path: root/MenhirLib/Interpreter_complete.v
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+(* *)
+(* Menhir *)
+(* *)
+(* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, CNRS, LRI, Université Paris Sud *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+(* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the *)
+(* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your *)
+(* option) any later version, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+From Coq Require Import List Syntax Arith.
+From Coq.ssr Require Import ssreflect.
+Require Import Alphabet Grammar.
+Require Automaton Interpreter Validator_complete.
+Module Make(Import A:Automaton.T) (Import Inter:Interpreter.T A).
+Module Import Valid := Validator_complete.Make A.
+(** * Completeness Proof **)
+Section Completeness_Proof.
+Hypothesis safe: Inter.ValidSafe.safe.
+Hypothesis complete: complete.
+(* Properties of the automaton deduced from completeness validation. *)
+Proposition nullable_stable: nullable_stable.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition first_stable: first_stable.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition start_future: start_future.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition terminal_shift: terminal_shift.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition end_reduce: end_reduce.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition start_goto: start_goto.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition non_terminal_goto: non_terminal_goto.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+Proposition non_terminal_closed: non_terminal_closed.
+Proof. pose proof complete; unfold Valid.complete in H; intuition. Qed.
+(** If the nullable predicate has been validated, then it is correct. **)
+Lemma nullable_correct head word :
+ word = [] -> parse_tree head word -> nullable_symb head = true
+with nullable_correct_list heads word :
+ word = [] ->
+ parse_tree_list heads word -> nullable_word heads = true.
+ - destruct 2=>//. assert (Hnull := nullable_stable prod).
+ erewrite nullable_correct_list in Hnull; eauto.
+ - intros Hword. destruct 1=>//=. destruct (app_eq_nil _ _ Hword).
+ eauto using andb_true_intro.
+(** Auxiliary lemma for first_correct. *)
+Lemma first_word_set_app t word1 word2 :
+ TerminalSet.In t (first_word_set (word1 ++ word2)) <->
+ TerminalSet.In t (first_word_set word1) \/
+ TerminalSet.In t (first_word_set word2) /\ nullable_word (rev word1) = true.
+ induction word1 as [|s word1 IH]=>/=.
+ - split; [tauto|]. move=>[/TerminalSet.empty_1 ?|[? _]]//.
+ - rewrite /nullable_word forallb_app /=. destruct nullable_symb=>/=.
+ + rewrite Bool.andb_true_r. split.
+ * move=>/TerminalSet.union_1. rewrite IH.
+ move=>[?|[?|[??]]]; auto using TerminalSet.union_2, TerminalSet.union_3.
+ * destruct IH.
+ move=>[/TerminalSet.union_1 [?|?]|[??]];
+ auto using TerminalSet.union_2, TerminalSet.union_3.
+ + rewrite Bool.andb_false_r. by intuition.
+(** If the first predicate has been validated, then it is correct. **)
+Lemma first_correct head word t q :
+ word = t::q ->
+ parse_tree head word ->
+ TerminalSet.In (token_term t) (first_symb_set head)
+with first_correct_list heads word t q :
+ word = t::q ->
+ parse_tree_list heads word ->
+ TerminalSet.In (token_term t) (first_word_set (rev' heads)).
+ - intros Hword. destruct 1=>//.
+ + inversion Hword. subst. apply TerminalSet.singleton_2, compare_refl.
+ + eapply first_stable. eauto.
+ - intros Hword. destruct 1 as [|symq wordq ptl symt wordt pt]=>//=.
+ rewrite /rev' -rev_alt /= first_word_set_app /= rev_involutive rev_alt.
+ destruct wordq; [right|left].
+ + destruct nullable_symb; eauto using TerminalSet.union_2, nullable_correct_list.
+ + inversion Hword. subst. fold (rev' symq). eauto.
+(** A PTL is compatible with a stack if the top of the stack contains
+ data representing to this PTL. *)
+Fixpoint ptl_stack_compat {symbs word}
+ (stk0 : stack) (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (stk : stack) : Prop :=
+ match ptl with
+ | Nil_ptl => stk0 = stk
+ | @Cons_ptl _ _ ptl sym _ pt =>
+ match stk with
+ | [] => False
+ | existT _ _ sem::stk =>
+ ptl_stack_compat stk0 ptl stk /\
+ exists e,
+ sem = eq_rect _ symbol_semantic_type (pt_sem pt) _ e
+ end
+ end.
+(** .. and when a PTL is compatible with a stack, then calling the pop
+ function return the semantic value of this PTL. *)
+Lemma pop_stack_compat_pop_spec {A symbs word}
+ (ptl:parse_tree_list symbs word) (stk:stack) (stk0:stack) action :
+ ptl_stack_compat stk0 ptl stk ->
+ pop_spec symbs stk action stk0 (ptl_sem (A:=A) ptl action).
