path: root/src
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-04-01 19:24:35 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-04-01 19:24:35 +0100
commitb22dfebd3a1638c431e9ab32fac391aa95f846eb (patch)
treecd0a71e05b2c6e54db41fbe260a810478018d7c8 /src
parent981b6238573548b696d0a4a50eb7605387245c0b (diff)
Complete translation from simple RTL to Verilog
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/src/translation/Veriloggen.v b/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
index 605448b..c2614ec 100644
--- a/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
+++ b/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From coqup Require Import Verilog Coquplib.
-From compcert Require Errors Op AST Integers.
+From compcert Require Errors Op AST Integers Maps.
From compcert Require Import RTL.
Definition node : Type := positive.
@@ -28,90 +28,95 @@ Definition reg : Type := positive.
Definition ident : Type := positive.
Inductive statetrans : Type :=
- | StateGoto (p : node)
- | StateCond (c : expr) (t f : node).
+| StateGoto (p : node)
+| StateCond (c : expr) (t f : node).
Record state: Type := mkstate {
- st_variables: PositiveMap.t (nat * expr);
+ st_freshreg : reg;
+ st_freshstate : node;
st_stm : PositiveMap.t stmnt;
st_statetrans : PositiveMap.t statetrans;
+ st_decl : list (reg * nat);
+ st_fin : option reg;
+ st_ret : option reg;
+(** Map from initial register allocations to new allocations. *)
+Definition mapping: Type := PositiveMap.t reg.
Definition init_state : state :=
- mkstate (PositiveMap.empty (nat * expr)) (PositiveMap.empty stmnt) (PositiveMap.empty statetrans).
+ mkstate 1%positive
+ 1%positive
+ (PositiveMap.empty stmnt)
+ (PositiveMap.empty statetrans)
+ nil
+ None
+ None.
-Inductive res (A: Type) (S: Type): Type :=
- | Error: Errors.errmsg -> res A S
- | OK: A -> S -> res A S.
+Inductive res (A: Type) (s: state): Type :=
+| Error : Errors.errmsg -> res A s
+| OK : A -> forall (_ : state), res A s.
-Arguments OK [A S].
-Arguments Error [A S].
+Arguments OK [A s].
+Arguments Error [A s].
-Definition mon (A: Type) : Type := res A state.
+Definition mon (A: Type) : Type := forall (s: state), res A s.
-Definition ret {A: Type} (x: A) (s: state) : mon A := OK x s.
+Definition ret {A: Type} (x: A) : mon A :=
+ fun (s : state) => OK x s.
Definition bind {A B: Type} (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) : mon B :=
- match f with
+ fun (s : state) =>
+ match f s with
| Error msg => Error msg
- | OK a s => g a
+ | OK a s' =>
+ match g a s' with
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ | OK b s'' => OK b s''
+ end
Definition bind2 {A B C: Type} (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C) : mon C :=
bind f (fun xy => g (fst xy) (snd xy)).
-Definition bindS {A B: Type} (f: mon A) (g: A -> state -> mon B) : mon B :=
- match f with
- | Error msg => Error msg
- | OK a s => g a s
- end.
Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
- (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
-Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" := (bindS A (fun X Y => B))
- (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
+(at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
+Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" := (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
+(at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
Definition handle_error {A: Type} (f g: mon A) : mon A :=
- match f with
- | OK a s' => OK a s'
- | Error _ => g
- end.
-Module PTree.
- Export Maps.PTree.
- Fixpoint xtraverse {A B : Type} (f : positive -> A -> state -> mon B)
- (m : t A) (s : state) (i : positive)
- {struct m} : mon (t B) :=
- match m with
- | Leaf => OK Leaf s
- | Node l o r =>
- let newo :=
- match o with
- | None => OK None s
- | Some x =>
- match f (prev i) x s with
- | Error err => Error err
- | OK val s' => OK (Some val) s'
- end
- end in
- match newo with
- | OK no s =>
- do (nl, s') <- xtraverse f l s (xO i);
- do (nr, s'') <- xtraverse f r s' (xI i);
- OK (Node nl no nr) s''
- | Error msg => Error msg
- end
+ fun (s : state) =>
+ match f s with
+ | OK a s' => OK a s'
+ | Error _ => g s
- Definition traverse {A B : Type} (f : positive -> A -> state -> mon B) m :=
- xtraverse f m init_state xH.
+Definition error {A: Type} (err: Errors.errmsg) : mon A := fun (s: state) => Error err.
+Definition get : mon state := fun s => OK s s.
+Definition set (s: state) : mon unit := fun _ => OK tt s.
