path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/misc/relax4.c
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-03 08:17:40 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-03 08:17:40 +0100
commit1ab7b51c30e1b10ac45b0bd64cefdc01da0f7f68 (patch)
tree210ffc156c83f04fb0c61a40b4f9037d7ba8a7e1 /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/misc/relax4.c
parent222c9047d61961db9c6b19fed5ca49829223fd33 (diff)
parent12be46d59a2483a10d77fa8ee67f7e0ca1bd702f (diff)
Merge branch 'mppa-cse2' of gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr:sixcy/CompCert into mppa-work
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/misc/relax4.c')
1 files changed, 2850 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/misc/relax4.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/misc/relax4.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0a47d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/misc/relax4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2850 @@
+/* relax4.c (relaxation method of Bertsekas and Tseng) */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* The translation was made by Andrew Makhorin <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "relax4.h"
+* A serious bug was *tentatively* fixed in this code (see #if/#endif
+* marked by 'mao').
+* This bug is inherited from the original Fortran version of the
+* RELAX-IV code. Unfortunately, the code is very intricate, so this
+* bug is still under investigation. Thanks to Sylvain Fournier for bug
+* report.
+* RELAX-IV bug details
+* --------------------
+* In the original RELAX-IV code there are four similar fragments in
+* subroutines ascnt1 and ascnt2 like this:
+* C
+* C
+* NB = 0
+* DO 6 I=1,NSAVE
+* . . .
+* NB = NB + 1
+* . . .
+* On some instances the variable NB becomes greater than N (the number
+* of nodes) that leads to indexing error, because the array PRDCSR is
+* declared as array of N elements (more precisely, as array of MAXNN
+* elements, however, NB becomes even much greater than MAXNN).
+#define false 0
+#define true 1
+* RELAX-IV (version of October 1994)
+* This routine implements the relaxation method of Bertsekas and Tseng
+* (see [1], [2]) for linear cost ordinary network flow problems.
+* [1] Bertsekas, D. P., "A Unified Framework for Primal-Dual Methods"
+* Mathematical Programming, Vol. 32, 1985, pp. 125-145.
+* [2] Bertsekas, D. P., and Tseng, P., "Relaxation Methods for
+* Minimum Cost" Operations Research, Vol. 26, 1988, pp. 93-114.
+* The relaxation method is also described in the books:
+* [3] Bertsekas, D. P., "Linear Network Optimization: Algorithms and
+* Codes" MIT Press, 1991.
+* [4] Bertsekas, D. P. and Tsitsiklis, J. N., "Parallel and Distributed
+* Computation: Numerical Methods", Prentice-Hall, 1989.
+* [5] Bertsekas, D. P., "Network Optimization: Continuous and Discrete
+* Models", Athena Scientific, 1998.
+* This version of relaxation code has option for a special crash
+* procedure for the initial price-flow pair. This is recommended for
+* difficult problems where the default initialization results in long
+* running times. crash = 1 corresponds to an auction/shortest path
+* method
+* These initializations are recommended in the absence of any prior
+* information on a favorable initial flow-price vector pair that
+* satisfies complementary slackness.
+* The relaxation portion of the code differs from the code RELAXT-III
+* and other earlier relaxation codes in that it maintains the set of
+* nodes with nonzero deficit in a fifo queue. Like its predecessor
+* RELAXT-III, this code maintains a linked list of balanced (i.e., of
+* zero reduced cost) arcs so to reduce the work in labeling and
+* scanning. Unlike RELAXT-III, it does not use selectively shortest
+* path iterations for initialization.
+* The original Fortran code was written by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and
+* Paul Tseng, with a contribution by Jonathan Eckstein in the phase II
+* initialization. The original Fortran routine AUCTION was written by
+* Dimitri P. Bertsekas and is based on the method described in the
+* paper:
+* [6] Bertsekas, D. P., "An Auction/Sequential Shortest Path Algorithm
+* for the Minimum Cost Flow Problem", LIDS Report P-2146, MIT,
+* Nov. 1992.
+* For inquiries about the original Fortran code, please contact:
+* Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+* Laboratory for information and decision systems
+* Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+* Cambridge, MA 02139
+* (617) 253-7267, dimitrib@mit.edu
+* This code is the result of translation of the original Fortran code.
+* The translation was made by Andrew Makhorin <mao@gnu.org>.
+* This routine is in the public domain to be used only for research
+* purposes. It cannot be used as part of a commercial product, or to
+* satisfy in any part commercial delivery requirements to government
+* or industry, without prior agreement with the authors. Users are
+* requested to acknowledge the authorship of the code, and the
+* relaxation method.
+* No modification should be made to this code other than the minimal
+* necessary to make it compatible with specific platforms.
+* INPUT PARAMETERS (see notes 1, 2, 4)
+* n = number of nodes
+* na = number of arcs
+* large = a very large integer to represent infinity
+* (see note 3)
+* repeat = true if initialization is to be skipped
+* (false otherwise)
+* crash = 0 if default initialization is used
+* 1 if auction initialization is used
+* startn[j] = starting node for arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* endn[j] = ending node for arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* fou[i] = first arc out of node i, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtou[j] = next arc out of the starting node of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* fin[i] = first arc into node i, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtin[j] = next arc into the ending node of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* UPDATED PARAMETERS (see notes 1, 3, 4)
+* rc[j] = reduced cost of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* u[j] = capacity of arc j on input
+* and (capacity of arc j) - x[j] on output, j = 1,...,na
+* dfct[i] = demand at node i on input
+* and zero on output, i = 1,...,n
+* OUTPUT PARAMETERS (see notes 1, 3, 4)
+* x[j] = flow on arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* nmultinode = number of multinode relaxation iterations in RELAX4
+* iter = number of relaxation iterations in RELAX4
+* num_augm = number of flow augmentation steps in RELAX4
+* num_ascnt = number of multinode ascent steps in RELAX4
+* nsp = number of auction/shortest path iterations
+* WORKING PARAMETERS (see notes 1, 4, 5)
+* label[1+n], prdcsr[1+n], save[1+na], tfstou[1+n], tnxtou[1+na],
+* tfstin[1+n], tnxtin[1+na], nxtqueue[1+n], scan[1+n], mark[1+n],
+* extend_arc[1+n], sb_level[1+n], sb_arc[1+n]
+* 0 = normal return
+* 1,...,8 = problem is found to be infeasible
+* NOTE 1
+* To run in limited memory systems, declare the arrays startn, endn,
+* nxtin, nxtou, fin, fou, label, prdcsr, save, tfstou, tnxtou, tfstin,
+* tnxtin, ddpos, ddneg, nxtqueue as short instead.
+* NOTE 2
+* This routine makes no effort to initialize with a favorable x from
+* amongst those flow vectors that satisfy complementary slackness with
+* the initial reduced cost vector rc. If a favorable x is known, then
+* it can be passed, together with the corresponding arrays u and dfct,
+* to this routine directly. This, however, requires that the capacity
+* tightening portion and the flow initialization portion of this
+* routine (up to line labeled 90) be skipped.
+* NOTE 3
+* All problem data should be less than large in magnitude, and large
+* should be less than, say, 1/4 the largest int of the machine used.
+* This will guard primarily against overflow in uncapacitated problems
+* where the arc capacities are taken finite but very large. Note,
+* however, that as in all codes operating with integers, overflow may
+* occur if some of the problem data takes very large values.
+* NOTE 4
+* [This note being specific to Fortran was removed.-A.M.]
