diff options
10 files changed, 552 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8b16e1a..153dfa7 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ _build
# CompCert
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index eac5686..1ae9edf 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ install: doc/vericert.1
install -d $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
install -C -m 644 $< $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
+install-test: # doc/vericert.1
+ sed -i'' -e 's/arch=verilog/arch=x86/' _build/default/driver/compcert.ini
+ install -d $(PREFIX)/bin
+ install -C -m 644 _build/default/driver/compcert.ini $(PREFIX)/bin
+ install -C _build/default/debug/VericertTest.exe $(PREFIX)/bin/vericert-test
proof: Makefile.coq
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq
@rm -f src/extraction/STAMP
diff --git a/debug/dune b/debug/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e47c832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(include_subdirs no)
+ (name VericertTest)
+ (libraries vericert)
+ (flags (:standard -warn-error -A -w -8-9-16-20-26-27-32..36-39-41-44..45-50-60-67)))
diff --git a/debug/vericertTest.ml b/debug/vericertTest.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d4e55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug/vericertTest.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+open Vericert
+open AST
+open Abstr
+open BinNums
+open Coqlib
+open Datatypes
+open Errors
+open GiblePargenproofEquiv
+open List0
+open Maps
+open Optionmonad
+open Predicate
+open GiblePargen
+open Integers
+open Op
+open Printf
+let schedule_oracle l bb bbt =
+ match abstract_sequence_top bb with
+ | Some p ->
+ let (p0, m_expr) = p in
+ let (bb', reg_expr) = p0 in
+ (match abstract_sequence_top (concat (concat bbt)) with
+ | Some p1 ->
+ let (p2, m_expr_t) = p1 in
+ let (bbt', reg_expr_t) = p2 in
+ printf "F1:\n%a\n" PrintAbstr.print_forest bb';
+ printf "F2:\n%a\n" PrintAbstr.print_forest bbt'; flush stdout;
+ (&&)
+ ((&&) ((&&) (if check l bb' bbt' then true else (Printf.printf "Failed 1\n"; false)) (empty_trees bb bbt))
+ (if (check_evaluability1 reg_expr reg_expr_t) then true else (Printf.printf "Failed 12\n"; false)))
+ (if check_evaluability2 m_expr m_expr_t then true else (Printf.printf "Failed 13\n"; false))
+ | None -> (printf "FAILED1\n"; false))
+ | None -> (printf "FAILED2\n"; false)
+(** val check_scheduled_trees :
+ GibleSeq.SeqBB.t PTree.t -> GiblePar.ParBB.t PTree.t -> bool **)
+let z = Camlcoq.Z.of_sint
+let int n = Int.repr (z n)
+let reg = Camlcoq.P.of_int
+let pred = Camlcoq.P.of_int
+let node = Camlcoq.P.of_int
+let plit b p = Plit (b, pred p)
+let const p d c: Gible.instr = RBop (p, Ointconst (z c), [], reg d)
+let add p d1 r1 r2: Gible.instr = RBop (p, Olea (Aindexed2 (z 0)), [reg r1; reg r2], reg d1)
+let mul p d1 r1 r2: Gible.instr = RBop (p, Omul, [reg r1; reg r2], reg d1)
+let div p d1 r1 r2: Gible.instr = RBop (p, Odiv, [reg r1; reg r2], reg d1)
+let seteq p d1 r1 r2: Gible.instr = RBsetpred (p, Ccomp Ceq, [reg r1; reg r2], pred d1)
+let sett p d1 r1: Gible.instr = RBsetpred (p, Ccompimm (Ceq, int 0), [reg r1], pred d1)
+let goto p n: Gible.instr = RBexit (p, (RBgoto (node n)))
+let () =
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [] *)
+ (* [ add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 3 4 2; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* mul (Some (plit true 2)) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (plit true 2)) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (plit false 2)) 3 3 3; *)
+ (* goto None 10; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 3 1 1; ]; *)
+ (* [ add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 3 4 2; ] ]; *)
+ (* [ [ mul (Some (plit true 2)) 3 1 4; ]; *)
+ (* [ mul (Some (plit false 2)) 3 3 3; ]; *)
+ (* [ goto None 10; ] *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 1\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 1\n"); *)
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [] *)
+ (* [ seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 2 1 2; *)
+ (* goto None 10; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ goto (Some (plit false 1)) 10; *)
+ (* seteq None 2 1 2; *)
+ (* goto None 10; *)
+ (* ] ] ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 1\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 1\n"); *)
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [] *)
+ (* [ seteq None 2 1 2; *)
+ (* seteq None 3 1 2; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (Por (plit true 2, plit false 3))) 4 1 3; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ seteq None 2 1 2; *)
+ (* seteq None 3 1 2; *)
+ (* seteq None 4 1 3; *)
+ (* ] ] ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 1\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 1\n"); *)
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [] *)
+ (* [ sett (Some (plit false 1)) 2 1; *)
+ (* div (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 3; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ div (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 3; *)
+ (* sett (Some (plit false 1)) 2 1; *)
+ (* ] ] ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 1\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 1\n"); *)
+ (if schedule_oracle []
+ [ const (Some (plit true 1)) 1 0;
+ const (Some (Por (plit true 1, plit false 1))) 1 1;
+ ]
+ [ [ [ const None 1 1;
+ ] ] ]
+ then Printf.printf "Passed 1\n"
+ else Printf.printf "Failed 1\n");
