path: root/src/extraction/extrNative.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/extraction/extrNative.ml')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/extraction/extrNative.ml b/src/extraction/extrNative.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d56287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/extrNative.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+type comparison = Eq | Lt | Gt
+type 'a carry = C0 of 'a | C1 of 'a
+type uint = int
+ (* to be used only on 32 bits achitectures *)
+let maxuint31 = Int32.of_string "0x7FFFFFFF"
+let uint_32 i = Int32.logand (Int32.of_int i) maxuint31
+let select f32 f64 = if Sys.word_size = 64 then f64 else f32
+ (* conversion to an int *)
+let to_int i = i
+let of_int_32 i = i
+let of_int_64 i = i land 0x7FFFFFFF
+let of_int = select of_int_32 of_int_64
+let of_uint i = i
+ (* convertion of an uint31 to a string *)
+let to_string_32 i = Int32.to_string (uint_32 i)
+let to_string_64 = string_of_int
+let to_string = select to_string_32 to_string_64
+let of_string s =
+ let i32 = Int32.of_string s in
+ if Int32.compare Int32.zero i32 <= 0
+ && Int32.compare i32 maxuint31 <= 0
+ then Int32.to_int i32
+ else raise (Failure "int_of_string")
+ (* logical shift *)
+let l_sl x y =
+ of_int (if 0 <= y && y < 31 then x lsl y else 0)
+let l_sr x y =
+ if 0 <= y && y < 31 then x lsr y else 0
+let l_and x y = x land y
+let l_or x y = x lor y
+let l_xor x y = x lxor y
+ (* addition of int31 *)
+let add x y = of_int (x + y)
+ (* subtraction *)
+let sub x y = of_int (x - y)
+ (* multiplication *)
+let mul x y = of_int (x * y)
+ (* exact multiplication *)
+let mulc_32 x y =
+ let x = Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 x) in
+ let y = Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 y) in
+ let m = Int64.mul x y in
+ let l = Int64.to_int m in
+ let h = Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right_logical m 31) in
+ h,l
+let mulc_64 x y =
+ let m = x * y in
+ let l = of_int_64 m in
+ let h = of_int_64 (m lsr 31) in
+ h, l
+let mulc = select mulc_32 mulc_64
+ (* division *)
+let div_32 x y =
+ if y = 0 then 0 else
+ Int32.to_int (Int32.div (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y))
+let div_64 x y = if y = 0 then 0 else x / y
+let div = select div_32 div_64
+ (* modulo *)
+let rem_32 x y =
+ if y = 0 then 0
+ else Int32.to_int (Int32.rem (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y))
+let rem_64 x y = if y = 0 then 0 else x mod y
+let rem = select rem_32 rem_64
+ (* division of two numbers by one *)
+let div21_32 xh xl y =
+ if y = 0 then (0,0)
+ else
+ let x =
+ Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 xh)) 31)
+ (Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 xl)) in
+ let y = Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 y) in
+ let q = Int64.div x y in
+ let r = Int64.rem x y in
+ Int64.to_int q, Int64.to_int r
+let div21_64 xh xl y =
+ if y = 0 then (0,0)
+ else
+ let x = (xh lsl 31) lor xl in
+ let q = x / y in
+ let r = x mod y in
+ q, r
+let div21 = select div21_32 div21_64
+ (* comparison *)
+let lt_32 x y = (x lxor 0x40000000) < (y lxor 0x40000000)
+(* if 0 <= x then
+ if 0 <= y then x < y
+ else true
+ else if 0 <= y then false
+ else x < y *)
+(* Int32.compare (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y) < 0 *)
+let lt_64 x y = x < y
+let lt = select lt_32 lt_64
+let le_32 x y =
+ (x lxor 0x40000000) <= (y lxor 0x40000000)
+ if 0 <= x then
+ if 0 <= y then x <= y
+ else true
+ else if 0 <= y then false
+ else x <= y
+(*Int32.compare (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y) <= 0*)
+let le_64 x y = x <= y
+let le = select le_32 le_64
+let eq x y = x == y
+let cmp_32 x y = Int32.compare (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y)
+let cmp_64 x y = compare x y
+let compare = select cmp_32 cmp_64
+let compare x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | x when x < 0 -> Lt
+ | 0 -> Eq
+ | _ -> Gt
+ (* head tail *)
+let head0 x =
+ let r = ref 0 in
+ let x = ref x in
+ if !x land 0x7FFF0000 = 0 then r := !r + 15
+ else x := !x lsr 15;
+ if !x land 0xFF00 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 8; r := !r + 8);
+ if !x land 0xF000 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 4; r := !r + 4);
+ if !x land 0xC000 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 2; r := !r + 2);