+* NOTE 5
+* ddpos and ddneg are arrays that give the directional derivatives for
+* all positive and negative single-node price changes. These are used
+* only in phase II of the initialization procedure, before the linked
+* list of balanced arcs comes to play. Therefore, to reduce storage,
+* they are equivalence to tfstou and tfstin, which are of the same size
+* (number of nodes) and are used only after the tree comes into use. */
+static void ascnt1(struct relax4_csa *csa, int dm, int *delx,
+ int *nlabel, int *feasbl, int *svitch, int nscan, int curnode,
+ int *prevnode);
+static void ascnt2(struct relax4_csa *csa, int dm, int *delx,
+ int *nlabel, int *feasbl, int *svitch, int nscan, int curnode,
+ int *prevnode);
+static int auction(struct relax4_csa *csa);
+int relax4(struct relax4_csa *csa)
+{ /* input parameters */
+ int n = csa->n;
+ int na = csa->na;
+ int large = csa->large;
+ int repeat = csa->repeat;
+ int crash = csa->crash;
+ int *startn = csa->startn;
+ int *endn = csa->endn;
+ int *fou = csa->fou;
+ int *nxtou = csa->nxtou;
+ int *fin = csa->fin;
+ int *nxtin = csa->nxtin;
+ /* updated parameters */
+ int *rc = csa->rc;
+ int *u = csa->u;
+ int *dfct = csa->dfct;
+ /* output parameters */
+ int *x = csa->x;
+# define nmultinode (csa->nmultinode)
+# define iter (csa->iter)
+# define num_augm (csa->num_augm)
+# define num_ascnt (csa->num_ascnt)
+# define nsp (csa->nsp)
+ /* working parameters */
+ int *label = csa->label;
+ int *prdcsr = csa->prdcsr;
+ int *save = csa->save;
+ int *tfstou = csa->tfstou;
+ int *tnxtou = csa->tnxtou;
+ int *tfstin = csa->tfstin;
+ int *tnxtin = csa->tnxtin;
+ int *nxtqueue = csa->nxtqueue;
+ char *scan = csa->scan;
+ char *mark = csa->mark;
+ int *ddpos = tfstou;
+ int *ddneg = tfstin;
+ /* local variables */
+ int arc, augnod, capin, capout, defcit, delprc, delx, dm, dp,
+ dx, feasbl, i, ib, indef, j, lastqueue, maxcap, narc, nb,
+ nlabel, node, node2, node_def, naugnod, nscan, num_passes,
+ numnz, numnz_new, numpasses, nxtarc, nxtbrk, nxtnode, passes,
+ pchange, posit, prevnode, prvarc, quit, rdcost, scapin,
+ scapou, svitch, t, t1, t2, tmparc, tp, trc, ts;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* Initialization phase I */
+ /* In this phase, we reduce the arc capacities by as much as
+ * possible without changing the problem; then we set the initial
+ * flow array x, together with the corresponding arrays u and
+ * dfct. */
+ /* This phase and phase II (from here up to line labeled 90) can
+ * be skipped (by setting repeat to true) if the calling program
+ * places in common user-chosen values for the arc flows, the
+ * residual arc capacities, and the nodal deficits. When this is
+ * done, it is critical that the flow and the reduced cost for
+ * each arc satisfy complementary slackness and the dfct array
+ * properly correspond to the initial arc/flows. */
+ if (repeat)
+ goto L90;
+ for (node = 1; node <= n; node++)
+ { node_def = dfct[node];
+ ddpos[node] = node_def;
+ ddneg[node] = -node_def;
+ maxcap = 0;
+ scapou = 0;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { if (scapou <= large - u[arc])
+ scapou += u[arc];
+ else
+ goto L10;
+ }
+ if (scapou <= large - node_def)
+ capout = scapou + node_def;
+ else
+ goto L10;
+ if (capout < 0)
+ { /* problem is infeasible */
+ /* exogenous flow into node exceeds out capacity */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ scapin = 0;
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { if (u[arc] > capout)
+ u[arc] = capout;
+ if (maxcap < u[arc])
+ maxcap = u[arc];
+ if (scapin <= large - u[arc])
+ scapin += u[arc];
+ else
+ goto L10;
+ }
+ if (scapin <= large + node_def)
+ capin = scapin - node_def;
+ else
+ goto L10;
+ if (capin < 0)
+ { /* problem is infeasible */
+ /* exogenous flow out of node exceeds in capacity */
+ return 2;
+ }
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { if (u[arc] > capin)
+ u[arc] = capin;
+ }
+L10: ;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* Initialization phase II */
+ /* In this phase, we initialize the prices and flows by either
+ * calling the routine auction or by performing only single node
+ * (coordinate) relaxation iterations. */
+ if (crash == 1)
+ { nsp = 0;
+ if (auction(csa) != 0)
+ { /* problem is found to be infeasible */
+ return 3;
+ }
+ goto L70;
+ }
+ /* Initialize the arc flows to satisfy complementary slackness
+ * with the prices. u[arc] is the residual capacity of arc, and
+ * x[arc] is the flow. These two always add up to the total
+ * capacity for arc. Also compute the directional derivatives for
+ * each coordinate and compute the actual deficits. */
+ for (arc = 1; arc <= na; arc++)
+ { x[arc] = 0;
+ if (rc[arc] <= 0)
+ { t = u[arc];
+ t1 = startn[arc];
+ t2 = endn[arc];
+ ddpos[t1] += t;
+ ddneg[t2] += t;
+ if (rc[arc] < 0)
+ { x[arc] = t;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ dfct[t1] += t;
+ dfct[t2] -= t;
+ ddneg[t1] -= t;
+ ddpos[t2] -= t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make 2 or 3 passes through all nodes, performing only single
+ * node relaxation iterations. The number of passes depends on the
+ * density of the network. */
+ if (na > n * 10)
+ numpasses = 2;
+ else
+ numpasses = 3;
+ for (passes = 1; passes <= numpasses; passes++)
+ for (node = 1; node <= n; node++)
+ { if (dfct[node] == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (ddpos[node] <= 0)
+ { /* Compute delprc, the stepsize to the next breakpoint in
+ * the dual cost as the price of node is increased.
+ * [Since the reduced cost of all outgoing (resp., incoming)
+ * arcs will decrease (resp., increase) as the price of node
+ * is increased, the next breakpoint is the minimum of the
+ * positive reduced cost on outgoing arcs and of the
+ * negative reduced cost on incoming arcs.] */
+ delprc = large;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if ((trc > 0) && (trc < delprc))
+ delprc = trc;
+ }
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if ((trc < 0) && (trc > -delprc))
+ delprc = -trc;
+ }
+ /* If no breakpoint is left and dual ascent is still
+ * possible, the problem is infeasible. */
+ if (delprc >= large)
+ { if (ddpos[node] == 0)
+ continue;
+ return 4;
+ }
+ /* delprc is the stepsize to next breakpoint. Increase
+ * price of node by delprc and compute the stepsize to the
+ * next breakpoint in the dual cost. */
+L53: nxtbrk = large;
+ /* Look at all arcs out of node. */
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if (trc == 0)
+ { t1 = endn[arc];
+ t = u[arc];
+ if (t > 0)
+ { dfct[node] += t;
+ dfct[t1] -= t;
+ x[arc] = t;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ t = x[arc];
+ ddneg[node] -= t;
+ ddpos[t1] -= t;
+ }
+ /* Decrease the reduced costs on all outgoing arcs. */
+ trc -= delprc;
+ if ((trc > 0) && (trc < nxtbrk))
+ nxtbrk = trc;
+ else if (trc == 0)
+ { /* Arc goes from inactive to balanced. Update the rate
+ * of dual ascent at node and at its neighbor. */
+ ddpos[node] += u[arc];
+ ddneg[endn[arc]] += u[arc];
+ }
+ rc[arc] = trc;
+ }
+ /* Look at all arcs into node. */
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if (trc == 0)
+ { t1 = startn[arc];
+ t = x[arc];
+ if (t > 0)
+ { dfct[node] += t;
+ dfct[t1] -= t;
+ u[arc] = t;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ t = u[arc];
+ ddpos[t1] -= t;
+ ddneg[node] -= t;
+ }
+ /* Increase the reduced cost on all incoming arcs. */
+ trc += delprc;
+ if ((trc < 0) && (trc > -nxtbrk))
+ nxtbrk = -trc;
+ else if (trc == 0)
+ { /* Arc goes from active to balanced. Update the rate
+ * of dual ascent at node and at its neighbor. */
+ ddneg[startn[arc]] += x[arc];
+ ddpos[node] += x[arc];
+ }
+ rc[arc] = trc;
+ }
+ /* If price of node can be increased further without
+ * decreasing the dual cost (even the dual cost doesn't
+ * increase), return to increase the price further. */
+ if ((ddpos[node] <= 0) && (nxtbrk < large))
+ { delprc = nxtbrk;
+ goto L53;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ddneg[node] <= 0)
+ { /* Compute delprc, the stepsize to the next breakpoint in
+ * the dual cost as the price of node is decreased.
+ * [Since the reduced cost of all outgoing (resp., incoming)
+ * arcs will increase (resp., decrease) as the price of node
+ * is decreased, the next breakpoint is the minimum of the
+ * negative reduced cost on outgoing arcs and of the
+ * positive reduced cost on incoming arcs.] */
+ delprc = large;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if ((trc < 0) && (trc > -delprc))
+ delprc = -trc;
+ }
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if ((trc > 0) && (trc < delprc))
+ delprc = trc;
+ }
+ /* If no breakpoint is left and dual ascent is still
+ * possible, the problem is infeasible. */
+ if (delprc == large)
+ { if (ddneg[node] == 0)
+ continue;
+ return 5;
+ }
+ /* delprc is the stepsize to next breakpoint. Decrease
+ * price of node by delprc and compute the stepsize to the
+ * next breakpoint in the dual cost. */
+L63: nxtbrk = large;
+ /* Look at all arcs out of node. */
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if (trc == 0)
+ { t1 = endn[arc];
+ t = x[arc];
+ if (t > 0)
+ { dfct[node] -= t;
+ dfct[t1] += t;
+ u[arc] = t;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ t = u[arc];
+ ddpos[node] -= t;
+ ddneg[t1] -= t;
+ }
+ /* Increase the reduced cost on all outgoing arcs. */
+ trc += delprc;
+ if ((trc < 0) && (trc > -nxtbrk))
+ nxtbrk = -trc;
+ else if (trc == 0)
+ { /* Arc goes from active to balanced. Update the rate
+ * of dual ascent at node and at its neighbor. */
+ ddneg[node] += x[arc];
+ ddpos[endn[arc]] += x[arc];
+ }
+ rc[arc] = trc;
+ }
+ /* Look at all arcs into node. */
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { trc = rc[arc];
+ if (trc == 0)
+ { t1 = startn[arc];
+ t = u[arc];
+ if (t > 0)
+ { dfct[node] -= t;
+ dfct[t1] += t;
+ x[arc] = t;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ t = x[arc];
+ ddneg[t1] -= t;
+ ddpos[node] -= t;
+ }
+ /* Decrease the reduced cost on all incoming arcs. */
+ trc -= delprc;
+ if ((trc > 0) && (trc < nxtbrk))
+ nxtbrk = trc;
+ else if (trc == 0)
+ { /* Arc goes from inactive to balanced. Update the rate
+ * of dual ascent at node and at its neighbor. */
+ ddpos[startn[arc]] += u[arc];
+ ddneg[node] += u[arc];
+ }
+ rc[arc] = trc;
+ }
+ /* If price of node can be decreased further without
+ * decreasing the dual cost (even the dual cost doesn't
+ * increase), return to decrease the price further. */
+ if ((ddneg[node] <= 0) && (nxtbrk < large))
+ { delprc = nxtbrk;
+ goto L63;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+L70: /* Initialize tree data structure. */
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ tfstou[i] = tfstin[i] = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= na; i++)
+ { tnxtin[i] = tnxtou[i] = -1;
+ if (rc[i] == 0)
+ { tnxtou[i] = tfstou[startn[i]];
+ tfstou[startn[i]] = i;
+ tnxtin[i] = tfstin[endn[i]];
+ tfstin[endn[i]] = i;
+ }
+ }
+L90: /* Initialize other variables. */
+ feasbl = true;
+ iter = 0;
+ nmultinode = 0;
+ num_augm = 0;
+ num_ascnt = 0;
+ num_passes = 0;
+ numnz = n;
+ numnz_new = 0;
+ svitch = false;
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ mark[i] = scan[i] = false;
+ nlabel = 0;
+ /* RELAX4 uses an adaptive strategy to decide whether to continue
+ * the scanning process after a multinode price change.
