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1 files changed, 107 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Verilog/AST.hs b/src/Verismith/Verilog/AST.hs
index d870cfb..ca0d380 100644
--- a/src/Verismith/Verilog/AST.hs
+++ b/src/Verismith/Verilog/AST.hs
@@ -167,8 +167,6 @@ import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.List.NonEmpty ((<|), NonEmpty (..))
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
-import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
-import Data.Void (Void)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Verismith.Verilog.BitVec
@@ -177,23 +175,6 @@ class Functor m => Annotations m where
clearAnn :: m a -> m ()
clearAnn = fmap (\_ -> ()) . removeAnn
--- | Attributes which can be set to various nodes in the AST.
--- @
--- (* synthesis *)
--- @
-data Attribute
- = AttrAssign Identifier ConstExpr
- | AttrName Identifier
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Annotations which can be added to the AST. These are supported in all the
--- nodes of the AST and a custom type can be declared for them.
-data Annotation a
- = Ann a
- | AnnAttrs [Attribute]
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-- | Identifier in Verilog. This is just a string of characters that can either
-- be lowercase and uppercase for now. This might change in the future though,
-- as Verilog supports many more characters in Identifiers.
@@ -226,22 +207,6 @@ instance Num Delay where
signum (Delay a) = Delay $ signum a
fromInteger = Delay . fromInteger
--- | Verilog syntax for an event, such as @\@x@, which is used for always blocks
-data Event
- = EId {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | EExpr !Expr
- | EAll
- | EPosEdge {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | ENegEdge {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | EOr !Event !Event
- | EComb !Event !Event
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-$(makeBaseFunctor ''Event)
-instance Plated Event where
- plate = uniplate
-- | Binary operators that are currently supported in the verilog generation.
data BinaryOperator
= BinPlus
@@ -286,49 +251,6 @@ data UnaryOperator
| UnNxorInv
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Verilog expression, which can either be a primary expression, unary
--- expression, binary operator expression or a conditional expression.
-data Expr
- = Number {-# UNPACK #-} !BitVec
- | Id {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
- | VecSelect {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier !Expr
- | RangeSelect {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier !Range
- | Concat !(NonEmpty Expr)
- | UnOp !UnaryOperator !Expr
- | BinOp !Expr !BinaryOperator !Expr
- | Cond !Expr !Expr !Expr
- | Appl !Identifier !Expr
- | Str {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
-$(makeLenses ''Expr)
-$(makeBaseFunctor ''Expr)
-instance Num Expr where
- a + b = BinOp a BinPlus b
- a - b = BinOp a BinMinus b
- a * b = BinOp a BinTimes b
- negate = UnOp UnMinus
- abs = undefined
- signum = undefined
- fromInteger = Number . fromInteger
-instance Semigroup Expr where
- (Concat a) <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <> b
- (Concat a) <> b = Concat $ a <> (b :| [])
- a <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <| b
- a <> b = Concat $ a <| b :| []
-instance Monoid Expr where
- mempty = Number 0
-instance IsString Expr where
- fromString = Str . fromString
-instance Plated Expr where
- plate = uniplate
-- | Constant expression, which are known before simulation at compile time.
data ConstExpr
= ConstNum
@@ -408,6 +330,84 @@ instance IsString ConstExpr where
instance Plated ConstExpr where
plate = uniplate
+-- | Range that can be associated with any port or left hand side. Contains the
+-- msb and lsb bits as 'ConstExpr'. This means that they can be generated using
+-- parameters, which can in turn be changed at synthesis time.
+data Range
+ = Range
+ { rangeMSB :: !ConstExpr,
+ rangeLSB :: !ConstExpr
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
+instance Num Range where
+ (Range s1 a) + (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 + s2) $ a + b
+ (Range s1 a) - (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 - s2) . max 0 $ a - b
+ (Range s1 a) * (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 * s2) $ a * b
+ negate = undefined
+ abs = id
+ signum _ = 1
+ fromInteger = flip Range 0 . fromInteger . (-) 1
+-- | Verilog expression, which can either be a primary expression, unary
+-- expression, binary operator expression or a conditional expression.
+data Expr
+ = Number {-# UNPACK #-} !BitVec
+ | Id {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
+ | VecSelect {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier !Expr
+ | RangeSelect {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier !Range
+ | Concat !(NonEmpty Expr)
+ | UnOp !UnaryOperator !Expr
+ | BinOp !Expr !BinaryOperator !Expr
+ | Cond !Expr !Expr !Expr
+ | Appl !Identifier !Expr
+ | Str {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
+$(makeLenses ''Expr)
+$(makeBaseFunctor ''Expr)
+instance Num Expr where
+ a + b = BinOp a BinPlus b
+ a - b = BinOp a BinMinus b
+ a * b = BinOp a BinTimes b
+ negate = UnOp UnMinus
+ abs = undefined
+ signum = undefined
+ fromInteger = Number . fromInteger
+instance Semigroup Expr where
+ (Concat a) <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <> b
+ (Concat a) <> b = Concat $ a <> (b :| [])
+ a <> (Concat b) = Concat $ a <| b
+ a <> b = Concat $ a <| b :| []
+instance Monoid Expr where
+ mempty = Number 0
+instance IsString Expr where
+ fromString = Str . fromString
+instance Plated Expr where
+ plate = uniplate
+-- | Verilog syntax for an event, such as @\@x@, which is used for always blocks
+data Event
+ = EId {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
+ | EExpr !Expr
+ | EAll
+ | EPosEdge {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
+ | ENegEdge {-# UNPACK #-} !Identifier
+ | EOr !Event !Event
+ | EComb !Event !Event
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
+$(makeBaseFunctor ''Event)
+instance Plated Event where
+ plate = uniplate
-- | Task call, which is similar to function calls.
