path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/intopt/cfg1.c
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-04-20 14:06:21 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-04-20 14:06:21 +0200
commit168393089024b5f926836cb813fddf14e6b6e4d4 (patch)
tree5d018198dc26be847544f162b87ad3dcecbab479 /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/intopt/cfg1.c
parent633b72565b022f159526338b5bbb9fcac86dfd2b (diff)
parentb3431b1d9ee5121883d307cff0b62b7e53369891 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/mppa-work' into mppa-fast-div
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/intopt/cfg1.c')
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/intopt/cfg1.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/intopt/cfg1.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80a2e834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/intopt/cfg1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+/* cfg1.c (conflict graph) */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "cfg.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#include "prob.h"
+#include "wclique.h"
+#include "wclique1.h"
+* cfg_build_graph - build conflict graph
+* This routine builds the conflict graph. It analyzes the specified
+* problem object to discover original and implied packing inequalities
+* and adds corresponding cliques to the conflict graph.
+* Packing inequality has the form:
+* sum z[j] <= 1, (1)
+* j in J
+* where z[j] = x[j] or z[j] = 1 - x[j], x[j] is an original binary
+* variable. Every packing inequality (1) is equivalent to a set of
+* edge inequalities:
+* z[i] + z[j] <= 1 for all i, j in J, i != j, (2)
+* and since every edge inequality (2) defines an edge in the conflict
+* graph, corresponding packing inequality (1) defines a clique.
+* To discover packing inequalities the routine analyzes constraints
+* of the specified MIP. To simplify the analysis each constraint is
+* analyzed separately. The analysis is performed as follows.
+* Let some original constraint be the following:
+* L <= sum a[j] x[j] <= U. (3)
+* To analyze it the routine analyzes two constraints of "not greater
+* than" type:
+* sum (-a[j]) x[j] <= -L, (4)
+* sum (+a[j]) x[j] <= +U, (5)
+* which are relaxations of the original constraint (3). (If, however,
+* L = -oo, or U = +oo, corresponding constraint being redundant is not
+* analyzed.)
+* Let a constraint of "not greater than" type be the following:
+* sum a[j] x[j] + sum a[j] x[j] <= b, (6)
+* j in J j in J'
+* where J is a subset of binary variables, J' is a subset of other
+* (continues and non-binary integer) variables. The constraint (6) is
+* is relaxed as follows, to eliminate non-binary variables:
+* sum a[j] x[j] <= b - sum a[j] x[j] <= b', (7)
+* j in J j in J'
+* b' = sup(b - sum a[j] x[j]) =
+* j in J'
+* = b - inf(sum a[j] x[j]) =
+* = b - sum inf(a[j] x[j]) = (8)
+* = b - sum a[j] inf(x[j]) - sum a[j] sup(x[j]) =
+* a[j]>0 a[j]<0
+* = b - sum a[j] l[j] - sum a[j] u[j],
+* a[j]>0 a[j]<0
+* where l[j] and u[j] are, resp., lower and upper bounds of x[j].
+* Then the routine transforms the relaxed constraint containing only
+* binary variables:
+* sum a[j] x[j] <= b (9)
+* to an equivalent 0-1 knapsack constraint as follows:
+* sum a[j] x[j] + sum a[j] x[j] <= b ==>
+* a[j]>0 a[j]<0
+* sum a[j] x[j] + sum a[j] (1 - x[j]) <= b ==>
+* a[j]>0 a[j]<0 (10)
+* sum (+a[j]) x[j] + sum (-a[j]) x[j] <= b + sum (-a[j]) ==>
+* a[j]>0 a[j]<0 a[j]<0
+* sum a'[j] z[j] <= b',
+* where a'[j] = |a[j]| > 0, and
+* ( x[j] if a[j] > 0
+* z[j] = <
+* ( 1 - x[j] if a[j] < 0
+* is a binary variable, which is either original binary variable x[j]
+* or its complement.
