path: root/cfrontend
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@college-de-france.fr>2022-09-27 12:31:07 +0200
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@college-de-france.fr>2022-10-29 10:03:30 +0200
commita1dabb4792446538cce24eb87bcd3ccb3c09f18b (patch)
treeb74523469addfab9db6afc5ced3564ce267da4d7 /cfrontend
parentdfc6b66ec21e148d29b2a6e8b5d77873a0a47511 (diff)
Handle unstructured 'switch' statements such as Duff's device
- New elaboration pass: SwitchNorm - recognizes structured 'switch' statements and puts them in a normalized form; - if selected, transforms unstructured 'switch' statements into a structured switch with goto actions + the original switch body with appropriate labels and gotos. - C2C treatment of 'switch' statements is simplified accordingly. - New language support option `-funstructured-switch`. - Some tests were added (test/regression/switch3.c).
Diffstat (limited to 'cfrontend')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index 89b9139c..2ea38ddd 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -1028,61 +1028,6 @@ let convertAsm loc env txt outputs inputs clobber =
| None -> e
| Some lhs -> Eassign (convertLvalue env lhs, e, typeof e)
-(* Separate the cases of a switch statement body *)
-type switchlabel =
- | Case of C.exp
- | Default
-type switchbody =
- | Label of switchlabel
- | Stmt of C.stmt
-let rec flattenSwitch = function
- | {sdesc = C.Sseq(s1, s2)} ->
- flattenSwitch s1 @ flattenSwitch s2
- | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Scase(e, _), s1)} ->
- Label(Case e) :: flattenSwitch s1
- | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Sdefault, s1)} ->
- Label Default :: flattenSwitch s1
- | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, s1); sloc = loc} ->
- Stmt {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, Cutil.sskip); sloc = loc}
- :: flattenSwitch s1
- | s ->
- [Stmt s]
-let rec groupSwitch = function
- | [] ->
- (Cutil.sskip, [])
- | Label case :: rem ->
- let (fst, cases) = groupSwitch rem in
- (Cutil.sskip, (case, fst) :: cases)
- | Stmt s :: rem ->
- let (fst, cases) = groupSwitch rem in
- (Cutil.sseq s.sloc s fst, cases)
-(* Test whether the statement contains case and give an *)
-let rec contains_case s =
- match s.sdesc with
- | C.Sskip
- | C.Sdo _
- | C.Sbreak
- | C.Scontinue
- | C.Sswitch _ (* Stop at a switch *)
- | C.Sgoto _
- | C.Sreturn _
- | C.Sdecl _
- | C.Sasm _ -> ()
- | C.Sseq (s1,s2)
- | C.Sif(_,s1,s2) -> contains_case s1; contains_case s2
- | C.Swhile (_,s1)
- | C.Sdowhile (s1,_) -> contains_case s1
- | C.Sfor (s1,e,s2,s3) -> contains_case s1; contains_case s2; contains_case s3
- | C.Slabeled(C.Scase _, _) ->
- unsupported "'case' statement not in 'switch' statement"
- | C.Slabeled(_,s) -> contains_case s
- | C.Sblock b -> List.iter contains_case b
(** Annotations for line numbers *)
(** Statements *)
@@ -1122,20 +1067,8 @@ let rec convertStmt env s =
| C.Scontinue ->
| C.Sswitch(e, s1) ->
- let (init, cases) = groupSwitch (flattenSwitch s1) in
- let rec init_debug s =
- match s.sdesc with
- | Sseq (a,b) -> init_debug a && init_debug b
- | C.Sskip -> true
- | _ -> Cutil.is_debug_stmt s in
- if init.sdesc <> C.Sskip && not (init_debug init) then
- begin
- warning Diagnostics.Unnamed "ignored code at beginning of 'switch'";
- contains_case init
- end;
let te = convertExpr env e in
- swrap (Ctyping.sswitch te
- (convertSwitch env (is_int64 env e.etyp) cases))
+ swrap (Ctyping.sswitch te (convertSwitch env (is_int64 env e.etyp) s1))
| C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, s1) ->
Csyntax.Slabel(intern_string lbl, convertStmt env s1)
| C.Slabeled(C.Scase _, _) ->
@@ -1158,23 +1091,24 @@ let rec convertStmt env s =
Csyntax.Sdo (convertAsm s.sloc env txt outputs inputs clobber)
and convertSwitch env is_64 = function
- | [] ->
+ | {sdesc = C.Sskip} ->
- | (lbl, s) :: rem ->
- updateLoc s.sloc;
- let lbl' =
- match lbl with
- | Default ->
- None
- | Case e ->
- match Ceval.integer_expr env e with
- | None -> unsupported "expression is not an integer constant expression";
- None
- | Some v -> Some (if is_64
- then Z.of_uint64 v
- else Z.of_uint32 (Int64.to_int32 v))
- in
- LScons(lbl', convertStmt env s, convertSwitch env is_64 rem)
+ | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(lbl, s)} ->
+ convertSwitchCase env is_64 lbl s LSnil
+ | {sdesc = C.Sseq ({sdesc = C.Slabeled(lbl, s)}, rem)} ->
+ convertSwitchCase env is_64 lbl s (convertSwitch env is_64 rem)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+and convertSwitchCase env is_64 lbl s k =
+ let lbl' =
+ match lbl with
+ | C.Sdefault ->
+ None
+ | C.Scase(e, v) ->
+ Some (if is_64 then Z.of_uint64 v else Z.of_uint32 (Int64.to_int32 v))
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ LScons(lbl', convertStmt env s, k)
(** Function definitions *)