path: root/src/Verismith/Tool/Quartus.hs
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-18 14:29:07 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-18 14:29:07 +0100
commite7f57642f068650ea362201b239efad1c9a841d9 (patch)
tree2d68c28c0644089b9afcfc21fc05f88d50ef6703 /src/Verismith/Tool/Quartus.hs
parent349c1fa290c068a0f4100469e7485d062dd995ce (diff)
Rename Sim to Tool
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Verismith/Tool/Quartus.hs')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Tool/Quartus.hs b/src/Verismith/Tool/Quartus.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..109d46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verismith/Tool/Quartus.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Module : Verismith.Tool.Quartus
+Description : Quartus synthesiser implementation.
+Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Quartus synthesiser implementation.
+module Verismith.Tool.Quartus
+ ( Quartus(..)
+ , defaultQuartus
+ )
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf, rwhnf)
+import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
+import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
+import Shelly
+import Shelly.Lifted (liftSh)
+import Verismith.Tool.Internal
+import Verismith.Verilog.AST
+import Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen
+data Quartus = Quartus { quartusBin :: !(Maybe FilePath)
+ , quartusDesc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
+ , quartusOutput :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
+ }
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Tool Quartus where
+ toText (Quartus _ t _) = t
+instance Show Quartus where
+ show t = unpack $ toText t
+instance Synthesiser Quartus where
+ runSynth = runSynthQuartus
+ synthOutput = quartusOutput
+ setSynthOutput (Quartus a b _) = Quartus a b
+instance NFData Quartus where
+ rnf = rwhnf
+defaultQuartus :: Quartus
+defaultQuartus = Quartus Nothing "quartus" "syn_quartus.v"
+runSynthQuartus :: Quartus -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
+runSynthQuartus sim (SourceInfo top src) = do
+ dir <- liftSh pwd
+ let ex = execute_ SynthFail dir "quartus"
+ liftSh . writefile inpf $ genSource src
+ liftSh . noPrint $ run_
+ "sed"
+ [ "-i"
+ , "s/^module/(* multstyle = \"logic\" *) module/;"
+ , toTextIgnore inpf
+ ]
+ ex (exec "quartus_map")
+ [top, "--source=" <> toTextIgnore inpf, "--family=Cyclone V"]
+ ex (exec "quartus_fit") [top, "--part=5CGXFC7D6F31C6"]
+ ex (exec "quartus_eda") [top, "--simulation", "--tool=vcs"]
+ liftSh $ do
+ cp (fromText "simulation/vcs" </> fromText top <.> "vo")
+ $ synthOutput sim
+ run_
+ "sed"
+ [ "-ri"
+ , "s,^// DATE.*,,; s,^tri1 (.*);,wire \\1 = 1;,; /^\\/\\/ +synopsys/ d;"
+ , toTextIgnore $ synthOutput sim
+ ]
+ where
+ inpf = "rtl.v"
+ exec s = maybe (fromText s) (</> fromText s) $ quartusBin sim