path: root/algorithm.tex
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diff --git a/algorithm.tex b/algorithm.tex
index 332ca92..2c4f577 100644
--- a/algorithm.tex
+++ b/algorithm.tex
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This section covers the main architecture of the HLS tool, and the way in which
First of all, the choice of C for the input language of \vericert{} is because it is the most widely supported language for HLS, and most major HLS tools also use it as an input. As a lot of existing code is also written in C for HLS, supporting C as an input language compared to a custom domain-specific language means that \vericert{} is more practical. \JW{Can we mention one or two alternatives that we considered?}
\paragraph{Choice of target language}
-Next, Verilog~\cite{06_ieee_stand_veril_hardw_descr_languag} is a hardware description language commonly used to design hardware. A Verilog design can then be synthesised into logic gates which describes how different gates connect to each other, called a netlist. This representation can then be mapped onto either a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) or turned into an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) to implement the design that was described in Verilog. Verilog was chosen as the output language for \vericert{} because it is one of the most popular hardware description languages and there already exist a few formal semantics for it that could be used as a target~\cite{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces,meredith10_veril}. \JW{Can we mention one or two alternatives that we considered? Bluespec or Chisel or one of Adam Chlipala's languages, perhaps?}
+Next, Verilog~\cite{06_ieee_stand_veril_hardw_descr_languag} is a hardware description language, which can be synthesised into logic gates which can be placed onto either a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) or turned into an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Verilog was chosen as the output language for \vericert{} because it is one of the most popular hardware description languages and there already exist a few formal semantics for it that could be used as a target~\cite{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces,meredith10_veril}. \JW{Can we mention one or two alternatives that we considered? Bluespec or Chisel or one of Adam Chlipala's languages, perhaps?}
\paragraph{Choice of implementation language}
The framework that was chosen for the frontend was \compcert{}, as it is a mature framework for simulation proofs about intermediate languages, in addition to already providing a validated parser~\cite{jourdan12_valid_lr_parser} from C into the internal representation of Clight. Other frameworks were also considered, such as Vellvm~\cite{zhao12_formal_llvm_inter_repres_verif_progr_trans}, as LLVM IR in particular is often used by HLS tools anyways, however, these would require more work to support a higher level language such as C as input, or even providing a parser for LLVM IR.\@