 etc? Otherwise it might look like we have a very out-of-date view of CompCert.}%
@@ -307,10 +308,10 @@ A high-level overview of the architecture and of the RAM interface can be seen i
\paragraph{Translating instructions}
-\JW{Most 3AC instructions correspond to hardware constructs.}
+Most 3AC instructions correspond to hardware constructs.
%Each 3AC instruction either corresponds to a hardware construct or does not have to be handled by the translation, such as function calls (because of inlining). \JW{Are function calls the only 3AC instruction that we ignore? (And I guess return statements too for the same reason.)}\YH{Actually, return instructions are translated (because you can return from main whenever), so call instructions (Icall, Ibuiltin and Itailcall) are the only functions that are not handled.}
% JW: Thanks; please check proposed new text.
-For example, line 2 in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_rtl} shows a 32-bit register \texttt{x5} being initialised to 3, after which the control flow moves execution to line 3. This initialisation is also encoded in the Verilog generated from HTL at state 8 in both the control logic and data-path always-blocks, shown in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_v}. Simple operator instructions are translated in a similar way. For example, the add instruction is just translated to the built-in add operator, similarly for the multiply operator. All 32-bit instructions can be translated in this way, but some special instructions require extra care. One such is the \texttt{Oshrximm} instruction, which is discussed further in Section~\ref{sec:algorithm:optimisation:oshrximm}. Another is the \texttt{Oshldimm} instruction, which is a left rotate instruction that has no Verilog equivalent and therefore has to be implemented in terms of other operations and proven to be equivalent. \JW{The only 32-bit instructions that we do not translate are those related to function calls (\texttt{Icall}, \texttt{Ibuiltin}, and \texttt{Itailcall}), because of inlining.}
+For example, line 2 in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_rtl} shows a 32-bit register \texttt{x5} being initialised to 3, after which the control flow moves execution to line 3. This initialisation is also encoded in the Verilog generated from HTL at state 8 in both the control logic and data-path always-blocks, shown in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_v}. Simple operator instructions are translated in a similar way. For example, the add instruction is just translated to the built-in add operator, similarly for the multiply operator. All 32-bit instructions can be translated in this way, but some special instructions require extra care. One such is the \texttt{Oshrximm} instruction, which is discussed further in Section~\ref{sec:algorithm:optimisation:oshrximm}. Another is the \texttt{Oshldimm} instruction, which is a left rotate instruction that has no Verilog equivalent and therefore has to be implemented in terms of other operations and proven to be equivalent. The only 32-bit instructions that we do not translate are those related to function calls (\texttt{Icall}, \texttt{Ibuiltin}, and \texttt{Itailcall}), because of inlining.
\subsubsection{Translating HTL to Verilog}