path: root/src/VeriSmith/Verilog
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-09-18 19:06:32 +0200
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-09-18 19:06:32 +0200
commit8d96fd2a541a2602544ced741552ebd17714c67d (patch)
tree2f53addec05793cf5b3e0274a3e8e9e5f76a7abe /src/VeriSmith/Verilog
parentd14196cce14d1b4a4a9fba768b9f5238c8626624 (diff)
Rename main modules
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriSmith/Verilog')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 2866 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/AST.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/AST.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 78bad45..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/AST.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
-Description : Definition of the Verilog AST types.
-Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : BSD-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Poratbility : POSIX
-Defines the types to build a Verilog AST.
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
- ( -- * Top level types
- SourceInfo(..)
- , infoTop
- , infoSrc
- , Verilog(..)
- -- * Primitives
- -- ** Identifier
- , Identifier(..)
- -- ** Control
- , Delay(..)
- , Event(..)
- -- ** Operators
- , BinaryOperator(..)
- , UnaryOperator(..)
- -- ** Task
- , Task(..)
- , taskName
- , taskExpr
- -- ** Left hand side value
- , LVal(..)
- , regId
- , regExprId
- , regExpr
- , regSizeId
- , regSizeRange
- , regConc
- -- ** Ports
- , PortDir(..)
- , PortType(..)
- , Port(..)
- , portType
- , portSigned
- , portSize
- , portName
- -- * Expression
- , Expr(..)
- , ConstExpr(..)
- , ConstExprF(..)
- , constToExpr
- , exprToConst
- , Range(..)
- , constNum
- , constParamId
- , constConcat
- , constUnOp
- , constPrim
- , constLhs
- , constBinOp
- , constRhs
- , constCond
- , constTrue
- , constFalse
- , constStr
- -- * Assignment
- , Assign(..)
- , assignReg
- , assignDelay
- , assignExpr
- , ContAssign(..)
- , contAssignNetLVal
- , contAssignExpr
- -- ** Parameters
- , Parameter(..)
- , paramIdent
- , paramValue
- , LocalParam(..)
- , localParamIdent
- , localParamValue
- -- * Statment
- , Statement(..)
- , statDelay
- , statDStat
- , statEvent
- , statEStat
- , statements
- , stmntBA
- , stmntNBA
- , stmntTask
- , stmntSysTask
- , stmntCondExpr
- , stmntCondTrue
- , stmntCondFalse
- , forAssign
- , forExpr
- , forIncr
- , forStmnt
- -- * Module
- , ModDecl(..)
- , modId
- , modOutPorts
- , modInPorts
- , modItems
- , modParams
- , ModItem(..)
- , modContAssign
- , modInstId
- , modInstName
- , modInstConns
- , _Initial
- , _Always
- , paramDecl
- , localParamDecl
- , traverseModItem
- , declDir
- , declPort
- , declVal
- , ModConn(..)
- , modConnName
- , modExpr
- -- * Useful Lenses and Traversals
- , aModule
- , getModule
- , getSourceId
- , mainModule
- )
-import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
-import Control.Lens hiding ((<|))
-import Data.Data
-import Data.Data.Lens
-import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), (<|))
-import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
-import Data.Text (Text, pack)
-import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
-import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
--- | Identifier in Verilog. This is just a string of characters that can either
--- be lowercase and uppercase for now. This might change in the future though,
--- as Verilog supports many more characters in Identifiers.
-newtype Identifier = Identifier { getIdentifier :: Text }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance IsString Identifier where
- fromString = Identifier . pack
-instance Semigroup Identifier where
- Identifier a <> Identifier b = Identifier $ a <> b
-instance Monoid Identifier where
- mempty = Identifier mempty
--- | Verilog syntax for adding a delay, which is represented as @#num@.
-newtype Delay = Delay { _getDelay :: Int }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance Num Delay where
- Delay a + Delay b = Delay $ a + b
- Delay a - Delay b = Delay $ a - b
- Delay a * Delay b = Delay $ a * b
- negate (Delay a) = Delay $ negate a
- abs (Delay a) = Delay $ abs a
- signum (Delay a) = Delay $ signum a
- fromInteger = Delay . fromInteger
--- | Verilog syntax for an event, such as @\@x@, which is used for always blocks
-data Event = EId {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | EExpr !Expr
- | EAll
- | EPosEdge {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | ENegEdge {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | EOr !Event !Event
- | EComb !Event !Event
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance Plated Event where
- plate = uniplate
--- | Binary operators that are currently supported in the verilog generation.
-data BinaryOperator = BinPlus -- ^ @+@
- | BinMinus -- ^ @-@
- | BinTimes -- ^ @*@
- | BinDiv -- ^ @/@
- | BinMod -- ^ @%@
- | BinEq -- ^ @==@
- | BinNEq -- ^ @!=@
- | BinCEq -- ^ @===@
- | BinCNEq -- ^ @!==@
- | BinLAnd -- ^ @&&@
- | BinLOr -- ^ @||@
- | BinLT -- ^ @<@
- | BinLEq -- ^ @<=@
- | BinGT -- ^ @>@
- | BinGEq -- ^ @>=@
- | BinAnd -- ^ @&@
- | BinOr -- ^ @|@
- | BinXor -- ^ @^@
- | BinXNor -- ^ @^~@
- | BinXNorInv -- ^ @~^@
- | BinPower -- ^ @**@
- | BinLSL -- ^ @<<@
- | BinLSR -- ^ @>>@
- | BinASL -- ^ @<<<@
- | BinASR -- ^ @>>>@
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Unary operators that are currently supported by the generator.
-data UnaryOperator = UnPlus -- ^ @+@
- | UnMinus -- ^ @-@
- | UnLNot -- ^ @!@
- | UnNot -- ^ @~@
- | UnAnd -- ^ @&@
- | UnNand -- ^ @~&@
- | UnOr -- ^ @|@
- | UnNor -- ^ @~|@
- | UnXor -- ^ @^@
- | UnNxor -- ^ @~^@
- | UnNxorInv -- ^ @^~@
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Verilog expression, which can either be a primary expression, unary
--- expression, binary operator expression or a conditional expression.
-data Expr = Number {-# UNPACK #-} !BitVec
- -- ^ Number implementation containing the size and the value itself
- | Id {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | VecSelect {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier !Expr
- | RangeSelect {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier !Range
- -- ^ Symbols
- | Concat !(NonEmpty Expr)
- -- ^ Bit-wise concatenation of expressions represented by braces.
- | UnOp !UnaryOperator !Expr
- | BinOp !Expr !BinaryOperator !Expr
- | Cond !Expr !Expr !Expr
- | Appl !Identifier !Expr
- | Str {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance Num Expr where
- a + b = BinOp a BinPlus b
- a - b = BinOp a BinMinus b
- a * b = BinOp a BinTimes b
- negate = UnOp UnMinus
- abs = undefined
- signum = undefined
- fromInteger = Number . fromInteger
-instance Semigroup Expr where
- (Concat a) <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <> b
- (Concat a) <> b = Concat $ a <> (b :| [])
- a <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <| b
- a <> b = Concat $ a <| b :| []
-instance Monoid Expr where
- mempty = Number 0
-instance IsString Expr where
- fromString = Str . fromString
-instance Plated Expr where
- plate = uniplate
--- | Constant expression, which are known before simulation at compile time.
-data ConstExpr = ConstNum { _constNum :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BitVec }
- | ParamId { _constParamId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier }
- | ConstConcat { _constConcat :: !(NonEmpty ConstExpr) }
- | ConstUnOp { _constUnOp :: !UnaryOperator
- , _constPrim :: !ConstExpr
- }
- | ConstBinOp { _constLhs :: !ConstExpr
- , _constBinOp :: !BinaryOperator
- , _constRhs :: !ConstExpr
- }
- | ConstCond { _constCond :: !ConstExpr
- , _constTrue :: !ConstExpr
- , _constFalse :: !ConstExpr
- }
- | ConstStr { _constStr :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-constToExpr :: ConstExpr -> Expr
-constToExpr (ConstNum a ) = Number a
-constToExpr (ParamId a ) = Id a
-constToExpr (ConstConcat a ) = Concat $ fmap constToExpr a
-constToExpr (ConstUnOp a b ) = UnOp a $ constToExpr b
-constToExpr (ConstBinOp a b c) = BinOp (constToExpr a) b $ constToExpr c
-constToExpr (ConstCond a b c) =
- Cond (constToExpr a) (constToExpr b) $ constToExpr c
-constToExpr (ConstStr a) = Str a
-exprToConst :: Expr -> ConstExpr
-exprToConst (Number a ) = ConstNum a
-exprToConst (Id a ) = ParamId a
-exprToConst (Concat a ) = ConstConcat $ fmap exprToConst a
-exprToConst (UnOp a b ) = ConstUnOp a $ exprToConst b
-exprToConst (BinOp a b c) = ConstBinOp (exprToConst a) b $ exprToConst c
-exprToConst (Cond a b c) =
- ConstCond (exprToConst a) (exprToConst b) $ exprToConst c
-exprToConst (Str a) = ConstStr a
-exprToConst _ = error "Not a constant expression"
-instance Num ConstExpr where
- a + b = ConstBinOp a BinPlus b
- a - b = ConstBinOp a BinMinus b
- a * b = ConstBinOp a BinTimes b
- negate = ConstUnOp UnMinus
- abs = undefined
- signum = undefined
- fromInteger = ConstNum . fromInteger
-instance Semigroup ConstExpr where
- (ConstConcat a) <> (ConstConcat b) = ConstConcat $ a <> b
- (ConstConcat a) <> b = ConstConcat $ a <> (b :| [])
- a <> (ConstConcat b) = ConstConcat $ a <| b
- a <> b = ConstConcat $ a <| b :| []
-instance Monoid ConstExpr where
- mempty = ConstNum 0
-instance IsString ConstExpr where
- fromString = ConstStr . fromString
-instance Plated ConstExpr where
- plate = uniplate
-data Task = Task { _taskName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _taskExpr :: [Expr]
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Type that represents the left hand side of an assignment, which can be a
--- concatenation such as in:
--- @
--- {a, b, c} = 32'h94238;
--- @
-data LVal = RegId { _regId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier }
- | RegExpr { _regExprId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _regExpr :: !Expr
- }
- | RegSize { _regSizeId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _regSizeRange :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Range
- }
- | RegConcat { _regConc :: [Expr] }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance IsString LVal where
- fromString = RegId . fromString
--- | Different port direction that are supported in Verilog.
-data PortDir = PortIn -- ^ Input direction for port (@input@).
- | PortOut -- ^ Output direction for port (@output@).
- | PortInOut -- ^ Inout direction for port (@inout@).
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Currently, only @wire@ and @reg@ are supported, as the other net types are
--- not that common and not a priority.
-data PortType = Wire
- | Reg
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Range that can be associated with any port or left hand side. Contains the
--- msb and lsb bits as 'ConstExpr'. This means that they can be generated using
--- parameters, which can in turn be changed at synthesis time.
