path: root/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v10/scverify/scverify_top.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v10/scverify/scverify_top.h')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v10/scverify/scverify_top.h b/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v10/scverify/scverify_top.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f394d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v10/scverify/scverify_top.h
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+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SystemC Header for Top
+// HLS version: 2011a.126 Production Release
+// HLS date: Wed Aug 8 00:52:07 PDT 2012
+// Flow Packages: HDL_Tcl 2008a.1, SCVerify 2009a.1
+// Generated by: mg3115@EEWS104A-015
+// Generated date: Tue Mar 01 15:39:35 +0000 2016
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------------------------
+// scverify_top
+// top module instantiating reference design,
+// DUT and comparator
+// -------------------------------------
+#define TO_QUOTED_STRING1(x) #x
+#define TOP_HDL_ENTITY dot_product
+// Hold time for the SCVerify testbench to account for the gate delay after downstream synthesis in pico second(s)
+// Hold time value is obtained from 'top_gate_constraints.cpp', which is generated at the end of RTL synthesis
+#ifdef CCS_DUT_GATE
+extern double __scv_hold_time;
+extern double __scv_hold_time_RSCID_1;
+extern double __scv_hold_time_RSCID_2;
+extern double __scv_hold_time_RSCID_3;
+double __scv_hold_time = 0.0; // default for non-gate simulation is zero
+double __scv_hold_time_RSCID_1 = 0.0;
+double __scv_hold_time_RSCID_2 = 0.0;
+double __scv_hold_time_RSCID_3 = 0.0;
+#include "mc_testbench.h"
+#include "mc_reset.h"
+#include "mc_transactors.h"
+#include "mgc_ioport_trans_rsc.h"
+#include "mc_monitor.h"
+#include "mc_dut_wrapper.h"
+class scverify_top : public sc_module
+ // Interface Ports
+ // Data objects
+ sc_event deadlock_event;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > deadlocked;
+ sc_event reset_deactivation_event;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > rst;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > rst_n;
+ bool var_trdone;
+ sc_clock clk;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > TLS_arst_n;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > in_sync;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > out_sync;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > inout_sync;
+ sc_signal< unsigned > wait_for_init;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > catapult_start;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > catapult_done;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > catapult_ready;
+ sc_signal< sc_logic > TLS_en;
+ sc_signal< sc_lv<8> > TLS_input_a_rsc_z;
+ sc_signal< sc_lv<8> > TLS_input_b_rsc_z;
+ sc_signal< sc_lv<8> > TLS_output_rsc_z;
+ tlm::tlm_fifo< mc_wait_ctrl > TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_a;
+ tlm::tlm_fifo< ac_int<8, true > > TLS_fifo_in_input_a;
+ tlm::tlm_fifo< mc_wait_ctrl > TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_b;
+ tlm::tlm_fifo< ac_int<8, true > > TLS_fifo_in_input_b;
