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diff --git a/src/hls/Verilog.v b/src/hls/Verilog.v
index 48f3084..ec1d307 100644
--- a/src/hls/Verilog.v
+++ b/src/hls/Verilog.v
@@ -426,40 +426,6 @@ Definition handle_def {A : Type} (a : A) (val : option A)
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
-(*Definition access_fext (f : fext) (r : reg) : res value :=
- match AssocMap.get r f with
- | Some v => OK v
- | _ => OK (ZToValue 0)
- end.*)
-(* TODO FIX Vvar case without default *)
-(*Fixpoint expr_run (assoc : assocmap) (e : expr)
- {struct e} : res value :=
- match e with
- | Vlit v => OK v
- | Vvar r => match s with
- | State _ assoc _ _ _ => handle_def (ZToValue 32 0) assoc!r
- | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: Wrong state")
- end
- | Vvari _ _ => Error (msg "Verilog: variable indexing not modelled")
- | Vinputvar r => access_fext s r
- | Vbinop op l r =>
- let lv := expr_run s l in
- let rv := expr_run s r in
- let oper := binop_run op in
- do lv' <- lv;
- do rv' <- rv;
- handle_opt (msg "Verilog: sizes are not equal")
- (eq_to_opt lv' rv' (oper lv' rv'))
- | Vunop op e =>
- let oper := unop_run op in
- do ev <- expr_run s e;
- OK (oper ev)
- | Vternary c te fe =>
- do cv <- expr_run s c;
- if valueToBool cv then expr_run s te else expr_run s fe
- end.*)
(** Return the location of the lhs of an assignment. *)
Inductive location : Type :=
@@ -472,80 +438,6 @@ Inductive location_is : fext -> assocmap -> assocmap_arr -> expr -> location ->
expr_runp f asr asa iexp iv ->
location_is f asr asa (Vvari r iexp) (LocArray r (valueToNat iv)).
-(* Definition assign_name (f : fext) (asr: assocmap) (asa : assocmap_l) (e : expr) : res reg := *)
-(* match e with *)
-(* | Vvar r => OK r *)
-(* | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: expression not supported on lhs of assignment") *)
-(* end. *)
-(*Fixpoint stmnt_height (st : stmnt) {struct st} : nat :=
- match st with
- | Vseq s1 s2 => S (stmnt_height s1 + stmnt_height s2)
- | Vcond _ s1 s2 => S (Nat.max (stmnt_height s1) (stmnt_height s2))
- | Vcase _ ls (Some st) =>
- S (fold_right (fun t acc => Nat.max acc (stmnt_height (snd t))) 0%nat ls)
- | _ => 1
- end.
-Fixpoint find_case_stmnt (s : state) (v : value) (cl : list (expr * stmnt))
- {struct cl} : option (res stmnt) :=
- match cl with
- | (e, st)::xs =>
- match expr_run s e with
- | OK v' =>
- match eq_to_opt v v' (veq v v') with
- | Some eq => if valueToBool eq then Some (OK st) else find_case_stmnt s v xs
- | None => Some (Error (msg "Verilog: equality check sizes not equal"))
- end
- | Error msg => Some (Error msg)
- end
- | _ => None
- end.
-Fixpoint stmnt_run' (n : nat) (s : state) (st : stmnt) {struct n} : res state :=
- match n with
- | S n' =>
- match st with
- | Vskip => OK s
- | Vseq s1 s2 =>
- do s' <- stmnt_run' n' s s1;
- stmnt_run' n' s' s2
- | Vcond c st sf =>
- do cv <- expr_run s c;
- if valueToBool cv
- then stmnt_run' n' s st
- else stmnt_run' n' s sf
- | Vcase e cl defst =>
- do v <- expr_run s e;
- match find_case_stmnt s v cl with
- | Some (OK st') => stmnt_run' n' s st'
- | Some (Error msg) => Error msg
- | None => do s' <- handle_opt (msg "Verilog: no case was matched")
- (option_map (stmnt_run' n' s) defst); s'
- end
- | Vblock lhs rhs =>
- match s with
- | State m assoc nbassoc f c =>
- do name <- assign_name lhs;
- do rhse <- expr_run s rhs;
- OK (State m (PositiveMap.add name rhse assoc) nbassoc f c)
- | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: Wrong state")
- end
- | Vnonblock lhs rhs =>
- match s with
- | State m assoc nbassoc f c =>
- do name <- assign_name lhs;
- do rhse <- expr_run s rhs;
- OK (State m assoc (PositiveMap.add name rhse nbassoc) f c)
- | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: Wrong state")
- end
- end
- | _ => OK s
- end.
-Definition stmnt_run (s : state) (st : stmnt) : res state :=
- stmnt_run' (stmnt_height st) s st. *)
Inductive stmnt_runp: fext -> reg_associations -> arr_associations ->
stmnt -> reg_associations -> arr_associations -> Prop :=
| stmnt_runp_Vskip:
@@ -616,20 +508,6 @@ Inductive stmnt_runp: fext -> reg_associations -> arr_associations ->
asr (nonblock_arr r i asa rhsval).
