path: root/src/CoqUp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/CoqUp')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/CompCert.v b/src/CoqUp/CompCert.v
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index c984690..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/CompCert.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-From compcert.common Require Import
- Errors
- Linking.
-From compcert.lib Require Import
- Coqlib.
-From compcert.backend Require
- Selection
- RTLgen
- Tailcall
- Inlining
- Renumber
- Constprop
- Deadcode
- Unusedglob.
-From compcert.cfrontend Require
- Csyntax
- SimplExpr
- SimplLocals
- Cshmgen
- Cminorgen.
-From compcert.driver Require
- Compiler.
-Notation "a @@@ b" :=
- (Compiler.apply_partial _ _ a b) (at level 50, left associativity).
-Notation "a @@ b" :=
- (Compiler.apply_total _ _ a b) (at level 50, left associativity).
-Definition transf_frontend (p: Csyntax.program) : res RTL.program :=
- OK p
- @@@ SimplExpr.transl_program
- @@@ SimplLocals.transf_program
- @@@ Cshmgen.transl_program
- @@@ Cminorgen.transl_program
- @@@ Selection.sel_program
- @@@ RTLgen.transl_program.
-Local Open Scope linking_scope.
-Definition CompCert's_passes :=
- mkpass SimplExprproof.match_prog
- ::: mkpass SimplLocalsproof.match_prog
- ::: mkpass Cshmgenproof.match_prog
- ::: mkpass Cminorgenproof.match_prog
- ::: mkpass Selectionproof.match_prog
- ::: mkpass RTLgenproof.match_prog
- ::: pass_nil _.
-Definition match_prog: Csyntax.program -> RTL.program -> Prop :=
- pass_match (compose_passes CompCert's_passes).
-Theorem transf_frontend_match:
- forall p tp,
- transf_frontend p = OK tp ->
- match_prog p tp.
- intros p tp T.
- unfold transf_frontend in T. simpl in T.
- destruct (SimplExpr.transl_program p) as [p1|e] eqn:P1; simpl in T; try discriminate.
- destruct (SimplLocals.transf_program p1) as [p2|e] eqn:P2; simpl in T; try discriminate.
- destruct (Cshmgen.transl_program p2) as [p3|e] eqn:P3; simpl in T; try discriminate.
- destruct (Cminorgen.transl_program p3) as [p4|e] eqn:P4; simpl in T; try discriminate.
- destruct (Selection.sel_program p4) as [p5|e] eqn:P5; simpl in T; try discriminate.
- destruct (RTLgen.transl_program p5) as [p6|e] eqn:P6; simpl in T; try discriminate.
- unfold match_prog; simpl.
- exists p1; split. apply SimplExprproof.transf_program_match; auto.
- exists p2; split. apply SimplLocalsproof.match_transf_program; auto.
- exists p3; split. apply Cshmgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
- exists p4; split. apply Cminorgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
- exists p5; split. apply Selectionproof.transf_program_match; auto.
- exists p6; split. apply RTLgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
- inversion T. reflexivity.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/CoqUp.v b/src/CoqUp/CoqUp.v
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index 02d71ee..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/CoqUp.v
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-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import Bool List String.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Helper.v b/src/CoqUp/Helper.v
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index 292d011..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/Helper.v
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-Module Option.
-Definition default {T : Type} (x : T) (u : option T) : T :=
- match u with
- | Some y => y
- | _ => x
- end.
-Definition map {S : Type} {T : Type} (f : S -> T) (u : option S) : option T :=
- match u with
- | Some y => Some (f y)
- | _ => None
- end.
-Definition liftA2 {T : Type} (f : T -> T -> T) (a : option T) (b : option T) : option T :=
- match a with
- | Some x => map (f x) b
- | _ => None
- end.
-End Option.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Show.v b/src/CoqUp/Show.v
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index 83ec5bc..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/Show.v
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From Coq Require Import
- Strings.String
- Bool.Bool
- Arith.Arith.
-Local Open Scope string.
-Module Show.
- Class Show A : Type :=
- {
- show : A -> string
- }.
- Instance showBool : Show bool :=
- {
- show := fun b:bool => if b then "true" else "false"
- }.