+ revert stk. induction ptl=>stk /= Hstk.
+ - subst. constructor.
+ - destruct stk as [|[st sem] stk]=>//. destruct Hstk as [Hstk [??]]. subst.
+ simpl. constructor. eauto.
+Variable init: initstate.
+(** In order to prove compleness, we first fix a word to be parsed
+ together with the content of the parser at the end of the parsing. *)
+Variable full_word: list token.
+Variable buffer_end: buffer.
+(** Completeness is proved by following the traversal of the parse
+ tree which is performed by the parser. Each step of parsing
+ correspond to one step of traversal. In order to represent the state
+ of the traversal, we define the notion of "dotted" parse tree, which
+ is a parse tree with one dot on one of its node. The place of the
+ dot represents the place of the next action to be executed.
+ Such a dotted parse tree is decomposed into two part: a "regular"
+ parse tree, which is the parse tree placed under the dot, and a
+ "parse tree zipper", which is the part of the parse tree placed
+ above the dot. Therefore, a parse tree zipper is a parse tree with a
+ hole. Moreover, for easier manipulation, a parse tree zipper is
+ represented "upside down". That is, the root of the parse tree is
+ actually a leaf of the zipper, while the root of the zipper is the
+ hole.
+ *)
+Inductive pt_zipper:
+ forall (hole_symb:symbol) (hole_word:list token), Type :=
+| Top_ptz:
+ pt_zipper (NT (start_nt init)) full_word
+| Cons_ptl_ptz:
+ forall {head_symbolsq:list symbol} {wordq:list token},
+ parse_tree_list head_symbolsq wordq ->
+ forall {head_symbolt:symbol} {wordt:list token},
+ ptl_zipper (head_symbolt::head_symbolsq) (wordq++wordt) ->
+ pt_zipper head_symbolt wordt
+with ptl_zipper:
+ forall (hole_symbs:list symbol) (hole_word:list token), Type :=
+| Non_terminal_pt_ptlz:
+ forall {p:production} {word:list token},
+ pt_zipper (NT (prod_lhs p)) word ->
+ ptl_zipper (prod_rhs_rev p) word
+| Cons_ptl_ptlz:
+ forall {head_symbolsq:list symbol} {wordq:list token},
+ forall {head_symbolt:symbol} {wordt:list token},
+ parse_tree head_symbolt wordt ->
+ ptl_zipper (head_symbolt::head_symbolsq) (wordq++wordt) ->
+ ptl_zipper head_symbolsq wordq.
+(** A dotted parse tree is the combination of a parse tree zipper with
+ a parse tree. It can be intwo flavors, depending on which is the next
+ action to be executed (shift or reduce). *)
+Inductive pt_dot: Type :=
+| Reduce_ptd: forall {prod word},
+ parse_tree_list (prod_rhs_rev prod) word ->
+ pt_zipper (NT (prod_lhs prod)) word ->
+ pt_dot
+| Shift_ptd: forall (tok : token) {symbolsq wordq},
+ parse_tree_list symbolsq wordq ->
+ ptl_zipper (T (token_term tok)::symbolsq) (wordq++[tok]) ->
+ pt_dot.
+(** We can compute the full semantic value of a parse tree when
+ represented as a dotted ptd. *)
+Fixpoint ptlz_sem {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word) :
+ (forall A, arrows_right A (map symbol_semantic_type hole_symbs) -> A) ->
+ (symbol_semantic_type (NT (start_nt init))) :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | @Non_terminal_pt_ptlz prod _ ptz =>
+ fun k => ptz_sem ptz (k _ (prod_action prod))
+ | Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz =>
+ fun k => ptlz_sem ptlz (fun _ f => k _ (f (pt_sem pt)))
+ end
+with ptz_sem {hole_symb hole_word}
+ (ptz:pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word):
+ symbol_semantic_type hole_symb -> symbol_semantic_type (NT (start_nt init)) :=
+ match ptz with
+ | Top_ptz => fun sem => sem
+ | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz =>
+ fun sem => ptlz_sem ptlz (fun _ f => ptl_sem ptl (f sem))
+ end.
+Definition ptd_sem (ptd : pt_dot) :=
+ match ptd with
+ | @Reduce_ptd prod _ ptl ptz =>
+ ptz_sem ptz (ptl_sem ptl (prod_action prod))
+ | Shift_ptd tok ptl ptlz =>
+ ptlz_sem ptlz (fun _ f => ptl_sem ptl (f (token_sem tok)))
+ end.
+(** The buffer associated with a dotted parse tree corresponds to the
+ buffer left to be read by the parser when at the state represented
+ by the dotted parse tree. *)
+Fixpoint ptlz_buffer {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word): buffer :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz =>
+ ptz_buffer ptz
+ | @Cons_ptl_ptlz _ _ _ wordt _ ptlz' =>
+ wordt ++ ptlz_buffer ptlz'
+ end
+with ptz_buffer {hole_symb hole_word}
+ (ptz:pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word): buffer :=
+ match ptz with
+ | Top_ptz => buffer_end
+ | Cons_ptl_ptz _ ptlz =>
+ ptlz_buffer ptlz
+ end.
