path: root/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-08-30 14:03:40 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-08-30 14:03:40 +0100
commitec319c9ec0acc975fcdfbfa2e378b82c9be9ab0a (patch)
treeaba30758bbbf10ab3d975367f48a695b81afb179 /src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
parent9d6979baa0e4b505862bcedee1dfd075f36579c3 (diff)
Add RTLBlock intermediate language
Diffstat (limited to 'src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml b/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f64066..0000000
--- a/src/verilog/PrintVerilog.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-(* -*- mode: tuareg -*-
- * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis.
- * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *)
-open Verilog
-open ValueInt
-open Datatypes
-open Camlcoq
-open AST
-open Clflags
-open Printf
-open VericertClflags
-let concat = String.concat ""
-let indent i = String.make (2 * i) ' '
-let fold_map f s = List.map f s |> concat
-let pstr pp = fprintf pp "%s"
-let pprint_binop l r =
- let unsigned op = sprintf "{%s %s %s}" l op r in
- let signed op = sprintf "{$signed(%s) %s $signed(%s)}" l op r in
- function
- | Vadd -> unsigned "+"
- | Vsub -> unsigned "-"
- | Vmul -> unsigned "*"
- | Vdiv -> signed "/"
- | Vdivu -> unsigned "/"
- | Vmod -> signed "%"
- | Vmodu -> unsigned "%"
- | Vlt -> signed "<"
- | Vltu -> unsigned "<"
- | Vgt -> signed ">"
- | Vgtu -> unsigned ">"
- | Vle -> signed "<="
- | Vleu -> unsigned "<="
- | Vge -> signed ">="
- | Vgeu -> unsigned ">="
- | Veq -> unsigned "=="
- | Vne -> unsigned "!="
- | Vand -> unsigned "&"
- | Vor -> unsigned "|"
- | Vxor -> unsigned "^"
- | Vshl -> unsigned "<<"
- | Vshr -> signed ">>>"
- | Vshru -> unsigned ">>"
-let unop = function
- | Vneg -> " ~ "
- | Vnot -> " ! "
-let register a = sprintf "reg_%d" (P.to_int a)
-(*let literal l = sprintf "%d'd%d" (Nat.to_int l.vsize) (Z.to_int (uvalueToZ l))*)
-let literal l = sprintf "32'd%ld" (camlint_of_coqint l)
-let rec pprint_expr = function
- | Vlit l -> literal l
- | Vvar s -> register s
- | Vvari (s, i) -> concat [register s; "["; pprint_expr i; "]"]
- | Vinputvar s -> register s
- | Vunop (u, e) -> concat ["("; unop u; pprint_expr e; ")"]
- | Vbinop (op, a, b) -> concat [pprint_binop (pprint_expr a) (pprint_expr b) op]
- | Vternary (c, t, f) -> concat ["("; pprint_expr c; " ? "; pprint_expr t; " : "; pprint_expr f; ")"]
-let rec pprint_stmnt i =
- let pprint_case (e, s) = concat [ indent (i + 1); pprint_expr e; ": begin\n"; pprint_stmnt (i + 2) s;
- indent (i + 1); "end\n"
- ]
- in function
- | Vskip -> concat [indent i; ";\n"]
- | Vseq (s1, s2) -> concat [ pprint_stmnt i s1; pprint_stmnt i s2]
- | Vcond (e, st, sf) -> concat [ indent i; "if ("; pprint_expr e; ") begin\n";
- pprint_stmnt (i + 1) st; indent i; "end else begin\n";
- pprint_stmnt (i + 1) sf;
- indent i; "end\n"
- ]
- | Vcase (e, es, d) -> concat [ indent i; "case ("; pprint_expr e; ")\n";
- fold_map pprint_case es; indent (i+1); "default:;\n";
- indent i; "endcase\n"
- ]
- | Vblock (a, b) -> concat [indent i; pprint_expr a; " = "; pprint_expr b; ";\n"]
- | Vnonblock (a, b) -> concat [indent i; pprint_expr a; " <= "; pprint_expr b; ";\n"]
-let rec pprint_edge = function
- | Vposedge r -> concat ["posedge "; register r]
- | Vnegedge r -> concat ["negedge "; register r]
- | Valledge -> "*"
- | Voredge (e1, e2) -> concat [pprint_edge e1; " or "; pprint_edge e2]
-let pprint_edge_top i = function
- | Vposedge r -> concat ["@(posedge "; register r; ")"]