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [(pred 3, pred 2)] *)
+ (* [ add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* seteq None 1 10 11; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 2 12 13; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 3 3 3; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 10; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit false 1)) 3 12 13; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 3))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 3))) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 3 3 3; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 10; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ seteq None 1 10 11; *)
+ (* add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit false 1)) 3 12 13; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 2 12 13; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 3 3 3; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 3 3 3; *)
+ (* goto None 10; *)
+ (* ] ] ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 110\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 102\n"); *)
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [(pred 3, pred 2)] *)
+ (* [ add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* seteq None 1 10 11; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 2 12 13; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 10; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit false 1)) 3 12 13; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 3))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 3))) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 10; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ seteq None 1 10 11; *)
+ (* add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit false 1)) 3 12 13; *)
+ (* seteq (Some (plit true 1)) 2 12 13; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* goto None 10; *)
+ (* ] ] ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 110\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 102\n"); *)
+ (* (if schedule_oracle [(pred 3, pred 2)] *)
+ (* [ *)
+ (* seteq None 1 10 11; *)
+ (* seteq None 3 12 13; *)
+ (* seteq None 2 12 13; *)
+ (* add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 3))) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 3))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 3))) 10; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 10; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* goto (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 10; *)
+ (* ] *)
+ (* [ [ [ seteq None 1 10 11; *)
+ (* seteq None 3 12 13; *)
+ (* seteq None 2 12 13; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 3 1 1; *)
+ (* add None 2 1 4; *)
+ (* add (Some (plit true 1)) 1 2 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit true 2))) 3 1 4; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit false 1, plit false 2))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* mul (Some (Pand (plit true 1, plit false 2))) 5 3 3; *)
+ (* goto None 10; *)
+ (* ] ] ] *)
+ (* then Printf.printf "Passed 110\n" *)
+ (* else Printf.printf "Failed 102\n") *)
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargen.v b/src/hls/GiblePargen.v
index 3cf2401..57e067d 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargen.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargen.v
@@ -221,23 +221,6 @@ Definition is_initial_pred_and_notin (f: forest) (p: positive) (p_next: pred_op)
| _ => false
-Definition predicated_not_in {A} (p: Gible.predicate) (l: predicated A): bool :=
- NE.fold_right (fun (a: pred_op * A) (b: bool) =>
- b && negb (predin peq p (fst a))
- ) true l.
-Definition predicated_not_in_pred_expr (p: Gible.predicate) (tree: RTree.t pred_expr) :=
- PTree.fold (fun b _ a =>
- b && predicated_not_in p a
- ) tree true.
-Definition predicated_not_in_pred_eexpr (p: Gible.predicate) (l: pred_eexpr) :=
- predicated_not_in p l.
-Definition predicated_not_in_forest (p: Gible.predicate) (f: forest) :=
- predicated_not_in_pred_expr p f.(forest_regs)
- && predicated_not_in p f.(forest_exit).
Definition pred_expr_dec: forall a b: pred_op * pred_expression, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
intros. destruct a, b.
@@ -422,21 +405,21 @@ Definition check_evaluability1 a b :=
forallb (fun be =>
existsb (fun ae =>
resource_eq (fst ae) (fst be)
- && HN.beq_pred_expr (snd ae) (snd be)
+ && HN.beq_pred_expr nil (snd ae) (snd be)
&& check_mutexcl HN.pred_Ht_dec (snd ae)
&& check_mutexcl HN.pred_Ht_dec (snd be)
) a
) b.
Definition check_evaluability2 a b :=
- forallb (fun be => existsb (fun ae => HN.beq_pred_expr ae be
+ forallb (fun be => existsb (fun ae => HN.beq_pred_expr nil ae be
&& check_mutexcl HN.pred_Ht_dec ae
&& check_mutexcl HN.pred_Ht_dec be) a) b.
Definition schedule_oracle (bb: SeqBB.t) (bbt: ParBB.t) : bool :=
match abstract_sequence_top bb, abstract_sequence_top (concat (concat bbt)) with
| Some (bb', reg_expr, m_expr), Some (bbt', reg_expr_t, m_expr_t) =>
- check bb' bbt' && empty_trees bb bbt
+ check nil bb' bbt' && empty_trees bb bbt
&& check_evaluability1 reg_expr reg_expr_t
&& check_evaluability2 m_expr m_expr_t
| _, _ => false
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v
index ca2d8a2..afa554c 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproof.v
@@ -813,6 +813,7 @@ have been evaluable.
inversion_clear XX as [v HSEM].
exists v. eapply HN.beq_pred_expr_correct_top;
eauto using check_mutexcl_correct.
+ auto.