Hint Constructors stmnt_runp : verilog.
-(*Fixpoint mi_step (s : state) (m : list module_item) {struct m} : res state :=
- let run := fun st ls =>
- do s' <- stmnt_run s st;
- mi_step s' ls
- in
- match m with
- | (Valways _ st)::ls => run st ls
- | (Valways_ff _ st)::ls => run st ls
- | (Valways_comb _ st)::ls => run st ls
- | (Vdecl _ _)::ls => mi_step s ls
- | (Vdeclarr _ _ _)::ls => mi_step s ls
- | nil => OK s
- end.*)
Inductive mi_stepp : fext -> reg_associations -> arr_associations ->
module_item -> reg_associations -> arr_associations -> Prop :=
| mi_stepp_Valways :
@@ -661,80 +539,8 @@ Inductive mis_stepp : fext -> reg_associations -> arr_associations ->
mis_stepp f sr sa nil sr sa.
Hint Constructors mis_stepp : verilog.
-(*Definition mi_step_commit (s : state) (m : list module_item) : res state :=
- match mi_step s m with
- | OK (State m assoc nbassoc f c) =>
- OK (State m (merge_assocmap nbassoc assoc) empty_assocmap f c)
- | Error msg => Error msg
- | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: Wrong state")
- end.
-Fixpoint mi_run (f : fextclk) (assoc : assocmap) (m : list module_item) (n : nat)
- {struct n} : res assocmap :=
- match n with
- | S n' =>
- do assoc' <- mi_run f assoc m n';
- match mi_step_commit (State assoc' empty_assocmap f (Pos.of_nat n')) m with
- | OK (State assoc _ _ _) => OK assoc
- | Error m => Error m
- end
- | O => OK assoc
- end.*)
-(** Resets the module into a known state, so that it can be executed. This is
-assumed to be the starting state of the module, and may have to be changed if
-other arguments to the module are also to be supported. *)
-(*Definition initial_fextclk (m : module) : fextclk :=
- fun x => match x with
- | S O => (AssocMap.set (mod_reset m) (ZToValue 1) empty_assocmap)
- | _ => (AssocMap.set (mod_reset m) (ZToValue 0) empty_assocmap)
- end.*)
-(*Definition module_run (n : nat) (m : module) : res assocmap :=
- mi_run (initial_fextclk m) empty_assocmap (mod_body m) n.*)
Local Close Scope error_monad_scope.
-(*Theorem value_eq_size_if_eq:
- forall lv rv EQ,
- vsize lv = vsize rv -> value_eq_size lv rv = left EQ.
-Proof. intros. unfold value_eq_size.
-Theorem expr_run_same:
- forall assoc e v, expr_run assoc e = OK v <-> expr_runp assoc e v.
- split; generalize dependent v; generalize dependent assoc.
- - induction e.
- + intros. inversion H. constructor.
- + intros. inversion H. constructor. assumption.
- + intros. inversion H. destruct (expr_run assoc e1) eqn:?. destruct (expr_run assoc e2) eqn:?.
- unfold eq_to_opt in H1. destruct (value_eq_size v0 v1) eqn:?. inversion H1.
- constructor. apply IHe1. assumption. apply IHe2. assumption. reflexivity. discriminate. discriminate.
- discriminate.
- + intros. inversion H. destruct (expr_run assoc e) eqn:?. unfold option_map in H1.
- inversion H1. constructor. apply IHe. assumption. reflexivity. discriminate.
- + intros. inversion H. destruct (expr_run assoc e1) eqn:?. destruct (valueToBool v0) eqn:?.
- eapply erun_Vternary_true. apply IHe1. eassumption. apply IHe2. eassumption. assumption.
- eapply erun_Vternary_false. apply IHe1. eassumption. apply IHe3. eassumption. assumption.
- discriminate.
- - induction e.
- + intros. inversion H. reflexivity.
- + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. assumption.
- + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. apply IHe1 in H4. rewrite H4.
- apply IHe2 in H6. rewrite H6. unfold eq_to_opt. assert (vsize lv = vsize rv).
- apply EQ. apply (value_eq_size_if_eq lv rv EQ) in H0. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
- + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. destruct (expr_run assoc e) eqn:?. simpl.
- apply IHe in H3. rewrite Heqo in H3.
- inversion H3. subst. reflexivity. apply IHe in H3. rewrite Heqo in H3. discriminate.
- + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. apply IHe1 in H4. rewrite H4. rewrite H7.
- apply IHe2 in H6. rewrite H6. reflexivity.
- subst. simpl. apply IHe1 in H4. rewrite H4. rewrite H7. apply IHe3.
- assumption.
- *)
Fixpoint init_params (vl : list value) (rl : list reg) {struct rl} :=
match rl, vl with
| r :: rl', v :: vl' => AssocMap.set r v (init_params vl' rl')