path: root/src/VeriFuzz
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1 files changed, 96 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Parser.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Parser.hs
index 4b2d076..28a475d 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Parser.hs
@@ -14,13 +14,104 @@ whole Verilog syntax, as the AST does not support it either.
module VeriFuzz.Parser where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
-import Data.Attoparsec.Text
+import Data.Attoparsec.Expr
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
+import Data.Char (isLetter)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import VeriFuzz.AST
import VeriFuzz.CodeGen
+sBinOp :: BinaryOperator -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
+sBinOp = sOp BinOp
+ where
+ sOp f b a = f a b
+parseExpr :: Parser Expr
+parseExpr = buildExpressionParser parseTable parseTerm
+ <?> "expr"
+parseParens :: Parser a -> Parser a
+parseParens a = do
+ val <- "(" *> skipSpace *> a
+ _ <- skipSpace *> ")"
+ return val
+constP :: Parser a -> Text -> Parser a
+constP p t = case parseOnly p t of
+ Left _ -> fail "constP"
+ Right a -> return a
+parseOf :: Parser Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
+parseOf ptxt pa = bothParse
+ where
+ bothParse = ptxt >>= constP pa
+ignoreWS :: Parser a -> Parser a
+ignoreWS a = do
+ skipSpace
+ t <- a
+ skipSpace
+ return t
+parseTerm :: Parser Expr
+parseTerm = (Concat <$> aroundList "{" "}" parseExpr)
+ <|> parseCond
+ <|> parseParens parseExpr
+ <|> ignoreWS (Number 32 <$> decimal)
+ <?> "simple expr"
+takeUntil :: Char -> Parser Text
+takeUntil c = do
+ t <- takeWhile1 (/=c)
+ _ <- char c
+ return t
+parseCond :: Parser Expr
+parseCond = do
+ x <- parseOf (takeUntil '?') parseExpr
+ y <- parseOf (takeUntil ':') parseExpr
+ Cond x y <$> parseExpr
+parseTable :: [[Operator Text Expr]]
+parseTable =
+ [ [ prefix "!" (UnOp UnLNot), prefix "~" (UnOp UnNot) ]
+ , [ prefix "&" (UnOp UnAnd), prefix "|" (UnOp UnOr), prefix "~&" (UnOp UnNand)
+ , prefix "~|" (UnOp UnNor), prefix "^" (UnOp UnXor), prefix "~^" (UnOp UnNxor)
+ , prefix "^~" (UnOp UnNxorInv)
+ ]
+ , [ prefix "+" (UnOp UnPlus), prefix "-" (UnOp UnMinus) ]
+ , [ binary "**" (sBinOp BinPower) AssocRight ]
+ , [ binary "*" (sBinOp BinTimes) AssocLeft, binary "/" (sBinOp BinDiv) AssocLeft
+ , binary "%" (sBinOp BinMod) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [ binary "+" (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft, binary "-" (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft ]
+ , [ binary "<<" (sBinOp BinLSL) AssocLeft, binary ">>" (sBinOp BinLSR) AssocLeft ]
+ , [ binary "<<<" (sBinOp BinASL) AssocLeft, binary ">>>" (sBinOp BinASR) AssocLeft ]
+ , [ binary "<" (sBinOp BinLT) AssocNone, binary ">" (sBinOp BinGT) AssocNone
+ , binary "<=" (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone, binary ">=" (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
+ ]
+ , [ binary "==" (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone, binary "!=" (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone ]
+ , [ binary "===" (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone, binary "!==" (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone ]
+ , [ binary "&" (sBinOp BinAnd) AssocLeft ]