+ * The threshold parameter tp and ts that control this strategy
+ * are set in the next two lines. */
+ tp = 10;
+ ts = n / 15;
+ /* Initialize the queue of nodes with nonzero deficit. */
+ for (node = 1; node <= n - 1; node++)
+ nxtqueue[node] = node + 1;
+ nxtqueue[n] = 1;
+ node = lastqueue = n;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* Start the relaxation algorithm. */
+L100: /* Code for advancing the queue of nonzero deficit nodes. */
+ prevnode = node;
+ node = nxtqueue[node];
+ defcit = dfct[node];
+ if (node == lastqueue)
+ { numnz = numnz_new;
+ numnz_new = 0;
+ lastqueue = prevnode;
+ num_passes++;
+ }
+ /* Code for deleting a node from the queue. */
+ if (defcit == 0)
+ { nxtnode = nxtqueue[node];
+ if (node == nxtnode)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = nxtnode;
+ nxtqueue[node] = 0;
+ node = nxtnode;
+ goto L100;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ posit = (defcit > 0);
+ iter++;
+ numnz_new++;
+ if (posit)
+ { /* Attempt a single node iteration from node with positive
+ * deficit. */
+ pchange = false;
+ indef = defcit;
+ delx = 0;
+ nb = 0;
+ /* Check outgoing (probably) balanced arcs from node. */
+ for (arc = tfstou[node]; arc > 0; arc = tnxtou[arc])
+ { if ((rc[arc] == 0) && (x[arc] > 0))
+ { delx += x[arc];
+ nb++;
+ save[nb] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check incoming arcs. */
+ for (arc = tfstin[node]; arc > 0; arc = tnxtin[arc])
+ { if ((rc[arc] == 0) && (u[arc] > 0))
+ { delx += u[arc];
+ nb++;
+ save[nb] = -arc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* End of initial node scan. */
+L4018: /* If no price change is possible, exit. */
+ if (delx > defcit)
+ { quit = (defcit < indef);
+ goto L4016;
+ }
+ /* RELAX4 searches along the ascent direction for the best
+ * price by checking the slope of the dual cost at successive
+ * break points. First, we compute the distance to the next
+ * break point. */
+ delprc = large;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ /* Check if problem is infeasible. */
+ if ((delx < defcit) && (delprc == large))
+ { /* The dual cost can be decreased without bound. */
+ return 6;
+ }
+ /* Skip flow adjustment if there is no flow to modify. */
+ if (delx == 0)
+ goto L4014;
+ /* Adjust the flow on the balanced arcs incident to node to
+ * maintain complementary slackness after the price change. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ t1 = x[arc];
+ dfct[node2] += t1;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ u[arc] += t1;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { narc = -arc;
+ node2 = startn[narc];
+ t1 = u[narc];
+ dfct[node2] += t1;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ x[narc] += t1;
+ u[narc] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ defcit -= delx;
+L4014: if (delprc == large)
+ { quit = true;
+ goto L4019;
+ }
+ /* Node corresponds to a dual ascent direction. Decrease the
+ * price of node by delprc and compute the stepsize to the next
+ * breakpoint in the dual cost. */
+ nb = 0;
+ pchange = true;
+ dp = delprc;
+ delprc = large;
+ delx = 0;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc] + dp;
+ rc[arc] = rdcost;
+ if (rdcost == 0)
+ { nb++;
+ save[nb] = arc;
+ delx += x[arc];
+ }
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc] - dp;
+ rc[arc] = rdcost;
+ if (rdcost == 0)
+ { nb++;
+ save[nb] = -arc;
+ delx += u[arc];
+ }
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ /* Return to check if another price change is possible. */
+ goto L4018;
+L4016: /* Perform flow augmentation at node. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { /* arc is an outgoing arc from node. */
+ node2 = endn[arc];
+ t1 = dfct[node2];
+ if (t1 < 0)
+ { /* Decrease the total deficit by decreasing flow of
+ * arc. */
+ quit = true;
+ t2 = x[arc];
+ dx = defcit;
+ if (dx > -t1) dx = -t1;
+ if (dx > t2) dx = t2;
+ defcit -= dx;
+ dfct[node2] = t1 + dx;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ x[arc] = t2 - dx;
+ u[arc] += dx;
+ if (defcit == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* -arc is an incoming arc to node. */
+ narc = -arc;
+ node2 = startn[narc];
+ t1 = dfct[node2];
+ if (t1 < 0)
+ { /* Decrease the total deficit by increasing flow of
+ * -arc. */
+ quit = true;
+ t2 = u[narc];
+ dx = defcit;
+ if (dx > -t1) dx = -t1;
+ if (dx > t2) dx = t2;
+ defcit -= dx;
+ dfct[node2] = t1 + dx;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ x[narc] += dx;
+ u[narc] = t2 - dx;
+ if (defcit == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+L4019: dfct[node] = defcit;
+ /* Reconstruct the linked list of balance arcs incident to this
+ * node. For each adjacent node, we add any newly balanced arcs
+ * to the list, but do not bother removing formerly balanced
+ * ones (they will be removed the next time each adjacent node
+ * is scanned). */
+ if (pchange)
+ { arc = tfstou[node];
+ tfstou[node] = 0;
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { nxtarc = tnxtou[arc];
+ tnxtou[arc] = -1;
+ arc = nxtarc;
+ }
+ arc = tfstin[node];
+ tfstin[node] = 0;
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { nxtarc = tnxtin[arc];
+ tnxtin[arc] = -1;
+ arc = nxtarc;
+ }
+ /* Now add the currently balanced arcs to the list for this
+ * node (which is now empty), and the appropriate adjacent
+ * ones. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc < 0)
+ arc = -arc;
+ if (tnxtou[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[startn[arc]];
+ tfstou[startn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtin[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[endn[arc]];
+ tfstin[endn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* End of single node iteration for positive deficit node. */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Attempt a single node iteration from node with negative
+ * deficit. */
+ pchange = false;
+ defcit = -defcit;
+ indef = defcit;
+ delx = 0;
+ nb = 0;
+ for (arc = tfstin[node]; arc > 0; arc = tnxtin[arc])
+ { if ((rc[arc] == 0) && (x[arc] > 0))
+ { delx += x[arc];
+ nb++;
+ save[nb] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = tfstou[node]; arc > 0; arc = tnxtou[arc])
+ { if ((rc[arc] == 0) && (u[arc] > 0))
+ { delx += u[arc];
+ nb++;
+ save[nb] = -arc;
+ }
+ }
+L4028: if (delx >= defcit)
+ { quit = (defcit < indef);
+ goto L4026;
+ }
+ /* Compute distance to next breakpoint. */
+ delprc = large;
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ /* Check if problem is infeasible. */
+ if ((delx < defcit) && (delprc == large))
+ return 7;
+ if (delx == 0)
+ goto L4024;
+ /* Flow augmentation is possible. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ t1 = x[arc];
+ dfct[node2] -= t1;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ u[arc] += t1;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { narc = -arc;
+ node2 = endn[narc];
+ t1 = u[narc];
+ dfct[node2] -= t1;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ x[narc] += t1;
+ u[narc] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ defcit -= delx;
+L4024: if (delprc == large)
+ { quit = true;
+ goto L4029;
+ }
+ /* Price increase at node is possible. */
+ nb = 0;
+ pchange = true;
+ dp = delprc;
+ delprc = large;
+ delx = 0;
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc] + dp;
+ rc[arc] = rdcost;
+ if (rdcost == 0)
+ { nb++;
+ save[nb] = arc;
+ delx += x[arc];
+ }
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { rdcost = rc[arc] - dp;
+ rc[arc] = rdcost;
+ if (rdcost == 0)
+ { nb++;
+ save[nb] = -arc;
+ delx += u[arc];
+ }
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ goto L4028;
+L4026: /* Perform flow augmentation at node. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { /* arc is an incoming arc to node. */
+ node2 = startn[arc];
+ t1 = dfct[node2];
+ if (t1 > 0)
+ { quit = true;
+ t2 = x[arc];
+ dx = defcit;
+ if (dx > t1) dx = t1;
+ if (dx > t2) dx = t2;
+ defcit -= dx;
+ dfct[node2] = t1 - dx;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ x[arc] = t2 - dx;
+ u[arc] += dx;
+ if (defcit == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* -arc is an outgoing arc from node. */
+ narc = -arc;
+ node2 = endn[narc];
+ t1 = dfct[node2];
+ if (t1 > 0)
+ { quit = true;
+ t2 = u[narc];
+ dx = defcit;
+ if (dx > t1) dx = t1;
+ if (dx > t2) dx = t2;
+ defcit -= dx;
+ dfct[node2] = t1 - dx;
+ if (nxtqueue[node2] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = node2;
+ nxtqueue[node2] = node;
+ prevnode = node2;
+ }
+ x[narc] += dx;
+ u[narc] = t2 - dx;
+ if (defcit == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+L4029: dfct[node] = -defcit;
+ /* Reconstruct the list of balanced arcs incident to node. */
+ if (pchange)
+ { arc = tfstou[node];
+ tfstou[node] = 0;
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { nxtarc = tnxtou[arc];
+ tnxtou[arc] = -1;
+ arc = nxtarc;
+ }
+ arc = tfstin[node];
+ tfstin[node] = 0;
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { nxtarc = tnxtin[arc];
+ tnxtin[arc] = -1;
+ arc = nxtarc;
+ }
+ /* Now add the currently balanced arcs to the list for this
+ * node (which is now empty), and the appropriate adjacent
+ * ones. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc <= 0)
+ arc = -arc;
+ if (tnxtou[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[startn[arc]];
+ tfstou[startn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtin[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[endn[arc]];
+ tfstin[endn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* End of single node iteration for a negative deficit node. */
+ }
+ if (quit || (num_passes <= 3))