+Definition ptd_buffer (ptd:pt_dot) :=
+ match ptd with
+ | Reduce_ptd _ ptz => ptz_buffer ptz
+ | @Shift_ptd tok _ wordq _ ptlz => (tok::ptlz_buffer ptlz)%buf
+ end.
+(** We are now ready to define the main invariant of the proof of
+ completeness: we need to specify when a stack is compatible with a
+ dotted parse tree. Informally, a stack is compatible with a dotted
+ parse tree when it is the concatenation stack fragments which are
+ compatible with each of the partially recognized productions
+ appearing in the parse tree zipper. Moreover, the head of each of
+ these stack fragment contains a state which has an item predicted by
+ the corresponding zipper.
+ More formally, the compatibility relation first needs the following
+ auxiliary definitions: *)
+Fixpoint ptlz_prod {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word): production :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | @Non_terminal_pt_ptlz prod _ _ => prod
+ | Cons_ptl_ptlz _ ptlz' => ptlz_prod ptlz'
+ end.
+Fixpoint ptlz_future {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word): list symbol :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz _ => []
+ | @Cons_ptl_ptlz _ _ s _ _ ptlz' => s::ptlz_future ptlz'
+ end.
+Fixpoint ptlz_lookahead {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word) : terminal :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz => token_term (buf_head (ptz_buffer ptz))
+ | Cons_ptl_ptlz _ ptlz' => ptlz_lookahead ptlz'
+ end.
+Fixpoint ptz_stack_compat {hole_symb hole_word}
+ (stk : stack) (ptz : pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word) : Prop :=
+ match ptz with
+ | Top_ptz => stk = []
+ | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz =>
+ exists stk0,
+ state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) (ptlz_prod ptlz)
+ (hole_symb::ptlz_future ptlz) (ptlz_lookahead ptlz) /\
+ ptl_stack_compat stk0 ptl stk /\
+ ptlz_stack_compat stk0 ptlz
+ end
+with ptlz_stack_compat {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (stk : stack) (ptlz : ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word) : Prop :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz => ptz_stack_compat stk ptz
+ | Cons_ptl_ptlz _ ptlz => ptlz_stack_compat stk ptlz
+ end.
+Definition ptd_stack_compat (ptd:pt_dot) (stk:stack): Prop :=
+ match ptd with
+ | @Reduce_ptd prod _ ptl ptz =>
+ exists stk0,
+ state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) prod []
+ (token_term (buf_head (ptz_buffer ptz))) /\
+ ptl_stack_compat stk0 ptl stk /\
+ ptz_stack_compat stk0 ptz
+ | Shift_ptd tok ptl ptlz =>
+ exists stk0,
+ state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) (ptlz_prod ptlz)
+ (T (token_term tok) :: ptlz_future ptlz) (ptlz_lookahead ptlz) /\
+ ptl_stack_compat stk0 ptl stk /\
+ ptlz_stack_compat stk0 ptlz
+ end.
+Lemma ptz_stack_compat_cons_state_has_future {symbsq wordq symbt wordt} stk
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbsq wordq)
+ (ptlz : ptl_zipper (symbt :: symbsq) (wordq ++ wordt)) :
+ ptz_stack_compat stk (Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz) ->
+ state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) (ptlz_prod ptlz)
+ (symbt::ptlz_future ptlz) (ptlz_lookahead ptlz).
+Proof. move=>[stk0 [? [? ?]]] //. Qed.
+Lemma ptlz_future_ptlz_prod hole_symbs hole_word
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word) :
+ rev_append (ptlz_future ptlz) hole_symbs = prod_rhs_rev (ptlz_prod ptlz).
+Proof. induction ptlz=>//=. Qed.
+Lemma ptlz_future_first {symbs word} (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word) :
+ TerminalSet.In (token_term (buf_head (ptlz_buffer ptlz)))
+ (first_word_set (ptlz_future ptlz)) \/
+ token_term (buf_head (ptlz_buffer ptlz)) = ptlz_lookahead ptlz /\
+ nullable_word (ptlz_future ptlz) = true.
+ induction ptlz as [|??? [|tok] pt ptlz IH]; [by auto| |]=>/=.
+ - rewrite (nullable_correct _ _ eq_refl pt).
+ destruct IH as [|[??]]; [left|right]=>/=; auto using TerminalSet.union_3.
+ - left. destruct nullable_symb; eauto using TerminalSet.union_2, first_correct.
+(** We now want to define what is the next dotted parse tree which is
+ to be handled after one action. Such dotted parse is built in two
+ steps: Not only we have to perform the action by completing the
+ parse tree, but we also have to prepare for the following step by
+ moving the dot down to place it in front of the next action to be
+ performed.