Lemma check_evaluability2_evaluable :
@@ -836,6 +837,7 @@ have been evaluable.
inversion_clear HIN' as [v HSEM].
exists v. eapply HN.beq_pred_expr_correct_top;
eauto using check_mutexcl_correct.
+ auto.
Lemma evaluable_same_preds :
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofCommon.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofCommon.v
index 345836f..9254a3b 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofCommon.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofCommon.v
@@ -210,31 +210,6 @@ Proof.
econstructor. split. constructor. right. eauto. auto.
-Definition predicated_not_inP {A} (p: Gible.predicate) (l: predicated A) :=
- forall op e, NE.In (op, e) l -> ~ PredIn p op.
-Lemma predicated_not_inP_cons :
- forall A p (a: (pred_op * A)) l,
- predicated_not_inP p (NE.cons a l) ->
- predicated_not_inP p l.
- unfold predicated_not_inP; intros. eapply H. econstructor. right; eauto.
-Lemma predicated_not_inP_equiv :
- forall A (a: predicated A) p,
- predicated_not_in p a = true -> predicated_not_inP p a.
- induction a.
- - intros. cbn in *. unfold predicated_not_inP; intros.
- unfold not; intros. inv H0. cbn in *.
- destruct (predin peq p op) eqn:?; try discriminate. eapply predin_PredIn in H1.
- rewrite H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
- - intros. cbn in H. eapply andb_prop in H. inv H. eapply IHa in H0.
- unfold predicated_not_inP in *; intros. inv H. inv H3; cbn in *; eauto.
- unfold not; intros. eapply predin_PredIn in H. now rewrite H in H1.
Lemma truthy_dec:
forall ps a, truthy ps a \/ falsy ps a.
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEquiv.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEquiv.v
index ee1c11c..df14e31 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEquiv.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEquiv.v
@@ -1177,62 +1177,65 @@ Module HashExprNorm(HS: Hashable).
mk_pred_stmnt tree == mk_pred_stmnt tree'.
Proof. Abort.
- Definition tree_equiv_check_el (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
+ Definition tree_equiv_check_el eq_list (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
match np2 ! n with
- | Some p' => equiv_check p p'
- | None => equiv_check p ⟂
+ | Some p' => equiv_check_eq_list eq_list p p'
+ | None => equiv_check_eq_list eq_list p ⟂
- Definition tree_equiv_check_None_el (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
+ Definition tree_equiv_check_None_el eq_list (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
match np2 ! n with
| Some p' => true
- | None => equiv_check p ⟂
+ | None => equiv_check_eq_list eq_list p ⟂
- Definition beq_pred_expr (pe1 pe2: predicated HS.t) : bool :=
+ Definition beq_pred_expr eq_list (pe1 pe2: predicated HS.t) : bool :=
if pred_expr_dec pe1 pe2 then true else
let (np1, h) := norm_expression 1 pe1 (PTree.empty _) in
let (np2, h') := norm_expression 1 pe2 h in
- forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el np2) np1
- && forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_None_el np1) np2.
+ forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el eq_list np2) np1
+ && forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_None_el eq_list np1) np2.
Lemma beq_pred_expr_correct:
- forall np1 np2 e p p',
- forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el np2) np1 = true ->
+ forall eq_list np1 np2 e p p' c,
+ sat_predicate (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) c = true ->
+ forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el eq_list np2) np1 = true ->
np1 ! e = Some p ->
np2 ! e = Some p' ->
- p == p'.
+ sat_predicate p c = sat_predicate p' c.
- intros.
+ intros * HEQ **.
eapply forall_ptree_true in H; try eassumption.
unfold tree_equiv_check_el in H.
- rewrite H1 in H. now apply equiv_check_correct.
+ rewrite H1 in H. now eapply equiv_check_eq_list_correct; eauto.
Lemma beq_pred_expr_correct2:
- forall np1 np2 e p,
- forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el np2) np1 = true ->
+ forall eq_list np1 np2 e p c,
+ sat_predicate (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) c = true ->
+ forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el eq_list np2) np1 = true ->
np1 ! e = Some p ->
np2 ! e = None ->
- p == ⟂.
+ sat_predicate p c = sat_predicate ⟂ c.
- intros.
+ intros * HEQ **.
eapply forall_ptree_true in H; try eassumption.
unfold tree_equiv_check_el in H.
- rewrite H1 in H. now apply equiv_check_correct.
+ rewrite H1 in H. now eapply equiv_check_eq_list_correct; eauto.
Lemma beq_pred_expr_correct3:
- forall np1 np2 e p,
- forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_None_el np1) np2 = true ->
+ forall eq_list np1 np2 e p c,
+ sat_predicate (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) c = true ->
+ forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_None_el eq_list np1) np2 = true ->
np1 ! e = None ->
np2 ! e = Some p ->
- p == ⟂.
+ sat_predicate p c = sat_predicate ⟂ c.
- intros.
+ intros * HEQ **.
eapply forall_ptree_true in H; try eassumption.
unfold tree_equiv_check_None_el in H.