-data Range = Range { rangeMSB :: !ConstExpr
- , rangeLSB :: !ConstExpr
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance Num Range where
- (Range s1 a) + (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 + s2) $ a + b
- (Range s1 a) - (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 - s2) . max 0 $ a - b
- (Range s1 a) * (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 * s2) $ a * b
- negate = undefined
- abs = id
- signum _ = 1
- fromInteger = flip Range 0 . fromInteger . (-) 1
--- | Port declaration. It contains information about the type of the port, the
--- size, and the port name. It used to also contain information about if it was
--- an input or output port. However, this is not always necessary and was more
--- cumbersome than useful, as a lot of ports can be declared without input and
--- output port.
--- This is now implemented inside 'ModDecl' itself, which uses a list of output
--- and input ports.
-data Port = Port { _portType :: !PortType
- , _portSigned :: !Bool
- , _portSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Range
- , _portName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | This is currently a type because direct module declaration should also be
--- added:
--- @
--- mod a(.y(y1), .x1(x11), .x2(x22));
--- @
-data ModConn = ModConn { _modExpr :: !Expr }
- | ModConnNamed { _modConnName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _modExpr :: !Expr
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-data Assign = Assign { _assignReg :: !LVal
- , _assignDelay :: !(Maybe Delay)
- , _assignExpr :: !Expr
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-data ContAssign = ContAssign { _contAssignNetLVal :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _contAssignExpr :: !Expr
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Statements in Verilog.
-data Statement = TimeCtrl { _statDelay :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Delay
- , _statDStat :: Maybe Statement
- } -- ^ Time control (@#NUM@)
- | EventCtrl { _statEvent :: !Event
- , _statEStat :: Maybe Statement
- }
- | SeqBlock { _statements :: [Statement] } -- ^ Sequential block (@begin ... end@)
- | BlockAssign { _stmntBA :: !Assign } -- ^ blocking assignment (@=@)
- | NonBlockAssign { _stmntNBA :: !Assign } -- ^ Non blocking assignment (@<=@)
- | TaskEnable { _stmntTask :: !Task }
- | SysTaskEnable { _stmntSysTask :: !Task }
- | CondStmnt { _stmntCondExpr :: Expr
- , _stmntCondTrue :: Maybe Statement
- , _stmntCondFalse :: Maybe Statement
- }
- | ForLoop { _forAssign :: !Assign
- , _forExpr :: Expr
- , _forIncr :: !Assign
- , _forStmnt :: Statement
- } -- ^ Loop bounds shall be statically computable for a for loop.
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance Plated Statement where
- plate = uniplate
-instance Semigroup Statement where
- (SeqBlock a) <> (SeqBlock b) = SeqBlock $ a <> b
- (SeqBlock a) <> b = SeqBlock $ a <> [b]
- a <> (SeqBlock b) = SeqBlock $ a : b
- a <> b = SeqBlock [a, b]
-instance Monoid Statement where
- mempty = SeqBlock []
--- | Parameter that can be assigned in blocks or modules using @parameter@.
-data Parameter = Parameter { _paramIdent :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _paramValue :: ConstExpr
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Local parameter that can be assigned anywhere using @localparam@. It cannot
--- be changed by initialising the module.
-data LocalParam = LocalParam { _localParamIdent :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _localParamValue :: ConstExpr
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Module item which is the body of the module expression.
-data ModItem = ModCA { _modContAssign :: !ContAssign }
- | ModInst { _modInstId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _modInstName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _modInstConns :: [ModConn]
- }
- | Initial !Statement
- | Always !Statement
- | Decl { _declDir :: !(Maybe PortDir)
- , _declPort :: !Port
- , _declVal :: Maybe ConstExpr
- }
- | ParamDecl { _paramDecl :: NonEmpty Parameter }
- | LocalParamDecl { _localParamDecl :: NonEmpty LocalParam }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | 'module' module_identifier [list_of_ports] ';' { module_item } 'end_module'
-data ModDecl = ModDecl { _modId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- , _modOutPorts :: ![Port]
- , _modInPorts :: ![Port]
- , _modItems :: ![ModItem]
- , _modParams :: ![Parameter]
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-traverseModConn :: (Applicative f) => (Expr -> f Expr) -> ModConn -> f ModConn
-traverseModConn f (ModConn e ) = ModConn <$> f e
-traverseModConn f (ModConnNamed a e) = ModConnNamed a <$> f e
-traverseModItem :: (Applicative f) => (Expr -> f Expr) -> ModItem -> f ModItem
-traverseModItem f (ModCA (ContAssign a e)) = ModCA . ContAssign a <$> f e
-traverseModItem f (ModInst a b e) =
- ModInst a b <$> sequenceA (traverseModConn f <$> e)
-traverseModItem _ e = pure e
--- | The complete sourcetext for the Verilog module.
-newtype Verilog = Verilog { getVerilog :: [ModDecl] }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-instance Semigroup Verilog where
- Verilog a <> Verilog b = Verilog $ a <> b
-instance Monoid Verilog where
- mempty = Verilog mempty
-data SourceInfo = SourceInfo { _infoTop :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
- , _infoSrc :: !Verilog
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-$(makeLenses ''Expr)
-$(makeLenses ''ConstExpr)
-$(makeLenses ''Task)
-$(makeLenses ''LVal)
-$(makeLenses ''PortType)
-$(makeLenses ''Port)
-$(makeLenses ''ModConn)
-$(makeLenses ''Assign)
-$(makeLenses ''ContAssign)
-$(makeLenses ''Statement)
-$(makeLenses ''ModItem)
-$(makeLenses ''Parameter)
-$(makeLenses ''LocalParam)
-$(makeLenses ''ModDecl)
-$(makeLenses ''SourceInfo)
-$(makeWrapped ''Verilog)
-$(makeWrapped ''Identifier)
-$(makeWrapped ''Delay)
-$(makePrisms ''ModItem)
-$(makeBaseFunctor ''Event)
-$(makeBaseFunctor ''Expr)
-$(makeBaseFunctor ''ConstExpr)
-getModule :: Traversal' Verilog ModDecl
-getModule = _Wrapped . traverse
-{-# INLINE getModule #-}
-getSourceId :: Traversal' Verilog Text
-getSourceId = getModule . modId . _Wrapped
-{-# INLINE getSourceId #-}
--- | May need to change this to Traversal to be safe. For now it will fail when
--- the main has not been properly set with.
-aModule :: Identifier -> Lens' SourceInfo ModDecl
-aModule t = lens get_ set_
- where
- set_ (SourceInfo top main) v =
- SourceInfo top (main & getModule %~ update (getIdentifier t) v)
- update top v m@(ModDecl (Identifier i) _ _ _ _) | i == top = v
- | otherwise = m
- get_ (SourceInfo _ main) =
- head . filter (f $ getIdentifier t) $ main ^.. getModule
- f top (ModDecl (Identifier i) _ _ _ _) = i == top
--- | May need to change this to Traversal to be safe. For now it will fail when
--- the main has not been properly set with.
-mainModule :: Lens' SourceInfo ModDecl
-mainModule = lens get_ set_
- where
- set_ (SourceInfo top main) v =
- SourceInfo top (main & getModule %~ update top v)
- update top v m@(ModDecl (Identifier i) _ _ _ _) | i == top = v
- | otherwise = m
- get_ (SourceInfo top main) = head . filter (f top) $ main ^.. getModule
- f top (ModDecl (Identifier i) _ _ _ _) = i == top
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/BitVec.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/BitVec.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index dab9e2c..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/BitVec.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
-Description : Unsigned BitVec implementation.
-Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Unsigned BitVec implementation.
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
- ( BitVecF(..)
- , BitVec
- , bitVec
- , select
- )
-import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Data
-import Data.Ratio
-import GHC.Generics (Generic)
--- | Bit Vector that stores the bits in an arbitrary container together with the
--- size.
-data BitVecF a = BitVec { width :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
- , value :: !a
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, NFData)
--- | Specialisation of the above with Integer, so that infinitely large bit
--- vectors can be stored.
-type BitVec = BitVecF Integer
-instance (Enum a) => Enum (BitVecF a) where
- toEnum i = BitVec (width' $ fromIntegral i) $ toEnum i
- fromEnum (BitVec _ v) = fromEnum v
-instance (Num a, Bits a) => Num (BitVecF a) where
- BitVec w1 v1 + BitVec w2 v2 = bitVec (max w1 w2) (v1 + v2)
- BitVec w1 v1 - BitVec w2 v2 = bitVec (max w1 w2) (v1 - v2)
- BitVec w1 v1 * BitVec w2 v2 = bitVec (max w1 w2) (v1 * v2)
- abs = id
- signum (BitVec _ v) = if v == 0 then bitVec 1 0 else bitVec 1 1
- fromInteger i = bitVec (width' i) $ fromInteger i
-instance (Integral a, Bits a) => Real (BitVecF a) where
- toRational (BitVec _ n) = fromIntegral n % 1
-instance (Integral a, Bits a) => Integral (BitVecF a) where
- quotRem (BitVec w1 v1) (BitVec w2 v2) = both (BitVec $ max w1 w2) $ quotRem v1 v2
- toInteger (BitVec _ v) = toInteger v
-instance (Num a, Bits a) => Bits (BitVecF a) where
- BitVec w1 v1 .&. BitVec w2 v2 = bitVec (max w1 w2) (v1 .&. v2)
- BitVec w1 v1 .|. BitVec w2 v2 = bitVec (max w1 w2) (v1 .|. v2)
- BitVec w1 v1 `xor` BitVec w2 v2 = bitVec (max w1 w2) (v1 `xor` v2)
- complement (BitVec w v) = bitVec w $ complement v
- shift (BitVec w v) i = bitVec w $ shift v i
- rotate = rotateBitVec
- bit i = fromInteger $ bit i
- testBit (BitVec _ v) = testBit v
- bitSize (BitVec w _) = w
- bitSizeMaybe (BitVec w _) = Just w
- isSigned _ = False
- popCount (BitVec _ v) = popCount v
-instance (Num a, Bits a) => FiniteBits (BitVecF a) where
- finiteBitSize (BitVec w _) = w
-instance Bits a => Semigroup (BitVecF a) where
- (BitVec w1 v1) <> (BitVec w2 v2) = BitVec (w1 + w2) (shiftL v1 w2 .|. v2)
-instance Bits a => Monoid (BitVecF a) where
- mempty = BitVec 0 zeroBits
--- | BitVecF construction, given width and value.
-bitVec :: (Num a, Bits a) => Int -> a -> BitVecF a
-bitVec w v = BitVec w' $ v .&. ((2 ^ w') - 1) where w' = max w 0
--- | Bit selection. LSB is 0.
- :: (Integral a, Bits a, Integral b, Bits b)
- => BitVecF a
- -> (BitVecF b, BitVecF b)
- -> BitVecF a
-select (BitVec _ v) (msb, lsb) =
- bitVec (from $ msb - lsb + 1) . shiftR (fromIntegral v) $ from lsb
- where from = fromIntegral . value
--- | Rotate bits in a 'BitVec'.
-rotateBitVec :: (Num a, Bits a) => BitVecF a -> Int -> BitVecF a
-rotateBitVec b@(BitVec s _) n | n >= 0 = iterate rotateL1 b !! n
- | otherwise = iterate rotateR1 b !! abs n
- where
- rotateR1 n' = testBits 0 (s - 1) n' .|. shiftR n' 1
- rotateL1 n' = testBits (s - 1) 0 n' .|. shiftL n' 1
- testBits a b' n' = if testBit n' a then bit b' else zeroBits
-width' :: Integer -> Int
-width' a | a == 0 = 1
- | otherwise = width'' a
- where
- width'' a' | a' == 0 = 0
- | a' == -1 = 1
- | otherwise = 1 + width'' (shiftR a' 1)
-both :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
-both f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/CodeGen.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e94472..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.CodeGen
-Description : Code generation for Verilog AST.
-Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : BSD-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-This module generates the code from the Verilog AST defined in
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.CodeGen
- ( -- * Code Generation
- GenVerilog(..)
- , Source(..)
- , render
- )
-import Data.Data (Data)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
-import Numeric (showHex)
-import VeriSmith.Internal hiding (comma)
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
--- | 'Source' class which determines that source code is able to be generated
--- from the data structure using 'genSource'. This will be stored in 'Text' and
--- can then be processed further.
-class Source a where
- genSource :: a -> Text
--- | Map a 'Maybe Statement' to 'Text'. If it is 'Just statement', the generated
--- statements are returned. If it is 'Nothing', then @;\n@ is returned.
-defMap :: Maybe Statement -> Doc a
-defMap = maybe semi statement
--- | Convert the 'Verilog' type to 'Text' so that it can be rendered.
-verilogSrc :: Verilog -> Doc a
-verilogSrc (Verilog modules) = vsep . punctuate line $ moduleDecl <$> modules
--- | Generate the 'ModDecl' for a module and convert it to 'Text'.
-moduleDecl :: ModDecl -> Doc a
-moduleDecl (ModDecl i outP inP items ps) = vsep
- [ sep ["module" <+> identifier i, params ps, ports <> semi]
- , indent 2 modI
- , "endmodule"
- ]
- where
- ports
- | null outP && null inP = ""
- | otherwise = parens . align . sep . punctuate comma $ modPort <$> outIn
- modI = vsep $ moduleItem <$> items
- outIn = outP ++ inP
- params [] = ""
- params (p : pps) = hcat ["#", paramList (p :| pps)]
--- | Generates a parameter list. Can only be called with a 'NonEmpty' list.
-paramList :: NonEmpty Parameter -> Doc a
-paramList ps = tupled . toList $ parameter <$> ps
--- | Generates a localparam list. Can only be called with a 'NonEmpty' list.
-localParamList :: NonEmpty LocalParam -> Doc a
-localParamList ps = tupled . toList $ localParam <$> ps
--- | Generates the assignment for a 'Parameter'.
-parameter :: Parameter -> Doc a
-parameter (Parameter name val) =
- hsep ["parameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
--- | Generates the assignment for a 'LocalParam'.
-localParam :: LocalParam -> Doc a
-localParam (LocalParam name val) =
- hsep ["localparameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
-identifier :: Identifier -> Doc a
-identifier (Identifier i) = pretty i
--- | Conversts 'Port' to 'Text' for the module list, which means it only
--- generates a list of identifiers.
-modPort :: Port -> Doc a
-modPort (Port _ _ _ i) = identifier i
--- | Generate the 'Port' description.
-port :: Port -> Doc a
-port (Port tp sgn r name) = hsep [t, sign, range r, identifier name]
- where
- t = pType tp
- sign = signed sgn
-range :: Range -> Doc a
-range (Range msb lsb) = brackets $ hcat [constExpr msb, colon, constExpr lsb]
-signed :: Bool -> Doc a
-signed True = "signed"
-signed _ = mempty
--- | Convert the 'PortDir' type to 'Text'.
-portDir :: PortDir -> Doc a
-portDir PortIn = "input"
-portDir PortOut = "output"
-portDir PortInOut = "inout"
--- | Generate a 'ModItem'.
-moduleItem :: ModItem -> Doc a
-moduleItem (ModCA ca ) = contAssign ca
-moduleItem (ModInst i name conn) = hsep
- [ identifier i
- , identifier name
- , parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (mConn <$> conn)
- , semi
- ]
-moduleItem (Initial stat ) = nest 2 $ vsep ["initial", statement stat]
-moduleItem (Always stat ) = nest 2 $ vsep ["always", statement stat]
-moduleItem (Decl dir p ini) = hsep
- [maybe mempty makePort dir, port p, maybe mempty makeIni ini, semi]
- where
- makePort = portDir
- makeIni = ("=" <+>) . constExpr
-moduleItem (ParamDecl p) = hcat [paramList p, semi]
-moduleItem (LocalParamDecl p) = hcat [localParamList p, semi]
-mConn :: ModConn -> Doc a
-mConn (ModConn c ) = expr c
-mConn (ModConnNamed n c) = hcat [dot, identifier n, parens $ expr c]
--- | Generate continuous assignment
-contAssign :: ContAssign -> Doc a
-contAssign (ContAssign val e) =
- hsep ["assign", identifier val, "=", align $ expr e, semi]
--- | Generate 'Expr' to 'Text'.
-expr :: Expr -> Doc a
-expr (BinOp eRhs bin eLhs) = parens $ hsep [expr eRhs, binaryOp bin, expr eLhs]
-expr (Number b ) = showNum b
-expr (Id i ) = identifier i
-expr (VecSelect i e ) = hcat [identifier i, brackets $ expr e]
-expr (RangeSelect i r ) = hcat [identifier i, range r]
-expr (Concat c) = braces . nest 4 . sep . punctuate comma $ toList (expr <$> c)
-expr (UnOp u e ) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, expr e]
-expr (Cond l t f) =
- parens . nest 4 $ sep [expr l <+> "?", hsep [expr t, colon, expr f]]
-expr (Appl f e) = hcat [identifier f, parens $ expr e]
-expr (Str t ) = dquotes $ pretty t
-showNum :: BitVec -> Doc a
-showNum (BitVec s n) = parens
- $ hcat [minus, pretty $ showT s, "'h", pretty $ T.pack (showHex (abs n) "")]
- where
- minus | signum n >= 0 = mempty
- | otherwise = "-"
-constExpr :: ConstExpr -> Doc a
-constExpr (ConstNum b) = showNum b
-constExpr (ParamId i) = identifier i
-constExpr (ConstConcat c) =
- braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ toList (constExpr <$> c)
-constExpr (ConstUnOp u e) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, constExpr e]
-constExpr (ConstBinOp eRhs bin eLhs) =
- parens $ hsep [constExpr eRhs, binaryOp bin, constExpr eLhs]
-constExpr (ConstCond l t f) =
- parens $ hsep [constExpr l, "?", constExpr t, colon, constExpr f]
-constExpr (ConstStr t) = dquotes $ pretty t
--- | Convert 'BinaryOperator' to 'Text'.
-binaryOp :: BinaryOperator -> Doc a
-binaryOp BinPlus = "+"
-binaryOp BinMinus = "-"
-binaryOp BinTimes = "*"
-binaryOp BinDiv = "/"
-binaryOp BinMod = "%"
-binaryOp BinEq = "=="
-binaryOp BinNEq = "!="
-binaryOp BinCEq = "==="
-binaryOp BinCNEq = "!=="
-binaryOp BinLAnd = "&&"
-binaryOp BinLOr = "||"
-binaryOp BinLT = "<"
-binaryOp BinLEq = "<="
-binaryOp BinGT = ">"
-binaryOp BinGEq = ">="
-binaryOp BinAnd = "&"
-binaryOp BinOr = "|"
-binaryOp BinXor = "^"
-binaryOp BinXNor = "^~"
-binaryOp BinXNorInv = "~^"
-binaryOp BinPower = "**"
-binaryOp BinLSL = "<<"
-binaryOp BinLSR = ">>"
-binaryOp BinASL = "<<<"
-binaryOp BinASR = ">>>"
--- | Convert 'UnaryOperator' to 'Text'.
-unaryOp :: UnaryOperator -> Doc a
-unaryOp UnPlus = "+"
-unaryOp UnMinus = "-"
-unaryOp UnLNot = "!"
-unaryOp UnNot = "~"
-unaryOp UnAnd = "&"
-unaryOp UnNand = "~&"
-unaryOp UnOr = "|"
-unaryOp UnNor = "~|"
-unaryOp UnXor = "^"
-unaryOp UnNxor = "~^"
-unaryOp UnNxorInv = "^~"
-event :: Event -> Doc a
-event a = hcat ["@", parens $ eventRec a]
--- | Generate verilog code for an 'Event'.
-eventRec :: Event -> Doc a
-eventRec (EId i) = identifier i
-eventRec (EExpr e) = expr e
-eventRec EAll = "*"
-eventRec (EPosEdge i) = hsep ["posedge", identifier i]
-eventRec (ENegEdge i) = hsep ["negedge", identifier i]
-eventRec (EOr a b ) = hsep [eventRec a, "or", eventRec b]
-eventRec (EComb a b ) = hsep $ punctuate comma [eventRec a, eventRec b]
--- | Generates verilog code for a 'Delay'.
-delay :: Delay -> Doc a
-delay (Delay i) = "#" <> pretty i
--- | Generate the verilog code for an 'LVal'.
-lVal :: LVal -> Doc a
-lVal (RegId i ) = identifier i
-lVal (RegExpr i e) = hsep [identifier i, expr e]
-lVal (RegSize i r) = hsep [identifier i, range r]
-lVal (RegConcat e) = braces . hsep $ punctuate comma (expr <$> e)
-pType :: PortType -> Doc a
-pType Wire = "wire"
-pType Reg = "reg"
-genAssign :: Text -> Assign -> Doc a
-genAssign op (Assign r d e) =
- hsep [lVal r, pretty op, maybe mempty delay d, expr e]
-statement :: Statement -> Doc a
-statement (TimeCtrl d stat) = hsep [delay d, defMap stat]
-statement (EventCtrl e stat) = hsep [event e, defMap stat]
-statement (SeqBlock s) =
- vsep ["begin", indent 2 . vsep $ statement <$> s, "end"]
-statement (BlockAssign a) = hcat [genAssign "=" a, semi]
-statement (NonBlockAssign a) = hcat [genAssign "<=" a, semi]
-statement (TaskEnable t) = hcat [task t, semi]
-statement (SysTaskEnable t) = hcat ["$", task t, semi]
-statement (CondStmnt e t Nothing) =
- vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t]
-statement (CondStmnt e t f) = vsep
- [ hsep ["if", parens $ expr e]
- , indent 2 $ defMap t
- , "else"
- , indent 2 $ defMap f
- ]
-statement (ForLoop a e incr stmnt) = vsep
- [ hsep
- [ "for"
- , parens . hsep $ punctuate
- semi
- [genAssign "=" a, expr e, genAssign "=" incr]
- ]
- , indent 2 $ statement stmnt
- ]
-task :: Task -> Doc a
-task (Task i e)
- | null e = identifier i
- | otherwise = hsep
- [identifier i, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (expr <$> e)]
--- | Render the 'Text' to 'IO'. This is equivalent to 'putStrLn'.