- Fixpoint string_of_nat_aux (time n : nat) (acc : string) : string :=
- let d := match n mod 10 with
- | 0 => "0" | 1 => "1" | 2 => "2" | 3 => "3" | 4 => "4" | 5 => "5"
- | 6 => "6" | 7 => "7" | 8 => "8" | _ => "9"
- end in
- let acc' := d ++ acc in
- match time with
- | 0 => acc'
- | S time' =>
- match n / 10 with
- | 0 => acc'
- | n' => string_of_nat_aux time' n' acc'
- end
- end.
- Definition string_of_nat (n : nat) : string :=
- string_of_nat_aux n n "".
- Instance showNat : Show nat :=
- {
- show := string_of_nat
- }.
-End Show.
-Export Show.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Tactics.v b/src/CoqUp/Tactics.v
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index 5978d49..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/Tactics.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Module Tactics.
- Ltac unfold_rec c := unfold c; fold c.
- Ltac solve_by_inverts n :=
- match goal with | H : ?T |- _ =>
- match type of T with Prop =>
- inversion H;
- match n with S (S (?n')) => subst; try constructor; solve_by_inverts (S n') end
- end
- end.
- Ltac solve_by_invert := solve_by_inverts 1.
-End Tactics.
-Export Tactics.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Verilog.v b/src/CoqUp/Verilog.v
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index 314c95e..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/Verilog.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-From Coq Require Import Lists.List Strings.String.
-From Coq Require Import
-From CoqUp Require Import Helper Tactics Show.
-Import ListNotations.
-Module Verilog.
- Module Map := FMapList.Make String_as_OT.
- Inductive value : Type :=
- | VBool (b : bool)
- | VArray (l : list value).
- Definition cons_value (a b : value) : value :=
- match a, b with
- | VBool _, VArray b' => VArray (a :: b')
- | VArray a', VBool _ => VArray (List.concat [a'; [b]])
- | VArray a', VArray b' => VArray (List.concat [a'; b'])
- | _, _ => VArray [a; b]
- end.
- (** * Conversion to and from value *)
- Fixpoint nat_to_value' (sz n : nat) : value :=
- match sz with
- | 0 => VArray []
- | S sz' =>
- if Nat.even n then
- cons_value (VBool false) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2))
- else
- cons_value (VBool true) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2))
- end.
- Definition nat_to_value (n : nat) : value :=
- nat_to_value' ((Nat.log2 n) + 1) n.
- Definition state : Type := Map.t value * Map.t value.
- Inductive binop : Type :=
- | Plus
- | Minus
- | Times
- | Divide
- | LT
- | GT
- | LE
- | GE
- | Eq
- | And
- | Or
- | Xor.
- Inductive expr : Type :=
- | Lit (n : value)
- | Var (s : string)
- | Neg (a : expr)
- | BinOp (op : binop) (a1 a2 : expr)
- | Ternary (c t f : expr).
- Inductive stmnt : Type :=
- | Skip
- | Block (s : list stmnt)
- | Cond (c : expr) (st sf : stmnt)
- | Case (c : expr) (b : list (expr * stmnt))
- | Blocking (a b : expr)
- | Nonblocking (a b : expr).
- Inductive verilog : Type := Verilog (s : list stmnt).
- Coercion VBool : bool >-> value.
- Coercion Lit : value >-> expr.
- Coercion Var : string >-> expr.
- Definition value_is_bool (v : value) : bool :=
- match v with
- | VBool _ => true
- | VArray _ => false
- end.
- Definition value_is_array : value -> bool := compose negb value_is_bool.
- Definition flat_value (v : value) : bool :=
- match v with
- | VBool _ => true
- | VArray l => forallb value_is_bool l
- end.
- Inductive value_is_boolP : value -> Prop :=
- | ValIsBool : forall b : bool, value_is_boolP (VBool b).
- Inductive value_is_arrayP : value -> Prop :=
- | ValIsArray : forall v : list value, value_is_arrayP (VArray v).
- Inductive flat_valueP : value -> Prop :=
- | FLV0 : forall b : bool, flat_valueP (VBool b)
- | FLVA : forall l : list value,
- Forall (value_is_boolP) l -> flat_valueP (VArray l).
- Lemma value_is_bool_equiv :
- forall v, value_is_boolP v <-> value_is_bool v = true.
- Proof.
- split; intros.
- - inversion H. trivial.
- - destruct v. constructor. unfold value_is_bool in H. discriminate.
- Qed.
