path: root/src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2022-03-22 16:43:39 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2022-03-22 16:43:39 +0000
commit2d647ce5fdf5343a7d9961a63d66b5191706aeaf (patch)
tree7d53f84f4a923a10679a2172d431f4482dbdaa87 /src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v
parent2c33145e2de887964b68466d1691d0455d63334b (diff)
Add comments to allow for literate detangling
Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v b/src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v
index 889e104..af2c5af 100644
--- a/src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v
+++ b/src/hls/RTLBlockgen.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis.
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -16,15 +16,275 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(* [[file:../../lit/scheduling.org::rtlblockgen-main][rtlblockgen-main]] *)
Require compcert.backend.RTL.
Require Import compcert.common.AST.
Require Import compcert.lib.Maps.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Floats.
+Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib.
+Require Import vericert.hls.RTLBlockInstr.
Require Import vericert.hls.RTLBlock.
+#[local] Open Scope positive.
Parameter partition : RTL.function -> Errors.res function.
-Definition transl_fundef := transf_partial_fundef partition.
+(** [find_block max nodes index]: Does not need to be sorted, because we use filter and the max fold
+ function to find the desired element. *)
+Definition find_block (max: positive) (nodes: list positive) (index: positive) : positive :=
+ List.fold_right Pos.min max (List.filter (fun x => (index <=? x)) nodes).
+(*Compute find_block (2::94::28::40::19::nil) 40.*)
+(* [[[[file:~/projects/vericert/lit/scheduling.org::rtlblockgen-equalities][rtlblockgen-equalities]]][rtlblockgen-equalities]] *)
+Lemma comparison_eq: forall (x y : comparison), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma condition_eq: forall (x y : Op.condition), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize comparison_eq; intro.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Int64.eq_dec; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma addressing_eq : forall (x y : Op.addressing), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ generalize Z.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Ptrofs.eq_dec; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma typ_eq : forall (x y : AST.typ), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma operation_eq: forall (x y : Op.operation), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Int64.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float32.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ generalize condition_eq; intro.
+ generalize addressing_eq; intro.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma memory_chunk_eq : forall (x y : AST.memory_chunk), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma list_typ_eq: forall (x y : list AST.typ), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma option_typ_eq : forall (x y : option AST.typ), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma signature_eq: forall (x y : AST.signature), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Lemma list_operation_eq : forall (x y : list Op.operation), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize operation_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma list_pos_eq : forall (x y : list positive), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Pos.eq_dec; intros.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma sig_eq : forall (x y : AST.signature), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Lemma instr_eq: forall (x y : instr), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Pos.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize memory_chunk_eq; intro.
+ generalize addressing_eq; intro.
+ generalize operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize condition_eq; intro.
+ generalize signature_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_pos_eq; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Lemma cf_instr_eq: forall (x y : cf_instr), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Pos.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Int64.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float32.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Ptrofs.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize memory_chunk_eq; intro.
+ generalize addressing_eq; intro.
+ generalize operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize condition_eq; intro.
+ generalize signature_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_pos_eq; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Definition ceq {A: Type} (eqd: forall a b: A, {a = b} + {a <> b}) (a b: A): bool :=
+ if eqd a b then true else false.