-render :: (Source a) => a -> IO ()
-render = print . genSource
--- Instances
-instance Source Identifier where
- genSource = showT . identifier
-instance Source Task where
- genSource = showT . task
-instance Source Statement where
- genSource = showT . statement
-instance Source PortType where
- genSource = showT . pType
-instance Source ConstExpr where
- genSource = showT . constExpr
-instance Source LVal where
- genSource = showT . lVal
-instance Source Delay where
- genSource = showT . delay
-instance Source Event where
- genSource = showT . event
-instance Source UnaryOperator where
- genSource = showT . unaryOp
-instance Source Expr where
- genSource = showT . expr
-instance Source ContAssign where
- genSource = showT . contAssign
-instance Source ModItem where
- genSource = showT . moduleItem
-instance Source PortDir where
- genSource = showT . portDir
-instance Source Port where
- genSource = showT . port
-instance Source ModDecl where
- genSource = showT . moduleDecl
-instance Source Verilog where
- genSource = showT . verilogSrc
-instance Source SourceInfo where
- genSource (SourceInfo _ src) = genSource src
-newtype GenVerilog a = GenVerilog { unGenVerilog :: a }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
-instance (Source a) => Show (GenVerilog a) where
- show = T.unpack . genSource . unGenVerilog
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Eval.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Eval.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ebaa80..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Eval.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Eval
-Description : Evaluation of Verilog expressions and statements.
-Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Evaluation of Verilog expressions and statements.
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Eval
- ( evaluateConst
- , resize
- )
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Foldable (fold)
-import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (fold)
-import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
-type Bindings = [Parameter]
-paramIdent_ :: Parameter -> Identifier
-paramIdent_ (Parameter i _) = i
-paramValue_ :: Parameter -> ConstExpr
-paramValue_ (Parameter _ v) = v
-applyUnary :: (Num a, FiniteBits a) => UnaryOperator -> a -> a
-applyUnary UnPlus a = a
-applyUnary UnMinus a = negate a
-applyUnary UnLNot a | a == 0 = 0
- | otherwise = 1
-applyUnary UnNot a = complement a
-applyUnary UnAnd a | finiteBitSize a == popCount a = 1
- | otherwise = 0
-applyUnary UnNand a | finiteBitSize a == popCount a = 0
- | otherwise = 1
-applyUnary UnOr a | popCount a == 0 = 0
- | otherwise = 1
-applyUnary UnNor a | popCount a == 0 = 1
- | otherwise = 0
-applyUnary UnXor a | popCount a `mod` 2 == 0 = 0
- | otherwise = 1
-applyUnary UnNxor a | popCount a `mod` 2 == 0 = 1
- | otherwise = 0
-applyUnary UnNxorInv a | popCount a `mod` 2 == 0 = 1
- | otherwise = 0
-compXor :: Bits c => c -> c -> c
-compXor a = complement . xor a
-toIntegral :: Num p => (t1 -> t2 -> Bool) -> t1 -> t2 -> p
-toIntegral a b c = if a b c then 1 else 0
-toInt :: (Integral a, Num t1) => (t2 -> t1 -> t3) -> t2 -> a -> t3
-toInt a b c = a b $ fromIntegral c
-applyBinary :: (Integral a, Bits a) => BinaryOperator -> a -> a -> a
-applyBinary BinPlus = (+)
-applyBinary BinMinus = (-)
-applyBinary BinTimes = (*)
-applyBinary BinDiv = quot
-applyBinary BinMod = rem
-applyBinary BinEq = toIntegral (==)
-applyBinary BinNEq = toIntegral (/=)
-applyBinary BinCEq = toIntegral (==)
-applyBinary BinCNEq = toIntegral (/=)
-applyBinary BinLAnd = undefined
-applyBinary BinLOr = undefined
-applyBinary BinLT = toIntegral (<)
-applyBinary BinLEq = toIntegral (<=)
-applyBinary BinGT = toIntegral (>)
-applyBinary BinGEq = toIntegral (>=)
-applyBinary BinAnd = (.&.)
-applyBinary BinOr = (.|.)
-applyBinary BinXor = xor
-applyBinary BinXNor = compXor
-applyBinary BinXNorInv = compXor
-applyBinary BinPower = undefined
-applyBinary BinLSL = toInt shiftL
-applyBinary BinLSR = toInt shiftR
-applyBinary BinASL = toInt shiftL
-applyBinary BinASR = toInt shiftR
--- | Evaluates a 'ConstExpr' using a context of 'Bindings' as input.
-evaluateConst :: Bindings -> ConstExprF BitVec -> BitVec
-evaluateConst _ (ConstNumF b) = b
-evaluateConst p (ParamIdF i) =
- cata (evaluateConst p) . maybe 0 paramValue_ . listToMaybe $ filter
- ((== i) . paramIdent_)
- p
-evaluateConst _ (ConstConcatF c ) = fold c
-evaluateConst _ (ConstUnOpF unop c ) = applyUnary unop c
-evaluateConst _ (ConstBinOpF a binop b) = applyBinary binop a b
-evaluateConst _ (ConstCondF a b c) = if a > 0 then b else c
-evaluateConst _ (ConstStrF _ ) = 0
--- | Apply a function to all the bitvectors. Would be fixed by having a
--- 'Functor' instance for a polymorphic 'ConstExpr'.
-applyBitVec :: (BitVec -> BitVec) -> ConstExpr -> ConstExpr
-applyBitVec f (ConstNum b ) = ConstNum $ f b
-applyBitVec f (ConstConcat c ) = ConstConcat $ fmap (applyBitVec f) c
-applyBitVec f (ConstUnOp unop c) = ConstUnOp unop $ applyBitVec f c
-applyBitVec f (ConstBinOp a binop b) =
- ConstBinOp (applyBitVec f a) binop (applyBitVec f b)
-applyBitVec f (ConstCond a b c) = ConstCond (abv a) (abv b) (abv c)
- where abv = applyBitVec f
-applyBitVec _ a = a
--- | This probably could be implemented using some recursion scheme in the
--- future. It would also be fixed by having a polymorphic expression type.
-resize :: Int -> ConstExpr -> ConstExpr
-resize n = applyBitVec (resize' n) where resize' n' (BitVec _ a) = BitVec n' a
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Internal.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Internal.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ed91b12..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Internal.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Internal
-Description : Defaults and common functions.
-Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : BSD-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Defaults and common functions.
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Internal
- ( regDecl
- , wireDecl
- , emptyMod
- , setModName
- , addModPort
- , addModDecl
- , testBench
- , addTestBench
- , defaultPort
- , portToExpr
- , modName
- , yPort
- , wire
- , reg
- )
-import Control.Lens
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
-regDecl :: Identifier -> ModItem
-regDecl i = Decl Nothing (Port Reg False (Range 1 0) i) Nothing
-wireDecl :: Identifier -> ModItem
-wireDecl i = Decl Nothing (Port Wire False (Range 1 0) i) Nothing
--- | Create an empty module.
-emptyMod :: ModDecl
-emptyMod = ModDecl "" [] [] [] []
--- | Set a module name for a module declaration.
-setModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
-setModName str = modId .~ Identifier str
--- | Add a input port to the module declaration.
-addModPort :: Port -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
-addModPort port = modInPorts %~ (:) port
-addModDecl :: ModDecl -> Verilog -> Verilog
-addModDecl desc = _Wrapped %~ (:) desc
-testBench :: ModDecl
-testBench = ModDecl
- "main"
- []
- []
- [ regDecl "a"
- , regDecl "b"
- , wireDecl "c"
- , ModInst "and"
- "and_gate"
- [ModConn $ Id "c", ModConn $ Id "a", ModConn $ Id "b"]
- , Initial $ SeqBlock
- [ BlockAssign . Assign (RegId "a") Nothing $ Number 1
- , BlockAssign . Assign (RegId "b") Nothing $ Number 1
- ]
- ]
- []
-addTestBench :: Verilog -> Verilog
-addTestBench = addModDecl testBench
-defaultPort :: Identifier -> Port
-defaultPort = Port Wire False (Range 1 0)
-portToExpr :: Port -> Expr
-portToExpr (Port _ _ _ i) = Id i
-modName :: ModDecl -> Text
-modName = getIdentifier . view modId
-yPort :: Identifier -> Port
-yPort = Port Wire False (Range 90 0)
-wire :: Range -> Identifier -> Port
-wire = Port Wire False
-reg :: Range -> Identifier -> Port
-reg = Port Reg False
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Lex.x b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Lex.x
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1dd8d..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Lex.x
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
--- -*- haskell -*-
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Lex
- ( alexScanTokens
- ) where
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Token
-%wrapper "posn"
--- Numbers
-$nonZeroDecimalDigit = [1-9]
-$decimalDigit = [0-9]
-@binaryDigit = [0-1]
-@octalDigit = [0-7]
-@hexDigit = [0-9a-fA-F]
-@decimalBase = "'" [dD]
-@binaryBase = "'" [bB]
-@octalBase = "'" [oO]
-@hexBase = "'" [hH]
-@binaryValue = @binaryDigit ("_" | @binaryDigit)*
-@octalValue = @octalDigit ("_" | @octalDigit)*
-@hexValue = @hexDigit ("_" | @hexDigit)*
-@unsignedNumber = $decimalDigit ("_" | $decimalDigit)*
-@size = @unsignedNumber
- = @unsignedNumber
- | @size? @decimalBase @unsignedNumber
-@binaryNumber = @size? @binaryBase @binaryValue
-@octalNumber = @size? @octalBase @octalValue
-@hexNumber = @size? @hexBase @hexValue
--- $exp = [eE]
--- $sign = [\+\-]
--- @realNumber = unsignedNumber "." unsignedNumber | unsignedNumber ( "." unsignedNumber)? exp sign? unsignedNumber
-@number = @decimalNumber | @octalNumber | @binaryNumber | @hexNumber
--- Strings
-@string = \" [^\r\n]* \"
--- Identifiers
-@escapedIdentifier = "\" ($printable # $white)+ $white
-@simpleIdentifier = [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_\$]*
-@systemIdentifier = "$" [a-zA-Z0-9_\$]+
-tokens :-
- "always" { tok KWAlways }
- "assign" { tok KWAssign }
- "begin" { tok KWBegin }
- "case" { tok KWCase }
- "default" { tok KWDefault }
- "else" { tok KWElse }
- "end" { tok KWEnd }
- "endcase" { tok KWEndcase }
- "endmodule" { tok KWEndmodule }
- "for" { tok KWFor }
- "if" { tok KWIf }
- "initial" { tok KWInitial }
- "inout" { tok KWInout }
- "input" { tok KWInput }
- "integer" { tok KWInteger }
- "localparam" { tok KWLocalparam }
- "module" { tok KWModule }
- "negedge" { tok KWNegedge }
- "or" { tok KWOr }
- "output" { tok KWOutput }
- "parameter" { tok KWParameter }
- "posedge" { tok KWPosedge }
- "reg" { tok KWReg }
- "wire" { tok KWWire }
- "signed" { tok KWSigned }
- @simpleIdentifier { tok IdSimple }
- @escapedIdentifier { tok IdEscaped }
- @systemIdentifier { tok IdSystem }
- @number { tok LitNumber }
- @string { tok LitString }
- "(" { tok SymParenL }
- ")" { tok SymParenR }
- "[" { tok SymBrackL }
- "]" { tok SymBrackR }
- "{" { tok SymBraceL }
- "}" { tok SymBraceR }
- "~" { tok SymTildy }
- "!" { tok SymBang }
- "@" { tok SymAt }
- "#" { tok SymPound }
- "%" { tok SymPercent }
- "^" { tok SymHat }
- "&" { tok SymAmp }
- "|" { tok SymBar }
- "*" { tok SymAster }
- "." { tok SymDot }
- "," { tok SymComma }
- ":" { tok SymColon }
- ";" { tok SymSemi }
- "=" { tok SymEq }
- "<" { tok SymLt }
- ">" { tok SymGt }
- "+" { tok SymPlus }
- "-" { tok SymDash }
- "?" { tok SymQuestion }
- "/" { tok SymSlash }
- "$" { tok SymDollar }
- "'" { tok SymSQuote }
- "~&" { tok SymTildyAmp }
- "~|" { tok SymTildyBar }
- "~^" { tok SymTildyHat }
- "^~" { tok SymHatTildy }
- "==" { tok SymEqEq }
- "!=" { tok SymBangEq }
- "&&" { tok SymAmpAmp }
- "||" { tok SymBarBar }
- "**" { tok SymAsterAster }
- "<=" { tok SymLtEq }
- ">=" { tok SymGtEq }
- ">>" { tok SymGtGt }
- "<<" { tok SymLtLt }
- "++" { tok SymPlusPlus }
- "--" { tok SymDashDash }
- "+=" { tok SymPlusEq }
- "-=" { tok SymDashEq }
- "*=" { tok SymAsterEq }
- "/=" { tok SymSlashEq }
- "%=" { tok SymPercentEq }
- "&=" { tok SymAmpEq }
- "|=" { tok SymBarEq }
- "^=" { tok SymHatEq }
- "+:" { tok SymPlusColon }
- "-:" { tok SymDashColon }
- "::" { tok SymColonColon }
- ".*" { tok SymDotAster }
- "->" { tok SymDashGt }
- ":=" { tok SymColonEq }
- ":/" { tok SymColonSlash }
- "##" { tok SymPoundPound }
- "[*" { tok SymBrackLAster }
- "[=" { tok SymBrackLEq }
- "=>" { tok SymEqGt }
- "@*" { tok SymAtAster }
- "(*" { tok SymParenLAster }
- "*)" { tok SymAsterParenR }
- "*>" { tok SymAsterGt }
- "===" { tok SymEqEqEq }
- "!==" { tok SymBangEqEq }
- "=?=" { tok SymEqQuestionEq }
- "!?=" { tok SymBangQuestionEq }
- ">>>" { tok SymGtGtGt }
- "<<<" { tok SymLtLtLt }
- "<<=" { tok SymLtLtEq }
- ">>=" { tok SymGtGtEq }
- "|->" { tok SymBarDashGt }
- "|=>" { tok SymBarEqGt }
- "[->" { tok SymBrackLDashGt }
- "@@(" { tok SymAtAtParenL }
- "(*)" { tok SymParenLAsterParenR }
- "->>" { tok SymDashGtGt }
- "&&&" { tok SymAmpAmpAmp }
- "<<<=" { tok SymLtLtLtEq }
- ">>>=" { tok SymGtGtGtEq }
- $white ;
- . { tok Unknown }
-tok :: TokenName -> AlexPosn -> String -> Token
-tok t (AlexPn _ l c) s = Token t s $ Position "" l c
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Mutate.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Mutate.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 58675e3..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Mutate.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Mutate
-Description : Functions to mutate the Verilog AST.
-Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : BSD-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Functions to mutate the Verilog AST from "VeriSmith.Verilog.AST" to generate more
-random patterns, such as nesting wires instead of creating new ones.
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Mutate
- ( Mutate(..)
- , inPort
- , findAssign
- , idTrans
- , replace
- , nestId
- , nestSource
- , nestUpTo
- , allVars
- , instantiateMod
- , instantiateMod_
- , instantiateModSpec_
- , filterChar
- , initMod
- , makeIdFrom
- , makeTop
- , makeTopAssert
- , simplify
- , removeId
- , combineAssigns
- , combineAssigns_
- , declareMod
- , fromPort
- )
-import Control.Lens
-import Data.Foldable (fold)
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import VeriSmith.Circuit.Internal
-import VeriSmith.Internal
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.CodeGen
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Internal
-class Mutate a where
- mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> a -> a
-instance Mutate Identifier where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate Delay where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate Event where
- mutExpr f (EExpr e) = EExpr $ f e
- mutExpr _ a = a
-instance Mutate BinaryOperator where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate UnaryOperator where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate Expr where
- mutExpr f = f
-instance Mutate ConstExpr where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate Task where
- mutExpr f (Task i e) = Task i $ fmap f e
-instance Mutate LVal where
- mutExpr f (RegExpr a e) = RegExpr a $ f e
- mutExpr _ a = a
-instance Mutate PortDir where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate PortType where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate Range where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate Port where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate ModConn where
- mutExpr f (ModConn e) = ModConn $ f e
- mutExpr f (ModConnNamed a e) = ModConnNamed a $ f e
-instance Mutate Assign where
- mutExpr f (Assign a b c) = Assign a b $ f c
-instance Mutate ContAssign where
- mutExpr f (ContAssign a e) = ContAssign a $ f e
-instance Mutate Statement where
- mutExpr f (TimeCtrl d s) = TimeCtrl d $ mutExpr f <$> s
- mutExpr f (EventCtrl e s) = EventCtrl e $ mutExpr f <$> s
- mutExpr f (SeqBlock s) = SeqBlock $ mutExpr f <$> s
- mutExpr f (BlockAssign a) = BlockAssign $ mutExpr f a
- mutExpr f (NonBlockAssign a) = NonBlockAssign $ mutExpr f a
- mutExpr f (TaskEnable a) = TaskEnable $ mutExpr f a
- mutExpr f (SysTaskEnable a) = SysTaskEnable $ mutExpr f a
- mutExpr f (CondStmnt a b c) = CondStmnt (f a) (mutExpr f <$> b) $ mutExpr f <$> c
- mutExpr f (ForLoop a1 e a2 s) = ForLoop (mutExpr f a1) (f e) (mutExpr f a2) $ mutExpr f s
-instance Mutate Parameter where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate LocalParam where
- mutExpr _ = id
-instance Mutate ModItem where
- mutExpr f (ModCA (ContAssign a e)) = ModCA . ContAssign a $ f e
- mutExpr f (ModInst a b conns) = ModInst a b $ mutExpr f conns
- mutExpr f (Initial s) = Initial $ mutExpr f s
- mutExpr f (Always s) = Always $ mutExpr f s
- mutExpr _ d@Decl{} = d
- mutExpr _ p@ParamDecl{} = p
- mutExpr _ l@LocalParamDecl{} = l
-instance Mutate ModDecl where
- mutExpr f (ModDecl a b c d e) = ModDecl (mutExpr f a) (mutExpr f b) (mutExpr f c) (mutExpr f d) (mutExpr f e)
-instance Mutate Verilog where
- mutExpr f (Verilog a) = Verilog $ mutExpr f a
-instance Mutate SourceInfo where
- mutExpr f (SourceInfo a b) = SourceInfo a $ mutExpr f b
-instance Mutate a => Mutate [a] where
- mutExpr f a = mutExpr f <$> a
-instance Mutate a => Mutate (Maybe a) where
- mutExpr f a = mutExpr f <$> a
-instance Mutate a => Mutate (GenVerilog a) where
- mutExpr f (GenVerilog a) = GenVerilog $ mutExpr f a
--- | Return if the 'Identifier' is in a 'ModDecl'.
-inPort :: Identifier -> ModDecl -> Bool
-inPort i m = inInput
- where
- inInput =
- any (\a -> a ^. portName == i) $ m ^. modInPorts ++ m ^. modOutPorts
--- | Find the last assignment of a specific wire/reg to an expression, and
--- returns that expression.
-findAssign :: Identifier -> [ModItem] -> Maybe Expr
-findAssign i items = safe last . catMaybes $ isAssign <$> items
- where
- isAssign (ModCA (ContAssign val expr)) | val == i = Just expr
- | otherwise = Nothing
- isAssign _ = Nothing
--- | Transforms an expression by replacing an Identifier with an
--- expression. This is used inside 'transformOf' and 'traverseExpr' to replace
--- the 'Identifier' recursively.
-idTrans :: Identifier -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
-idTrans i expr (Id id') | id' == i = expr
- | otherwise = Id id'
-idTrans _ _ e = e
--- | Replaces the identifier recursively in an expression.
-replace :: Identifier -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
-replace = (transform .) . idTrans
--- | Nest expressions for a specific 'Identifier'. If the 'Identifier' is not
--- found, the AST is not changed.
--- This could be improved by instead of only using the last assignment to the
--- wire that one finds, to use the assignment to the wire before the current
--- expression. This would require a different approach though.
-nestId :: Identifier -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
-nestId i m
- | not $ inPort i m
- = let expr = fromMaybe def . findAssign i $ m ^. modItems
- in m & get %~ replace i expr
- | otherwise
- = m
- where
- get = modItems . traverse . modContAssign . contAssignExpr
- def = Id i
--- | Replaces an identifier by a expression in all the module declaration.
-nestSource :: Identifier -> Verilog -> Verilog
-nestSource i src = src & getModule %~ nestId i
--- | Nest variables in the format @w[0-9]*@ up to a certain number.
-nestUpTo :: Int -> Verilog -> Verilog
-nestUpTo i src =
- foldl (flip nestSource) src $ Identifier . fromNode <$> [1 .. i]
-allVars :: ModDecl -> [Identifier]
-allVars m =
- (m ^.. modOutPorts . traverse . portName)
- <> (m ^.. modInPorts . traverse . portName)
--- $setup
--- >>> import VeriSmith.Verilog.CodeGen
--- >>> let m = (ModDecl (Identifier "m") [Port Wire False 5 (Identifier "y")] [Port Wire False 5 "x"] [] [])
--- >>> let main = (ModDecl "main" [] [] [] [])
--- | Add a Module Instantiation using 'ModInst' from the first module passed to
--- it to the body of the second module. It first has to make all the inputs into
--- @reg@.
--- >>> render $ instantiateMod m main
--- module main;
--- wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- reg [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- m m1(y, x);
--- endmodule
-instantiateMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
-instantiateMod m main = main & modItems %~ ((out ++ regIn ++ [inst]) ++)
- where
- out = Decl Nothing <$> m ^. modOutPorts <*> pure Nothing
- regIn =
- Decl Nothing
- <$> (m ^. modInPorts & traverse . portType .~ Reg)
- <*> pure Nothing
- inst = ModInst (m ^. modId)
- (m ^. modId <> (Identifier . showT $ count + 1))
- conns
- count =
- length
- . filter (== m ^. modId)
- $ main
- ^.. modItems
- . traverse
- . modInstId
- conns = ModConn . Id <$> allVars m
--- | Instantiate without adding wire declarations. It also does not count the
--- current instantiations of the same module.
--- >>> GenVerilog $ instantiateMod_ m
--- m m(y, x);
-instantiateMod_ :: ModDecl -> ModItem
-instantiateMod_ m = ModInst (m ^. modId) (m ^. modId) conns
- where
- conns =
- ModConn
- . Id
- <$> (m ^.. modOutPorts . traverse . portName)
- ++ (m ^.. modInPorts . traverse . portName)
--- | Instantiate without adding wire declarations. It also does not count the
--- current instantiations of the same module.