+* Finally, the routine analyzes the resultant 0-1 knapsack inequality:
+* sum a[j] z[j] <= b, (11)
+* j in J
+* where all a[j] are positive, to discover clique inequalities (1),
+* which are valid for (11) and therefore valid for (3). (It is assumed
+* that the original MIP has been preprocessed, so it is not checked,
+* for example, that b > 0 or that a[j] <= b.)
+* In principle, to discover any edge inequalities valid for (11) it
+* is sufficient to check whether a[i] + a[j] > b for all i, j in J,
+* i < j. However, this way requires O(|J|^2) checks, so the routine
+* analyses (11) in the following way, which is much more efficient in
+* many practical cases.
+* 1. Let a[p] and a[q] be two minimal coefficients:
+* a[p] = min a[j], (12)
+* a[q] = min a[j], j != p, (13)
+* such that
+* a[p] + a[q] > b. (14)
+* This means that a[i] + a[j] > b for any i, j in J, i != j, so
+* z[i] + z[j] <= 1 (15)
+* are valid for (11) for any i, j in J, i != j. This case means that
+* J define a clique in the conflict graph.
+* 2. Otherwise, let a[p] and [q] be two maximal coefficients:
+* a[p] = max a[j], (16)
+* a[q] = max a[j], j != p, (17)
+* such that
+* a[p] + a[q] <= b. (18)
+* This means that a[i] + a[j] <= b for any i, j in J, i != j, so in
+* this case no valid edge inequalities for (11) exist.
+* 3. Otherwise, let all a[j] be ordered by descending their values:
+* a[1] >= a[2] >= ... >= a[p-1] >= a[p] >= a[p+1] >= ... (19)
+* where p is such that
+* a[p-1] + a[p] > b, (20)
+* a[p] + a[p+1] <= b. (21)
+* (May note that due to the former two cases in this case we always
+* have 2 <= p <= |J|-1.)
+* Since a[p] and a[p-1] are two minimal coefficients in the set
+* J' = {1, ..., p}, J' define a clique in the conflict graph for the
+* same reason as in the first case. Similarly, since a[p] and a[p+1]
+* are two maximal coefficients in the set J" = {p, ..., |J|}, no edge
+* inequalities exist for all i, j in J" for the same reason as in the
+* second case. Thus, to discover other edge inequalities (15) valid
+* for (11), the routine checks if a[i] + a[j] > b for all i in J',
+* j in J", i != j. */
+#define is_binary(j) \
+ (P->col[j]->kind == GLP_IV && P->col[j]->type == GLP_DB && \
+ P->col[j]->lb == 0.0 && P->col[j]->ub == 1.0)
+/* check if x[j] is binary variable */
+struct term { int ind; double val; };
+/* term a[j] * z[j] used to sort a[j]'s */
+static int CDECL fcmp(const void *e1, const void *e2)
+{ /* auxiliary routine called from qsort */
+ const struct term *t1 = e1, *t2 = e2;
+ if (t1->val > t2->val)
+ return -1;
+ else if (t1->val < t2->val)
+ return +1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static void analyze_ineq(glp_prob *P, CFG *G, int len, int ind[],
+ double val[], double rhs, struct term t[])
+{ /* analyze inequality constraint (6) */
+ /* P is the original MIP
+ * G is the conflict graph to be built
+ * len is the number of terms in the constraint
+ * ind[1], ..., ind[len] are indices of variables x[j]
+ * val[1], ..., val[len] are constraint coefficients a[j]
+ * rhs is the right-hand side b
+ * t[1+len] is a working array */
+ int j, k, kk, p, q, type, new_len;
+ /* eliminate non-binary variables; see (7) and (8) */
+ new_len = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { /* get index of variable x[j] */
+ j = ind[k];
+ if (is_binary(j))
+ { /* x[j] remains in relaxed constraint */
+ new_len++;
+ ind[new_len] = j;
+ val[new_len] = val[k];
+ }
+ else if (val[k] > 0.0)
+ { /* eliminate non-binary x[j] in case a[j] > 0 */
+ /* b := b - a[j] * l[j]; see (8) */
+ type = P->col[j]->type;
+ if (type == GLP_FR || type == GLP_UP)