+ goto L100;
+ /* Do a multinode iteration from node. */
+ nmultinode++;
+ /* If number of nonzero deficit nodes is small, continue labeling
+ * until a flow augmentation is done. */
+ svitch = (numnz < tp);
+ /* Unmark nodes labeled earlier. */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nlabel; j++)
+ { node2 = label[j];
+ mark[node2] = scan[node2] = false;
+ }
+ /* Initialize labeling. */
+ nlabel = 1;
+ label[1] = node;
+ mark[node] = true;
+ prdcsr[node] = 0;
+ /* Scan starting node. */
+ scan[node] = true;
+ nscan = 1;
+ dm = dfct[node];
+ delx = 0;
+ for (j = 1; j <= nb; j++)
+ { arc = save[j];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { if (posit)
+ node2 = endn[arc];
+ else
+ node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ prdcsr[node2] = arc;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ delx += x[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { narc = -arc;
+ if (posit)
+ node2 = startn[narc];
+ else
+ node2 = endn[narc];
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ prdcsr[node2] = arc;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ delx += u[narc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+L4120:/* Start scanning a labeled but unscanned node. */
+ nscan++;
+ /* Check to see if switch needs to be set to true so to continue
+ * scanning even after a price change. */
+ svitch = svitch || ((nscan > ts) && (numnz < ts));
+ /* Scanning will continue until either an overestimate of the
+ * residual capacity across the cut corresponding to the scanned
+ * set of nodes (called delx) exceeds the absolute value of the
+ * total deficit of the scanned nodes (called dm), or else an
+ * augmenting path is found. Arcs that are in the tree but are not
+ * balanced are removed as part of the scanning process. */
+ i = label[nscan];
+ scan[i] = true;
+ naugnod = 0;
+ if (posit)
+ { /* Scanning node i in case of positive deficit. */
+ prvarc = 0;
+ arc = tfstou[i];
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { /* arc is an outgoing arc from node. */
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { if (x[arc] > 0)
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { /* node2 is not labeled, so add node2 to the
+ labeled set. */
+ prdcsr[node2] = arc;
+ if (dfct[node2] < 0)
+ { naugnod++;
+ save[naugnod] = node2;
+ }
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ delx += x[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ prvarc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtou[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { tmparc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtou[arc];
+ tnxtou[tmparc] = -1;
+ if (prvarc == 0)
+ tfstou[i] = arc;
+ else
+ tnxtou[prvarc] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ prvarc = 0;
+ arc = tfstin[i];
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { /* arc is an incoming arc into node. */
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { if (u[arc] > 0)
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { /* node2 is not labeled, so add node2 to the
+ * labeled set. */
+ prdcsr[node2] = -arc;
+ if (dfct[node2] < 0)
+ { naugnod++;
+ save[naugnod] = node2;
+ }
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ delx += u[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ prvarc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtin[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { tmparc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtin[arc];
+ tnxtin[tmparc] = -1;
+ if (prvarc == 0)
+ tfstin[i] = arc;
+ else
+ tnxtin[prvarc] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Correct the residual capacity of the scanned node cut. */
+ arc = prdcsr[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ delx -= x[arc];
+ else
+ delx -= u[-arc];
+ /* End of scanning of node i for positive deficit case. */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Scanning node i for negative deficit case. */
+ prvarc = 0;
+ arc = tfstin[i];
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { if (x[arc] > 0)
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { prdcsr[node2] = arc;
+ if (dfct[node2] > 0)
+ { naugnod++;
+ save[naugnod] = node2;
+ }
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ delx += x[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ prvarc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtin[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { tmparc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtin[arc];
+ tnxtin[tmparc] = -1;
+ if (prvarc == 0)
+ tfstin[i] = arc;
+ else
+ tnxtin[prvarc] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ prvarc = 0;
+ arc = tfstou[i];
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { if (u[arc] > 0)
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { prdcsr[node2] = -arc;
+ if (dfct[node2] > 0)
+ { naugnod++;
+ save[naugnod] = node2;
+ }
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ delx += u[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ prvarc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtou[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { tmparc = arc;
+ arc = tnxtou[arc];
+ tnxtou[tmparc] = -1;
+ if (prvarc == 0)
+ tfstou[i] = arc;
+ else
+ tnxtou[prvarc] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ arc = prdcsr[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ delx -= x[arc];
+ else
+ delx -= u[-arc];
+ }
+ /* Add deficit of node scanned to dm. */
+ dm += dfct[i];
+ /* Check if the set of scanned nodes correspond to a dual ascent
+ * direction; if yes, perform a price adjustment step, otherwise
+ * continue labeling. */
+ if (nscan < nlabel)
+ { if (svitch)
+ goto L4210;
+ if ((delx >= dm) && (delx >= -dm))
+ goto L4210;
+ }
+ /* Try a price change.
+ * [Note that since delx - abs(dm) is an overestimate of ascent
+ * slope, we may occasionally try a direction that is not an
+ * ascent direction. In this case the ascnt routines return with
+ * quit = false, so we continue labeling nodes.] */
+ if (posit)
+ { ascnt1(csa, dm, &delx, &nlabel, &feasbl, &svitch, nscan, node,
+ &prevnode);
+ num_ascnt++;
+ }
+ else
+ { ascnt2(csa, dm, &delx, &nlabel, &feasbl, &svitch, nscan, node,
+ &prevnode);
+ num_ascnt++;
+ }
+ if (!feasbl)
+ return 8;
+ if (!svitch)
+ goto L100;
+ /* Store those newly labeled nodes to which flow augmentation is
+ * possible. */
+ naugnod = 0;
+ for (j = nscan + 1; j <= nlabel; j++)
+ { node2 = label[j];
+ if (posit && (dfct[node2] < 0))
+ { naugnod++;
+ save[naugnod] = node2;
+ }
+ else if ((!posit) && (dfct[node2] > 0))
+ { naugnod++;
+ save[naugnod] = node2;
+ }
+ }
+L4210:/* Check if flow augmentation is possible. If not, return to scan
+ * another node. */
+ if (naugnod == 0)
+ goto L4120;
+ for (j = 1; j <= naugnod; j++)
+ { num_augm++;
+ augnod = save[j];
+ if (posit)
+ { /* Do the augmentation from node with positive deficit. */
+ dx = -dfct[augnod];
+ ib = augnod;
+ while (ib != node)
+ { arc = prdcsr[ib];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { if (dx > x[arc]) dx = x[arc];
+ ib = startn[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { if (dx > u[-arc]) dx = u[-arc];
+ ib = endn[-arc];
+ }
+ }
+ if (dx > dfct[node]) dx = dfct[node];
+ if (dx > 0)
+ { /* Increase (decrease) the flow of all forward (backward)
+ * arcs in the flow augmenting path. Adjust node deficit
+ * accordingly. */
+ if (nxtqueue[augnod] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = augnod;
+ nxtqueue[augnod] = node;
+ prevnode = augnod;
+ }
+ dfct[augnod] += dx;
+ dfct[node] -= dx;
+ ib = augnod;
+ while (ib != node)
+ { arc = prdcsr[ib];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { x[arc] -= dx;
+ u[arc] += dx;
+ ib = startn[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { narc = -arc;
+ x[narc] += dx;
+ u[narc] -= dx;
+ ib = endn[narc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Do the augmentation from node with negative deficit. */
+ dx = dfct[augnod];
+ ib = augnod;
+ while (ib != node)
+ { arc = prdcsr[ib];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { if (dx > x[arc]) dx = x[arc];
+ ib = endn[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { if (dx > u[-arc]) dx = u[-arc];
+ ib = startn[-arc];
+ }
+ }
+ if (dx > -dfct[node]) dx = -dfct[node];
+ if (dx > 0)
+ { /* Update the flow and deficits. */
+ if (nxtqueue[augnod] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = augnod;
+ nxtqueue[augnod] = node;
+ prevnode = augnod;
+ }
+ dfct[augnod] -= dx;
+ dfct[node] += dx;
+ ib = augnod;
+ while (ib != node)
+ { arc = prdcsr[ib];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { x[arc] -= dx;
+ u[arc] += dx;
+ ib = endn[arc];
+ }
+ else
+ { narc = -arc;
+ x[narc] += dx;
+ u[narc] -= dx;
+ ib = startn[narc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dfct[node] == 0)
+ goto L100;
+ if (dfct[augnod] != 0)
+ svitch = false;
+ }
+ /* If node still has nonzero deficit and all newly labeled nodes
+ * have same sign for their deficit as node, we can continue
+ * labeling. In this case, continue labeling only when flow
+ * augmentation is done relatively infrequently. */
+ if (svitch && (iter > 8 * num_augm))
+ goto L4120;
+ /* Return to do another relaxation iteration. */
+ goto L100;
+# undef nmultinode
+# undef iter
+# undef num_augm
+# undef num_ascnt
+# undef nsp
+* relax4_inidat - construct linked lists for network topology
+* This routine constructs two linked lists for the network topology:
+* one list (given by fou, nxtou) for the outgoing arcs of nodes and
+* one list (given by fin, nxtin) for the incoming arcs of nodes. These
+* two lists are required by RELAX4.
