path: root/src/hls/Abstr.v
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+ * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis.
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *)
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Decidable.
+Require Import compcert.backend.Registers.
+Require Import compcert.common.AST.
+Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs.
+Require Import compcert.common.Memory.
+Require Import compcert.common.Values.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Floats.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Maps.
+Require compcert.verilog.Op.
+Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib.
+Require Import vericert.hls.RTLBlock.
+Require Import vericert.hls.RTLPar.
+Require Import vericert.hls.RTLBlockInstr.
+Require Import vericert.hls.HashTree.
+Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate.
+#[local] Open Scope positive.
+#[local] Open Scope pred_op.
+Schedule Oracle
+This oracle determines if a schedule was valid by performing symbolic execution on the input and
+output and showing that these behave the same. This acts on each basic block separately, as the
+rest of the functions should be equivalent.
+Definition reg := positive.
+Inductive resource : Set :=
+| Reg : reg -> resource
+| Pred : reg -> resource
+| Mem : resource.
+The following defines quite a few equality comparisons automatically, however, these can be
+optimised heavily if written manually, as their proofs are not needed.
+Lemma resource_eq : forall (r1 r2 : resource), {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}.
+ decide equality; apply Pos.eq_dec.
+Lemma comparison_eq: forall (x y : comparison), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma condition_eq: forall (x y : Op.condition), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize comparison_eq; intro.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Int64.eq_dec; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma addressing_eq : forall (x y : Op.addressing), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ generalize Z.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Ptrofs.eq_dec; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma typ_eq : forall (x y : AST.typ), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma operation_eq: forall (x y : Op.operation), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Int64.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float32.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ generalize condition_eq; intro.
+ generalize addressing_eq; intro.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma memory_chunk_eq : forall (x y : AST.memory_chunk), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma list_typ_eq: forall (x y : list AST.typ), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma option_typ_eq : forall (x y : option AST.typ), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma signature_eq: forall (x y : AST.signature), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Lemma list_operation_eq : forall (x y : list Op.operation), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize operation_eq; intro.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma list_reg_eq : forall (x y : list reg), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Pos.eq_dec; intros.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma sig_eq : forall (x y : AST.signature), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Lemma instr_eq: forall (x y : instr), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Pos.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize memory_chunk_eq; intro.
+ generalize addressing_eq; intro.
+ generalize operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize condition_eq; intro.
+ generalize signature_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_reg_eq; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ repeat decide equality.
+Lemma cf_instr_eq: forall (x y : cf_instr), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ generalize Pos.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize typ_eq; intro.
+ generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Int64.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Float32.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize Ptrofs.eq_dec; intro.
+ generalize memory_chunk_eq; intro.
+ generalize addressing_eq; intro.
+ generalize operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize condition_eq; intro.
+ generalize signature_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_operation_eq; intro.
+ generalize list_reg_eq; intro.
+ generalize AST.ident_eq; intro.
+ repeat decide equality.
+We then create equality lemmas for a resource and a module to index resources uniquely. The
+indexing is done by setting Mem to 1, whereas all other infinitely many registers will all be
+shifted right by 1. This means that they will never overlap.
+Module R_indexed.
+ Definition t := resource.
+ Definition index (rs: resource) : positive :=
+ match rs with
+ | Reg r => xO (xO r)
+ | Pred r => xI (xI r)
+ | Mem => 1%positive
+ end.
+ Lemma index_inj: forall (x y: t), index x = index y -> x = y.
+ Proof. destruct x; destruct y; crush. Qed.
+ Definition eq := resource_eq.
+End R_indexed.
+We can then create expressions that mimic the expressions defined in RTLBlock and RTLPar, which use
+expressions instead of registers as their inputs and outputs. This means that we can accumulate all
+the results of the operations as general expressions that will be present in those registers.
+- Ebase: the starting value of the register.
+- Eop: Some arithmetic operation on a number of registers.
+- Eload: A load from a memory location into a register.
+- Estore: A store from a register to a memory location.
+Then, to make recursion over expressions easier, expression_list is also defined in the datatype, as
+that enables mutual recursive definitions over the datatypes.
+Inductive expression : Type :=
+| Ebase : resource -> expression
+| Eop : Op.operation -> expression_list -> expression
+| Eload : AST.memory_chunk -> Op.addressing -> expression_list -> expression -> expression
+| Estore : expression -> AST.memory_chunk -> Op.addressing -> expression_list -> expression -> expression
+| Esetpred : Op.condition -> expression_list -> expression
+with expression_list : Type :=
+| Enil : expression_list
+| Econs : expression -> expression_list -> expression_list
+(*Inductive pred_expr : Type :=
+| PEsingleton : option pred_op -> expression -> pred_expr
+| PEcons : option pred_op -> expression -> pred_expr -> pred_expr.*)
+Module NonEmpty.
+Inductive non_empty (A: Type) :=
+| singleton : A -> non_empty A
+| cons : A -> non_empty A -> non_empty A
+Arguments singleton [A].
+Arguments cons [A].
+Declare Scope non_empty_scope.
+Delimit Scope non_empty_scope with non_empty.
+Module NonEmptyNotation.
+Infix "::|" := cons (at level 60, right associativity) : non_empty_scope.
+End NonEmptyNotation.
+Import NonEmptyNotation.
+#[local] Open Scope non_empty_scope.
+Fixpoint map {A B} (f: A -> B) (l: non_empty A): non_empty B :=
+ match l with
+ | singleton a => singleton (f a)
+ | a ::| b => f a ::| map f b
+ end.
+Fixpoint to_list {A} (l: non_empty A): list A :=
+ match l with
+ | singleton a => a::nil
+ | a ::| b => a :: to_list b
+ end.
+Fixpoint app {A} (l1 l2: non_empty A) :=
+ match l1 with
+ | singleton a => a ::| l2
+ | a ::| b => a ::| app b l2
+ end.
+Fixpoint non_empty_prod {A B} (l: non_empty A) (l': non_empty B) :=
+ match l with
+ | singleton a => map (fun x => (a, x)) l'
+ | a ::| b => app (map (fun x => (a, x)) l') (non_empty_prod b l')
+ end.
+Fixpoint of_list {A} (l: list A): option (non_empty A) :=
+ match l with
+ | a::b =>
+ match of_list b with
+ | Some b' => Some (a ::| b')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | nil => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint replace {A} (f: A -> A -> bool) (a b: A) (l: non_empty A) :=
+ match l with
+ | a' ::| l' => if f a a' then b ::| replace f a b l' else a' ::| replace f a b l'
+ | singleton a' => if f a a' then singleton b else singleton a'
+ end.
+Inductive In {A: Type} (x: A) : non_empty A -> Prop :=
+| In_cons : forall a b, x = a \/ In x b -> In x (a ::| b)
+| In_single : In x (singleton x).
+Lemma in_dec:
+ forall A (a: A) (l: non_empty A),
+ (forall a b: A, {a = b} + {a <> b}) ->
+ {In a l} + {~ In a l}.