- rewrite H0 in H. now apply equiv_check_correct.
+ rewrite H0 in H. now eapply equiv_check_eq_list_correct; eauto.
@@ -1434,14 +1437,15 @@ Module HashExprNorm(HS: Hashable).
Lemma beq_pred_expr_correct_top:
- forall p1 p2 v
+ forall eq_list p1 p2 v
(MUTEXCL1: predicated_mutexcl p1)
(MUTEXCL2: predicated_mutexcl p2),
- beq_pred_expr p1 p2 = true ->
+ eval_predf ps (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) = true ->
+ beq_pred_expr eq_list p1 p2 = true ->
sem_pred_expr f a_sem ctx p1 v ->
sem_pred_expr f a_sem ctx p2 v.
- unfold beq_pred_expr; intros.
+ unfold beq_pred_expr; intros * MUTEXCL1 MUTEXCL2 HEQ **.
destruct_match; subst; auto.
repeat (destruct_match; []).
symmetry in H. apply andb_true_eq in H. inv H.
@@ -1453,24 +1457,26 @@ Module HashExprNorm(HS: Hashable).
3: { eauto. }
2: { unfold H.wf_hash_table; intros. now rewrite PTree.gempty in H3. }
inv H0. destruct (t0 ! e) eqn:?.
- - assert (pr == p) by eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct.
+ - (* assert (pr == p) by admit. (* eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct. *) *)
assert (sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f p) true).
- { eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eapply sem_pexpr_eval_inv in H3; eauto. }
- econstructor. apply H7. eauto. eauto.
+ { eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eapply sem_pexpr_eval_inv in H3; eauto.
+ unfold eval_predf in *. erewrite <- beq_pred_expr_correct; eauto. }
+ econstructor. apply H0. eauto. eauto.
eapply norm_expression_in; eauto.
- - assert (pr == ⟂) by eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct2.
+ - assert (eval_predf ps pr = eval_predf ps ⟂) by (unfold eval_predf; eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct2).
eapply sem_pexpr_eval_inv in H3; eauto. now rewrite H0 in H3.
Lemma beq_pred_expr_correct_top2:
- forall p1 p2 v
+ forall eq_list p1 p2 v
(MUTEXCL1: predicated_mutexcl p1)
(MUTEXCL2: predicated_mutexcl p2),
- beq_pred_expr p1 p2 = true ->
+ (eval_predf ps (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) = true) ->
+ beq_pred_expr eq_list p1 p2 = true ->
sem_pred_expr f a_sem ctx p2 v ->
sem_pred_expr f a_sem ctx p1 v.
- unfold beq_pred_expr; intros.
+ unfold beq_pred_expr; intros * MUTEXCL1 MUTEXCL2 HEQ **.
destruct_match; subst; auto.
repeat (destruct_match; []).
symmetry in H. apply andb_true_eq in H. inv H.
@@ -1484,7 +1490,7 @@ Module HashExprNorm(HS: Hashable).
3: { eauto. }
2: { auto. }
inv H0. destruct (t ! e) eqn:?.
- - assert (p == pr) by eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct.
+ - assert (eval_predf ps p = eval_predf ps pr) by (unfold eval_predf; eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct).
assert (sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f p) true).
{ eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eapply sem_pexpr_eval_inv in H3; eauto. }
econstructor. apply H7. eauto. eauto.
@@ -1493,7 +1499,7 @@ Module HashExprNorm(HS: Hashable).
now rewrite PTree.gempty in YH. eauto. simplify.
exploit norm_expression_in. 2: { eauto. } auto. eauto. intros.
- - assert (pr == ⟂) by eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct3.
+ - assert (eval_predf ps pr = eval_predf ps ⟂) by (unfold eval_predf; eauto using beq_pred_expr_correct3).
eapply sem_pexpr_eval_inv in H3; eauto. now rewrite H0 in H3.
@@ -1614,14 +1620,35 @@ Proof.
eapply forall_ptree_true in H; eauto using check_mutexcl_correct.
-Definition check f1 f2 :=
- RTree.beq HN.beq_pred_expr f1.(forest_regs) f2.(forest_regs)
+Definition remove_all {A} :=
+ fold_left (fun (a: PTree.t A) b => PTree.remove b a).
+Definition predicated_not_in {A} (p: Gible.predicate) (l: predicated A): bool :=
+ NE.fold_right (fun (a: pred_op * A) (b: bool) =>
+ b && negb (predin peq p (fst a))
+ ) true l.
+Definition predicated_not_in_pred_expr (p: Gible.predicate) (tree: RTree.t pred_expr) :=
+ PTree.fold (fun b _ a =>
+ b && predicated_not_in p a
+ ) tree true.
+Definition predicated_not_in_pred_eexpr (p: Gible.predicate) (l: pred_eexpr) :=
+ predicated_not_in p l.
+Definition predicated_not_in_forest (p: Gible.predicate) (f: forest) :=
+ predicated_not_in_pred_expr p f.(forest_regs)
+ && predicated_not_in p f.(forest_exit).
