diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-05-12 20:20:48 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-05-12 20:20:48 +0100
commit7c3422f5924a4a4395fac1d17a96dbd347b3d144 (patch)
parent5a42718b3e0577589cf1ee2142016d8907a1fbf3 (diff)
Add BUF* to xilinx modules
1 files changed, 963 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/cells_xilinx_7.v b/data/cells_xilinx_7.v
index 0e92739..047f12f 100644
--- a/data/cells_xilinx_7.v
+++ b/data/cells_xilinx_7.v
@@ -879,3 +879,966 @@ module LD (Q, D, G);
Q <= D;
endmodule // LD
+module BUFCF (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ buf B1 (O, I);
+endmodule // BUFCF
+module BUFE (O, E, I);
+ output O;
+ input E, I;
+ bufif1 B1 (O, I, E);
+endmodule // BUFE
+module BUFGCE_1 (O, CE, I);
+ output O;
+ input CE, I;
+ wire NCE;
+ BUFGMUX_1 B1 (.I0(I),
+ .I1(1'b1),
+ .O(O),
+ .S(NCE));
+ INV I1 (.I(CE),
+ .O(NCE));
+endmodule // BUFGCE_1
+module BUFGCE (O, CE, I);
+ output O;
+ input CE, I;
+ wire NCE;
+ BUFGMUX B1 (.I0(I),
+ .I1(1'b0),
+ .O(O),
+ .S(NCE));
+ INV I1 (.I(CE),
+ .O(NCE));
+endmodule // BUFGCE
+module BUFGCTRL (O, CE0, CE1, I0, I1, IGNORE0, IGNORE1, S0, S1);
+ output O;
+ input CE0;
+ input CE1;
+ input I0;
+ input I1;
+ input IGNORE0;
+ input IGNORE1;
+ input S0;
+ input S1;
+ parameter INIT_OUT = 0;
+ parameter PRESELECT_I0 = "FALSE";
+ parameter PRESELECT_I1 = "FALSE";
+// *** parameter checking
+// *** input enable for i0
+endmodule // BUFGCTRL
+module BUFG_LB (
+ output CLKOUT;
+ input CLKIN;
+ wire CLKOUT_OUT;
+ wire CLKIN_IN;
+endmodule // BUFG_LB
+module BUFGMUX_1 (O, I0, I1, S);
+ output O;
+ input I0, I1, S;
+ reg O;
+ always @(I0 or I1 or S) begin
+ if (S)
+ O <= I1;
+ else
+ O <= I0;
+ end
+endmodule // BUFGMUX_1
+module BUFGMUX_CTRL (O, I0, I1, S);
+ output O;
+ input I0;
+ input I1;
+ input S;
+endmodule // BUFGMUX_CTRL
+module BUFGMUX (O, I0, I1, S);
+ output O;
+ input I0, I1, S;
+ reg O;
+ always @(I0 or I1 or S) begin
+ if (S)
+ O <= I1;
+ else
+ O <= I0;
+ end
+endmodule // BUFGMUX
+module BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4 (O, I0, I1, S);
+ output O;
+ input I0;
+ input I1;
+ input S;
+endmodule // BUFGMUX_VIRTEX4
+module BUFGP (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ buf B1 (O, I);
+endmodule // BUFGP
+module BUFG (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ buf B1 (O, I);
+endmodule // BUFG
+module BUFHCE (O, CE, I);
+ parameter CE_TYPE = "SYNC";
+ parameter integer INIT_OUT = 0;
+ output O;
+ input CE;
+ input I;
+ wire NCE, o_bufg_o, o_bufg1_o;
+ B1 (.I0(I),
+ .I1(1'b0),
+ .O(o_bufg_o),
+ .S(NCE));
+ INV I1 (.I(CE),
+ .O(NCE));
+ B2 (.I0(I),
+ .I1(1'b1),
+ .O(o_bufg1_o),
+ .S(NCE));
+ assign O = (INIT_OUT == 1) ? o_bufg1_o : o_bufg_o;
+endmodule // BUFHCE
+module BUFH (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ buf B1 (O, I);
+endmodule // BUFH
+ parameter integer DIVIDE = 2; // {2..8}
+ output DIVCLK;
+ output IOCLK;
+ input I;
+ input IB;
+// Output signals
+ reg divclk_out=0, ioclk_out=0, serdesstrobe_out=0;
+// Counters and Flags
+ reg [2:0] ce_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] edge_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] RisingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg [2:0] FallingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg TriggerOnRise = 0; // FP
+ reg allEqual=0, RisingEdgeMatch=0, FallingEdgeMatch=0, match=0, nmatch=0;
+ reg divclk_int=0;
+ reg i1_int=0, i2_int=0;
+// Attribute settings
+// Other signals
+ reg attr_err_flag = 0;
+// =====================
+// clock doubler
+// =====================
+ always @(posedge I) begin
+ i1_int = 1;
+ #100 i1_int = 0;
+ end
+ always @(posedge IB) begin
+ i2_int = 1;
+ #100 i2_int = 0;
+ end
+ assign doubled_clk_int = i1_int | i2_int;
+// =====================
+// Count the rising edges of the clk
+// =====================
+// CR 512001 -- for various DIVIDE widths, the count is set differently to match the hw startup
+ generate
+ case(DIVIDE)
+ 2,4,6,8 : begin
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int) begin
+ if($time < 1 )
+ edge_count <= DIVIDE-1; //001 for 5 and 7
+ else if (allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ 3,5,7 : begin