+ induction l; intros.
+ { specialize (X a a0). inv X.
+ left. constructor.
+ right. unfold not. intros. apply H. inv H0. auto. }
+ { pose proof X as X2.
+ specialize (X a a0). inv X.
+ left. constructor; tauto.
+ apply IHl in X2. inv X2.
+ left. constructor; tauto.
+ right. unfold not in *; intros. apply H0. inv H1. now inv H3. }
+End NonEmpty.
+Module NE := NonEmpty.
+Import NE.NonEmptyNotation.
+#[local] Open Scope non_empty_scope.
+Definition predicated A := NE.non_empty (pred_op * A).
+Definition pred_expr := predicated expression.
+Using IMap we can create a map from resources to any other type, as resources can be uniquely
+identified as positive numbers.
+Module Rtree := ITree(R_indexed).
+Definition forest : Type := Rtree.t pred_expr.
+Definition get_forest v (f: forest) :=
+ match Rtree.get v f with
+ | None => NE.singleton (T, (Ebase v))
+ | Some v' => v'
+ end.
+Declare Scope forest.
+Notation "a # b" := (get_forest b a) (at level 1) : forest.
+Notation "a # b <- c" := (Rtree.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level) : forest.
+#[local] Open Scope forest.
+Definition maybe {A: Type} (vo: A) (pr: predset) p (v: A) :=
+ match p with
+ | Some p' => if eval_predf pr p' then v else vo
+ | None => v
+ end.
+Definition get_pr i := match i with mk_instr_state a b c => b end.
+Definition get_m i := match i with mk_instr_state a b c => c end.
+Definition eval_predf_opt pr p :=
+ match p with Some p' => eval_predf pr p' | None => true end.
+Finally we want to define the semantics of execution for the expressions with symbolic values, so
+the result of executing the expressions will be an expressions.
+Context {A : Type}.
+Record ctx : Type := mk_ctx {
+ ctx_is: instr_state;
+ ctx_sp: val;
+ ctx_ge: Genv.t A unit;
+Definition ctx_rs ctx := is_rs (ctx_is ctx).
+Definition ctx_ps ctx := is_ps (ctx_is ctx).
+Definition ctx_mem ctx := is_mem (ctx_is ctx).
+Inductive sem_value : ctx -> expression -> val -> Prop :=
+| Sbase_reg:
+ forall r ctx,
+ sem_value ctx (Ebase (Reg r)) ((ctx_rs ctx) !! r)
+| Sop:
+ forall ctx op args v lv,
+ sem_val_list ctx args lv ->
+ Op.eval_operation (ctx_ge ctx) (ctx_sp ctx) op lv (ctx_mem ctx) = Some v ->
+ sem_value ctx (Eop op args) v
+| Sload :
+ forall ctx mexp addr chunk args a v m' lv,
+ sem_mem ctx mexp m' ->
+ sem_val_list ctx args lv ->
+ Op.eval_addressing (ctx_ge ctx) (ctx_sp ctx) addr lv = Some a ->
+ Memory.Mem.loadv chunk m' a = Some v ->
+ sem_value ctx (Eload chunk addr args mexp) v
+with sem_pred : ctx -> expression -> bool -> Prop :=
+| Spred:
+ forall ctx args c lv v,
+ sem_val_list ctx args lv ->
+ Op.eval_condition c lv (ctx_mem ctx) = Some v ->
+ sem_pred ctx (Esetpred c args) v
+| Sbase_pred:
+ forall ctx p,
+ sem_pred ctx (Ebase (Pred p)) ((ctx_ps ctx) !! p)
+with sem_mem : ctx -> expression -> Memory.mem -> Prop :=
+| Sstore :
+ forall ctx mexp vexp chunk addr args lv v a m' m'',
+ sem_mem ctx mexp m' ->
+ sem_value ctx vexp v ->
+ sem_val_list ctx args lv ->
+ Op.eval_addressing (ctx_ge ctx) (ctx_sp ctx) addr lv = Some a ->
+ Memory.Mem.storev chunk m' a v = Some m'' ->
+ sem_mem ctx (Estore vexp chunk addr args mexp) m''
+| Sbase_mem :
+ forall ctx,
+ sem_mem ctx (Ebase Mem) (ctx_mem ctx)
+with sem_val_list : ctx -> expression_list -> list val -> Prop :=
+| Snil :
+ forall ctx,
+ sem_val_list ctx Enil nil
+| Scons :
+ forall ctx e v l lv,
+ sem_value ctx e v ->
+ sem_val_list ctx l lv ->
+ sem_val_list ctx (Econs e l) (v :: lv)
+Inductive sem_pred_expr {B: Type} (sem: ctx -> expression -> B -> Prop):
+ ctx -> pred_expr -> B -> Prop :=
+| sem_pred_expr_cons_true :
+ forall ctx e pr p' v,
+ eval_predf (ctx_ps ctx) pr = true ->
+ sem ctx e v ->
+ sem_pred_expr sem ctx ((pr, e) ::| p') v
+| sem_pred_expr_cons_false :
+ forall ctx e pr p' v,
+ eval_predf (ctx_ps ctx) pr = false ->
+ sem_pred_expr sem ctx p' v ->
+ sem_pred_expr sem ctx ((pr, e) ::| p') v
+| sem_pred_expr_single :
+ forall ctx e pr v,
+ eval_predf (ctx_ps ctx) pr = true ->
+ sem ctx e v ->
+ sem_pred_expr sem ctx (NE.singleton (pr, e)) v
+Definition collapse_pe (p: pred_expr) : option expression :=
+ match p with
+ | NE.singleton (T, p) => Some p
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Inductive sem_predset : ctx -> forest -> predset -> Prop :=
+| Spredset:
+ forall ctx f rs',
+ (forall x, sem_pred_expr sem_pred ctx (f # (Pred x)) (rs' !! x)) ->
+ sem_predset ctx f rs'.
+Inductive sem_regset : ctx -> forest -> regset -> Prop :=
+| Sregset:
+ forall ctx f rs',
+ (forall x, sem_pred_expr sem_value ctx (f # (Reg x)) (rs' !! x)) ->
+ sem_regset ctx f rs'.
+Inductive sem : ctx -> forest -> instr_state -> Prop :=
+| Sem:
+ forall ctx rs' m' f pr',
+ sem_regset ctx f rs' ->
+ sem_predset ctx f pr' ->
+ sem_pred_expr sem_mem ctx (f # Mem) m' ->
+ sem ctx f (mk_instr_state rs' pr' m').