--- >>> GenVerilog $ instantiateModSpec_ "_" m
--- m m(.y(y), .x(x));
-instantiateModSpec_ :: Text -> ModDecl -> ModItem
-instantiateModSpec_ outChar m = ModInst (m ^. modId) (m ^. modId) conns
- where
- conns = zipWith ModConnNamed ids (Id <$> instIds)
- ids = filterChar outChar (name modOutPorts) <> name modInPorts
- instIds = name modOutPorts <> name modInPorts
- name v = m ^.. v . traverse . portName
-filterChar :: Text -> [Identifier] -> [Identifier]
-filterChar t ids =
- ids & traverse . _Wrapped %~ (\x -> fromMaybe x . safe head $ T.splitOn t x)
--- | Initialise all the inputs and outputs to a module.
--- >>> GenVerilog $ initMod m
--- module m(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
-initMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl
-initMod m = m & modItems %~ ((out ++ inp) ++)
- where
- out = Decl (Just PortOut) <$> (m ^. modOutPorts) <*> pure Nothing
- inp = Decl (Just PortIn) <$> (m ^. modInPorts) <*> pure Nothing
--- | Make an 'Identifier' from and existing Identifier and an object with a
--- 'Show' instance to make it unique.
-makeIdFrom :: (Show a) => a -> Identifier -> Identifier
-makeIdFrom a i = (i <>) . Identifier . ("_" <>) $ showT a
--- | Make top level module for equivalence verification. Also takes in how many
--- modules to instantiate.
-makeTop :: Int -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
-makeTop i m = ModDecl (m ^. modId) ys (m ^. modInPorts) modIt []
- where
- ys = yPort . flip makeIdFrom "y" <$> [1 .. i]
- modIt = instantiateModSpec_ "_" . modN <$> [1 .. i]
- modN n =
- m & modId %~ makeIdFrom n & modOutPorts .~ [yPort (makeIdFrom n "y")]
--- | Make a top module with an assert that requires @y_1@ to always be equal to
--- @y_2@, which can then be proven using a formal verification tool.
-makeTopAssert :: ModDecl -> ModDecl
-makeTopAssert = (modItems %~ (++ [assert])) . makeTop 2
- where
- assert = Always . EventCtrl e . Just $ SeqBlock
- [TaskEnable $ Task "assert" [BinOp (Id "y_1") BinEq (Id "y_2")]]
- e = EPosEdge "clk"
--- | Provide declarations for all the ports that are passed to it. If they are
--- registers, it should assign them to 0.
-declareMod :: [Port] -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
-declareMod ports = initMod . (modItems %~ (fmap decl ports ++))
- where
- decl p@(Port Reg _ _ _) = Decl Nothing p (Just 0)
- decl p = Decl Nothing p Nothing
--- | Simplify an 'Expr' by using constants to remove 'BinaryOperator' and
--- simplify expressions. To make this work effectively, it should be run until
--- no more changes were made to the expression.
--- >>> GenVerilog . simplify $ (Id "x") + 0
--- x
--- >>> GenVerilog . simplify $ (Id "y") + (Id "x")
--- (y + x)
-simplify :: Expr -> Expr
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 1)) BinAnd e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinAnd (Number (BitVec _ 1))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinAnd _) = Number 0
-simplify (BinOp _ BinAnd (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = Number 0
-simplify (BinOp e BinPlus (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinPlus e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinMinus (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinMinus e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinTimes (Number (BitVec _ 1))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 1)) BinTimes e) = e
-simplify (BinOp _ BinTimes (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = Number 0
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinTimes _) = Number 0
-simplify (BinOp e BinOr (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinOr e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinLSL (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinLSL e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinLSR (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinLSR e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinASL (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinASL e) = e
-simplify (BinOp e BinASR (Number (BitVec _ 0))) = e
-simplify (BinOp (Number (BitVec _ 0)) BinASR e) = e
-simplify (UnOp UnPlus e) = e
-simplify e = e
--- | Remove all 'Identifier' that do not appeare in the input list from an
--- 'Expr'. The identifier will be replaced by @1'b0@, which can then later be
--- simplified further.
--- >>> GenVerilog . removeId ["x"] $ Id "x" + Id "y"
--- (x + (1'h0))
-removeId :: [Identifier] -> Expr -> Expr
-removeId i = transform trans
- where
- trans (Id ident) | ident `notElem` i = Number 0
- | otherwise = Id ident
- trans e = e
-combineAssigns :: Port -> [ModItem] -> [ModItem]
-combineAssigns p a =
- a
- <> [ ModCA
- . ContAssign (p ^. portName)
- . UnOp UnXor
- . fold
- $ Id
- <$> assigns
- ]
- where assigns = a ^.. traverse . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
-combineAssigns_ :: Bool -> Port -> [Port] -> ModItem
-combineAssigns_ comb p ps =
- ModCA
- . ContAssign (p ^. portName)
- . (if comb then UnOp UnXor else id)
- . fold
- $ Id
- <$> ps
- ^.. traverse
- . portName
-fromPort :: Port -> Identifier
-fromPort (Port _ _ _ i) = i
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Parser.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Parser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d2b729..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Parser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Parser
-Description : Minimal Verilog parser to reconstruct the AST.
-Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Minimal Verilog parser to reconstruct the AST. This parser does not support the
-whole Verilog syntax, as the AST does not support it either.
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Parser
- ( -- * Parser
- parseVerilog
- , parseVerilogFile
- , parseSourceInfoFile
- -- ** Internal parsers
- , parseEvent
- , parseStatement
- , parseModItem
- , parseModDecl
- , Parser
- )
-import Control.Lens
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Functor (($>))
-import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
-import Data.List (isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, null)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import Text.Parsec hiding (satisfy)
-import Text.Parsec.Expr
-import VeriSmith.Internal
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.AST
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.BitVec
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Internal
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Lex
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Preprocess
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Token
-type Parser = Parsec [Token] ()
-type ParseOperator = Operator [Token] () Identity
-data Decimal = Decimal Int Integer
-instance Num Decimal where
- (Decimal sa na) + (Decimal sb nb) = Decimal (max sa sb) (na + nb)
- (Decimal sa na) - (Decimal sb nb) = Decimal (max sa sb) (na - nb)
- (Decimal sa na) * (Decimal sb nb) = Decimal (max sa sb) (na * nb)
- negate (Decimal s n) = Decimal s $ negate n
- abs (Decimal s n) = Decimal s $ abs n
- signum (Decimal s n) = Decimal s $ signum n
- fromInteger = Decimal 32 . fromInteger
--- | This parser succeeds whenever the given predicate returns true when called
--- with parsed `Token`. Same as 'Text.Parsec.Char.satisfy'.
-satisfy :: (Token -> Bool) -> Parser TokenName
-satisfy f = tokenPrim show nextPos tokeq
- where
- tokeq :: Token -> Maybe TokenName
- tokeq t@(Token t' _ _) = if f t then Just t' else Nothing
-satisfy' :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
-satisfy' = tokenPrim show nextPos
-nextPos :: SourcePos -> Token -> [Token] -> SourcePos
-nextPos pos _ (Token _ _ (Position _ l c) : _) =
- setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos l) c
-nextPos pos _ [] = pos
--- | Parses given `TokenName`.
-tok :: TokenName -> Parser TokenName
-tok t = satisfy (\(Token t' _ _) -> t' == t) <?> show t
--- | Parse without returning the `TokenName`.
-tok' :: TokenName -> Parser ()
-tok' p = void $ tok p
-parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
-parens = between (tok SymParenL) (tok SymParenR)
-brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
-brackets = between (tok SymBrackL) (tok SymBrackR)
-braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
-braces = between (tok SymBraceL) (tok SymBraceR)
-sBinOp :: BinaryOperator -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
-sBinOp = sOp BinOp where sOp f b a = f a b
-parseExpr' :: Parser Expr
-parseExpr' = buildExpressionParser parseTable parseTerm <?> "expr"
-decToExpr :: Decimal -> Expr
-decToExpr (Decimal s n) = Number $ bitVec s n
--- | Parse a Number depending on if it is in a hex or decimal form. Octal and
--- binary are not supported yet.
-parseNum :: Parser Expr
-parseNum = decToExpr <$> number
-parseVar :: Parser Expr
-parseVar = Id <$> identifier
-parseVecSelect :: Parser Expr
-parseVecSelect = do
- i <- identifier
- expr <- brackets parseExpr
- return $ VecSelect i expr
-parseRangeSelect :: Parser Expr
-parseRangeSelect = do
- i <- identifier
- range <- parseRange
- return $ RangeSelect i range
-systemFunc :: Parser String
-systemFunc = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token IdSystem s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
-parseFun :: Parser Expr
-parseFun = do
- f <- systemFunc
- expr <- parens parseExpr
- return $ Appl (Identifier $ T.pack f) expr
-parserNonEmpty :: [a] -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
-parserNonEmpty (a : b) = return $ a :| b
-parserNonEmpty [] = fail "Concatenation cannot be empty."
-parseTerm :: Parser Expr
-parseTerm =
- parens parseExpr
- <|> (Concat <$> (braces (commaSep parseExpr) >>= parserNonEmpty))
- <|> parseFun
- <|> parseNum
- <|> try parseVecSelect
- <|> try parseRangeSelect
- <|> parseVar
- <?> "simple expr"
--- | Parses the ternary conditional operator. It will behave in a right
--- associative way.
-parseCond :: Expr -> Parser Expr
-parseCond e = do
- tok' SymQuestion
- expr <- parseExpr
- tok' SymColon
- Cond e expr <$> parseExpr
-parseExpr :: Parser Expr
-parseExpr = do
- e <- parseExpr'
- option e . try $ parseCond e
-parseConstExpr :: Parser ConstExpr
-parseConstExpr = fmap exprToConst parseExpr
--- | Table of binary and unary operators that encode the right precedence for
--- each.