+ //for 1, 3, 5 and 7 below
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int) begin
+ if($time < 1 )
+ edge_count <= 3'b001; //001 for 5 and 7
+ else if (allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ endgenerate
+// Generate synchronous reset after DIVIDE number of counts
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == ce_count)
+ allEqual = 1;
+ else
+ allEqual = 0;
+// =====================
+// Generate IOCE
+// =====================
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int)
+ serdesstrobe_out <= allEqual;
+// =====================
+// Generate IOCLK
+// =====================
+ always @(I)
+ ioclk_out <= I;
+// =====================
+// Generate Divided Clock
+// =====================
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == RisingEdgeCount)
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == FallingEdgeCount)
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int)
+ match <= RisingEdgeMatch | (match & ~FallingEdgeMatch);
+ always @(negedge doubled_clk_int)
+ if(~TriggerOnRise)
+ nmatch <= match;
+ else
+ nmatch <= 0;
+ always@(match or nmatch) divclk_int = match | nmatch;
+// IR 497760 fix
+ always @(divclk_int or doubled_clk_int)
+ divclk_out = (DIVIDE == 1)? ioclk_out : divclk_int;
+ assign DIVCLK = divclk_out;
+ assign IOCLK = ioclk_out;
+ assign SERDESSTROBE = serdesstrobe_out;
+ // BUFIO2_2CLK
+module BUFIO2FB (O, I);
+ parameter DIVIDE_BYPASS = "TRUE"; // TRUE, FALSE
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ reg divclk_bypass_attr;
+// Other signals
+ reg attr_err_flag = 0;
+//------------------------ Output Ports ------------------------------
+ buf buf_o(O, I);
+ initial begin
+//----- DIVIDE_BYPASS Check
+ "TRUE" : divclk_bypass_attr <= 1'b1;
+ "FALSE" :divclk_bypass_attr <= 1'b0;
+ default : begin
+ $display("Attribute Syntax Error : The attribute DIVIDE_BYPASS on BUFIO2FB instance %m is set to %s. Legal values for this attribute are TRUE or FALSE", DIVIDE_BYPASS);
+ attr_err_flag = 1;
+ end
+ endcase // (DIVIDE_BYPASS)
+ end // initial begin
+ parameter DIVIDE_BYPASS = "TRUE"; // TRUE, FALSE
+ parameter integer DIVIDE = 1; // {1..8}
+ parameter I_INVERT = "FALSE"; // TRUE, FALSE
+ parameter USE_DOUBLER = "FALSE"; // TRUE, FALSE
+ output DIVCLK;
+ output IOCLK;
+ input I;
+// Output signals
+ reg divclk_out=0, ioclk_out=0, serdesstrobe_out=0;
+// Counters and Flags
+ reg [2:0] ce_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] edge_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] RisingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg [2:0] FallingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg TriggerOnRise = 0; // FP
+ reg allEqual=0, RisingEdgeMatch=0, FallingEdgeMatch=0, match=0, nmatch=0;
+ reg divclk_int=0;
+ reg I_int;
+ reg i1_int, i2_int;
+ wire doubled_clk_int;
+ wire div1_clk;
+// Attribute settings
+// Other signals
+ reg attr_err_flag = 0;
+// Optional inverter for I
+ generate
+ case (I_INVERT)
+ "FALSE" : always @(I) I_int <= I;
+ "TRUE" : always @(I) I_int <= ~I;
+ endcase
+ endgenerate
+ localparam divclk_bypass_attr = (DIVIDE_BYPASS == "TRUE") ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ localparam Ivert_attr = (I_INVERT == "TRUE") ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ localparam use_doubler_attr = (USE_DOUBLER == "TRUE") ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ generate if (USE_DOUBLER == "TRUE")
+ begin
+ // =====================
+ // clock doubler
+ // =====================
+ always @(posedge I_int) begin
+ i1_int = 1;
+ #100 i1_int = 0;
+ end
+ always @(negedge I_int) begin
+ i2_int = 1;
+ #100 i2_int = 0;
+ end
+ assign doubled_clk_int = i1_int | i2_int;
+ end
+ else
+ assign doubled_clk_int = I_int;
+ endgenerate
+// CR 561858 -- for various DIVIDE widths, the count is set differently to match the BUFIO2_2CLK's CR 512001
+// =====================
+// Count the rising edges of the clk
+// =====================
+// always @(posedge doubled_clk_int) begin
+// if(allEqual || $time < 1)
+// edge_count <= 3'b000;
+// else
+// edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+// end
+ generate
+ case(DIVIDE)
+ 2,4,6,8 : begin