- Definition traverse1 {A B : Type} (f : A -> state -> mon B) := traverse (fun _ => f).
+Definition run_mon {A: Type} (s: state) (m: mon A): Errors.res A :=
+ match m s with
+ | OK a s' => Errors.OK a
+ | Error err => Errors.Error err
+ end.
+Definition map_state (f: state -> state): mon state :=
+ fun s => let s' := f s in OK s' s'.
-End PTree.
+Fixpoint traverselist {A B: Type} (f: A -> mon B) (l: list A) {struct l}: mon (list B) :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => ret nil
+ | x::xs =>
+ do r <- f x;
+ do rs <- traverselist f xs;
+ ret (r::rs)
+ end.
Definition nonblock (dst : reg) (e : expr) := Vnonblock (Vvar dst) e.
+Definition block (dst : reg) (e : expr) := Vblock (Vvar dst) e.
Definition bop (op : binop) (r1 r2 : reg) : option expr :=
Some (Vbinop op (Vvar r1) (Vvar r2)).
@@ -176,37 +181,77 @@ Definition translate_instr (op : Op.operation) (args : list reg) : option expr :
| _, _ => None
-Definition add_instr (n : node) (n' : node) (s : state) (st : stmnt) : mon node :=
- OK n' (mkstate s.(st_variables)
- (PositiveMap.add n st s.(st_stm))
- (PositiveMap.add n (StateGoto n') s.(st_statetrans))).
-Definition option_err {A : Type} (str : string) (v : option A) (s : state) : mon A :=
- match v with
- | Some v' => OK v' s
- | _ => Error (Errors.msg str)
- end.
-Definition transf_instr (n : node) (i : instruction) (s : state) : mon node :=
- match i with
- | Inop n' =>
- add_instr n n' s Vskip
- | Iop op args dst n' =>
- match translate_instr op args with
- | Some instr => add_instr n n' s (nonblock dst instr)
- | _ => Error (Errors.msg "Instruction is not implemented.")
- end
- | Iload _ _ _ _ _ => Error (Errors.msg "Loads are not implemented.")
- | Istore _ _ _ _ _ => Error (Errors.msg "Stores are not implemented.")
- | Icall _ _ _ _ _ => Error (Errors.msg "Calls are not implemented.")
- | Itailcall _ _ _ => Error (Errors.msg "Tailcalls are not implemented.")
- | Ibuiltin _ _ _ _ => Error (Errors.msg "Builtin functions not implemented.")
- | Icond cond args n1 n2 => Error (Errors.msg "Condition not implemented.")
- | Ijumptable _ _ => Error (Errors.msg "Jumptable not implemented.")
- | Ireturn r =>
- match r with
- | Some x => OK n s
- | None => OK n s
+Definition add_instr (n : node) (n' : node) (st : stmnt) : mon node :=
+ fun s =>
+ OK n' (mkstate s.(st_freshreg)
+ (Pos.max (Pos.succ n) s.(st_freshstate))
+ (PositiveMap.add n st s.(st_stm))
+ (PositiveMap.add n (StateGoto n') s.(st_statetrans))
+ s.(st_decl)
+ s.(st_fin)
+ s.(st_ret)).
+Definition add_reg (r: reg) (s: state) : state :=
+ mkstate (Pos.max (Pos.succ r) s.(st_freshreg))
+ s.(st_freshstate)
+ s.(st_stm)
+ s.(st_statetrans)
+ ((r, 32%nat) :: s.(st_decl))
+ s.(st_fin)
+ s.(st_ret).
+Definition add_instr_reg (r: reg) (n: node) (n': node) (st: stmnt) : mon node :=
+ do _ <- map_state (add_reg r);
+ add_instr n n' st.
+Definition decl_fresh_reg (sz : nat) : mon reg :=
+ fun s =>
+ let r := s.(st_freshreg) in
+ OK r (mkstate
+ (Pos.succ r)
+ s.(st_freshstate)
+ s.(st_stm)
+ s.(st_statetrans)
+ ((r, sz) :: s.(st_decl))
+ s.(st_fin)
+ s.(st_ret)).
+Definition add_fin_ret (f r: reg) : mon unit :=
+ fun s => OK tt (mkstate
+ s.(st_freshreg)
+ s.(st_freshstate)
+ s.(st_stm)
+ s.(st_statetrans)
+ s.(st_decl)
+ (Some f) (Some r)).
