path: root/.travis.yml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use cachix for the buildYann Herklotz2020-05-131-0/+1
* Remove unnecessary jobYann Herklotz2020-04-071-6/+0
* Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:ymherklotz/verismith into developYann Herklotz2020-04-061-0/+16
| * WIP changes to the AST typesYann Herklotz2020-03-161-11/+13
| * Add caching for cabal to travisYann Herklotz2020-03-071-0/+4
| * Update build script to run in bashYann Herklotz2020-03-071-1/+1
| * Fix travis build and .envrcYann Herklotz2020-03-071-1/+1
| * New travis buildYann Herklotz2020-03-061-0/+11
* | Add cachix to travis buildYann Herklotz2020-04-061-3/+8
* Add benchmarkYann Herklotz2019-07-281-2/+0
* Add some more performance optimisationsYann Herklotz2019-07-271-1/+5
* Add faster build to travisYann Herklotz2019-07-271-0/+1
* Make the nix build more conciseYann Herklotz2019-07-271-2/+0
* Add release to nixYann Herklotz2019-07-231-0/+2
* Fix nix build and add to travisYann Herklotz2019-07-231-25/+1
* Add new pretty printer with indentationYann Herklotz2019-05-091-1/+1
* Move --pedantic flag to the endYann Herklotz2019-04-191-1/+1
* Add '--pedantic' to travisYann Herklotz2019-04-171-3/+3
* Upgrade travis versionYann Herklotz2018-12-301-2/+2
* Back to minimalYann Herklotz2018-12-291-0/+1
* Remove language specification as it is somehow slowerYann Herklotz2018-12-291-1/+0
* Minimal language addedYann Herklotz2018-12-291-0/+1
* Add link to READMEYann Herklotz2018-12-291-1/+1
* Downgrading ghcYann Herklotz2018-12-291-2/+2
* Add travis.yml fileYann Herklotz2018-12-291-0/+24