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int) begin
+ if($time < 1 )
+ edge_count <= DIVIDE-1; //001 for 5 and 7
+ else if (allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ 3,5,7 : begin
+ //for 1, 3, 5 and 7 below
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int) begin
+ if($time < 1 )
+ edge_count <= 3'b001; //001 for 5 and 7
+ else if (allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ endgenerate
+// Generate synchronous reset after DIVIDE number of counts
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == ce_count)
+ allEqual = 1;
+ else
+ allEqual = 0;
+// =====================
+// Generate IOCE
+// =====================
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int)
+ serdesstrobe_out <= allEqual;
+// =====================
+// Generate IOCLK
+// =====================
+ always @(I_int)
+ ioclk_out <= I_int;
+// =====================
+// Generate Divided Clock
+// =====================
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == RisingEdgeCount)
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == FallingEdgeCount)
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(posedge doubled_clk_int)
+ match <= RisingEdgeMatch | (match & ~FallingEdgeMatch);
+ always @(negedge doubled_clk_int)
+ if(~TriggerOnRise)
+ nmatch <= match;
+ else
+ nmatch <= 0;
+ always@(match or nmatch) divclk_int = match | nmatch;
+ always @(divclk_int or I_int)
+ divclk_out = (divclk_bypass_attr | (DIVIDE == 1))? I_int : divclk_int;
+ assign DIVCLK = divclk_out;
+ assign IOCLK = ioclk_out;
+ assign SERDESSTROBE = serdesstrobe_out;
+ // BUFIO2
+ output O;
+ input DQSMASK;
+ input I;
+module BUFIO (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+endmodule // BUFIO
+module BUFMRCE (
+ O,
+ CE,
+ I
+ parameter CE_TYPE = "SYNC";
+ parameter integer INIT_OUT = 0;
+ output O;
+ input CE;
+ input I;
+ wire NCE, o_bufg_o, o_bufg1_o;
+ B1 (.I0(I),
+ .I1(1'b0),
+ .O(o_bufg_o),
+ .S(NCE));
+ INV I1 (.I(CE),
+ .O(NCE));
+ B2 (.I0(I),
+ .I1(1'b1),
+ .O(o_bufg1_o),
+ .S(NCE));
+ assign O = (INIT_OUT == 1) ? o_bufg1_o : o_bufg_o;
+endmodule // BUFMRCE
+module BUFMR (
+ O,
+ I
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ buf B1 (O, I);
+endmodule // BUFMR
+module BUFPLL_MCB (
+ parameter integer DIVIDE = 2; // {1..8}
+ parameter LOCK_SRC = "LOCK_TO_0";
+ output IOCLK0;
+ output IOCLK1;
+ output LOCK;
+ input GCLK;
+ input LOCKED;
+ input PLLIN0;
+ input PLLIN1;
+// Output signals
+ reg ioclk0_out = 0, ioclk1_out = 0, lock_out = 0, serdesstrobe0_out = 0, serdesstrobe1_out = 0;
+// Counters and Flags
+ reg [2:0] ce_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] edge_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] RisingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg [2:0] FallingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg TriggerOnRise = 0;
+ reg divclk_int;
+ reg allEqual, RisingEdgeMatch, FallingEdgeMatch, match, nmatch;
+// Attribute settings
+// Other signals
+ reg attr_err_flag = 0;
+ localparam lock_src_0_attr = (LOCK_SRC == "LOCK_TO_0" ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ localparam lock_src_1_attr = (LOCK_SRC == "LOCK_TO_1" ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+// =====================
+// Count the rising edges of the clk
+// =====================
+ generate if (LOCK_SRC == "LOCK_TO_0")
+ begin
+ always @(posedge PLLIN0)
+ if(allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ always @(posedge PLLIN1)
+ if(allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+// Generate synchronous reset after DIVIDE number of counts
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == ce_count)
+ allEqual = 1;
+ else
+ allEqual = 0;
+// =====================
+// =====================
+ generate if(LOCK_SRC == "LOCK_TO_0")
+ begin
+ always @(posedge PLLIN0)
+ serdesstrobe0_out <= allEqual;
+ always @(posedge PLLIN1)
+ serdesstrobe1_out <= serdesstrobe0_out;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ always @(posedge PLLIN1)
+ serdesstrobe1_out <= allEqual;
+ always @(posedge PLLIN0)
+ serdesstrobe0_out <= serdesstrobe1_out;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+// =====================
+// Generate divided clk