+Definition transf_instr (ni: node * instruction) : mon node :=
+ match ni with
+ (n, i) =>
+ match i with
+ | Inop n' => add_instr n n' Vskip
+ | Iop op args dst n' =>
+ match translate_instr op args with
+ | Some instr => add_instr_reg dst n n' (block dst instr)
+ | _ => error (Errors.msg "Instruction is not implemented.")
+ end
+ | Iload _ _ _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Loads are not implemented.")
+ | Istore _ _ _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Stores are not implemented.")
+ | Icall _ _ _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Calls are not implemented.")
+ | Itailcall _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Tailcalls are not implemented.")
+ | Ibuiltin _ _ _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Builtin functions not implemented.")
+ | Icond cond args n1 n2 => error (Errors.msg "Condition not implemented.")
+ | Ijumptable _ _ => error (Errors.msg "Jumptable not implemented.")
+ | Ireturn r =>
+ do fin <- decl_fresh_reg 1%nat;
+ do rtrn <- decl_fresh_reg 32%nat;
+ do _ <- add_fin_ret fin rtrn;
+ match r with
+ | Some r' =>
+ add_instr n n (Vseq (block fin (Vlit (ZToValue 1%nat 1%Z)) :: block rtrn (Vvar r') :: nil))
+ | None =>
+ add_instr n n (Vseq (block fin (Vlit (ZToValue 1%nat 1%Z)) :: nil))
+ end
@@ -225,23 +270,39 @@ Definition make_statetrans_cases (r : reg) (st : positive * statetrans) : expr *
Definition make_statetrans (r : reg) (s : PositiveMap.t statetrans) : stmnt :=
Vcase (Vvar r) (map (make_statetrans_cases r) (PositiveMap.elements s)).
-Definition make_globals (globals : PositiveMap.t (nat * expr)) : verilog := nil.
+Fixpoint allocate_regs (e : list (reg * nat)) {struct e} : list module_item :=
+ match e with
+ | (r, n)::es => Vdecl r n (Vlit (ZToValue n 0%Z)) :: allocate_regs es
+ | nil => nil
+ end.
-Definition make_verilog (s : state) : verilog :=
- let r := 500%positive in
- (make_statetrans r s.(st_statetrans)) :: (make_stm r s.(st_stm))
- :: (make_globals s.(st_variables)).
+Definition make_module_items (entry: node) (clk st rst: reg) (s: state) : list module_item :=
+ (Valways (Voredge (Vposedge clk) (Vposedge rst))
+ (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vvar rst) (Vlit (ZToValue 1%nat 1%Z)))
+ (nonblock st (posToExpr entry))
+ (make_statetrans st s.(st_statetrans))))
+ :: (Valways Valledge (make_stm st s.(st_stm)))
+ :: (allocate_regs s.(st_decl)).
(** To start out with, the assumption is made that there is only one
function/module in the original code. *)
-Definition transf_module (m: function) : Errors.res verilog :=
- match PTree.traverse transf_instr m.(fn_code) with
- | OK _ s => Errors.OK (make_verilog s)
- | Error err => Errors.Error err
+Definition transf_module (f: function) : mon module :=
+ do _ <- traverselist transf_instr (Maps.PTree.elements f.(fn_code));
+ do start <- decl_fresh_reg 1%nat;
+ do rst <- decl_fresh_reg 1%nat;
+ do clk <- decl_fresh_reg 1%nat;
+ do st <- decl_fresh_reg 32%nat;
+ do current_state <- get;
+ let mi := make_module_items f.(fn_entrypoint) clk st rst current_state in
+ match current_state.(st_fin), current_state.(st_ret) with
+ | Some fin, Some rtrn =>
+ ret (mkmodule start rst clk fin rtrn f.(fn_params) mi)
+ | _, _ => error (Errors.msg "Veriloggen: finish and return signals not generated")
Fixpoint main_function (main : ident) (flist : list (ident * AST.globdef fundef unit))
- {struct flist} : option function :=
+{struct flist} : option function :=
match flist with
| (i, AST.Gfun (AST.Internal f)) :: xs =>
if Pos.eqb i main
@@ -251,8 +312,8 @@ Fixpoint main_function (main : ident) (flist : list (ident * AST.globdef fundef
| nil => None
-Definition transf_program (d : program) : Errors.res verilog :=
+Definition transf_program (d : program) : Errors.res module :=
match main_function d.(AST.prog_main) d.(AST.prog_defs) with
- | Some m => transf_module m
- | _ => Errors.Error (Errors.msg "Could not find main module")
+ | Some f => run_mon init_state (transf_module f)
+ | _ => Errors.Error (Errors.msg "Veriloggen: could not find main module")