+Fixpoint beq_expression (e1 e2: expression) {struct e1}: bool :=
+ match e1, e2 with
+ | Ebase r1, Ebase r2 => if resource_eq r1 r2 then true else false
+ | Eop op1 el1, Eop op2 el2 =>
+ if operation_eq op1 op2 then
+ beq_expression_list el1 el2 else false
+ | Eload chk1 addr1 el1 e1, Eload chk2 addr2 el2 e2 =>
+ if memory_chunk_eq chk1 chk2
+ then if addressing_eq addr1 addr2
+ then if beq_expression_list el1 el2
+ then beq_expression e1 e2 else false else false else false
+ | Estore e1 chk1 addr1 el1 m1, Estore e2 chk2 addr2 el2 m2 =>
+ if memory_chunk_eq chk1 chk2
+ then if addressing_eq addr1 addr2
+ then if beq_expression_list el1 el2
+ then if beq_expression m1 m2
+ then beq_expression e1 e2 else false else false else false else false
+ | Esetpred c1 el1, Esetpred c2 el2 =>
+ if condition_eq c1 c2
+ then beq_expression_list el1 el2 else false
+ | _, _ => false
+ end
+with beq_expression_list (el1 el2: expression_list) {struct el1} : bool :=
+ match el1, el2 with
+ | Enil, Enil => true
+ | Econs e1 t1, Econs e2 t2 => beq_expression e1 e2 && beq_expression_list t1 t2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end
+Scheme expression_ind2 := Induction for expression Sort Prop
+ with expression_list_ind2 := Induction for expression_list Sort Prop.
+Lemma beq_expression_correct:
+ forall e1 e2, beq_expression e1 e2 = true -> e1 = e2.
+ intro e1;
+ apply expression_ind2 with
+ (P := fun (e1 : expression) =>
+ forall e2, beq_expression e1 e2 = true -> e1 = e2)
+ (P0 := fun (e1 : expression_list) =>
+ forall e2, beq_expression_list e1 e2 = true -> e1 = e2); simplify;
+ try solve [repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[match ?x with _ => _ end] |- _ ] => destruct x eqn:?
+ | [ H : context[if ?x then _ else _] |- _ ] => destruct x eqn:?
+ end; subst; f_equal; crush; eauto using Peqb_true_eq].
+Lemma beq_expression_refl: forall e, beq_expression e e = true.
+ intros.
+ induction e using expression_ind2 with (P0 := fun el => beq_expression_list el el = true);
+ crush; repeat (destruct_match; crush); [].
+ crush. rewrite IHe. rewrite IHe0. auto.
+Lemma beq_expression_list_refl: forall e, beq_expression_list e e = true.
+Proof. induction e; auto. simplify. rewrite beq_expression_refl. auto. Qed.
+Lemma beq_expression_correct2:
+ forall e1 e2, beq_expression e1 e2 = false -> e1 <> e2.
+ induction e1 using expression_ind2
+ with (P0 := fun el1 => forall el2, beq_expression_list el1 el2 = false -> el1 <> el2).
+ - intros. simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ - intros. simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush). subst. apply IHe1 in H.
+ unfold not in *. intros. apply H. inv H0. auto.
+ - intros. simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst.
+ unfold not in *; intros. inv H0. rewrite beq_expression_refl in H. discriminate.
+ unfold not in *; intros. inv H. rewrite beq_expression_list_refl in Heqb. discriminate.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst;
+ unfold not in *; intros.
+ inv H0. rewrite beq_expression_refl in H; crush.
+ inv H. rewrite beq_expression_refl in Heqb0; crush.
+ inv H. rewrite beq_expression_list_refl in Heqb; crush.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst.
+ unfold not in *; intros. inv H0. rewrite beq_expression_list_refl in H; crush.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst.
+ - simplify. repeat (destruct_match; crush); subst.
+ apply andb_false_iff in H. inv H. unfold not in *; intros.
+ inv H. rewrite beq_expression_refl in H0; discriminate.
+ unfold not in *; intros. inv H. rewrite beq_expression_list_refl in H0; discriminate.
+Lemma expression_dec: forall e1 e2: expression, {e1 = e2} + {e1 <> e2}.
+ intros.
+ destruct (beq_expression e1 e2) eqn:?. apply beq_expression_correct in Heqb. auto.
+ apply beq_expression_correct2 in Heqb. auto.
+Definition pred_expr_item_eq (pe1 pe2: pred_op * expression) : bool :=
+ @equiv_dec _ SATSetoid _ (fst pe1) (fst pe2) && beq_expression (snd pe1) (snd pe2).
+Lemma pred_expr_dec: forall (pe1 pe2: pred_op * expression),
+ {pred_expr_item_eq pe1 pe2 = true} + {pred_expr_item_eq pe1 pe2 = false}.
+ intros; destruct (pred_expr_item_eq pe1 pe2) eqn:?; unfold not; [tauto | now right].
+Lemma pred_expr_dec2: forall (pe1 pe2: pred_op * expression),
+ {pred_expr_item_eq pe1 pe2 = true} + {~ pred_expr_item_eq pe1 pe2 = true}.
+ intros; destruct (pred_expr_item_eq pe1 pe2) eqn:?; unfold not; [tauto | now right].
+Module HashExpr <: Hashable.
+ Definition t := expression.
+ Definition eq_dec := expression_dec.
+End HashExpr.
+Module HT := HashTree(HashExpr).
+Import HT.
+Definition combine_option {A} (a b: option A) : option A :=
+ match a, b with
+ | Some a', _ => Some a'
+ | _, Some b' => Some b'
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint norm_expression (max: predicate) (pe: pred_expr) (h: hash_tree)
+ : (PTree.t pred_op) * hash_tree :=
+ match pe with
+ | NE.singleton (p, e) =>
+ let (p', h') := hash_value max e h in
+ (PTree.set p' p (PTree.empty _), h')
+ | (p, e) ::| pr =>
+ let (p', h') := hash_value max e h in
+ let (p'', h'') := norm_expression max pr h' in
+ match p'' ! p' with
+ | Some pr_op =>
+ (PTree.set p' (pr_op ∨ p) p'', h'')
+ | None =>
+ (PTree.set p' p p'', h'')
+ end
+ end.
+Definition mk_pred_stmnt' e p_e := ¬ p_e ∨ Plit (true, e).
+Definition mk_pred_stmnt t := PTree.fold (fun x a b => mk_pred_stmnt' a b ∧ x) t T.
+Definition mk_pred_stmnt_l (t: list (predicate * pred_op)) := fold_left (fun x a => uncurry mk_pred_stmnt' a ∧ x) t T.
+Definition encode_expression max pe h :=
+ let (tree, h) := norm_expression max pe h in
+ (mk_pred_stmnt tree, h).
+(*Fixpoint encode_expression_ne (max: predicate) (pe: pred_expr_ne) (h: hash_tree)
+ : (PTree.t pred_op) * hash_tree :=
+ match pe with
+ | NE.singleton (p, e) =>
+ let (p', h') := hash_value max e h in
+ (Por (Pnot p) (Pvar p'), h')
+ | (p, e) ::| pr =>
+ let (p', h') := hash_value max e h in
+ let (p'', h'') := encode_expression_ne max pr h' in
+ (Pand (Por (Pnot p) (Pvar p')) p'', h'')
+ end.*)
+Fixpoint max_pred_expr (pe: pred_expr) : positive :=
+ match pe with
+ | NE.singleton (p, e) => max_predicate p
+ | (p, e) ::| pe' => Pos.max (max_predicate p) (max_pred_expr pe')
+ end.