+Fixpoint build_pt_dot_from_pt {symb word}
+ (pt : parse_tree symb word) (ptz : pt_zipper symb word)
+ : pt_dot :=
+ match pt in parse_tree symb word
+ return pt_zipper symb word -> pt_dot
+ with
+ | Terminal_pt tok =>
+ fun ptz =>
+ let X :=
+ match ptz in pt_zipper symb word
+ return match symb with T term => True | NT _ => False end ->
+ { symbsq : list symbol &
+ { wordq : list token &
+ (parse_tree_list symbsq wordq *
+ ptl_zipper (symb :: symbsq) (wordq ++ word))%type } }
+ with
+ | Top_ptz => fun F => False_rect _ F
+ | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz => fun _ =>
+ existT _ _ (existT _ _ (ptl, ptlz))
+ end I
+ in
+ Shift_ptd tok (fst (projT2 (projT2 X))) (snd (projT2 (projT2 X)))
+ | Non_terminal_pt prod ptl => fun ptz =>
+ let is_notnil :=
+ match ptl in parse_tree_list w _
+ return option (match w return Prop with [] => False | _ => True end)
+ with
+ | Nil_ptl => None
+ | _ => Some I
+ end
+ in
+ match is_notnil with
+ | None => Reduce_ptd ptl ptz
+ | Some H => build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec ptl H (Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz)
+ end
+ end ptz
+with build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word)
+ (Hsymbs : match symbs with [] => False | _ => True end)
+ (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ : pt_dot :=
+ match ptl in parse_tree_list symbs word
+ return match symbs with [] => False | _ => True end ->
+ ptl_zipper symbs word ->
+ pt_dot
+ with
+ | Nil_ptl => fun Hsymbs _ => False_rect _ Hsymbs
+ | Cons_ptl ptl' pt => fun _ =>
+ match ptl' in parse_tree_list symbsq wordq
+ return parse_tree_list symbsq wordq ->
+ ptl_zipper (_ :: symbsq) (wordq ++ _) ->
+ pt_dot
+ with
+ | Nil_ptl => fun _ ptlz =>
+ build_pt_dot_from_pt pt (Cons_ptl_ptz Nil_ptl ptlz)
+ | _ => fun ptl' ptlz =>
+ build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec ptl' I (Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz)
+ end ptl'
+ end Hsymbs ptlz.
+Definition build_pt_dot_from_ptl {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word)
+ (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ : pt_dot :=
+ match ptlz in ptl_zipper symbs word
+ return parse_tree_list symbs word -> pt_dot
+ with
+ | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz => fun ptl =>
+ Reduce_ptd ptl ptz
+ | Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz => fun ptl =>
+ build_pt_dot_from_pt pt (Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz)
+ end ptl.
+Definition next_ptd (ptd:pt_dot) : option pt_dot :=
+ match ptd with
+ | Shift_ptd tok ptl ptlz =>
+ Some (build_pt_dot_from_ptl (Cons_ptl ptl (Terminal_pt tok)) ptlz)
+ | Reduce_ptd ptl ptz =>
+ match ptz in pt_zipper symb word
+ return parse_tree symb word -> _
+ with
+ | Top_ptz => fun _ => None
+ | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl' ptlz => fun pt =>
+ Some (build_pt_dot_from_ptl (Cons_ptl ptl' pt) ptlz)
+ end (Non_terminal_pt _ ptl)
+ end.
+Fixpoint next_ptd_iter (ptd:pt_dot) (log_n_steps:nat) : option pt_dot :=
+ match log_n_steps with
+ | O => next_ptd ptd
+ | S log_n_steps =>
+ match next_ptd_iter ptd log_n_steps with
+ | None => None
+ | Some ptd => next_ptd_iter ptd log_n_steps
+ end
+ end.
+(** We prove that these functions behave well w.r.t. semantic values. *)
+Lemma sem_build_from_pt {symb word}
+ (pt : parse_tree symb word) (ptz : pt_zipper symb word) :
+ ptz_sem ptz (pt_sem pt)
+ = ptd_sem (build_pt_dot_from_pt pt ptz)
+with sem_build_from_pt_rec {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ Hsymbs :
+ ptlz_sem ptlz (fun _ f => ptl_sem ptl f)
+ = ptd_sem (build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec ptl Hsymbs ptlz).
+ - destruct pt as [tok|prod word ptl]=>/=.
+ + revert ptz. generalize [tok].
+ generalize (token_sem tok). generalize I.
+ change True with (match T (token_term tok) with T _ => True | NT _ => False end) at 1.
+ generalize (T (token_term tok)) => symb HT sem word ptz. by destruct ptz.
+ + match goal with
+ | |- context [match ?X with Some H => _ | None => _ end] => destruct X=>//
+ end.
+ by rewrite -sem_build_from_pt_rec.