+Definition check (eq_list: list (positive * positive)) f1 f2 :=
+ RTree.beq (HN.beq_pred_expr eq_list) f1.(forest_regs) f2.(forest_regs)
&& PTree.beq beq_pred_pexpr f1.(forest_preds) f2.(forest_preds)
- && EHN.beq_pred_expr f1.(forest_exit) f2.(forest_exit)
+ && EHN.beq_pred_expr eq_list f1.(forest_exit) f2.(forest_exit)
&& check_mutexcl_tree HN.pred_Ht_dec f1.(forest_regs)
&& check_mutexcl_tree HN.pred_Ht_dec f2.(forest_regs)
&& check_mutexcl EHN.pred_Ht_dec f1.(forest_exit)
- && check_mutexcl EHN.pred_Ht_dec f2.(forest_exit).
+ && check_mutexcl EHN.pred_Ht_dec f2.(forest_exit)
+ && (forallb (fun x => beq_pred_pexpr (f1 #p (fst x)) (f1 #p (snd x))) eq_list).
Lemma sem_pexpr_forward_eval1 :
forall A ctx f_p ps,
@@ -2086,9 +2113,9 @@ Proof.
Lemma tree_beq_pred_expr :
- forall a b x,
- RTree.beq HN.beq_pred_expr (forest_regs a) (forest_regs b) = true ->
- HN.beq_pred_expr a #r x b #r x = true.
+ forall eq_list a b x,
+ RTree.beq (HN.beq_pred_expr eq_list) (forest_regs a) (forest_regs b) = true ->
+ HN.beq_pred_expr eq_list a #r x b #r x = true.
intros. unfold "#r" in *.
apply PTree.beq_correct with (x := (R_indexed.index x)) in H.
@@ -2098,14 +2125,227 @@ Proof.
unfold HN.beq_pred_expr. destruct_match; auto.
+Definition predicated_not_inP {A} (p: Gible.predicate) (l: predicated A) :=
+ forall op e, NE.In (op, e) l -> ~ PredIn p op.
+Lemma predicated_not_inP_cons :
+ forall A p (a: (pred_op * A)) l,
+ predicated_not_inP p (NE.cons a l) ->
+ predicated_not_inP p l.
+ unfold predicated_not_inP; intros. eapply H. econstructor. right; eauto.
+Lemma predicated_not_inP_equiv :
+ forall A (a: predicated A) p,
+ predicated_not_in p a = true -> predicated_not_inP p a.
+ induction a.
+ - intros. cbn in *. unfold predicated_not_inP; intros.
+ unfold not; intros. inv H0. cbn in *.
+ destruct (predin peq p op) eqn:?; try discriminate. eapply predin_PredIn in H1.
+ rewrite H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
+ - intros. cbn in H. eapply andb_prop in H. inv H. eapply IHa in H0.
+ unfold predicated_not_inP in *; intros. inv H. inv H3; cbn in *; eauto.
+ unfold not; intros. eapply predin_PredIn in H. now rewrite H in H1.
+Lemma pred_fold_true' :
+ forall A l pred y,
+ fold_left (fun a (p : positive * predicated A) => a && predicated_not_in pred (snd p)) l y = true ->
+ y = true.
+ induction l; crush.
+ exploit IHl; try eassumption; intros.
+ eapply andb_prop in H0; tauto.
+Lemma pred_fold_true :
+ forall A pred l p y,
+ fold_left (fun (a : bool) (p : positive * predicated A) => a && predicated_not_in pred (snd p)) l y = true ->
+ y = true ->
+ list_norepet (map fst l) ->
+ In p l ->
+ predicated_not_in pred (snd p) = true.
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H1. inv H2.
+ - cbn in *. now eapply pred_fold_true' in H.
+ - cbn in *; eapply IHl; try eassumption.
+ eapply pred_fold_true'; eauto.
+Lemma pred_not_in_forestP :
+ forall pred f,
+ predicated_not_in_forest pred f = true ->
+ forall x, predicated_not_inP pred (f #r x).
+ unfold predicated_not_in_forest, predicated_not_in_pred_expr; intros.
+ destruct (RTree.get x (forest_regs f)) eqn:?.
+ - eapply andb_prop in H. inv H. rewrite PTree.fold_spec in H0.
+ unfold RTree.get in Heqo.
+ exploit pred_fold_true. eauto. auto. apply PTree.elements_keys_norepet.
+ apply PTree.elements_correct; eauto.
+ intros. eapply predicated_not_inP_equiv. unfold "#r".
+ unfold RTree.get. rewrite Heqo. auto.
+ - unfold "#r". rewrite Heqo. unfold predicated_not_inP; intros.
+ inv H0. inversion 1.
+Lemma pred_not_in_forest_exitP :
+ forall pred f,
+ predicated_not_in_forest pred f = true ->
+ predicated_not_inP pred (forest_exit f).
+ intros.
+ eapply predicated_not_inP_equiv. unfold predicated_not_in_forest in H.
+ eapply andb_prop in H; tauto.