+Definition empty : forest := Rtree.empty _.
+Definition ge_preserved {A B C D: Type} (ge: Genv.t A B) (tge: Genv.t C D) : Prop :=
+ (forall sp op vl m, Op.eval_operation ge sp op vl m =
+ Op.eval_operation tge sp op vl m)
+ /\ (forall sp addr vl, Op.eval_addressing ge sp addr vl =
+ Op.eval_addressing tge sp addr vl).
+Lemma ge_preserved_same:
+ forall A B ge, @ge_preserved A B A B ge ge.
+Proof. unfold ge_preserved; auto. Qed.
+#[local] Hint Resolve ge_preserved_same : core.
+Inductive match_states : instr_state -> instr_state -> Prop :=
+| match_states_intro:
+ forall ps ps' rs rs' m m',
+ (forall x, rs !! x = rs' !! x) ->
+ (forall x, ps !! x = ps' !! x) ->
+ m = m' ->
+ match_states (mk_instr_state rs ps m) (mk_instr_state rs' ps' m').
+Lemma match_states_refl x : match_states x x.
+Proof. destruct x; constructor; crush. Qed.
+Lemma match_states_commut x y : match_states x y -> match_states y x.
+Proof. inversion 1; constructor; crush. Qed.
+Lemma match_states_trans x y z :
+ match_states x y -> match_states y z -> match_states x z.
+Proof. repeat inversion 1; constructor; crush. Qed.
+Instance match_states_Equivalence : Equivalence match_states :=
+ { Equivalence_Reflexive := match_states_refl ;
+ Equivalence_Symmetric := match_states_commut ;
+ Equivalence_Transitive := match_states_trans ; }.
+Inductive similar {A B} : @ctx A -> @ctx B -> Prop :=
+| similar_intro :
+ forall ist ist' sp ge tge,
+ ge_preserved ge tge ->
+ match_states ist ist' ->
+ similar (mk_ctx ist sp ge) (mk_ctx ist' sp tge).
+Definition beq_pred_expr_once (pe1 pe2: pred_expr) : bool :=
+ match pe1, pe2 with
+ (*| PEsingleton None e1, PEsingleton None e2 => beq_expression e1 e2
+ | PEsingleton (Some p1) e1, PEsingleton (Some p2) e2 =>
+ if beq_expression e1 e2
+ then match sat_pred_simple bound (Por (Pand p1 (Pnot p2)) (Pand p2 (Pnot p1))) with
+ | Some None => true
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ else false
+ | PEsingleton (Some p) e1, PEsingleton None e2
+ | PEsingleton None e1, PEsingleton (Some p) e2 =>
+ if beq_expression e1 e2
+ then match sat_pred_simple bound (Pnot p) with
+ | Some None => true
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ else false*)
+ | pe1, pe2 =>
+ let max := Pos.max (max_pred_expr pe1) (max_pred_expr pe2) in
+ let (p1, h) := encode_expression max pe1 (PTree.empty _) in
+ let (p2, h') := encode_expression max pe2 h in
+ equiv_check p1 p2
+ end.
+Definition forall_ptree {A:Type} (f:positive->A->bool) (m:Maps.PTree.t A) : bool :=
+ Maps.PTree.fold (fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x) m true.
+Ltac boolInv :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: _ && _ = true |- _ ] =>
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H; boolInv
+ | [ H: proj_sumbool _ = true |- _ ] =>
+ generalize (proj_sumbool_true _ H); clear H;
+ let EQ := fresh in (intro EQ; try subst; boolInv)
+ | _ =>
+ idtac
+ end.
+Remark ptree_forall:
+ forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> bool) (m: Maps.PTree.t A),
+ Maps.PTree.fold (fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x) m true = true ->
+ forall i x, Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true.
+ intros.
+ set (f' := fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x).
+ set (P := fun (m: Maps.PTree.t A) (res: bool) =>
+ res = true -> Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true).
+ assert (P m true).
+ rewrite <- H. fold f'. apply Maps.PTree_Properties.fold_rec.
+ unfold P; intros. rewrite <- H1 in H4. auto.
+ red; intros. now rewrite Maps.PTree.gempty in H2.
+ unfold P; intros. unfold f' in H4. boolInv.
+ rewrite Maps.PTree.gsspec in H5. destruct (peq i k).
+ subst. inv H5. auto.
+ apply H3; auto.
+ red in H1. auto.
+Lemma forall_ptree_true:
+ forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> bool) (m: Maps.PTree.t A),
+ forall_ptree f m = true ->
+ forall i x, Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true.
+ apply ptree_forall.
+Definition tree_equiv_check_el (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
+ match np2 ! n with
+ | Some p' => equiv_check p p'
+ | None => equiv_check p ⟂
+ end.
+Definition tree_equiv_check_None_el (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
+ match np2 ! n with
+ | Some p' => true
+ | None => equiv_check p ⟂
+ end.
+Variant sem_pred_tree {A B: Type} (sem: ctx -> expression -> B -> Prop):
+ @ctx A -> PTree.t expression -> PTree.t pred_op -> B -> Prop :=
+| sem_pred_tree_intro :
+ forall ctx expr e pr v et pt,
+ eval_predf (ctx_ps ctx) pr = true ->
+ sem ctx expr v ->
+ pt ! e = Some pr ->
+ et ! e = Some expr ->
+ sem_pred_tree sem ctx et pt v.
+Variant predicated_mutexcl {A: Type} : predicated A -> Prop :=
+| predicated_mutexcl_intros : forall pe,
+ (forall x y, NE.In x pe -> NE.In y pe -> x <> y -> fst x ⇒ ¬ fst y) ->
+ predicated_mutexcl pe.
+Lemma hash_value_in :
+ forall max e et h h0,
+ hash_value max e et = (h, h0) ->
+ h0 ! h = Some e.
+ intros. unfold hash_value in *. destruct_match;
+ match goal with
+ | H: (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ => inv H
+ end.
+ - now apply find_tree_Some in Heqo.
+ - apply PTree.gss.
+Lemma norm_expr_constant :
+ forall x m h t h' e p,
+ norm_expression m x h = (t, h') ->
+ h ! e = Some p ->
+ h' ! e = Some p.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma predicated_cons :
+ forall A (a:pred_op * A) x,
+ predicated_mutexcl (a ::| x) ->
+ predicated_mutexcl x.
+ intros.
+ inv H. constructor; intros.
+ apply H0; auto; constructor; tauto.
+Lemma norm_expr_mutexcl :
+ forall m pe h t h' e e' p p',
+ norm_expression m pe h = (t, h') ->
+ predicated_mutexcl pe ->
+ t ! e = Some p ->
+ t ! e' = Some p' ->
+ e <> e' ->
+ p ⇒ ¬ p'.
