path: root/src/Test/VeriFuzz
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Test/VeriFuzz')
3 files changed, 7 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Graph/CodeGen.hs b/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Graph/CodeGen.hs
index eaa109e..5d3232c 100644
--- a/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Graph/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Graph/CodeGen.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ toOperator Xor = " ^ "
statList :: Gate -> [Node] -> Maybe Text
statList g n = toStr <$> safe tail n
- toStr = fromList . fmap ((<> toOperator g) . fromNode)
+ toStr = fold . fmap ((<> toOperator g) . fromNode)
lastEl :: [Node] -> Maybe Text
lastEl n = fromNode <$> safe head n
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ toStmnt graph (n, g) =
generate :: (Graph gr) => gr Gate e -> Text
generate graph =
"module generated_module(\n"
- <> fromList (imap " input wire " ",\n" inp)
- <> sep ",\n" (imap " output wire " "" out)
+ <> fold (imap " input wire " ",\n" inp)
+ <> T.intercalate ",\n" (imap " output wire " "" out)
<> ");\n"
- <> fromList (toStmnt graph <$> labNodes graph)
+ <> fold (toStmnt graph <$> labNodes graph)
<> "endmodule\n\nmodule main;\n initial\n begin\n "
<> "$display(\"Hello, world\");\n $finish;\n "
<> "end\nendmodule"
diff --git a/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Internal/Shared.hs b/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Internal/Shared.hs
index bf96509..54abb53 100644
--- a/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Internal/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Internal/Shared.hs
@@ -12,25 +12,6 @@ Shared high level code used in the other modules internally.
module Test.VeriFuzz.Internal.Shared where
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
--- | Fold up a list of Monoids using mappend and mempty as the first
--- element.
-fromList :: (Foldable t, Monoid a) => t a -> a
-fromList = foldl mappend mempty
--- | Combine the Monoid elements of a list and insert the seperation symbol in
--- between each element except the last one.
-sep :: (Monoid a) => a -> [a] -> a
-sep el l = fromMaybe mempty $
- (fromList . fmap (<>el) <$> safe init l) <> safe last l
--- | Alternative sep which returns the pattern if the list is empty.
-sep_ :: (Monoid a) => a -> [a] -> a
-sep_ el l
- | null l = mempty
- | otherwise = el <> sep el l
-- | Converts unsafe list functions in the Prelude to a safe version.
safe :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
safe _ [] = Nothing
diff --git a/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs b/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
index 9e99f70..4fecaec 100644
--- a/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/src/Test/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ defMap stat = fromMaybe ";\n" $ genStmnt <$> stat
-- | Convert the 'VerilogSrc' type to 'Text' so that it can be rendered.
genVerilogSrc :: VerilogSrc -> Text
genVerilogSrc source =
- fromList $ genDescription <$> source ^. getVerilogSrc
+ fold $ genDescription <$> source ^. getVerilogSrc
-- | Generate the 'Description' to 'Text'.
genDescription :: Description -> Text
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ genModuleDecl mod =
| noIn && noOut = ""
| otherwise = "(" <> (comma $ genModPort <$> outIn) <> ")"
- modItems = fromList $ genModuleItem <$> mod ^. moduleItems
+ modItems = fold $ genModuleItem <$> mod ^. moduleItems
noOut = null $ mod ^. modOutPorts
noIn = null $ mod ^. modInPorts
outIn = (mod ^. modOutPorts) ++ (mod ^. modInPorts)
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ genStmnt :: Stmnt -> Text
genStmnt (TimeCtrl d stat) = genDelay d <> " " <> defMap stat
genStmnt (EventCtrl e stat) = genEvent e <> " " <> defMap stat
genStmnt (SeqBlock s) =
- "begin\n" <> fromList (genStmnt <$> s) <> "end\n"
+ "begin\n" <> fold (genStmnt <$> s) <> "end\n"
genStmnt (BlockAssign a) = genAssign " = " a <> ";\n"
genStmnt (NonBlockAssign a) = genAssign " <= " a <> ";\n"
genStmnt (StatCA a) = genContAssign a