diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2021-05-19 16:01:46 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2021-05-19 16:01:46 +0100
commit9db4f00422548006849e5c34d72cf17014330aed (patch)
parent6c027c162bedad467bd0259d4a296dcbeff6d8aa (diff)
Add more top-level changes
3 files changed, 107 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith.hs b/src/Verismith.hs
index 3d4f54b..89eacca 100644
--- a/src/Verismith.hs
+++ b/src/Verismith.hs
@@ -160,8 +160,6 @@ handleOpts (Fuzz o configF f k n nosim noequiv noreduction file top cc checker)
(toFP datadir)
- )
- defaultYosys
(fuzzMultiple gen)
return ()
handleOpts (EMIOpts o configF f k n nosim noequiv noreduction) = do
diff --git a/src/Verismith/EMI.hs b/src/Verismith/EMI.hs
index 555e371..9c78c9a 100644
--- a/src/Verismith/EMI.hs
+++ b/src/Verismith/EMI.hs
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
-- Equivalence modulo inputs (EMI) testing. This file should get an existing design, and spit out a
-- modified design that is equivalent under some specific values of the extra inputs.
module Verismith.EMI
- ( genEMI,
- )
import Control.Lens hiding (Context)
@@ -21,6 +19,7 @@ import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hedgehog (Gen, GenT, MonadGen)
import qualified Hedgehog as Hog
@@ -40,6 +39,14 @@ import Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen
import Verismith.Verilog.Quote
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+data EMIInputs a = EMIInputs [Identifier]
+ | EMIOrig a
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show a => Show (EMIInputs a) where
+ show (EMIInputs i) = "EMI: " <> intercalate ", " (T.unpack . getIdentifier <$> i)
+ show (EMIOrig a) = show a
newPort' :: Identifier -> StateGen a Port
newPort' ident = do
hex <- Identifier . T.toLower . T.pack <$> Hog.list (HogR.constant 10 10) Hog.hexit
@@ -68,26 +75,32 @@ moditemEMI :: ModItem a -> StateGen a (ModItem a)
moditemEMI (Always s) = Always <$> transformM statementEMI s
moditemEMI m = return m
-genEMI :: (ModDecl a) -> StateGen a (ModDecl a)
-genEMI (ModDecl mid outp inp itms params) = do
- itms' <- traverse moditemEMI itms
- return (ModDecl mid outp inp itms' params)
+moddeclEMI :: ModDecl a -> StateGen a (ModDecl (EMIInputs a))
+moddeclEMI m = do
+ emiContext._Just.emiNewInputs .= []
+ m' <- traverseOf (modItems.traverse) moditemEMI m
+ c <- use (emiContext._Just.emiNewInputs)
+ return (ModDeclAnn (EMIInputs (c^..traverse.portName)) (fmap (\x -> EMIOrig x) m'))
+sourceEMI :: (SourceInfo a) -> StateGen a (SourceInfo (EMIInputs a))
+sourceEMI s =
+ traverseOf (infoSrc._Wrapped.traverse) moddeclEMI s
initNewRegs :: [Port] -> ModDecl a -> ModDecl a
initNewRegs ps m = m & modItems %~ (++ (Decl (Just PortIn) <$> ps <*> pure Nothing))
-- | Procedural generation method for random Verilog. Uses internal 'Reader' and
-- 'State' to keep track of the current Verilog code structure.
-proceduralEMI :: ModDecl a -> Config -> Gen (ModDecl a)
-proceduralEMI moddecl config = do
+proceduralEMI :: SourceInfo a -> Config -> Gen (SourceInfo (EMIInputs a))
+proceduralEMI src config = do
(mainMod, st) <-
Hog.resize num $
- (Hog.distributeT (runReaderT (genEMI moddecl) config))
+ (Hog.distributeT (runReaderT (sourceEMI src) config))
- let addMod = modInPorts %~ ((st ^. emiContext . _Just . emiNewInputs) ++ )
- let initMod = initNewRegs (st ^. emiContext . _Just . emiNewInputs)
- return (initMod $ addMod mainMod)
+ let addMod = modInPorts %~ ((st ^. emiContext._Just.emiNewInputs) ++ )
+ let initMod = initNewRegs (st ^. emiContext._Just.emiNewInputs)
+ return (mainMod & infoSrc._Wrapped.traverse %~ (initMod . addMod))
context =
Context [] [] [] [] [] [] 0 (confProp propStmntDepth) (confProp propModDepth) True
@@ -95,23 +108,35 @@ proceduralEMI moddecl config = do
num = fromIntegral $ confProp propSize
confProp i = config ^. configProperty . i
-proceduralEMIIO :: ModDecl () -> Config -> IO (ModDecl ())
+proceduralEMIIO :: SourceInfo a -> Config -> IO (SourceInfo (EMIInputs a))
proceduralEMIIO t = Hog.sample . proceduralEMI t
--- m = (head . head $ [verilog|
--- module m;
--- always @(posedge clk) begin
--- if (z == 2) begin
--- ry = 2;
--- end
--- x <= y;
--- y <= z;
--- end
--- endmodule
--- |] ^.. _Wrapped )
--- p :: Show a => ModDecl a -> IO ()
--- p = T.putStrLn . genSource
--- customConfig = defaultConfig &
--- (configEMI . confEMIGenerateProb .~ 1)
--- . (configEMI . confEMINoGenerateProb .~ 0)
+-- Test code
+m = SourceInfo "m" [verilog|
+module m;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (z == 2) begin
+ ry = 2;
+ end
+ x <= y;
+ y <= z;
+ end
+module m2;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (z == 2) begin
+ ry = 2;
+ end
+ x <= y;
+ y <= z;
+ end
+p :: Show a => SourceInfo a -> IO ()
+p = T.putStrLn . genSource
+customConfig = defaultConfig &
+ (configEMI . confEMIGenerateProb .~ 1)
+ . (configEMI . confEMINoGenerateProb .~ 0)
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs b/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
index 278879d..42c667e 100644
--- a/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
+++ b/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
@@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ equivalence src = do
dir = fromText $ "equiv_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
+equivalenceEMI :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSh m, Show ann) => (SourceInfo ann) -> Fuzz m ()
+equivalenceEMI src = do
+ datadir <- fmap _fuzzDataDir askOpts
simulation :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m, Show ann) => (SourceInfo ann) -> Fuzz m ()
simulation src = do
datadir <- fmap _fuzzDataDir askOpts
@@ -590,3 +594,51 @@ sampleSeed s gen =
Just x ->
pure (seed, Hog.treeValue x)
in loop (100 :: Int)
+fuzzEMI :: (MonadFuzz m, Ord ann, Show ann) => Gen (SourceInfo ann) -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
+fuzzEMI gen = do
+ conf <- askConfig
+ opts <- askOpts
+ let seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
+ (seed', src) <- generateSample $ genMethod conf seed gen
+ let size = length . lines . T.unpack $ genSource src
+ liftSh
+ . writefile "config.toml"
+ . encodeConfig
+ $ conf
+ & configProperty
+ . propSeed
+ ?~ seed'
+ (tsynth, _) <- titleRun "Synthesis" $ synthesis src
+ (tequiv, _) <-
+ if (_fuzzOptsNoEquiv opts)
+ then return (0, mempty)
+ else titleRun "Equivalence Check" $ equivalenceEMI src
+ (_, _) <-
+ if (_fuzzOptsNoSim opts)
+ then return (0, mempty)
+ else titleRun "Simulation" $ simulation src
+ fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
+ failedSim <- failedSimulations
+ synthFails <- failedSynthesis
+ redResult <-
+ whenMaybe
+ ( not (null failedSim && null fails && null synthFails)
+ && not (_fuzzOptsNoReduction opts)
+ )
+ . titleRun "Reduction"
+ $ reduction src
+ state_ <- get
+ currdir <- liftSh pwd
+ let vi = flip view state_
+ let report =
+ FuzzReport
+ currdir
+ (vi fuzzSynthResults)
+ (vi fuzzSimResults)
+ (vi fuzzSynthStatus)
+ size
+ tsynth
+ tequiv
+ (getTime redResult)
+ return report