-parseTable :: [[ParseOperator Expr]]
-parseTable =
- [ [prefix SymBang (UnOp UnLNot), prefix SymTildy (UnOp UnNot)]
- , [ prefix SymAmp (UnOp UnAnd)
- , prefix SymBar (UnOp UnOr)
- , prefix SymTildyAmp (UnOp UnNand)
- , prefix SymTildyBar (UnOp UnNor)
- , prefix SymHat (UnOp UnXor)
- , prefix SymTildyHat (UnOp UnNxor)
- , prefix SymHatTildy (UnOp UnNxorInv)
- ]
- , [prefix SymPlus (UnOp UnPlus), prefix SymDash (UnOp UnMinus)]
- , [binary SymAsterAster (sBinOp BinPower) AssocRight]
- , [ binary SymAster (sBinOp BinTimes) AssocLeft
- , binary SymSlash (sBinOp BinDiv) AssocLeft
- , binary SymPercent (sBinOp BinMod) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymPlus (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
- , binary SymDash (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLtLt (sBinOp BinLSL) AssocLeft
- , binary SymGtGt (sBinOp BinLSR) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLtLtLt (sBinOp BinASL) AssocLeft
- , binary SymGtGtGt (sBinOp BinASR) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLt (sBinOp BinLT) AssocNone
- , binary SymGt (sBinOp BinGT) AssocNone
- , binary SymLtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymGtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [ binary SymEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymBangEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [ binary SymEqEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymBangEqEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [binary SymAmp (sBinOp BinAnd) AssocLeft]
- , [ binary SymHat (sBinOp BinXor) AssocLeft
- , binary SymHatTildy (sBinOp BinXNor) AssocLeft
- , binary SymTildyHat (sBinOp BinXNorInv) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [binary SymBar (sBinOp BinOr) AssocLeft]
- , [binary SymAmpAmp (sBinOp BinLAnd) AssocLeft]
- , [binary SymBarBar (sBinOp BinLOr) AssocLeft]
- ]
-binary :: TokenName -> (a -> a -> a) -> Assoc -> ParseOperator a
-binary name fun = Infix ((tok name <?> "binary") >> return fun)
-prefix :: TokenName -> (a -> a) -> ParseOperator a
-prefix name fun = Prefix ((tok name <?> "prefix") >> return fun)
-commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-commaSep = flip sepBy $ tok SymComma
-parseContAssign :: Parser ContAssign
-parseContAssign = do
- var <- tok KWAssign *> identifier
- expr <- tok SymEq *> parseExpr
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ ContAssign var expr
-numLit :: Parser String
-numLit = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token LitNumber s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
-number :: Parser Decimal
-number = number' <$> numLit
- where
- number' :: String -> Decimal
- number' a | all (`elem` ['0' .. '9']) a = fromInteger $ read a
- | head a == '\'' = fromInteger $ f a
- | "'" `isInfixOf` a = Decimal (read w) (f b)
- | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a
- where
- w = takeWhile (/= '\'') a
- b = dropWhile (/= '\'') a
- f a'
- | "'d" `isPrefixOf` a' = read $ drop 2 a'
- | "'h" `isPrefixOf` a' = read $ "0x" ++ drop 2 a'
- | "'b" `isPrefixOf` a' = foldl
- (\n b' -> shiftL n 1 .|. (if b' == '1' then 1 else 0))
- 0
- (drop 2 a')
- | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a'
--- toInteger' :: Decimal -> Integer
--- toInteger' (Decimal _ n) = n
-toInt' :: Decimal -> Int
-toInt' (Decimal _ n) = fromInteger n
--- | Parse a range and return the total size. As it is inclusive, 1 has to be
--- added to the difference.
-parseRange :: Parser Range
-parseRange = do
- rangeH <- tok SymBrackL *> parseConstExpr
- rangeL <- tok SymColon *> parseConstExpr
- tok' SymBrackR
- return $ Range rangeH rangeL
-strId :: Parser String
-strId = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token IdSimple s _) = Just s
- matchId (Token IdEscaped s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
-identifier :: Parser Identifier
-identifier = Identifier . T.pack <$> strId
-parseNetDecl :: Maybe PortDir -> Parser ModItem
-parseNetDecl pd = do
- t <- option Wire type_
- sign <- option False (tok KWSigned $> True)
- range <- option 1 parseRange
- name <- identifier
- i <- option Nothing (fmap Just (tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr))
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ Decl pd (Port t sign range name) i
- where type_ = tok KWWire $> Wire <|> tok KWReg $> Reg
-parsePortDir :: Parser PortDir
-parsePortDir =
- tok KWOutput
- $> PortOut
- <|> tok KWInput
- $> PortIn
- <|> tok KWInout
- $> PortInOut
-parseDecl :: Parser ModItem
-parseDecl = (Just <$> parsePortDir >>= parseNetDecl) <|> parseNetDecl Nothing
-parseConditional :: Parser Statement
-parseConditional = do
- expr <- tok' KWIf *> parens parseExpr
- true <- maybeEmptyStatement
- false <- option Nothing (tok' KWElse *> maybeEmptyStatement)
- return $ CondStmnt expr true false
-parseLVal :: Parser LVal
-parseLVal = fmap RegConcat (braces $ commaSep parseExpr) <|> ident
- where
- ident = do
- i <- identifier
- (try (ex i) <|> try (sz i) <|> return (RegId i))
- ex i = do
- e <- tok' SymBrackL *> parseExpr
- tok' SymBrackR
- return $ RegExpr i e
- sz i = RegSize i <$> parseRange
-parseDelay :: Parser Delay
-parseDelay = Delay . toInt' <$> (tok' SymPound *> number)
-parseAssign :: TokenName -> Parser Assign
-parseAssign t = do
- lval <- parseLVal
- tok' t
- delay <- option Nothing (fmap Just parseDelay)
- expr <- parseExpr
- return $ Assign lval delay expr
-parseLoop :: Parser Statement
-parseLoop = do
- a <- tok' KWFor *> tok' SymParenL *> parseAssign SymEq
- expr <- tok' SymSemi *> parseExpr
- incr <- tok' SymSemi *> parseAssign SymEq
- tok' SymParenR
- statement <- parseStatement
- return $ ForLoop a expr incr statement
-eventList :: TokenName -> Parser [Event]
-eventList t = do
- l <- sepBy parseEvent' (tok t)
- if null l then fail "Could not parse list" else return l
-parseEvent :: Parser Event
-parseEvent =
- tok' SymAtAster
- $> EAll
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> tok' SymParenLAsterParenR $> EAll)
- <|> try
- ( tok' SymAt
- *> tok' SymParenL
- *> tok' SymAster
- *> tok' SymParenR
- $> EAll
- )
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens parseEvent')
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EOr <$> eventList KWOr))
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EComb <$> eventList SymComma))
-parseEvent' :: Parser Event
-parseEvent' =
- try (tok' KWPosedge *> fmap EPosEdge identifier)
- <|> try (tok' KWNegedge *> fmap ENegEdge identifier)
- <|> try (fmap EId identifier)
- <|> try (fmap EExpr parseExpr)
-parseEventCtrl :: Parser Statement
-parseEventCtrl = do
- event <- parseEvent
- statement <- option Nothing maybeEmptyStatement
- return $ EventCtrl event statement
-parseDelayCtrl :: Parser Statement
-parseDelayCtrl = do
- delay <- parseDelay
- statement <- option Nothing maybeEmptyStatement
- return $ TimeCtrl delay statement
-parseBlocking :: Parser Statement
-parseBlocking = do
- a <- parseAssign SymEq
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ BlockAssign a
-parseNonBlocking :: Parser Statement
-parseNonBlocking = do
- a <- parseAssign SymLtEq
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ NonBlockAssign a
-parseSeq :: Parser Statement
-parseSeq = do
- seq' <- tok' KWBegin *> many parseStatement
- tok' KWEnd
- return $ SeqBlock seq'
-parseStatement :: Parser Statement
-parseStatement =
- parseSeq
- <|> parseConditional
- <|> parseLoop
- <|> parseEventCtrl
- <|> parseDelayCtrl
- <|> try parseBlocking
- <|> parseNonBlocking
-maybeEmptyStatement :: Parser (Maybe Statement)
-maybeEmptyStatement =
- (tok' SymSemi >> return Nothing) <|> (Just <$> parseStatement)
-parseAlways :: Parser ModItem
-parseAlways = tok' KWAlways *> (Always <$> parseStatement)
-parseInitial :: Parser ModItem
-parseInitial = tok' KWInitial *> (Initial <$> parseStatement)
-namedModConn :: Parser ModConn
-namedModConn = do
- target <- tok' SymDot *> identifier
- expr <- parens parseExpr
- return $ ModConnNamed target expr
-parseModConn :: Parser ModConn
-parseModConn = try (fmap ModConn parseExpr) <|> namedModConn
-parseModInst :: Parser ModItem
-parseModInst = do
- m <- identifier
- name <- identifier
- modconns <- parens (commaSep parseModConn)
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ ModInst m name modconns
-parseModItem :: Parser ModItem
-parseModItem =
- try (ModCA <$> parseContAssign)
- <|> try parseDecl
- <|> parseAlways
- <|> parseInitial
- <|> parseModInst
-parseModList :: Parser [Identifier]
-parseModList = list <|> return [] where list = parens $ commaSep identifier
-filterDecl :: PortDir -> ModItem -> Bool
-filterDecl p (Decl (Just p') _ _) = p == p'
-filterDecl _ _ = False
-modPorts :: PortDir -> [ModItem] -> [Port]
-modPorts p mis = filter (filterDecl p) mis ^.. traverse . declPort
-parseParam :: Parser Parameter
-parseParam = do
- i <- tok' KWParameter *> identifier
- expr <- tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr
- return $ Parameter i expr
-parseParams :: Parser [Parameter]
-parseParams = tok' SymPound *> parens (commaSep parseParam)
-parseModDecl :: Parser ModDecl
-parseModDecl = do
- name <- tok KWModule *> identifier
- paramList <- option [] $ try parseParams
- _ <- fmap defaultPort <$> parseModList
- tok' SymSemi
- modItem <- option [] . try $ many1 parseModItem
- tok' KWEndmodule
- return $ ModDecl name
- (modPorts PortOut modItem)
- (modPorts PortIn modItem)
- modItem
- paramList
--- | Parses a 'String' into 'Verilog' by skipping any beginning whitespace
--- and then parsing multiple Verilog source.
-parseVerilogSrc :: Parser Verilog
-parseVerilogSrc = Verilog <$> many parseModDecl
--- | Parse a 'String' containing verilog code. The parser currently only supports
--- the subset of Verilog that is being generated randomly.
- :: Text -- ^ Name of parsed object.
- -> Text -- ^ Content to be parsed.
- -> Either Text Verilog -- ^ Returns 'String' with error
- -- message if parse fails.
-parseVerilog s =
- bimap showT id
- . parse parseVerilogSrc (T.unpack s)
- . alexScanTokens
- . preprocess [] (T.unpack s)
- . T.unpack
-parseVerilogFile :: Text -> IO Verilog
-parseVerilogFile file = do
- src <- T.readFile $ T.unpack file
- case parseVerilog file src of
- Left s -> error $ T.unpack s
- Right r -> return r
-parseSourceInfoFile :: Text -> Text -> IO SourceInfo
-parseSourceInfoFile top = fmap (SourceInfo top) . parseVerilogFile
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Preprocess.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Preprocess.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c30252b..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Preprocess.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Preprocess
-Description : Simple preprocessor for `define and comments.
-Copyright : (c) 2011-2015 Tom Hawkins, 2019 Yann Herklotz
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Simple preprocessor for `define and comments.
-The code is from https://github.com/tomahawkins/verilog.
-Edits to the original code are warning fixes and formatting changes.
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Preprocess
- ( uncomment
- , preprocess
- )
--- | Remove comments from code. There is no difference between @(* *)@ and
--- @/* */@, therefore in this implementation, @*/@ could close @(*@ and vice-versa,
--- This will be fixed in an upcoming version.