+// =====================
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == RisingEdgeCount)
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == FallingEdgeCount)
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ generate if(LOCK_SRC == "LOCK_TO_0")
+ begin
+ always @(posedge PLLIN0)
+ match <= RisingEdgeMatch | (match & ~FallingEdgeMatch);
+ always @(negedge PLLIN0)
+ if(~TriggerOnRise)
+ nmatch <= match;
+ else
+ nmatch <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ always @(posedge PLLIN1)
+ match <= RisingEdgeMatch | (match & ~FallingEdgeMatch);
+ always @(negedge PLLIN1)
+ if(~TriggerOnRise)
+ nmatch <= match;
+ else
+ nmatch <= 0;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ always@(match or nmatch) divclk_int = match | nmatch;
+// =====================
+// Generate IOCLKs
+// =====================
+ always @(PLLIN0)
+ ioclk0_out = PLLIN0;
+ always @(PLLIN1)
+ ioclk1_out = PLLIN1;
+// =====================
+// Generate LOCK
+// =====================
+ always @(LOCKED)
+ lock_out <= LOCKED;
+ assign IOCLK0 = ioclk0_out;
+ assign IOCLK1 = ioclk1_out;
+ assign LOCK = lock_out;
+ assign SERDESSTROBE0 = serdesstrobe0_out;
+ assign SERDESSTROBE1 = serdesstrobe1_out;
+ parameter integer DIVIDE = 1; // {1..8}
+ parameter ENABLE_SYNC = "TRUE";
+ output IOCLK;
+ output LOCK;
+ input GCLK;
+ input LOCKED;
+ input PLLIN;
+// Output signals
+ reg ioclk_out = 0, lock_out = 0, serdesstrobe_out = 0;
+// Counters and Flags
+ reg [2:0] ce_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] edge_count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] RisingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg [2:0] FallingEdgeCount = 0;
+ reg TriggerOnRise = 0;
+ reg divclk_int;
+ reg allEqual, RisingEdgeMatch, FallingEdgeMatch, match, nmatch;
+ reg lock_src_indepn_attr = 0, lock_src_0_attr = 0, lock_src_1_attr= 0;
+ reg enable_sync_strobe_out = 0, strobe_out = 0;
+// Attribute settings
+// Other signals
+ reg attr_err_flag = 0;
+// =====================
+// Count the rising edges of the clk
+// =====================
+ always @(posedge PLLIN) begin
+ if(allEqual)
+ edge_count <= 3'b000;
+ else
+ edge_count <= edge_count + 1;
+ end
+// Generate synchronous reset after DIVIDE number of counts
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == ce_count)
+ allEqual = 1;
+ else
+ allEqual = 0;
+// =======================================
+// =======================================
+ generate
+ case(DIVIDE)
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 : begin
+ always @(posedge GCLK)
+ begin
+ enable_sync_strobe_out <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ endgenerate
+// =====================
+// Generate divided clk
+// =====================
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == RisingEdgeCount)
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ RisingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(edge_count)
+ if (edge_count == FallingEdgeCount)
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 1;
+ else
+ FallingEdgeMatch = 0;
+ always @(posedge PLLIN)
+ match <= RisingEdgeMatch | (match & ~FallingEdgeMatch);
+ always @(negedge PLLIN)
+ if(~TriggerOnRise)
+ nmatch <= match;
+ else
+ nmatch <= 0;
+ always@(match or nmatch) divclk_int = match | nmatch;
+ always @(PLLIN)
+ ioclk_out <= PLLIN;
+// =====================
+// Generate strobe_out
+// =====================
+ always @(posedge PLLIN)
+ strobe_out <= allEqual;
+// =========================
+// Generate serdesstrobe_out
+// =========================
+ always @(strobe_out or enable_sync_strobe_out)
+ serdesstrobe_out = (ENABLE_SYNC == "TRUE")? enable_sync_strobe_out : strobe_out;
+// =====================
+// Generate LOCK
+// =====================
+ always @(LOCKED)
+ lock_out <= LOCKED;
+ assign IOCLK = ioclk_out;
+ assign LOCK = lock_out;
+ assign SERDESSTROBE = serdesstrobe_out;
+module BUFR (O, CE, CLR, I);
+ output O;
+ input CE;
+ input CLR;
+ input I;
+ parameter BUFR_DIVIDE = "BYPASS";
+ parameter SIM_DEVICE = "VIRTEX4";
+module BUF (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ buf B1 (O, I);
+endmodule // BUF
+module INV (O, I);
+ output O;
+ input I;
+ not N1 (O, I);
+endmodule // INV