+* n = number of nodes
+* na = number of arcs
+* startn[j] = starting node for arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* endn[j] = ending node for arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* fou[i] = first arc out of node i, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtou[j] = next arc out of the starting node of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* fin[i] = first arc into node i, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtin[j] = next arc into the ending node of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* tempin[1+n], tempou[1+n] */
+void relax4_inidat(struct relax4_csa *csa)
+{ /* input parameters */
+ int n = csa->n;
+ int na = csa->na;
+ int *startn = csa->startn;
+ int *endn = csa->endn;
+ /* output parameters */
+ int *fou = csa->fou;
+ int *nxtou = csa->nxtou;
+ int *fin = csa->fin;
+ int *nxtin = csa->nxtin;
+ /* working parameters */
+ int *tempin = csa->label;
+ int *tempou = csa->prdcsr;
+ /* local variables */
+ int i, i1, i2;
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ { fin[i] = fou[i] = 0;
+ tempin[i] = tempou[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i <= na; i++)
+ { nxtin[i] = nxtou[i] = 0;
+ i1 = startn[i];
+ i2 = endn[i];
+ if (fou[i1] != 0)
+ nxtou[tempou[i1]] = i;
+ else
+ fou[i1] = i;
+ tempou[i1] = i;
+ if (fin[i2] != 0)
+ nxtin[tempin[i2]] = i;
+ else
+ fin[i2] = i;
+ tempin[i2] = i;
+ }
+ return;
+* ascnt1 - multi-node price adjustment for positive deficit case
+* This subroutine performs the multi-node price adjustment step for
+* the case where the scanned nodes have positive deficit. It first
+* checks if decreasing the price of the scanned nodes increases the
+* dual cost. If yes, then it decreases the price of all scanned nodes.
+* There are two possibilities for price decrease: if switch = true,
+* then the set of scanned nodes corresponds to an elementary direction
+* of maximal rate of ascent, in which case the price of all scanned
+* nodes are decreased until the next breakpoint in the dual cost is
+* encountered. At this point, some arc becomes balanced and more
+* node(s) are added to the labeled set and the subroutine is exited.
+* If switch = false, then the price of all scanned nodes are decreased
+* until the rate of ascent becomes negative (this corresponds to the
+* price adjustment step in which both the line search and the
+* degenerate ascent iteration are implemented).
+* dm = total deficit of scanned nodes
+* switch = true if labeling is to continue after price change
+* nscan = number of scanned nodes
+* curnode = most recently scanned node
+* n = number of nodes
+* na = number of arcs
+* large = a very large integer to represent infinity (see note 3)
+* startn[i] = starting node for the i-th arc, i = 1,...,na
+* endn[i] = ending node for the i-th arc, i = 1,...,na
+* fou[i] = first arc leaving i-th node, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtou[i] = next arc leaving the starting node of j-th arc,
+* i = 1,...,na
+* fin[i] = first arc entering i-th node, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtin[i] = next arc entering the ending node of j-th arc,
+* i = 1,...,na
+* delx = a lower estimate of the total flow on balanced arcs in
+* the scanned-nodes cut
+* nlabel = number of labeled nodes
+* feasbl = false if problem is found to be infeasible
+* prevnode = the node before curnode in queue
+* rc[j] = reduced cost of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* u[j] = residual capacity of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* x[j] = flow on arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* dfct[i] = deficit at node i, i = 1,...,n
+* label[k] = k-th node labeled, k = 1,...,nlabel
+* prdcsr[i] = predecessor of node i in tree of labeled nodes (0 if i
+* is unlabeled), i = 1,...,n
+* tfstou[i] = first balanced arc out of node i, i = 1,...,n
+* tnxtou[j] = next balanced arc out of the starting node of arc j,
+* j = 1,...,na
+* tfstin[i] = first balanced arc into node i, i = 1,...,n
+* tnxtin[j] = next balanced arc into the ending node of arc j,
+* j = 1,...,na
+* nxtqueue[i] = node following node i in the fifo queue (0 if node is
+* not in the queue), i = 1,...,n
+* scan[i] = true if node i is scanned, i = 1,...,n
+* mark[i] = true if node i is labeled, i = 1,...,n
+* save[1+na] */
+static void ascnt1(struct relax4_csa *csa, int dm, int *delx,
+ int *nlabel, int *feasbl, int *svitch, int nscan, int curnode,
+ int *prevnode)
+{ /* input parameters */
+ int n = csa->n;
+ /* int na = csa->na; */
+ int large = csa->large;
+ int *startn = csa->startn;
+ int *endn = csa->endn;
+ int *fou = csa->fou;
+ int *nxtou = csa->nxtou;
+ int *fin = csa->fin;
+ int *nxtin = csa->nxtin;
+ /* updated parameters */
+# define delx (*delx)
+# define nlabel (*nlabel)
+# define feasbl (*feasbl)
+# define svitch (*svitch)
+# define prevnode (*prevnode)
+ int *rc = csa->rc;
+ int *u = csa->u;
+ int *x = csa->x;
+ int *dfct = csa->dfct;
+ int *label = csa->label;
+ int *prdcsr = csa->prdcsr;
+ int *tfstou = csa->tfstou;
+ int *tnxtou = csa->tnxtou;
+ int *tfstin = csa->tfstin;
+ int *tnxtin = csa->tnxtin;
+ int *nxtqueue = csa->nxtqueue;
+ char *scan = csa->scan;
+ char *mark = csa->mark;
+ int *save = csa->save;
+ /* local variables */
+ int arc, delprc, dlx, i, j, nb, node, node2, nsave, rdcost, t1,
+ t2, t3;
+ /* Store the arcs between the set of scanned nodes and its
+ * complement in save and compute delprc, the stepsize to the next
+ * breakpoint in the dual cost in the direction of decreasing
+ * prices of the scanned nodes.