+Lemma sem_pexpr_not_in :
+ forall G (ctx: @ctx G) p0 ps p e b,
+ ~ PredIn p p0 ->
+ sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op ps p0) b ->
+ sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op (PTree.set p e ps) p0) b.
+ induction p0; auto; intros.
+ - cbn. destruct p. unfold get_forest_p'.
+ assert (p0 <> p) by
+ (unfold not; intros; apply H; subst; constructor).
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ - cbn in *.
+ assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
+ (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
+ inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
+ inv H0. inv H4.
+ specialize (IHp0_1 _ p e _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ specialize (IHp0_2 _ p e _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ - cbn in *.
+ assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
+ (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
+ inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
+ inv H0. inv H4.
+ specialize (IHp0_1 _ p e _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ specialize (IHp0_2 _ p e _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+Lemma sem_pexpr_not_in2 :
+ forall G (ctx: @ctx G) p0 ps p b,
+ ~ PredIn p p0 ->
+ sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op ps p0) b ->
+ sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op (PTree.remove p ps) p0) b.
+ induction p0; auto; intros.
+ - cbn. destruct p. unfold get_forest_p'.
+ assert (p0 <> p) by
+ (unfold not; intros; apply H; subst; constructor).
+ rewrite PTree.gro; auto.
+ - cbn in *.
+ assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
+ (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
+ inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
+ inv H0. inv H4.
+ specialize (IHp0_1 _ p _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ specialize (IHp0_2 _ p _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ - cbn in *.
+ assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
+ (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
+ inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
+ inv H0. inv H4.
+ specialize (IHp0_1 _ p _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ specialize (IHp0_2 _ p _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_not_in :
+ forall A B G (ctx: @ctx G) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) l v p e ps,
+ sem_pred_expr ps s ctx l v ->
+ predicated_not_inP p l ->
+ sem_pred_expr (PTree.set p e ps) s ctx l v.
+ induction l.
+ - intros. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
+ destruct a. constructor. apply sem_pexpr_not_in.
+ eapply H0. econstructor. inv H. auto. inv H. auto.
+ - intros. inv H. constructor. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_not_in. eapply H0. constructor. left. eauto.
+ auto. auto.
+ apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false. apply sem_pexpr_not_in. eapply H0.
+ constructor. tauto. auto. auto.
+ eapply IHl. eauto. eapply predicated_not_inP_cons; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_not_in2 :
+ forall A B G (ctx: @ctx G) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) l v p ps,
+ sem_pred_expr ps s ctx l v ->
+ predicated_not_inP p l ->
+ sem_pred_expr (PTree.remove p ps) s ctx l v.
+ induction l.
+ - intros. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
+ destruct a. constructor. apply sem_pexpr_not_in2.
+ eapply H0. econstructor. inv H. auto. inv H. auto.
+ - intros. inv H. constructor. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_not_in2. eapply H0. constructor. left. eauto.
+ auto. auto.
+ apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false. apply sem_pexpr_not_in2. eapply H0.
+ constructor. tauto. auto. auto.
+ eapply IHl. eauto. eapply predicated_not_inP_cons; eauto.
+Lemma remove_all_sem_pred_expr :
+ forall A B G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) l a y v,
+ sem_pred_expr a s ctx y v ->
+ Forall (fun x => predicated_not_inP x y) l ->
+ sem_pred_expr (remove_all l a) s ctx y v.
+ induction l; cbn; auto; intros.
+ inv H0. eapply IHl; eauto.
+ apply sem_pred_not_in2; auto.
+Lemma eval_predf_eq_list :
+ forall G (ictx: @ctx G) a pr' eq_list t,
+ (forall x : positive, sem_pexpr ictx a #p x pr' !! x) ->
+ forallb (fun x : positive * positive => beq_pred_pexpr a #p (fst x) a #p (snd x)) eq_list = true ->
+ eval_predf pr' t = true ->
+ eval_predf pr'
+ (fold_left
+ (fun (a0 : Predicate.pred_op) (b0 : Predicate.predicate * Predicate.predicate) =>
+ a0 ∧ ((Plit (true, fst b0) ∨ Plit (false, snd b0)) ∧ (Plit (true, snd b0) ∨ Plit (false, fst b0)))) eq_list t) =
+ true.
+ induction eq_list; auto; intros.
+ eapply IHeq_list; [auto| |].
+ cbn in H0. apply andb_prop in H0; tauto.
+ rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite H1; cbn -[eval_predf].
+ cbn in H0. apply andb_prop in H0. inv H0.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_beq_correct' with (ctx := ictx) in H2.
+ assert (eval_predf pr' (Plit (true, fst a0)) = eval_predf pr' (Plit (true, snd a0))).
+ remember (eval_predf pr' (Plit (true, fst a0))). symmetry in Heqb.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_eval in Heqb; eauto.
+ apply sem_pexprF_correct2 in Heqb. cbn in Heqb. unfold "#p" in *. rewrite H2 in Heqb.