+Proof. Abort.
+Lemma norm_expression_sem_pred :
+ forall A B sem ctx pe v,
+ sem_pred_expr sem ctx pe v ->
+ forall pt et et' max,
+ predicated_mutexcl pe ->
+ max_pred_expr pe <= max ->
+ norm_expression max pe et = (pt, et') ->
+ @sem_pred_tree A B sem ctx et' pt v.
+ induction 1; crush; repeat (destruct_match; []); try destruct_match;
+ match goal with
+ | H: (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ => inv H
+ end.
+ { econstructor. 3: { apply PTree.gss. }
+ 2: { eassumption. }
+ { unfold eval_predf in *. simplify. rewrite H. auto with bool. }
+ { apply hash_value_in in Heqp. eapply norm_expr_constant in Heqp0; eauto. }
+ }
+ { econstructor; eauto. apply PTree.gss.
+ apply hash_value_in in Heqp.
+ eapply norm_expr_constant in Heqp0; eauto.
+ }
+ { assert (sem_pred_tree sem0 ctx0 et' t v).
+ eapply IHsem_pred_expr.
+ eapply predicated_cons; eauto.
+ instantiate (1 := max). lia.
+ eassumption.
+ inv H3.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec e0 h); subst. rewrite H6 in Heqo. simplify.
+ econstructor; try apply PTree.gss; eauto.
+ unfold eval_predf in *. simplify. auto with bool.
+ econstructor; eauto. now rewrite PTree.gso.
+ }
+ { assert (X: sem_pred_tree sem0 ctx0 et' t v).
+ eapply IHsem_pred_expr.
+ eapply predicated_cons; eauto.
+ instantiate (1 := max). lia.
+ eassumption.
+ inv X.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec e0 h); crush.
+ econstructor; eauto. now rewrite PTree.gso.
+ }
+ { econstructor; eauto. apply PTree.gss.
+ eapply hash_value_in; eassumption.
+ }
+Lemma norm_expression_sem_pred2 :
+ forall A B sem ctx v pt et et',
+ @sem_pred_tree A B sem ctx et' pt v ->
+ forall pe,
+ predicated_mutexcl pe ->
+ norm_expression (max_pred_expr pe) pe et = (pt, et') ->
+ sem_pred_expr sem ctx pe v.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Definition beq_pred_expr (pe1 pe2: pred_expr) : bool :=
+ let max := Pos.max (max_pred_expr pe1) (max_pred_expr pe2) in
+ let (np1, h) := norm_expression max pe1 (PTree.empty _) in
+ let (np2, h') := norm_expression max pe2 h in
+ forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_el np2) np1
+ && forall_ptree (tree_equiv_check_None_el np1) np2.
+Definition check := Rtree.beq beq_pred_expr.
+Compute (check (empty # (Reg 2) <-
+ ((((Pand (Plit (true, 4)) (¬ (Plit (true, 4))))), (Ebase (Reg 9))) ::|
+ (NE.singleton (((Plit (true, 2))), (Ebase (Reg 3))))))
+ (empty # (Reg 2) <- (NE.singleton (((Por (Plit (true, 2)) (Pand (Plit (true, 3)) (¬ (Plit (true, 3)))))),
+ (Ebase (Reg 3)))))).
+Lemma inj_asgn_eg : forall a b, (a =? b)%nat = (a =? a)%nat -> a = b.
+ intros. destruct (Nat.eq_dec a b); subst.
+ auto. apply Nat.eqb_neq in n.
+ rewrite n in H. rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. discriminate.
+Lemma inj_asgn :
+ forall a b, (forall (f: nat -> bool), f a = f b) -> a = b.
+Proof. intros. apply inj_asgn_eg. eauto. Qed.
+Lemma inj_asgn_false:
+ forall n1 n2 , ~ (forall c: nat -> bool, c n1 = negb (c n2)).
+ unfold not; intros. specialize (H (fun x => true)).
+ simplify. discriminate.
+Lemma negb_inj:
+ forall a b,
+ negb a = negb b -> a = b.
+Proof. destruct a, b; crush. Qed.
+Lemma sat_predicate_Plit_inj :
+ forall p1 p2,
+ Plit p1 == Plit p2 -> p1 = p2.
+ simplify. destruct p1, p2.
+ destruct b, b0. assert (p = p0).
+ { apply Pos2Nat.inj. eapply inj_asgn. eauto. } solve [subst; auto].
+ exfalso; eapply inj_asgn_false; eauto.
+ exfalso; eapply inj_asgn_false; eauto.
+ assert (p = p0). apply Pos2Nat.inj. eapply inj_asgn. intros. specialize (H f).
+ apply negb_inj in H. auto. rewrite H0; auto.
+Definition ind_preds t :=
+ forall e1 e2 p1 p2 c,
+ e1 <> e2 ->
+ t ! e1 = Some p1 ->
+ t ! e2 = Some p2 ->
+ sat_predicate p1 c = true ->
+ sat_predicate p2 c = false.
+Definition ind_preds_l t :=
+ forall (e1: predicate) e2 p1 p2 c,
+ e1 <> e2 ->
+ In (e1, p1) t ->
+ In (e2, p2) t ->
+ sat_predicate p1 c = true ->
+ sat_predicate p2 c = false.
+(*Lemma pred_equivalence_Some' :
+ forall ta tb e pe pe',
+ list_norepet (map fst ta) ->
+ list_norepet (map fst tb) ->
+ In (e, pe) ta ->
+ In (e, pe') tb ->
+ fold_right (fun p a => mk_pred_stmnt' (fst p) (snd p) ∧ a) T ta ==
+ fold_right (fun p a => mk_pred_stmnt' (fst p) (snd p) ∧ a) T tb ->
+ pe == pe'.
+ induction ta as [|hd tl Hta]; try solve [crush].
+ - intros * NRP1 NRP2 IN1 IN2 FOLD. inv NRP1. inv IN1.
+ simpl in FOLD.
+Lemma pred_equivalence_Some :
+ forall (ta tb: PTree.t pred_op) e pe pe',
+ ta ! e = Some pe ->
+ tb ! e = Some pe' ->
+ mk_pred_stmnt ta == mk_pred_stmnt tb ->
+ pe == pe'.
+ intros * SMEA SMEB EQ. unfold mk_pred_stmnt in *.
+ repeat rewrite PTree.fold_spec in EQ.
+Lemma pred_equivalence_None :
+ forall (ta tb: PTree.t pred_op) e pe,
+ (mk_pred_stmnt ta) == (mk_pred_stmnt tb) ->
+ ta ! e = Some pe ->
+ tb ! e = None ->
+ equiv pe ⟂.
+Lemma pred_equivalence :
+ forall (ta tb: PTree.t pred_op) e pe,
+ equiv (mk_pred_stmnt ta) (mk_pred_stmnt tb) ->
+ ta ! e = Some pe ->
+ equiv pe ⟂ \/ (exists pe', tb ! e = Some pe' /\ equiv pe pe').