+ - destruct ptl; [contradiction|].
+ specialize (sem_build_from_pt_rec _ _ ptl)=>/=. destruct ptl.
+ + by rewrite -sem_build_from_pt.
+ + by rewrite -sem_build_from_pt_rec.
+Lemma sem_build_from_ptl {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word) :
+ ptlz_sem ptlz (fun _ f => ptl_sem ptl f)
+ = ptd_sem (build_pt_dot_from_ptl ptl ptlz).
+Proof. destruct ptlz=>//=. by rewrite -sem_build_from_pt. Qed.
+Lemma sem_next_ptd (ptd : pt_dot) :
+ match next_ptd ptd with
+ | None => True
+ | Some ptd' => ptd_sem ptd = ptd_sem ptd'
+ end.
+ destruct ptd as [prod word ptl ptz|tok symbs word ptl ptlz] =>/=.
+ - change (ptl_sem ptl (prod_action prod))
+ with (pt_sem (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl)).
+ generalize (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl). clear ptl.
+ destruct ptz as [|?? ptl ?? ptlz]=>// pt. by rewrite -sem_build_from_ptl.
+ - by rewrite -sem_build_from_ptl.
+Lemma sem_next_ptd_iter (ptd : pt_dot) (log_n_steps : nat) :
+ match next_ptd_iter ptd log_n_steps with
+ | None => True
+ | Some ptd' => ptd_sem ptd = ptd_sem ptd'
+ end.
+ revert ptd.
+ induction log_n_steps as [|log_n_steps IH]; [by apply sem_next_ptd|]=>/= ptd.
+ assert (IH1 := IH ptd). destruct next_ptd_iter as [ptd'|]=>//.
+ specialize (IH ptd'). destruct next_ptd_iter=>//. congruence.
+(** We prove that these functions behave well w.r.t. xxx_buffer. *)
+Lemma ptd_buffer_build_from_pt {symb word}
+ (pt : parse_tree symb word) (ptz : pt_zipper symb word) :
+ (word ++ ptz_buffer ptz)%buf = ptd_buffer (build_pt_dot_from_pt pt ptz)
+with ptd_buffer_build_from_pt_rec {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ Hsymbs :
+ (word ++ ptlz_buffer ptlz)%buf = ptd_buffer (build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec ptl Hsymbs ptlz).
+ - destruct pt as [tok|prod word ptl]=>/=.
+ + f_equal. revert ptz. generalize [tok].
+ generalize (token_sem tok). generalize I.
+ change True with (match T (token_term tok) with T _ => True | NT _ => False end) at 1.
+ generalize (T (token_term tok)) => symb HT sem word ptz. by destruct ptz.
+ + match goal with
+ | |- context [match ?X with Some H => _ | None => _ end] => destruct X eqn:EQ
+ end.
+ * by rewrite -ptd_buffer_build_from_pt_rec.
+ * rewrite [X in (X ++ _)%buf](_ : word = []) //. clear -EQ. by destruct ptl.
+ - destruct ptl as [|?? ptl ?? pt]; [contradiction|].
+ specialize (ptd_buffer_build_from_pt_rec _ _ ptl).
+ destruct ptl.
+ + by rewrite /= -ptd_buffer_build_from_pt.
+ + by rewrite -ptd_buffer_build_from_pt_rec //= app_buf_assoc.
+Lemma ptd_buffer_build_from_ptl {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word) :
+ ptlz_buffer ptlz = ptd_buffer (build_pt_dot_from_ptl ptl ptlz).
+ destruct ptlz as [|???? pt]=>//=. by rewrite -ptd_buffer_build_from_pt.
+(** We prove that these functions behave well w.r.t. xxx_stack_compat. *)
+Lemma ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt {symb word}
+ (pt : parse_tree symb word) (ptz : pt_zipper symb word)
+ (stk: stack) :
+ ptz_stack_compat stk ptz ->
+ ptd_stack_compat (build_pt_dot_from_pt pt ptz) stk
+with ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt_rec {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ (stk : stack) Hsymbs :
+ ptlz_stack_compat stk ptlz ->
+ state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) (ptlz_prod ptlz)
+ (rev' (prod_rhs_rev (ptlz_prod ptlz))) (ptlz_lookahead ptlz) ->
+ ptd_stack_compat (build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec ptl Hsymbs ptlz) stk.
+ - intros Hstk. destruct pt as [tok|prod word ptl]=>/=.
+ + revert ptz Hstk. generalize [tok]. generalize (token_sem tok). generalize I.
+ change True with (match T (token_term tok) with T _ => True | NT _ => False end) at 1.
+ generalize (T (token_term tok)) => symb HT sem word ptz. by destruct ptz.
+ + assert (state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) prod
+ (rev' (prod_rhs_rev prod)) (token_term (buf_head (ptz_buffer ptz)))).