+ replace (get_forest_p' (snd a0) (forest_preds a))
+ with (from_pred_op (forest_preds a) (Plit (true, snd a0))) in Heqb by auto.
+ apply sem_pexprF_correct in Heqb. eapply sem_pexpr_eval_inv in Heqb. eauto.
+ eauto.
+ destruct (eval_predf pr' (Plit (true, fst a0))) eqn:?;
+ destruct (eval_predf pr' (Plit (true, snd a0))) eqn:?; crush.
+ cbn in *. setoid_rewrite Heqb. setoid_rewrite Heqb0; auto.
+ cbn in *. setoid_rewrite Heqb. setoid_rewrite Heqb0; auto.
Section CORRECT.
Context {FUN TFUN: Type}.
Context (ictx: @ctx FUN) (octx: @ctx TFUN) (HSIM: similar ictx octx).
Lemma abstr_check_correct :
- forall i' a b cf,
- check a b = true ->
+ forall eq_list i' a b cf,
+ check eq_list a b = true ->
sem ictx a (i', cf) ->
exists ti', sem octx b (ti', cf) /\ match_states i' ti'.
@@ -2113,28 +2353,37 @@ Proof.
assert (EVALUABLE: (exists ps, forall x, sem_pexpr ictx (get_forest_p' x (forest_preds a)) ps !! x)).
{ inv H0. inv H4. eauto. }
unfold check in H. simplify.
- inv H0. inv H10. inv H11.
+ inv H0. inv H11. inv H12.
eexists; split; constructor; auto.
- constructor. intros.
eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct; eauto.
+ (* eapply remove_all_sem_pred_expr; eauto. *)
+ (* 2: { eapply Forall_forall; intros. eapply forallb_forall in H3; eauto. eapply pred_not_in_forestP; eauto. } *)
eapply sem_pred_expr_corr; eauto. now apply sem_value_corr.
eapply HN.beq_pred_expr_correct_top; eauto.
{ unfold "#r"; destruct_match; eauto using check_mutexcl_tree_correct, predicated_singleton. }
{ unfold "#r"; destruct_match; eauto using check_mutexcl_tree_correct, predicated_singleton. }
- eapply tree_beq_pred_expr; eauto.
+ 2: { eapply tree_beq_pred_expr; eauto. }
+ unfold eq_list_to_pred_op. eapply eval_predf_eq_list; eauto.
- (* This is where three-valued logic would be needed. *)
constructor. intros. apply sem_pexpr_beq_correct with (p1 := a #p x0).
apply tree_beq_pred_pexpr; auto.
apply sem_pexpr_corr with (ictx:=ictx); auto.
- eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct; eauto.
+ (* eapply remove_all_sem_pred_expr; eauto. *)
+ (* 2: { eapply Forall_forall; intros. eapply forallb_forall in H3; eauto. eapply pred_not_in_forestP; eauto. } *)
eapply sem_pred_expr_corr; eauto. now apply sem_mem_corr.
eapply HN.beq_pred_expr_correct_top; eauto.
{ unfold "#r"; destruct_match; eauto using check_mutexcl_tree_correct, predicated_singleton. }
{ unfold "#r"; destruct_match; eauto using check_mutexcl_tree_correct, predicated_singleton. }
- eapply tree_beq_pred_expr; eauto.
+ 2: { eapply tree_beq_pred_expr; eauto. }
+ unfold eq_list_to_pred_op. eapply eval_predf_eq_list; eauto.
- eapply sem_pred_exec_beq_correct; eauto.
+ (* eapply remove_all_sem_pred_expr; eauto. *)
+ (* 2: { eapply Forall_forall; intros. eapply forallb_forall in H3; eauto. eapply pred_not_in_forest_exitP; eauto. } *)
eapply sem_pred_expr_corr; eauto. now apply sem_exit_corr.
eapply EHN.beq_pred_expr_correct_top; eauto using check_mutexcl_correct.
+ unfold eq_list_to_pred_op. eapply eval_predf_eq_list; eauto.
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
index 946a243..48fe922 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
@@ -273,105 +273,6 @@ all be evaluable.
+ auto.
- Lemma sem_pexpr_not_in :
- forall G (ctx: @ctx G) p0 ps p e b,
- ~ PredIn p p0 ->
- sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op ps p0) b ->
- sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op (PTree.set p e ps) p0) b.
- Proof.
- induction p0; auto; intros.
- - cbn. destruct p. unfold get_forest_p'.
- assert (p0 <> p) by
- (unfold not; intros; apply H; subst; constructor).
- rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
- - cbn in *.
- assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
- (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
- inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
- inv H0. inv H4.
- specialize (IHp0_1 _ p e _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
- specialize (IHp0_2 _ p e _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
- constructor; auto.
- - cbn in *.
- assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
- (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
- inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
- inv H0. inv H4.
- specialize (IHp0_1 _ p e _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
- specialize (IHp0_2 _ p e _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
- constructor; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_not_in :
- forall A B G (ctx: @ctx G) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) l v p e ps,
- sem_pred_expr ps s ctx l v ->
- predicated_not_inP p l ->
- sem_pred_expr (PTree.set p e ps) s ctx l v.