+ intros * EQ SME. destruct (tb ! e) eqn:HTB.
+ { right. econstructor. split; eauto. eapply pred_equivalence_Some; eauto. }
+ { left. eapply pred_equivalence_None; eauto. }
+Section CORRECT.
+ Definition fd := @fundef RTLBlock.bb.
+ Definition tfd := @fundef RTLPar.bb.
+ Context (ictx: @ctx fd) (octx: @ctx tfd) (HSIM: similar ictx octx).
+ Lemma sem_value_mem_det:
+ forall e v v' m m',
+ (sem_value ictx e v -> sem_value octx e v' -> v = v')
+ /\ (sem_mem ictx e m -> sem_mem octx e m' -> m = m').
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ induction e using expression_ind2
+ with (P0 := fun p => forall v v',
+ sem_val_list ictx p v -> sem_val_list octx p v' -> v = v');
+ inv HSIM; match goal with H: context [match_states] |- _ => inv H end; repeat progress simplify;
+ try solve [match goal with
+ | H: sem_value _ _ _, H2: sem_value _ _ _ |- _ => inv H; inv H2; auto
+ | H: sem_mem _ _ _, H2: sem_mem _ _ _ |- _ => inv H; inv H2; auto
+ | H: sem_val_list _ _ _, H2: sem_val_list _ _ _ |- _ => inv H; inv H2; auto
+ end].
+ - repeat match goal with
+ | H: sem_value _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
+ | H: sem_val_list {| ctx_ge := ge; |} ?e ?l1,
+ H2: sem_val_list {| ctx_ge := tge |} ?e ?l2,
+ IH: forall _ _, sem_val_list _ _ _ -> sem_val_list _ _ _ -> _ = _ |- _ =>
+ assert (X: l1 = l2) by (apply IH; auto)
+ | H: ge_preserved _ _ |- _ => inv H
+ | |- context [ctx_rs] => unfold ctx_rs; cbn
+ | H: context [ctx_mem] |- _ => unfold ctx_mem in H; cbn
+ end; crush.
+ - repeat match goal with H: sem_value _ _ _ |- _ => inv H end; simplify;
+ assert (lv0 = lv) by (apply IHe; eauto); subst;
+ match goal with H: ge_preserved _ _ |- _ => inv H end;
+ match goal with H: context [Op.eval_addressing _ _ _ _ = Op.eval_addressing _ _ _ _] |- _
+ => rewrite H in * end;
+ assert (a0 = a1) by crush;
+ assert (m'2 = m'1) by (apply IHe0; eauto); crush.
+ - inv H0; inv H3. simplify.
+ assert (lv = lv0) by ( apply IHe2; eauto). subst.
+ assert (a1 = a0). { inv H. rewrite H3 in *. crush. }
+ assert (v0 = v1). { apply IHe1; auto. }
+ assert (m'1 = m'2). { apply IHe3; auto. } crush.
+ - inv H0. inv H3. f_equal. apply IHe; auto.
+ apply IHe0; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_value_mem_corr:
+ forall e v m,
+ (sem_value ictx e v -> sem_value octx e v)
+ /\ (sem_mem ictx e m -> sem_mem octx e m).
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ induction e using expression_ind2
+ with (P0 := fun p => forall v,
+ sem_val_list ictx p v -> sem_val_list octx p v);
+ inv HSIM; match goal with H: context [match_states] |- _ => inv H end; repeat progress simplify.
+ - inv H0. unfold ctx_rs, ctx_ps, ctx_mem in *; cbn. rewrite H1. constructor.
+ - inv H0. unfold ctx_rs, ctx_ps, ctx_mem in *; cbn. constructor.
+ - inv H0. apply IHe in H6. econstructor; try eassumption.
+ unfold ctx_rs, ctx_ps, ctx_mem in *; cbn in *. inv H. crush.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0. eapply IHe in H10. eapply IHe0 in H8; auto.
+ econstructor; try eassumption.
+ unfold ctx_rs, ctx_ps, ctx_mem in *; cbn in *. inv H; crush.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0. eapply IHe1 in H11; auto. eapply IHe2 in H12; auto. eapply IHe3 in H9; auto.
+ econstructor; try eassumption.
+ unfold ctx_rs, ctx_ps, ctx_mem in *; cbn in *. inv H; crush.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0.
+ - inv H0. econstructor.
+ - inv H0. eapply IHe in H6; auto. eapply IHe0 in H8.
+ econstructor; eassumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_value_det:
+ forall e v v',
+ sem_value ictx e v -> sem_value octx e v' -> v = v'.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ intros. eapply sem_value_mem_det; eauto; apply Mem.empty.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_value_corr:
+ forall e v,
+ sem_value ictx e v -> sem_value octx e v.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ intros. eapply sem_value_mem_corr; eauto; apply Mem.empty.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_mem_det:
+ forall e v v',
+ sem_mem ictx e v -> sem_mem octx e v' -> v = v'.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ intros. eapply sem_value_mem_det; eauto; apply (Vint (Int.repr 0%Z)).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_mem_corr:
+ forall e v,
+ sem_mem ictx e v -> sem_mem octx e v.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ intros. eapply sem_value_mem_corr; eauto; apply (Vint (Int.repr 0%Z)).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_val_list_det:
+ forall e l l',
+ sem_val_list ictx e l -> sem_val_list octx e l' -> l = l'.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ induction e; simplify.
+ - inv H; inv H0; auto.
+ - inv H; inv H0. f_equal. eapply sem_value_det; eauto; try apply Mem.empty.
+ apply IHe; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_val_list_corr:
+ forall e l,
+ sem_val_list ictx e l -> sem_val_list octx e l.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ induction e; simplify.
+ - inv H; constructor.
+ - inv H. apply sem_value_corr in H3; auto; try apply Mem.empty;
+ apply IHe in H5; constructor; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_pred_det:
+ forall e v v',
+ sem_pred ictx e v -> sem_pred octx e v' -> v = v'.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ try solve [inversion 1]; pose proof sem_value_det; pose proof sem_val_list_det; inv HSIM;
+ match goal with H: match_states _ _ |- _ => inv H end; simplify.
+ inv H2; inv H5; auto. assert (lv = lv0) by (eapply H0; eauto). subst. unfold ctx_mem in *.
+ crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_pred_corr:
+ forall e v,
+ sem_pred ictx e v -> sem_pred octx e v.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ try solve [inversion 1]; pose proof sem_value_corr; pose proof sem_val_list_corr; inv HSIM;
+ match goal with H: match_states _ _ |- _ => inv H end; simplify.
+ inv H2; auto. apply H0 in H5. econstructor; eauto.
+ unfold ctx_ps; cbn. rewrite H4. constructor.
+ Qed.
+ #[local] Opaque PTree.set.
+ Lemma exists_norm_expr :
+ forall x pe expr m t h h',
+ NE.In (pe, expr) x ->
+ norm_expression m x h = (t, h') ->
+ exists e pe', t ! e = Some pe' /\ pe ⇒ pe' /\ h' ! e = Some expr.