+ { revert ptz Hstk. remember (NT (prod_lhs prod)) eqn:EQ=>ptz.
+ destruct ptz as [|?? ptl0 ?? ptlz0].
+ - intros ->. apply start_future. congruence.
+ - subst. intros (stk0 & Hfut & _). apply non_terminal_closed in Hfut.
+ specialize (Hfut prod eq_refl).
+ destruct (ptlz_future_first ptlz0) as [Hfirst|[Hfirst Hnull]].
+ + destruct Hfut as [_ Hfut]. auto.
+ + destruct Hfut as [Hfut _]. by rewrite Hnull -Hfirst in Hfut. }
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [match ?X with Some H => _ | None => _ end] => destruct X eqn:EQ
+ end.
+ * by apply ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt_rec.
+ * exists stk. destruct ptl=>//.
+ - intros Hstk Hfut. destruct ptl as [|?? ptl ?? pt]; [contradiction|].
+ specialize (ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt_rec _ _ ptl). destruct ptl.
+ + eapply ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt=>//. exists stk.
+ split; [|split]=>//; [].
+ by rewrite -ptlz_future_ptlz_prod rev_append_rev /rev' -rev_alt
+ rev_app_distr rev_involutive in Hfut.
+ + by apply ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt_rec.
+Lemma ptd_stack_compat_build_from_ptl {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ (stk stk0: stack) :
+ ptlz_stack_compat stk0 ptlz ->
+ ptl_stack_compat stk0 ptl stk ->
+ state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) (ptlz_prod ptlz)
+ (ptlz_future ptlz) (ptlz_lookahead ptlz) ->
+ ptd_stack_compat (build_pt_dot_from_ptl ptl ptlz) stk.
+ intros Hstk0 Hstk Hfut. destruct ptlz=>/=.
+ - eauto.
+ - apply ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt=>/=. eauto.
+(** We can now proceed by proving that the invariant is preserved by
+ each step of parsing. We also prove that each step of parsing
+ follows next_ptd.
+ We start with reduce steps: *)
+Lemma reduce_step_next_ptd (prod : production) (word : list token)
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list (prod_rhs_rev prod) word)
+ (ptz : pt_zipper (NT (prod_lhs prod)) word)
+ (stk : stack)
+ Hval Hi :
+ ptd_stack_compat (Reduce_ptd ptl ptz) stk ->
+ match next_ptd (Reduce_ptd ptl ptz) with
+ | None =>
+ reduce_step init stk prod (ptz_buffer ptz) Hval Hi =
+ Accept_sr (ptd_sem (Reduce_ptd ptl ptz)) buffer_end
+ | Some ptd =>
+ exists stk',
+ reduce_step init stk prod (ptz_buffer ptz) Hval Hi =
+ Progress_sr stk' (ptd_buffer ptd) /\
+ ptd_stack_compat ptd stk'
+ end.
+ intros (stk0 & _ & Hstk & Hstk0).
+ apply pop_stack_compat_pop_spec with (action := prod_action prod) in Hstk.
+ rewrite <-pop_spec_ok with (Hp := reduce_step_subproof init stk prod Hval Hi) in Hstk.
+ unfold reduce_step.
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [pop_state_valid init ?A stk ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F] =>
+ generalize (pop_state_valid init A stk B C D E F)
+ end.
+ rewrite Hstk /=. intros Hv.
+ generalize (reduce_step_subproof1 init stk prod Hval stk0 (fun _ : True => Hv)).
+ clear Hval Hstk Hi Hv stk.
+ assert (Hgoto := fun fut prod' =>
+ non_terminal_goto (state_of_stack init stk0) prod' (NT (prod_lhs prod)::fut)).
+ simpl in Hgoto.
+ destruct goto_table as [[st Hst]|] eqn:Hgoto'.
+ - intros _.
+ assert (match ptz with Top_ptz => False | _ => True end).
+ { revert ptz Hst Hstk0 Hgoto'.
+ generalize (eq_refl (NT (prod_lhs prod))).
+ generalize (NT (prod_lhs prod)) at 1 3 5.
+ intros nt Hnt ptz. destruct ptz=>//. injection Hnt=> <- /= Hst -> /= Hg.
+ assert (Hsg := start_goto init). by rewrite Hg in Hsg. }
+ clear Hgoto'.
+ change (ptl_sem ptl (prod_action prod))
+ with (pt_sem (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl)).
+ generalize (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl). clear ptl.
+ destruct ptz as [|?? ptl ? ? ptlz]=>// pt.
+ subst=>/=. eexists _. split.
+ + f_equal. apply ptd_buffer_build_from_ptl.
+ + destruct Hstk0 as (stk0' & Hfut & Hstk0' & Hstk0).
+ apply (ptd_stack_compat_build_from_ptl _ _ _ stk0'); auto; [].
+ split=>//. by exists eq_refl.