+ if !x land 0x8000 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 1; r := !r + 1);
+ if !x land 0x8000 = 0 then ( r := !r + 1);
+ !r;;
+let tail0 x =
+ let r = ref 0 in
+ let x = ref x in
+ if !x land 0xFFFF = 0 then (x := !x lsr 16; r := !r + 16);
+ if !x land 0xFF = 0 then (x := !x lsr 8; r := !r + 8);
+ if !x land 0xF = 0 then (x := !x lsr 4; r := !r + 4);
+ if !x land 0x3 = 0 then (x := !x lsr 2; r := !r + 2);
+ if !x land 0x1 = 0 then ( r := !r + 1);
+ !r
+let addc x y =
+ let s = add x y in
+ if lt s x then C1 s else C0 s
+let addcarryc x y =
+ let s = add (x+1) y in
+ if le s x then C1 s else C0 s
+let subc x y =
+ let s = sub x y in
+ if lt x y then C1 s else C0 s
+let subcarryc x y =
+ let s = sub (x-1) y in
+ if le x y then C1 s else C0 s
+let diveucl x y = div x y, rem x y
+let diveucl_21 = div21
+let addmuldiv p i j =
+ let p' = to_int p in
+ of_uint (l_or
+ (l_sl i p)
+ (l_sr j (of_int (31 - p'))))
+let rec foldi_cont f min max cont a =
+ if lt min max then f min (foldi_cont f (add min 1) max cont) a
+ else if min = max then f min cont a
+ else cont a
+let rec foldi_down_cont f max min cont a =
+ if lt min max then
+ f max (foldi_down_cont f (sub max 1) min cont) a
+ else if min = max then f min cont a
+ else cont a
+let print_uint x =
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "%s" (to_string x);
+ flush stderr;
+ x
+(* Les Tableaux maintenant *)
+let max_array_length32 = 4194303 (* Sys.max_array_length on arch32 *)
+type 'a parray = ('a kind) ref
+and 'a kind =
+ | Array of 'a array
+ (* | Matrix of 'a array array *)
+ | Updated of int * 'a * 'a parray
+let of_array t = ref (Array t)
+let parray_make n def =
+ let n = to_int n in
+ let n =
+ if 0 <= n && n < max_array_length32 then n + 1
+ else max_array_length32 in
+ ref (Array (Array.make n def))
+let rec get_updated p n =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t ->
+ let l = Array.length t in
+ if 0 <= n && n < l then Array.unsafe_get t n
+ else (Array.unsafe_get t (l-1))
+ | Updated (k,e,p) -> if n = k then e else get_updated p n
+let parray_get p n =
+ let n = to_int n in
+ match !p with
+ | Array t ->
+ let l = Array.length t in
+ if 0 <= n && n < l then Array.unsafe_get t n
+ else (Array.unsafe_get t (l-1))
+ | Updated _ -> get_updated p n
+let rec default_updated p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.unsafe_get t (Array.length t - 1)
+ | Updated (_,_,p) -> default_updated p
+let parray_default p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.unsafe_get t (Array.length t - 1)
+ | Updated (_,_,p) -> default_updated p
+let rec length p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> of_int (Array.length t - 1) (* The default value *)
+ | Updated (_, _, p) -> length p
+let parray_length p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> of_int (Array.length t - 1)
+ | Updated (_, _, p) -> length p
+let parray_set p n e =
+ let kind = !p in
+ let n = to_int n in
+ match kind with
+ | Array t ->
+ if 0 <= n && n < Array.length t - 1 then
+ let res = ref kind in
+ p := Updated (n, Array.unsafe_get t n, res);
+ Array.unsafe_set t n e;
+ res
+ else p
+ | Updated _ ->
+ if 0 <= n && n < to_int (parray_length p) then
+ ref (Updated(n, e, p))
+ else p
+let rec copy_updated p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.copy t
+ | Updated (n,e,p) ->
+ let t = copy_updated p in
+ Array.unsafe_set t n e; t
+let parray_copy p =
+ let t =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.copy t
+ | Updated _ -> copy_updated p in
+ ref (Array t)
+let rec rerootk t k =
+ match !t with
+ | Array _ -> k ()
+ | Updated (i, v, t') ->
+ let k' () =
+ begin match !t' with
+ | Array a as n ->
+ let v' = a.(i) in
+ a.(i) <- v;
+ t := n;
+ t' := Updated (i, v', t)
+ | Updated _ -> assert false
+ end; k() in
+ rerootk t' k'
+let parray_reroot t = rerootk t (fun () -> t)
+let parray_init n f def =
+ let n = to_int n in
+ let n =
+ if 0 <= n && n < max_array_length32 then n + 1
+ else max_array_length32 in
+ let t = Array.make n def in
+ for i = 0 to n - 2 do Array.unsafe_set t i (f i) done;
+ ref (Array t)
+let parray_map f p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> ref (Array (Array.map f t))
+ | _ ->
+ let len = to_int (length p) in
+ ref (Array
+ (Array.init (len + 1)
+ (fun i -> f (parray_get p (of_int i)))))