- Lemma value_is_array_equiv :
- forall v, value_is_arrayP v <-> value_is_array v = true.
- Proof.
- split; intros.
- - inversion H. trivial.
- - destruct v; try constructor. unfold value_is_array in H.
- unfold compose, value_is_bool, negb in H. discriminate.
- Qed.
- Lemma flat_value_equiv :
- forall v, flat_valueP v <-> flat_value v = true.
- Proof.
- split; intros.
- - unfold flat_value. inversion H. subst. trivial.
- + rewrite Forall_forall in H0. rewrite forallb_forall. intros. subst.
- apply value_is_bool_equiv. apply H0. assumption.
- - destruct v. constructor. constructor. unfold flat_value in H.
- rewrite Forall_forall. rewrite forallb_forall in H. intros. apply value_is_bool_equiv.
- apply H. assumption.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint value_to_nat' (i : nat) (v : value) : option nat :=
- match i, v with
- | _, VBool b => Some (Nat.b2n b)
- | _, VArray [VBool b] => Some (Nat.b2n b)
- | S i', VArray ((VBool b) :: l) =>
- Option.map (compose (Nat.add (Nat.b2n b)) (Mult.tail_mult 2)) (value_to_nat' i' (VArray l))
- | _, _ => None
- end.
- Definition value_length (v : value) : nat :=
- match v with
- | VBool _ => 1
- | VArray l => Datatypes.length l
- end.
- Definition value_to_nat (v : value) : option nat :=
- value_to_nat' (value_length v) v.
- Lemma empty_is_flat : flat_valueP (VArray []).
- Proof.
- constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros. inversion H.
- Qed.
- Lemma check_5_is_101 :
- value_to_nat (VArray [VBool true; VBool false; VBool true]) = Some 5.
- Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma cons_value_flat :
- forall (b : bool) (v : value),
- flat_valueP v -> flat_valueP (cons_value (VBool b) v).
- Proof.
- intros. unfold cons_value. destruct v.
- - constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros.
- inversion H0; subst. constructor.
- inversion H1; subst. constructor.
- inversion H2.
- - intros. inversion H. inversion H1; subst; constructor.
- + apply Forall_forall. intros.
- inversion H0; subst. constructor.
- inversion H2.
- + repeat constructor. assumption. assumption.
- Qed.
- Lemma nat_to_value'_is_flat :
- forall (sz n : nat),
- flat_valueP (nat_to_value' sz n).
- Proof.
- induction sz; intros.
- - subst. apply empty_is_flat.
- - unfold_rec nat_to_value'.
- destruct (Nat.even n); apply cons_value_flat; apply IHsz.
- Qed.
- Lemma nat_to_value_is_flat :
- forall (sz n : nat),
- flat_valueP (nat_to_value n).
- Proof.
- intros. unfold nat_to_value. apply nat_to_value'_is_flat.
- Qed.
- Lemma nat_to_value_idempotent :
- forall (sz n : nat),
- sz > 0 -> (value_to_nat' sz (nat_to_value' sz n)) = Some n.
- Proof.
- induction sz; intros.
- - inversion H.
- - unfold_rec value_to_nat'.
- assert (flat_valueP (nat_to_value' (S sz) n)).
- { apply nat_to_value'_is_flat. }
- destruct (nat_to_value' (S sz) n) eqn:?.
- Admitted.
- Module VerilogEval.
- Definition app (f : nat -> nat -> nat) (a : value) (b : value) : option value :=
- Option.map nat_to_value (Option.liftA2 f (value_to_nat a) (value_to_nat b)).
- Definition state_find (k : string) (s : state) : option value :=
- Map.find k (fst s).
- Definition eval_binop (op : binop) (a1 a2 : value) : option value :=
- match op with
- | Plus => app Nat.add a1 a2
- | Minus => app Nat.sub a1 a2
- | Times => app Mult.tail_mult a1 a2
- | Divide => app Nat.div a1 a2
- | _ => Some a1
- end.
-(* Fixpoint eval_expr (s : state) (e : expr) : option value :=
- match e with
- | Lit n => Some n
- | Var v => state_find v s
- | Neg a => 0 - (eval_expr s a)
- | BinOp op a1 a2 => eval_binop op a1 a2
- | Ternary c t f => if eval_expr s c then eval_expr s t else eval_expr s f
- end.
- End VerilogEval.
-End Verilog.
-Export Verilog.