data Task
= Task
@@ -460,27 +460,8 @@ data PortType
| Reg
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
--- | Range that can be associated with any port or left hand side. Contains the
--- msb and lsb bits as 'ConstExpr'. This means that they can be generated using
--- parameters, which can in turn be changed at synthesis time.
-data Range
- = Range
- { rangeMSB :: !ConstExpr,
- rangeLSB :: !ConstExpr
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
$(makeLenses ''PortType)
-instance Num Range where
- (Range s1 a) + (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 + s2) $ a + b
- (Range s1 a) - (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 - s2) . max 0 $ a - b
- (Range s1 a) * (Range s2 b) = Range (s1 * s2) $ a * b
- negate = undefined
- abs = id
- signum _ = 1
- fromInteger = flip Range 0 . fromInteger . (-) 1
-- | Port declaration. It contains information about the type of the port, the
-- size, and the port name. It used to also contain information about if it was
-- an input or output port. However, this is not always necessary and was more
@@ -622,7 +603,7 @@ instance Plated (Statement a) where
StmntCase a b <$> traverse (traverseStmntCasePair f) c
<*> traverse f d
plate f (ForLoop a b c d) = ForLoop a b c <$> f d
- plate f a = pure a
+ plate _ a = pure a
instance Semigroup (Statement a) where
(SeqBlock a) <> (SeqBlock b) = SeqBlock $ a <> b
@@ -641,10 +622,10 @@ instance Functor Statement where
fmap f (StmntCase ct ce cp cdef) = StmntCase ct ce (fmap f <$> cp) $ fmap f <$> cdef
fmap f (ForLoop a b c s) = ForLoop a b c $ fmap f s
fmap f (StmntAnn a s) = StmntAnn (f a) $ fmap f s
- fmap f (BlockAssign a) = BlockAssign a
- fmap f (NonBlockAssign a) = NonBlockAssign a
- fmap f (TaskEnable t) = TaskEnable t
- fmap f (SysTaskEnable s) = SysTaskEnable s
+ fmap _ (BlockAssign a) = BlockAssign a
+ fmap _ (NonBlockAssign a) = NonBlockAssign a
+ fmap _ (TaskEnable t) = TaskEnable t
+ fmap _ (SysTaskEnable s) = SysTaskEnable s
instance Annotations Statement where
removeAnn (StmntAnn _ s) = removeAnn s
@@ -705,11 +686,11 @@ instance Functor ModItem where
fmap f (ModItemAnn a mi) = ModItemAnn (f a) $ fmap f mi
fmap f (Initial s) = Initial $ fmap f s
fmap f (Always s) = Always $ fmap f s
- fmap f (ModCA c) = ModCA c
- fmap f (ModInst a b c) = ModInst a b c
- fmap f (Decl a b c) = Decl a b c
- fmap f (ParamDecl p) = ParamDecl p
- fmap f (LocalParamDecl l) = LocalParamDecl l
+ fmap _ (ModCA c) = ModCA c
+ fmap _ (ModInst a b c) = ModInst a b c
+ fmap _ (Decl a b c) = Decl a b c
+ fmap _ (ParamDecl p) = ParamDecl p
+ fmap _ (LocalParamDecl l) = LocalParamDecl l
instance Annotations ModItem where
removeAnn (ModItemAnn _ mi) = removeAnn mi
@@ -733,9 +714,11 @@ $(makeLenses ''ModDecl)
instance Functor ModDecl where
fmap f (ModDecl i out inp mis params) = ModDecl i out inp (fmap f <$> mis) params
+ fmap f (ModDeclAnn a mi) = ModDeclAnn (f a) $ fmap f mi
instance Annotations ModDecl where
removeAnn (ModDecl i out inp mis params) = ModDecl i out inp (fmap removeAnn mis) params
+ removeAnn (ModDeclAnn _ mi) = mi
traverseModConn :: (Applicative f) => (Expr -> f Expr) -> ModConn -> f ModConn
traverseModConn f (ModConn e) = ModConn <$> f e
@@ -788,6 +771,23 @@ instance Functor SourceInfo where
instance Annotations SourceInfo where
removeAnn (SourceInfo t v) = SourceInfo t $ removeAnn v
+-- | Attributes which can be set to various nodes in the AST.
+-- @
+-- (* synthesis *)
+-- @
+data Attribute
+ = AttrAssign Identifier ConstExpr
+ | AttrName Identifier
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
+-- | Annotations which can be added to the AST. These are supported in all the
+-- nodes of the AST and a custom type can be declared for them.
+data Annotation a
+ = Ann a
+ | AnnAttrs [Attribute]
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, NFData)
getModule :: Traversal' (Verilog a) (ModDecl a)
getModule = _Wrapped . traverse
{-# INLINE getModule #-}