+ Proof. Admitted.
+(* Lemma exists_norm_expr3 :
+ forall e x pe expr m t h h',
+ t ! e = None ->
+ norm_expression m x h = (t, h') ->
+ ~ NE.In (pe, expr) x.
+ Proof.
+ Abort.*)
+ Lemma norm_expr_implies :
+ forall x m h t h' e expr p,
+ norm_expression m x h = (t, h') ->
+ h' ! e = Some expr ->
+ t ! e = Some p ->
+ exists p', NE.In (p', expr) x /\ p' ⇒ p.
+ Proof. Admitted.
+ Lemma norm_expr_In :
+ forall A B sem ctx x pe expr v,
+ @sem_pred_expr A B sem ctx x v ->
+ NE.In (pe, expr) x ->
+ eval_predf (ctx_ps ctx) pe = true ->
+ sem ctx expr v.
+ Proof. Admitted.
+ Lemma norm_expr_forall_impl :
+ forall m x h t h' e1 e2 p1 p2,
+ predicated_mutexcl x ->
+ norm_expression m x h = (t, h') ->
+ t ! e1 = Some p1 -> t ! e2 = Some p2 -> e1 <> e2 ->
+ p1 ⇒ ¬ p2.
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma norm_expr_replace :
+ forall A B sem ctx x pe expr v,
+ @sem_pred_expr A B sem ctx x v ->
+ eval_predf (ctx_ps ctx) pe = false ->
+ @sem_pred_expr A B sem ctx (NE.replace pred_expr_item_eq (pe, expr) (⟂, expr) x) v.
+ Proof using.
+ induction x; simplify; destruct_match; auto; destruct a;
+ unfold pred_expr_item_eq in Heqb; simplify;
+ try (destruct (equiv_dec pe p) eqn:?; [|discriminate]; []).
+ - rewrite e0 in H0; inv H; crush.
+ - apply beq_expression_correct in H2; subst;
+ pose proof H0; rewrite e0 in H2;
+ apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto; inv H; crush.
+ - inv H; constructor; auto; now apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false.
+ Qed.
+ Section SEM_PRED.
+ Context (B: Type).
+ Context (isem: @ctx fd -> expression -> B -> Prop).
+ Context (osem: @ctx tfd -> expression -> B -> Prop).
+ Context (SEMSIM: forall e v v', isem ictx e v -> osem octx e v' -> v = v').
+ Ltac simplify' l := intros; unfold_constants; cbn -[l] in *;
+ repeat (nicify_hypotheses; nicify_goals; kill_bools; substpp);
+ cbn -[l] in *.
+ Lemma check_correct_sem_value:
+ forall x x' v v' t t' h h',
+ beq_pred_expr x x' = true ->
+ predicated_mutexcl x -> predicated_mutexcl x' ->
+ norm_expression (Pos.max (max_pred_expr x) (max_pred_expr x')) x (PTree.empty _) = (t, h) ->
+ norm_expression (Pos.max (max_pred_expr x) (max_pred_expr x')) x' h = (t', h') ->
+ sem_pred_tree isem ictx h t v ->
+ sem_pred_tree osem octx h' t' v' ->
+ v = v'.
+ Proof using HSIM SEMSIM.
+ intros. inv H4. inv H5.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec e e0); subst.
+ { eapply norm_expr_constant in H3; [|eassumption].
+ assert (expr = expr0) by (setoid_rewrite H3 in H12; crush); subst.
+ eapply SEMSIM; eauto. }
+ { destruct (t ! e0) eqn:?.
+ { assert (p == pr0).
+ { unfold beq_pred_expr in H. repeat (destruct_match; []). inv H2.
+ rewrite Heqp1 in H3. inv H3.
+ simplify.
+ eapply forall_ptree_true in H2. 2: { eapply Heqo. }
+ unfold tree_equiv_check_el in H2. rewrite H11 in H2.
+ now apply equiv_check_correct in H2. }
+ pose proof H0. eapply norm_expr_forall_impl in H0; [| | | |eassumption]; try eassumption.
+ unfold "⇒" in H0. unfold eval_predf in *. apply H0 in H6.
+ rewrite negate_correct in H6. apply negb_true_iff in H6.
+ inv HSIM. match goal with H: match_states _ _ |- _ => inv H end.
+ unfold ctx_ps, ctx_mem, ctx_rs in *. simplify.
+ pose proof eval_predf_pr_equiv pr0 ps ps' H17. unfold eval_predf in *.
+ rewrite H5 in H6. crush.
+ }
+ { unfold beq_pred_expr in H. repeat (destruct_match; []). inv H2.
+ rewrite Heqp0 in H3. inv H3. simplify.
+ eapply forall_ptree_true in H3. 2: { eapply H11. }
+ unfold tree_equiv_check_None_el in H3.
+ rewrite Heqo in H3. apply equiv_check_correct in H3. rewrite H3 in H4.
+ unfold eval_predf in H4. crush. } }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma check_correct_sem_value2:
+ forall x x' v v',
+ beq_pred_expr x x' = true ->
+ predicated_mutexcl x ->
+ predicated_mutexcl x' ->
+ sem_pred_expr isem ictx x v ->
+ sem_pred_expr osem octx x' v' ->
+ v = v'.
+ Proof.
+ intros. pose proof H.
+ unfold beq_pred_expr in H. intros. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []).
+ eapply check_correct_sem_value; try eassumption.
+ eapply norm_expression_sem_pred; eauto. lia.
+ eapply norm_expression_sem_pred; eauto. lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma check_correct_sem_value3:
+ forall x x' v v',
+ beq_pred_expr x x' = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr isem ictx x v ->
+ sem_pred_expr osem octx x' v' ->
+ v = v'.
+ Proof.
+ induction x.
+ - intros * BEQ SEM1 SEM2.
+ unfold beq_pred_expr in *. intros. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); subst.
+ rename Heqp into HNORM1.
+ rename Heqp0 into HNORM2.
+ inv SEM1. rename H0 into HEVAL. rename H2 into ISEM.
+ pose HNORM1 as X.
+ eapply exists_norm_expr in X; [|constructor].
+ simplify' norm_expression.
+ rename H0 into HT1.
+ rename H1 into HH1.
+ rename H into HFORALL1.
+ rename H2 into HFORALL2.
+ destruct (t0 ! x) eqn:DSTR.
+(* { eapply forall_ptree_true in HT1; eauto. unfold tree_equiv_check_el in *. rewrite DSTR in HT1.
+ apply equiv_check_dec in HT1.
+ eapply exists_norm_expr2 in DSTR; try solve [eapply norm_expr_constant; eassumption | eassumption].
+ eapply norm_expr_In in DSTR; try eassumption. eauto.
+ inv HSIM; simplify. now setoid_rewrite <- HT1.
+ }
+ {
+ eapply forall_ptree_true in HT1; [|eassumption].