+ { /* x[j] has no lower bound */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ rhs -= val[k] * P->col[j]->lb;
+ }
+ else /* val[j] < 0.0 */
+ { /* eliminate non-binary x[j] in case a[j] < 0 */
+ /* b := b - a[j] * u[j]; see (8) */
+ type = P->col[j]->type;
+ if (type == GLP_FR || type == GLP_LO)
+ { /* x[j] has no upper bound */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ rhs -= val[k] * P->col[j]->ub;
+ }
+ }
+ len = new_len;
+ /* now we have the constraint (9) */
+ if (len <= 1)
+ { /* at least two terms are needed */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* make all constraint coefficients positive; see (10) */
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { if (val[k] < 0.0)
+ { /* a[j] < 0; substitute x[j] = 1 - x'[j], where x'[j] is
+ * a complement binary variable */
+ ind[k] = -ind[k];
+ val[k] = -val[k];
+ rhs += val[k];
+ }
+ }
+ /* now we have 0-1 knapsack inequality (11) */
+ /* increase the right-hand side a bit to avoid false checks due
+ * to rounding errors */
+ rhs += 0.001 * (1.0 + fabs(rhs));
+ /*** first case ***/
+ /* find two minimal coefficients a[p] and a[q] */
+ p = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { if (p == 0 || val[p] > val[k])
+ p = k;
+ }
+ q = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { if (k != p && (q == 0 || val[q] > val[k]))
+ q = k;
+ }
+ xassert(p != 0 && q != 0 && p != q);
+ /* check condition (14) */
+ if (val[p] + val[q] > rhs)
+ { /* all z[j] define a clique in the conflict graph */
+ cfg_add_clique(G, len, ind);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*** second case ***/
+ /* find two maximal coefficients a[p] and a[q] */
+ p = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { if (p == 0 || val[p] < val[k])
+ p = k;
+ }
+ q = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { if (k != p && (q == 0 || val[q] < val[k]))
+ q = k;
+ }
+ xassert(p != 0 && q != 0 && p != q);
+ /* check condition (18) */
+ if (val[p] + val[q] <= rhs)
+ { /* no valid edge inequalities exist */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*** third case ***/
+ xassert(len >= 3);
+ /* sort terms in descending order of coefficient values */
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { t[k].ind = ind[k];
+ t[k].val = val[k];
+ }
+ qsort(&t[1], len, sizeof(struct term), fcmp);
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { ind[k] = t[k].ind;
+ val[k] = t[k].val;
+ }
+ /* now a[1] >= a[2] >= ... >= a[len-1] >= a[len] */
+ /* note that a[1] + a[2] > b and a[len-1] + a[len] <= b due two
+ * the former two cases */
+ xassert(val[1] + val[2] > rhs);
+ xassert(val[len-1] + val[len] <= rhs);
+ /* find p according to conditions (20) and (21) */
+ for (p = 2; p < len; p++)
+ { if (val[p] + val[p+1] <= rhs)
+ break;
+ }
+ xassert(p < len);
+ /* z[1], ..., z[p] define a clique in the conflict graph */
+ cfg_add_clique(G, p, ind);
+ /* discover other edge inequalities */
+ for (k = 1; k <= p; k++)
+ { for (kk = p; kk <= len; kk++)
+ { if (k != kk && val[k] + val[kk] > rhs)
+ { int iii[1+2];
+ iii[1] = ind[k];
+ iii[2] = ind[kk];
+ cfg_add_clique(G, 2, iii);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+done: return;
+CFG *cfg_build_graph(void *P_)
+{ glp_prob *P = P_;
+ int m = P->m;
+ int n = P->n;
+ CFG *G;
+ int i, k, type, len, *ind;
+ double *val;
+ struct term *t;
+ /* create the conflict graph (number of its vertices cannot be
+ * greater than double number of binary variables) */
+ G = cfg_create_graph(n, 2 * glp_get_num_bin(P));
+ /* allocate working arrays */
+ ind = talloc(1+n, int);
+ val = talloc(1+n, double);