+ * [The arcs are stored into save by looking at the arcs incident
+ * to either the set of scanned nodes or its complement, depending
+ * on whether nscan > n/2 or not. This improves the efficiency of
+ * storing.] */
+ delprc = large;
+ dlx = 0;
+ nsave = 0;
+ if (nscan <= n / 2)
+ { for (i = 1; i <= nscan; i++)
+ { node = label[i];
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { /* arc points from scanned node to an unscanned node. */
+ node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (!scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node2] != arc))
+ dlx += x[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { /* arc points from unscanned node to scanned node. */
+ node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (!scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = -arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node2] != -arc))
+ dlx += u[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { for (node = 1; node <= n; node++)
+ { if (scan[node])
+ continue;
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node] != arc))
+ dlx += x[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = -arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node] != -arc))
+ dlx += u[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if the set of scanned nodes truly corresponds to a dual
+ * ascent direction. [Here delx + dlx is the exact sum of the flow
+ * on arcs from the scanned set to the unscanned set plus the
+ * (capacity - flow) on arcs from the unscanned set to the scanned
+ * set.] If this were not the case, set switch to true and exit
+ * subroutine. */
+ if ((!svitch) && (delx + dlx >= dm))
+ { svitch = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ delx += dlx;
+L4: /* Check that the problem is feasible. */
+ if (delprc == large)
+ { /* We can increase the dual cost without bound, so the primal
+ * problem is infeasible. */
+ feasbl = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Decrease the prices of the scanned nodes, add more nodes to
+ * the labeled set and check if a newly labeled node has negative
+ * deficit. */
+ if (svitch)
+ { for (i = 1; i <= nsave; i++)
+ { arc = save[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { rc[arc] += delprc;
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (tnxtou[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[startn[arc]];
+ tfstou[startn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtin[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[node2];
+ tfstin[node2] = arc;
+ }
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { prdcsr[node2] = arc;
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { arc = -arc;
+ rc[arc] -= delprc;
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (tnxtou[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[node2];
+ tfstou[node2] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtin[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[endn[arc]];
+ tfstin[endn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { prdcsr[node2] = -arc;
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Decrease the prices of the scanned nodes by delprc. Adjust
+ * flow to maintain complementary slackness with the prices. */
+ nb = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= nsave; i++)
+ { arc = save[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { t1 = rc[arc];
+ if (t1 == 0)
+ { t2 = x[arc];
+ t3 = startn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] -= t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ t3 = endn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] += t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ u[arc] += t2;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ rc[arc] = t1 + delprc;
+#if 0 /* by mao; 26/IV-2013 */
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ if (rc[arc] == 0 && nb < n)
+ { delx += x[arc];
+ nb++;
+ prdcsr[nb] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { arc = -arc;
+ t1 = rc[arc];
+ if (t1 == 0)
+ { t2 = u[arc];
+ t3 = startn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] += t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ t3 = endn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] -= t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ x[arc] += t2;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ rc[arc] = t1 - delprc;
+#if 0 /* by mao; 26/IV-2013 */
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ if (rc[arc] == 0 && nb < n)
+ { delx += u[arc];
+ nb++;
+ prdcsr[nb] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (delx <= dm)
+ { /* The set of scanned nodes still corresponds to a dual
+ * (possibly degenerate) ascent direction. Compute the stepsize
+ * delprc to the next breakpoint in the dual cost. */
+ delprc = large;
+ for (i = 1; i <= nsave; i++)
+ { arc = save[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ else
+ { arc = -arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((delprc != large) || (delx < dm))
+ goto L4;
+ }
+ /* Add new balanced arcs to the superset of balanced arcs. */
+ for (i = 1; i <= nb; i++)
+ { arc = prdcsr[i];
+ if (tnxtin[arc] == -1)
+ { j = endn[arc];
+ tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[j];
+ tfstin[j] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtou[arc] == -1)
+ { j = startn[arc];
+ tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[j];
+ tfstou[j] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# undef delx
+# undef nlabel
+# undef feasbl
+# undef svitch
+# undef prevnode
+* ascnt2 - multi-node price adjustment for negative deficit case
+* This routine is analogous to ascnt1 but for the case where the
+* scanned nodes have negative deficit. */
+static void ascnt2(struct relax4_csa *csa, int dm, int *delx,
+ int *nlabel, int *feasbl, int *svitch, int nscan, int curnode,
+ int *prevnode)
+{ /* input parameters */
+ int n = csa->n;
+ /* int na = csa->na; */
+ int large = csa->large;
+ int *startn = csa->startn;
+ int *endn = csa->endn;
+ int *fou = csa->fou;
+ int *nxtou = csa->nxtou;
+ int *fin = csa->fin;
+ int *nxtin = csa->nxtin;
+ /* updated parameters */
+# define delx (*delx)
+# define nlabel (*nlabel)
+# define feasbl (*feasbl)
+# define svitch (*svitch)
+# define prevnode (*prevnode)
+ int *rc = csa->rc;
+ int *u = csa->u;
+ int *x = csa->x;
+ int *dfct = csa->dfct;
+ int *label = csa->label;
+ int *prdcsr = csa->prdcsr;
+ int *tfstou = csa->tfstou;
+ int *tnxtou = csa->tnxtou;
+ int *tfstin = csa->tfstin;
+ int *tnxtin = csa->tnxtin;
+ int *nxtqueue = csa->nxtqueue;
+ char *scan = csa->scan;
+ char *mark = csa->mark;
+ int *save = csa->save;
+ /* local variables */
+ int arc, delprc, dlx, i, j, nb, node, node2, nsave, rdcost, t1,
+ t2, t3;
+ /* Store the arcs between the set of scanned nodes and its
+ * complement in save and compute delprc, the stepsize to the next
+ * breakpoint in the dual cost in the direction of increasing
+ * prices of the scanned nodes. */
+ delprc = large;
+ dlx = 0;
+ nsave = 0;
+ if (nscan <= n / 2)
+ { for (i = 1; i <= nscan; i++)
+ { node = label[i];
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (!scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node2] != arc))
+ dlx += x[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (!scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = -arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node2] != -arc))
+ dlx += u[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { for (node = 1; node <= n; node++)
+ { if (scan[node])
+ continue;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node] != arc))
+ dlx += x[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (scan[node2])
+ { nsave++;
+ save[nsave] = -arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost == 0) && (prdcsr[node] != -arc))
+ dlx += u[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!svitch) && (delx + dlx >= -dm))
+ { svitch = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ delx += dlx;
+ /* Check that the problem is feasible. */
+L4: if (delprc == large)
+ { feasbl = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Increase the prices of the scanned nodes, add more nodes to
+ * the labeled set and check if a newly labeled node has positive
+ * deficit. */
+ if (svitch)
+ { for (i = 1; i <= nsave; i++)
+ { arc = save[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { rc[arc] += delprc;
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { node2 = startn[arc];
+ if (tnxtou[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[node2];
+ tfstou[node2] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtin[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[endn[arc]];
+ tfstin[endn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { prdcsr[node2] = arc;
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { arc = -arc;
+ rc[arc] -= delprc;
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ { node2 = endn[arc];
+ if (tnxtou[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[startn[arc]];
+ tfstou[startn[arc]] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtin[arc] < 0)
+ { tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[node2];
+ tfstin[node2] = arc;
+ }
+ if (!mark[node2])
+ { prdcsr[node2] = -arc;
+ nlabel++;
+ label[nlabel] = node2;
+ mark[node2] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ { nb = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= nsave; i++)
+ { arc = save[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { t1 = rc[arc];
+ if (t1 == 0)
+ { t2 = x[arc];
+ t3 = startn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] -= t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ t3 = endn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] += t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ u[arc] += t2;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ rc[arc] = t1 + delprc;
+#if 0 /* by mao; 26/IV-2013 */
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ if (rc[arc] == 0 && nb < n)
+ { delx += x[arc];
+ nb++;
+ prdcsr[nb] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { arc = -arc;
+ t1 = rc[arc];
+ if (t1 == 0)
+ { t2 = u[arc];
+ t3 = startn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] += t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ t3 = endn[arc];
+ dfct[t3] -= t2;
+ if (nxtqueue[t3] == 0)
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = t3;
+ nxtqueue[t3] = curnode;
+ prevnode = t3;
+ }
+ x[arc] += t2;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ rc[arc] = t1 - delprc;
+#if 0 /* by mao; 26/IV-2013 */
+ if (rc[arc] == 0)
+ if (rc[arc] == 0 && nb < n)
+ { delx += u[arc];
+ nb++;
+ prdcsr[nb] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (delx <= -dm)
+ { delprc = large;
+ for (i = 1; i <= nsave; i++)
+ { arc = save[i];
+ if (arc > 0)
+ { rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost < 0) && (rdcost > -delprc))
+ delprc = -rdcost;
+ }
+ else
+ { arc = -arc;
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if ((rdcost > 0) && (rdcost < delprc))
+ delprc = rdcost;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((delprc != large) || (delx < -dm))
+ goto L4;
+ }
+ /* Add new balanced arcs to the superset of balanced arcs. */
+ for (i = 1; i <= nb; i++)
+ { arc = prdcsr[i];
+ if (tnxtin[arc] == -1)
+ { j = endn[arc];
+ tnxtin[arc] = tfstin[j];
+ tfstin[j] = arc;
+ }
+ if (tnxtou[arc] == -1)
+ { j = startn[arc];
+ tnxtou[arc] = tfstou[j];
+ tfstou[j] = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# undef delx
+# undef nlabel
+# undef feasbl
+# undef svitch
+# undef prevnode
+* auction - compute good initial flow and prices
+* This subroutine uses a version of the auction algorithm for min
+* cost network flow to compute a good initial flow and prices for the
+* problem.
