diff options
authorMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2021-04-30 18:33:57 +0100
committerMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2021-04-30 18:33:57 +0100
commit70faa0575cc14636c5fe2b3f2ee420b61f3d1347 (patch)
parented97c6d4edeac9cab96be17b74ef02373ed36888 (diff)
Apply externctrl mapping in HTL->Verilog stage
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/Veriloggen.v b/src/hls/Veriloggen.v
index 0e359fd..ad6bd25 100644
--- a/src/hls/Veriloggen.v
+++ b/src/hls/Veriloggen.v
@@ -29,25 +29,136 @@ Require Import vericert.hls.ValueInt.
Require Import vericert.hls.Verilog.
Import ListNotations.
-Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+ Local Open Scope assocmap.
+ Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+ Variable externctrl : AssocMap.t (ident * controlsignal).
+ Variable modmap : PTree.t HTL.module.
+ Definition get_mod_signal (m : HTL.module) (signal : HTL.controlsignal) :=
+ match signal with
+ | ctrl_finish => OK (HTL.mod_finish m)
+ | ctrl_return => OK (HTL.mod_return m)
+ | ctrl_start => OK (HTL.mod_start m)
+ | ctrl_reset => OK (HTL.mod_reset m)
+ | ctrl_clk => OK (HTL.mod_clk m)
+ | ctrl_param idx =>
+ match List.nth_error (HTL.mod_params m) idx with
+ | Some r => OK r
+ | None => Error (msg "Module does not have nth parameter")
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition reg_apply_map (r : Verilog.reg) : res reg :=
+ match externctrl ! r with
+ | None => OK r
+ | Some (m, signal) =>
+ match modmap ! m with
+ | None => Error (msg "Veriloggen: Could not find definition for called module")
+ | Some othermod => get_mod_signal othermod signal
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint expr_apply_map (expr : Verilog.expr) {struct expr} : res Verilog.expr :=
+ match expr with
+ | Vlit n =>
+ OK (Vlit n)
+ | Vvar r =>
+ do r' <- reg_apply_map r;
+ OK (Vvar r')
+ | Vvari r e =>
+ do r' <- reg_apply_map r;
+ do e' <- expr_apply_map e;
+ OK (Vvari r e)
+ | Vrange r e1 e2 =>
+ do r' <- reg_apply_map r;
+ do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1;
+ do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2;
+ OK (Vrange r' e1' e2')
+ | Vinputvar r =>
+ do r' <- reg_apply_map r;
+ OK (Vinputvar r')
+ | Vbinop op e1 e2 =>
+ do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1;
+ do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2;
+ OK (Vbinop op e1' e2')
+ | Vunop op e =>
+ do e' <- expr_apply_map e;
+ OK (Vunop op e')
+ | Vternary e1 e2 e3 =>
+ do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1;
+ do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2;
+ do e3' <- expr_apply_map e3;
+ OK (Vternary e1' e2' e3')
+ end.
+ Definition mmap_option {A B} (f : A -> res B) (opt : option A) : res (option B) :=
+ match opt with
+ | None => OK None
+ | Some a => do a' <- f a; OK (Some a')
+ end.
+ Definition cases_apply_map_ (stmnt_apply_map_ : Verilog.stmnt -> res Verilog.stmnt) :=
+ fix cases_apply_map (cs : list (Verilog.expr * Verilog.stmnt)) :=
+ match cs with
+ | nil => OK nil
+ | (c_e, c_s) :: tl =>
+ do c_e' <- expr_apply_map c_e;
+ do c_s' <- stmnt_apply_map_ c_s;
+ do tl' <- cases_apply_map tl;
+ OK ((c_e', c_s') :: tl')
+ end.
+ Fixpoint stmnt_apply_map (stmnt : Verilog.stmnt) {struct stmnt} : res Verilog.stmnt :=
+ match stmnt with
+ | Vskip => OK Vskip
+ | Vseq s1 s2 =>
+ do s1' <- stmnt_apply_map s1;
+ do s2' <- stmnt_apply_map s2;
+ OK (Vseq s1' s2')
+ | Vcond e s1 s2 =>
+ do e' <- expr_apply_map e;
+ do s1' <- stmnt_apply_map s1;
+ do s2' <- stmnt_apply_map s2;
+ OK (Vcond e s1 s2)
+ | Vcase e cases def =>
+ do e' <- expr_apply_map e;
+ do cases' <- cases_apply_map_ stmnt_apply_map cases;
+ do def' <- mmap_option (fun x => stmnt_apply_map x) def;
+ OK (Vcase e' cases' None)
+ | Vblock e1 e2 =>
+ do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1;
+ do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2;
+ OK (Vblock e1' e2')
+ | Vnonblock e1 e2 =>
+ do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1;
+ do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2;
+ OK (Vnonblock e1' e2')
+ end.
+ (* Unused. Defined for completeness *)
+ Definition cases_apply_map := cases_apply_map_ stmnt_apply_map.
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
- Definition transl_datapath_fun (a : Verilog.node * HTL.datapath_stmnt) :=
+ Definition transl_datapath_fun externctrl modmap (a : Verilog.node * HTL.datapath_stmnt) :=
let (n, s) := a in
let node := Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n) in
- OK (node, s).
+ do stmnt <- stmnt_apply_map externctrl modmap s;
+ OK (node, stmnt).
- Definition transl_datapath st := Errors.mmap transl_datapath_fun st.