+ unfold tree_equiv_check_el in *. rewrite DSTR in HT1. apply equiv_check_dec in HT1.
+ now setoid_rewrite HT1 in HEVAL.
+ }
+ - intros. unfold beq_pred_expr in H. intros. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); subst.
+ destruct a.
+ inv H0.
+ { pose Heqp as X. eapply exists_norm_expr in X; [|constructor; tauto]. simplify' norm_expression.
+ eapply forall_ptree_true in H0; [|eassumption].
+ destruct (t0 ! x0) eqn:DSTR.
+ {
+ unfold tree_equiv_check_el in H0. rewrite DSTR in H0. apply equiv_check_dec in H0.
+ eapply exists_norm_expr2 in DSTR; try solve [eapply norm_expr_constant; eassumption | eassumption].
+ eapply norm_expr_In in DSTR; try eassumption; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H0. inv HSIM; eauto.
+ }
+ {
+ unfold tree_equiv_check_el in *. rewrite DSTR in H0. apply equiv_check_dec in H0.
+ now rewrite H0 in H7.
+ }
+ }
+ { (* This is the inductive argument, which says that if the element is in the list, then
+ taking it out will result in two equivalent lists, otherwise just taking the current element
+ results in equivalent lists. *)
+ simplify' norm_expression. eapply exists_norm_expr in Heqp; [|constructor]; eauto.
+ simplify' norm_expression.
+ eapply forall_ptree_true in H0; [|eassumption].
+ unfold tree_equiv_check_el in H0.
+ destruct (t0 ! x0) eqn:DSTR.
+ {
+ apply equiv_check_dec in H0.
+ eapply exists_norm_expr2 in DSTR; try solve [eapply norm_expr_constant; eassumption | eassumption].
+ }
+ }
+ Admitted.*) Abort.
+ Section SEM_PRED_CORR.
+ Context (B: Type).
+ Context (isem: @ctx fd -> expression -> B -> Prop).
+ Context (osem: @ctx tfd -> expression -> B -> Prop).
+ Context (SEMCORR: forall e v, isem ictx e v -> osem octx e v).
+ Lemma sem_pred_tree_corr:
+ forall x x' v t t' h h',
+ beq_pred_expr x x' = true ->
+ predicated_mutexcl x -> predicated_mutexcl x' ->
+ norm_expression (Pos.max (max_pred_expr x) (max_pred_expr x')) x (PTree.empty _) = (t, h) ->
+ norm_expression (Pos.max (max_pred_expr x) (max_pred_expr x')) x' h = (t', h') ->
+ sem_pred_tree isem ictx h t v ->
+ sem_pred_tree osem octx h' t' v.
+ Proof using SEMCORR. Admitted.
+ Lemma check_correct: forall (fa fb : forest) i i',
+ check fa fb = true ->
+ sem ictx fa i ->
+ sem octx fb i' ->
+ match_states i i'.
+ Proof using HSIM.
+ intros.
+ unfold check, get_forest in *; intros;
+ pose proof beq_expression_correct.
+ pose proof (Rtree.beq_sound beq_pred_expr fa fb H).
+ inv H0; inv H1.
+ constructor; simplify.
+ { admit. }
+ { inv H0; inv H4.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H: forall _ : reg, _ |- _ => specialize (H x)
+ | H: forall _ : Rtree.elt, _ |- _ => specialize (H (Reg x))
+ end.
+ repeat (destruct_match; try contradiction).
+ unfold "#" in *. rewrite Heqo in H0.
+ rewrite Heqo0 in H1. admit.
+ unfold "#" in H1. rewrite Heqo0 in H1.
+ unfold "#" in H0. rewrite Heqo in H0. admit.
+ }
+ Lemma check_correct2:
+ forall (fa fb : forest) i,
+ check fa fb = true ->
+ sem ictx fa i ->
+ exists i', sem octx fb i' /\ match_states i i'.
+ Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma get_empty:
+ forall r, empty#r = NE.singleton (T, Ebase r).
+ intros; unfold get_forest;
+ destruct_match; auto; [ ];
+ match goal with
+ [ H : context[Rtree.get _ empty] |- _ ] => rewrite Rtree.gempty in H
+ end; discriminate.
+Fixpoint beq2 {A B : Type} (beqA : A -> B -> bool) (m1 : PTree.t A) (m2 : PTree.t B) {struct m1} : bool :=
+ match m1, m2 with
+ | PTree.Leaf, _ => PTree.bempty m2
+ | _, PTree.Leaf => PTree.bempty m1
+ | PTree.Node l1 o1 r1, PTree.Node l2 o2 r2 =>
+ match o1, o2 with
+ | None, None => true
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end
+ && beq2 beqA l1 l2 && beq2 beqA r1 r2
+ end.
+Lemma beq2_correct:
+ forall A B beqA m1 m2,
+ @beq2 A B beqA m1 m2 = true <->
+ (forall (x: PTree.elt),
+ match PTree.get x m1, PTree.get x m2 with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2 = true
+ | _, _ => False
+ end).
+ induction m1; intros.
+ - simpl. rewrite PTree.bempty_correct. split; intros.
+ rewrite PTree.gleaf. rewrite H. auto.
+ generalize (H x). rewrite PTree.gleaf. destruct (PTree.get x m2); tauto.
+ - destruct m2.
+ + unfold beq2. rewrite PTree.bempty_correct. split; intros.
+ rewrite H. rewrite PTree.gleaf. auto.
+ generalize (H x). rewrite PTree.gleaf.
+ destruct (PTree.get x (PTree.Node m1_1 o m1_2)); tauto.
+ + simpl. split; intros.
+ * destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0).
+ rewrite IHm1_1 in H3. rewrite IHm1_2 in H1.
+ destruct x; simpl. apply H1. apply H3.
+ destruct o; destruct o0; auto || congruence.
+ * apply andb_true_intro. split. apply andb_true_intro. split.
+ generalize (H xH); simpl. destruct o; destruct o0; tauto.
+ apply IHm1_1. intros; apply (H (xO x)).
+ apply IHm1_2. intros; apply (H (xI x)).
+Lemma map1:
+ forall w dst dst',
+ dst <> dst' ->
+ (empty # dst <- w) # dst' = NE.singleton (T, Ebase dst').
+Proof. intros; unfold get_forest; rewrite Rtree.gso; auto; apply get_empty. Qed.
+Lemma genmap1:
+ forall (f : forest) w dst dst',
+ dst <> dst' ->
+ (f # dst <- w) # dst' = f # dst'.
+Proof. intros; unfold get_forest; rewrite Rtree.gso; auto. Qed.
+Lemma map2:
+ forall (v : pred_expr) x rs,
+ (rs # x <- v) # x = v.
+Proof. intros; unfold get_forest; rewrite Rtree.gss; trivial. Qed.
+Lemma tri1:
+ forall x y,
+ Reg x <> Reg y -> x <> y.
+Proof. crush. Qed.