+ , [ binary "^" (sBinOp BinXor) AssocLeft, binary "^~" (sBinOp BinXNor) AssocLeft
+ , binary "~^" (sBinOp BinXNorInv) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [ binary "|" (sBinOp BinOr) AssocLeft ]
+ , [ binary "&&" (sBinOp BinLAnd) AssocLeft ]
+ , [ binary "|" (sBinOp BinLOr) AssocLeft ]
+ ]
+binary :: Text -> (a -> a -> a) -> Assoc -> Operator Text a
+binary name fun = Infix ((string name <?> "binary") >> return fun)
+prefix :: Text -> (a -> a) -> Operator Text a
+prefix name fun = Prefix ((string name <?> "prefix") >> return fun)
+postfix :: Text -> (a -> a) -> Operator Text a
+postfix name fun = Postfix ((string name <?> "postfix") >> return fun)
commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
commaSep f = sepBy f (skipSpace *> char ',' *> skipSpace)
@@ -30,79 +121,9 @@ aroundList a b c = do
_ <- b
return l
-parseBinOp :: Parser BinaryOperator
-parseBinOp =
- "+" $> BinPlus
- <|> "-" $> BinMinus
- <|> "*" $> BinTimes
- <|> "/" $> BinDiv
- <|> "%" $> BinMod
- <|> "==" $> BinEq
- <|> "!=" $> BinNEq
- <|> "===" $> BinCEq
- <|> "!==" $> BinCNEq
- <|> "&&" $> BinLAnd
- <|> "||" $> BinLOr
- <|> "<" $> BinLT
- <|> "<=" $> BinLEq
- <|> ">" $> BinGT
- <|> ">=" $> BinGEq
- <|> "&" $> BinAnd
- <|> "|" $> BinOr
- <|> "^" $> BinXor
- <|> "^~" $> BinXNor
- <|> "~^" $> BinXNorInv
- <|> "**" $> BinPower
- <|> "<<" $> BinLSL
- <|> ">>" $> BinLSR
- <|> "<<<" $> BinASL
- <|> ">>>" $> BinASR
-parseUnOp :: Parser UnaryOperator
-parseUnOp =
- "+" $> UnPlus
- <|> "-" $> UnMinus
- <|> "!" $> UnLNot
- <|> "~" $> UnNot
- <|> "&" $> UnAnd
- <|> "~&" $> UnNand
- <|> "|" $> UnOr
- <|> "~|" $> UnNor
- <|> "^" $> UnXor
- <|> "~^" $> UnNxor
- <|> "^~" $> UnNxorInv
-parseExpr :: Parser Expr
-parseExpr = cond <|> binop <|> unop <|> conc <|> brack <|> var <|> num
- where
- var = Id . Identifier . T.pack <$> many1 letter
- num = Number 32 <$> decimal
- binop = do
- lhs <- var <|> num
- bo <- skipSpace *> parseBinOp
- skipSpace
- BinOp lhs bo <$> parseExpr
- brack = do
- expr <- "(" *> skipSpace *> parseExpr
- skipSpace *> ")" *> skipSpace
- return expr
- cond = do
- expr1 <- parseExpr
- skipSpace *> "?" *> skipSpace
- expr2 <- parseExpr
- skipSpace *> ":" *> skipSpace
- expr3 <- parseExpr
- skipSpace
- return $ Cond expr1 expr2 expr3
- conc = Concat <$> aroundList "{" "}" parseExpr
- unop = do
- uo <- parseUnOp
- skipSpace
- UnOp uo <$> parseExpr
parseContAssign :: Parser ContAssign
parseContAssign = do
- var <- Identifier . T.pack <$> (skipSpace *> "assign" *> skipSpace *> many1 letter)
+ var <- Identifier <$> (skipSpace *> "assign" *> skipSpace *> takeWhile1 isLetter)
expr <- skipSpace *> "=" *> skipSpace *> parseExpr
_ <- skipSpace *> ";"
return $ ContAssign var expr
@@ -113,12 +134,12 @@ parseModItem = fmap ModCA <$> many1 parseContAssign
parseModList :: Parser [Identifier]
parseModList = list <|> skipSpace $> []
- list = fmap (Identifier . T.pack)
- <$> aroundList "(" ")" (many1 letter)
+ list = fmap Identifier
+ <$> aroundList "(" ")" (takeWhile1 isLetter)
parseModDecl :: Parser ModDecl
parseModDecl = do
- name <- Identifier . T.pack <$> ("module" *> skipSpace *> many1 letter)
+ name <- Identifier <$> ("module" *> skipSpace *> takeWhile1 isLetter)
modL <- fmap (Port Wire 1) <$> (skipSpace *> parseModList)
_ <- skipSpace *> ";"
modItem <- parseModItem <|> skipSpace $> []