- | Vnegedge r -> concat ["@(negedge "; register r; ")"]
- | Valledge -> "@*"
- | Voredge (e1, e2) -> concat ["@("; pprint_edge e1; " or "; pprint_edge e2; ")"]
-let declare t =
- function (r, sz) ->
- concat [ t; " ["; sprintf "%d" (Nat.to_int sz - 1); ":0] ";
- register r; ";\n" ]
-let declarearr t =
- function (r, sz, ln) ->
- concat [ t; " ["; sprintf "%d" (Nat.to_int sz - 1); ":0] ";
- register r;
- " ["; sprintf "%d" (Nat.to_int ln - 1); ":0];\n" ]
-let print_io = function
- | Some Vinput -> "input"
- | Some Voutput -> "output reg"
- | Some Vinout -> "inout"
- | None -> "reg"
-let decl i = function
- | Vdecl (io, r, sz) -> concat [indent i; declare (print_io io) (r, sz)]
- | Vdeclarr (io, r, sz, ln) -> concat [indent i; declarearr (print_io io) (r, sz, ln)]
-(* TODO Fix always blocks, as they currently always print the same. *)
-let pprint_module_item i = function
- | Vdeclaration d -> decl i d
- | Valways (e, s) ->
- concat [indent i; "always "; pprint_edge_top i e; "\n"; pprint_stmnt (i+1) s]
- | Valways_ff (e, s) ->
- concat [indent i; "always "; pprint_edge_top i e; "\n"; pprint_stmnt (i+1) s]
- | Valways_comb (e, s) ->
- concat [indent i; "always "; pprint_edge_top i e; "\n"; pprint_stmnt (i+1) s]
-let rec intersperse c = function
- | [] -> []
- | [x] -> [x]
- | x :: xs -> x :: c :: intersperse c xs
-let make_io i io r = concat [indent i; io; " "; register r; ";\n"]
-let compose f g x = g x |> f
-let testbench = "module testbench;
- reg start, reset, clk;
- wire finish;
- wire [31:0] return_val;
- main m(start, reset, clk, finish, return_val);
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- start = 0;
- reset = 0;
- @(posedge clk) reset = 1;
- @(posedge clk) reset = 0;
- end
- always #5 clk = ~clk;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (finish == 1) begin
- $display(\"finished: %d\", return_val);
- $finish;
- end
- end
-let debug_always i clk state = concat [
- indent i; "reg [31:0] count;\n";
- indent i; "initial count = 0;\n";
- indent i; "always @(posedge " ^ register clk ^ ") begin\n";
- indent (i+1); "if(count[0:0] == 10'd0) begin\n";
- indent (i+2); "$display(\"Cycle count %d\", count);\n";
- indent (i+2); "$display(\"State %d\\n\", " ^ register state ^ ");\n";
- indent (i+1); "end\n";
- indent (i+1); "count <= count + 1;\n";
- indent i; "end\n"
- ]
-let print_initial i n stk = concat [
- indent i; "integer i;\n";
- indent i; "initial for(i = 0; i < "; sprintf "%d" n; "; i++)\n";
- indent (i+1); register stk; "[i] = 0;\n"
- ]
-let pprint_module debug i n m =
- if (extern_atom n) = "main" then
- let inputs = m.mod_start :: m.mod_reset :: m.mod_clk :: m.mod_args in
- let outputs = [m.mod_finish; m.mod_return] in
- concat [ indent i; "module "; (extern_atom n);
- "("; concat (intersperse ", " (List.map register (inputs @ outputs))); ");\n";
- fold_map (pprint_module_item (i+1)) m.mod_body;
- if !option_initial then print_initial i (Nat.to_int m.mod_stk_len) m.mod_stk else "";
- if debug then debug_always i m.mod_clk m.mod_st else "";
- indent i; "endmodule\n\n"
- ]
- else ""
-let print_result pp lst =
- let rec print_result_in pp = function
- | [] -> fprintf pp "]\n"
- | (r, v) :: ls ->
- fprintf pp "%s -> %s; " (register r) (literal v);
- print_result_in pp ls in
- fprintf pp "[ ";
- print_result_in pp lst
-let print_value pp v = fprintf pp "%s" (literal v)
-let print_globdef debug pp (id, gd) =
- match gd with
- | Gfun(Internal f) -> pstr pp (pprint_module debug 0 id f)
- | _ -> ()
-let print_program debug pp prog =
- List.iter (print_globdef debug pp) prog.prog_defs;
- pstr pp testbench