+ t = talloc(1+n, struct term);
+ /* analyze constraints to discover edge inequalities */
+ for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
+ { type = P->row[i]->type;
+ if (type == GLP_LO || type == GLP_DB || type == GLP_FX)
+ { /* i-th row has lower bound */
+ /* analyze inequality sum (-a[j]) * x[j] <= -lb */
+ len = glp_get_mat_row(P, i, ind, val);
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ val[k] = -val[k];
+ analyze_ineq(P, G, len, ind, val, -P->row[i]->lb, t);
+ }
+ if (type == GLP_UP || type == GLP_DB || type == GLP_FX)
+ { /* i-th row has upper bound */
+ /* analyze inequality sum (+a[j]) * x[j] <= +ub */
+ len = glp_get_mat_row(P, i, ind, val);
+ analyze_ineq(P, G, len, ind, val, +P->row[i]->ub, t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* free working arrays */
+ tfree(ind);
+ tfree(val);
+ tfree(t);
+ return G;
+* cfg_find_clique - find maximum weight clique in conflict graph
+* This routine finds a maximum weight clique in the conflict graph
+* G = (V, E), where the weight of vertex v in V is the value of
+* corresponding binary variable z (which is either an original binary
+* variable or its complement) in the optimal solution to LP relaxation
+* provided in the problem object. The goal is to find a clique in G,
+* whose weight is greater than 1, in which case corresponding packing
+* inequality is violated at the optimal point.
+* On exit the routine stores vertex indices of the conflict graph
+* included in the clique found to locations ind[1], ..., ind[len], and
+* returns len, which is the clique size. The clique weight is stored
+* in location pointed to by the parameter sum. If no clique has been
+* found, the routine returns 0.
+* Since the conflict graph may have a big number of vertices and be
+* quite dense, the routine uses an induced subgraph G' = (V', E'),
+* which is constructed as follows:
+* 1. If the weight of some vertex v in V is zero (close to zero), it
+* is not included in V'. Obviously, including in a clique
+* zero-weight vertices does not change its weight, so if in G there
+* exist a clique of a non-zero weight, in G' exists a clique of the
+* same weight. This point is extremely important, because dropping
+* out zero-weight vertices can be done without retrieving lists of
+* adjacent vertices whose size may be very large.
+* 2. Cumulative weight of vertex v in V is the sum of the weight of v
+* and weights of all vertices in V adjacent to v. Obviously, if
+* a clique includes a vertex v, the clique weight cannot be greater
+* than the cumulative weight of v. Since we are interested only in
+* cliques whose weight is greater than 1, vertices of V, whose
+* cumulative weight is not greater than 1, are not included in V'.
+* May note that in many practical cases the size of the induced
+* subgraph G' is much less than the size of the original conflict
+* graph G due to many binary variables, whose optimal values are zero
+* or close to zero. For example, it may happen that |V| = 100,000 and
+* |E| = 1e9 while |V'| = 50 and |E'| = 1000. */
+struct csa
+{ /* common storage area */
+ glp_prob *P;
+ /* original MIP */
+ CFG *G;
+ /* original conflict graph G = (V, E), |V| = nv */
+ int *ind; /* int ind[1+nv]; */
+ /* working array */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* induced subgraph G' = (V', E') of original conflict graph */
+ int nn;
+ /* number of vertices in V' */
+ int *vtoi; /* int vtoi[1+nv]; */
+ /* vtoi[v] = i, 1 <= v <= nv, means that vertex v in V is vertex
+ * i in V'; vtoi[v] = 0 means that vertex v is not included in
+ * the subgraph */
