path: root/src/pipelining/SPSymbolic_evaluation.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pipelining/SPSymbolic_evaluation.ml')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pipelining/SPSymbolic_evaluation.ml b/src/pipelining/SPSymbolic_evaluation.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c99afc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pipelining/SPSymbolic_evaluation.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+(* *)
+(* Compcert Extensions *)
+(* *)
+(* Jean-Baptiste Tristan *)
+(* *)
+(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *)
+(* described in file ../../LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+open Registers
+open Op
+open AST
+open SPBase_types
+open Camlcoq
+type symbolic_value =
+ | Sreg of reg
+ | Sop of operation * symbolic_value list
+ | Sload of memory_chunk * addressing * symbolic_value list * symbolic_mem
+and symbolic_mem =
+ | Smem
+ | Sstore of memory_chunk * addressing * symbolic_value list * symbolic_value * symbolic_mem
+module State = Map.Make (struct type t = reg let compare = compare end)
+module Cons = Set.Make (struct type t = symbolic_value let compare = compare end)
+type symbolic_state = symbolic_value State.t * Cons.t
+let initial_state = State.empty
+let initial_mem = Smem
+let initial_cons = Cons.empty
+exception Not_straight
+let find res st =
+ try State.find res st
+ with
+ | Not_found -> Sreg res
+let rec get_args st = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | arg::args -> find arg st :: get_args st args
+let rec symbolic_evaluation st sm cs = function
+ | [] -> (st,sm,cs)
+ | Inop :: l -> symbolic_evaluation st sm cs l
+ | Iop (Omove, [src], dst) :: l ->
+ symbolic_evaluation (State.add dst (find src st) st) sm cs l
+ | Iop (op, args, dst) :: l ->
+ let sym_val = Sop (op,get_args st args) in
+ symbolic_evaluation (State.add dst sym_val st) sm (Cons.add sym_val cs) l
+ | Iload (chunk, mode, args, dst) :: l ->
+ let sym_val = Sload (chunk, mode, get_args st args, sm) in
+ symbolic_evaluation (State.add dst sym_val st) sm (Cons.add sym_val cs) l
+ | Istore (chunk, mode, args, src) :: l ->
+ let sym_mem = Sstore (chunk, mode, get_args st args, find src st, sm) in
+ symbolic_evaluation st sym_mem cs l
+ | _ :: l -> raise Not_straight
+type osv =
+ | Oresource of resource
+ | Oop of operation
+ | Oload of memory_chunk * addressing
+ | Ostore of memory_chunk * addressing
+let string_of_osv = function
+ | Oresource (Reg r) -> Printf.sprintf "reg %i" (P.to_int r)
+ | Oresource Mem -> "mem"
+ | Oop op -> string_of_op op
+ | Oload (mc,addr) -> "load"
+ | Ostore (mc,addr) -> "store"
+type ident = int
+module S = Graph.Persistent.Digraph.Abstract
+ (struct type t = osv * ident end)
+let name_of_vertex v =
+ let (osv,id) = S.V.label v in
+ Printf.sprintf "%i" id
+let string_of_vertex v =
+ let (osv,_) = S.V.label v in
+ Printf.sprintf "%s" (string_of_osv osv)
+module DisplayTree = struct
+ include S
+ let vertex_name v = name_of_vertex v
+ let graph_attributes _ = []
+ let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
+ let vertex_attributes v = [`Label (string_of_vertex v)]
+ let default_edge_attributes _ = []
+ let edge_attributes _ = []
+ let get_subgraph _ = None
+module DotTree = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(DisplayTree)
+let dot_output_ss g f =
+ let oc = open_out f in
+ DotTree.output_graph oc g;
+ close_out oc
+module Build = Graph.Builder.P (S)
+module Op = Graph.Oper.Make (Build)
+let counter = ref 0