+ - intros Hv. generalize (reduce_step_subproof0 _ prod _ (fun _ => Hv)).
+ intros EQnt. clear Hv Hgoto'.
+ change (ptl_sem ptl (prod_action prod))
+ with (pt_sem (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl)).
+ generalize (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl). clear ptl. destruct ptz.
+ + intros pt. f_equal. by rewrite cast_eq.
+ + edestruct Hgoto. eapply ptz_stack_compat_cons_state_has_future, Hstk0.
+Lemma step_next_ptd (ptd : pt_dot) (stk : stack) Hi :
+ ptd_stack_compat ptd stk ->
+ match next_ptd ptd with
+ | None =>
+ step safe init stk (ptd_buffer ptd) Hi =
+ Accept_sr (ptd_sem ptd) buffer_end
+ | Some ptd' =>
+ exists stk',
+ step safe init stk (ptd_buffer ptd) Hi =
+ Progress_sr stk' (ptd_buffer ptd') /\
+ ptd_stack_compat ptd' stk'
+ end.
+ intros Hstk. unfold step.
+ generalize (reduce_ok safe (state_of_stack init stk)).
+ destruct ptd as [prod word ptl ptz|tok symbs word ptl ptlz].
+ - assert (Hfut : state_has_future (state_of_stack init stk) prod []
+ (token_term (buf_head (ptz_buffer ptz)))).
+ { destruct Hstk as (? & ? & ?)=>//. }
+ assert (Hact := end_reduce _ _ _ _ Hfut).
+ destruct action_table as [?|awt]=>Hval /=.
+ + subst. by apply reduce_step_next_ptd.
+ + set (term := token_term (buf_head (ptz_buffer ptz))) in *.
+ generalize (Hval term). clear Hval. destruct (awt term)=>//. subst.
+ intros Hval. by apply reduce_step_next_ptd.
+ - destruct Hstk as (stk0 & Hfut & Hstk & Hstk0).
+ assert (Hact := terminal_shift _ _ _ _ Hfut). simpl in Hact. clear Hfut.
+ destruct action_table as [?|awt]=>//= /(_ (token_term tok)).
+ destruct awt as [st' EQ| |]=>// _. eexists. split.
+ + f_equal. rewrite -ptd_buffer_build_from_ptl //.
+ + apply (ptd_stack_compat_build_from_ptl _ _ _ stk0); simpl; eauto.
+(** We prove the completeness of the parser main loop. *)
+Lemma parse_fix_next_ptd_iter (ptd : pt_dot) (stk : stack) (log_n_steps : nat) Hi :
+ ptd_stack_compat ptd stk ->
+ match next_ptd_iter ptd log_n_steps with
+ | None =>
+ proj1_sig (parse_fix safe init stk (ptd_buffer ptd) log_n_steps Hi) =
+ Accept_sr (ptd_sem ptd) buffer_end
+ | Some ptd' =>
+ exists stk',
+ proj1_sig (parse_fix safe init stk (ptd_buffer ptd) log_n_steps Hi) =
+ Progress_sr stk' (ptd_buffer ptd') /\
+ ptd_stack_compat ptd' stk'
+ end.
+ revert ptd stk Hi.
+ induction log_n_steps as [|log_n_steps IH]; [by apply step_next_ptd|].
+ move => /= ptd stk Hi Hstk. assert (IH1 := IH ptd stk Hi Hstk).
+ assert (EQsem := sem_next_ptd_iter ptd log_n_steps).
+ destruct parse_fix as [sr Hi']. simpl in IH1.
+ destruct next_ptd_iter as [ptd'|].
+ - rewrite EQsem. destruct IH1 as (stk' & -> & Hstk'). by apply IH.
+ - by subst.
+(** The parser is defined by recursion over a fuel parameter. In the
+ completeness proof, we need to predict how much fuel is going to be
+ needed in order to prove that enough fuel gives rise to a successful
+ parsing.
+ To do so, of a dotted parse tree, which is the number of actions
+ left to be executed before complete parsing when the current state
+ is represented by the dotted parse tree. *)
+Fixpoint ptlz_cost {hole_symbs hole_word}
+ (ptlz:ptl_zipper hole_symbs hole_word) :=
+ match ptlz with
+ | Non_terminal_pt_ptlz ptz => ptz_cost ptz
+ | Cons_ptl_ptlz pt ptlz' => pt_size pt + ptlz_cost ptlz'
+ end
+with ptz_cost {hole_symb hole_word} (ptz:pt_zipper hole_symb hole_word) :=
+ match ptz with
+ | Top_ptz => 0
+ | Cons_ptl_ptz ptl ptlz' => 1 + ptlz_cost ptlz'
+ end.
+Definition ptd_cost (ptd:pt_dot) :=
+ match ptd with
+ | Reduce_ptd ptl ptz => ptz_cost ptz
+ | Shift_ptd _ ptl ptlz => 1 + ptlz_cost ptlz
+ end.