+* n = number of nodes
+* na = number of arcs
+* large = a very large integer to represent infinity (see note 3)
+* startn[i] = starting node for the i-th arc, i = 1,...,na
+* endn[i] = ending node for the i-th arc, i = 1,...,na
+* fou[i] = first arc leaving i-th node, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtou[i] = next arc leaving the starting node of j-th arc,
+* i = 1,...,na
+* fin[i] = first arc entering i-th node, i = 1,...,n
+* nxtin[i] = next arc entering the ending node of j-th arc,
+* i = 1,...,na
+* rc[j] = reduced cost of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* u[j] = residual capacity of arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* x[j] = flow on arc j, j = 1,...,na
+* dfct[i] = deficit at node i, i = 1,...,n
+* nsp = number of auction/shortest path iterations
+* p[1+n], prdcsr[1+n], save[1+na], fpushf[1+n], nxtpushf[1+na],
+* fpushb[1+n], nxtpushb[1+na], nxtqueue[1+n], extend_arc[1+n],
+* sb_level[1+n], sb_arc[1+n], path_id[1+n]
+* 0 = normal return
+* 1 = problem is found to be infeasible */
+static int auction(struct relax4_csa *csa)
+{ /* input parameters */
+ int n = csa->n;
+ int na = csa->na;
+ int large = csa->large;
+ int *startn = csa->startn;
+ int *endn = csa->endn;
+ int *fou = csa->fou;
+ int *nxtou = csa->nxtou;
+ int *fin = csa->fin;
+ int *nxtin = csa->nxtin;
+ /* updated parameters */
+# define crash (csa->crash)
+ int *rc = csa->rc;
+ int *u = csa->u;
+ int *x = csa->x;
+ int *dfct = csa->dfct;
+ /* output parameters */
+# define nsp (csa->nsp)
+ /* working parameters */
+ int *p = csa->label;
+ int *prdcsr = csa->prdcsr;
+ int *save = csa->save;
+ int *fpushf = csa->tfstou;
+ int *nxtpushf = csa->tnxtou;
+ int *fpushb = csa->tfstin;
+ int *nxtpushb = csa->tnxtin;
+ int *nxtqueue = csa->nxtqueue;
+ int *extend_arc = csa->extend_arc;
+ int *sb_level = csa->sb_level;
+ int *sb_arc = csa->sb_arc;
+ char *path_id = csa->mark;
+ /* local variables */
+ int arc, bstlevel, end, eps, extarc, factor, flow, i, incr,
+ last, lastqueue, maxcost, mincost, nas, naug, new_level, node,
+ nolist, num_passes, nxtnode, pass, pend, pr_term, prd,
+ prevarc, prevlevel, prevnode, pstart, pterm, rdcost, red_cost,
+ resid, root, secarc, seclevel, start, term, thresh_dfct;
+ /* start initialization using auction */
+ naug = 0;
+ pass = 0;
+ thresh_dfct = 0;
+ /* factor determines by how much epsilon is reduced at each
+ * minimization */
+ factor = 3;
+ /* num_passes determines how many auction scaling phases are
+ * performed */
+ num_passes = 1;
+ /* set arc flows to satisfy cs and calculate maxcost and
+ * mincost */
+ maxcost = -large;
+ mincost = large;
+ for (arc = 1; arc <= na; arc++)
+ { start = startn[arc];
+ end = endn[arc];
+ rdcost = rc[arc];
+ if (maxcost < rdcost)
+ maxcost = rdcost;
+ if (mincost > rdcost)
+ mincost = rdcost;
+ if (rdcost < 0)
+ { dfct[start] += u[arc];
+ dfct[end] -= u[arc];
+ x[arc] = u[arc];
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ /* set initial epsilon */
+ if ((maxcost - mincost) >= 8)
+ eps = (maxcost - mincost) / 8;
+ else
+ eps = 1;
+ /* set initial prices to zero */
+ for (node = 1; node <= n; node++)
+ p[node] = 0;
+ /* Initialization using auction/shortest paths. */
+L100: /* Start of the first scaling phase. */
+ pass++;
+ if ((pass == num_passes) || (eps == 1))
+ crash = 0;
+ nolist = 0;
+ /* construct list of positive surplus nodes and queue of negative
+ * surplus nodes */
+ for (node = 1; node <= n; node++)
+ { prdcsr[node] = 0;
+ path_id[node] = false;
+ extend_arc[node] = 0;
+ sb_level[node] = -large;
+ nxtqueue[node] = node + 1;
+ if (dfct[node] > 0)
+ { nolist++;
+ save[nolist] = node;
+ }
+ }
+ nxtqueue[n] = 1;
+ root = 1;
+ prevnode = lastqueue = n;
+ /* initialization with down iterations for negative surplus
+ * nodes */
+ for (i = 1; i <= nolist; i++)
+ { node = save[i];
+ nsp++;
+ /* build the list of arcs w/ room for pushing flow and find
+ * proper price for down iteration */
+ bstlevel = -large;
+ fpushf[node] = 0;
+ for (arc = fou[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { if (u[arc] > 0)
+ { if (fpushf[node] == 0)
+ { fpushf[node] = arc;
+ nxtpushf[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { nxtpushf[last] = arc;
+ nxtpushf[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x[arc] > 0)
+ { new_level = p[endn[arc]] + rc[arc];
+ if (new_level > bstlevel)
+ { bstlevel = new_level;
+ extarc = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fpushb[node] = 0;
+ for (arc = fin[node]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { if (x[arc] > 0)
+ { if (fpushb[node] == 0)
+ { fpushb[node] = arc;
+ nxtpushb[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { nxtpushb[last] = arc;
+ nxtpushb[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ if (u[arc] > 0)
+ { new_level = p[startn[arc]] - rc[arc];
+ if (new_level > bstlevel)
+ { bstlevel = new_level;
+ extarc = -arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ extend_arc[node] = extarc;
+ p[node] = bstlevel - eps;
+ }
+L200: /* Start the augmentation cycles of the new scaling phase. */
+ if (dfct[root] >= thresh_dfct)
+ goto L3000;
+ term = root;
+ path_id[root] = true;
+L500: /* Main forward algorithm with root as origin. */
+ /* start of a new forward iteration */
+ pterm = p[term];
+ extarc = extend_arc[term];
+ if (extarc == 0)
+ { /* build the list of arcs w/ room for pushing flow */
+ fpushf[term] = 0;
+ for (arc = fou[term]; arc > 0; arc = nxtou[arc])
+ { if (u[arc] > 0)
+ { if (fpushf[term] == 0)
+ { fpushf[term] = arc;
+ nxtpushf[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { nxtpushf[last] = arc;
+ nxtpushf[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fpushb[term] = 0;
+ for (arc = fin[term]; arc > 0; arc = nxtin[arc])
+ { if (x[arc] > 0)
+ { if (fpushb[term] == 0)
+ { fpushb[term] = arc;
+ nxtpushb[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { nxtpushb[last] = arc;
+ nxtpushb[arc] = 0;
+ last = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto L600;
+ }
+ /* speculative path extension attempt */
+ /* note: arc > 0 means that arc is oriented from the root to the
+ * destinations
+ * arc < 0 means that arc is oriented from the destinations to the
+ * root
+ * extarc = 0 or prdarc = 0, means the extension arc or the
+ * predecessor arc, respectively, has not been established */
+ if (extarc > 0)
+ { if (u[extarc] == 0)
+ { seclevel = sb_level[term];
+ goto L580;
+ }
+ end = endn[extarc];
+ bstlevel = p[end] + rc[extarc];
+ if (pterm >= bstlevel)
+ { if (path_id[end])
+ goto L1200;
+ term = end;
+ prdcsr[term] = extarc;
+ path_id[term] = true;
+ /* if negative surplus node is found, do an augmentation */
+ if (dfct[term] > 0)
+ goto L2000;
+ /* return for another iteration */
+ goto L500;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { extarc = -extarc;
+ if (x[extarc] == 0)
+ { seclevel = sb_level[term];
+ goto L580;
+ }
+ start = startn[extarc];
+ bstlevel = p[start] - rc[extarc];
+ if (pterm >= bstlevel)
+ { if (path_id[start])
+ goto L1200;
+ term = start;
+ prdcsr[term] = -extarc;
+ path_id[term] = true;
+ /* if negative surplus node is found, do an augmentation */
+ if (dfct[term] > 0)
+ goto L2000;
+ /* return for another iteration */
+ goto L500;
+ }
+ }
+L550: /* second best logic test applied to save a full node scan
+ * if old best level continues to be best go for another
+ * contraction */
+ seclevel = sb_level[term];
+ if (bstlevel <= seclevel)
+ goto L800;
+L580: /* if second best can be used do either a contraction or start
+ * over with a speculative extension */
+ if (seclevel > -large)
+ { extarc = sb_arc[term];
+ if (extarc > 0)
+ { if (u[extarc] == 0)
+ goto L600;
+ bstlevel = p[endn[extarc]] + rc[extarc];
+ }
+ else
+ { if (x[-extarc] == 0)
+ goto L600;
+ bstlevel = p[startn[-extarc]] - rc[-extarc];
+ }
+ if (bstlevel == seclevel)
+ { sb_level[term] = -large;
+ extend_arc[term] = extarc;
+ goto L800;
+ }
+ }
+L600: /* extension/contraction attempt was unsuccessful, so scan
+ * terminal node */
+ nsp++;
+ bstlevel = seclevel = large;
+ for (arc = fpushf[term]; arc > 0; arc = nxtpushf[arc])
+ { new_level = p[endn[arc]] + rc[arc];
+ if (new_level < seclevel)
+ { if (new_level < bstlevel)
+ { seclevel = bstlevel;
+ bstlevel = new_level;
+ secarc = extarc;
+ extarc = arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { seclevel = new_level;