+ Definition transl_datapath externctrl modmap st := Errors.mmap (transl_datapath_fun externctrl modmap) st.
- Definition transl_ctrl_fun (a : Verilog.node * HTL.control_stmnt) : Errors.res (Verilog.expr * Verilog.stmnt):=
+ Definition transl_ctrl_fun externctrl modmap (a : Verilog.node * HTL.control_stmnt) : Errors.res (Verilog.expr * Verilog.stmnt):=
let (n, s) := a in
let node := Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n) in
- Errors.OK (node, s).
+ do stmnt <- stmnt_apply_map externctrl modmap s;
+ OK (node, stmnt).
- Definition transl_ctrl st := Errors.mmap transl_ctrl_fun st.
+ Definition transl_ctrl externctrl modmap st := Errors.mmap (transl_ctrl_fun externctrl modmap) st.
Definition scl_to_Vdecl_fun (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.scl_decl)) :=
match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VScalar sz)) => (Verilog.Vdecl io r sz) end.
@@ -59,11 +170,17 @@ Section TRANSLATE.
Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr arrdecl := map arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun arrdecl.
- Definition called_functions (m : HTL.module) : list ident :=
- List.nodup Pos.eq_dec (List.map (Basics.compose fst snd) (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_externctrl m))).
+ Definition called_functions (main_name : ident) (m : HTL.module) : list ident :=
+ (* remove duplicates *)
+ List.nodup Pos.eq_dec
+ (* Take just the module name *)
+ (List.map (Basics.compose fst snd)
+ (* Remove the main module if it's referenced *)
+ (List.filter (fun it => negb (Pos.eqb (fst (snd it)) main_name))
+ (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_externctrl m)))).
- Definition find_module (program : HTL.program) (name : ident) : Errors.res HTL.module :=
- match option_map snd (find (fun named_module => Pos.eqb (fst named_module) name) program.(prog_defs)) with
+ Definition find_module (prog : HTL.program) (name : ident) : Errors.res HTL.module :=
+ match option_map snd (find (fun named_module => Pos.eqb (fst named_module) name) prog.(prog_defs)) with
| Some (Gfun (Internal f)) => OK f
| _ => Error (msg "Veriloggen: Could not find definition for called module")
@@ -100,30 +217,38 @@ Section TRANSLATE.
(* FIXME Remove the fuel parameter (recursion limit)*)
- Fixpoint transf_module (fuel : nat) (program : HTL.program) (m : HTL.module) : res Verilog.module :=
+ Fixpoint transf_module (fuel : nat) (prog : HTL.program) (m : HTL.module) : res Verilog.module :=
match fuel with
| O => Error (msg "Veriloggen: transf_module recursion too deep")
| S fuel' =>
let inline_start_reg := max_reg_module m in
- let inline_names := called_functions m in
+ let inline_names := called_functions (AST.prog_main prog) m in
+ let modmap := prog_modmap prog in
let htl_modules := PTree.filter
(fun m _ => List.existsb (Pos.eqb m) inline_names)
- (prog_modmap program) in
- do translated_modules <- PTree.traverse (fun _ => transf_module fuel' program) htl_modules;
+ modmap in
+ do translated_modules <- PTree.traverse (fun _ => transf_module fuel' prog) htl_modules;
let cleaned_modules := PTree.map1 (map_body (Option.map_option (clean_up_decl (HTL.mod_clk m))))
translated_modules in
- do case_el_ctrl <- transl_ctrl (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_controllogic m));
- do case_el_data <- transl_datapath (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_datapath m));
+ do case_el_ctrl <- transl_ctrl (HTL.mod_externctrl m) modmap (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_controllogic m));
+ do case_el_data <- transl_datapath (HTL.mod_externctrl m) modmap (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_datapath m));
+ let externctrl := HTL.mod_externctrl m in
+ do clk <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_clk m);
+ do rst <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_reset m);
+ do st <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_st m);
+ do finish <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_finish m);
let body : list Verilog.module_item:=
- Valways (Vposedge (HTL.mod_clk m)) (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vvar (HTL.mod_reset m)) (Vlit (ZToValue 1)))
+ Valways (Vposedge clk) (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vvar rst) (Vlit (ZToValue 1)))
- (Vnonblock (Vvar (HTL.mod_st m)) (Vlit (posToValue (HTL.mod_entrypoint m))))
- (Vnonblock (Vvar (HTL.mod_finish m)) (Vlit (ZToValue 0))))
- (Vcase (Vvar (HTL.mod_st m)) case_el_ctrl (Some Vskip)))
- :: Valways (Vposedge (HTL.mod_clk m)) (Vcase (Vvar (HTL.mod_st m)) case_el_data (Some Vskip))
+ (Vnonblock (Vvar st) (Vlit (posToValue (HTL.mod_entrypoint m))))
+ (Vnonblock (Vvar finish) (Vlit (ZToValue 0))))
+ (Vcase (Vvar st) case_el_ctrl (Some Vskip)))
+ :: Valways (Vposedge clk) (Vcase (Vvar (HTL.mod_st m)) case_el_data (Some Vskip))
:: List.map Vdeclaration (arr_to_Vdeclarr (AssocMap.elements (HTL.mod_arrdecls m))
++ scl_to_Vdecl (AssocMap.elements (HTL.mod_scldecls m)))
++ List.flat_map Verilog.mod_body (List.map snd (PTree.elements cleaned_modules)) in