+Lemma ptd_cost_build_from_pt {symb word}
+ (pt : parse_tree symb word) (ptz : pt_zipper symb word) :
+ pt_size pt + ptz_cost ptz = S (ptd_cost (build_pt_dot_from_pt pt ptz))
+with ptd_cost_build_from_pt_rec {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word)
+ Hsymbs :
+ ptl_size ptl + ptlz_cost ptlz = ptd_cost (build_pt_dot_from_pt_rec ptl Hsymbs ptlz).
+ - destruct pt as [tok|prod word ptl']=>/=.
+ + revert ptz. generalize [tok]. generalize (token_sem tok). generalize I.
+ change True with (match T (token_term tok) with T _ => True | NT _ => False end) at 1.
+ generalize (T (token_term tok)) => symb HT sem word ptz. by destruct ptz.
+ + match goal with
+ | |- context [match ?X with Some H => _ | None => _ end] => destruct X eqn:EQ
+ end.
+ * rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_pt_rec /= plus_n_Sm //.
+ * simpl. by destruct ptl'.
+ - destruct ptl as [|?? ptl ?? pt]; [contradiction|].
+ specialize (ptd_cost_build_from_pt_rec _ _ ptl). destruct ptl.
+ + apply eq_add_S. rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_pt /=. ring.
+ + rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_pt_rec //=. ring.
+Lemma ptd_cost_build_from_ptl {symbs word}
+ (ptl : parse_tree_list symbs word) (ptlz : ptl_zipper symbs word) :
+ ptlz_cost ptlz = ptd_cost (build_pt_dot_from_ptl ptl ptlz).
+ destruct ptlz=>//. apply eq_add_S. rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_pt /=. ring.
+Lemma next_ptd_cost ptd:
+ match next_ptd ptd with
+ | None => ptd_cost ptd = 0
+ | Some ptd' => ptd_cost ptd = S (ptd_cost ptd')
+ end.
+ destruct ptd as [prod word ptl ptz|tok symbq wordq ptl ptlz] =>/=.
+ - generalize (Non_terminal_pt prod ptl). clear ptl.
+ destruct ptz as [|?? ptl ?? ptlz]=>// pt. by rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_ptl.
+ - by rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_ptl.
+Lemma next_ptd_iter_cost ptd log_n_steps :
+ match next_ptd_iter ptd log_n_steps with
+ | None => ptd_cost ptd < 2^log_n_steps
+ | Some ptd' => ptd_cost ptd = 2^log_n_steps + ptd_cost ptd'
+ end.
+ revert ptd. induction log_n_steps as [|log_n_steps IH]=>ptd /=.
+ - assert (Hptd := next_ptd_cost ptd). destruct next_ptd=>//. by rewrite Hptd.
+ - rewrite Nat.add_0_r. assert (IH1 := IH ptd). destruct next_ptd_iter as [ptd'|].
+ + specialize (IH ptd'). destruct next_ptd_iter as [ptd''|].
+ * by rewrite IH1 IH -!plus_assoc.
+ * rewrite IH1. by apply plus_lt_compat_l.
+ + by apply lt_plus_trans.
+(** We now prove the top-level parsing function. The only thing that
+ is left to be done is the initialization. To do so, we define the
+ initial dotted parse tree, depending on a full (top-level) parse tree. *)
+Variable full_pt : parse_tree (NT (start_nt init)) full_word.
+Theorem parse_complete log_n_steps:
+ match parse safe init (full_word ++ buffer_end) log_n_steps with
+ | Parsed_pr sem buff =>
+ sem = pt_sem full_pt /\ buff = buffer_end /\ pt_size full_pt <= 2^log_n_steps
+ | Timeout_pr => 2^log_n_steps < pt_size full_pt
+ | Fail_pr => False
+ end.
+ assert (Hstk : ptd_stack_compat (build_pt_dot_from_pt full_pt Top_ptz) []) by
+ by apply ptd_stack_compat_build_from_pt.
+ unfold parse.
+ assert (Hparse := parse_fix_next_ptd_iter _ _ log_n_steps (parse_subproof init) Hstk).
+ rewrite -ptd_buffer_build_from_pt -sem_build_from_pt /= in Hparse.
+ assert (Hcost := next_ptd_iter_cost (build_pt_dot_from_pt full_pt Top_ptz) log_n_steps).
+ destruct next_ptd_iter.
+ - destruct Hparse as (? & -> & ?). apply (f_equal S) in Hcost.
+ rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_pt Nat.add_0_r in Hcost. rewrite Hcost.
+ apply le_lt_n_Sm, le_plus_l.
+ - rewrite Hparse. split; [|split]=>//. apply lt_le_S in Hcost.
+ by rewrite -ptd_cost_build_from_pt Nat.add_0_r in Hcost.
+End Completeness_Proof.
+End Make.