+ secarc = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = fpushb[term]; arc > 0; arc = nxtpushb[arc])
+ { new_level = p[startn[arc]] - rc[arc];
+ if (new_level < seclevel)
+ { if (new_level < bstlevel)
+ { seclevel = bstlevel;
+ bstlevel = new_level;
+ secarc = extarc;
+ extarc = -arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { seclevel = new_level;
+ secarc = -arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sb_level[term] = seclevel;
+ sb_arc[term] = secarc;
+ extend_arc[term] = extarc;
+L800: /* End of node scan. */
+ /* if the terminal node is the root, adjust its price and change
+ * root */
+ if (term == root)
+ { p[term] = bstlevel + eps;
+ if (p[term] >= large)
+ { /* no path to the destination */
+ /* problem is found to be infeasible */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ path_id[root] = false;
+ prevnode = root;
+ root = nxtqueue[root];
+ goto L200;
+ }
+ /* check whether extension or contraction */
+ prd = prdcsr[term];
+ if (prd > 0)
+ { pr_term = startn[prd];
+ prevlevel = p[pr_term] - rc[prd];
+ }
+ else
+ { pr_term = endn[-prd];
+ prevlevel = p[pr_term] + rc[-prd];
+ }
+ if (prevlevel > bstlevel)
+ { /* path extension */
+ if (prevlevel >= bstlevel + eps)
+ p[term] = bstlevel + eps;
+ else
+ p[term] = prevlevel;
+ if (extarc > 0)
+ { end = endn[extarc];
+ if (path_id[end])
+ goto L1200;
+ term = end;
+ }
+ else
+ { start = startn[-extarc];
+ if (path_id[start])
+ goto L1200;
+ term = start;
+ }
+ prdcsr[term] = extarc;
+ path_id[term] = true;
+ /* if negative surplus node is found, do an augmentation */
+ if (dfct[term] > 0)
+ goto L2000;
+ /* return for another iteration */
+ goto L500;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* path contraction */
+ p[term] = bstlevel + eps;
+ path_id[term] = false;
+ term = pr_term;
+ if (pr_term != root)
+ { if (bstlevel <= pterm + eps)
+ goto L2000;
+ }
+ pterm = p[term];
+ extarc = prd;
+ if (prd > 0)
+ bstlevel += eps + rc[prd];
+ else
+ bstlevel += eps - rc[-prd];
+ /* do a second best test and if that fails, do a full node
+ * scan */
+ goto L550;
+ }
+L1200:/* A cycle is about to form; do a retreat sequence. */
+ node = term;
+L1600:if (node != root)
+ { path_id[node] = false;
+ prd = prdcsr[node];
+ if (prd > 0)
+ { pr_term = startn[prd];
+ if (p[pr_term] == p[node] + rc[prd] + eps)
+ { node = pr_term;
+ goto L1600;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { pr_term = endn[-prd];
+ if (p[pr_term] == p[node] - rc[-prd] + eps)
+ { node = pr_term;
+ goto L1600;
+ }
+ }
+ /* do a full scan and price rise at pr_term */
+ nsp++;
+ bstlevel = seclevel = large;
+ for (arc = fpushf[pr_term]; arc > 0; arc = nxtpushf[arc])
+ { new_level = p[endn[arc]] + rc[arc];
+ if (new_level < seclevel)
+ { if (new_level < bstlevel)
+ { seclevel = bstlevel;
+ bstlevel = new_level;
+ secarc = extarc;
+ extarc = arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { seclevel = new_level;
+ secarc = arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (arc = fpushb[pr_term]; arc > 0; arc = nxtpushb[arc])
+ { new_level = p[startn[arc]] - rc[arc];
+ if (new_level < seclevel)
+ { if (new_level < bstlevel)
+ { seclevel = bstlevel;
+ bstlevel = new_level;
+ secarc = extarc;
+ extarc = -arc;
+ }
+ else
+ { seclevel = new_level;
+ secarc = -arc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sb_level[pr_term] = seclevel;
+ sb_arc[pr_term] = secarc;
+ extend_arc[pr_term] = extarc;
+ p[pr_term] = bstlevel + eps;
+ if (pr_term == root)
+ { prevnode = root;
+ path_id[root] = false;
+ root = nxtqueue[root];
+ goto L200;
+ }
+ path_id[pr_term] = false;
+ prd = prdcsr[pr_term];
+ if (prd > 0)
+ term = startn[prd];
+ else
+ term = endn[-prd];
+ if (term == root)
+ { prevnode = root;
+ path_id[root] = false;
+ root = nxtqueue[root];
+ goto L200;
+ }
+ else
+ goto L2000;
+ }
+L2000:/* End of auction/shortest path routine. */
+ /* do augmentation from root and correct the push lists */
+ incr = -dfct[root];
+ for (node = root;;)
+ { extarc = extend_arc[node];
+ path_id[node] = false;
+ if (extarc > 0)
+ { node = endn[extarc];
+ if (incr > u[extarc])
+ incr = u[extarc];
+ }
+ else
+ { node = startn[-extarc];
+ if (incr > x[-extarc])
+ incr = x[-extarc];
+ }
+ if (node == term)
+ break;
+ }
+ path_id[term] = false;
+ if (dfct[term] > 0)
+ { if (incr > dfct[term])
+ incr = dfct[term];
+ }
+ for (node = root;;)
+ { extarc = extend_arc[node];
+ if (extarc > 0)
+ { end = endn[extarc];
+ /* add arc to the reduced graph */
+ if (x[extarc] == 0)
+ { nxtpushb[extarc] = fpushb[end];
+ fpushb[end] = extarc;
+ new_level = p[node] - rc[extarc];
+ if (sb_level[end] > new_level)
+ { sb_level[end] = new_level;
+ sb_arc[end] = -extarc;
+ }
+ }
+ x[extarc] += incr;
+ u[extarc] -= incr;
+ /* remove arc from the reduced graph */
+ if (u[extarc] == 0)
+ { nas++;
+ arc = fpushf[node];
+ if (arc == extarc)
+ fpushf[node] = nxtpushf[arc];
+ else
+ { prevarc = arc;
+ arc = nxtpushf[arc];
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { if (arc == extarc)
+ { nxtpushf[prevarc] = nxtpushf[arc];
+ break;
+ }
+ prevarc = arc;
+ arc = nxtpushf[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node = end;
+ }
+ else
+ { extarc = -extarc;
+ start = startn[extarc];
+ /* add arc to the reduced graph */
+ if (u[extarc] == 0)
+ { nxtpushf[extarc] = fpushf[start];
+ fpushf[start] = extarc;
+ new_level = p[node] + rc[extarc];
+ if (sb_level[start] > new_level)
+ { sb_level[start] = new_level;
+ sb_arc[start] = extarc;
+ }
+ }
+ u[extarc] += incr;
+ x[extarc] -= incr;
+ /* remove arc from the reduced graph */
+ if (x[extarc] == 0)
+ { nas++;
+ arc = fpushb[node];
+ if (arc == extarc)
+ fpushb[node] = nxtpushb[arc];
+ else
+ { prevarc = arc;
+ arc = nxtpushb[arc];
+ while (arc > 0)
+ { if (arc == extarc)
+ { nxtpushb[prevarc] = nxtpushb[arc];
+ break;
+ }
+ prevarc = arc;
+ arc = nxtpushb[arc];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node = start;
+ }
+ if (node == term)
+ break;
+ }
+ dfct[term] -= incr;
+ dfct[root] += incr;
+ /* insert term in the queue if it has a large enough surplus */
+ if (dfct[term] < thresh_dfct)
+ { if (nxtqueue[term] == 0)
+ { nxtnode = nxtqueue[root];
+ if ((p[term] >= p[nxtnode]) && (root != nxtnode))
+ { nxtqueue[root] = term;
+ nxtqueue[term] = nxtnode;
+ }
+ else
+ { nxtqueue[prevnode] = term;
+ nxtqueue[term] = root;
+ prevnode = term;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if root has a large enough surplus, keep it in the queue and
+ * return for another iteration */
+ if (dfct[root] < thresh_dfct)
+ { prevnode = root;
+ root = nxtqueue[root];
+ goto L200;
+ }
+L3000:/* end of augmentation cycle */
+ /* Check for termination of scaling phase. If scaling phase is not
+ * finished, advance the queue and return to take another node. */
+ nxtnode = nxtqueue[root];
+ if (root != nxtnode)
+ { nxtqueue[root] = 0;
+ nxtqueue[prevnode] = nxtnode;
+ root = nxtnode;
+ goto L200;
+ }
+ /* End of subproblem (scaling phase). */
+ /* Reduce epsilon. */
+ eps /= factor;
+ if (eps < 1) eps = 1;
+ thresh_dfct /= factor;
+ if (eps == 1) thresh_dfct = 0;
+ /* if another auction scaling phase remains, reset the flows &
+ * the push lists; else reset arc flows to satisfy cs and compute
+ * reduced costs */
+ if (crash == 1)
+ { for (arc = 1; arc <= na; arc++)
+ { start = startn[arc];
+ end = endn[arc];
+ pstart = p[start];
+ pend = p[end];
+ if (pstart > pend + eps + rc[arc])
+ { resid = u[arc];
+ if (resid > 0)
+ { dfct[start] += resid;
+ dfct[end] -= resid;
+ x[arc] += resid;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pstart < pend - eps + rc[arc])
+ { flow = x[arc];
+ if (flow > 0)
+ { dfct[start] -= flow;
+ dfct[end] += flow;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ u[arc] += flow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* return for another phase */
+ goto L100;
+ }
+ else
+ { crash = 1;
+ for (arc = 1; arc <= na; arc++)
+ { start = startn[arc];
+ end = endn[arc];
+ red_cost = rc[arc] + p[end] - p[start];
+ if (red_cost < 0)
+ { resid = u[arc];
+ if (resid > 0)
+ { dfct[start] += resid;
+ dfct[end] -= resid;
+ x[arc] += resid;
+ u[arc] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (red_cost > 0)
+ { flow = x[arc];
+ if (flow > 0)
+ { dfct[start] -= flow;
+ dfct[end] += flow;
+ x[arc] = 0;
+ u[arc] += flow;
+ }
+ }
+ rc[arc] = red_cost;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# undef crash
+# undef nsp
+/* eof */