path: root/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v9/scverify/mc_testbench.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v9/scverify/mc_testbench.cpp')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v9/scverify/mc_testbench.cpp b/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v9/scverify/mc_testbench.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7015677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dot_product/dot_product/dot_product.v9/scverify/mc_testbench.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SystemC Testbench Body
+// HLS version: 2011a.126 Production Release
+// HLS date: Wed Aug 8 00:52:07 PDT 2012
+// Flow Packages: HDL_Tcl 2008a.1, SCVerify 2009a.1
+// Generated by: mg3115@EEWS104A-015
+// Generated date: Tue Mar 01 14:54:47 +0000 2016
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------------------------
+// testbench
+// User supplied testbench
+// -------------------------------------
+#include "mc_testbench.h"
+#include <mc_simulator_extensions.h>
+testbench* testbench::that;
+std::vector<mc_end_of_testbench*> testbench::_end_of_tb_objs;
+bool testbench::input_a_ignore;
+bool testbench::input_a_skip;
+void mc_testbench_input_a_skip(bool v) { testbench::input_a_skip = v; }
+int testbench::input_a_array_comp_first;
+int testbench::input_a_array_comp_last;
+int testbench::input_a_wait_cycles;
+mc_wait_ctrl testbench::input_a_wait_ctrl;
+bool testbench::input_b_ignore;
+bool testbench::input_b_skip;
+void mc_testbench_input_b_skip(bool v) { testbench::input_b_skip = v; }
+int testbench::input_b_array_comp_first;
+int testbench::input_b_array_comp_last;
+int testbench::input_b_wait_cycles;
+mc_wait_ctrl testbench::input_b_wait_ctrl;
+bool testbench::output_ignore;
+bool testbench::output_skip;
+void mc_testbench_output_skip(bool v) { testbench::output_skip = v; }
+int testbench::output_array_comp_first;
+int testbench::output_array_comp_last;
+bool testbench::output_use_mask;
+ac_int<8, true > testbench::output_output_mask;
+int testbench::output_wait_cycles;
+mc_wait_ctrl testbench::output_wait_ctrl;
+extern "C++" void dot_product( ac_int<8, true > *input_a, ac_int<8, true > *input_b, ac_int<8, true > *output);
+// ============================================
+// Function: mc_testbench_process_wait_ctrl
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::mc_testbench_process_wait_ctrl(const sc_string &var,int &var_wait_cycles,mc_wait_ctrl &var_wait_ctrl,tlm::tlm_fifo_put_if< mc_wait_ctrl > *ccs_wait_ctrl_fifo_if,const int var_capture_count,const int var_stopat)
+ if (var_wait_cycles) {
+ // backward compatibility mode
+ var_wait_ctrl.cycles = var_wait_cycles;
+ var_wait_cycles = 0;
+ std::ostringstream msg; msg.str("");
+ msg << "Depricated use of '" << var << "_wait_cycles' variable. Use '" << var << "_wait_ctrl.cycles' instead.";
+ SC_REPORT_WARNING("User testbench", msg.str().c_str());
+ }
+ if (var_wait_ctrl.cycles != 0) {
+ var_wait_ctrl.iteration = var_capture_count;
+ var_wait_ctrl.stopat = var_stopat;
+ if (var_wait_ctrl.cycles < 0) {
+ std::ostringstream msg; msg.str("");
+ msg << "Ignoring negative value (" << var_wait_ctrl.cycles << ") for testbench control testbench::" << var << "_wait_ctrl.cycles.";
+ SC_REPORT_WARNING("User testbench", msg.str().c_str());
+ var_wait_ctrl.cycles = 0;
+ }
+ if (var_wait_ctrl.interval < 0) {
+ std::ostringstream msg; msg.str("");
+ msg << "Ignoring negative value (" << var_wait_ctrl.interval << ") for testbench control testbench::" << var << "_wait_ctrl.interval.";
+ SC_REPORT_WARNING("User testbench", msg.str().c_str());
+ var_wait_ctrl.interval = 0;
+ }
+ if (var_wait_ctrl.is_set()) {
+ std::ostringstream msg; msg.str("");
+ msg << "Captured wait_ctrl request " << var_wait_ctrl;
+ SC_REPORT_INFO("User testbench", msg.str().c_str());
+ ccs_wait_ctrl_fifo_if->put(var_wait_ctrl);
+ }
+ }
+ var_wait_ctrl.clear(); // reset wait_ctrl
+// ============================================
+// Function: register_end_of_testbench_obj
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::register_end_of_testbench_obj(mc_end_of_testbench* obj)
+ _end_of_tb_objs.push_back(obj);
+// ============================================
+// Function: capture_input_a
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::capture_input_a( ac_int<8, true > *input_a)
+ if (input_a_capture_count == wait_cnt)
+ wait_on_input_required();