+(* rtlblockgen-equalities ends here *)
+Definition check_instr (n: positive) (istr: RTL.instruction) (istr': instr) :=
+ match istr, istr' with
+ | RTL.Inop n', RBnop => (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Iop op args dst n', RBop None op' args' dst' =>
+ ceq operation_eq op op' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq dst dst' && (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Iload chunk addr args dst n', RBload None chunk' addr' args' dst' =>
+ ceq memory_chunk_eq chunk chunk' &&
+ ceq addressing_eq addr addr' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq dst dst' &&
+ (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Istore chunk addr args src n', RBstore None chunk' addr' args' src' =>
+ ceq memory_chunk_eq chunk chunk' &&
+ ceq addressing_eq addr addr' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq src src' &&
+ (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition check_cf_instr_body (istr: RTL.instruction) (istr': instr): bool :=
+ match istr, istr' with
+ | RTL.Iop op args dst _, RBop None op' args' dst' =>
+ ceq operation_eq op op' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq dst dst'
+ | RTL.Iload chunk addr args dst _, RBload None chunk' addr' args' dst' =>
+ ceq memory_chunk_eq chunk chunk' &&
+ ceq addressing_eq addr addr' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq dst dst'
+ | RTL.Istore chunk addr args src _, RBstore None chunk' addr' args' src' =>
+ ceq memory_chunk_eq chunk chunk' &&
+ ceq addressing_eq addr addr' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq src src'
+ | RTL.Inop _, RBnop
+ | RTL.Icall _ _ _ _ _, RBnop
+ | RTL.Itailcall _ _ _, RBnop
+ | RTL.Ibuiltin _ _ _ _, RBnop
+ | RTL.Icond _ _ _ _, RBnop
+ | RTL.Ijumptable _ _, RBnop
+ | RTL.Ireturn _, RBnop => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition check_cf_instr (istr: RTL.instruction) (istr': cf_instr) :=
+ match istr, istr' with
+ | RTL.Inop n, RBgoto n' => (n =? n')
+ | RTL.Iop _ _ _ n, RBgoto n' => (n =? n')
+ | RTL.Iload _ _ _ _ n, RBgoto n' => (n =? n')
+ | RTL.Istore _ _ _ _ n, RBgoto n' => (n =? n')
+ | RTL.Icall sig (inl r) args dst n, RBcall sig' (inl r') args' dst' n' =>
+ ceq signature_eq sig sig' &&
+ ceq peq r r' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq dst dst' &&
+ (n =? n')
+ | RTL.Icall sig (inr i) args dst n, RBcall sig' (inr i') args' dst' n' =>
+ ceq signature_eq sig sig' &&
+ ceq peq i i' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq dst dst' &&
+ (n =? n')
+ | RTL.Itailcall sig (inl r) args, RBtailcall sig' (inl r') args' =>
+ ceq signature_eq sig sig' &&
+ ceq peq r r' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args'
+ | RTL.Itailcall sig (inr r) args, RBtailcall sig' (inr r') args' =>
+ ceq signature_eq sig sig' &&
+ ceq peq r r' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args'
+ | RTL.Icond cond args n1 n2, RBcond cond' args' n1' n2' =>
+ ceq condition_eq cond cond' &&
+ ceq list_pos_eq args args' &&
+ ceq peq n1 n1' && ceq peq n2 n2'
+ | RTL.Ijumptable r ns, RBjumptable r' ns' =>
+ ceq peq r r' && ceq list_pos_eq ns ns'
+ | RTL.Ireturn (Some r), RBreturn (Some r') =>
+ ceq peq r r'
+ | RTL.Ireturn None, RBreturn None => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Definition is_cf_instr (n: positive) (i: RTL.instruction) :=
+ match i with
+ | RTL.Inop n' => negb (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Iop _ _ _ n' => negb (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Iload _ _ _ _ n' => negb (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Istore _ _ _ _ n' => negb (n' + 1 =? n)
+ | RTL.Icall _ _ _ _ _ => true
+ | RTL.Itailcall _ _ _ => true
+ | RTL.Ibuiltin _ _ _ _ => true
+ | RTL.Icond _ _ _ _ => true
+ | RTL.Ijumptable _ _ => true
+ | RTL.Ireturn _ => true
+ end.
+Definition check_present_blocks (c: code) (n: list positive) (max: positive) (i: positive) (istr: RTL.instruction) :=
+ let blockn := find_block max n i in
+ match c ! blockn with
+ | Some istrs =>
+ match List.nth_error istrs.(bb_body) (Pos.to_nat blockn - Pos.to_nat i)%nat with
+ | Some istr' =>
+ if is_cf_instr i istr
+ then check_cf_instr istr istrs.(bb_exit) && check_cf_instr_body istr istr'
+ else check_instr i istr istr'
+ | None => false
+ end
+ | None => false
+ end.
+Definition transl_function (f: RTL.function) :=
+ match partition f with
+ | Errors.OK f' =>
+ let blockids := map fst (PTree.elements f'.(fn_code)) in
+ if forall_ptree (check_present_blocks f'.(fn_code) blockids (fold_right Pos.max 1 blockids))
+ f.(RTL.fn_code) then
+ Errors.OK f'
+ else Errors.Error (Errors.msg "check_present_blocks failed")
+ | Errors.Error msg => Errors.Error msg
+ end.
+Definition transl_fundef := transf_partial_fundef transl_function.
Definition transl_program : RTL.program -> Errors.res program :=
transform_partial_program transl_fundef.
+(* rtlblockgen-main ends here *)