+ int *itov; /* int itov[1+nv]; */
+ /* itov[i] = v, 1 <= i <= nn, means that vertex i in V' is vertex
+ * v in V */
+ double *wgt; /* double wgt[1+nv]; */
+ /* wgt[i], 1 <= i <= nn, is a weight of vertex i in V', which is
+ * the value of corresponding binary variable in optimal solution
+ * to LP relaxation */
+static void build_subgraph(struct csa *csa)
+{ /* build induced subgraph */
+ glp_prob *P = csa->P;
+ int n = P->n;
+ CFG *G = csa->G;
+ int *ind = csa->ind;
+ int *pos = G->pos;
+ int *neg = G->neg;
+ int nv = G->nv;
+ int *ref = G->ref;
+ int *vtoi = csa->vtoi;
+ int *itov = csa->itov;
+ double *wgt = csa->wgt;
+ int j, k, v, w, nn, len;
+ double z, sum;
+ /* initially induced subgraph is empty */
+ nn = 0;
+ /* walk thru vertices of original conflict graph */
+ for (v = 1; v <= nv; v++)
+ { /* determine value of binary variable z[j] that corresponds to
+ * vertex v */
+ j = ref[v];
+ xassert(1 <= j && j <= n);
+ if (pos[j] == v)
+ { /* z[j] = x[j], where x[j] is original variable */
+ z = P->col[j]->prim;
+ }
+ else if (neg[j] == v)
+ { /* z[j] = 1 - x[j], where x[j] is original variable */
+ z = 1.0 - P->col[j]->prim;
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(v != v);
+ /* if z[j] is close to zero, do not include v in the induced
+ * subgraph */
+ if (z < 0.001)
+ { vtoi[v] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* calculate cumulative weight of vertex v */
+ sum = z;
+ /* walk thru all vertices adjacent to v */
+ len = cfg_get_adjacent(G, v, ind);
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { /* there is an edge (v,w) in the conflict graph */
+ w = ind[k];
+ xassert(w != v);
+ /* add value of z[j] that corresponds to vertex w */
+ j = ref[w];
+ xassert(1 <= j && j <= n);
+ if (pos[j] == w)
+ sum += P->col[j]->prim;
+ else if (neg[j] == w)
+ sum += 1.0 - P->col[j]->prim;
+ else
+ xassert(w != w);
+ }
+ /* cumulative weight of vertex v is an upper bound of weight
+ * of any clique containing v; so if it not greater than 1, do
+ * not include v in the induced subgraph */
+ if (sum < 1.010)
+ { vtoi[v] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* include vertex v in the induced subgraph */
+ nn++;
+ vtoi[v] = nn;
+ itov[nn] = v;
+ wgt[nn] = z;
+ }
+ /* induced subgraph has been built */
+ csa->nn = nn;
+ return;
+static int sub_adjacent(struct csa *csa, int i, int adj[])
+{ /* retrieve vertices of induced subgraph adjacent to specified
+ * vertex */
+ CFG *G = csa->G;
+ int nv = G->nv;
+ int *ind = csa->ind;
+ int nn = csa->nn;
+ int *vtoi = csa->vtoi;
+ int *itov = csa->itov;
+ int j, k, v, w, len, len1;
+ /* determine original vertex v corresponding to vertex i */
+ xassert(1 <= i && i <= nn);
+ v = itov[i];
+ /* retrieve vertices adjacent to vertex v in original graph */
+ len1 = cfg_get_adjacent(G, v, ind);
+ /* keep only adjacent vertices which are in induced subgraph and
+ * change their numbers appropriately */
+ len = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len1; k++)
+ { /* there exists edge (v, w) in original graph */
+ w = ind[k];
+ xassert(1 <= w && w <= nv && w != v);
+ j = vtoi[w];
+ if (j != 0)
+ { /* vertex w is vertex j in induced subgraph */
+ xassert(1 <= j && j <= nn && j != i);
+ adj[++len] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ return len;
+static int find_clique(struct csa *csa, int c_ind[])
+{ /* find maximum weight clique in induced subgraph with exact
+ * Ostergard's algorithm */
+ int nn = csa->nn;
+ double *wgt = csa->wgt;
+ int i, j, k, p, q, t, ne, nb, len, *iwt, *ind;
+ unsigned char *a;
+ xassert(nn >= 2);
+ /* allocate working array */