+ tlm::tlm_fifo< mc_wait_ctrl > TLS_out_wait_ctrl_fifo_output;
+ tlm::tlm_fifo< ac_int<8, true > > TLS_fifo_out_output;
+ // Named Objects
+ // Module instance pointers
+ ccs_DUT_wrapper *dot_product_INST;
+ mc_programmable_reset *arst_n_driver;
+ mgc_in_wire_trans_rsc< 5,8 > *input_a_rsc_INST;
+ mgc_in_wire_trans_rsc< 5,8 > *input_b_rsc_INST;
+ mgc_out_stdreg_trans_rsc< 1,8 > *output_rsc_INST;
+ mc_input_transactor<ac_int<8, true >,8,true> *input_a_transactor;
+ mc_input_transactor<ac_int<8, true >,8,true> *input_b_transactor;
+ mc_output_transactor<ac_int<8, true >,8,true> *output_transactor;
+ testbench *testbench_INST;
+ // Declare processes (SC_METHOD and SC_THREAD)
+ void deadlock_notify();
+ void deadlock_watch();
+ void generate_sync();
+ void generate_reset();
+ // Constructor
+ SC_HAS_PROCESS(scverify_top);
+ scverify_top(
+ const sc_module_name& name
+ )
+ : deadlocked("deadlocked")
+ , rst("rst")
+ , rst_n("rst_n")
+ , var_trdone(false)
+ , clk("clk",20.000000,SC_NS,0.5,0.000000,SC_NS,false)
+ , TLS_arst_n("TLS_arst_n")
+ , in_sync("in_sync")
+ , out_sync("out_sync")
+ , inout_sync("inout_sync")
+ , wait_for_init("wait_for_init")
+ , catapult_start("catapult_start")
+ , catapult_done("catapult_done")
+ , catapult_ready("catapult_ready")
+ , TLS_en("TLS_en")
+ , TLS_input_a_rsc_z("TLS_input_a_rsc_z")
+ , TLS_input_b_rsc_z("TLS_input_b_rsc_z")
+ , TLS_output_rsc_z("TLS_output_rsc_z")
+ , TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_a("TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_a",-1)
+ , TLS_fifo_in_input_a("TLS_fifo_in_input_a",-1)
+ , TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_b("TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_b",-1)
+ , TLS_fifo_in_input_b("TLS_fifo_in_input_b",-1)
+ , TLS_out_wait_ctrl_fifo_output("TLS_out_wait_ctrl_fifo_output",-1)
+ , TLS_fifo_out_output("TLS_fifo_out_output",-1)
+ {
+ // Instantiate other modules
+ dot_product_INST = new ccs_DUT_wrapper(
+ "rtl",
+ );
+ dot_product_INST->clk(clk);
+ dot_product_INST->en(TLS_en);
+ dot_product_INST->arst_n(TLS_arst_n);
+ dot_product_INST->input_a_rsc_z(TLS_input_a_rsc_z);
+ dot_product_INST->input_b_rsc_z(TLS_input_b_rsc_z);
+ dot_product_INST->output_rsc_z(TLS_output_rsc_z);
+ arst_n_driver = new mc_programmable_reset(
+ "arst_n_driver",
+ 40.0,
+ 1
+ );
+ arst_n_driver->reset_out(TLS_arst_n);
+ input_a_rsc_INST = new mgc_in_wire_trans_rsc< 5,8 > (
+ "input_a_rsc",
+ true
+ );
+ input_a_rsc_INST->z(TLS_input_a_rsc_z);
+ input_a_rsc_INST->clk(clk);
+ input_a_rsc_INST->add_attribute(*(new sc_attribute<double>("CLK_SKEW_DELAY", __scv_hold_time_RSCID_1 )));
+ input_b_rsc_INST = new mgc_in_wire_trans_rsc< 5,8 > (
+ "input_b_rsc",
+ true
+ );
+ input_b_rsc_INST->z(TLS_input_b_rsc_z);
+ input_b_rsc_INST->clk(clk);
+ input_b_rsc_INST->add_attribute(*(new sc_attribute<double>("CLK_SKEW_DELAY", __scv_hold_time_RSCID_2 )));
+ output_rsc_INST = new mgc_out_stdreg_trans_rsc< 1,8 > (
+ "output_rsc",
+ true
+ );
+ output_rsc_INST->z(TLS_output_rsc_z);
+ output_rsc_INST->clk(clk);
+ output_rsc_INST->add_attribute(*(new sc_attribute<double>("CLK_SKEW_DELAY", __scv_hold_time_RSCID_3 )));
+ input_a_transactor = new mc_input_transactor<ac_int<8, true >,8,true> (
