path: root/evaluation.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'evaluation.tex')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/evaluation.tex b/evaluation.tex
index 10d3ecb..5e3f841 100644
--- a/evaluation.tex
+++ b/evaluation.tex
@@ -25,41 +25,161 @@ We configured Polybench's parameters so that only integer types are used, since
\subsection{RQ1: How fast is \vericert{}-generated hardware?}
+\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{results/legup_results_div/vericert_timing.csv}{\divtimingtable}
+\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{results/slice-div.csv}{\divslicetable}
- \begin{axis}[
+ \begin{groupplot}[
+ group style={
+ group name=my plots,
+ group size=1 by 2,
+ xlabels at=edge bottom,
+ xticklabels at=edge bottom,
+ vertical sep=0pt,
+ },
+ ymode=log,
%ymode=log, %JW: normalised data ==> log scale
%log ticks with fixed point,
%ytick = {0.25, 0.5, 1, 2},
- height=0.5\textwidth,
- bar width=4pt,
- ymin=0,
- xmin=-0.5,
- xmax=25.5,
- legend pos=north west,
- xlabel={Polybench Benchmarks},
- ylabel={\vericert{} / \legup{} execution time ratio},
+ height=0.4\textwidth,
+ /pgf/bar width=3pt,
+ legend pos=south east,
+ log ticks with fixed point,
+ xticklabels from table={\divtimingtable}{benchmark},
+ legend style={nodes={scale=0.7, transform shape}},
+ x tick label style={rotate=60,anchor=east,font=\footnotesize},
+ legend columns=-1,
+ xtick=data,
+ enlarge x limits={abs=0.5},
+ ylabel style={font=\footnotesize},
- %\addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=vericert,col sep=comma] {results/exec-time.csv};
- %\addlegendentry{Vericert};
- %\addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup no nc,col sep=comma] {results/exec-time.csv};
- %\addlegendentry{LegUp w/o opt};
- %\addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup op,col sep=comma] {results/exec-time.csv};
- %\addlegendentry{LegUp};
- \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v no nc,col sep=comma] {results/exec-time.csv};
- \addlegendentry{LegUp w/o opt};
- \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v op,col sep=comma] {results/exec-time.csv};
- \addlegendentry{LegUp};
+ \nextgroupplot[ymin=0.005,ylabel={\legup{} / \vericert{} execution time ratio}]
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=no opt no chain,col sep=comma] from \divtimingtable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=no opt,col sep=comma] from \divtimingtable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=opt,col sep=comma] from \divtimingtable;
- \draw (axis cs:-0.5,1) -- (axis cs:25.5,1);
+ \nextgroupplot[ymin=0.1,ylabel={\legup{} / \vericert{} slice ratio}]
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \divslicetable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \divslicetable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup,col sep=comma] from \divslicetable;
- \end{axis}
+ \legend{\legup{} w/o opt/chain,\legup{} w/o opt,\legup{}};
+ \end{groupplot}
+\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{results/exec-time.csv}{\nodivtimingtable}
+\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{results/slice-nodiv.csv}{\nodivslicetable}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{groupplot}[
+ group style={
+ group name=my plots,
+ group size=1 by 2,
+ xlabels at=edge bottom,
+ xticklabels at=edge bottom,
+ vertical sep=0pt,
+ },
+ ymode=log,
+ ybar=0pt,
+ width=1\textwidth,
+ height=0.4\textwidth,
+ /pgf/bar width=3pt,
+ legend pos=south east,
+ log ticks with fixed point,
+ xticklabels from table={\nodivtimingtable}{benchmark},
+ legend style={nodes={scale=0.7, transform shape}},
+ x tick label style={rotate=60,anchor=east,font=\footnotesize},
+ legend columns=-1,
+ xtick=data,
+ enlarge x limits={abs=0.5},
+ ylabel style={font=\footnotesize},
+ ymin=0.1,
+ ]
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={\legup{} / \vericert{} execution time ratio}]
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v no nc,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v no,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v op,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
+ \nextgroupplot[ylabel={\legup{} / \vericert{} slice ratio}]
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
+ \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
+ \legend{\legup{} w/o opt/chain,\legup{} w/o opt,\legup{}};
+ \end{groupplot}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+%\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{results/exec-time.csv}{\nodivtimingtable}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{semilogyaxis}[
+% ybar=0pt,
+% width=1\textwidth,
+% height=0.5\textwidth,
+% bar width=3pt,
+% ymin=0.1,
+% ymax=3,
+% log ticks with fixed point,
+% legend pos=south east,
+% xlabel={Polybench Benchmarks},
+% xticklabels from table={\nodivtimingtable}{benchmark},
+% ylabel={\vericert{} / \legup{} execution time ratio},
+% legend style={nodes={scale=0.7, transform shape}},
+% x tick label style={rotate=60,anchor=east,font=\footnotesize},
+% xtick=data,
+% enlarge x limits={abs=0.5},
+% ]
+% \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v no nc,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
+% \addlegendentry{LegUp w/o opt w/o chain};
+% \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v no,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
+% \addlegendentry{LegUp w/o opt};
+% \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=v op,col sep=comma] from \nodivtimingtable;
+% \addlegendentry{LegUp};
+% \end{semilogyaxis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+%\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{results/slice-nodiv.csv}{\nodivslicetable}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{semilogyaxis}[
+% ybar=0pt,
+% width=1\textwidth,
+% height=0.5\textwidth,
+% bar width=3pt,
+% ymin=0.1,
+% ymax=3,
+% log ticks with fixed point,
+% legend pos=south east,
+% xlabel={Polybench Benchmarks},
+% xticklabels from table={\nodivslicetable}{benchmark},
+% ylabel={\vericert{} / \legup{} execution time ratio},
+% legend style={nodes={scale=0.7, transform shape}},
+% x tick label style={rotate=60,anchor=east,font=\footnotesize},
+% xtick=data,
+% enlarge x limits={abs=0.5},
+% legend columns=-1,
+% ]
+% \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt nochain,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
+% \addlegendentry{LegUp w/o opt w/o chain};
+% \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup noopt,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
+% \addlegendentry{LegUp w/o opt};
+% \addplot+ table [x expr=\coordindex,y=legup,col sep=comma] from \nodivslicetable;
+% \addlegendentry{LegUp};
+% \end{semilogyaxis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}