+ ind = talloc(1+nn, int);
+ /* calculate the number of elements in lower triangle (without
+ * diagonal) of adjacency matrix of induced subgraph */
+ ne = (nn * (nn - 1)) / 2;
+ /* calculate the number of bytes needed to store lower triangle
+ * of adjacency matrix */
+ nb = (ne + (CHAR_BIT - 1)) / CHAR_BIT;
+ /* allocate lower triangle of adjacency matrix */
+ a = talloc(nb, unsigned char);
+ /* fill lower triangle of adjacency matrix */
+ memset(a, 0, nb);
+ for (p = 1; p <= nn; p++)
+ { /* retrieve vertices adjacent to vertex p */
+ len = sub_adjacent(csa, p, ind);
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { /* there exists edge (p, q) in induced subgraph */
+ q = ind[k];
+ xassert(1 <= q && q <= nn && q != p);
+ /* determine row and column indices of this edge in lower
+ * triangle of adjacency matrix */
+ if (p > q)
+ i = p, j = q;
+ else /* p < q */
+ i = q, j = p;
+ /* set bit a[i,j] to 1, i > j */
+ t = ((i - 1) * (i - 2)) / 2 + (j - 1);
+ a[t / CHAR_BIT] |=
+ (unsigned char)(1 << ((CHAR_BIT - 1) - t % CHAR_BIT));
+ }
+ }
+ /* scale vertex weights by 1000 and convert them to integers as
+ * required by Ostergard's algorithm */
+ iwt = ind;
+ for (i = 1; i <= nn; i++)
+ { /* it is assumed that 0 <= wgt[i] <= 1 */
+ t = (int)(1000.0 * wgt[i] + 0.5);
+ if (t < 0)
+ t = 0;
+ else if (t > 1000)
+ t = 1000;
+ iwt[i] = t;
+ }
+ /* find maximum weight clique */
+ len = wclique(nn, iwt, a, c_ind);
+ /* free working arrays */
+ tfree(ind);
+ tfree(a);
+ /* return clique size to calling routine */
+ return len;
+static int func(void *info, int i, int ind[])
+{ /* auxiliary routine used by routine find_clique1 */
+ struct csa *csa = info;
+ xassert(1 <= i && i <= csa->nn);
+ return sub_adjacent(csa, i, ind);
+static int find_clique1(struct csa *csa, int c_ind[])
+{ /* find maximum weight clique in induced subgraph with greedy
+ * heuristic */
+ int nn = csa->nn;
+ double *wgt = csa->wgt;
+ int len;
+ xassert(nn >= 2);
+ len = wclique1(nn, wgt, func, csa, c_ind);
+ /* return clique size to calling routine */
+ return len;
+int cfg_find_clique(void *P, CFG *G, int ind[], double *sum_)
+{ int nv = G->nv;
+ struct csa csa;
+ int i, k, len;
+ double sum;
+ /* initialize common storage area */
+ csa.P = P;
+ csa.G = G;
+ csa.ind = talloc(1+nv, int);
+ csa.nn = -1;
+ csa.vtoi = talloc(1+nv, int);
+ csa.itov = talloc(1+nv, int);
+ csa.wgt = talloc(1+nv, double);
+ /* build induced subgraph */
+ build_subgraph(&csa);
+#ifdef GLP_DEBUG
+ xprintf("nn = %d\n", csa.nn);
+ /* if subgraph has less than two vertices, do nothing */
+ if (csa.nn < 2)
+ { len = 0;
+ sum = 0.0;
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ /* find maximum weight clique in induced subgraph */
+#if 1 /* FIXME */
+ if (csa.nn <= 50)
+ { /* induced subgraph is small; use exact algorithm */
+ len = find_clique(&csa, ind);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* induced subgraph is large; use greedy heuristic */
+ len = find_clique1(&csa, ind);
+ }
+ /* do not report clique, if it has less than two vertices */
+ if (len < 2)
+ { len = 0;
+ sum = 0.0;
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ /* convert indices of clique vertices from induced subgraph to
+ * original conflict graph and compute clique weight */
+ sum = 0.0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
+ { i = ind[k];
+ xassert(1 <= i && i <= csa.nn);
+ sum += csa.wgt[i];
+ ind[k] = csa.itov[i];
+ }
+skip: /* free working arrays */
+ tfree(csa.ind);
+ tfree(csa.vtoi);
+ tfree(csa.itov);
+ tfree(csa.wgt);
+ /* return to calling routine */
+ *sum_ = sum;
+ return len;
+/* eof */