path: root/src/Verismith/Sim/Icarus.hs
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-18 14:29:07 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-18 14:29:07 +0100
commite7f57642f068650ea362201b239efad1c9a841d9 (patch)
tree2d68c28c0644089b9afcfc21fc05f88d50ef6703 /src/Verismith/Sim/Icarus.hs
parent349c1fa290c068a0f4100469e7485d062dd995ce (diff)
Rename Sim to Tool
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Verismith/Sim/Icarus.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Sim/Icarus.hs b/src/Verismith/Sim/Icarus.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 003f1de..0000000
--- a/src/Verismith/Sim/Icarus.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-Module : Verismith.Sim.Icarus
-Description : Icarus verilog module.
-Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : BSD-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Icarus verilog module.
-module Verismith.Sim.Icarus
- ( Icarus(..)
- , defaultIcarus
- , runSimIc
- )
-import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf, rwhnf)
-import Control.Lens
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Crypto.Hash (Digest, hash)
-import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256)
-import Data.Binary (encode)
-import Data.Bits
-import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (convert)
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (ByteString)
-import Data.Char (digitToInt)
-import Data.Foldable (fold)
-import Data.List (transpose)
-import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Numeric (readInt)
-import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
-import Shelly
-import Shelly.Lifted (liftSh)
-import Verismith.Sim.Internal
-import Verismith.Sim.Template
-import Verismith.Verilog.AST
-import Verismith.Verilog.BitVec
-import Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen
-import Verismith.Verilog.Internal
-import Verismith.Verilog.Mutate
-data Icarus = Icarus { icarusPath :: FilePath
- , vvpPath :: FilePath
- }
- deriving (Eq)
-instance Show Icarus where
- show _ = "iverilog"
-instance Tool Icarus where
- toText _ = "iverilog"
-instance Simulator Icarus where
- runSim = runSimIcarus
- runSimWithFile = runSimIcarusWithFile
-instance NFData Icarus where
- rnf = rwhnf
-defaultIcarus :: Icarus
-defaultIcarus = Icarus "iverilog" "vvp"
-addDisplay :: [Statement] -> [Statement]
-addDisplay s = concat $ transpose
- [ s
- , replicate l $ TimeCtrl 1 Nothing
- , replicate l . SysTaskEnable $ Task "display" ["%b", Id "y"]
- ]
- where l = length s
-assignFunc :: [Port] -> ByteString -> Statement
-assignFunc inp bs =
- NonBlockAssign
- . Assign conc Nothing
- . Number
- . BitVec (B.length bs * 8)
- $ bsToI bs
- where conc = RegConcat (portToExpr <$> inp)
-convert :: Text -> ByteString
-convert =
- toStrict
- . (encode :: Integer -> L.ByteString)
- . maybe 0 fst
- . listToMaybe
- . readInt 2 (`elem` ("01" :: String)) digitToInt
- . T.unpack
-mask :: Text -> Text
-mask = T.replace "x" "0"
-callback :: ByteString -> Text -> ByteString
-callback b t = b <> convert (mask t)
-runSimIcarus :: Icarus -> SourceInfo -> [ByteString] -> ResultSh ByteString
-runSimIcarus sim rinfo bss = do
- let tb = ModDecl
- "main"
- []
- []
- [ Initial
- $ fold (addDisplay $ assignFunc (_modInPorts m) <$> bss)
- <> (SysTaskEnable $ Task "finish" [])
- ]
- []
- let newtb = instantiateMod m tb
- let modWithTb = Verilog [newtb, m]
- liftSh . writefile "main.v" $ genSource modWithTb
- annotate SimFail $ runSimWithFile sim "main.v" bss
- where m = rinfo ^. mainModule
- :: Icarus -> FilePath -> [ByteString] -> ResultSh ByteString
-runSimIcarusWithFile sim f _ = annotate SimFail . liftSh $ do
- dir <- pwd
- logCommand_ dir "icarus"
- $ run (icarusPath sim) ["-o", "main", toTextIgnore f]
- B.take 8 . BA.convert . (hash :: ByteString -> Digest SHA256) <$> logCommand
- dir
- "vvp"
- (runFoldLines (mempty :: ByteString) callback (vvpPath sim) ["main"])
-fromBytes :: ByteString -> Integer
-fromBytes = B.foldl' f 0 where f a b = a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b
- :: (Synthesiser b)
- => Icarus
- -> b
- -> SourceInfo
- -> [ByteString]
- -> ResultSh ByteString
-runSimIc sim1 synth1 srcInfo bss = do
- dir <- liftSh pwd
- let top = srcInfo ^. mainModule
- let inConcat = (RegConcat (Id . fromPort <$> (top ^. modInPorts)))
- let
- tb = instantiateMod top $ ModDecl
- "testbench"
- []
- []
- [ Initial
- $ fold
- [ BlockAssign (Assign "clk" Nothing 0)
- , BlockAssign (Assign inConcat Nothing 0)
- ]
- <> fold
- ( (\r -> TimeCtrl
- 10
- (Just $ BlockAssign (Assign inConcat Nothing r))
- )
- . fromInteger
- . fromBytes
- <$> bss
- )
- <> (SysTaskEnable $ Task "finish" [])
- , Always . TimeCtrl 5 . Just $ BlockAssign
- (Assign "clk" Nothing (UnOp UnNot (Id "clk")))
- , Always . EventCtrl (EPosEdge "clk") . Just . SysTaskEnable $ Task
- "strobe"
- ["%b", Id "y"]
- ]
- []
- liftSh . writefile "testbench.v" $ icarusTestbench (Verilog [tb]) synth1
- liftSh $ exe dir "icarus" "iverilog" ["-o", "main", "testbench.v"]
- liftSh
- $ B.take 8
- . BA.convert
- . (hash :: ByteString -> Digest SHA256)
- <$> logCommand
- dir
- "vvp"
- (runFoldLines (mempty :: ByteString)
- callback
- (vvpPath sim1)
- ["main"]
- )
- where
- exe dir name e = void . errExit False . logCommand dir name . timeout e