+ "transactor_input_a",
+ 0,
+ 8,
+ 0,
+ false
+ );
+ input_a_transactor->in_wait_ctrl_fifo(TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_a);
+ input_a_transactor->in_fifo(TLS_fifo_in_input_a);
+ input_a_transactor->add_attribute(*(new sc_attribute<int>("MC_TRANSACTOR_EVENT", MC_TRANSACTOR_UNDERFLOW | MC_TRANSACTOR_WAIT )));
+ input_a_transactor->bind_clk(clk,true);
+ input_a_transactor->register_block(input_a_rsc_INST,input_a_rsc_INST->basename(),in_sync,0,4,1);
+ input_b_transactor = new mc_input_transactor<ac_int<8, true >,8,true> (
+ "transactor_input_b",
+ 0,
+ 8,
+ 0,
+ false
+ );
+ input_b_transactor->in_wait_ctrl_fifo(TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_b);
+ input_b_transactor->in_fifo(TLS_fifo_in_input_b);
+ input_b_transactor->add_attribute(*(new sc_attribute<int>("MC_TRANSACTOR_EVENT", MC_TRANSACTOR_UNDERFLOW | MC_TRANSACTOR_WAIT )));
+ input_b_transactor->bind_clk(clk,true);
+ input_b_transactor->register_block(input_b_rsc_INST,input_b_rsc_INST->basename(),in_sync,0,4,1);
+ output_transactor = new mc_output_transactor<ac_int<8, true >,8,true> (
+ "transactor_output",
+ 0,
+ 8,
+ 0
+ );
+ output_transactor->out_wait_ctrl_fifo(TLS_out_wait_ctrl_fifo_output);
+ output_transactor->out_fifo(TLS_fifo_out_output);
+ output_transactor->add_attribute(*(new sc_attribute<int>("MC_TRANSACTOR_EVENT", MC_TRANSACTOR_UNDERFLOW | MC_TRANSACTOR_WAIT )));
+ output_transactor->bind_clk(clk,true);
+ output_transactor->register_block(output_rsc_INST,output_rsc_INST->basename(),out_sync,0,0,1);
+ testbench_INST = new testbench(
+ "user_tb"
+ );
+ testbench_INST->clk(clk);
+ testbench_INST->ccs_input_a(TLS_fifo_in_input_a);
+ testbench_INST->ccs_wait_ctrl_input_a(TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_a);
+ testbench_INST->ccs_input_b(TLS_fifo_in_input_b);
+ testbench_INST->ccs_wait_ctrl_input_b(TLS_in_wait_ctrl_fifo_input_b);
+ testbench_INST->ccs_output(TLS_fifo_out_output);
+ testbench_INST->ccs_wait_ctrl_output(TLS_out_wait_ctrl_fifo_output);
+ // Register processes
+ SC_METHOD(deadlock_notify);
+ sensitive << deadlock_event;
+ dont_initialize();
+ SC_METHOD(deadlock_watch);
+ sensitive << clk;
+ dont_initialize();
+ SC_METHOD(generate_sync);
+ sensitive << clk << rst;
+ dont_initialize();
+ SC_METHOD(generate_reset);
+ sensitive << reset_deactivation_event;
+ // Other constructor statements
+ // set seed for random number generator used by wait_ctrl
+ mt19937_init_genrand(19650218UL);
+ install_observe_foreign_signals();
+ }
+ ~scverify_top()
+ {
+ delete dot_product_INST;
+ dot_product_INST = 0;
+ delete arst_n_driver;
+ arst_n_driver = 0;
+ delete input_a_rsc_INST;
+ input_a_rsc_INST = 0;
+ delete input_b_rsc_INST;
+ input_b_rsc_INST = 0;
+ delete output_rsc_INST;
+ output_rsc_INST = 0;
+ delete input_a_transactor;
+ input_a_transactor = 0;
+ delete input_b_transactor;
+ input_b_transactor = 0;
+ delete output_transactor;
+ output_transactor = 0;
+ delete testbench_INST;
+ testbench_INST = 0;
+ }
+ // C++ class functions
+ public:
+ void setup_debug() ;
+ public:
+ void install_observe_foreign_signals() ;
+ public:
+ void debug(const char *varname, int flags, int count) ;