+let rec convert_sv_rec sv graph =
+ incr counter;
+ match sv with
+ | Sreg res ->
+ let node = S.V.create (Oresource (Reg res), !counter) in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph node in
+ (graph,node)
+ | Sop (op, svl) ->
+ let node = S.V.create (Oop op, !counter) in
+ let (graph, node_l) = List.fold_right (fun sv (graph,node_l) ->
+ let (graph,node) = convert_sv_rec sv graph in
+ graph, node :: node_l
+ ) svl (graph,[]) in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph node in
+ let graph = List.fold_right (fun n graph ->
+ S.add_edge graph node n
+ ) node_l graph in
+ (graph,node)
+ | Sload (mc,addr,svl,sm) ->
+ let node = S.V.create (Oload (mc, addr), !counter) in
+ let (graph, node_l) = List.fold_right (fun sv (graph,node_l) ->
+ let (graph,node) = convert_sv_rec sv graph in
+ graph, node :: node_l
+ ) svl (graph,[]) in
+ let (graph,node_m) = convert_sm_rec sm graph in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph node in
+ let graph = List.fold_right (fun n graph ->
+ S.add_edge graph node n
+ ) node_l graph in
+ let graph = S.add_edge graph node node_m in
+ (graph,node)
+and convert_sm_rec sm graph =
+ incr counter;
+ match sm with
+ | Smem ->
+ let node = S.V.create (Oresource Mem, !counter) in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph node in
+ (graph,node)
+ | Sstore (mc,addr,svl,sv,sm) ->
+ let node = S.V.create (Ostore (mc, addr), !counter) in
+ let (graph, node_l) = List.fold_right (fun sv (graph,node_l) ->
+ let (graph,node) = convert_sv_rec sv graph in
+ graph, node :: node_l
+ ) svl (graph,[]) in
+ let (graph, n) = convert_sv_rec sv graph in
+ let (graph, node_m) = convert_sm_rec sm graph in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph node in
+ let graph = List.fold_right (fun n graph ->
+ S.add_edge graph node n
+ ) node_l graph in
+ let graph = S.add_edge graph node n in
+ let graph = S.add_edge graph node node_m in
+ (graph,node)
+let convert_sv sv = convert_sv_rec sv S.empty
+let convert_sm sm = convert_sm_rec sm S.empty
+let convert_sym st sm regs =
+ let graph = State.fold (fun res sv g ->
+ if (not (List.mem res regs)) then g
+ else
+ let (graph,head) = convert_sv sv in
+ incr counter;
+ let src = S.V.create (Oresource (Reg res), !counter) in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph src in
+ let graph = S.add_edge graph src head in
+ Op.union g graph
+ ) st S.empty
+ in
+ let graph' =
+ let (graph,head) = convert_sm sm in
+ incr counter;
+ let src = S.V.create (Oresource Mem, !counter) in
+ let graph = S.add_vertex graph src in
+ let graph = S.add_edge graph src head in
+ graph
+ in
+ Op.union graph graph'
+let display_st name l regs =
+ let (st,sm,_) = symbolic_evaluation initial_state initial_mem initial_cons l in
+ let g = convert_sym st sm regs in
+ let addr = SPDebug.name ^ name in
+ dot_output_ss g addr ;
+ ignore (Sys.command ("(dot -Tpng " ^ addr ^ " -o " ^ addr ^ ".png ; rm -f " ^ addr ^ ") & ")) (* & *)
+let symbolic_equivalence (st1,sm1,cs1) (st2,sm2,cs2) regs =
+ Printf.printf "|cs1| = %i - |cs2| = %i \n" (Cons.cardinal cs1) (Cons.cardinal cs2);
+ (List.fold_right (fun res b ->
+ find res st1 = find res st2 && b
+ ) regs true
+ && sm1 = sm2
+ && Cons.equal cs1 cs2)
+let symbolic_evaluation = symbolic_evaluation initial_state initial_mem initial_cons
+let symbolic_condition i l =
+ match i with
+ | Icond (cond,args) ->
+ let args = to_caml_list args in
+ let (st,sm,cs) = symbolic_evaluation l in
+ (cond,List.map (fun r -> find r st) args)
+ | _ -> failwith "Not a condition !\n"