path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Mutate.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Mutate.hs')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Mutate.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Mutate.hs
index b8b1f59..15eac90 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Mutate.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Mutate.hs
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ instantiateMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
instantiateMod m main = main & modItems %~ ((out ++ regIn ++ [inst]) ++)
out = Decl Nothing <$> m ^. modOutPorts
- regIn = Decl Nothing <$> (m ^. modInPorts & traverse . portType .~ Reg False)
+ regIn = Decl Nothing <$> (m ^. modInPorts & traverse . portType .~ Reg)
inst = ModInst (m ^. modId) (m ^. modId <> (Identifier . showT $ count + 1)) conns
count = length . filter (== m ^. modId) $ main ^.. modItems . traverse . modInstId
conns = ModConn . Id <$> allVars m
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ makeIdFrom a i = (i <>) . Identifier . ("_" <>) $ showT a
makeTop :: Int -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
makeTop i m = ModDecl (m ^. modId) ys (m ^. modInPorts) modIt
- ys = Port Wire 90 . flip makeIdFrom "y" <$> [1 .. i]
+ ys = yPort . flip makeIdFrom "y" <$> [1 .. i]
modIt = instantiateModSpec_ "_" . modN <$> [1 .. i]
- modN n = m & modId %~ makeIdFrom n & modOutPorts .~ [Port Wire 90 (makeIdFrom n "y")]
+ modN n = m & modId %~ makeIdFrom n & modOutPorts .~ [yPort (makeIdFrom n "y")]
-- | Make a top module with an assert that requires @y_1@ to always be equal to
-- @y_2@, which can then be proven using a formal verification tool.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ makeTopAssert = (modItems %~ (++ [assert])) . (modInPorts %~ addClk) . makeTop 2
assert = Always . EventCtrl e . Just $ SeqBlock
[TaskEnable $ Task "assert" [BinOp (Id "y_1") BinEq (Id "y_2")]]
e = EPosEdge "clk"
- addClk = (Port Wire 1 "clk" :)
+ addClk = (defaultPort "clk" :)
-- | Provide declarations for all the ports that are passed to it.
declareMod :: [Port] -> ModDecl -> ModDecl