+ if (_capture_input_a && !input_a_ignore)
+ {
+ int cur_iter=input_a_iteration_count;
+ ++input_a_iteration_count;
+ ccs_input_a->put((*input_a));
+ ++input_a_capture_count;
+ mc_testbench_process_wait_ctrl("input_a",input_a_wait_cycles,input_a_wait_ctrl,ccs_wait_ctrl_input_a.operator->(),cur_iter,input_a_capture_count);
+ input_a_ignore = false;
+ }
+// ============================================
+// Function: capture_input_b
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::capture_input_b( ac_int<8, true > *input_b)
+ if (input_b_capture_count == wait_cnt)
+ wait_on_input_required();
+ if (_capture_input_b && !input_b_ignore)
+ {
+ int cur_iter=input_b_iteration_count;
+ ++input_b_iteration_count;
+ ccs_input_b->put((*input_b));
+ ++input_b_capture_count;
+ mc_testbench_process_wait_ctrl("input_b",input_b_wait_cycles,input_b_wait_ctrl,ccs_wait_ctrl_input_b.operator->(),cur_iter,input_b_capture_count);
+ input_b_ignore = false;
+ }
+// ============================================
+// Function: capture_output
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::capture_output( ac_int<8, true > *output)
+ if (_capture_output)
+ {
+ int cur_iter=output_iteration_count;
+ ++output_iteration_count;
+ mc_golden_info< ac_int<8, true >, ac_int<8, true > > output_tmp((*output), output_ignore, ~0, false, output_iteration_count);
+ // BEGIN: testbench output_mask control for field_name output
+ if ( output_use_mask ) {
+ output_tmp._use_mask = true;
+ output_tmp._mask = output_output_mask ;
+ }
+ // END: testbench output_mask control for field_name output
+ if (!output_skip) {
+ output_golden.put(output_tmp);
+ ++output_capture_count;
+ } else {
+ std::ostringstream msg; msg.str("");
+ msg << "output_skip=true for iteration=" << output_iteration_count << " @ " << sc_time_stamp();
+ SC_REPORT_WARNING("User testbench", msg.str().c_str());
+ }
+ mc_testbench_process_wait_ctrl("output",output_wait_cycles,output_wait_ctrl,ccs_wait_ctrl_output.operator->(),cur_iter,output_capture_count);
+ output_ignore = false;
+ output_use_mask = false;
+ }
+ output_skip = false;
+// ============================================
+// Function: wait_on_input_required
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::wait_on_input_required()
+ ++wait_cnt;
+ wait(SC_ZERO_TIME); // get fifos a chance to update
+ while (atleast_one_active_input) {
+ if (_capture_input_a && ccs_input_a->used() == 0) return;
+ if (_capture_input_b && ccs_input_b->used() == 0) return;
+ that->cpp_testbench_active.write(false);
+ wait(ccs_input_a->ok_to_put() | ccs_input_b->ok_to_put());
+ that->cpp_testbench_active.write(true);
+ }
+// ============================================
+// Function: capture_IN
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::capture_IN( ac_int<8, true > *input_a, ac_int<8, true > *input_b, ac_int<8, true > *output)
+ that->capture_input_a(input_a);
+ that->capture_input_b(input_b);
+// ============================================
+// Function: capture_OUT
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::capture_OUT( ac_int<8, true > *input_a, ac_int<8, true > *input_b, ac_int<8, true > *output)
+ that->capture_output(output);
+// ============================================
+// Function: exec_dot_product
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::exec_dot_product( ac_int<8, true > *input_a, ac_int<8, true > *input_b, ac_int<8, true > *output)
+ that->cpp_testbench_active.write(true);
+ capture_IN(input_a, input_b, output);
+ dot_product(input_a, input_b, output);
+ // throttle ac_channel based on number of calls to chan::size() or chan::empty() or chan::nb_read() (but not chan::available())
+ if (1) {
+ int cnt=0;
+ if (cnt) std::cout << "mc_testbench.cpp: CONTINUES @ " << sc_time_stamp() << std::endl;
+ if (cnt) that->cpp_testbench_active.write(true);
+ }
+ capture_OUT(input_a, input_b, output);
+// ============================================
+// Function: end_of_simulation
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::end_of_simulation()
+ if (!_checked_results) {
+ SC_REPORT_INFO(name(), "Simulation ran into deadlock");
+ check_results();
+ }
+// ============================================
+// Function: check_results
+// --------------------------------------------
+void testbench::check_results()
+ for (std::vector<mc_end_of_testbench*>::iterator i = _end_of_tb_objs.begin(); i != _end_of_tb_objs.end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->end_of_testbench();