- Proof.
- induction l.
- - intros. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
- destruct a. constructor. apply sem_pexpr_not_in.
- eapply H0. econstructor. inv H. auto. inv H. auto.
- - intros. inv H. constructor. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
- eapply sem_pexpr_not_in. eapply H0. constructor. left. eauto.
- auto. auto.
- apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false. apply sem_pexpr_not_in. eapply H0.
- constructor. tauto. auto. auto.
- eapply IHl. eauto. eapply predicated_not_inP_cons; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_fold_true' :
- forall A l pred y,
- fold_left (fun a (p : positive * predicated A) => a && predicated_not_in pred (snd p)) l y = true ->
- y = true.
- Proof.
- induction l; crush.
- exploit IHl; try eassumption; intros.
- eapply andb_prop in H0; tauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_fold_true :
- forall A pred l p y,
- fold_left (fun (a : bool) (p : positive * predicated A) => a && predicated_not_in pred (snd p)) l y = true ->
- y = true ->
- list_norepet (map fst l) ->
- In p l ->
- predicated_not_in pred (snd p) = true.
- Proof.
- induction l; crush.
- inv H1. inv H2.
- - cbn in *. now eapply pred_fold_true' in H.
- - cbn in *; eapply IHl; try eassumption.
- eapply pred_fold_true'; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_not_in_forestP :
- forall pred f,
- predicated_not_in_forest pred f = true ->
- forall x, predicated_not_inP pred (f #r x).
- Proof.
- unfold predicated_not_in_forest, predicated_not_in_pred_expr; intros.
- destruct (RTree.get x (forest_regs f)) eqn:?.
- - eapply andb_prop in H. inv H. rewrite PTree.fold_spec in H0.
- unfold RTree.get in Heqo.
- exploit pred_fold_true. eauto. auto. apply PTree.elements_keys_norepet.
- apply PTree.elements_correct; eauto.
- intros. eapply predicated_not_inP_equiv. unfold "#r".
- unfold RTree.get. rewrite Heqo. auto.
- - unfold "#r". rewrite Heqo. unfold predicated_not_inP; intros.
- inv H0. inversion 1.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_not_in_forest_exitP :
- forall pred f,
- predicated_not_in_forest pred f = true ->
- predicated_not_inP pred (forest_exit f).
- Proof.
- intros.
- eapply predicated_not_inP_equiv. unfold predicated_not_in_forest in H.
- eapply andb_prop in H; tauto.
- Qed.
Lemma sem_update_Isetpred:
forall A (ctx: @ctx A) f pr p0 c args b rs m,
predicated_mutexcl (seq_app (pred_ret (PEsetpred c)) (merge (list_translation args f))) ->
diff --git a/src/hls/Predicate.v b/src/hls/Predicate.v
index 86e992a..d4bc80a 100644
--- a/src/hls/Predicate.v
+++ b/src/hls/Predicate.v
@@ -740,6 +740,17 @@ Proof.
intros. tauto.
+Definition eq_list_to_pred_op (eq_list: list (positive * positive)): pred_op :=
+ fold_left (fun a b => a ∧ ((Plit (true, fst b) ∨ Plit (false, snd b))
+ ∧ (Plit (true, snd b) ∨ Plit (false, fst b))))
+ eq_list T.
+Definition equiv_check_eq_list eq_list p1 p2 :=
+ match sat_pred_simple (simplify (¬ (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) ∨ (p1 ∧ ¬ p2 ∨ p2 ∧ ¬ p1))) with
+ | None => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
Definition equiv_check p1 p2 :=
match sat_pred_simple (simplify (p1 ∧ ¬ p2 ∨ p2 ∧ ¬ p1)) with
| None => true
@@ -759,6 +770,28 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- simplify_correct. eauto.
+Lemma equiv_check_eq_list_correct :
+ forall eq_list p1 p2,
+ equiv_check_eq_list eq_list p1 p2 = true ->
+ forall c, sat_predicate (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) c = true ->
+ sat_predicate p1 c = sat_predicate p2 c.
+ unfold equiv_check_eq_list. unfold sat_pred_simple. intros.
+ destruct_match; try discriminate; [].
+ destruct_match. destruct_match. discriminate.
+ assert (negb (sat_predicate (eq_list_to_pred_op eq_list) c) = false)
+ by (rewrite H0; auto).
+ clear Heqs.
+ specialize (e c).
+ rewrite simplify_correct in e. rewrite sat_predicate_or in e. rewrite <- negate_correct in H1.
+ rewrite H1 in e. rewrite orb_false_l in e.
+ destruct (sat_predicate p1 c) eqn:X;
+ destruct (sat_predicate p2 c) eqn:X2;
+ crush.
+ rewrite negate_correct in *. rewrite X in *. rewrite X2 in *. auto.
+ rewrite negate_correct in *. rewrite X in *. rewrite X2 in *. auto.
Opaque simplify.
Opaque simplify'.