-uncomment :: FilePath -> String -> String
-uncomment file = uncomment'
- where
- uncomment' a = case a of
- "" -> ""
- '/' : '/' : rest -> " " ++ removeEOL rest
- '/' : '*' : rest -> " " ++ remove rest
- '(' : '*' : rest -> " " ++ remove rest
- '"' : rest -> '"' : ignoreString rest
- b : rest -> b : uncomment' rest
- removeEOL a = case a of
- "" -> ""
- '\n' : rest -> '\n' : uncomment' rest
- '\t' : rest -> '\t' : removeEOL rest
- _ : rest -> ' ' : removeEOL rest
- remove a = case a of
- "" -> error $ "File ended without closing comment (*/): " ++ file
- '"' : rest -> removeString rest
- '\n' : rest -> '\n' : remove rest
- '\t' : rest -> '\t' : remove rest
- '*' : '/' : rest -> " " ++ uncomment' rest
- '*' : ')' : rest -> " " ++ uncomment' rest
- _ : rest -> " " ++ remove rest
- removeString a = case a of
- "" -> error $ "File ended without closing string: " ++ file
- '"' : rest -> " " ++ remove rest
- '\\' : '"' : rest -> " " ++ removeString rest
- '\n' : rest -> '\n' : removeString rest
- '\t' : rest -> '\t' : removeString rest
- _ : rest -> ' ' : removeString rest
- ignoreString a = case a of
- "" -> error $ "File ended without closing string: " ++ file
- '"' : rest -> '"' : uncomment' rest
- '\\' : '"' : rest -> "\\\"" ++ ignoreString rest
- b : rest -> b : ignoreString rest
--- | A simple `define preprocessor.
-preprocess :: [(String, String)] -> FilePath -> String -> String
-preprocess env file content = unlines $ pp True [] env $ lines $ uncomment
- file
- content
- where
- pp :: Bool -> [Bool] -> [(String, String)] -> [String] -> [String]
- pp _ _ _ [] = []
- pp on stack env_ (a : rest) = case words a of
- "`define" : name : value ->
- ""
- : pp
- on
- stack
- (if on
- then (name, ppLine env_ $ unwords value) : env_
- else env_
- )
- rest
- "`ifdef" : name : _ ->
- "" : pp (on && elem name (map fst env_)) (on : stack) env_ rest
- "`ifndef" : name : _ ->
- "" : pp (on && notElem name (map fst env_)) (on : stack) env_ rest
- "`else" : _
- | not $ null stack
- -> "" : pp (head stack && not on) stack env_ rest
- | otherwise
- -> error $ "`else without associated `ifdef/`ifndef: " ++ file
- "`endif" : _
- | not $ null stack
- -> "" : pp (head stack) (tail stack) env_ rest
- | otherwise
- -> error $ "`endif without associated `ifdef/`ifndef: " ++ file
- _ -> (if on then ppLine env_ a else "") : pp on stack env_ rest
-ppLine :: [(String, String)] -> String -> String
-ppLine _ "" = ""
-ppLine env ('`' : a) = case lookup name env of
- Just value -> value ++ ppLine env rest
- Nothing -> error $ "Undefined macro: `" ++ name ++ " Env: " ++ show env
- where
- name = takeWhile
- (flip elem $ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ ['_'])
- a
- rest = drop (length name) a
-ppLine env (a : b) = a : ppLine env b
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Quote.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Quote.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3815fe6..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Quote.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Quote
-Description : QuasiQuotation for verilog code in Haskell.
-Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-QuasiQuotation for verilog code in Haskell.
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Quote
- ( verilog
- )
-import Data.Data
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-import VeriSmith.Verilog.Parser
-liftDataWithText :: Data a => a -> Q Exp
-liftDataWithText = dataToExpQ $ fmap liftText . cast
-liftText :: T.Text -> Q Exp
-liftText txt = AppE (VarE 'T.pack) <$> lift (T.unpack txt)
--- | Quasiquoter for verilog, so that verilog can be written inline and be
--- parsed to an AST at compile time.
-verilog :: QuasiQuoter
-verilog = QuasiQuoter
- { quoteExp = quoteVerilog
- , quotePat = undefined
- , quoteType = undefined
- , quoteDec = undefined
- }
-quoteVerilog :: String -> TH.Q TH.Exp
-quoteVerilog s = do
- loc <- TH.location
- let pos = T.pack $ TH.loc_filename loc
- v <- case parseVerilog pos (T.pack s) of
- Right e -> return e
- Left e -> fail $ show e
- liftDataWithText v
diff --git a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Token.hs b/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Token.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 590672e..0000000
--- a/src/VeriSmith/Verilog/Token.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriSmith.Verilog.Token
-Description : Tokens for Verilog parsing.
-Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Tokens for Verilog parsing.
-module VeriSmith.Verilog.Token
- ( Token(..)
- , TokenName(..)
- , Position(..)
- , tokenString
- )
-import Text.Printf
-tokenString :: Token -> String
-tokenString (Token _ s _) = s
-data Position = Position String Int Int deriving Eq
-instance Show Position where
- show (Position f l c) = printf "%s:%d:%d" f l c
-data Token = Token TokenName String Position deriving (Show, Eq)
-data TokenName
- = KWAlias
- | KWAlways
- | KWAlwaysComb
- | KWAlwaysFf
- | KWAlwaysLatch
- | KWAnd
- | KWAssert
- | KWAssign
- | KWAssume
- | KWAutomatic
- | KWBefore
- | KWBegin
- | KWBind
- | KWBins
- | KWBinsof
- | KWBit
- | KWBreak
- | KWBuf
- | KWBufif0
- | KWBufif1
- | KWByte
- | KWCase
- | KWCasex
- | KWCasez
- | KWCell
- | KWChandle
- | KWClass
- | KWClocking
- | KWCmos
- | KWConfig
- | KWConst
- | KWConstraint
- | KWContext
- | KWContinue
- | KWCover
- | KWCovergroup
- | KWCoverpoint
- | KWCross
- | KWDeassign
- | KWDefault
- | KWDefparam
- | KWDesign
- | KWDisable
- | KWDist
- | KWDo
- | KWEdge
- | KWElse
- | KWEnd
- | KWEndcase
- | KWEndclass
- | KWEndclocking
- | KWEndconfig
- | KWEndfunction
- | KWEndgenerate
- | KWEndgroup
- | KWEndinterface
- | KWEndmodule
- | KWEndpackage
- | KWEndprimitive
- | KWEndprogram
- | KWEndproperty
- | KWEndspecify
- | KWEndsequence
- | KWEndtable
- | KWEndtask
- | KWEnum
- | KWEvent
- | KWExpect
- | KWExport
- | KWExtends
- | KWExtern
- | KWFinal
- | KWFirstMatch
- | KWFor
- | KWForce
- | KWForeach
- | KWForever
- | KWFork
- | KWForkjoin
- | KWFunction
- | KWFunctionPrototype
- | KWGenerate
- | KWGenvar
- | KWHighz0
- | KWHighz1
- | KWIf
- | KWIff
- | KWIfnone
- | KWIgnoreBins
- | KWIllegalBins
- | KWImport
- | KWIncdir
- | KWInclude
- | KWInitial
- | KWInout
- | KWInput
- | KWInside
- | KWInstance
- | KWInt
- | KWInteger
- | KWInterface
- | KWIntersect
- | KWJoin
- | KWJoinAny
- | KWJoinNone
- | KWLarge
- | KWLiblist
- | KWLibrary
- | KWLocal
- | KWLocalparam
- | KWLogic
- | KWLongint
- | KWMacromodule
- | KWMatches
- | KWMedium
- | KWModport
- | KWModule
- | KWNand
- | KWNegedge
- | KWNew
- | KWNmos
- | KWNor
- | KWNoshowcancelled
- | KWNot
- | KWNotif0
- | KWNotif1
- | KWNull
- | KWOption
- | KWOr
- | KWOutput
- | KWPackage
- | KWPacked
- | KWParameter
- | KWPathpulseDollar
- | KWPmos
- | KWPosedge
- | KWPrimitive
- | KWPriority
- | KWProgram
- | KWProperty
- | KWProtected
- | KWPull0
- | KWPull1
- | KWPulldown
- | KWPullup
- | KWPulsestyleOnevent
- | KWPulsestyleOndetect
- | KWPure
- | KWRand
- | KWRandc
- | KWRandcase
- | KWRandsequence
- | KWRcmos
- | KWReal
- | KWRealtime
- | KWRef
- | KWReg
- | KWRelease
- | KWRepeat
- | KWReturn
- | KWRnmos
- | KWRpmos
- | KWRtran
- | KWRtranif0
- | KWRtranif1
- | KWScalared
- | KWSequence
- | KWShortint
- | KWShortreal
- | KWShowcancelled
- | KWSigned
- | KWSmall
- | KWSolve
- | KWSpecify
- | KWSpecparam
- | KWStatic
- | KWStrength0
- | KWStrength1
- | KWString
- | KWStrong0
- | KWStrong1
- | KWStruct
- | KWSuper
- | KWSupply0
- | KWSupply1
- | KWTable
- | KWTagged
- | KWTask
- | KWThis
- | KWThroughout
- | KWTime
- | KWTimeprecision
- | KWTimeunit
- | KWTran
- | KWTranif0
- | KWTranif1
- | KWTri
- | KWTri0
- | KWTri1
- | KWTriand
- | KWTrior
- | KWTrireg
- | KWType
- | KWTypedef
- | KWTypeOption
- | KWUnion
- | KWUnique
- | KWUnsigned
- | KWUse
- | KWVar
- | KWVectored
- | KWVirtual
- | KWVoid
- | KWWait
- | KWWaitOrder
- | KWWand
- | KWWeak0
- | KWWeak1
- | KWWhile
- | KWWildcard
- | KWWire
- | KWWith
- | KWWithin
- | KWWor
- | KWXnor
- | KWXor
- | IdSimple
- | IdEscaped
- | IdSystem
- | LitNumberUnsigned
- | LitNumber
- | LitString
- | SymParenL
- | SymParenR
- | SymBrackL
- | SymBrackR
- | SymBraceL
- | SymBraceR
- | SymTildy
- | SymBang
- | SymAt
- | SymPound
- | SymPercent
- | SymHat
- | SymAmp
- | SymBar
- | SymAster
- | SymDot
- | SymComma
- | SymColon
- | SymSemi
- | SymEq
- | SymLt
- | SymGt
- | SymPlus
- | SymDash
- | SymQuestion
- | SymSlash
- | SymDollar
- | SymSQuote
- | SymTildyAmp
- | SymTildyBar
- | SymTildyHat
- | SymHatTildy
- | SymEqEq
- | SymBangEq
- | SymAmpAmp
- | SymBarBar
- | SymAsterAster
- | SymLtEq
- | SymGtEq
- | SymGtGt
- | SymLtLt
- | SymPlusPlus
- | SymDashDash
- | SymPlusEq
- | SymDashEq
- | SymAsterEq
- | SymSlashEq
- | SymPercentEq
- | SymAmpEq
- | SymBarEq
- | SymHatEq
- | SymPlusColon
- | SymDashColon
- | SymColonColon
- | SymDotAster
- | SymDashGt
- | SymColonEq
- | SymColonSlash
- | SymPoundPound
- | SymBrackLAster
- | SymBrackLEq
- | SymEqGt
- | SymAtAster
- | SymParenLAster
- | SymAsterParenR
- | SymAsterGt
- | SymEqEqEq
- | SymBangEqEq
- | SymEqQuestionEq
- | SymBangQuestionEq
- | SymGtGtGt
- | SymLtLtLt
- | SymLtLtEq
- | SymGtGtEq
- | SymBarDashGt
- | SymBarEqGt
- | SymBrackLDashGt
- | SymAtAtParenL
- | SymParenLAsterParenR
- | SymDashGtGt
- | SymAmpAmpAmp
- | SymLtLtLtEq
- | SymGtGtGtEq
- | Unknown
- deriving (Show, Eq)