+ _checked_results = true;
+ cout<<endl;
+ cout<<"Checking results"<<endl;
+ _failed = false;
+ if (main_exit_code) _failed = true;
+ int _num_outputs_checked = 0;
+ if (!_capture_output) {
+ cout<<"'output' - warning, output was optimized away"<<endl;
+ } else {
+ _num_outputs_checked++;
+ cout<<"'output'"<<endl;
+ cout<<" capture count = "<<output_capture_count<<endl;
+ cout<<" comparison count = "<<output_comp->get_compare_count();
+ if (output_comp->get_partial_compare_count())
+ cout <<" ("<<output_comp->get_partial_compare_count()<<" partial)";
+ if (output_comp->get_mask_compare_count())
+ cout <<" ("<<output_comp->get_mask_compare_count()<<" masked)";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout<<" ignore count = "<<output_comp->get_ignore_count()<<endl;
+ cout<<" error count = "<<output_comp->get_error_count()<<endl;
+ cout<<" stuck in dut fifo = "<<ccs_output->used()<<endl;
+ cout<<" stuck in golden fifo = "<<output_golden.used()<<endl;
+ if (output_comp->get_error_count() > 0) cout << " Error: output 'output' had comparison errors"<<endl;
+ if (output_comp->get_compare_count() < output_capture_count) cout << " Error: output 'output' has incomplete comparisons"<<endl;
+ if (output_capture_count == 0) cout << " Error: output 'output' has no golden values to compare against"<<endl;
+ _failed = _failed || output_comp->get_error_count() > 0;
+ _failed = _failed || output_comp->get_compare_count() < output_capture_count;
+ _failed = _failed || output_capture_count == 0;
+ cout<<endl;
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ if (_num_outputs_checked == 0) {
+ cout<<"Error: All outputs were optimized away. No output values were compared."<<endl;
+ _failed = _failed || (_num_outputs_checked == 0);
+ }
+ if (main_exit_code) cout << "Error: C++ Testbench 'main()' returned a non-zero exit code ("<<main_exit_code<<"). Check your testbench." <<endl;
+ cout<<(_failed ? "Error: ":"Info: ")<<"Simulation "<<(_failed ? "FAILED":"PASSED")<<" @ "<<sc_time_stamp()<<endl;
+ if (_failed) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Error: Simulation may have failed due to incorrect testbench stimulus synchronization. Try turning on the TRANSACTION_DONE_SIGNAL directive." << endl;
+ }
+// ============================================
+// Function: failed
+// --------------------------------------------
+bool testbench::failed()
+ return _failed;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Process: SC_METHOD wait_for_end
+// Static sensitivity: sensitive << clk.pos() << testbench_end_event;
+void testbench::wait_for_end() {
+ // If run() has not finished, we do nothing here
+ if (!testbench_ended) return;
+ // check for completed outputs
+ if (output_comp->get_compare_count() < output_capture_count) {testbench_end_event.notify(1,SC_NS); return;}
+ // If we made it here, all outputs have flushed. Check the results
+ SC_REPORT_INFO(name(), "Simulation completed");
+ check_results();
+ sc_stop();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Process: SC_THREAD run
+// Static sensitivity:
+void testbench::run() {
+ input_a_ignore = false;
+ input_a_skip = false;
+ input_a_array_comp_first = -1;
+ input_a_array_comp_last = -1;
+ input_a_wait_cycles = 0;
+ input_a_wait_ctrl.clear();
+ input_a_capture_count = 0;
+ input_a_iteration_count = 0;
+ input_b_ignore = false;
+ input_b_skip = false;
+ input_b_array_comp_first = -1;
+ input_b_array_comp_last = -1;
+ input_b_wait_cycles = 0;
+ input_b_wait_ctrl.clear();
+ input_b_capture_count = 0;
+ input_b_iteration_count = 0;
+ output_ignore = false;
+ output_skip = false;
+ output_array_comp_first = -1;
+ output_array_comp_last = -1;
+ output_use_mask = false;
+ output_output_mask = ~0;
+ output_wait_cycles = 0;
+ output_wait_ctrl.clear();
+ output_capture_count = 0;
+ output_iteration_count = 0;
+ main_exit_code = main();
+ cout<<"Info: Execution of user-supplied C++ testbench 'main()' has completed with exit code = " << main_exit_code << endl;
+ cout<<endl;
+ cout<<"Info: Collecting data completed"<<endl;
+ cout<<" captured "<<input_a_capture_count<<" values of input_a"<<endl;
+ cout<<" captured "<<input_b_capture_count<<" values of input_b"<<endl;
+ cout<<" captured "<<output_capture_count<<" values of output"<<endl;
+ testbench_ended = true;
+ testbench_end_event.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME);