path: root/src/extraction
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/extraction')
11 files changed, 10279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/extraction/Extract.v b/src/extraction/Extract.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1161f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/Extract.v
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+(* *)
+(* SMTCoq *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *)
+(* *)
+(* Michaël Armand *)
+(* Benjamin Grégoire *)
+(* Chantal Keller *)
+(* *)
+(* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *)
+(* *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *)
+(* *)
+Require Int63Native.
+Require Import ExtractNative.
+Require Import SMTCoq.
+Extract Constant Int63Native.eqb => "fun i j -> ExtrNative.compare i j = ExtrNative.Eq".
+Set Extraction AccessOpaque.
+Extraction "extraction/sat_checker.ml" Sat_Checker.checker.
+Extraction "extraction/smt_checker.ml" Euf_Checker.checker_ext.
diff --git a/src/extraction/Makefile b/src/extraction/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a30dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# List of user's files and name of the final program (edit this part)
+# USERFILES=../../../../examples/example.ml
+# PROGRAM=../../../../examples/example
+# Compilation
+COMPILEFLAGS=-cclib -lunix
+SMTLIB=-I .. -I ../zchaff -I ../verit -I ../trace -I ../lia -I ../euf -I ../cnf
+COQLIB=-I ${COQTOP}kernel -I ${COQTOP}lib -I ${COQTOP}library -I ${COQTOP}parsing -I ${COQTOP}pretyping -I ${COQTOP}interp -I ${COQTOP}proofs -I ${COQTOP}tactics -I ${COQTOP}toplevel -I ${COQTOP}plugins/btauto -I ${COQTOP}plugins/cc -I ${COQTOP}plugins/decl_mode -I ${COQTOP}plugins/extraction -I ${COQTOP}plugins/field -I ${COQTOP}plugins/firstorder -I ${COQTOP}plugins/fourier -I ${COQTOP}plugins/funind -I ${COQTOP}plugins/micromega -I ${COQTOP}plugins/nsatz -I ${COQTOP}plugins/omega -I ${COQTOP}plugins/quote -I ${COQTOP}plugins/ring -I ${COQTOP}plugins/romega -I ${COQTOP}plugins/rtauto -I ${COQTOP}plugins/setoid_ring -I ${COQTOP}plugins/syntax -I ${COQTOP}plugins/xml -I /usr/lib/ocaml/camlp5
+CMXA=nums.cmxa str.cmxa unix.cmxa gramlib.cmxa dynlink.cmxa ${COQTOP}kernel/byterun/coq_fix_code.o ${COQTOP}kernel/byterun/coq_interp.o ${COQTOP}kernel/byterun/coq_memory.o ${COQTOP}kernel/byterun/coq_values.o clib.cmxa lib.cmxa kernel.cmxa library.cmxa pretyping.cmxa interp.cmxa proofs.cmxa parsing.cmxa tactics.cmxa toplevel.cmxa micromega_plugin.cmxa smtcoq.cmxa
+CMI=extrNative.cmi sat_checker.cmi smt_checker.cmi
+CMX=extrNative.cmx sat_checker.cmx zchaff_checker.cmx smt_checker.cmx verit_checker.cmx
+all: $(PROGRAM)
+%.cmi: %.mli
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $(FLAGS) $(SMTLIB) $(COQLIB) $<
+%.cmx: %.ml
+.PHONY: clean mrproper
+ rm -f *.cmi *.cmx *.o
+mrproper: clean
+ rm -rf $(PROGRAM)
diff --git a/src/extraction/extrNative.ml b/src/extraction/extrNative.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d56287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/extrNative.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+type comparison = Eq | Lt | Gt
+type 'a carry = C0 of 'a | C1 of 'a
+type uint = int
+ (* to be used only on 32 bits achitectures *)
+let maxuint31 = Int32.of_string "0x7FFFFFFF"
+let uint_32 i = Int32.logand (Int32.of_int i) maxuint31
+let select f32 f64 = if Sys.word_size = 64 then f64 else f32
+ (* conversion to an int *)
+let to_int i = i
+let of_int_32 i = i
+let of_int_64 i = i land 0x7FFFFFFF
+let of_int = select of_int_32 of_int_64
+let of_uint i = i
+ (* convertion of an uint31 to a string *)
+let to_string_32 i = Int32.to_string (uint_32 i)
+let to_string_64 = string_of_int
+let to_string = select to_string_32 to_string_64
+let of_string s =
+ let i32 = Int32.of_string s in
+ if Int32.compare Int32.zero i32 <= 0
+ && Int32.compare i32 maxuint31 <= 0
+ then Int32.to_int i32
+ else raise (Failure "int_of_string")
+ (* logical shift *)
+let l_sl x y =
+ of_int (if 0 <= y && y < 31 then x lsl y else 0)
+let l_sr x y =
+ if 0 <= y && y < 31 then x lsr y else 0
+let l_and x y = x land y
+let l_or x y = x lor y
+let l_xor x y = x lxor y
+ (* addition of int31 *)
+let add x y = of_int (x + y)
+ (* subtraction *)
+let sub x y = of_int (x - y)
+ (* multiplication *)
+let mul x y = of_int (x * y)
+ (* exact multiplication *)
+let mulc_32 x y =
+ let x = Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 x) in
+ let y = Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 y) in
+ let m = Int64.mul x y in
+ let l = Int64.to_int m in
+ let h = Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right_logical m 31) in
+ h,l
+let mulc_64 x y =
+ let m = x * y in
+ let l = of_int_64 m in
+ let h = of_int_64 (m lsr 31) in
+ h, l
+let mulc = select mulc_32 mulc_64
+ (* division *)
+let div_32 x y =
+ if y = 0 then 0 else
+ Int32.to_int (Int32.div (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y))
+let div_64 x y = if y = 0 then 0 else x / y
+let div = select div_32 div_64
+ (* modulo *)
+let rem_32 x y =
+ if y = 0 then 0
+ else Int32.to_int (Int32.rem (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y))
+let rem_64 x y = if y = 0 then 0 else x mod y
+let rem = select rem_32 rem_64
+ (* division of two numbers by one *)
+let div21_32 xh xl y =
+ if y = 0 then (0,0)
+ else
+ let x =
+ Int64.logor
+ (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 xh)) 31)
+ (Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 xl)) in
+ let y = Int64.of_int32 (uint_32 y) in
+ let q = Int64.div x y in
+ let r = Int64.rem x y in
+ Int64.to_int q, Int64.to_int r
+let div21_64 xh xl y =
+ if y = 0 then (0,0)
+ else
+ let x = (xh lsl 31) lor xl in
+ let q = x / y in
+ let r = x mod y in
+ q, r
+let div21 = select div21_32 div21_64
+ (* comparison *)
+let lt_32 x y = (x lxor 0x40000000) < (y lxor 0x40000000)
+(* if 0 <= x then
+ if 0 <= y then x < y
+ else true
+ else if 0 <= y then false
+ else x < y *)
+(* Int32.compare (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y) < 0 *)
+let lt_64 x y = x < y
+let lt = select lt_32 lt_64
+let le_32 x y =
+ (x lxor 0x40000000) <= (y lxor 0x40000000)
+ if 0 <= x then
+ if 0 <= y then x <= y
+ else true
+ else if 0 <= y then false
+ else x <= y
+(*Int32.compare (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y) <= 0*)
+let le_64 x y = x <= y
+let le = select le_32 le_64
+let eq x y = x == y
+let cmp_32 x y = Int32.compare (uint_32 x) (uint_32 y)
+let cmp_64 x y = compare x y
+let compare = select cmp_32 cmp_64
+let compare x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | x when x < 0 -> Lt
+ | 0 -> Eq
+ | _ -> Gt
+ (* head tail *)
+let head0 x =
+ let r = ref 0 in
+ let x = ref x in
+ if !x land 0x7FFF0000 = 0 then r := !r + 15
+ else x := !x lsr 15;
+ if !x land 0xFF00 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 8; r := !r + 8);
+ if !x land 0xF000 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 4; r := !r + 4);
+ if !x land 0xC000 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 2; r := !r + 2);
+ if !x land 0x8000 = 0 then (x := !x lsl 1; r := !r + 1);
+ if !x land 0x8000 = 0 then ( r := !r + 1);
+ !r;;
+let tail0 x =
+ let r = ref 0 in
+ let x = ref x in
+ if !x land 0xFFFF = 0 then (x := !x lsr 16; r := !r + 16);
+ if !x land 0xFF = 0 then (x := !x lsr 8; r := !r + 8);
+ if !x land 0xF = 0 then (x := !x lsr 4; r := !r + 4);
+ if !x land 0x3 = 0 then (x := !x lsr 2; r := !r + 2);
+ if !x land 0x1 = 0 then ( r := !r + 1);
+ !r
+let addc x y =
+ let s = add x y in
+ if lt s x then C1 s else C0 s
+let addcarryc x y =
+ let s = add (x+1) y in
+ if le s x then C1 s else C0 s
+let subc x y =
+ let s = sub x y in
+ if lt x y then C1 s else C0 s
+let subcarryc x y =
+ let s = sub (x-1) y in
+ if le x y then C1 s else C0 s
+let diveucl x y = div x y, rem x y
+let diveucl_21 = div21
+let addmuldiv p i j =
+ let p' = to_int p in
+ of_uint (l_or
+ (l_sl i p)
+ (l_sr j (of_int (31 - p'))))
+let rec foldi_cont f min max cont a =
+ if lt min max then f min (foldi_cont f (add min 1) max cont) a
+ else if min = max then f min cont a
+ else cont a
+let rec foldi_down_cont f max min cont a =
+ if lt min max then
+ f max (foldi_down_cont f (sub max 1) min cont) a
+ else if min = max then f min cont a
+ else cont a
+let print_uint x =
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "%s" (to_string x);
+ flush stderr;
+ x
+(* Les Tableaux maintenant *)
+let max_array_length32 = 4194303 (* Sys.max_array_length on arch32 *)
+type 'a parray = ('a kind) ref
+and 'a kind =
+ | Array of 'a array
+ (* | Matrix of 'a array array *)
+ | Updated of int * 'a * 'a parray
+let of_array t = ref (Array t)
+let parray_make n def =
+ let n = to_int n in
+ let n =
+ if 0 <= n && n < max_array_length32 then n + 1
+ else max_array_length32 in
+ ref (Array (Array.make n def))
+let rec get_updated p n =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t ->
+ let l = Array.length t in
+ if 0 <= n && n < l then Array.unsafe_get t n
+ else (Array.unsafe_get t (l-1))
+ | Updated (k,e,p) -> if n = k then e else get_updated p n
+let parray_get p n =
+ let n = to_int n in
+ match !p with
+ | Array t ->
+ let l = Array.length t in
+ if 0 <= n && n < l then Array.unsafe_get t n
+ else (Array.unsafe_get t (l-1))
+ | Updated _ -> get_updated p n
+let rec default_updated p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.unsafe_get t (Array.length t - 1)
+ | Updated (_,_,p) -> default_updated p
+let parray_default p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.unsafe_get t (Array.length t - 1)
+ | Updated (_,_,p) -> default_updated p
+let rec length p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> of_int (Array.length t - 1) (* The default value *)
+ | Updated (_, _, p) -> length p
+let parray_length p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> of_int (Array.length t - 1)
+ | Updated (_, _, p) -> length p
+let parray_set p n e =
+ let kind = !p in
+ let n = to_int n in
+ match kind with
+ | Array t ->
+ if 0 <= n && n < Array.length t - 1 then
+ let res = ref kind in
+ p := Updated (n, Array.unsafe_get t n, res);
+ Array.unsafe_set t n e;
+ res
+ else p
+ | Updated _ ->
+ if 0 <= n && n < to_int (parray_length p) then
+ ref (Updated(n, e, p))
+ else p
+let rec copy_updated p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.copy t
+ | Updated (n,e,p) ->
+ let t = copy_updated p in
+ Array.unsafe_set t n e; t
+let parray_copy p =
+ let t =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> Array.copy t
+ | Updated _ -> copy_updated p in
+ ref (Array t)
+let rec rerootk t k =
+ match !t with
+ | Array _ -> k ()
+ | Updated (i, v, t') ->
+ let k' () =
+ begin match !t' with
+ | Array a as n ->
+ let v' = a.(i) in
+ a.(i) <- v;
+ t := n;
+ t' := Updated (i, v', t)
+ | Updated _ -> assert false
+ end; k() in
+ rerootk t' k'
+let parray_reroot t = rerootk t (fun () -> t)
+let parray_init n f def =
+ let n = to_int n in
+ let n =
+ if 0 <= n && n < max_array_length32 then n + 1
+ else max_array_length32 in
+ let t = Array.make n def in
+ for i = 0 to n - 2 do Array.unsafe_set t i (f i) done;
+ ref (Array t)
+let parray_map f p =
+ match !p with
+ | Array t -> ref (Array (Array.map f t))
+ | _ ->
+ let len = to_int (length p) in
+ ref (Array
+ (Array.init (len + 1)
+ (fun i -> f (parray_get p (of_int i)))))
diff --git a/src/extraction/extrNative.mli b/src/extraction/extrNative.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14eff5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/extrNative.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+type comparison = Eq | Lt | Gt
+type 'a carry = C0 of 'a | C1 of 'a
+(*s Unsigned Int *)
+type uint
+(* Conversion with int *)
+val to_int : uint -> int
+val of_int : int -> uint
+val of_uint : int -> uint
+(* Conversion with string *)
+val to_string : uint -> string
+val of_string : string -> uint
+(* logical operations *)
+val l_sl : uint -> uint -> uint
+val l_sr : uint -> uint -> uint
+val l_and : uint -> uint -> uint
+val l_or : uint -> uint -> uint
+val l_xor : uint -> uint -> uint
+(* arithmetic operations *)
+val add : uint -> uint -> uint
+val sub : uint -> uint -> uint
+val mul : uint -> uint -> uint
+val mulc : uint -> uint -> uint * uint
+val div : uint -> uint -> uint
+val rem : uint -> uint -> uint
+val lt : uint -> uint -> bool
+val le : uint -> uint -> bool
+val eq : uint -> uint -> bool
+val compare : uint -> uint -> comparison
+val head0 : uint -> uint
+val tail0 : uint -> uint
+val addc : uint -> uint -> uint carry
+val addcarryc : uint -> uint -> uint carry
+val subc : uint -> uint -> uint carry
+val subcarryc : uint -> uint -> uint carry
+val diveucl : uint -> uint -> uint * uint
+val diveucl_21 : uint -> uint -> uint -> uint * uint
+val addmuldiv : uint -> uint -> uint -> uint
+val foldi_cont :
+ (uint -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) -> uint -> uint -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val foldi_down_cont :
+ (uint -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) -> uint -> uint -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val print_uint : uint -> uint
+(*s Persistant array *)
+type 'a parray
+val of_array : 'a array -> 'a parray
+val parray_make : uint -> 'a -> 'a parray
+val parray_get : 'a parray -> uint -> 'a
+val parray_default : 'a parray -> 'a
+val parray_length : 'a parray -> uint
+val parray_set : 'a parray -> uint -> 'a -> 'a parray
+val parray_copy : 'a parray -> 'a parray
+val parray_reroot : 'a parray -> 'a parray
diff --git a/src/extraction/sat_checker.ml b/src/extraction/sat_checker.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59635e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/sat_checker.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+(** val negb : bool -> bool **)
+let negb = function
+| true -> false
+| false -> true
+type 'a list =
+| Nil
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+(** val existsb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let rec existsb f = function
+| Nil -> false
+| Cons (a, l0) -> if f a then true else existsb f l0
+type int = ExtrNative.uint
+(** val lsl0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let lsl0 = ExtrNative.l_sl
+(** val lsr0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let lsr0 = ExtrNative.l_sr
+(** val land0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let land0 = ExtrNative.l_and
+(** val lxor0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let lxor0 = ExtrNative.l_xor
+(** val sub : int -> int -> int **)
+let sub = ExtrNative.sub
+(** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **)
+let eqb = fun i j -> ExtrNative.compare i j = ExtrNative.Eq
+(** val foldi_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1
+ -> 'a2 **)
+let foldi_cont = ExtrNative.foldi_cont
+(** val foldi_down_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1
+ -> 'a2 **)
+let foldi_down_cont = ExtrNative.foldi_down_cont
+(** val is_zero : int -> bool **)
+let is_zero i =
+ eqb i (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+(** val is_even : int -> bool **)
+let is_even i =
+ is_zero (land0 i (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+(** val compare : int -> int -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+let compare = ExtrNative.compare
+(** val foldi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let foldi f from to0 =
+ foldi_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f i a)) from to0 (fun a -> a)
+(** val foldi_down : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let foldi_down f from downto0 =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f i a)) from downto0 (fun a -> a)
+type 'a array = 'a ExtrNative.parray
+(** val make : int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array **)
+let make = ExtrNative.parray_make
+module Coq__1 = struct
+ (** val get : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 **)
+ let get = ExtrNative.parray_get
+let get = Coq__1.get
+(** val set : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array **)
+let set = ExtrNative.parray_set
+(** val length : 'a1 array -> int **)
+let length = ExtrNative.parray_length
+(** val to_list : 'a1 array -> 'a1 list **)
+let to_list t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then Nil
+ else foldi_down (fun i l -> Cons ((get t0 i), l))
+ (sub len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) Nil
+(** val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **)
+let fold_left f a t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then a
+ else foldi (fun i a0 -> f a0 (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (sub (length t0) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) a
+(** val foldi_right :
+ (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 -> 'a2 **)
+let foldi_right f t0 b =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then b
+ else foldi_down (fun i b0 -> f i (get t0 i) b0)
+ (sub len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) b
+module Valuation =
+ struct
+ type t = int -> bool
+ end
+module Var =
+ struct
+ (** val _true : int **)
+ let _true =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (** val _false : int **)
+ let _false =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp rho x =
+ rho x
+ end
+module Lit =
+ struct
+ (** val is_pos : int -> bool **)
+ let is_pos l =
+ is_even l
+ (** val blit : int -> int **)
+ let blit l =
+ lsr0 l (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val lit : int -> int **)
+ let lit x =
+ lsl0 x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val neg : int -> int **)
+ let neg l =
+ lxor0 l (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val nlit : int -> int **)
+ let nlit x =
+ neg (lit x)
+ (** val _true : int **)
+ let _true =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (** val _false : int **)
+ let _false =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(2))
+ (** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **)
+ let eqb l l' =
+ eqb l l'
+ (** val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp rho l =
+ if is_pos l
+ then Var.interp rho (blit l)
+ else negb (Var.interp rho (blit l))
+ end
+module C =
+ struct
+ type t = int list
+ (** val interp : Valuation.t -> t -> bool **)
+ let interp rho l =
+ existsb (Lit.interp rho) l
+ (** val _true : t **)
+ let _true =
+ Cons (Lit._true, Nil)
+ (** val is_false : t -> bool **)
+ let is_false = function
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (i, l) -> false
+ (** val or_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> int list **)
+ let rec or_aux or0 l1 c1 c2 = match c2 with
+ | Nil -> Cons (l1, c1)
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (or0 c1 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> Cons (l1, (or0 c1 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> Cons (l2, (or_aux or0 l1 c1 c2')))
+ (** val coq_or : t -> t -> t **)
+ let rec coq_or c1 c2 =
+ match c1 with
+ | Nil -> c2
+ | Cons (l1, c3) ->
+ (match c2 with
+ | Nil -> c1
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (coq_or c3 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> Cons (l1, (coq_or c3 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> Cons (l2, (or_aux coq_or l1 c3 c2'))))
+ (** val resolve_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> t **)
+ let rec resolve_aux resolve0 l1 c1 c2 = match c2 with
+ | Nil -> _true
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (resolve0 c1 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c1 c2'
+ else Cons (l1, (resolve0 c1 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c1 c2'
+ else Cons (l2, (resolve_aux resolve0 l1 c1 c2')))
+ (** val resolve : t -> t -> t **)
+ let rec resolve c1 c2 =
+ match c1 with
+ | Nil -> _true
+ | Cons (l1, c3) ->
+ (match c2 with
+ | Nil -> _true
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (resolve c3 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c3 c2'
+ else Cons (l1, (resolve c3 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c3 c2'
+ else Cons (l2, (resolve_aux resolve l1 c3 c2'))))
+ end
+module S =
+ struct
+ type t = C.t array
+ (** val get : t -> int -> C.t **)
+ let get s cid =
+ get s cid
+ (** val internal_set : t -> int -> C.t -> t **)
+ let internal_set s cid c =
+ set s cid c
+ (** val make : int -> t **)
+ let make nclauses =
+ make nclauses C._true
+ (** val insert : int -> int list -> int list **)
+ let rec insert l1 c = match c with
+ | Nil -> Cons (l1, Nil)
+ | Cons (l2, c') ->
+ (match compare l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> c
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then C._true
+ else Cons (l1, c)
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then C._true
+ else Cons (l2, (insert l1 c')))
+ (** val sort_uniq : int list -> int list **)
+ let rec sort_uniq = function
+ | Nil -> Nil
+ | Cons (l1, c0) -> insert l1 (sort_uniq c0)
+ (** val set_clause : t -> int -> C.t -> t **)
+ let set_clause s pos c =
+ set s pos (sort_uniq c)
+ (** val set_resolve : t -> int -> int array -> t **)
+ let set_resolve s pos r =
+ let len = length r in
+ if eqb len (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then s
+ else let c =
+ foldi (fun i c -> C.resolve (get s (Coq__1.get r i)) c)
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (sub len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ (get s (Coq__1.get r (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))))
+ in
+ internal_set s pos c
+ end
+(** val afold_left :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **)
+let afold_left default oP f v =
+ let n = length v in
+ if eqb n (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then default
+ else foldi (fun i a -> oP a (f (get v i))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (sub n (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (f (get v (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))))
+type 'step _trace_ = 'step array array
+(** val _checker_ :
+ (S.t -> 'a1 -> S.t) -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> 'a1 _trace_ -> int -> bool **)
+let _checker_ check_step is_false0 s t0 confl =
+ let s' = fold_left (fun s0 a -> fold_left check_step s0 a) s t0 in
+ is_false0 (S.get s' confl)
+module Sat_Checker =
+ struct
+ type step =
+ | Res of int * int array
+ (** val step_rect : (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1 **)
+ let step_rect f = function
+ | Res (x, x0) -> f x x0
+ (** val step_rec : (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1 **)
+ let step_rec f = function
+ | Res (x, x0) -> f x x0
+ (** val resolution_checker :
+ (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> step _trace_ -> int -> bool **)
+ let resolution_checker s t0 =
+ _checker_ (fun s0 st -> let Res (pos, r) = st in S.set_resolve s0 pos r)
+ s t0
+ type dimacs = int array array
+ (** val coq_C_interp_or : Valuation.t -> int array -> bool **)
+ let coq_C_interp_or rho c =
+ afold_left false (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then true else b2) (Lit.interp rho)
+ c
+ (** val valid : Valuation.t -> dimacs -> bool **)
+ let valid rho d =
+ afold_left true (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then b2 else false)
+ (coq_C_interp_or rho) d
+ type certif =
+ | Certif of int * step _trace_ * int
+ (** val certif_rect :
+ (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1 **)
+ let certif_rect f = function
+ | Certif (x, x0, x1) -> f x x0 x1
+ (** val certif_rec :
+ (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1 **)
+ let certif_rec f = function
+ | Certif (x, x0, x1) -> f x x0 x1
+ (** val add_roots : S.t -> dimacs -> S.t **)
+ let add_roots s d =
+ foldi_right (fun i c s0 -> S.set_clause s0 i (to_list c)) d s
+ (** val checker : dimacs -> certif -> bool **)
+ let checker d = function
+ | Certif (nclauses, t0, confl_id) ->
+ resolution_checker C.is_false (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d) t0 confl_id
+ (** val interp_var : (int -> bool) -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp_var rho x =
+ match compare x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> false
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> true
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> rho (sub x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ end
diff --git a/src/extraction/sat_checker.mli b/src/extraction/sat_checker.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa2757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/sat_checker.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+val negb : bool -> bool
+type 'a list =
+| Nil
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+val existsb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool
+type int = ExtrNative.uint
+val lsl0 : int -> int -> int
+val lsr0 : int -> int -> int
+val land0 : int -> int -> int
+val lxor0 : int -> int -> int
+val sub : int -> int -> int
+val eqb : int -> int -> bool
+val foldi_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a2
+val foldi_down_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a2
+val is_zero : int -> bool
+val is_even : int -> bool
+val compare : int -> int -> ExtrNative.comparison
+val foldi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+val foldi_down : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+type 'a array = 'a ExtrNative.parray
+val make : int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array
+val get : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1
+val set : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array
+val length : 'a1 array -> int
+val to_list : 'a1 array -> 'a1 list
+val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1
+val foldi_right : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 -> 'a2
+module Valuation :
+ sig
+ type t = int -> bool
+ end
+module Var :
+ sig
+ val _true : int
+ val _false : int
+ val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool
+ end
+module Lit :
+ sig
+ val is_pos : int -> bool
+ val blit : int -> int
+ val lit : int -> int
+ val neg : int -> int
+ val nlit : int -> int
+ val _true : int
+ val _false : int
+ val eqb : int -> int -> bool
+ val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool
+ end
+module C :
+ sig
+ type t = int list
+ val interp : Valuation.t -> t -> bool
+ val _true : t
+ val is_false : t -> bool
+ val or_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> int list
+ val coq_or : t -> t -> t
+ val resolve_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> t
+ val resolve : t -> t -> t
+ end
+module S :
+ sig
+ type t = C.t array
+ val get : t -> int -> C.t
+ val internal_set : t -> int -> C.t -> t
+ val make : int -> t
+ val insert : int -> int list -> int list
+ val sort_uniq : int list -> int list
+ val set_clause : t -> int -> C.t -> t
+ val set_resolve : t -> int -> int array -> t
+ end
+val afold_left :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1
+type 'step _trace_ = 'step array array
+val _checker_ :
+ (S.t -> 'a1 -> S.t) -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> 'a1 _trace_ -> int -> bool
+module Sat_Checker :
+ sig
+ type step =
+ | Res of int * int array
+ val step_rect : (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1
+ val step_rec : (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1
+ val resolution_checker :
+ (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> step _trace_ -> int -> bool
+ type dimacs = int array array
+ val coq_C_interp_or : Valuation.t -> int array -> bool
+ val valid : Valuation.t -> dimacs -> bool
+ type certif =
+ | Certif of int * step _trace_ * int
+ val certif_rect : (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1
+ val certif_rec : (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1
+ val add_roots : S.t -> dimacs -> S.t
+ val checker : dimacs -> certif -> bool
+ val interp_var : (int -> bool) -> int -> bool
+ end
diff --git a/src/extraction/smt_checker.ml b/src/extraction/smt_checker.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53aa130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/smt_checker.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,6849 @@
+type __ = Obj.t
+let __ = let rec f _ = Obj.repr f in Obj.repr f
+type unit0 =
+| Tt
+(** val implb : bool -> bool -> bool **)
+let implb b1 b2 =
+ if b1 then b2 else true
+(** val xorb : bool -> bool -> bool **)
+let xorb b1 b2 =
+ if b1 then if b2 then false else true else b2
+(** val negb : bool -> bool **)
+let negb = function
+| true -> false
+| false -> true
+type nat =
+| O
+| S of nat
+type 'a option =
+| Some of 'a
+| None
+(** val option_map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option **)
+let option_map f = function
+| Some a -> Some (f a)
+| None -> None
+(** val fst : ('a1*'a2) -> 'a1 **)
+let fst = function
+| x,y -> x
+(** val snd : ('a1*'a2) -> 'a2 **)
+let snd = function
+| x,y -> y
+type 'a list =
+| Nil
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+(** val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
+let rec app l m =
+ match l with
+ | Nil -> m
+ | Cons (a, l1) -> Cons (a, (app l1 m))
+(** val compOpp : ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+let compOpp = function
+| ExtrNative.Eq -> ExtrNative.Eq
+| ExtrNative.Lt -> ExtrNative.Gt
+| ExtrNative.Gt -> ExtrNative.Lt
+type compareSpecT =
+| CompEqT
+| CompLtT
+| CompGtT
+(** val compareSpec2Type : ExtrNative.comparison -> compareSpecT **)
+let compareSpec2Type = function
+| ExtrNative.Eq -> CompEqT
+| ExtrNative.Lt -> CompLtT
+| ExtrNative.Gt -> CompGtT
+type 'a compSpecT = compareSpecT
+(** val compSpec2Type :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ExtrNative.comparison -> 'a1 compSpecT **)
+let compSpec2Type x y c =
+ compareSpec2Type c
+type 'a sig0 =
+ 'a
+ (* singleton inductive, whose constructor was exist *)
+type sumbool =
+| Left
+| Right
+type 'a sumor =
+| Inleft of 'a
+| Inright
+(** val plus : nat -> nat -> nat **)
+let rec plus n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> m
+ | S p -> S (plus p m)
+(** val nat_iter : nat -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let rec nat_iter n0 f x =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> x
+ | S n' -> f (nat_iter n' f x)
+type positive =
+| XI of positive
+| XO of positive
+| XH
+type n =
+| N0
+| Npos of positive
+type z =
+| Z0
+| Zpos of positive
+| Zneg of positive
+(** val eqb : bool -> bool -> bool **)
+let eqb b1 b2 =
+ if b1 then b2 else if b2 then false else true
+type reflect =
+| ReflectT
+| ReflectF
+(** val iff_reflect : bool -> reflect **)
+let iff_reflect = function
+| true -> ReflectT
+| false -> ReflectF
+module type TotalOrder' =
+ sig
+ type t
+ end
+module MakeOrderTac =
+ functor (O:TotalOrder') ->
+ struct
+ end
+module MaxLogicalProperties =
+ functor (O:TotalOrder') ->
+ functor (M:sig
+ val max : O.t -> O.t -> O.t
+ end) ->
+ struct
+ module Private_Tac = MakeOrderTac(O)
+ end
+module Pos =
+ struct
+ type t = positive
+ (** val succ : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec succ = function
+ | XI p -> XO (succ p)
+ | XO p -> XI p
+ | XH -> XO XH
+ (** val add : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec add x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XO (add_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> XI (add p q)
+ | XH -> XO (succ p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XI (add p q)
+ | XO q -> XO (add p q)
+ | XH -> XI p)
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XO (succ q)
+ | XO q -> XI q
+ | XH -> XO XH)
+ (** val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ and add_carry x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XI (add_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> XO (add_carry p q)
+ | XH -> XI (succ p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XO (add_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> XI (add p q)
+ | XH -> XO (succ p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XI (succ q)
+ | XO q -> XO (succ q)
+ | XH -> XI XH)
+ (** val pred_double : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec pred_double = function
+ | XI p -> XI (XO p)
+ | XO p -> XI (pred_double p)
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val pred : positive -> positive **)
+ let pred = function
+ | XI p -> XO p
+ | XO p -> pred_double p
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val pred_N : positive -> n **)
+ let pred_N = function
+ | XI p -> Npos (XO p)
+ | XO p -> Npos (pred_double p)
+ | XH -> N0
+ type mask =
+ | IsNul
+ | IsPos of positive
+ | IsNeg
+ (** val mask_rect : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1 **)
+ let mask_rect f f0 f1 = function
+ | IsNul -> f
+ | IsPos x -> f0 x
+ | IsNeg -> f1
+ (** val mask_rec : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1 **)
+ let mask_rec f f0 f1 = function
+ | IsNul -> f
+ | IsPos x -> f0 x
+ | IsNeg -> f1
+ (** val succ_double_mask : mask -> mask **)
+ let succ_double_mask = function
+ | IsNul -> IsPos XH
+ | IsPos p -> IsPos (XI p)
+ | IsNeg -> IsNeg
+ (** val double_mask : mask -> mask **)
+ let double_mask = function
+ | IsPos p -> IsPos (XO p)
+ | x0 -> x0
+ (** val double_pred_mask : positive -> mask **)
+ let double_pred_mask = function
+ | XI p -> IsPos (XO (XO p))
+ | XO p -> IsPos (XO (pred_double p))
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ (** val pred_mask : mask -> mask **)
+ let pred_mask = function
+ | IsPos q ->
+ (match q with
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ | _ -> IsPos (pred q))
+ | _ -> IsNeg
+ (** val sub_mask : positive -> positive -> mask **)
+ let rec sub_mask x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XO q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XH -> IsPos (XO p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XH -> IsPos (pred_double p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ | _ -> IsNeg)
+ (** val sub_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> mask **)
+ and sub_mask_carry x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XH -> IsPos (pred_double p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XH -> double_pred_mask p)
+ | XH -> IsNeg
+ (** val sub : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let sub x y =
+ match sub_mask x y with
+ | IsPos z0 -> z0
+ | _ -> XH
+ (** val mul : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec mul x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p -> add y (XO (mul p y))
+ | XO p -> XO (mul p y)
+ | XH -> y
+ (** val iter : positive -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec iter n0 f x =
+ match n0 with
+ | XI n' -> f (iter n' f (iter n' f x))
+ | XO n' -> iter n' f (iter n' f x)
+ | XH -> f x
+ (** val pow : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let pow x y =
+ iter y (mul x) XH
+ (** val square : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec square = function
+ | XI p2 -> XI (XO (add (square p2) p2))
+ | XO p2 -> XO (XO (square p2))
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val div2 : positive -> positive **)
+ let div2 = function
+ | XI p2 -> p2
+ | XO p2 -> p2
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val div2_up : positive -> positive **)
+ let div2_up = function
+ | XI p2 -> succ p2
+ | XO p2 -> p2
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val size_nat : positive -> nat **)
+ let rec size_nat = function
+ | XI p2 -> S (size_nat p2)
+ | XO p2 -> S (size_nat p2)
+ | XH -> S O
+ (** val size : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec size = function
+ | XI p2 -> succ (size p2)
+ | XO p2 -> succ (size p2)
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val compare_cont :
+ positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let rec compare_cont x y r =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> compare_cont p q r
+ | XO q -> compare_cont p q ExtrNative.Gt
+ | XH -> ExtrNative.Gt)
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> compare_cont p q ExtrNative.Lt
+ | XO q -> compare_cont p q r
+ | XH -> ExtrNative.Gt)
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XH -> r
+ | _ -> ExtrNative.Lt)
+ (** val compare : positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let compare x y =
+ compare_cont x y ExtrNative.Eq
+ (** val min : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let min p p' =
+ match compare p p' with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> p'
+ | _ -> p
+ (** val max : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let max p p' =
+ match compare p p' with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> p
+ | _ -> p'
+ (** val eqb : positive -> positive -> bool **)
+ let rec eqb p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> eqb p2 q0
+ | _ -> false)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> eqb p2 q0
+ | _ -> false)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XH -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val leb : positive -> positive -> bool **)
+ let leb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ (** val ltb : positive -> positive -> bool **)
+ let ltb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val sqrtrem_step :
+ (positive -> positive) -> (positive -> positive) -> (positive*mask) ->
+ positive*mask **)
+ let sqrtrem_step f g = function
+ | s,y ->
+ (match y with
+ | IsPos r ->
+ let s' = XI (XO s) in
+ let r' = g (f r) in
+ if leb s' r' then (XI s),(sub_mask r' s') else (XO s),(IsPos r')
+ | _ -> (XO s),(sub_mask (g (f XH)) (XO (XO XH))))
+ (** val sqrtrem : positive -> positive*mask **)
+ let rec sqrtrem = function
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XI x) (fun x -> XI x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XO p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XO x) (fun x -> XI x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XH -> XH,(IsPos (XO XH)))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XI x) (fun x -> XO x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XO p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XO x) (fun x -> XO x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XH -> XH,(IsPos XH))
+ | XH -> XH,IsNul
+ (** val sqrt : positive -> positive **)
+ let sqrt p =
+ fst (sqrtrem p)
+ (** val gcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec gcdn n0 a b =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> XH
+ | S n1 ->
+ (match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI b' ->
+ (match compare a' b' with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> a
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> gcdn n1 (sub b' a') a
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> gcdn n1 (sub a' b') b)
+ | XO b0 -> gcdn n1 a b0
+ | XH -> XH)
+ | XO a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI p -> gcdn n1 a0 b
+ | XO b0 -> XO (gcdn n1 a0 b0)
+ | XH -> XH)
+ | XH -> XH)
+ (** val gcd : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let gcd a b =
+ gcdn (plus (size_nat a) (size_nat b)) a b
+ (** val ggcdn :
+ nat -> positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive) **)
+ let rec ggcdn n0 a b =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> XH,(a,b)
+ | S n1 ->
+ (match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI b' ->
+ (match compare a' b' with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> a,(XH,XH)
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ let g,p = ggcdn n1 (sub b' a') a in
+ let ba,aa = p in g,(aa,(add aa (XO ba)))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ let g,p = ggcdn n1 (sub a' b') b in
+ let ab,bb = p in g,((add bb (XO ab)),bb))
+ | XO b0 ->
+ let g,p = ggcdn n1 a b0 in let aa,bb = p in g,(aa,(XO bb))
+ | XH -> XH,(a,XH))
+ | XO a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI p ->
+ let g,p2 = ggcdn n1 a0 b in let aa,bb = p2 in g,((XO aa),bb)
+ | XO b0 -> let g,p = ggcdn n1 a0 b0 in (XO g),p
+ | XH -> XH,(a,XH))
+ | XH -> XH,(XH,b))
+ (** val ggcd : positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive) **)
+ let ggcd a b =
+ ggcdn (plus (size_nat a) (size_nat b)) a b
+ (** val coq_Nsucc_double : n -> n **)
+ let coq_Nsucc_double = function
+ | N0 -> Npos XH
+ | Npos p -> Npos (XI p)
+ (** val coq_Ndouble : n -> n **)
+ let coq_Ndouble = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Npos (XO p)
+ (** val coq_lor : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec coq_lor p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XI (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> p)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XO (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> XI p2)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> XI q0
+ | _ -> q)
+ (** val coq_land : positive -> positive -> n **)
+ let rec coq_land p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos XH)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XH -> N0)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> N0
+ | _ -> Npos XH)
+ (** val ldiff : positive -> positive -> n **)
+ let rec ldiff p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos (XO p2))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos p)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> Npos XH
+ | _ -> N0)
+ (** val coq_lxor : positive -> positive -> n **)
+ let rec coq_lxor p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos (XO p2))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos (XI p2))
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> Npos (XO q0)
+ | XO q0 -> Npos (XI q0)
+ | XH -> N0)
+ (** val shiftl_nat : positive -> nat -> positive **)
+ let shiftl_nat p n0 =
+ nat_iter n0 (fun x -> XO x) p
+ (** val shiftr_nat : positive -> nat -> positive **)
+ let shiftr_nat p n0 =
+ nat_iter n0 div2 p
+ (** val shiftl : positive -> n -> positive **)
+ let shiftl p = function
+ | N0 -> p
+ | Npos n1 -> iter n1 (fun x -> XO x) p
+ (** val shiftr : positive -> n -> positive **)
+ let shiftr p = function
+ | N0 -> p
+ | Npos n1 -> iter n1 div2 p
+ (** val testbit_nat : positive -> nat -> bool **)
+ let rec testbit_nat p n0 =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | O -> true
+ | S n' -> testbit_nat p2 n')
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | O -> false
+ | S n' -> testbit_nat p2 n')
+ | XH ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | O -> true
+ | S n1 -> false)
+ (** val testbit : positive -> n -> bool **)
+ let rec testbit p n0 =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> true
+ | Npos n1 -> testbit p2 (pred_N n1))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> false
+ | Npos n1 -> testbit p2 (pred_N n1))
+ | XH ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> true
+ | Npos p2 -> false)
+ (** val iter_op : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec iter_op op p a =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 -> op a (iter_op op p2 (op a a))
+ | XO p2 -> iter_op op p2 (op a a)
+ | XH -> a
+ (** val to_nat : positive -> nat **)
+ let to_nat x =
+ iter_op plus x (S O)
+ (** val of_nat : nat -> positive **)
+ let rec of_nat = function
+ | O -> XH
+ | S x ->
+ (match x with
+ | O -> XH
+ | S n1 -> succ (of_nat x))
+ (** val of_succ_nat : nat -> positive **)
+ let rec of_succ_nat = function
+ | O -> XH
+ | S x -> succ (of_succ_nat x)
+ end
+module Coq_Pos =
+ struct
+ module Coq__1 = struct
+ type t = positive
+ end
+ type t = Coq__1.t
+ (** val succ : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec succ = function
+ | XI p -> XO (succ p)
+ | XO p -> XI p
+ | XH -> XO XH
+ (** val add : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec add x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XO (add_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> XI (add p q)
+ | XH -> XO (succ p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XI (add p q)
+ | XO q -> XO (add p q)
+ | XH -> XI p)
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XO (succ q)
+ | XO q -> XI q
+ | XH -> XO XH)
+ (** val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ and add_carry x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XI (add_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> XO (add_carry p q)
+ | XH -> XI (succ p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XO (add_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> XI (add p q)
+ | XH -> XO (succ p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> XI (succ q)
+ | XO q -> XO (succ q)
+ | XH -> XI XH)
+ (** val pred_double : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec pred_double = function
+ | XI p -> XI (XO p)
+ | XO p -> XI (pred_double p)
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val pred : positive -> positive **)
+ let pred = function
+ | XI p -> XO p
+ | XO p -> pred_double p
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val pred_N : positive -> n **)
+ let pred_N = function
+ | XI p -> Npos (XO p)
+ | XO p -> Npos (pred_double p)
+ | XH -> N0
+ type mask = Pos.mask =
+ | IsNul
+ | IsPos of positive
+ | IsNeg
+ (** val mask_rect : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1 **)
+ let mask_rect f f0 f1 = function
+ | IsNul -> f
+ | IsPos x -> f0 x
+ | IsNeg -> f1
+ (** val mask_rec : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1 **)
+ let mask_rec f f0 f1 = function
+ | IsNul -> f
+ | IsPos x -> f0 x
+ | IsNeg -> f1
+ (** val succ_double_mask : mask -> mask **)
+ let succ_double_mask = function
+ | IsNul -> IsPos XH
+ | IsPos p -> IsPos (XI p)
+ | IsNeg -> IsNeg
+ (** val double_mask : mask -> mask **)
+ let double_mask = function
+ | IsPos p -> IsPos (XO p)
+ | x0 -> x0
+ (** val double_pred_mask : positive -> mask **)
+ let double_pred_mask = function
+ | XI p -> IsPos (XO (XO p))
+ | XO p -> IsPos (XO (pred_double p))
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ (** val pred_mask : mask -> mask **)
+ let pred_mask = function
+ | IsPos q ->
+ (match q with
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ | _ -> IsPos (pred q))
+ | _ -> IsNeg
+ (** val sub_mask : positive -> positive -> mask **)
+ let rec sub_mask x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XO q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XH -> IsPos (XO p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XH -> IsPos (pred_double p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ | _ -> IsNeg)
+ (** val sub_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> mask **)
+ and sub_mask_carry x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> double_mask (sub_mask p q)
+ | XH -> IsPos (pred_double p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XO q -> succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
+ | XH -> double_pred_mask p)
+ | XH -> IsNeg
+ (** val sub : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let sub x y =
+ match sub_mask x y with
+ | IsPos z0 -> z0
+ | _ -> XH
+ (** val mul : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec mul x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p -> add y (XO (mul p y))
+ | XO p -> XO (mul p y)
+ | XH -> y
+ (** val iter : positive -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec iter n0 f x =
+ match n0 with
+ | XI n' -> f (iter n' f (iter n' f x))
+ | XO n' -> iter n' f (iter n' f x)
+ | XH -> f x
+ (** val pow : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let pow x y =
+ iter y (mul x) XH
+ (** val square : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec square = function
+ | XI p2 -> XI (XO (add (square p2) p2))
+ | XO p2 -> XO (XO (square p2))
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val div2 : positive -> positive **)
+ let div2 = function
+ | XI p2 -> p2
+ | XO p2 -> p2
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val div2_up : positive -> positive **)
+ let div2_up = function
+ | XI p2 -> succ p2
+ | XO p2 -> p2
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val size_nat : positive -> nat **)
+ let rec size_nat = function
+ | XI p2 -> S (size_nat p2)
+ | XO p2 -> S (size_nat p2)
+ | XH -> S O
+ (** val size : positive -> positive **)
+ let rec size = function
+ | XI p2 -> succ (size p2)
+ | XO p2 -> succ (size p2)
+ | XH -> XH
+ (** val compare_cont :
+ positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let rec compare_cont x y r =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> compare_cont p q r
+ | XO q -> compare_cont p q ExtrNative.Gt
+ | XH -> ExtrNative.Gt)
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> compare_cont p q ExtrNative.Lt
+ | XO q -> compare_cont p q r
+ | XH -> ExtrNative.Gt)
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XH -> r
+ | _ -> ExtrNative.Lt)
+ (** val compare : positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let compare x y =
+ compare_cont x y ExtrNative.Eq
+ (** val min : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let min p p' =
+ match compare p p' with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> p'
+ | _ -> p
+ (** val max : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let max p p' =
+ match compare p p' with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> p
+ | _ -> p'
+ (** val eqb : positive -> positive -> bool **)
+ let rec eqb p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> eqb p2 q0
+ | _ -> false)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> eqb p2 q0
+ | _ -> false)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XH -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val leb : positive -> positive -> bool **)
+ let leb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ (** val ltb : positive -> positive -> bool **)
+ let ltb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val sqrtrem_step :
+ (positive -> positive) -> (positive -> positive) -> (positive*mask) ->
+ positive*mask **)
+ let sqrtrem_step f g = function
+ | s,y ->
+ (match y with
+ | IsPos r ->
+ let s' = XI (XO s) in
+ let r' = g (f r) in
+ if leb s' r' then (XI s),(sub_mask r' s') else (XO s),(IsPos r')
+ | _ -> (XO s),(sub_mask (g (f XH)) (XO (XO XH))))
+ (** val sqrtrem : positive -> positive*mask **)
+ let rec sqrtrem = function
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XI x) (fun x -> XI x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XO p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XO x) (fun x -> XI x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XH -> XH,(IsPos (XO XH)))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XI x) (fun x -> XO x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XO p3 -> sqrtrem_step (fun x -> XO x) (fun x -> XO x) (sqrtrem p3)
+ | XH -> XH,(IsPos XH))
+ | XH -> XH,IsNul
+ (** val sqrt : positive -> positive **)
+ let sqrt p =
+ fst (sqrtrem p)
+ (** val gcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec gcdn n0 a b =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> XH
+ | S n1 ->
+ (match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI b' ->
+ (match compare a' b' with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> a
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> gcdn n1 (sub b' a') a
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> gcdn n1 (sub a' b') b)
+ | XO b0 -> gcdn n1 a b0
+ | XH -> XH)
+ | XO a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI p -> gcdn n1 a0 b
+ | XO b0 -> XO (gcdn n1 a0 b0)
+ | XH -> XH)
+ | XH -> XH)
+ (** val gcd : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let gcd a b =
+ gcdn (plus (size_nat a) (size_nat b)) a b
+ (** val ggcdn :
+ nat -> positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive) **)
+ let rec ggcdn n0 a b =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> XH,(a,b)
+ | S n1 ->
+ (match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI b' ->
+ (match compare a' b' with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> a,(XH,XH)
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ let g,p = ggcdn n1 (sub b' a') a in
+ let ba,aa = p in g,(aa,(add aa (XO ba)))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ let g,p = ggcdn n1 (sub a' b') b in
+ let ab,bb = p in g,((add bb (XO ab)),bb))
+ | XO b0 ->
+ let g,p = ggcdn n1 a b0 in let aa,bb = p in g,(aa,(XO bb))
+ | XH -> XH,(a,XH))
+ | XO a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI p ->
+ let g,p2 = ggcdn n1 a0 b in let aa,bb = p2 in g,((XO aa),bb)
+ | XO b0 -> let g,p = ggcdn n1 a0 b0 in (XO g),p
+ | XH -> XH,(a,XH))
+ | XH -> XH,(XH,b))
+ (** val ggcd : positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive) **)
+ let ggcd a b =
+ ggcdn (plus (size_nat a) (size_nat b)) a b
+ (** val coq_Nsucc_double : n -> n **)
+ let coq_Nsucc_double = function
+ | N0 -> Npos XH
+ | Npos p -> Npos (XI p)
+ (** val coq_Ndouble : n -> n **)
+ let coq_Ndouble = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Npos (XO p)
+ (** val coq_lor : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+ let rec coq_lor p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XI (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> p)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XO (coq_lor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> XI p2)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> XI q0
+ | _ -> q)
+ (** val coq_land : positive -> positive -> n **)
+ let rec coq_land p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos XH)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_land p2 q0)
+ | XH -> N0)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> N0
+ | _ -> Npos XH)
+ (** val ldiff : positive -> positive -> n **)
+ let rec ldiff p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos (XO p2))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (ldiff p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos p)
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XO q0 -> Npos XH
+ | _ -> N0)
+ (** val coq_lxor : positive -> positive -> n **)
+ let rec coq_lxor p q =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos (XO p2))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> coq_Nsucc_double (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XO q0 -> coq_Ndouble (coq_lxor p2 q0)
+ | XH -> Npos (XI p2))
+ | XH ->
+ (match q with
+ | XI q0 -> Npos (XO q0)
+ | XO q0 -> Npos (XI q0)
+ | XH -> N0)
+ (** val shiftl_nat : positive -> nat -> positive **)
+ let shiftl_nat p n0 =
+ nat_iter n0 (fun x -> XO x) p
+ (** val shiftr_nat : positive -> nat -> positive **)
+ let shiftr_nat p n0 =
+ nat_iter n0 div2 p
+ (** val shiftl : positive -> n -> positive **)
+ let shiftl p = function
+ | N0 -> p
+ | Npos n1 -> iter n1 (fun x -> XO x) p
+ (** val shiftr : positive -> n -> positive **)
+ let shiftr p = function
+ | N0 -> p
+ | Npos n1 -> iter n1 div2 p
+ (** val testbit_nat : positive -> nat -> bool **)
+ let rec testbit_nat p n0 =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | O -> true
+ | S n' -> testbit_nat p2 n')
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | O -> false
+ | S n' -> testbit_nat p2 n')
+ | XH ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | O -> true
+ | S n1 -> false)
+ (** val testbit : positive -> n -> bool **)
+ let rec testbit p n0 =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> true
+ | Npos n1 -> testbit p2 (pred_N n1))
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> false
+ | Npos n1 -> testbit p2 (pred_N n1))
+ | XH ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> true
+ | Npos p2 -> false)
+ (** val iter_op : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec iter_op op p a =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 -> op a (iter_op op p2 (op a a))
+ | XO p2 -> iter_op op p2 (op a a)
+ | XH -> a
+ (** val to_nat : positive -> nat **)
+ let to_nat x =
+ iter_op plus x (S O)
+ (** val of_nat : nat -> positive **)
+ let rec of_nat = function
+ | O -> XH
+ | S x ->
+ (match x with
+ | O -> XH
+ | S n1 -> succ (of_nat x))
+ (** val of_succ_nat : nat -> positive **)
+ let rec of_succ_nat = function
+ | O -> XH
+ | S x -> succ (of_succ_nat x)
+ (** val eq_dec : positive -> positive -> sumbool **)
+ let rec eq_dec p y0 =
+ match p with
+ | XI p2 ->
+ (match y0 with
+ | XI p3 -> eq_dec p2 p3
+ | _ -> Right)
+ | XO p2 ->
+ (match y0 with
+ | XO p3 -> eq_dec p2 p3
+ | _ -> Right)
+ | XH ->
+ (match y0 with
+ | XH -> Left
+ | _ -> Right)
+ (** val peano_rect : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec peano_rect a f p =
+ let f2 = peano_rect (f XH a) (fun p2 x -> f (succ (XO p2)) (f (XO p2) x))
+ in
+ (match p with
+ | XI q -> f (XO q) (f2 q)
+ | XO q -> f2 q
+ | XH -> a)
+ (** val peano_rec : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 **)
+ let peano_rec =
+ peano_rect
+ type coq_PeanoView =
+ | PeanoOne
+ | PeanoSucc of positive * coq_PeanoView
+ (** val coq_PeanoView_rect :
+ 'a1 -> (positive -> coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive ->
+ coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec coq_PeanoView_rect f f0 p = function
+ | PeanoOne -> f
+ | PeanoSucc (p3, p4) -> f0 p3 p4 (coq_PeanoView_rect f f0 p3 p4)
+ (** val coq_PeanoView_rec :
+ 'a1 -> (positive -> coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive ->
+ coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec coq_PeanoView_rec f f0 p = function
+ | PeanoOne -> f
+ | PeanoSucc (p3, p4) -> f0 p3 p4 (coq_PeanoView_rec f f0 p3 p4)
+ (** val peanoView_xO : positive -> coq_PeanoView -> coq_PeanoView **)
+ let rec peanoView_xO p = function
+ | PeanoOne -> PeanoSucc (XH, PeanoOne)
+ | PeanoSucc (p2, q0) ->
+ PeanoSucc ((succ (XO p2)), (PeanoSucc ((XO p2), (peanoView_xO p2 q0))))
+ (** val peanoView_xI : positive -> coq_PeanoView -> coq_PeanoView **)
+ let rec peanoView_xI p = function
+ | PeanoOne -> PeanoSucc ((succ XH), (PeanoSucc (XH, PeanoOne)))
+ | PeanoSucc (p2, q0) ->
+ PeanoSucc ((succ (XI p2)), (PeanoSucc ((XI p2), (peanoView_xI p2 q0))))
+ (** val peanoView : positive -> coq_PeanoView **)
+ let rec peanoView = function
+ | XI p2 -> peanoView_xI p2 (peanoView p2)
+ | XO p2 -> peanoView_xO p2 (peanoView p2)
+ | XH -> PeanoOne
+ (** val coq_PeanoView_iter :
+ 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 **)
+ let rec coq_PeanoView_iter a f p = function
+ | PeanoOne -> a
+ | PeanoSucc (p2, q0) -> f p2 (coq_PeanoView_iter a f p2 q0)
+ (** val eqb_spec : positive -> positive -> reflect **)
+ let eqb_spec x y =
+ iff_reflect (eqb x y)
+ (** val switch_Eq :
+ ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let switch_Eq c = function
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> c
+ | x -> x
+ (** val mask2cmp : mask -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let mask2cmp = function
+ | IsNul -> ExtrNative.Eq
+ | IsPos p2 -> ExtrNative.Gt
+ | IsNeg -> ExtrNative.Lt
+ (** val leb_spec0 : positive -> positive -> reflect **)
+ let leb_spec0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (leb x y)
+ (** val ltb_spec0 : positive -> positive -> reflect **)
+ let ltb_spec0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (ltb x y)
+ module Private_Tac =
+ struct
+ end
+ module Private_Rev =
+ struct
+ module ORev =
+ struct
+ type t = Coq__1.t
+ end
+ module MRev =
+ struct
+ (** val max : t -> t -> t **)
+ let max x y =
+ min y x
+ end
+ module MPRev = MaxLogicalProperties(ORev)(MRev)
+ end
+ module Private_Dec =
+ struct
+ (** val max_case_strong :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1)
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case_strong n0 m compat hl hr =
+ let c = compSpec2Type n0 m (compare n0 m) in
+ (match c with
+ | CompGtT -> compat n0 (max n0 m) __ (hl __)
+ | _ -> compat m (max n0 m) __ (hr __))
+ (** val max_case :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case n0 m x x0 x1 =
+ max_case_strong n0 m x (fun _ -> x0) (fun _ -> x1)
+ (** val max_dec : t -> t -> sumbool **)
+ let max_dec n0 m =
+ max_case n0 m (fun x y _ h0 -> h0) Left Right
+ (** val min_case_strong :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1)
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case_strong n0 m compat hl hr =
+ let c = compSpec2Type n0 m (compare n0 m) in
+ (match c with
+ | CompGtT -> compat m (min n0 m) __ (hr __)
+ | _ -> compat n0 (min n0 m) __ (hl __))
+ (** val min_case :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case n0 m x x0 x1 =
+ min_case_strong n0 m x (fun _ -> x0) (fun _ -> x1)
+ (** val min_dec : t -> t -> sumbool **)
+ let min_dec n0 m =
+ min_case n0 m (fun x y _ h0 -> h0) Left Right
+ end
+ (** val max_case_strong : t -> t -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case_strong n0 m x x0 =
+ Private_Dec.max_case_strong n0 m (fun x1 y _ x2 -> x2) x x0
+ (** val max_case : t -> t -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case n0 m x x0 =
+ max_case_strong n0 m (fun _ -> x) (fun _ -> x0)
+ (** val max_dec : t -> t -> sumbool **)
+ let max_dec =
+ Private_Dec.max_dec
+ (** val min_case_strong : t -> t -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case_strong n0 m x x0 =
+ Private_Dec.min_case_strong n0 m (fun x1 y _ x2 -> x2) x x0
+ (** val min_case : t -> t -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case n0 m x x0 =
+ min_case_strong n0 m (fun _ -> x) (fun _ -> x0)
+ (** val min_dec : t -> t -> sumbool **)
+ let min_dec =
+ Private_Dec.min_dec
+ end
+module N =
+ struct
+ type t = n
+ (** val zero : n **)
+ let zero =
+ N0
+ (** val one : n **)
+ let one =
+ Npos XH
+ (** val two : n **)
+ let two =
+ Npos (XO XH)
+ (** val succ_double : n -> n **)
+ let succ_double = function
+ | N0 -> Npos XH
+ | Npos p -> Npos (XI p)
+ (** val double : n -> n **)
+ let double = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Npos (XO p)
+ (** val succ : n -> n **)
+ let succ = function
+ | N0 -> Npos XH
+ | Npos p -> Npos (Coq_Pos.succ p)
+ (** val pred : n -> n **)
+ let pred = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.pred_N p
+ (** val succ_pos : n -> positive **)
+ let succ_pos = function
+ | N0 -> XH
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.succ p
+ (** val add : n -> n -> n **)
+ let add n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> m
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> n0
+ | Npos q -> Npos (Coq_Pos.add p q))
+ (** val sub : n -> n -> n **)
+ let sub n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos n' ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> n0
+ | Npos m' ->
+ (match Coq_Pos.sub_mask n' m' with
+ | Coq_Pos.IsPos p -> Npos p
+ | _ -> N0))
+ (** val mul : n -> n -> n **)
+ let mul n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos q -> Npos (Coq_Pos.mul p q))
+ (** val compare : n -> n -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let compare n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> ExtrNative.Eq
+ | Npos m' -> ExtrNative.Lt)
+ | Npos n' ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> ExtrNative.Gt
+ | Npos m' -> Coq_Pos.compare n' m')
+ (** val eqb : n -> n -> bool **)
+ let rec eqb n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> true
+ | Npos p -> false)
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> false
+ | Npos q -> Coq_Pos.eqb p q)
+ (** val leb : n -> n -> bool **)
+ let leb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ (** val ltb : n -> n -> bool **)
+ let ltb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val min : n -> n -> n **)
+ let min n0 n' =
+ match compare n0 n' with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> n'
+ | _ -> n0
+ (** val max : n -> n -> n **)
+ let max n0 n' =
+ match compare n0 n' with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> n0
+ | _ -> n'
+ (** val div2 : n -> n **)
+ let div2 = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p -> Npos p
+ | XO p -> Npos p
+ | XH -> N0)
+ (** val even : n -> bool **)
+ let even = function
+ | N0 -> true
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XO p2 -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val odd : n -> bool **)
+ let odd n0 =
+ negb (even n0)
+ (** val pow : n -> n -> n **)
+ let pow n0 = function
+ | N0 -> Npos XH
+ | Npos p2 ->
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos q -> Npos (Coq_Pos.pow q p2))
+ (** val square : n -> n **)
+ let square = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Npos (Coq_Pos.square p)
+ (** val log2 : n -> n **)
+ let log2 = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p -> Npos (Coq_Pos.size p)
+ | XO p -> Npos (Coq_Pos.size p)
+ | XH -> N0)
+ (** val size : n -> n **)
+ let size = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Npos (Coq_Pos.size p)
+ (** val size_nat : n -> nat **)
+ let size_nat = function
+ | N0 -> O
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.size_nat p
+ (** val pos_div_eucl : positive -> n -> n*n **)
+ let rec pos_div_eucl a b =
+ match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
+ let r' = succ_double r in
+ if leb b r' then (succ_double q),(sub r' b) else (double q),r'
+ | XO a' ->
+ let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
+ let r' = double r in
+ if leb b r' then (succ_double q),(sub r' b) else (double q),r'
+ | XH ->
+ (match b with
+ | N0 -> N0,(Npos XH)
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XH -> (Npos XH),N0
+ | _ -> N0,(Npos XH)))
+ (** val div_eucl : n -> n -> n*n **)
+ let div_eucl a b =
+ match a with
+ | N0 -> N0,N0
+ | Npos na ->
+ (match b with
+ | N0 -> N0,a
+ | Npos p -> pos_div_eucl na b)
+ (** val div : n -> n -> n **)
+ let div a b =
+ fst (div_eucl a b)
+ (** val modulo : n -> n -> n **)
+ let modulo a b =
+ snd (div_eucl a b)
+ (** val gcd : n -> n -> n **)
+ let gcd a b =
+ match a with
+ | N0 -> b
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match b with
+ | N0 -> a
+ | Npos q -> Npos (Coq_Pos.gcd p q))
+ (** val ggcd : n -> n -> n*(n*n) **)
+ let ggcd a b =
+ match a with
+ | N0 -> b,(N0,(Npos XH))
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match b with
+ | N0 -> a,((Npos XH),N0)
+ | Npos q ->
+ let g,p2 = Coq_Pos.ggcd p q in
+ let aa,bb = p2 in (Npos g),((Npos aa),(Npos bb)))
+ (** val sqrtrem : n -> n*n **)
+ let sqrtrem = function
+ | N0 -> N0,N0
+ | Npos p ->
+ let s,m = Coq_Pos.sqrtrem p in
+ (match m with
+ | Coq_Pos.IsPos r -> (Npos s),(Npos r)
+ | _ -> (Npos s),N0)
+ (** val sqrt : n -> n **)
+ let sqrt = function
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p -> Npos (Coq_Pos.sqrt p)
+ (** val coq_lor : n -> n -> n **)
+ let coq_lor n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> m
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> n0
+ | Npos q -> Npos (Coq_Pos.coq_lor p q))
+ (** val coq_land : n -> n -> n **)
+ let coq_land n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos q -> Coq_Pos.coq_land p q)
+ (** val ldiff : n -> n -> n **)
+ let rec ldiff n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> n0
+ | Npos q -> Coq_Pos.ldiff p q)
+ (** val coq_lxor : n -> n -> n **)
+ let coq_lxor n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> m
+ | Npos p ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> n0
+ | Npos q -> Coq_Pos.coq_lxor p q)
+ (** val shiftl_nat : n -> nat -> n **)
+ let shiftl_nat a n0 =
+ nat_iter n0 double a
+ (** val shiftr_nat : n -> nat -> n **)
+ let shiftr_nat a n0 =
+ nat_iter n0 div2 a
+ (** val shiftl : n -> n -> n **)
+ let shiftl a n0 =
+ match a with
+ | N0 -> N0
+ | Npos a0 -> Npos (Coq_Pos.shiftl a0 n0)
+ (** val shiftr : n -> n -> n **)
+ let shiftr a = function
+ | N0 -> a
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.iter p div2 a
+ (** val testbit_nat : n -> nat -> bool **)
+ let testbit_nat = function
+ | N0 -> (fun x -> false)
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.testbit_nat p
+ (** val testbit : n -> n -> bool **)
+ let testbit a n0 =
+ match a with
+ | N0 -> false
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.testbit p n0
+ (** val to_nat : n -> nat **)
+ let to_nat = function
+ | N0 -> O
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.to_nat p
+ (** val of_nat : nat -> n **)
+ let of_nat = function
+ | O -> N0
+ | S n' -> Npos (Coq_Pos.of_succ_nat n')
+ (** val iter : n -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let iter n0 f x =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 -> x
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.iter p f x
+ (** val eq_dec : n -> n -> sumbool **)
+ let eq_dec n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | N0 ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> Left
+ | Npos p -> Right)
+ | Npos x ->
+ (match m with
+ | N0 -> Right
+ | Npos p2 -> Coq_Pos.eq_dec x p2)
+ (** val discr : n -> positive sumor **)
+ let discr = function
+ | N0 -> Inright
+ | Npos p -> Inleft p
+ (** val binary_rect :
+ 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1 **)
+ let binary_rect f0 f2 fS2 n0 =
+ let f2' = fun p -> f2 (Npos p) in
+ let fS2' = fun p -> fS2 (Npos p) in
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> f0
+ | Npos p ->
+ let rec f = function
+ | XI p3 -> fS2' p3 (f p3)
+ | XO p3 -> f2' p3 (f p3)
+ | XH -> fS2 N0 f0
+ in f p)
+ (** val binary_rec :
+ 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1 **)
+ let binary_rec =
+ binary_rect
+ (** val peano_rect : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1 **)
+ let peano_rect f0 f n0 =
+ let f' = fun p -> f (Npos p) in
+ (match n0 with
+ | N0 -> f0
+ | Npos p -> Coq_Pos.peano_rect (f N0 f0) f' p)
+ (** val peano_rec : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1 **)
+ let peano_rec =
+ peano_rect
+ (** val leb_spec0 : n -> n -> reflect **)
+ let leb_spec0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (leb x y)
+ (** val ltb_spec0 : n -> n -> reflect **)
+ let ltb_spec0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (ltb x y)
+ module Private_BootStrap =
+ struct
+ end
+ (** val recursion : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1 **)
+ let recursion x =
+ peano_rect x
+ module Private_OrderTac =
+ struct
+ module Elts =
+ struct
+ type t = n
+ end
+ module Tac = MakeOrderTac(Elts)
+ end
+ module Private_NZPow =
+ struct
+ end
+ module Private_NZSqrt =
+ struct
+ end
+ (** val sqrt_up : n -> n **)
+ let sqrt_up a =
+ match compare N0 a with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> succ (sqrt (pred a))
+ | _ -> N0
+ (** val log2_up : n -> n **)
+ let log2_up a =
+ match compare (Npos XH) a with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> succ (log2 (pred a))
+ | _ -> N0
+ module Private_NZDiv =
+ struct
+ end
+ (** val lcm : n -> n -> n **)
+ let lcm a b =
+ mul a (div b (gcd a b))
+ (** val eqb_spec : n -> n -> reflect **)
+ let eqb_spec x y =
+ iff_reflect (eqb x y)
+ (** val b2n : bool -> n **)
+ let b2n = function
+ | true -> Npos XH
+ | false -> N0
+ (** val setbit : n -> n -> n **)
+ let setbit a n0 =
+ coq_lor a (shiftl (Npos XH) n0)
+ (** val clearbit : n -> n -> n **)
+ let clearbit a n0 =
+ ldiff a (shiftl (Npos XH) n0)
+ (** val ones : n -> n **)
+ let ones n0 =
+ pred (shiftl (Npos XH) n0)
+ (** val lnot : n -> n -> n **)
+ let lnot a n0 =
+ coq_lxor a (ones n0)
+ module Private_Tac =
+ struct
+ end
+ module Private_Rev =
+ struct
+ module ORev =
+ struct
+ type t = n
+ end
+ module MRev =
+ struct
+ (** val max : n -> n -> n **)
+ let max x y =
+ min y x
+ end
+ module MPRev = MaxLogicalProperties(ORev)(MRev)
+ end
+ module Private_Dec =
+ struct
+ (** val max_case_strong :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1)
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case_strong n0 m compat hl hr =
+ let c = compSpec2Type n0 m (compare n0 m) in
+ (match c with
+ | CompGtT -> compat n0 (max n0 m) __ (hl __)
+ | _ -> compat m (max n0 m) __ (hr __))
+ (** val max_case :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case n0 m x x0 x1 =
+ max_case_strong n0 m x (fun _ -> x0) (fun _ -> x1)
+ (** val max_dec : n -> n -> sumbool **)
+ let max_dec n0 m =
+ max_case n0 m (fun x y _ h0 -> h0) Left Right
+ (** val min_case_strong :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1)
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case_strong n0 m compat hl hr =
+ let c = compSpec2Type n0 m (compare n0 m) in
+ (match c with
+ | CompGtT -> compat m (min n0 m) __ (hr __)
+ | _ -> compat n0 (min n0 m) __ (hl __))
+ (** val min_case :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case n0 m x x0 x1 =
+ min_case_strong n0 m x (fun _ -> x0) (fun _ -> x1)
+ (** val min_dec : n -> n -> sumbool **)
+ let min_dec n0 m =
+ min_case n0 m (fun x y _ h0 -> h0) Left Right
+ end
+ (** val max_case_strong : n -> n -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case_strong n0 m x x0 =
+ Private_Dec.max_case_strong n0 m (fun x1 y _ x2 -> x2) x x0
+ (** val max_case : n -> n -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case n0 m x x0 =
+ max_case_strong n0 m (fun _ -> x) (fun _ -> x0)
+ (** val max_dec : n -> n -> sumbool **)
+ let max_dec =
+ Private_Dec.max_dec
+ (** val min_case_strong : n -> n -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case_strong n0 m x x0 =
+ Private_Dec.min_case_strong n0 m (fun x1 y _ x2 -> x2) x x0
+ (** val min_case : n -> n -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case n0 m x x0 =
+ min_case_strong n0 m (fun _ -> x) (fun _ -> x0)
+ (** val min_dec : n -> n -> sumbool **)
+ let min_dec =
+ Private_Dec.min_dec
+ end
+module Z =
+ struct
+ type t = z
+ (** val zero : z **)
+ let zero =
+ Z0
+ (** val one : z **)
+ let one =
+ Zpos XH
+ (** val two : z **)
+ let two =
+ Zpos (XO XH)
+ (** val double : z -> z **)
+ let double = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (XO p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (XO p)
+ (** val succ_double : z -> z **)
+ let succ_double = function
+ | Z0 -> Zpos XH
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (XI p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.pred_double p)
+ (** val pred_double : z -> z **)
+ let pred_double = function
+ | Z0 -> Zneg XH
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.pred_double p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (XI p)
+ (** val pos_sub : positive -> positive -> z **)
+ let rec pos_sub x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> double (pos_sub p q)
+ | XO q -> succ_double (pos_sub p q)
+ | XH -> Zpos (XO p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> pred_double (pos_sub p q)
+ | XO q -> double (pos_sub p q)
+ | XH -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.pred_double p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q -> Zneg (XO q)
+ | XO q -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.pred_double q)
+ | XH -> Z0)
+ (** val add : z -> z -> z **)
+ let add x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> y
+ | Zpos x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> x
+ | Zpos y' -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.add x' y')
+ | Zneg y' -> pos_sub x' y')
+ | Zneg x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> x
+ | Zpos y' -> pos_sub y' x'
+ | Zneg y' -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.add x' y'))
+ (** val opp : z -> z **)
+ let opp = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos x0 -> Zneg x0
+ | Zneg x0 -> Zpos x0
+ (** val succ : z -> z **)
+ let succ x =
+ add x (Zpos XH)
+ (** val pred : z -> z **)
+ let pred x =
+ add x (Zneg XH)
+ (** val sub : z -> z -> z **)
+ let sub m n0 =
+ add m (opp n0)
+ (** val mul : z -> z -> z **)
+ let mul x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos y' -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.mul x' y')
+ | Zneg y' -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.mul x' y'))
+ | Zneg x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos y' -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.mul x' y')
+ | Zneg y' -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.mul x' y'))
+ (** val pow_pos : z -> positive -> z **)
+ let pow_pos z0 n0 =
+ Coq_Pos.iter n0 (mul z0) (Zpos XH)
+ (** val pow : z -> z -> z **)
+ let pow x = function
+ | Z0 -> Zpos XH
+ | Zpos p -> pow_pos x p
+ | Zneg p -> Z0
+ (** val square : z -> z **)
+ let square = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.square p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.square p)
+ (** val compare : z -> z -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+ let compare x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> ExtrNative.Eq
+ | Zpos y' -> ExtrNative.Lt
+ | Zneg y' -> ExtrNative.Gt)
+ | Zpos x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zpos y' -> Coq_Pos.compare x' y'
+ | _ -> ExtrNative.Gt)
+ | Zneg x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zneg y' -> compOpp (Coq_Pos.compare x' y')
+ | _ -> ExtrNative.Lt)
+ (** val sgn : z -> z **)
+ let sgn = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos XH
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg XH
+ (** val leb : z -> z -> bool **)
+ let leb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ (** val ltb : z -> z -> bool **)
+ let ltb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val geb : z -> z -> bool **)
+ let geb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ (** val gtb : z -> z -> bool **)
+ let gtb x y =
+ match compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val eqb : z -> z -> bool **)
+ let rec eqb x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Zpos p ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zpos q -> Coq_Pos.eqb p q
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Zneg p ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zneg q -> Coq_Pos.eqb p q
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val max : z -> z -> z **)
+ let max n0 m =
+ match compare n0 m with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> m
+ | _ -> n0
+ (** val min : z -> z -> z **)
+ let min n0 m =
+ match compare n0 m with
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> m
+ | _ -> n0
+ (** val abs : z -> z **)
+ let abs = function
+ | Zneg p -> Zpos p
+ | x -> x
+ (** val abs_nat : z -> nat **)
+ let abs_nat = function
+ | Z0 -> O
+ | Zpos p -> Coq_Pos.to_nat p
+ | Zneg p -> Coq_Pos.to_nat p
+ (** val abs_N : z -> n **)
+ let abs_N = function
+ | Z0 -> N0
+ | Zpos p -> Npos p
+ | Zneg p -> Npos p
+ (** val to_nat : z -> nat **)
+ let to_nat = function
+ | Zpos p -> Coq_Pos.to_nat p
+ | _ -> O
+ (** val to_N : z -> n **)
+ let to_N = function
+ | Zpos p -> Npos p
+ | _ -> N0
+ (** val of_nat : nat -> z **)
+ let of_nat = function
+ | O -> Z0
+ | S n1 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.of_succ_nat n1)
+ (** val of_N : n -> z **)
+ let of_N = function
+ | N0 -> Z0
+ | Npos p -> Zpos p
+ (** val iter : z -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let iter n0 f x =
+ match n0 with
+ | Zpos p -> Coq_Pos.iter p f x
+ | _ -> x
+ (** val pos_div_eucl : positive -> z -> z*z **)
+ let rec pos_div_eucl a b =
+ match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
+ let r' = add (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) r) (Zpos XH) in
+ if ltb r' b
+ then (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q),r'
+ else (add (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q) (Zpos XH)),(sub r' b)
+ | XO a' ->
+ let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
+ let r' = mul (Zpos (XO XH)) r in
+ if ltb r' b
+ then (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q),r'
+ else (add (mul (Zpos (XO XH)) q) (Zpos XH)),(sub r' b)
+ | XH -> if leb (Zpos (XO XH)) b then Z0,(Zpos XH) else (Zpos XH),Z0
+ (** val div_eucl : z -> z -> z*z **)
+ let div_eucl a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
+ | Zpos a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
+ | Zpos p -> pos_div_eucl a' b
+ | Zneg b' ->
+ let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' (Zpos b') in
+ (match r with
+ | Z0 -> (opp q),Z0
+ | _ -> (opp (add q (Zpos XH))),(add b r)))
+ | Zneg a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
+ | Zpos p ->
+ let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' b in
+ (match r with
+ | Z0 -> (opp q),Z0
+ | _ -> (opp (add q (Zpos XH))),(sub b r))
+ | Zneg b' -> let q,r = pos_div_eucl a' (Zpos b') in q,(opp r))
+ (** val div : z -> z -> z **)
+ let div a b =
+ let q,x = div_eucl a b in q
+ (** val modulo : z -> z -> z **)
+ let modulo a b =
+ let x,r = div_eucl a b in r
+ (** val quotrem : z -> z -> z*z **)
+ let quotrem a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> Z0,Z0
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0,a
+ | Zpos b0 ->
+ let q,r = N.pos_div_eucl a0 (Npos b0) in (of_N q),(of_N r)
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ let q,r = N.pos_div_eucl a0 (Npos b0) in (opp (of_N q)),(of_N r))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0,a
+ | Zpos b0 ->
+ let q,r = N.pos_div_eucl a0 (Npos b0) in
+ (opp (of_N q)),(opp (of_N r))
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ let q,r = N.pos_div_eucl a0 (Npos b0) in (of_N q),(opp (of_N r)))
+ (** val quot : z -> z -> z **)
+ let quot a b =
+ fst (quotrem a b)
+ (** val rem : z -> z -> z **)
+ let rem a b =
+ snd (quotrem a b)
+ (** val even : z -> bool **)
+ let even = function
+ | Z0 -> true
+ | Zpos p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XO p2 -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Zneg p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XO p2 -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val odd : z -> bool **)
+ let odd = function
+ | Z0 -> false
+ | Zpos p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XO p2 -> false
+ | _ -> true)
+ | Zneg p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XO p2 -> false
+ | _ -> true)
+ (** val div2 : z -> z **)
+ let div2 = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XH -> Z0
+ | _ -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.div2 p))
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.div2_up p)
+ (** val quot2 : z -> z **)
+ let quot2 = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XH -> Z0
+ | _ -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.div2 p))
+ | Zneg p ->
+ (match p with
+ | XH -> Z0
+ | _ -> Zneg (Coq_Pos.div2 p))
+ (** val log2 : z -> z **)
+ let log2 = function
+ | Zpos p2 ->
+ (match p2 with
+ | XI p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.size p)
+ | XO p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.size p)
+ | XH -> Z0)
+ | _ -> Z0
+ (** val sqrtrem : z -> z*z **)
+ let sqrtrem = function
+ | Zpos p ->
+ let s,m = Coq_Pos.sqrtrem p in
+ (match m with
+ | Coq_Pos.IsPos r -> (Zpos s),(Zpos r)
+ | _ -> (Zpos s),Z0)
+ | _ -> Z0,Z0
+ (** val sqrt : z -> z **)
+ let sqrt = function
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.sqrt p)
+ | _ -> Z0
+ (** val gcd : z -> z -> z **)
+ let gcd a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> abs b
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> abs a
+ | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> abs a
+ | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.gcd a0 b0))
+ (** val ggcd : z -> z -> z*(z*z) **)
+ let ggcd a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> (abs b),(Z0,(sgn b))
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> (abs a),((sgn a),Z0)
+ | Zpos b0 ->
+ let g,p = Coq_Pos.ggcd a0 b0 in
+ let aa,bb = p in (Zpos g),((Zpos aa),(Zpos bb))
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ let g,p = Coq_Pos.ggcd a0 b0 in
+ let aa,bb = p in (Zpos g),((Zpos aa),(Zneg bb)))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> (abs a),((sgn a),Z0)
+ | Zpos b0 ->
+ let g,p = Coq_Pos.ggcd a0 b0 in
+ let aa,bb = p in (Zpos g),((Zneg aa),(Zpos bb))
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ let g,p = Coq_Pos.ggcd a0 b0 in
+ let aa,bb = p in (Zpos g),((Zneg aa),(Zneg bb)))
+ (** val testbit : z -> z -> bool **)
+ let testbit a = function
+ | Z0 -> odd a
+ | Zpos p ->
+ (match a with
+ | Z0 -> false
+ | Zpos a0 -> Coq_Pos.testbit a0 (Npos p)
+ | Zneg a0 -> negb (N.testbit (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Npos p)))
+ | Zneg p -> false
+ (** val shiftl : z -> z -> z **)
+ let shiftl a = function
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos p -> Coq_Pos.iter p (mul (Zpos (XO XH))) a
+ | Zneg p -> Coq_Pos.iter p div2 a
+ (** val shiftr : z -> z -> z **)
+ let shiftr a n0 =
+ shiftl a (opp n0)
+ (** val coq_lor : z -> z -> z **)
+ let coq_lor a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> b
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (Coq_Pos.coq_lor a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> Zneg (N.succ_pos (N.ldiff (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0) (Npos a0))))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos b0 -> Zneg (N.succ_pos (N.ldiff (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Npos b0)))
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ Zneg
+ (N.succ_pos (N.coq_land (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0))))
+ (** val coq_land : z -> z -> z **)
+ let coq_land a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos b0 -> of_N (Coq_Pos.coq_land a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> of_N (N.ldiff (Npos a0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0)))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos b0 -> of_N (N.ldiff (Npos b0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0))
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ Zneg
+ (N.succ_pos (N.coq_lor (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0))))
+ (** val ldiff : z -> z -> z **)
+ let ldiff a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos b0 -> of_N (Coq_Pos.ldiff a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> of_N (N.coq_land (Npos a0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0)))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos b0 ->
+ Zneg (N.succ_pos (N.coq_lor (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Npos b0)))
+ | Zneg b0 -> of_N (N.ldiff (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0)))
+ (** val coq_lxor : z -> z -> z **)
+ let coq_lxor a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> b
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos b0 -> of_N (Coq_Pos.coq_lxor a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 ->
+ Zneg (N.succ_pos (N.coq_lxor (Npos a0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0))))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> a
+ | Zpos b0 ->
+ Zneg (N.succ_pos (N.coq_lxor (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Npos b0)))
+ | Zneg b0 -> of_N (N.coq_lxor (Coq_Pos.pred_N a0) (Coq_Pos.pred_N b0)))
+ (** val eq_dec : z -> z -> sumbool **)
+ let eq_dec x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Left
+ | _ -> Right)
+ | Zpos x0 ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zpos p2 -> Coq_Pos.eq_dec x0 p2
+ | _ -> Right)
+ | Zneg x0 ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zneg p2 -> Coq_Pos.eq_dec x0 p2
+ | _ -> Right)
+ module Private_BootStrap =
+ struct
+ end
+ (** val leb_spec0 : z -> z -> reflect **)
+ let leb_spec0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (leb x y)
+ (** val ltb_spec0 : z -> z -> reflect **)
+ let ltb_spec0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (ltb x y)
+ module Private_OrderTac =
+ struct
+ module Elts =
+ struct
+ type t = z
+ end
+ module Tac = MakeOrderTac(Elts)
+ end
+ (** val sqrt_up : z -> z **)
+ let sqrt_up a =
+ match compare Z0 a with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> succ (sqrt (pred a))
+ | _ -> Z0
+ (** val log2_up : z -> z **)
+ let log2_up a =
+ match compare (Zpos XH) a with
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> succ (log2 (pred a))
+ | _ -> Z0
+ module Private_NZDiv =
+ struct
+ end
+ module Private_Div =
+ struct
+ module Quot2Div =
+ struct
+ (** val div : z -> z -> z **)
+ let div =
+ quot
+ (** val modulo : z -> z -> z **)
+ let modulo =
+ rem
+ end
+ module NZQuot =
+ struct
+ end
+ end
+ (** val lcm : z -> z -> z **)
+ let lcm a b =
+ abs (mul a (div b (gcd a b)))
+ (** val eqb_spec : z -> z -> reflect **)
+ let eqb_spec x y =
+ iff_reflect (eqb x y)
+ (** val b2z : bool -> z **)
+ let b2z = function
+ | true -> Zpos XH
+ | false -> Z0
+ (** val setbit : z -> z -> z **)
+ let setbit a n0 =
+ coq_lor a (shiftl (Zpos XH) n0)
+ (** val clearbit : z -> z -> z **)
+ let clearbit a n0 =
+ ldiff a (shiftl (Zpos XH) n0)
+ (** val lnot : z -> z **)
+ let lnot a =
+ pred (opp a)
+ (** val ones : z -> z **)
+ let ones n0 =
+ pred (shiftl (Zpos XH) n0)
+ module Private_Tac =
+ struct
+ end
+ module Private_Rev =
+ struct
+ module ORev =
+ struct
+ type t = z
+ end
+ module MRev =
+ struct
+ (** val max : z -> z -> z **)
+ let max x y =
+ min y x
+ end
+ module MPRev = MaxLogicalProperties(ORev)(MRev)
+ end
+ module Private_Dec =
+ struct
+ (** val max_case_strong :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1)
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case_strong n0 m compat hl hr =
+ let c = compSpec2Type n0 m (compare n0 m) in
+ (match c with
+ | CompGtT -> compat n0 (max n0 m) __ (hl __)
+ | _ -> compat m (max n0 m) __ (hr __))
+ (** val max_case :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case n0 m x x0 x1 =
+ max_case_strong n0 m x (fun _ -> x0) (fun _ -> x1)
+ (** val max_dec : z -> z -> sumbool **)
+ let max_dec n0 m =
+ max_case n0 m (fun x y _ h0 -> h0) Left Right
+ (** val min_case_strong :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1)
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case_strong n0 m compat hl hr =
+ let c = compSpec2Type n0 m (compare n0 m) in
+ (match c with
+ | CompGtT -> compat m (min n0 m) __ (hr __)
+ | _ -> compat n0 (min n0 m) __ (hl __))
+ (** val min_case :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case n0 m x x0 x1 =
+ min_case_strong n0 m x (fun _ -> x0) (fun _ -> x1)
+ (** val min_dec : z -> z -> sumbool **)
+ let min_dec n0 m =
+ min_case n0 m (fun x y _ h0 -> h0) Left Right
+ end
+ (** val max_case_strong : z -> z -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case_strong n0 m x x0 =
+ Private_Dec.max_case_strong n0 m (fun x1 y _ x2 -> x2) x x0
+ (** val max_case : z -> z -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let max_case n0 m x x0 =
+ max_case_strong n0 m (fun _ -> x) (fun _ -> x0)
+ (** val max_dec : z -> z -> sumbool **)
+ let max_dec =
+ Private_Dec.max_dec
+ (** val min_case_strong : z -> z -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case_strong n0 m x x0 =
+ Private_Dec.min_case_strong n0 m (fun x1 y _ x2 -> x2) x x0
+ (** val min_case : z -> z -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+ let min_case n0 m x x0 =
+ min_case_strong n0 m (fun _ -> x) (fun _ -> x0)
+ (** val min_dec : z -> z -> sumbool **)
+ let min_dec =
+ Private_Dec.min_dec
+ end
+(** val zeq_bool : z -> z -> bool **)
+let zeq_bool x y =
+ match Z.compare x y with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(** val nth : nat -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let rec nth n0 l default0 =
+ match n0 with
+ | O ->
+ (match l with
+ | Nil -> default0
+ | Cons (x, l') -> x)
+ | S m ->
+ (match l with
+ | Nil -> default0
+ | Cons (x, t0) -> nth m t0 default0)
+(** val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list **)
+let rec map f = function
+| Nil -> Nil
+| Cons (a, t0) -> Cons ((f a), (map f t0))
+(** val fold_right : ('a2 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 list -> 'a1 **)
+let rec fold_right f a0 = function
+| Nil -> a0
+| Cons (b, t0) -> f b (fold_right f a0 t0)
+(** val existsb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let rec existsb f = function
+| Nil -> false
+| Cons (a, l0) -> if f a then true else existsb f l0
+(** val forallb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let rec forallb f = function
+| Nil -> true
+| Cons (a, l0) -> if f a then forallb f l0 else false
+type int = ExtrNative.uint
+(** val lsl0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let lsl0 = ExtrNative.l_sl
+(** val lsr0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let lsr0 = ExtrNative.l_sr
+(** val land0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let land0 = ExtrNative.l_and
+(** val lxor0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let lxor0 = ExtrNative.l_xor
+(** val sub0 : int -> int -> int **)
+let sub0 = ExtrNative.sub
+(** val eqb0 : int -> int -> bool **)
+let eqb0 = fun i j -> ExtrNative.compare i j = ExtrNative.Eq
+(** val ltb0 : int -> int -> bool **)
+let ltb0 = ExtrNative.lt
+(** val leb0 : int -> int -> bool **)
+let leb0 = ExtrNative.le
+(** val foldi_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1
+ -> 'a2 **)
+let foldi_cont = ExtrNative.foldi_cont
+(** val foldi_down_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1
+ -> 'a2 **)
+let foldi_down_cont = ExtrNative.foldi_down_cont
+(** val is_zero : int -> bool **)
+let is_zero i =
+ eqb0 i (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+(** val is_even : int -> bool **)
+let is_even i =
+ is_zero (land0 i (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+(** val compare0 : int -> int -> ExtrNative.comparison **)
+let compare0 = ExtrNative.compare
+(** val foldi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let foldi f from to0 =
+ foldi_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f i a)) from to0 (fun a -> a)
+(** val fold : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let fold f from to0 =
+ foldi_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f a)) from to0 (fun a -> a)
+(** val foldi_down : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let foldi_down f from downto0 =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f i a)) from downto0 (fun a -> a)
+(** val forallb0 : (int -> bool) -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let forallb0 f from to0 =
+ foldi_cont (fun i cont x -> if f i then cont Tt else false) from to0
+ (fun x -> true) Tt
+(** val existsb0 : (int -> bool) -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let existsb0 f from to0 =
+ foldi_cont (fun i cont x -> if f i then true else cont Tt) from to0
+ (fun x -> false) Tt
+(** val cast : int -> int -> (__ -> __ -> __) option **)
+let cast i j =
+ if eqb0 i j then Some (fun _ hi -> hi) else None
+(** val reflect_eqb : int -> int -> reflect **)
+let reflect_eqb i j =
+ iff_reflect (eqb0 i j)
+type 'a array = 'a ExtrNative.parray
+(** val make : int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array **)
+let make = ExtrNative.parray_make
+module Coq__2 = struct
+ (** val get : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 **)
+ let get = ExtrNative.parray_get
+let get = Coq__2.get
+(** val default : 'a1 array -> 'a1 **)
+let default = ExtrNative.parray_default
+(** val set : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array **)
+let set = ExtrNative.parray_set
+(** val length : 'a1 array -> int **)
+let length = ExtrNative.parray_length
+(** val to_list : 'a1 array -> 'a1 list **)
+let to_list t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then Nil
+ else foldi_down (fun i l -> Cons ((get t0 i), l))
+ (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) Nil
+(** val forallbi : (int -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 array -> bool **)
+let forallbi f t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then true
+ else forallb0 (fun i -> f i (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+(** val forallb1 : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 array -> bool **)
+let forallb1 f t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then true
+ else forallb0 (fun i -> f (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+(** val existsb1 : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 array -> bool **)
+let existsb1 f t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then false
+ else existsb0 (fun i -> f (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+(** val mapi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 array **)
+let mapi f t0 =
+ let size0 = length t0 in
+ let def = f size0 (default t0) in
+ let tb = make size0 def in
+ if eqb0 size0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then tb
+ else foldi (fun i tb0 -> set tb0 i (f i (get t0 i)))
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (sub0 size0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) tb
+(** val foldi_left :
+ (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **)
+let foldi_left f a t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then a
+ else foldi (fun i a0 -> f i a0 (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) a
+(** val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **)
+let fold_left f a t0 =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then a
+ else foldi (fun i a0 -> f a0 (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (sub0 (length t0) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) a
+(** val foldi_right :
+ (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 -> 'a2 **)
+let foldi_right f t0 b =
+ let len = length t0 in
+ if eqb0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len
+ then b
+ else foldi_down (fun i b0 -> f i (get t0 i) b0)
+ (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) b
+module Valuation =
+ struct
+ type t = int -> bool
+ end
+module Var =
+ struct
+ (** val _true : int **)
+ let _true =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (** val _false : int **)
+ let _false =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp rho x =
+ rho x
+ end
+module Lit =
+ struct
+ (** val is_pos : int -> bool **)
+ let is_pos l =
+ is_even l
+ (** val blit : int -> int **)
+ let blit l =
+ lsr0 l (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val lit : int -> int **)
+ let lit x =
+ lsl0 x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val neg : int -> int **)
+ let neg l =
+ lxor0 l (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (** val nlit : int -> int **)
+ let nlit x =
+ neg (lit x)
+ (** val _true : int **)
+ let _true =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (** val _false : int **)
+ let _false =
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(2))
+ (** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **)
+ let eqb l l' =
+ eqb0 l l'
+ (** val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp rho l =
+ if is_pos l
+ then Var.interp rho (blit l)
+ else negb (Var.interp rho (blit l))
+ end
+module C =
+ struct
+ type t = int list
+ (** val interp : Valuation.t -> t -> bool **)
+ let interp rho l =
+ existsb (Lit.interp rho) l
+ (** val _true : t **)
+ let _true =
+ Cons (Lit._true, Nil)
+ (** val is_false : t -> bool **)
+ let is_false = function
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (i, l) -> false
+ (** val or_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> int list **)
+ let rec or_aux or0 l1 c1 c2 = match c2 with
+ | Nil -> Cons (l1, c1)
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare0 l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (or0 c1 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> Cons (l1, (or0 c1 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> Cons (l2, (or_aux or0 l1 c1 c2')))
+ (** val coq_or : t -> t -> t **)
+ let rec coq_or c1 c2 =
+ match c1 with
+ | Nil -> c2
+ | Cons (l1, c3) ->
+ (match c2 with
+ | Nil -> c1
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare0 l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (coq_or c3 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt -> Cons (l1, (coq_or c3 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt -> Cons (l2, (or_aux coq_or l1 c3 c2'))))
+ (** val resolve_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> t **)
+ let rec resolve_aux resolve0 l1 c1 c2 = match c2 with
+ | Nil -> _true
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare0 l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (resolve0 c1 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ if eqb0 (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c1 c2'
+ else Cons (l1, (resolve0 c1 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ if eqb0 (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c1 c2'
+ else Cons (l2, (resolve_aux resolve0 l1 c1 c2')))
+ (** val resolve : t -> t -> t **)
+ let rec resolve c1 c2 =
+ match c1 with
+ | Nil -> _true
+ | Cons (l1, c3) ->
+ (match c2 with
+ | Nil -> _true
+ | Cons (l2, c2') ->
+ (match compare0 l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (resolve c3 c2'))
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ if eqb0 (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c3 c2'
+ else Cons (l1, (resolve c3 c2))
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ if eqb0 (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then coq_or c3 c2'
+ else Cons (l2, (resolve_aux resolve l1 c3 c2'))))
+ end
+module S =
+ struct
+ type t = C.t array
+ (** val get : t -> int -> C.t **)
+ let get s cid =
+ get s cid
+ (** val internal_set : t -> int -> C.t -> t **)
+ let internal_set s cid c =
+ set s cid c
+ (** val make : int -> t **)
+ let make nclauses =
+ make nclauses C._true
+ (** val insert : int -> int list -> int list **)
+ let rec insert l1 c = match c with
+ | Nil -> Cons (l1, Nil)
+ | Cons (l2, c') ->
+ (match compare0 l1 l2 with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> c
+ | ExtrNative.Lt ->
+ if eqb0 (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then C._true
+ else Cons (l1, c)
+ | ExtrNative.Gt ->
+ if eqb0 (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then C._true
+ else Cons (l2, (insert l1 c')))
+ (** val sort_uniq : int list -> int list **)
+ let rec sort_uniq = function
+ | Nil -> Nil
+ | Cons (l1, c0) -> insert l1 (sort_uniq c0)
+ (** val set_clause : t -> int -> C.t -> t **)
+ let set_clause s pos c =
+ set s pos (sort_uniq c)
+ (** val set_resolve : t -> int -> int array -> t **)
+ let set_resolve s pos r =
+ let len = length r in
+ if eqb0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then s
+ else let c =
+ foldi (fun i c -> C.resolve (get s (Coq__2.get r i)) c)
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ (get s (Coq__2.get r (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))))
+ in
+ internal_set s pos c
+ end
+(** val afold_left :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **)
+let afold_left default0 oP f v =
+ let n0 = length v in
+ if eqb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then default0
+ else foldi (fun i a -> oP a (f (get v i))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ (f (get v (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))))
+(** val afold_right :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **)
+let afold_right default0 oP f v =
+ let n0 = length v in
+ if eqb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then default0
+ else if leb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then f (get v (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)))
+ else foldi_down (fun i b -> oP (f (get v i)) b)
+ (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(2))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (f (get v (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))))
+(** val rev_aux : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
+let rec rev_aux acc = function
+| Nil -> acc
+| Cons (t0, q) -> rev_aux (Cons (t0, acc)) q
+(** val rev : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
+let rev l =
+ rev_aux Nil l
+(** val distinct_aux2 :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> bool -> 'a1 -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let rec distinct_aux2 eq acc ref = function
+| Nil -> acc
+| Cons (t0, q) ->
+ distinct_aux2 eq (if acc then negb (eq ref t0) else false) ref q
+(** val distinct_aux : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> bool -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let rec distinct_aux eq acc = function
+| Nil -> acc
+| Cons (t0, q) ->
+ let acc' = distinct_aux2 eq acc t0 q in distinct_aux eq acc' q
+(** val distinct : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let distinct eq =
+ distinct_aux eq true
+(** val forallb2 : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list -> bool **)
+let rec forallb2 f l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match l2 with
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (y, l) -> false)
+ | Cons (a, l3) ->
+ (match l2 with
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (b, l4) -> if f a b then forallb2 f l3 l4 else false)
+module Form =
+ struct
+ type form =
+ | Fatom of int
+ | Ftrue
+ | Ffalse
+ | Fnot2 of int * int
+ | Fand of int array
+ | For of int array
+ | Fimp of int array
+ | Fxor of int * int
+ | Fiff of int * int
+ | Fite of int * int * int
+ (** val form_rect :
+ (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1)
+ -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> form -> 'a1 **)
+ let form_rect f f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 = function
+ | Fatom x -> f x
+ | Ftrue -> f0
+ | Ffalse -> f1
+ | Fnot2 (x, x0) -> f2 x x0
+ | Fand x -> f3 x
+ | For x -> f4 x
+ | Fimp x -> f5 x
+ | Fxor (x, x0) -> f6 x x0
+ | Fiff (x, x0) -> f7 x x0
+ | Fite (x, x0, x1) -> f8 x x0 x1
+ (** val form_rec :
+ (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1)
+ -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> form -> 'a1 **)
+ let form_rec f f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 = function
+ | Fatom x -> f x
+ | Ftrue -> f0
+ | Ffalse -> f1
+ | Fnot2 (x, x0) -> f2 x x0
+ | Fand x -> f3 x
+ | For x -> f4 x
+ | Fimp x -> f5 x
+ | Fxor (x, x0) -> f6 x x0
+ | Fiff (x, x0) -> f7 x x0
+ | Fite (x, x0, x1) -> f8 x x0 x1
+ (** val is_Ftrue : form -> bool **)
+ let is_Ftrue = function
+ | Ftrue -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val is_Ffalse : form -> bool **)
+ let is_Ffalse = function
+ | Ffalse -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (** val interp_aux : (int -> bool) -> (int -> bool) -> form -> bool **)
+ let interp_aux interp_atom interp_var = function
+ | Fatom a -> interp_atom a
+ | Ftrue -> true
+ | Ffalse -> false
+ | Fnot2 (i, l) ->
+ fold (fun b -> negb (negb b)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) i
+ (Lit.interp interp_var l)
+ | Fand args ->
+ afold_left true (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then b2 else false)
+ (Lit.interp interp_var) args
+ | For args ->
+ afold_left false (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then true else b2)
+ (Lit.interp interp_var) args
+ | Fimp args -> afold_right true implb (Lit.interp interp_var) args
+ | Fxor (a, b) -> xorb (Lit.interp interp_var a) (Lit.interp interp_var b)
+ | Fiff (a, b) -> eqb (Lit.interp interp_var a) (Lit.interp interp_var b)
+ | Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ if Lit.interp interp_var a
+ then Lit.interp interp_var b
+ else Lit.interp interp_var c
+ (** val t_interp : (int -> bool) -> form array -> bool array **)
+ let t_interp interp_atom t_form =
+ foldi_left (fun i t_b hf ->
+ set t_b i (interp_aux interp_atom (get t_b) hf))
+ (make (length t_form) true) t_form
+ (** val lt_form : int -> form -> bool **)
+ let rec lt_form i = function
+ | Fnot2 (i0, l) -> ltb0 (Lit.blit l) i
+ | Fand args -> forallb1 (fun l -> ltb0 (Lit.blit l) i) args
+ | For args -> forallb1 (fun l -> ltb0 (Lit.blit l) i) args
+ | Fimp args -> forallb1 (fun l -> ltb0 (Lit.blit l) i) args
+ | Fxor (a, b) -> if ltb0 (Lit.blit a) i then ltb0 (Lit.blit b) i else false
+ | Fiff (a, b) -> if ltb0 (Lit.blit a) i then ltb0 (Lit.blit b) i else false
+ | Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ if if ltb0 (Lit.blit a) i then ltb0 (Lit.blit b) i else false
+ then ltb0 (Lit.blit c) i
+ else false
+ | _ -> true
+ (** val wf : form array -> bool **)
+ let wf t_form =
+ forallbi lt_form t_form
+ (** val interp_state_var : (int -> bool) -> form array -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp_state_var interp_atom t_form =
+ let t_interp0 = t_interp interp_atom t_form in get t_interp0
+ (** val interp : (int -> bool) -> form array -> form -> bool **)
+ let interp interp_atom t_form =
+ interp_aux interp_atom (interp_state_var interp_atom t_form)
+ (** val check_form : form array -> bool **)
+ let check_form t_form =
+ if if if is_Ftrue (default t_form)
+ then is_Ftrue (get t_form (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)))
+ else false
+ then is_Ffalse (get t_form (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ else false
+ then wf t_form
+ else false
+ end
+type typ_eqb = { te_eqb : (__ -> __ -> bool);
+ te_reflect : (__ -> __ -> reflect) }
+type te_carrier = __
+(** val te_eqb : typ_eqb -> te_carrier -> te_carrier -> bool **)
+let te_eqb x = x.te_eqb
+module Typ =
+ struct
+ type coq_type =
+ | Tindex of int
+ | TZ
+ | Tbool
+ | Tpositive
+ (** val type_rect :
+ (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> coq_type -> 'a1 **)
+ let type_rect f f0 f1 f2 = function
+ | Tindex x -> f x
+ | TZ -> f0
+ | Tbool -> f1
+ | Tpositive -> f2
+ (** val type_rec : (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> coq_type -> 'a1 **)
+ let type_rec f f0 f1 f2 = function
+ | Tindex x -> f x
+ | TZ -> f0
+ | Tbool -> f1
+ | Tpositive -> f2
+ type ftype = coq_type list*coq_type
+ type interp = __
+ type interp_ftype = __
+ (** val i_eqb : typ_eqb array -> coq_type -> interp -> interp -> bool **)
+ let i_eqb t_i = function
+ | Tindex i -> (get t_i i).te_eqb
+ | TZ -> Obj.magic zeq_bool
+ | Tbool -> Obj.magic eqb
+ | Tpositive -> Obj.magic Coq_Pos.eqb
+ (** val reflect_i_eqb :
+ typ_eqb array -> coq_type -> interp -> interp -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_i_eqb t_i t0 x y =
+ iff_reflect (i_eqb t_i t0 x y)
+ type cast_result =
+ | Cast of (__ -> __ -> __)
+ | NoCast
+ (** val cast_result_rect :
+ coq_type -> coq_type -> ((__ -> __ -> __) -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> cast_result
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let cast_result_rect a b f f0 = function
+ | Cast x -> f x
+ | NoCast -> f0
+ (** val cast_result_rec :
+ coq_type -> coq_type -> ((__ -> __ -> __) -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> cast_result
+ -> 'a1 **)
+ let cast_result_rec a b f f0 = function
+ | Cast x -> f x
+ | NoCast -> f0
+ (** val cast : coq_type -> coq_type -> cast_result **)
+ let cast a b =
+ match a with
+ | Tindex i ->
+ (match b with
+ | Tindex j ->
+ (match cast i j with
+ | Some k -> Cast (fun _ -> k __)
+ | None -> NoCast)
+ | _ -> NoCast)
+ | TZ ->
+ (match b with
+ | TZ -> Cast (fun _ x -> x)
+ | _ -> NoCast)
+ | Tbool ->
+ (match b with
+ | Tbool -> Cast (fun _ x -> x)
+ | _ -> NoCast)
+ | Tpositive ->
+ (match b with
+ | Tpositive -> Cast (fun _ x -> x)
+ | _ -> NoCast)
+ (** val eqb : coq_type -> coq_type -> bool **)
+ let eqb a b =
+ match a with
+ | Tindex i ->
+ (match b with
+ | Tindex j -> eqb0 i j
+ | _ -> false)
+ | TZ ->
+ (match b with
+ | TZ -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Tbool ->
+ (match b with
+ | Tbool -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Tpositive ->
+ (match b with
+ | Tpositive -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val reflect_eqb : coq_type -> coq_type -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_eqb x y =
+ match x with
+ | Tindex i ->
+ (match y with
+ | Tindex i0 -> iff_reflect (eqb0 i i0)
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | TZ ->
+ (match y with
+ | TZ -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | Tbool ->
+ (match y with
+ | Tbool -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | Tpositive ->
+ (match y with
+ | Tpositive -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ end
+(** val list_beq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> bool **)
+let rec list_beq eq_A x y =
+ match x with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match y with
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (a, l) -> false)
+ | Cons (x0, x1) ->
+ (match y with
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (x2, x3) -> if eq_A x0 x2 then list_beq eq_A x1 x3 else false)
+(** val reflect_list_beq :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> reflect) -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
+ -> reflect **)
+let rec reflect_list_beq beq hbeq x y =
+ match x with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match y with
+ | Nil -> ReflectT
+ | Cons (a, y0) -> ReflectF)
+ | Cons (y0, l) ->
+ (match y with
+ | Nil -> ReflectF
+ | Cons (a0, y1) ->
+ let r = hbeq y0 a0 in
+ (match r with
+ | ReflectT -> reflect_list_beq beq hbeq l y1
+ | ReflectF -> ReflectF))
+module Atom =
+ struct
+ type cop =
+ | CO_xH
+ | CO_Z0
+ (** val cop_rect : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> cop -> 'a1 **)
+ let cop_rect f f0 = function
+ | CO_xH -> f
+ | CO_Z0 -> f0
+ (** val cop_rec : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> cop -> 'a1 **)
+ let cop_rec f f0 = function
+ | CO_xH -> f
+ | CO_Z0 -> f0
+ type unop =
+ | UO_xO
+ | UO_xI
+ | UO_Zpos
+ | UO_Zneg
+ | UO_Zopp
+ (** val unop_rect : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> unop -> 'a1 **)
+ let unop_rect f f0 f1 f2 f3 = function
+ | UO_xO -> f
+ | UO_xI -> f0
+ | UO_Zpos -> f1
+ | UO_Zneg -> f2
+ | UO_Zopp -> f3
+ (** val unop_rec : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> unop -> 'a1 **)
+ let unop_rec f f0 f1 f2 f3 = function
+ | UO_xO -> f
+ | UO_xI -> f0
+ | UO_Zpos -> f1
+ | UO_Zneg -> f2
+ | UO_Zopp -> f3
+ type binop =
+ | BO_Zplus
+ | BO_Zminus
+ | BO_Zmult
+ | BO_Zlt
+ | BO_Zle
+ | BO_Zge
+ | BO_Zgt
+ | BO_eq of Typ.coq_type
+ (** val binop_rect :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1)
+ -> binop -> 'a1 **)
+ let binop_rect f f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> f
+ | BO_Zminus -> f0
+ | BO_Zmult -> f1
+ | BO_Zlt -> f2
+ | BO_Zle -> f3
+ | BO_Zge -> f4
+ | BO_Zgt -> f5
+ | BO_eq x -> f6 x
+ (** val binop_rec :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1)
+ -> binop -> 'a1 **)
+ let binop_rec f f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> f
+ | BO_Zminus -> f0
+ | BO_Zmult -> f1
+ | BO_Zlt -> f2
+ | BO_Zle -> f3
+ | BO_Zge -> f4
+ | BO_Zgt -> f5
+ | BO_eq x -> f6 x
+ type nop =
+ Typ.coq_type
+ (* singleton inductive, whose constructor was NO_distinct *)
+ (** val nop_rect : (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1) -> nop -> 'a1 **)
+ let nop_rect f n0 =
+ f n0
+ (** val nop_rec : (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1) -> nop -> 'a1 **)
+ let nop_rec f n0 =
+ f n0
+ type atom =
+ | Acop of cop
+ | Auop of unop * int
+ | Abop of binop * int * int
+ | Anop of nop * int list
+ | Aapp of int * int list
+ (** val atom_rect :
+ (cop -> 'a1) -> (unop -> int -> 'a1) -> (binop -> int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (nop -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> 'a1) -> atom -> 'a1 **)
+ let atom_rect f f0 f1 f2 f3 = function
+ | Acop x -> f x
+ | Auop (x, x0) -> f0 x x0
+ | Abop (x, x0, x1) -> f1 x x0 x1
+ | Anop (x, x0) -> f2 x x0
+ | Aapp (x, x0) -> f3 x x0
+ (** val atom_rec :
+ (cop -> 'a1) -> (unop -> int -> 'a1) -> (binop -> int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (nop -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> 'a1) -> atom -> 'a1 **)
+ let atom_rec f f0 f1 f2 f3 = function
+ | Acop x -> f x
+ | Auop (x, x0) -> f0 x x0
+ | Abop (x, x0, x1) -> f1 x x0 x1
+ | Anop (x, x0) -> f2 x x0
+ | Aapp (x, x0) -> f3 x x0
+ (** val cop_eqb : cop -> cop -> bool **)
+ let cop_eqb o o' =
+ match o with
+ | CO_xH ->
+ (match o' with
+ | CO_xH -> true
+ | CO_Z0 -> false)
+ | CO_Z0 ->
+ (match o' with
+ | CO_xH -> false
+ | CO_Z0 -> true)
+ (** val uop_eqb : unop -> unop -> bool **)
+ let uop_eqb o o' =
+ match o with
+ | UO_xO ->
+ (match o' with
+ | UO_xO -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | UO_xI ->
+ (match o' with
+ | UO_xI -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | UO_Zpos ->
+ (match o' with
+ | UO_Zpos -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | UO_Zneg ->
+ (match o' with
+ | UO_Zneg -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | UO_Zopp ->
+ (match o' with
+ | UO_Zopp -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val bop_eqb : binop -> binop -> bool **)
+ let bop_eqb o o' =
+ match o with
+ | BO_Zplus ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zplus -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_Zminus ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zminus -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_Zmult ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zmult -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_Zlt ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zlt -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_Zle ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zle -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_Zge ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zge -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_Zgt ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_Zgt -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | BO_eq t0 ->
+ (match o' with
+ | BO_eq t' -> Typ.eqb t0 t'
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val nop_eqb : nop -> nop -> bool **)
+ let nop_eqb o o' =
+ Typ.eqb o o'
+ (** val eqb : atom -> atom -> bool **)
+ let eqb t0 t' =
+ match t0 with
+ | Acop o ->
+ (match t' with
+ | Acop o' -> cop_eqb o o'
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Auop (o, t1) ->
+ (match t' with
+ | Auop (o', t'0) -> if uop_eqb o o' then eqb0 t1 t'0 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Abop (o, t1, t2) ->
+ (match t' with
+ | Abop (o', t1', t2') ->
+ if if bop_eqb o o' then eqb0 t1 t1' else false
+ then eqb0 t2 t2'
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Anop (o, t1) ->
+ (match t' with
+ | Anop (o', t'0) ->
+ if nop_eqb o o' then list_beq eqb0 t1 t'0 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Aapp (a, la) ->
+ (match t' with
+ | Aapp (b, lb) -> if eqb0 a b then list_beq eqb0 la lb else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ (** val reflect_cop_eqb : cop -> cop -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_cop_eqb o1 o2 =
+ match o1 with
+ | CO_xH ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | CO_xH -> ReflectT
+ | CO_Z0 -> ReflectF)
+ | CO_Z0 ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | CO_xH -> ReflectF
+ | CO_Z0 -> ReflectT)
+ (** val reflect_uop_eqb : unop -> unop -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_uop_eqb o1 o2 =
+ match o1 with
+ | UO_xO ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | UO_xO -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | UO_xI ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | UO_xI -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | UO_Zpos ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | UO_Zpos -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | UO_Zneg ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | UO_Zneg -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | UO_Zopp ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | UO_Zopp -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ (** val reflect_bop_eqb : binop -> binop -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_bop_eqb o1 o2 =
+ match o1 with
+ | BO_Zplus ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zplus -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_Zminus ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zminus -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_Zmult ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zmult -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_Zlt ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zlt -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_Zle ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zle -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_Zge ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zge -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_Zgt ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_Zgt -> ReflectT
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | BO_eq t0 ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | BO_eq t1 -> Typ.reflect_eqb t0 t1
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ (** val reflect_nop_eqb : nop -> nop -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_nop_eqb o1 o2 =
+ Typ.reflect_eqb o1 o2
+ (** val reflect_eqb : atom -> atom -> reflect **)
+ let reflect_eqb t1 t2 =
+ match t1 with
+ | Acop c ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | Acop c0 -> reflect_cop_eqb c c0
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | Auop (u, i) ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | Auop (u0, i0) ->
+ let r = reflect_uop_eqb u u0 in
+ (match r with
+ | ReflectT -> reflect_eqb i i0
+ | ReflectF -> ReflectF)
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | Abop (b, i, i0) ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | Abop (b0, i1, i2) ->
+ let r = reflect_bop_eqb b b0 in
+ (match r with
+ | ReflectT ->
+ let r0 = reflect_eqb i i1 in
+ (match r0 with
+ | ReflectT -> reflect_eqb i0 i2
+ | ReflectF -> ReflectF)
+ | ReflectF -> ReflectF)
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | Anop (n0, l) ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | Anop (n1, l0) ->
+ let r = reflect_nop_eqb n0 n1 in
+ (match r with
+ | ReflectT -> reflect_list_beq eqb0 reflect_eqb l l0
+ | ReflectF -> ReflectF)
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ | Aapp (i, l) ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | Aapp (i0, l0) ->
+ let r = reflect_eqb i i0 in
+ (match r with
+ | ReflectT -> reflect_list_beq eqb0 reflect_eqb l l0
+ | ReflectF -> ReflectF)
+ | _ -> ReflectF)
+ type ('t, 'i) coq_val = { v_type : 't; v_val : 'i }
+ (** val val_rect : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3) -> ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a3 **)
+ let val_rect f v =
+ let { v_type = x; v_val = x0 } = v in f x x0
+ (** val val_rec : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3) -> ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a3 **)
+ let val_rec f v =
+ let { v_type = x; v_val = x0 } = v in f x x0
+ (** val v_type : ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a1 **)
+ let v_type x = x.v_type
+ (** val v_val : ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a2 **)
+ let v_val x = x.v_val
+ type bval = (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val
+ (** val coq_Bval :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.interp -> (Typ.coq_type,
+ Typ.interp) coq_val **)
+ let coq_Bval t_i x x0 =
+ { v_type = x; v_val = x0 }
+ type tval = (Typ.ftype, Typ.interp_ftype) coq_val
+ (** val coq_Tval :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.ftype -> Typ.interp_ftype -> (Typ.ftype,
+ Typ.interp_ftype) coq_val **)
+ let coq_Tval t_i x x0 =
+ { v_type = x; v_val = x0 }
+ (** val bvtrue : typ_eqb array -> bval **)
+ let bvtrue t_i =
+ coq_Bval t_i Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic true)
+ (** val bvfalse : typ_eqb array -> bval **)
+ let bvfalse t_i =
+ coq_Bval t_i Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic false)
+ (** val typ_cop : cop -> Typ.coq_type **)
+ let typ_cop = function
+ | CO_xH -> Typ.Tpositive
+ | CO_Z0 -> Typ.TZ
+ (** val typ_uop : unop -> Typ.coq_type*Typ.coq_type **)
+ let typ_uop = function
+ | UO_xO -> Typ.Tpositive,Typ.Tpositive
+ | UO_xI -> Typ.Tpositive,Typ.Tpositive
+ | UO_Zopp -> Typ.TZ,Typ.TZ
+ | _ -> Typ.Tpositive,Typ.TZ
+ (** val typ_bop : binop -> (Typ.coq_type*Typ.coq_type)*Typ.coq_type **)
+ let typ_bop = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> (Typ.TZ,Typ.TZ),Typ.TZ
+ | BO_Zminus -> (Typ.TZ,Typ.TZ),Typ.TZ
+ | BO_Zmult -> (Typ.TZ,Typ.TZ),Typ.TZ
+ | BO_eq t0 -> (t0,t0),Typ.Tbool
+ | _ -> (Typ.TZ,Typ.TZ),Typ.Tbool
+ (** val typ_nop : nop -> Typ.coq_type*Typ.coq_type **)
+ let typ_nop o =
+ o,Typ.Tbool
+ (** val check_args :
+ (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> int list -> Typ.coq_type list -> bool **)
+ let rec check_args get_type0 args targs =
+ match args with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match targs with
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (t0, l) -> false)
+ | Cons (a, args0) ->
+ (match targs with
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (t0, targs0) ->
+ if Typ.eqb (get_type0 a) t0
+ then check_args get_type0 args0 targs0
+ else false)
+ (** val check_aux :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> atom ->
+ Typ.coq_type -> bool **)
+ let check_aux t_i t_func get_type0 a t0 =
+ match a with
+ | Acop o -> Typ.eqb (typ_cop o) t0
+ | Auop (o, a0) ->
+ let ta,t' = typ_uop o in
+ if Typ.eqb t' t0 then Typ.eqb (get_type0 a0) ta else false
+ | Abop (o, a1, a2) ->
+ let ta,t' = typ_bop o in
+ let ta1,ta2 = ta in
+ if if Typ.eqb t' t0 then Typ.eqb (get_type0 a1) ta1 else false
+ then Typ.eqb (get_type0 a2) ta2
+ else false
+ | Anop (o, a0) ->
+ let ta,t' = typ_nop o in
+ if Typ.eqb t' t0
+ then forallb (fun t1 -> Typ.eqb (get_type0 t1) ta) a0
+ else false
+ | Aapp (f, args) ->
+ let targs,tr = (get t_func f).v_type in
+ if check_args get_type0 args targs then Typ.eqb tr t0 else false
+ (** val check_args_dec :
+ (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> Typ.coq_type -> int list -> Typ.coq_type list
+ -> sumbool **)
+ let rec check_args_dec get_type0 a args targs =
+ match args with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match targs with
+ | Nil -> Left
+ | Cons (t0, l) -> Right)
+ | Cons (y, l) ->
+ (match targs with
+ | Nil -> Right
+ | Cons (b, targs0) ->
+ if Typ.eqb (get_type0 y) b
+ then check_args_dec get_type0 a l targs0
+ else Right)
+ (** val check_aux_dec :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> atom -> sumbool **)
+ let check_aux_dec t_i t_func get_type0 = function
+ | Acop op -> Left
+ | Auop (op, h) ->
+ (match op with
+ | UO_Zopp -> if Typ.eqb (get_type0 h) Typ.TZ then Left else Right
+ | _ -> if Typ.eqb (get_type0 h) Typ.Tpositive then Left else Right)
+ | Abop (op, h1, h2) ->
+ (match op with
+ | BO_eq t0 ->
+ if Typ.eqb (get_type0 h1) t0
+ then if Typ.eqb (get_type0 h2) t0 then Left else Right
+ else Right
+ | _ ->
+ if Typ.eqb (get_type0 h1) Typ.TZ
+ then if Typ.eqb (get_type0 h2) Typ.TZ then Left else Right
+ else Right)
+ | Anop (op, ha) ->
+ if forallb (fun t1 -> Typ.eqb (get_type0 t1) op) ha then Left else Right
+ | Aapp (f, args) ->
+ let l,t0 = (get t_func f).v_type in check_args_dec get_type0 t0 args l
+ (** val apply_unop :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.coq_type -> (Typ.interp ->
+ Typ.interp) -> bval -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val **)
+ let apply_unop t_i t0 r op tv =
+ let { v_type = t'; v_val = v } = tv in
+ (match Typ.cast t' t0 with
+ | Typ.Cast k -> coq_Bval t_i r (op (k __ v))
+ | Typ.NoCast -> bvtrue t_i)
+ (** val apply_binop :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.coq_type ->
+ (Typ.interp -> Typ.interp -> Typ.interp) -> bval -> bval ->
+ (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val **)
+ let apply_binop t_i t1 t2 r op tv1 tv2 =
+ let { v_type = t1'; v_val = v1 } = tv1 in
+ let { v_type = t2'; v_val = v2 } = tv2 in
+ (match Typ.cast t1' t1 with
+ | Typ.Cast k1 ->
+ (match Typ.cast t2' t2 with
+ | Typ.Cast k2 -> coq_Bval t_i r (op (k1 __ v1) (k2 __ v2))
+ | Typ.NoCast -> bvtrue t_i)
+ | Typ.NoCast -> bvtrue t_i)
+ (** val apply_func :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type list -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.interp_ftype
+ -> bval list -> bval **)
+ let rec apply_func t_i targs tr f lv =
+ match targs with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match lv with
+ | Nil -> coq_Bval t_i tr f
+ | Cons (b, l) -> bvtrue t_i)
+ | Cons (t0, targs0) ->
+ (match lv with
+ | Nil -> bvtrue t_i
+ | Cons (v, lv0) ->
+ let { v_type = tv; v_val = v0 } = v in
+ (match Typ.cast tv t0 with
+ | Typ.Cast k ->
+ let f0 = Obj.magic f (k __ v0) in apply_func t_i targs0 tr f0 lv0
+ | Typ.NoCast -> bvtrue t_i))
+ (** val interp_cop :
+ typ_eqb array -> cop -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val **)
+ let interp_cop t_i = function
+ | CO_xH -> coq_Bval t_i Typ.Tpositive (Obj.magic XH)
+ | CO_Z0 -> coq_Bval t_i Typ.TZ (Obj.magic Z0)
+ (** val interp_uop :
+ typ_eqb array -> unop -> bval -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val **)
+ let interp_uop t_i = function
+ | UO_xO ->
+ apply_unop t_i Typ.Tpositive Typ.Tpositive (Obj.magic (fun x -> XO x))
+ | UO_xI ->
+ apply_unop t_i Typ.Tpositive Typ.Tpositive (Obj.magic (fun x -> XI x))
+ | UO_Zpos ->
+ apply_unop t_i Typ.Tpositive Typ.TZ (Obj.magic (fun x -> Zpos x))
+ | UO_Zneg ->
+ apply_unop t_i Typ.Tpositive Typ.TZ (Obj.magic (fun x -> Zneg x))
+ | UO_Zopp -> apply_unop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ (Obj.magic Z.opp)
+ (** val interp_bop :
+ typ_eqb array -> binop -> bval -> bval -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp)
+ coq_val **)
+ let interp_bop t_i = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.TZ (Obj.magic Z.add)
+ | BO_Zminus -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.TZ (Obj.magic Z.sub)
+ | BO_Zmult -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.TZ (Obj.magic Z.mul)
+ | BO_Zlt -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic Z.ltb)
+ | BO_Zle -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic Z.leb)
+ | BO_Zge -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic Z.geb)
+ | BO_Zgt -> apply_binop t_i Typ.TZ Typ.TZ Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic Z.gtb)
+ | BO_eq t0 ->
+ apply_binop t_i t0 t0 Typ.Tbool (Obj.magic (Typ.i_eqb t_i t0))
+ (** val compute_interp :
+ typ_eqb array -> (int -> bval) -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.interp list ->
+ int list -> Typ.interp list option **)
+ let rec compute_interp t_i interp_hatom0 ty acc = function
+ | Nil -> Some acc
+ | Cons (a, q) ->
+ let { v_type = ta; v_val = va } = interp_hatom0 a in
+ (match Typ.cast ta ty with
+ | Typ.Cast ka ->
+ compute_interp t_i interp_hatom0 ty (Cons ((ka __ va), acc)) q
+ | Typ.NoCast -> None)
+ (** val interp_aux :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> (int -> bval) -> atom -> bval **)
+ let interp_aux t_i t_func interp_hatom0 = function
+ | Acop o -> interp_cop t_i o
+ | Auop (o, a0) -> interp_uop t_i o (interp_hatom0 a0)
+ | Abop (o, a1, a2) ->
+ interp_bop t_i o (interp_hatom0 a1) (interp_hatom0 a2)
+ | Anop (n0, a0) ->
+ (match compute_interp t_i interp_hatom0 n0 Nil a0 with
+ | Some l ->
+ coq_Bval t_i Typ.Tbool
+ (Obj.magic (distinct (Typ.i_eqb t_i n0) (rev l)))
+ | None -> bvtrue t_i)
+ | Aapp (f, args) ->
+ let { v_type = tf; v_val = f0 } = get t_func f in
+ let lv = map interp_hatom0 args in apply_func t_i (fst tf) (snd tf) f0 lv
+ (** val interp_bool : typ_eqb array -> bval -> bool **)
+ let interp_bool t_i v =
+ let { v_type = t0; v_val = v0 } = v in
+ (match Typ.cast t0 Typ.Tbool with
+ | Typ.Cast k -> Obj.magic k __ v0
+ | Typ.NoCast -> true)
+ (** val t_interp :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> bval array **)
+ let t_interp t_i t_func t_atom =
+ foldi_left (fun i t_a a -> set t_a i (interp_aux t_i t_func (get t_a) a))
+ (make (length t_atom) (interp_cop t_i CO_xH)) t_atom
+ (** val lt_atom : int -> atom -> bool **)
+ let lt_atom i = function
+ | Acop c -> true
+ | Auop (u, h) -> ltb0 h i
+ | Abop (b, h1, h2) -> if ltb0 h1 i then ltb0 h2 i else false
+ | Anop (n0, ha) -> forallb (fun h -> ltb0 h i) ha
+ | Aapp (f, args) -> forallb (fun h -> ltb0 h i) args
+ (** val wf : atom array -> bool **)
+ let wf t_atom =
+ forallbi lt_atom t_atom
+ (** val get_type' : typ_eqb array -> bval array -> int -> Typ.coq_type **)
+ let get_type' t_i t_interp' i =
+ (get t_interp' i).v_type
+ (** val get_type :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> int -> Typ.coq_type **)
+ let get_type t_i t_func t_atom =
+ get_type' t_i (t_interp t_i t_func t_atom)
+ (** val wt : typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> bool **)
+ let wt t_i t_func t_atom =
+ let t_interp0 = t_interp t_i t_func t_atom in
+ let get_type0 = get_type' t_i t_interp0 in
+ forallbi (fun i h -> check_aux t_i t_func get_type0 h (get_type0 i))
+ t_atom
+ (** val interp_hatom :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> int -> bval **)
+ let interp_hatom t_i t_func t_atom =
+ let t_a = t_interp t_i t_func t_atom in get t_a
+ (** val interp :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> atom -> bval **)
+ let interp t_i t_func t_atom =
+ interp_aux t_i t_func (interp_hatom t_i t_func t_atom)
+ (** val interp_form_hatom :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> int -> bool **)
+ let interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom =
+ let interp0 = interp_hatom t_i t_func t_atom in
+ (fun a -> interp_bool t_i (interp0 a))
+ (** val check_atom : atom array -> bool **)
+ let check_atom t_atom =
+ match default t_atom with
+ | Acop c ->
+ (match c with
+ | CO_xH -> wf t_atom
+ | CO_Z0 -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+ end
+(** val or_of_imp : int array -> int array **)
+let or_of_imp args =
+ let last = sub0 (length args) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) in
+ mapi (fun i l -> if eqb0 i last then l else Lit.neg l) args
+(** val check_True : C.t **)
+let check_True =
+ C._true
+(** val check_False : int list **)
+let check_False =
+ Cons ((Lit.neg Lit._false), Nil)
+(** val check_BuildDef : Form.form array -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_BuildDef t_form l =
+ match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fand args ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l then Cons (l, (map Lit.neg (to_list args))) else C._true
+ | Form.For args ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l then C._true else Cons (l, (to_list args))
+ | Form.Fimp args ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then C._true
+ else let args0 = or_of_imp args in Cons (l, (to_list args0))
+ | Form.Fxor (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (l, (Cons (a, (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))))
+ else Cons (l, (Cons (a, (Cons (b, Nil)))))
+ | Form.Fiff (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (l, (Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))))
+ else Cons (l, (Cons (a, (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))))
+ | Form.Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (l, (Cons (a, (Cons ((Lit.neg c), Nil)))))
+ else Cons (l, (Cons (a, (Cons (c, Nil)))))
+ | _ -> C._true
+(** val check_ImmBuildDef : Form.form array -> S.t -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_ImmBuildDef t_form s pos =
+ match S.get s pos with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (l, l0) ->
+ (match l0 with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fand args ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l then C._true else map Lit.neg (to_list args)
+ | Form.For args -> if Lit.is_pos l then to_list args else C._true
+ | Form.Fimp args ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then let args0 = or_of_imp args in to_list args0
+ else C._true
+ | Form.Fxor (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (a, (Cons (b, Nil)))
+ else Cons (a, (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))
+ | Form.Fiff (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (a, (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))
+ else Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))
+ | Form.Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (a, (Cons (c, Nil)))
+ else Cons (a, (Cons ((Lit.neg c), Nil)))
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Cons (i, l1) -> C._true)
+(** val check_BuildDef2 : Form.form array -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_BuildDef2 t_form l =
+ match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fxor (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (l, (Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons (b, Nil)))))
+ else Cons (l, (Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))))
+ | Form.Fiff (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (l, (Cons (a, (Cons (b, Nil)))))
+ else Cons (l, (Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons (b, Nil)))))
+ | Form.Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons (l, (Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))))
+ else Cons (l, (Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons (b, Nil)))))
+ | _ -> C._true
+(** val check_ImmBuildDef2 : Form.form array -> S.t -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_ImmBuildDef2 t_form s pos =
+ match S.get s pos with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (l, l0) ->
+ (match l0 with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fxor (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))
+ else Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons (b, Nil)))
+ | Form.Fiff (a, b) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons (b, Nil)))
+ else Cons (a, (Cons (b, Nil)))
+ | Form.Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons (b, Nil)))
+ else Cons ((Lit.neg a), (Cons ((Lit.neg b), Nil)))
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Cons (i, l1) -> C._true)
+(** val check_BuildProj : Form.form array -> int -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_BuildProj t_form l i =
+ let x = Lit.blit l in
+ (match get t_form x with
+ | Form.Fand args ->
+ if ltb0 i (length args)
+ then Cons ((Lit.nlit x), (Cons ((get args i), Nil)))
+ else C._true
+ | Form.For args ->
+ if ltb0 i (length args)
+ then Cons ((Lit.lit x), (Cons ((Lit.neg (get args i)), Nil)))
+ else C._true
+ | Form.Fimp args ->
+ let len = length args in
+ if ltb0 i len
+ then if eqb0 i (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ then Cons ((Lit.lit x), (Cons ((Lit.neg (get args i)), Nil)))
+ else Cons ((Lit.lit x), (Cons ((get args i), Nil)))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+(** val check_ImmBuildProj : Form.form array -> S.t -> int -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_ImmBuildProj t_form s pos i =
+ match S.get s pos with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (l, l0) ->
+ (match l0 with
+ | Nil ->
+ let x = Lit.blit l in
+ (match get t_form x with
+ | Form.Fand args ->
+ if if ltb0 i (length args) then Lit.is_pos l else false
+ then Cons ((get args i), Nil)
+ else C._true
+ | Form.For args ->
+ if if ltb0 i (length args) then negb (Lit.is_pos l) else false
+ then Cons ((Lit.neg (get args i)), Nil)
+ else C._true
+ | Form.Fimp args ->
+ let len = length args in
+ if if ltb0 i len then negb (Lit.is_pos l) else false
+ then if eqb0 i (sub0 len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ then Cons ((Lit.neg (get args i)), Nil)
+ else Cons ((get args i), Nil)
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Cons (i0, l1) -> C._true)
+(** val get_eq :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> (int -> int -> C.t) -> C.t **)
+let get_eq t_form t_atom x f =
+ match get t_form x with
+ | Form.Fatom xa ->
+ (match get t_atom xa with
+ | Atom.Abop (b0, a, b) ->
+ (match b0 with
+ | Atom.BO_eq t0 -> f a b
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true
+(** val check_trans_aux :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> int list -> int ->
+ C.t -> C.t **)
+let rec check_trans_aux t_form t_atom t1 t2 eqs res clause0 =
+ match eqs with
+ | Nil ->
+ let xres = Lit.blit res in
+ get_eq t_form t_atom xres (fun t1' t2' ->
+ if if if eqb0 t1 t1' then eqb0 t2 t2' else false
+ then true
+ else if eqb0 t1 t2' then eqb0 t2 t1' else false
+ then Cons ((Lit.lit xres), clause0)
+ else C._true)
+ | Cons (leq, eqs0) ->
+ let xeq = Lit.blit leq in
+ get_eq t_form t_atom xeq (fun t0 t' ->
+ if eqb0 t2 t'
+ then check_trans_aux t_form t_atom t1 t0 eqs0 res (Cons
+ ((Lit.nlit xeq), clause0))
+ else if eqb0 t2 t0
+ then check_trans_aux t_form t_atom t1 t' eqs0 res (Cons
+ ((Lit.nlit xeq), clause0))
+ else if eqb0 t1 t'
+ then check_trans_aux t_form t_atom t0 t2 eqs0 res (Cons
+ ((Lit.nlit xeq), clause0))
+ else if eqb0 t1 t0
+ then check_trans_aux t_form t_atom t' t2 eqs0 res (Cons
+ ((Lit.nlit xeq), clause0))
+ else C._true)
+(** val check_trans :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int list -> C.t **)
+let check_trans t_form t_atom res = function
+| Nil ->
+ let xres = Lit.blit res in
+ get_eq t_form t_atom xres (fun t1 t2 ->
+ if eqb0 t1 t2 then Cons ((Lit.lit xres), Nil) else C._true)
+| Cons (leq, eqs0) ->
+ let xeq = Lit.blit leq in
+ get_eq t_form t_atom xeq (fun t1 t2 ->
+ check_trans_aux t_form t_atom t1 t2 eqs0 res (Cons ((Lit.nlit xeq), Nil)))
+(** val build_congr :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int option list -> int list -> int
+ list -> C.t -> C.t **)
+let rec build_congr t_form t_atom eqs l r c =
+ match eqs with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match l with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match r with
+ | Nil -> c
+ | Cons (i, l0) -> C._true)
+ | Cons (i, l0) -> C._true)
+ | Cons (eq, eqs0) ->
+ (match l with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (t1, l0) ->
+ (match r with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (t2, r0) ->
+ (match eq with
+ | Some leq ->
+ let xeq = Lit.blit leq in
+ get_eq t_form t_atom xeq (fun t1' t2' ->
+ if if if eqb0 t1 t1' then eqb0 t2 t2' else false
+ then true
+ else if eqb0 t1 t2' then eqb0 t2 t1' else false
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs0 l0 r0 (Cons
+ ((Lit.nlit xeq), c))
+ else C._true)
+ | None ->
+ if eqb0 t1 t2
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs0 l0 r0 c
+ else C._true)))
+(** val check_congr :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int option list -> C.t **)
+let check_congr t_form t_atom leq eqs =
+ let xeq = Lit.blit leq in
+ get_eq t_form t_atom xeq (fun t1 t2 ->
+ match get t_atom t1 with
+ | Atom.Auop (o1, a) ->
+ (match get t_atom t2 with
+ | Atom.Auop (o2, b) ->
+ if Atom.uop_eqb o1 o2
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs (Cons (a, Nil)) (Cons (b, Nil))
+ (Cons ((Lit.lit xeq), Nil))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Atom.Abop (o1, a1, a2) ->
+ (match get t_atom t2 with
+ | Atom.Abop (o2, b1, b2) ->
+ if Atom.bop_eqb o1 o2
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs (Cons (a1, (Cons (a2, Nil))))
+ (Cons (b1, (Cons (b2, Nil)))) (Cons ((Lit.lit xeq), Nil))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Atom.Aapp (f1, args1) ->
+ (match get t_atom t2 with
+ | Atom.Aapp (f2, args2) ->
+ if eqb0 f1 f2
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs args1 args2 (Cons ((Lit.lit xeq),
+ Nil))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+(** val check_congr_pred :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> int option list ->
+ C.t **)
+let check_congr_pred t_form t_atom pA pB eqs =
+ let xPA = Lit.blit pA in
+ let xPB = Lit.blit pB in
+ (match get t_form xPA with
+ | Form.Fatom pa ->
+ (match get t_form xPB with
+ | Form.Fatom pb ->
+ (match get t_atom pa with
+ | Atom.Auop (o1, a) ->
+ (match get t_atom pb with
+ | Atom.Auop (o2, b) ->
+ if Atom.uop_eqb o1 o2
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs (Cons (a, Nil)) (Cons (b,
+ Nil)) (Cons ((Lit.nlit xPA), (Cons ((Lit.lit xPB),
+ Nil))))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Atom.Abop (o1, a1, a2) ->
+ (match get t_atom pb with
+ | Atom.Abop (o2, b1, b2) ->
+ if Atom.bop_eqb o1 o2
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs (Cons (a1, (Cons (a2,
+ Nil)))) (Cons (b1, (Cons (b2, Nil)))) (Cons
+ ((Lit.nlit xPA), (Cons ((Lit.lit xPB), Nil))))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | Atom.Aapp (p, a) ->
+ (match get t_atom pb with
+ | Atom.Aapp (p', b) ->
+ if eqb0 p p'
+ then build_congr t_form t_atom eqs a b (Cons ((Lit.nlit xPA),
+ (Cons ((Lit.lit xPB), Nil))))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+type 'c pol =
+| Pc of 'c
+| Pinj of positive * 'c pol
+| PX of 'c pol * positive * 'c pol
+(** val p0 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let p0 cO =
+ Pc cO
+(** val p1 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let p1 cI =
+ Pc cI
+(** val peq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> bool **)
+let rec peq ceqb p p' =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c ->
+ (match p' with
+ | Pc c' -> ceqb c c'
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Pinj (j, q) ->
+ (match p' with
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match Coq_Pos.compare j j' with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> peq ceqb q q'
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | PX (p2, i, q) ->
+ (match p' with
+ | PX (p'0, i', q') ->
+ (match Coq_Pos.compare i i' with
+ | ExtrNative.Eq -> if peq ceqb p2 p'0 then peq ceqb q q' else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+(** val mkPinj : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkPinj j p = match p with
+| Pc c -> p
+| Pinj (j', q) -> Pinj ((Coq_Pos.add j j'), q)
+| PX (p2, p3, p4) -> Pinj (j, p)
+(** val mkPinj_pred : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkPinj_pred j p =
+ match j with
+ | XI j0 -> Pinj ((XO j0), p)
+ | XO j0 -> Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), p)
+ | XH -> p
+(** val mkPX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkPX cO ceqb p i q =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c -> if ceqb c cO then mkPinj XH q else PX (p, i, q)
+ | Pinj (p2, p3) -> PX (p, i, q)
+ | PX (p', i', q') ->
+ if peq ceqb q' (p0 cO)
+ then PX (p', (Coq_Pos.add i' i), q)
+ else PX (p, i, q)
+(** val mkXi : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkXi cO cI i =
+ PX ((p1 cI), i, (p0 cO))
+(** val mkX : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkX cO cI =
+ mkXi cO cI XH
+(** val popp : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec popp copp = function
+| Pc c -> Pc (copp c)
+| Pinj (j, q) -> Pinj (j, (popp copp q))
+| PX (p2, i, q) -> PX ((popp copp p2), i, (popp copp q))
+(** val paddC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec paddC cadd p c =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c1 -> Pc (cadd c1 c)
+ | Pinj (j, q) -> Pinj (j, (paddC cadd q c))
+ | PX (p2, i, q) -> PX (p2, i, (paddC cadd q c))
+(** val psubC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psubC csub p c =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c1 -> Pc (csub c1 c)
+ | Pinj (j, q) -> Pinj (j, (psubC csub q c))
+ | PX (p2, i, q) -> PX (p2, i, (psubC csub q c))
+(** val paddI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol ->
+ positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec paddI cadd pop q j = function
+| Pc c -> mkPinj j (paddC cadd q c)
+| Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub j' j with
+ | Z0 -> mkPinj j (pop q' q)
+ | Zpos k -> mkPinj j (pop (Pinj (k, q')) q)
+ | Zneg k -> mkPinj j' (paddI cadd pop q k q'))
+| PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p2, i, (paddI cadd pop q (XO j0) q'))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p2, i, (paddI cadd pop q (Coq_Pos.pred_double j0) q'))
+ | XH -> PX (p2, i, (pop q' q)))
+(** val psubI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) ->
+ 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psubI cadd copp pop q j = function
+| Pc c -> mkPinj j (paddC cadd (popp copp q) c)
+| Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub j' j with
+ | Z0 -> mkPinj j (pop q' q)
+ | Zpos k -> mkPinj j (pop (Pinj (k, q')) q)
+ | Zneg k -> mkPinj j' (psubI cadd copp pop q k q'))
+| PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p2, i, (psubI cadd copp pop q (XO j0) q'))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p2, i, (psubI cadd copp pop q (Coq_Pos.pred_double j0) q'))
+ | XH -> PX (p2, i, (pop q' q)))
+(** val paddX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol
+ -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec paddX cO ceqb pop p' i' p = match p with
+| Pc c -> PX (p', i', p)
+| Pinj (j, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p', i', (Pinj ((XO j0), q')))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p', i', (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q')))
+ | XH -> PX (p', i', q'))
+| PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
+ | Z0 -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop p2 p') i q'
+ | Zpos k -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p') i' q'
+ | Zneg k -> mkPX cO ceqb (paddX cO ceqb pop p' k p2) i q')
+(** val psubX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
+ pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psubX cO copp ceqb pop p' i' p = match p with
+| Pc c -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', p)
+| Pinj (j, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', (Pinj ((XO j0), q')))
+ | XO j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q')))
+ | XH -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', q'))
+| PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
+ | Z0 -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop p2 p') i q'
+ | Zpos k -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p') i' q'
+ | Zneg k -> mkPX cO ceqb (psubX cO copp ceqb pop p' k p2) i q')
+(** val padd :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+ -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec padd cO cadd ceqb p = function
+| Pc c' -> paddC cadd p c'
+| Pinj (j', q') -> paddI cadd (padd cO cadd ceqb) q' j' p
+| PX (p'0, i', q') ->
+ (match p with
+ | Pc c -> PX (p'0, i', (paddC cadd q' c))
+ | Pinj (j, q) ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p'0, i', (padd cO cadd ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q)) q'))
+ | XO j0 ->
+ PX (p'0, i',
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q)) q'))
+ | XH -> PX (p'0, i', (padd cO cadd ceqb q q')))
+ | PX (p2, i, q) ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
+ | Z0 ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb p2 p'0) i (padd cO cadd ceqb q q')
+ | Zpos k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p'0) i'
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb q q')
+ | Zneg k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (paddX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb) p'0 k p2) i
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb q q')))
+(** val psub :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb p = function
+| Pc c' -> psubC csub p c'
+| Pinj (j', q') -> psubI cadd copp (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb) q' j' p
+| PX (p'0, i', q') ->
+ (match p with
+ | Pc c -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i', (paddC cadd (popp copp q') c))
+ | Pinj (j, q) ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 ->
+ PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q)) q'))
+ | XO j0 ->
+ PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q))
+ q'))
+ | XH -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i', (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q q')))
+ | PX (p2, i, q) ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub i i' with
+ | Z0 ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb p2 p'0) i
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q q')
+ | Zpos k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p'0)
+ i' (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q q')
+ | Zneg k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb
+ (psubX cO copp ceqb (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb) p'0 k p2) i
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q q')))
+(** val pmulC_aux :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1 pol **)
+let rec pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p c =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c' -> Pc (cmul c' c)
+ | Pinj (j, q) -> mkPinj j (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb q c)
+ | PX (p2, i, q) ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p2 c) i (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb q c)
+(** val pmulC :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p c =
+ if ceqb c cO
+ then p0 cO
+ else if ceqb c cI then p else pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p c
+(** val pmulI :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q j = function
+| Pc c -> mkPinj j (pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb q c)
+| Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match Z.pos_sub j' j with
+ | Z0 -> mkPinj j (pmul0 q' q)
+ | Zpos k -> mkPinj j (pmul0 (Pinj (k, q')) q)
+ | Zneg k -> mkPinj j' (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q k q'))
+| PX (p', i', q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j' ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q j p') i'
+ (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q (XO j') q')
+ | XO j' ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q j p') i'
+ (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q (Coq_Pos.pred_double j') q')
+ | XH -> mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q XH p') i' (pmul0 q' q))
+(** val pmul :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p p'' = match p'' with
+| Pc c -> pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p c
+| Pinj (j', q') -> pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb) q' j' p
+| PX (p', i', q') ->
+ (match p with
+ | Pc c -> pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p'' c
+ | Pinj (j, q) ->
+ let qQ' =
+ match j with
+ | XI j0 -> pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q)) q'
+ | XO j0 ->
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (Pinj ((Coq_Pos.pred_double j0), q)) q'
+ | XH -> pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q q'
+ in
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p p') i' qQ'
+ | PX (p2, i, q) ->
+ let qQ' = pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q q' in
+ let pQ' = pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb) q' XH p2 in
+ let qP' = pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (mkPinj XH q) p' in
+ let pP' = pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2 p' in
+ padd cO cadd ceqb
+ (mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb (mkPX cO ceqb pP' i (p0 cO)) qP') i'
+ (p0 cO)) (mkPX cO ceqb pQ' i qQ'))
+(** val psquare :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb = function
+| Pc c -> Pc (cmul c c)
+| Pinj (j, q) -> Pinj (j, (psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q))
+| PX (p2, i, q) ->
+ let twoPQ =
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2
+ (mkPinj XH (pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb q (cadd cI cI)))
+ in
+ let q2 = psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q in
+ let p3 = psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2 in
+ mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb (mkPX cO ceqb p3 i (p0 cO)) twoPQ) i q2
+type 'c pExpr =
+| PEc of 'c
+| PEX of positive
+| PEadd of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+| PEsub of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+| PEmul of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+| PEopp of 'c pExpr
+| PEpow of 'c pExpr * n
+(** val mk_X : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mk_X cO cI j =
+ mkPinj_pred j (mkX cO cI)
+(** val ppow_pos :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1
+ pol **)
+let rec ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p = function
+| XI p3 ->
+ subst_l
+ (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb
+ (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l
+ (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p p3) p p3) p)
+| XO p3 ->
+ ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l
+ (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p p3) p p3
+| XH -> subst_l (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb res p)
+(** val ppow_N :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> n -> 'a1 pol **)
+let ppow_N cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l p = function
+| N0 -> p1 cI
+| Npos p2 -> ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l (p1 cI) p p2
+(** val norm_aux :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb = function
+| PEc c -> Pc c
+| PEX j -> mk_X cO cI j
+| PEadd (pe1, pe2) ->
+ (match pe1 with
+ | PEopp pe3 ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe3)
+ | _ ->
+ (match pe2 with
+ | PEopp pe3 ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe3)
+ | _ ->
+ padd cO cadd ceqb (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)))
+| PEsub (pe1, pe2) ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
+| PEmul (pe1, pe2) ->
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
+| PEopp pe1 -> popp copp (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+| PEpow (pe1, n0) ->
+ ppow_N cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (fun p -> p)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1) n0
+type 'a bFormula =
+| TT
+| FF
+| X
+| A of 'a
+| Cj of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+| D of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+| N of 'a bFormula
+| I of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+type 'term' clause = 'term' list
+type 'term' cnf = 'term' clause list
+(** val tt : 'a1 cnf **)
+let tt =
+ Nil
+(** val ff : 'a1 cnf **)
+let ff =
+ Cons (Nil, Nil)
+(** val add_term :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1
+ clause option **)
+let rec add_term unsat deduce t0 = function
+| Nil ->
+ (match deduce t0 t0 with
+ | Some u -> if unsat u then None else Some (Cons (t0, Nil))
+ | None -> Some (Cons (t0, Nil)))
+| Cons (t', cl0) ->
+ (match deduce t0 t' with
+ | Some u ->
+ if unsat u
+ then None
+ else (match add_term unsat deduce t0 cl0 with
+ | Some cl' -> Some (Cons (t', cl'))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None ->
+ (match add_term unsat deduce t0 cl0 with
+ | Some cl' -> Some (Cons (t', cl'))
+ | None -> None))
+(** val or_clause :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 clause
+ -> 'a1 clause option **)
+let rec or_clause unsat deduce cl1 cl2 =
+ match cl1 with
+ | Nil -> Some cl2
+ | Cons (t0, cl) ->
+ (match add_term unsat deduce t0 cl2 with
+ | Some cl' -> or_clause unsat deduce cl cl'
+ | None -> None)
+(** val or_clause_cnf :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 cnf ->
+ 'a1 cnf **)
+let or_clause_cnf unsat deduce t0 f =
+ fold_right (fun e acc ->
+ match or_clause unsat deduce t0 e with
+ | Some cl -> Cons (cl, acc)
+ | None -> acc) Nil f
+(** val or_cnf :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1
+ cnf **)
+let rec or_cnf unsat deduce f f' =
+ match f with
+ | Nil -> tt
+ | Cons (e, rst) ->
+ app (or_cnf unsat deduce rst f') (or_clause_cnf unsat deduce e f')
+(** val and_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf **)
+let and_cnf f1 f2 =
+ app f1 f2
+(** val xcnf :
+ ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a2 cnf) -> bool -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 cnf **)
+let rec xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 = function
+| TT -> if pol0 then tt else ff
+| FF -> if pol0 then ff else tt
+| X -> ff
+| A x -> if pol0 then normalise0 x else negate0 x
+| Cj (e1, e2) ->
+ if pol0
+ then and_cnf (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ else or_cnf unsat deduce (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+| D (e1, e2) ->
+ if pol0
+ then or_cnf unsat deduce (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ else and_cnf (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+| N e -> xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e
+| I (e1, e2) ->
+ if pol0
+ then or_cnf unsat deduce
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e1)
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ else and_cnf (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e1)
+ (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+(** val cnf_checker :
+ ('a1 list -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a2 list -> bool **)
+let rec cnf_checker checker0 f l =
+ match f with
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (e, f0) ->
+ (match l with
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (c, l0) ->
+ if checker0 e c then cnf_checker checker0 f0 l0 else false)
+(** val tauto_checker :
+ ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a2 list -> 'a3 -> bool) -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a3 list ->
+ bool **)
+let tauto_checker unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 checker0 f w =
+ cnf_checker checker0 (xcnf unsat deduce normalise0 negate0 true f) w
+(** val cneqb : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool **)
+let cneqb ceqb x y =
+ negb (ceqb x y)
+(** val cltb :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool **)
+let cltb ceqb cleb x y =
+ if cleb x y then cneqb ceqb x y else false
+type 'c polC = 'c pol
+type op1 =
+| Equal
+| NonEqual
+| Strict
+| NonStrict
+type 'c nFormula = 'c polC*op1
+(** val opMult : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option **)
+let opMult o o' =
+ match o with
+ | Equal -> Some Equal
+ | NonEqual ->
+ (match o' with
+ | Strict -> None
+ | NonStrict -> None
+ | x -> Some x)
+ | Strict ->
+ (match o' with
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | _ -> Some o')
+ | NonStrict ->
+ (match o' with
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | Strict -> Some NonStrict
+ | x -> Some x)
+(** val opAdd : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option **)
+let opAdd o o' =
+ match o with
+ | Equal -> Some o'
+ | NonEqual ->
+ (match o' with
+ | Equal -> Some NonEqual
+ | _ -> None)
+ | Strict ->
+ (match o' with
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | _ -> Some Strict)
+ | NonStrict ->
+ (match o' with
+ | Equal -> Some NonStrict
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | x -> Some x)
+type 'c psatz =
+| PsatzIn of nat
+| PsatzSquare of 'c polC
+| PsatzMulC of 'c polC * 'c psatz
+| PsatzMulE of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+| PsatzAdd of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+| PsatzC of 'c
+| PsatzZ
+(** val map_option : ('a1 -> 'a2 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option **)
+let map_option f = function
+| Some x -> f x
+| None -> None
+(** val map_option2 :
+ ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option -> 'a3 option **)
+let map_option2 f o o' =
+ match o with
+ | Some x ->
+ (match o' with
+ | Some x' -> f x x'
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None
+(** val pexpr_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 polC -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
+let pexpr_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e = function
+| ef,o ->
+ (match o with
+ | Equal -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e ef),Equal)
+ | _ -> None)
+(** val nformula_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
+let nformula_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb f1 f2 =
+ let e1,o1 = f1 in
+ let e2,o2 = f2 in
+ map_option (fun x -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2),x))
+ (opMult o1 o2)
+(** val nformula_plus_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1
+ nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
+let nformula_plus_nformula cO cplus ceqb f1 f2 =
+ let e1,o1 = f1 in
+ let e2,o2 = f2 in
+ map_option (fun x -> Some ((padd cO cplus ceqb e1 e2),x)) (opAdd o1 o2)
+(** val eval_Psatz :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz -> 'a1
+ nFormula option **)
+let rec eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l = function
+| PsatzIn n0 -> Some (nth n0 l ((Pc cO),Equal))
+| PsatzSquare e0 -> Some ((psquare cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e0),NonStrict)
+| PsatzMulC (re, e0) ->
+ map_option (pexpr_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb re)
+ (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l e0)
+| PsatzMulE (f1, f2) ->
+ map_option2 (nformula_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb)
+ (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f1)
+ (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f2)
+| PsatzAdd (f1, f2) ->
+ map_option2 (nformula_plus_nformula cO cplus ceqb)
+ (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f1)
+ (eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f2)
+| PsatzC c -> if cltb ceqb cleb cO c then Some ((Pc c),Strict) else None
+| PsatzZ -> Some ((Pc cO),Equal)
+(** val check_inconsistent :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula ->
+ bool **)
+let check_inconsistent cO ceqb cleb = function
+| e,op ->
+ (match e with
+ | Pc c ->
+ (match op with
+ | Equal -> cneqb ceqb c cO
+ | NonEqual -> ceqb c cO
+ | Strict -> cleb c cO
+ | NonStrict -> cltb ceqb cleb c cO)
+ | _ -> false)
+type op2 =
+| OpEq
+| OpNEq
+| OpLe
+| OpGe
+| OpLt
+| OpGt
+type 't formula = { flhs : 't pExpr; fop : op2; frhs : 't pExpr }
+(** val norm :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol **)
+let norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb =
+ norm_aux cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb
+(** val psub0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb =
+ psub cO cplus cminus copp ceqb
+(** val padd0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+ -> 'a1 pol **)
+let padd0 cO cplus ceqb =
+ padd cO cplus ceqb
+type zWitness = z psatz
+(** val psub1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol **)
+let psub1 =
+ psub0 Z0 Z.add Z.sub Z.opp zeq_bool
+(** val padd1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol **)
+let padd1 =
+ padd0 Z0 Z.add zeq_bool
+(** val norm0 : z pExpr -> z pol **)
+let norm0 =
+ norm Z0 (Zpos XH) Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.opp zeq_bool
+(** val xnormalise : z formula -> z nFormula list **)
+let xnormalise t0 =
+ let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
+ let lhs0 = norm0 lhs in
+ let rhs0 = norm0 rhs in
+ (match o with
+ | OpEq ->
+ Cons (((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), (Cons
+ (((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), Nil)))
+ | OpNEq -> Cons (((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),Equal), Nil)
+ | OpLe -> Cons (((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), Nil)
+ | OpGe -> Cons (((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), Nil)
+ | OpLt -> Cons (((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),NonStrict), Nil)
+ | OpGt -> Cons (((psub1 rhs0 lhs0),NonStrict), Nil))
+(** val normalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
+let normalise t0 =
+ map (fun x -> Cons (x, Nil)) (xnormalise t0)
+(** val xnegate : z formula -> z nFormula list **)
+let xnegate t0 =
+ let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
+ let lhs0 = norm0 lhs in
+ let rhs0 = norm0 rhs in
+ (match o with
+ | OpEq -> Cons (((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),Equal), Nil)
+ | OpNEq ->
+ Cons (((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), (Cons
+ (((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), Nil)))
+ | OpLe -> Cons (((psub1 rhs0 lhs0),NonStrict), Nil)
+ | OpGe -> Cons (((psub1 lhs0 rhs0),NonStrict), Nil)
+ | OpLt -> Cons (((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), Nil)
+ | OpGt -> Cons (((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))),NonStrict), Nil))
+(** val negate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
+let negate t0 =
+ map (fun x -> Cons (x, Nil)) (xnegate t0)
+(** val zunsat : z nFormula -> bool **)
+let zunsat =
+ check_inconsistent Z0 zeq_bool Z.leb
+(** val zdeduce : z nFormula -> z nFormula -> z nFormula option **)
+let zdeduce =
+ nformula_plus_nformula Z0 Z.add zeq_bool
+(** val ceiling : z -> z -> z **)
+let ceiling a b =
+ let q,r = Z.div_eucl a b in
+ (match r with
+ | Z0 -> q
+ | _ -> Z.add q (Zpos XH))
+type zArithProof =
+| DoneProof
+| RatProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+| CutProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+| EnumProof of zWitness * zWitness * zArithProof list
+(** val zgcdM : z -> z -> z **)
+let zgcdM x y =
+ Z.max (Z.gcd x y) (Zpos XH)
+(** val zgcd_pol : z polC -> z*z **)
+let rec zgcd_pol = function
+| Pc c -> Z0,c
+| Pinj (p2, p3) -> zgcd_pol p3
+| PX (p2, p3, q) ->
+ let g1,c1 = zgcd_pol p2 in
+ let g2,c2 = zgcd_pol q in (zgcdM (zgcdM g1 c1) g2),c2
+(** val zdiv_pol : z polC -> z -> z polC **)
+let rec zdiv_pol p x =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c -> Pc (Z.div c x)
+ | Pinj (j, p2) -> Pinj (j, (zdiv_pol p2 x))
+ | PX (p2, j, q) -> PX ((zdiv_pol p2 x), j, (zdiv_pol q x))
+(** val makeCuttingPlane : z polC -> z polC*z **)
+let makeCuttingPlane p =
+ let g,c = zgcd_pol p in
+ if Z.gtb g Z0
+ then (zdiv_pol (psubC Z.sub p c) g),(Z.opp (ceiling (Z.opp c) g))
+ else p,Z0
+(** val genCuttingPlane : z nFormula -> ((z polC*z)*op1) option **)
+let genCuttingPlane = function
+| e,op ->
+ (match op with
+ | Equal ->
+ let g,c = zgcd_pol e in
+ if if Z.gtb g Z0
+ then if negb (zeq_bool c Z0)
+ then negb (zeq_bool (Z.gcd g c) g)
+ else false
+ else false
+ then None
+ else Some ((makeCuttingPlane e),Equal)
+ | NonEqual -> Some ((e,Z0),op)
+ | Strict -> Some ((makeCuttingPlane (psubC Z.sub e (Zpos XH))),NonStrict)
+ | NonStrict -> Some ((makeCuttingPlane e),NonStrict))
+(** val nformula_of_cutting_plane : ((z polC*z)*op1) -> z nFormula **)
+let nformula_of_cutting_plane = function
+| e_z,o -> let e,z0 = e_z in (padd1 e (Pc z0)),o
+(** val is_pol_Z0 : z polC -> bool **)
+let is_pol_Z0 = function
+| Pc z0 ->
+ (match z0 with
+ | Z0 -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+| _ -> false
+(** val eval_Psatz0 : z nFormula list -> zWitness -> z nFormula option **)
+let eval_Psatz0 =
+ eval_Psatz Z0 (Zpos XH) Z.add Z.mul zeq_bool Z.leb
+(** val valid_cut_sign : op1 -> bool **)
+let valid_cut_sign = function
+| Equal -> true
+| NonStrict -> true
+| _ -> false
+(** val zChecker : z nFormula list -> zArithProof -> bool **)
+let rec zChecker l = function
+| DoneProof -> false
+| RatProof (w, pf0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w with
+ | Some f -> if zunsat f then true else zChecker (Cons (f, l)) pf0
+ | None -> false)
+| CutProof (w, pf0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w with
+ | Some f ->
+ (match genCuttingPlane f with
+ | Some cp -> zChecker (Cons ((nformula_of_cutting_plane cp), l)) pf0
+ | None -> true)
+ | None -> false)
+| EnumProof (w1, w2, pf0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w1 with
+ | Some f1 ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w2 with
+ | Some f2 ->
+ (match genCuttingPlane f1 with
+ | Some p ->
+ let p2,op3 = p in
+ let e1,z1 = p2 in
+ (match genCuttingPlane f2 with
+ | Some p3 ->
+ let p4,op4 = p3 in
+ let e2,z2 = p4 in
+ if if if valid_cut_sign op3 then valid_cut_sign op4 else false
+ then is_pol_Z0 (padd1 e1 e2)
+ else false
+ then let rec label pfs lb ub =
+ match pfs with
+ | Nil -> Z.gtb lb ub
+ | Cons (pf1, rsr) ->
+ if zChecker (Cons (((psub1 e1 (Pc lb)),Equal), l)) pf1
+ then label rsr (Z.add lb (Zpos XH)) ub
+ else false
+ in label pf0 (Z.opp z1) z2
+ else false
+ | None -> true)
+ | None -> true)
+ | None -> false)
+ | None -> false)
+(** val zTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> zArithProof list -> bool **)
+let zTautoChecker f w =
+ tauto_checker zunsat zdeduce normalise negate zChecker f w
+(** val build_positive_atom_aux :
+ (int -> positive option) -> Atom.atom -> positive option **)
+let build_positive_atom_aux build_positive0 = function
+| Atom.Acop c ->
+ (match c with
+ | Atom.CO_xH -> Some XH
+ | Atom.CO_Z0 -> None)
+| Atom.Auop (u, a0) ->
+ (match u with
+ | Atom.UO_xO -> option_map (fun x -> XO x) (build_positive0 a0)
+ | Atom.UO_xI -> option_map (fun x -> XI x) (build_positive0 a0)
+ | _ -> None)
+| _ -> None
+(** val build_positive : Atom.atom array -> int -> positive option **)
+let build_positive t_atom =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun i cont h ->
+ build_positive_atom_aux cont (get t_atom h)) (length t_atom)
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (fun x -> None)
+(** val build_z_atom_aux : Atom.atom array -> Atom.atom -> z option **)
+let build_z_atom_aux t_atom = function
+| Atom.Acop c ->
+ (match c with
+ | Atom.CO_xH -> None
+ | Atom.CO_Z0 -> Some Z0)
+| Atom.Auop (u, a0) ->
+ (match u with
+ | Atom.UO_Zpos -> option_map (fun x -> Zpos x) (build_positive t_atom a0)
+ | Atom.UO_Zneg -> option_map (fun x -> Zneg x) (build_positive t_atom a0)
+ | _ -> None)
+| _ -> None
+(** val build_z_atom : Atom.atom array -> Atom.atom -> z option **)
+let build_z_atom t_atom =
+ build_z_atom_aux t_atom
+type vmap = positive*Atom.atom list
+(** val find_var_aux :
+ Atom.atom -> positive -> Atom.atom list -> positive option **)
+let rec find_var_aux h p = function
+| Nil -> None
+| Cons (h', l0) ->
+ let p2 = Coq_Pos.pred p in
+ if Atom.eqb h h' then Some p2 else find_var_aux h p2 l0
+(** val find_var : vmap -> Atom.atom -> vmap*positive **)
+let find_var vm h =
+ let count,map0 = vm in
+ (match find_var_aux h count map0 with
+ | Some p -> vm,p
+ | None -> ((Coq_Pos.succ count),(Cons (h, map0))),count)
+(** val empty_vmap : vmap **)
+let empty_vmap =
+ XH,Nil
+(** val build_pexpr_atom_aux :
+ Atom.atom array -> (vmap -> int -> vmap*z pExpr) -> vmap -> Atom.atom ->
+ vmap*z pExpr **)
+let build_pexpr_atom_aux t_atom build_pexpr0 vm h = match h with
+| Atom.Auop (u, a) ->
+ (match u with
+ | Atom.UO_Zopp -> let vm0,pe = build_pexpr0 vm a in vm0,(PEopp pe)
+ | _ ->
+ (match build_z_atom t_atom h with
+ | Some z0 -> vm,(PEc z0)
+ | None -> let vm0,p = find_var vm h in vm0,(PEX p)))
+| Atom.Abop (b, a1, a2) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.BO_Zplus ->
+ let vm0,pe1 = build_pexpr0 vm a1 in
+ let vm1,pe2 = build_pexpr0 vm0 a2 in vm1,(PEadd (pe1, pe2))
+ | Atom.BO_Zminus ->
+ let vm0,pe1 = build_pexpr0 vm a1 in
+ let vm1,pe2 = build_pexpr0 vm0 a2 in vm1,(PEsub (pe1, pe2))
+ | Atom.BO_Zmult ->
+ let vm0,pe1 = build_pexpr0 vm a1 in
+ let vm1,pe2 = build_pexpr0 vm0 a2 in vm1,(PEmul (pe1, pe2))
+ | _ ->
+ (match build_z_atom t_atom h with
+ | Some z0 -> vm,(PEc z0)
+ | None -> let vm0,p = find_var vm h in vm0,(PEX p)))
+| _ ->
+ (match build_z_atom t_atom h with
+ | Some z0 -> vm,(PEc z0)
+ | None -> let vm0,p = find_var vm h in vm0,(PEX p))
+(** val build_pexpr : Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> vmap*z pExpr **)
+let build_pexpr t_atom =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun i cont vm h ->
+ build_pexpr_atom_aux t_atom cont vm (get t_atom h)) (length t_atom)
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (fun vm x -> vm,(PEc Z0))
+(** val build_op2 : Atom.binop -> op2 option **)
+let build_op2 = function
+| Atom.BO_Zlt -> Some OpLt
+| Atom.BO_Zle -> Some OpLe
+| Atom.BO_Zge -> Some OpGe
+| Atom.BO_Zgt -> Some OpGt
+| Atom.BO_eq t0 ->
+ (match t0 with
+ | Typ.TZ -> Some OpEq
+ | _ -> None)
+| _ -> None
+(** val build_formula_atom :
+ Atom.atom array -> vmap -> Atom.atom -> (vmap*z formula) option **)
+let build_formula_atom t_atom vm = function
+| Atom.Abop (op, a1, a2) ->
+ (match build_op2 op with
+ | Some o ->
+ let vm0,pe1 = build_pexpr t_atom vm a1 in
+ let vm1,pe2 = build_pexpr t_atom vm0 a2 in
+ Some (vm1,{ flhs = pe1; fop = o; frhs = pe2 })
+ | None -> None)
+| _ -> None
+(** val build_formula :
+ Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula) option **)
+let build_formula t_atom vm h =
+ build_formula_atom t_atom vm (get t_atom h)
+(** val build_not2 : int -> z formula bFormula -> z formula bFormula **)
+let build_not2 i f =
+ fold (fun f' -> N (N f')) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) i f
+(** val build_hform :
+ Atom.atom array -> (vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula bFormula) option) ->
+ vmap -> Form.form -> (vmap*z formula bFormula) option **)
+let build_hform t_atom build_var0 vm = function
+| Form.Fatom h ->
+ (match build_formula t_atom vm h with
+ | Some p -> let vm0,f0 = p in Some (vm0,(A f0))
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.Ftrue -> Some (vm,TT)
+| Form.Ffalse -> Some (vm,FF)
+| Form.Fnot2 (i, l) ->
+ (match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm0,f0 = p in
+ let f' = build_not2 i f0 in
+ let f'' = if Lit.is_pos l then f' else N f' in Some (vm0,f'')
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.Fand args ->
+ let n0 = length args in
+ if eqb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then Some (vm,TT)
+ else foldi (fun i f1 ->
+ match f1 with
+ | Some y ->
+ let vm',f1' = y in
+ let l = get args i in
+ (match build_var0 vm' (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm2,f2 = p in
+ let f2' = if Lit.is_pos l then f2 else N f2 in
+ Some (vm2,(Cj (f1', f2')))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ (let l = get args (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) in
+ match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm',f0 = p in
+ if Lit.is_pos l then Some (vm',f0) else Some (vm',(N f0))
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.For args ->
+ let n0 = length args in
+ if eqb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then Some (vm,FF)
+ else foldi (fun i f1 ->
+ match f1 with
+ | Some y ->
+ let vm',f1' = y in
+ let l = get args i in
+ (match build_var0 vm' (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm2,f2 = p in
+ let f2' = if Lit.is_pos l then f2 else N f2 in
+ Some (vm2,(D (f1', f2')))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)))
+ (let l = get args (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) in
+ match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm',f0 = p in
+ if Lit.is_pos l then Some (vm',f0) else Some (vm',(N f0))
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.Fimp args ->
+ let n0 = length args in
+ if eqb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then Some (vm,TT)
+ else if leb0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))
+ then let l = get args (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) in
+ (match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm',f0 = p in
+ if Lit.is_pos l then Some (vm',f0) else Some (vm',(N f0))
+ | None -> None)
+ else foldi_down (fun i f1 ->
+ match f1 with
+ | Some y ->
+ let vm',f1' = y in
+ let l = get args i in
+ (match build_var0 vm' (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm2,f2 = p in
+ let f2' = if Lit.is_pos l then f2 else N f2 in
+ Some (vm2,(I (f2', f1')))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None) (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(2)))
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ (let l = get args (sub0 n0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) in
+ match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm',f0 = p in
+ if Lit.is_pos l then Some (vm',f0) else Some (vm',(N f0))
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.Fxor (a, b) ->
+ (match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit a) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm1,f1 = p in
+ (match build_var0 vm1 (Lit.blit b) with
+ | Some p2 ->
+ let vm2,f2 = p2 in
+ let f1' = if Lit.is_pos a then f1 else N f1 in
+ let f2' = if Lit.is_pos b then f2 else N f2 in
+ Some (vm2,(Cj ((D (f1', f2')), (D ((N f1'), (N f2'))))))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.Fiff (a, b) ->
+ (match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit a) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm1,f1 = p in
+ (match build_var0 vm1 (Lit.blit b) with
+ | Some p2 ->
+ let vm2,f2 = p2 in
+ let f1' = if Lit.is_pos a then f1 else N f1 in
+ let f2' = if Lit.is_pos b then f2 else N f2 in
+ Some (vm2,(Cj ((D (f1', (N f2'))), (D ((N f1'), f2')))))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None)
+| Form.Fite (a, b, c) ->
+ (match build_var0 vm (Lit.blit a) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm1,f1 = p in
+ (match build_var0 vm1 (Lit.blit b) with
+ | Some p2 ->
+ let vm2,f2 = p2 in
+ (match build_var0 vm2 (Lit.blit c) with
+ | Some p3 ->
+ let vm3,f3 = p3 in
+ let f1' = if Lit.is_pos a then f1 else N f1 in
+ let f2' = if Lit.is_pos b then f2 else N f2 in
+ let f3' = if Lit.is_pos c then f3 else N f3 in
+ Some (vm3,(D ((Cj (f1', f2')), (Cj ((N f1'), f3')))))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None)
+(** val build_var :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option **)
+let build_var t_form t_atom =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun i cont vm h ->
+ build_hform t_atom cont vm (get t_form h)) (length t_form)
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (fun x x0 -> None)
+(** val build_form :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> Form.form -> (vmap*z
+ formula bFormula) option **)
+let build_form t_form t_atom =
+ build_hform t_atom (build_var t_form t_atom)
+(** val build_nlit :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option **)
+let build_nlit t_form t_atom vm l =
+ let l0 = Lit.neg l in
+ (match build_form t_form t_atom vm (get t_form (Lit.blit l0)) with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm0,f = p in
+ let f0 = if Lit.is_pos l0 then f else N f in Some (vm0,f0)
+ | None -> None)
+(** val build_clause_aux :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int list -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option **)
+let rec build_clause_aux t_form t_atom vm = function
+| Nil -> None
+| Cons (l, cl0) ->
+ (match cl0 with
+ | Nil -> build_nlit t_form t_atom vm l
+ | Cons (i, l0) ->
+ (match build_nlit t_form t_atom vm l with
+ | Some p ->
+ let vm0,bf1 = p in
+ (match build_clause_aux t_form t_atom vm0 cl0 with
+ | Some p2 -> let vm1,bf2 = p2 in Some (vm1,(Cj (bf1, bf2)))
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None))
+(** val build_clause :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int list -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option **)
+let build_clause t_form t_atom vm cl =
+ match build_clause_aux t_form t_atom vm cl with
+ | Some p -> let vm0,bf = p in Some (vm0,(I (bf, FF)))
+ | None -> None
+(** val get_eq0 :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> (int -> int -> C.t) -> C.t **)
+let get_eq0 t_form t_atom l f =
+ if Lit.is_pos l
+ then (match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fatom xa ->
+ (match get t_atom xa with
+ | Atom.Abop (b0, a, b) ->
+ (match b0 with
+ | Atom.BO_eq t0 -> f a b
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ else C._true
+(** val get_not_le :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> (int -> int -> C.t) -> C.t **)
+let get_not_le t_form t_atom l f =
+ if negb (Lit.is_pos l)
+ then (match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fatom xa ->
+ (match get t_atom xa with
+ | Atom.Abop (b0, a, b) ->
+ (match b0 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zle -> f a b
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ | _ -> C._true)
+ else C._true
+(** val check_micromega :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int list -> zArithProof list -> C.t **)
+let check_micromega t_form t_atom cl c =
+ match build_clause t_form t_atom empty_vmap cl with
+ | Some p -> let v,bf = p in if zTautoChecker bf c then cl else C._true
+ | None -> C._true
+(** val check_diseq : Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_diseq t_form t_atom l =
+ match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.For a ->
+ if eqb0 (length a) (ExtrNative.of_uint(3))
+ then let a_eq_b = get a (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) in
+ let not_a_le_b = get a (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) in
+ let not_b_le_a = get a (ExtrNative.of_uint(2)) in
+ get_eq0 t_form t_atom a_eq_b (fun a0 b ->
+ get_not_le t_form t_atom not_a_le_b (fun a' b' ->
+ get_not_le t_form t_atom not_b_le_a (fun b'' a'' ->
+ if if if if eqb0 a0 a' then eqb0 a0 a'' else false
+ then eqb0 b b'
+ else false
+ then eqb0 b b''
+ else false
+ then Cons ((Lit.lit (Lit.blit l)), Nil)
+ else if if if if eqb0 a0 b' then eqb0 a0 b'' else false
+ then eqb0 b a'
+ else false
+ then eqb0 b a''
+ else false
+ then Cons ((Lit.lit (Lit.blit l)), Nil)
+ else C._true)))
+ else C._true
+ | _ -> C._true
+(** val check_atom_aux :
+ Atom.atom array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> Atom.atom -> Atom.atom -> bool **)
+let check_atom_aux t_atom check_hatom0 a b =
+ match a with
+ | Atom.Acop o1 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Acop o2 -> Atom.cop_eqb o1 o2
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.Auop (o1, a0) ->
+ (match o1 with
+ | Atom.UO_Zneg ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Auop (o2, b0) ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.UO_Zopp ->
+ (match get t_atom b0 with
+ | Atom.Auop (u, q) ->
+ (match u with
+ | Atom.UO_Zpos -> check_hatom0 a0 q
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> if Atom.uop_eqb o1 o2 then check_hatom0 a0 b0 else false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.UO_Zopp ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Auop (o2, b0) ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.UO_Zneg ->
+ (match get t_atom a0 with
+ | Atom.Auop (u, p) ->
+ (match u with
+ | Atom.UO_Zpos -> check_hatom0 p b0
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> if Atom.uop_eqb o1 o2 then check_hatom0 a0 b0 else false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Auop (o2, b0) ->
+ if Atom.uop_eqb o1 o2 then check_hatom0 a0 b0 else false
+ | _ -> false))
+ | Atom.Abop (o1, a1, a2) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Abop (o2, b1, b2) ->
+ (match o1 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zplus ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zplus ->
+ if if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ then true
+ else if check_hatom0 a1 b2 then check_hatom0 a2 b1 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zminus ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zminus ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zmult ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zmult ->
+ if if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ then true
+ else if check_hatom0 a1 b2 then check_hatom0 a2 b1 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b2 then check_hatom0 a2 b1 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zle ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zle ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zge ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b2 then check_hatom0 a2 b1 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zge ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zle ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b2 then check_hatom0 a2 b1 else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zge ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b2 then check_hatom0 a2 b1 else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt ->
+ if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_eq t1 ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Atom.BO_eq t2 ->
+ if Typ.eqb t1 t2
+ then if if check_hatom0 a1 b1 then check_hatom0 a2 b2 else false
+ then true
+ else if check_hatom0 a1 b2
+ then check_hatom0 a2 b1
+ else false
+ else false
+ | _ -> false))
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.Anop (o1, l1) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Anop (o2, l2) ->
+ if Typ.eqb o1 o2 then list_beq check_hatom0 l1 l2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.Aapp (f1, aargs) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.Aapp (f2, bargs) ->
+ if eqb0 f1 f2 then list_beq check_hatom0 aargs bargs else false
+ | _ -> false)
+(** val check_hatom : Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let check_hatom t_atom h1 h2 =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun x cont h3 h4 ->
+ if eqb0 h3 h4
+ then true
+ else check_atom_aux t_atom cont (get t_atom h3) (get t_atom h4))
+ (length t_atom) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (fun h3 h4 -> false) h1 h2
+(** val check_neg_hatom : Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let check_neg_hatom t_atom h1 h2 =
+ match get t_atom h1 with
+ | Atom.Abop (op3, a1, a2) ->
+ (match get t_atom h2 with
+ | Atom.Abop (op4, b1, b2) ->
+ (match op3 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt ->
+ (match op4 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zle ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b2
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b1
+ else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zge ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b1
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b2
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zle ->
+ (match op4 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b2
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b1
+ else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b1
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b2
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zge ->
+ (match op4 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b1
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b2
+ else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b2
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b1
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt ->
+ (match op4 with
+ | Atom.BO_Zle ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b1
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b2
+ else false
+ | Atom.BO_Zge ->
+ if check_hatom t_atom a1 b2
+ then check_hatom t_atom a2 b1
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+(** val remove_not : Form.form array -> int -> int **)
+let remove_not t_form l =
+ match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fnot2 (i, l') -> if Lit.is_pos l then l' else Lit.neg l'
+ | _ -> l
+(** val get_and : Form.form array -> int -> int array option **)
+let get_and t_form l =
+ let l0 = remove_not t_form l in
+ if Lit.is_pos l0
+ then (match get t_form (Lit.blit l0) with
+ | Form.Fand args -> Some args
+ | _ -> None)
+ else None
+(** val get_or : Form.form array -> int -> int array option **)
+let get_or t_form l =
+ let l0 = remove_not t_form l in
+ if Lit.is_pos l0
+ then (match get t_form (Lit.blit l0) with
+ | Form.For args -> Some args
+ | _ -> None)
+ else None
+(** val flatten_op_body :
+ (int -> int array option) -> (int list -> int -> int list) -> int list ->
+ int -> int list **)
+let flatten_op_body get_op frec largs l =
+ match get_op l with
+ | Some a -> fold_left frec largs a
+ | None -> Cons (l, largs)
+(** val flatten_op_lit :
+ (int -> int array option) -> int -> int list -> int -> int list **)
+let flatten_op_lit get_op max0 =
+ foldi_cont (fun x -> flatten_op_body get_op) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) max0
+ (fun largs l -> Cons (l, largs))
+(** val flatten_and : Form.form array -> int array -> int list **)
+let flatten_and t_form t0 =
+ fold_left (flatten_op_lit (get_and t_form) (length t_form)) Nil t0
+(** val flatten_or : Form.form array -> int array -> int list **)
+let flatten_or t_form t0 =
+ fold_left (flatten_op_lit (get_or t_form) (length t_form)) Nil t0
+(** val check_flatten_body :
+ Form.form array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int
+ -> int -> bool) -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let check_flatten_body t_form check_atom0 check_neg_atom frec l lf =
+ let l0 = remove_not t_form l in
+ let lf0 = remove_not t_form lf in
+ if eqb0 l0 lf0
+ then true
+ else if eqb0 (land0 (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (lxor0 l0 lf0))
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0))
+ then (match get t_form (Lit.blit l0) with
+ | Form.Fatom a1 ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fatom a2 -> check_atom0 a1 a2
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Ftrue ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Ftrue -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Ffalse ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Ffalse -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fnot2 (i, i0) -> false
+ | Form.Fand args1 ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fand args2 ->
+ let args3 = flatten_and t_form args1 in
+ let args4 = flatten_and t_form args2 in
+ forallb2 frec args3 args4
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.For args1 ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.For args2 ->
+ let args3 = flatten_or t_form args1 in
+ let args4 = flatten_or t_form args2 in
+ forallb2 frec args3 args4
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fimp args1 ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fimp args2 ->
+ if eqb0 (length args1) (length args2)
+ then forallbi (fun i l1 -> frec l1 (get args2 i)) args1
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fxor (l1, l2) ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fxor (lf1, lf2) ->
+ if frec l1 lf1 then frec l2 lf2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fiff (l1, l2) ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fiff (lf1, lf2) ->
+ if frec l1 lf1 then frec l2 lf2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fite (l1, l2, l3) ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fite (lf1, lf2, lf3) ->
+ if if frec l1 lf1 then frec l2 lf2 else false
+ then frec l3 lf3
+ else false
+ | _ -> false))
+ else (match get t_form (Lit.blit l0) with
+ | Form.Fatom a1 ->
+ (match get t_form (Lit.blit lf0) with
+ | Form.Fatom a2 -> check_neg_atom a1 a2
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+(** val check_flatten_aux :
+ Form.form array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int -> int -> bool) -> int ->
+ int -> bool **)
+let check_flatten_aux t_form check_atom0 check_neg_atom l lf =
+ foldi_cont (fun x -> check_flatten_body t_form check_atom0 check_neg_atom)
+ (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (length t_form) (fun x x0 -> false) l lf
+(** val check_flatten :
+ Form.form array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int -> int -> bool) -> S.t ->
+ int -> int -> C.t **)
+let check_flatten t_form check_atom0 check_neg_atom s cid lf =
+ match S.get s cid with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (l, l0) ->
+ (match l0 with
+ | Nil ->
+ if check_flatten_aux t_form check_atom0 check_neg_atom l lf
+ then Cons (lf, Nil)
+ else C._true
+ | Cons (i, l1) -> C._true)
+(** val check_spl_arith :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int list -> int -> zArithProof list
+ -> C.t **)
+let check_spl_arith t_form t_atom orig res l =
+ match orig with
+ | Nil -> C._true
+ | Cons (li, l0) ->
+ (match l0 with
+ | Nil ->
+ let cl = Cons ((Lit.neg li), (Cons (res, Nil))) in
+ (match build_clause t_form t_atom empty_vmap cl with
+ | Some p ->
+ let v,bf = p in
+ if zTautoChecker bf l then Cons (res, Nil) else C._true
+ | None -> C._true)
+ | Cons (y, l1) -> C._true)
+(** val check_in : int -> int list -> bool **)
+let rec check_in x = function
+| Nil -> false
+| Cons (t0, q) -> if eqb0 x t0 then true else check_in x q
+(** val check_diseqs_complete_aux :
+ int -> int list -> (int*int) option array -> bool **)
+let rec check_diseqs_complete_aux a dist t0 =
+ match dist with
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (b, q) ->
+ if existsb1 (fun x ->
+ match x with
+ | Some p ->
+ let a',b' = p in
+ if if eqb0 a a' then eqb0 b b' else false
+ then true
+ else if eqb0 a b' then eqb0 b a' else false
+ | None -> false) t0
+ then check_diseqs_complete_aux a q t0
+ else false
+(** val check_diseqs_complete :
+ int list -> (int*int) option array -> bool **)
+let rec check_diseqs_complete dist t0 =
+ match dist with
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (a, q) ->
+ if check_diseqs_complete_aux a q t0
+ then check_diseqs_complete q t0
+ else false
+(** val check_diseqs :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> Typ.coq_type -> int list -> int
+ array -> bool **)
+let check_diseqs t_form t_atom ty dist diseq =
+ let t0 =
+ mapi (fun x t0 ->
+ if Lit.is_pos t0
+ then None
+ else (match get t_form (Lit.blit t0) with
+ | Form.Fatom a ->
+ (match get t_atom a with
+ | Atom.Acop c -> None
+ | Atom.Auop (u, i) -> None
+ | Atom.Abop (b, h1, h2) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.BO_Zplus -> None
+ | Atom.BO_Zminus -> None
+ | Atom.BO_Zmult -> None
+ | Atom.BO_Zlt -> None
+ | Atom.BO_Zle -> None
+ | Atom.BO_Zge -> None
+ | Atom.BO_Zgt -> None
+ | Atom.BO_eq a0 ->
+ if if if if Typ.eqb ty a0
+ then negb (eqb0 h1 h2)
+ else false
+ then check_in h1 dist
+ else false
+ then check_in h2 dist
+ else false
+ then Some (h1,h2)
+ else None)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None)) diseq
+ in
+ if forallb1 (fun x ->
+ match x with
+ | Some y -> true
+ | None -> false) t0
+ then check_diseqs_complete dist t0
+ else false
+(** val check_distinct :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int array -> bool **)
+let check_distinct t_form t_atom ha diseq =
+ match get t_atom ha with
+ | Atom.Anop (n0, dist) -> check_diseqs t_form t_atom n0 dist diseq
+ | _ -> false
+(** val check_distinct_two_args :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let check_distinct_two_args t_form t_atom f1 f2 =
+ match get t_form f1 with
+ | Form.Fatom ha ->
+ (match get t_form f2 with
+ | Form.Fatom hb ->
+ (match get t_atom ha with
+ | Atom.Anop (n0, l) ->
+ (match l with
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (x, l0) ->
+ (match l0 with
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (y, l1) ->
+ (match l1 with
+ | Nil ->
+ (match get t_atom hb with
+ | Atom.Abop (b, x', y') ->
+ (match b with
+ | Atom.BO_eq ty' ->
+ if Typ.eqb n0 ty'
+ then if if eqb0 x x' then eqb0 y y' else false
+ then true
+ else if eqb0 x y' then eqb0 y x' else false
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Cons (i, l2) -> false)))
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+(** val check_lit :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> int -> int
+ -> bool **)
+let check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l1 l2 =
+ if if eqb0 l1 l2
+ then true
+ else if eqb (Lit.is_pos l1) (Lit.is_pos l2)
+ then check_var (Lit.blit l1) (Lit.blit l2)
+ else false
+ then true
+ else if eqb (Lit.is_pos l1) (negb (Lit.is_pos l2))
+ then check_distinct_two_args t_form t_atom (Lit.blit l1) (Lit.blit l2)
+ else false
+(** val check_form_aux :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> Form.form
+ -> Form.form -> bool **)
+let check_form_aux t_form t_atom check_var a b =
+ match a with
+ | Form.Fatom a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fatom b0 -> eqb0 a0 b0
+ | Form.Fand diseq -> check_distinct t_form t_atom a0 diseq
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Ftrue ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Ftrue -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Ffalse ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Ffalse -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fnot2 (i1, l1) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fnot2 (i2, l2) ->
+ if eqb0 i1 i2 then check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l1 l2 else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fand a1 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fand a2 ->
+ if eqb0 (length a1) (length a2)
+ then forallbi (fun i l ->
+ check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l (get a2 i)) a1
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.For a1 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.For a2 ->
+ if eqb0 (length a1) (length a2)
+ then forallbi (fun i l ->
+ check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l (get a2 i)) a1
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fimp a1 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fimp a2 ->
+ if eqb0 (length a1) (length a2)
+ then forallbi (fun i l ->
+ check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l (get a2 i)) a1
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fxor (l1, l2) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fxor (j1, j2) ->
+ if check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l1 j1
+ then check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l2 j2
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fiff (l1, l2) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fiff (j1, j2) ->
+ if check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l1 j1
+ then check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l2 j2
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Form.Fite (l1, l2, l3) ->
+ (match b with
+ | Form.Fite (j1, j2, j3) ->
+ if if check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l1 j1
+ then check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l2 j2
+ else false
+ then check_lit t_form t_atom check_var l3 j3
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+(** val check_hform :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let check_hform t_form t_atom h1 h2 =
+ foldi_down_cont (fun x cont h3 h4 ->
+ if eqb0 h3 h4
+ then true
+ else check_form_aux t_form t_atom cont (get t_form h3) (get t_form h4))
+ (length t_form) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (fun h3 h4 -> false) h1 h2
+(** val check_lit' :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool **)
+let check_lit' t_form t_atom =
+ check_lit t_form t_atom (check_hform t_form t_atom)
+(** val check_distinct_elim :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int list -> int -> int list **)
+let rec check_distinct_elim t_form t_atom input res =
+ match input with
+ | Nil -> Nil
+ | Cons (l, q) ->
+ if check_lit' t_form t_atom l res
+ then Cons (res, q)
+ else Cons (l, (check_distinct_elim t_form t_atom q res))
+type 'step _trace_ = 'step array array
+(** val _checker_ :
+ (S.t -> 'a1 -> S.t) -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> 'a1 _trace_ -> int -> bool **)
+let _checker_ check_step is_false0 s t0 confl =
+ let s' = fold_left (fun s0 a -> fold_left check_step s0 a) s t0 in
+ is_false0 (S.get s' confl)
+module Euf_Checker =
+ struct
+ type step =
+ | Res of int * int array
+ | ImmFlatten of int * int * int
+ | CTrue of int
+ | CFalse of int
+ | BuildDef of int * int
+ | BuildDef2 of int * int
+ | BuildProj of int * int * int
+ | ImmBuildDef of int * int
+ | ImmBuildDef2 of int * int
+ | ImmBuildProj of int * int * int
+ | EqTr of int * int * int list
+ | EqCgr of int * int * int option list
+ | EqCgrP of int * int * int * int option list
+ | LiaMicromega of int * int list * zArithProof list
+ | LiaDiseq of int * int
+ | SplArith of int * int * int * zArithProof list
+ | SplDistinctElim of int * int * int
+ (** val step_rect :
+ (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> 'a1)
+ -> (int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int option list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> int option
+ list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int ->
+ int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1 **)
+ let step_rect f f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 = function
+ | Res (x, x0) -> f x x0
+ | ImmFlatten (x, x0, x1) -> f0 x x0 x1
+ | CTrue x -> f1 x
+ | CFalse x -> f2 x
+ | BuildDef (x, x0) -> f3 x x0
+ | BuildDef2 (x, x0) -> f4 x x0
+ | BuildProj (x, x0, x1) -> f5 x x0 x1
+ | ImmBuildDef (x, x0) -> f6 x x0
+ | ImmBuildDef2 (x, x0) -> f7 x x0
+ | ImmBuildProj (x, x0, x1) -> f8 x x0 x1
+ | EqTr (x, x0, x1) -> f9 x x0 x1
+ | EqCgr (x, x0, x1) -> f10 x x0 x1
+ | EqCgrP (x, x0, x1, x2) -> f11 x x0 x1 x2
+ | LiaMicromega (x, x0, x1) -> f12 x x0 x1
+ | LiaDiseq (x, x0) -> f13 x x0
+ | SplArith (x, x0, x1, x2) -> f14 x x0 x1 x2
+ | SplDistinctElim (x, x0, x1) -> f15 x x0 x1
+ (** val step_rec :
+ (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> 'a1)
+ -> (int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int option list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> int option
+ list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int ->
+ int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1 **)
+ let step_rec f f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 = function
+ | Res (x, x0) -> f x x0
+ | ImmFlatten (x, x0, x1) -> f0 x x0 x1
+ | CTrue x -> f1 x
+ | CFalse x -> f2 x
+ | BuildDef (x, x0) -> f3 x x0
+ | BuildDef2 (x, x0) -> f4 x x0
+ | BuildProj (x, x0, x1) -> f5 x x0 x1
+ | ImmBuildDef (x, x0) -> f6 x x0
+ | ImmBuildDef2 (x, x0) -> f7 x x0
+ | ImmBuildProj (x, x0, x1) -> f8 x x0 x1
+ | EqTr (x, x0, x1) -> f9 x x0 x1
+ | EqCgr (x, x0, x1) -> f10 x x0 x1
+ | EqCgrP (x, x0, x1, x2) -> f11 x x0 x1 x2
+ | LiaMicromega (x, x0, x1) -> f12 x x0 x1
+ | LiaDiseq (x, x0) -> f13 x x0
+ | SplArith (x, x0, x1, x2) -> f14 x x0 x1 x2
+ | SplDistinctElim (x, x0, x1) -> f15 x x0 x1
+ (** val step_checker :
+ Atom.atom array -> Form.form array -> S.t -> step -> S.t **)
+ let step_checker t_atom t_form s = function
+ | Res (pos, res) -> S.set_resolve s pos res
+ | ImmFlatten (pos, cid, lf) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos
+ (check_flatten t_form (check_hatom t_atom) (check_neg_hatom t_atom) s
+ cid lf)
+ | CTrue pos -> S.set_clause s pos check_True
+ | CFalse pos -> S.set_clause s pos check_False
+ | BuildDef (pos, l) -> S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildDef t_form l)
+ | BuildDef2 (pos, l) -> S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildDef2 t_form l)
+ | BuildProj (pos, l, i) -> S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildProj t_form l i)
+ | ImmBuildDef (pos, cid) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildDef t_form s cid)
+ | ImmBuildDef2 (pos, cid) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildDef2 t_form s cid)
+ | ImmBuildProj (pos, cid, i) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildProj t_form s cid i)
+ | EqTr (pos, l, fl) -> S.set_clause s pos (check_trans t_form t_atom l fl)
+ | EqCgr (pos, l, fl) -> S.set_clause s pos (check_congr t_form t_atom l fl)
+ | EqCgrP (pos, l1, l2, fl) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_congr_pred t_form t_atom l1 l2 fl)
+ | LiaMicromega (pos, cl, c) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_micromega t_form t_atom cl c)
+ | LiaDiseq (pos, l) -> S.set_clause s pos (check_diseq t_form t_atom l)
+ | SplArith (pos, orig, res, l) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_spl_arith t_form t_atom (S.get s orig) res l)
+ | SplDistinctElim (pos, orig, res) ->
+ S.set_clause s pos (check_distinct_elim t_form t_atom (S.get s orig) res)
+ (** val euf_checker :
+ Atom.atom array -> Form.form array -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> step
+ _trace_ -> int -> bool **)
+ let euf_checker t_atom t_form s t0 =
+ _checker_ (step_checker t_atom t_form) s t0
+ type certif =
+ | Certif of int * step _trace_ * int
+ (** val certif_rect :
+ (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1 **)
+ let certif_rect f = function
+ | Certif (x, x0, x1) -> f x x0 x1
+ (** val certif_rec :
+ (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1 **)
+ let certif_rec f = function
+ | Certif (x, x0, x1) -> f x x0 x1
+ (** val add_roots : S.t -> int array -> int array option -> S.t **)
+ let add_roots s d = function
+ | Some ur ->
+ foldi_right (fun i c_index s0 ->
+ let c =
+ if ltb0 c_index (length d)
+ then Cons ((get d c_index), Nil)
+ else C._true
+ in
+ S.set_clause s0 i c) ur s
+ | None -> foldi_right (fun i c s0 -> S.set_clause s0 i (Cons (c, Nil))) d s
+ (** val valid :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array
+ -> int array -> bool **)
+ let valid t_i t_func t_atom t_form d =
+ let rho =
+ Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form
+ in
+ afold_left true (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then b2 else false) (Lit.interp rho)
+ d
+ (** val checker :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array
+ -> int array -> int array option -> certif -> bool **)
+ let checker t_i t_func t_atom t_form d used_roots = function
+ | Certif (nclauses, t0, confl) ->
+ if if if Form.check_form t_form then Atom.check_atom t_atom else false
+ then Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom
+ else false
+ then euf_checker t_atom t_form C.is_false
+ (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d used_roots) t0 confl
+ else false
+ (** val checker_b :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array
+ -> int -> bool -> certif -> bool **)
+ let checker_b t_i t_func t_atom t_form l b c =
+ let l0 = if b then Lit.neg l else l in
+ let Certif (nclauses, x, x0) = c in
+ checker t_i t_func t_atom t_form (make nclauses l0) None c
+ (** val checker_eq :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array
+ -> int -> int -> int -> certif -> bool **)
+ let checker_eq t_i t_func t_atom t_form l1 l2 l c =
+ if if negb (Lit.is_pos l)
+ then (match get t_form (Lit.blit l) with
+ | Form.Fiff (l1', l2') ->
+ if eqb0 l1 l1' then eqb0 l2 l2' else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ else false
+ then let Certif (nclauses, x, x0) = c in
+ checker t_i t_func t_atom t_form (make nclauses l) None c
+ else false
+ (** val checker_ext :
+ Atom.atom array -> Form.form array -> int array -> int array option ->
+ certif -> bool **)
+ let checker_ext t_atom t_form d used_roots = function
+ | Certif (nclauses, t0, confl) ->
+ if if Form.check_form t_form then Atom.check_atom t_atom else false
+ then euf_checker t_atom t_form C.is_false
+ (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d used_roots) t0 confl
+ else false
+ end
diff --git a/src/extraction/smt_checker.mli b/src/extraction/smt_checker.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..502d6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/smt_checker.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,1889 @@
+type __ = Obj.t
+type unit0 =
+| Tt
+val implb : bool -> bool -> bool
+val xorb : bool -> bool -> bool
+val negb : bool -> bool
+type nat =
+| O
+| S of nat
+type 'a option =
+| Some of 'a
+| None
+val option_map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option
+val fst : ('a1*'a2) -> 'a1
+val snd : ('a1*'a2) -> 'a2
+type 'a list =
+| Nil
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
+val compOpp : ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison
+type compareSpecT =
+| CompEqT
+| CompLtT
+| CompGtT
+val compareSpec2Type : ExtrNative.comparison -> compareSpecT
+type 'a compSpecT = compareSpecT
+val compSpec2Type : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ExtrNative.comparison -> 'a1 compSpecT
+type 'a sig0 =
+ 'a
+ (* singleton inductive, whose constructor was exist *)
+type sumbool =
+| Left
+| Right
+type 'a sumor =
+| Inleft of 'a
+| Inright
+val plus : nat -> nat -> nat
+val nat_iter : nat -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+type positive =
+| XI of positive
+| XO of positive
+| XH
+type n =
+| N0
+| Npos of positive
+type z =
+| Z0
+| Zpos of positive
+| Zneg of positive
+val eqb : bool -> bool -> bool
+type reflect =
+| ReflectT
+| ReflectF
+val iff_reflect : bool -> reflect
+module type TotalOrder' =
+ sig
+ type t
+ end
+module MakeOrderTac :
+ functor (O:TotalOrder') ->
+ sig
+ end
+module MaxLogicalProperties :
+ functor (O:TotalOrder') ->
+ functor (M:sig
+ val max : O.t -> O.t -> O.t
+ end) ->
+ sig
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+module Pos :
+ sig
+ type t = positive
+ val succ : positive -> positive
+ val add : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val pred_double : positive -> positive
+ val pred : positive -> positive
+ val pred_N : positive -> n
+ type mask =
+ | IsNul
+ | IsPos of positive
+ | IsNeg
+ val mask_rect : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1
+ val mask_rec : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1
+ val succ_double_mask : mask -> mask
+ val double_mask : mask -> mask
+ val double_pred_mask : positive -> mask
+ val pred_mask : mask -> mask
+ val sub_mask : positive -> positive -> mask
+ val sub_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> mask
+ val sub : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val mul : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val iter : positive -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val pow : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val square : positive -> positive
+ val div2 : positive -> positive
+ val div2_up : positive -> positive
+ val size_nat : positive -> nat
+ val size : positive -> positive
+ val compare_cont :
+ positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val compare : positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val min : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val max : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val eqb : positive -> positive -> bool
+ val leb : positive -> positive -> bool
+ val ltb : positive -> positive -> bool
+ val sqrtrem_step :
+ (positive -> positive) -> (positive -> positive) -> (positive*mask) ->
+ positive*mask
+ val sqrtrem : positive -> positive*mask
+ val sqrt : positive -> positive
+ val gcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive
+ val gcd : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val ggcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive)
+ val ggcd : positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive)
+ val coq_Nsucc_double : n -> n
+ val coq_Ndouble : n -> n
+ val coq_lor : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val coq_land : positive -> positive -> n
+ val ldiff : positive -> positive -> n
+ val coq_lxor : positive -> positive -> n
+ val shiftl_nat : positive -> nat -> positive
+ val shiftr_nat : positive -> nat -> positive
+ val shiftl : positive -> n -> positive
+ val shiftr : positive -> n -> positive
+ val testbit_nat : positive -> nat -> bool
+ val testbit : positive -> n -> bool
+ val iter_op : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val to_nat : positive -> nat
+ val of_nat : nat -> positive
+ val of_succ_nat : nat -> positive
+ end
+module Coq_Pos :
+ sig
+ module Coq__1 : sig
+ type t = positive
+ end
+ type t = Coq__1.t
+ val succ : positive -> positive
+ val add : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val pred_double : positive -> positive
+ val pred : positive -> positive
+ val pred_N : positive -> n
+ type mask = Pos.mask =
+ | IsNul
+ | IsPos of positive
+ | IsNeg
+ val mask_rect : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1
+ val mask_rec : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> mask -> 'a1
+ val succ_double_mask : mask -> mask
+ val double_mask : mask -> mask
+ val double_pred_mask : positive -> mask
+ val pred_mask : mask -> mask
+ val sub_mask : positive -> positive -> mask
+ val sub_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> mask
+ val sub : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val mul : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val iter : positive -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val pow : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val square : positive -> positive
+ val div2 : positive -> positive
+ val div2_up : positive -> positive
+ val size_nat : positive -> nat
+ val size : positive -> positive
+ val compare_cont :
+ positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val compare : positive -> positive -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val min : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val max : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val eqb : positive -> positive -> bool
+ val leb : positive -> positive -> bool
+ val ltb : positive -> positive -> bool
+ val sqrtrem_step :
+ (positive -> positive) -> (positive -> positive) -> (positive*mask) ->
+ positive*mask
+ val sqrtrem : positive -> positive*mask
+ val sqrt : positive -> positive
+ val gcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive
+ val gcd : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val ggcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive)
+ val ggcd : positive -> positive -> positive*(positive*positive)
+ val coq_Nsucc_double : n -> n
+ val coq_Ndouble : n -> n
+ val coq_lor : positive -> positive -> positive
+ val coq_land : positive -> positive -> n
+ val ldiff : positive -> positive -> n
+ val coq_lxor : positive -> positive -> n
+ val shiftl_nat : positive -> nat -> positive
+ val shiftr_nat : positive -> nat -> positive
+ val shiftl : positive -> n -> positive
+ val shiftr : positive -> n -> positive
+ val testbit_nat : positive -> nat -> bool
+ val testbit : positive -> n -> bool
+ val iter_op : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val to_nat : positive -> nat
+ val of_nat : nat -> positive
+ val of_succ_nat : nat -> positive
+ val eq_dec : positive -> positive -> sumbool
+ val peano_rect : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1
+ val peano_rec : 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1
+ type coq_PeanoView =
+ | PeanoOne
+ | PeanoSucc of positive * coq_PeanoView
+ val coq_PeanoView_rect :
+ 'a1 -> (positive -> coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive ->
+ coq_PeanoView -> 'a1
+ val coq_PeanoView_rec :
+ 'a1 -> (positive -> coq_PeanoView -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive ->
+ coq_PeanoView -> 'a1
+ val peanoView_xO : positive -> coq_PeanoView -> coq_PeanoView
+ val peanoView_xI : positive -> coq_PeanoView -> coq_PeanoView
+ val peanoView : positive -> coq_PeanoView
+ val coq_PeanoView_iter :
+ 'a1 -> (positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> coq_PeanoView -> 'a1
+ val eqb_spec : positive -> positive -> reflect
+ val switch_Eq :
+ ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val mask2cmp : mask -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val leb_spec0 : positive -> positive -> reflect
+ val ltb_spec0 : positive -> positive -> reflect
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ module Private_Rev :
+ sig
+ module ORev :
+ sig
+ type t = Coq__1.t
+ end
+ module MRev :
+ sig
+ val max : t -> t -> t
+ end
+ module MPRev :
+ sig
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Private_Dec :
+ sig
+ val max_case_strong :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) ->
+ 'a1
+ val max_case :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val max_dec : t -> t -> sumbool
+ val min_case_strong :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) ->
+ 'a1
+ val min_case :
+ t -> t -> (t -> t -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val min_dec : t -> t -> sumbool
+ end
+ val max_case_strong : t -> t -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1
+ val max_case : t -> t -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val max_dec : t -> t -> sumbool
+ val min_case_strong : t -> t -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1
+ val min_case : t -> t -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val min_dec : t -> t -> sumbool
+ end
+module N :
+ sig
+ type t = n
+ val zero : n
+ val one : n
+ val two : n
+ val succ_double : n -> n
+ val double : n -> n
+ val succ : n -> n
+ val pred : n -> n
+ val succ_pos : n -> positive
+ val add : n -> n -> n
+ val sub : n -> n -> n
+ val mul : n -> n -> n
+ val compare : n -> n -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val eqb : n -> n -> bool
+ val leb : n -> n -> bool
+ val ltb : n -> n -> bool
+ val min : n -> n -> n
+ val max : n -> n -> n
+ val div2 : n -> n
+ val even : n -> bool
+ val odd : n -> bool
+ val pow : n -> n -> n
+ val square : n -> n
+ val log2 : n -> n
+ val size : n -> n
+ val size_nat : n -> nat
+ val pos_div_eucl : positive -> n -> n*n
+ val div_eucl : n -> n -> n*n
+ val div : n -> n -> n
+ val modulo : n -> n -> n
+ val gcd : n -> n -> n
+ val ggcd : n -> n -> n*(n*n)
+ val sqrtrem : n -> n*n
+ val sqrt : n -> n
+ val coq_lor : n -> n -> n
+ val coq_land : n -> n -> n
+ val ldiff : n -> n -> n
+ val coq_lxor : n -> n -> n
+ val shiftl_nat : n -> nat -> n
+ val shiftr_nat : n -> nat -> n
+ val shiftl : n -> n -> n
+ val shiftr : n -> n -> n
+ val testbit_nat : n -> nat -> bool
+ val testbit : n -> n -> bool
+ val to_nat : n -> nat
+ val of_nat : nat -> n
+ val iter : n -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val eq_dec : n -> n -> sumbool
+ val discr : n -> positive sumor
+ val binary_rect : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1
+ val binary_rec : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1
+ val peano_rect : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1
+ val peano_rec : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1
+ val leb_spec0 : n -> n -> reflect
+ val ltb_spec0 : n -> n -> reflect
+ module Private_BootStrap :
+ sig
+ end
+ val recursion : 'a1 -> (n -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> n -> 'a1
+ module Private_OrderTac :
+ sig
+ module Elts :
+ sig
+ type t = n
+ end
+ module Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+ module Private_NZPow :
+ sig
+ end
+ module Private_NZSqrt :
+ sig
+ end
+ val sqrt_up : n -> n
+ val log2_up : n -> n
+ module Private_NZDiv :
+ sig
+ end
+ val lcm : n -> n -> n
+ val eqb_spec : n -> n -> reflect
+ val b2n : bool -> n
+ val setbit : n -> n -> n
+ val clearbit : n -> n -> n
+ val ones : n -> n
+ val lnot : n -> n -> n
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ module Private_Rev :
+ sig
+ module ORev :
+ sig
+ type t = n
+ end
+ module MRev :
+ sig
+ val max : n -> n -> n
+ end
+ module MPRev :
+ sig
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Private_Dec :
+ sig
+ val max_case_strong :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) ->
+ 'a1
+ val max_case :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val max_dec : n -> n -> sumbool
+ val min_case_strong :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) ->
+ 'a1
+ val min_case :
+ n -> n -> (n -> n -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val min_dec : n -> n -> sumbool
+ end
+ val max_case_strong : n -> n -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1
+ val max_case : n -> n -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val max_dec : n -> n -> sumbool
+ val min_case_strong : n -> n -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1
+ val min_case : n -> n -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val min_dec : n -> n -> sumbool
+ end
+module Z :
+ sig
+ type t = z
+ val zero : z
+ val one : z
+ val two : z
+ val double : z -> z
+ val succ_double : z -> z
+ val pred_double : z -> z
+ val pos_sub : positive -> positive -> z
+ val add : z -> z -> z
+ val opp : z -> z
+ val succ : z -> z
+ val pred : z -> z
+ val sub : z -> z -> z
+ val mul : z -> z -> z
+ val pow_pos : z -> positive -> z
+ val pow : z -> z -> z
+ val square : z -> z
+ val compare : z -> z -> ExtrNative.comparison
+ val sgn : z -> z
+ val leb : z -> z -> bool
+ val ltb : z -> z -> bool
+ val geb : z -> z -> bool
+ val gtb : z -> z -> bool
+ val eqb : z -> z -> bool
+ val max : z -> z -> z
+ val min : z -> z -> z
+ val abs : z -> z
+ val abs_nat : z -> nat
+ val abs_N : z -> n
+ val to_nat : z -> nat
+ val to_N : z -> n
+ val of_nat : nat -> z
+ val of_N : n -> z
+ val iter : z -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val pos_div_eucl : positive -> z -> z*z
+ val div_eucl : z -> z -> z*z
+ val div : z -> z -> z
+ val modulo : z -> z -> z
+ val quotrem : z -> z -> z*z
+ val quot : z -> z -> z
+ val rem : z -> z -> z
+ val even : z -> bool
+ val odd : z -> bool
+ val div2 : z -> z
+ val quot2 : z -> z
+ val log2 : z -> z
+ val sqrtrem : z -> z*z
+ val sqrt : z -> z
+ val gcd : z -> z -> z
+ val ggcd : z -> z -> z*(z*z)
+ val testbit : z -> z -> bool
+ val shiftl : z -> z -> z
+ val shiftr : z -> z -> z
+ val coq_lor : z -> z -> z
+ val coq_land : z -> z -> z
+ val ldiff : z -> z -> z
+ val coq_lxor : z -> z -> z
+ val eq_dec : z -> z -> sumbool
+ module Private_BootStrap :
+ sig
+ end
+ val leb_spec0 : z -> z -> reflect
+ val ltb_spec0 : z -> z -> reflect
+ module Private_OrderTac :
+ sig
+ module Elts :
+ sig
+ type t = z
+ end
+ module Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+ val sqrt_up : z -> z
+ val log2_up : z -> z
+ module Private_NZDiv :
+ sig
+ end
+ module Private_Div :
+ sig
+ module Quot2Div :
+ sig
+ val div : z -> z -> z
+ val modulo : z -> z -> z
+ end
+ module NZQuot :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+ val lcm : z -> z -> z
+ val eqb_spec : z -> z -> reflect
+ val b2z : bool -> z
+ val setbit : z -> z -> z
+ val clearbit : z -> z -> z
+ val lnot : z -> z
+ val ones : z -> z
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ module Private_Rev :
+ sig
+ module ORev :
+ sig
+ type t = z
+ end
+ module MRev :
+ sig
+ val max : z -> z -> z
+ end
+ module MPRev :
+ sig
+ module Private_Tac :
+ sig
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Private_Dec :
+ sig
+ val max_case_strong :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) ->
+ 'a1
+ val max_case :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val max_dec : z -> z -> sumbool
+ val min_case_strong :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) ->
+ 'a1
+ val min_case :
+ z -> z -> (z -> z -> __ -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val min_dec : z -> z -> sumbool
+ end
+ val max_case_strong : z -> z -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1
+ val max_case : z -> z -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val max_dec : z -> z -> sumbool
+ val min_case_strong : z -> z -> (__ -> 'a1) -> (__ -> 'a1) -> 'a1
+ val min_case : z -> z -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ val min_dec : z -> z -> sumbool
+ end
+val zeq_bool : z -> z -> bool
+val nth : nat -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list
+val fold_right : ('a2 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 list -> 'a1
+val existsb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool
+val forallb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool
+type int = ExtrNative.uint
+val lsl0 : int -> int -> int
+val lsr0 : int -> int -> int
+val land0 : int -> int -> int
+val lxor0 : int -> int -> int
+val sub0 : int -> int -> int
+val eqb0 : int -> int -> bool
+val ltb0 : int -> int -> bool
+val leb0 : int -> int -> bool
+val foldi_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a2
+val foldi_down_cont :
+ (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a2
+val is_zero : int -> bool
+val is_even : int -> bool
+val compare0 : int -> int -> ExtrNative.comparison
+val foldi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+val fold : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+val foldi_down : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+val forallb0 : (int -> bool) -> int -> int -> bool
+val existsb0 : (int -> bool) -> int -> int -> bool
+val cast : int -> int -> (__ -> __ -> __) option
+val reflect_eqb : int -> int -> reflect
+type 'a array = 'a ExtrNative.parray
+val make : int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array
+val get : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1
+val default : 'a1 array -> 'a1
+val set : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array
+val length : 'a1 array -> int
+val to_list : 'a1 array -> 'a1 list
+val forallbi : (int -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 array -> bool
+val forallb1 : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 array -> bool
+val existsb1 : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 array -> bool
+val mapi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 array
+val foldi_left : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1
+val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1
+val foldi_right : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 -> 'a2
+module Valuation :
+ sig
+ type t = int -> bool
+ end
+module Var :
+ sig
+ val _true : int
+ val _false : int
+ val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool
+ end
+module Lit :
+ sig
+ val is_pos : int -> bool
+ val blit : int -> int
+ val lit : int -> int
+ val neg : int -> int
+ val nlit : int -> int
+ val _true : int
+ val _false : int
+ val eqb : int -> int -> bool
+ val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool
+ end
+module C :
+ sig
+ type t = int list
+ val interp : Valuation.t -> t -> bool
+ val _true : t
+ val is_false : t -> bool
+ val or_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> int list
+ val coq_or : t -> t -> t
+ val resolve_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> t
+ val resolve : t -> t -> t
+ end
+module S :
+ sig
+ type t = C.t array
+ val get : t -> int -> C.t
+ val internal_set : t -> int -> C.t -> t
+ val make : int -> t
+ val insert : int -> int list -> int list
+ val sort_uniq : int list -> int list
+ val set_clause : t -> int -> C.t -> t
+ val set_resolve : t -> int -> int array -> t
+ end
+val afold_left :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1
+val afold_right :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1
+val rev_aux : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
+val rev : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
+val distinct_aux2 : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> bool -> 'a1 -> 'a1 list -> bool
+val distinct_aux : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> bool -> 'a1 list -> bool
+val distinct : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool
+val forallb2 : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list -> bool
+module Form :
+ sig
+ type form =
+ | Fatom of int
+ | Ftrue
+ | Ffalse
+ | Fnot2 of int * int
+ | Fand of int array
+ | For of int array
+ | Fimp of int array
+ | Fxor of int * int
+ | Fiff of int * int
+ | Fite of int * int * int
+ val form_rect :
+ (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1)
+ -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> form -> 'a1
+ val form_rec :
+ (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1)
+ -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> form -> 'a1
+ val is_Ftrue : form -> bool
+ val is_Ffalse : form -> bool
+ val interp_aux : (int -> bool) -> (int -> bool) -> form -> bool
+ val t_interp : (int -> bool) -> form array -> bool array
+ val lt_form : int -> form -> bool
+ val wf : form array -> bool
+ val interp_state_var : (int -> bool) -> form array -> int -> bool
+ val interp : (int -> bool) -> form array -> form -> bool
+ val check_form : form array -> bool
+ end
+type typ_eqb = { te_eqb : (__ -> __ -> bool);
+ te_reflect : (__ -> __ -> reflect) }
+type te_carrier = __
+val te_eqb : typ_eqb -> te_carrier -> te_carrier -> bool
+module Typ :
+ sig
+ type coq_type =
+ | Tindex of int
+ | TZ
+ | Tbool
+ | Tpositive
+ val type_rect : (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> coq_type -> 'a1
+ val type_rec : (int -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> coq_type -> 'a1
+ type ftype = coq_type list*coq_type
+ type interp = __
+ type interp_ftype = __
+ val i_eqb : typ_eqb array -> coq_type -> interp -> interp -> bool
+ val reflect_i_eqb :
+ typ_eqb array -> coq_type -> interp -> interp -> reflect
+ type cast_result =
+ | Cast of (__ -> __ -> __)
+ | NoCast
+ val cast_result_rect :
+ coq_type -> coq_type -> ((__ -> __ -> __) -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> cast_result
+ -> 'a1
+ val cast_result_rec :
+ coq_type -> coq_type -> ((__ -> __ -> __) -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> cast_result
+ -> 'a1
+ val cast : coq_type -> coq_type -> cast_result
+ val eqb : coq_type -> coq_type -> bool
+ val reflect_eqb : coq_type -> coq_type -> reflect
+ end
+val list_beq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> bool
+val reflect_list_beq :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> reflect) -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list ->
+ reflect
+module Atom :
+ sig
+ type cop =
+ | CO_xH
+ | CO_Z0
+ val cop_rect : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> cop -> 'a1
+ val cop_rec : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> cop -> 'a1
+ type unop =
+ | UO_xO
+ | UO_xI
+ | UO_Zpos
+ | UO_Zneg
+ | UO_Zopp
+ val unop_rect : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> unop -> 'a1
+ val unop_rec : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> unop -> 'a1
+ type binop =
+ | BO_Zplus
+ | BO_Zminus
+ | BO_Zmult
+ | BO_Zlt
+ | BO_Zle
+ | BO_Zge
+ | BO_Zgt
+ | BO_eq of Typ.coq_type
+ val binop_rect :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1) ->
+ binop -> 'a1
+ val binop_rec :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1) ->
+ binop -> 'a1
+ type nop =
+ Typ.coq_type
+ (* singleton inductive, whose constructor was NO_distinct *)
+ val nop_rect : (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1) -> nop -> 'a1
+ val nop_rec : (Typ.coq_type -> 'a1) -> nop -> 'a1
+ type atom =
+ | Acop of cop
+ | Auop of unop * int
+ | Abop of binop * int * int
+ | Anop of nop * int list
+ | Aapp of int * int list
+ val atom_rect :
+ (cop -> 'a1) -> (unop -> int -> 'a1) -> (binop -> int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (nop -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> 'a1) -> atom -> 'a1
+ val atom_rec :
+ (cop -> 'a1) -> (unop -> int -> 'a1) -> (binop -> int -> int -> 'a1) ->
+ (nop -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> 'a1) -> atom -> 'a1
+ val cop_eqb : cop -> cop -> bool
+ val uop_eqb : unop -> unop -> bool
+ val bop_eqb : binop -> binop -> bool
+ val nop_eqb : nop -> nop -> bool
+ val eqb : atom -> atom -> bool
+ val reflect_cop_eqb : cop -> cop -> reflect
+ val reflect_uop_eqb : unop -> unop -> reflect
+ val reflect_bop_eqb : binop -> binop -> reflect
+ val reflect_nop_eqb : nop -> nop -> reflect
+ val reflect_eqb : atom -> atom -> reflect
+ type ('t, 'i) coq_val = { v_type : 't; v_val : 'i }
+ val val_rect : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3) -> ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a3
+ val val_rec : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3) -> ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a3
+ val v_type : ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a1
+ val v_val : ('a1, 'a2) coq_val -> 'a2
+ type bval = (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val
+ val coq_Bval :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.interp -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp)
+ coq_val
+ type tval = (Typ.ftype, Typ.interp_ftype) coq_val
+ val coq_Tval :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.ftype -> Typ.interp_ftype -> (Typ.ftype,
+ Typ.interp_ftype) coq_val
+ val bvtrue : typ_eqb array -> bval
+ val bvfalse : typ_eqb array -> bval
+ val typ_cop : cop -> Typ.coq_type
+ val typ_uop : unop -> Typ.coq_type*Typ.coq_type
+ val typ_bop : binop -> (Typ.coq_type*Typ.coq_type)*Typ.coq_type
+ val typ_nop : nop -> Typ.coq_type*Typ.coq_type
+ val check_args :
+ (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> int list -> Typ.coq_type list -> bool
+ val check_aux :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> atom ->
+ Typ.coq_type -> bool
+ val check_args_dec :
+ (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> Typ.coq_type -> int list -> Typ.coq_type list ->
+ sumbool
+ val check_aux_dec :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> (int -> Typ.coq_type) -> atom -> sumbool
+ val apply_unop :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.coq_type -> (Typ.interp ->
+ Typ.interp) -> bval -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val
+ val apply_binop :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.coq_type ->
+ (Typ.interp -> Typ.interp -> Typ.interp) -> bval -> bval ->
+ (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val
+ val apply_func :
+ typ_eqb array -> Typ.coq_type list -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.interp_ftype ->
+ bval list -> bval
+ val interp_cop : typ_eqb array -> cop -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val
+ val interp_uop :
+ typ_eqb array -> unop -> bval -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp) coq_val
+ val interp_bop :
+ typ_eqb array -> binop -> bval -> bval -> (Typ.coq_type, Typ.interp)
+ coq_val
+ val compute_interp :
+ typ_eqb array -> (int -> bval) -> Typ.coq_type -> Typ.interp list -> int
+ list -> Typ.interp list option
+ val interp_aux :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> (int -> bval) -> atom -> bval
+ val interp_bool : typ_eqb array -> bval -> bool
+ val t_interp : typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> bval array
+ val lt_atom : int -> atom -> bool
+ val wf : atom array -> bool
+ val get_type' : typ_eqb array -> bval array -> int -> Typ.coq_type
+ val get_type :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> int -> Typ.coq_type
+ val wt : typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> bool
+ val interp_hatom : typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> int -> bval
+ val interp : typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> atom -> bval
+ val interp_form_hatom :
+ typ_eqb array -> tval array -> atom array -> int -> bool
+ val check_atom : atom array -> bool
+ end
+val or_of_imp : int array -> int array
+val check_True : C.t
+val check_False : int list
+val check_BuildDef : Form.form array -> int -> C.t
+val check_ImmBuildDef : Form.form array -> S.t -> int -> C.t
+val check_BuildDef2 : Form.form array -> int -> C.t
+val check_ImmBuildDef2 : Form.form array -> S.t -> int -> C.t
+val check_BuildProj : Form.form array -> int -> int -> C.t
+val check_ImmBuildProj : Form.form array -> S.t -> int -> int -> C.t
+val get_eq :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> (int -> int -> C.t) -> C.t
+val check_trans_aux :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> int list -> int -> C.t
+ -> C.t
+val check_trans :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int list -> C.t
+val build_congr :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int option list -> int list -> int
+ list -> C.t -> C.t
+val check_congr :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int option list -> C.t
+val check_congr_pred :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> int option list -> C.t
+type 'c pol =
+| Pc of 'c
+| Pinj of positive * 'c pol
+| PX of 'c pol * positive * 'c pol
+val p0 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val p1 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val peq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> bool
+val mkPinj : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val mkPinj_pred : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val mkPX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val mkXi : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol
+val mkX : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val popp : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val paddC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val psubC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val paddI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol ->
+ positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val psubI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) ->
+ 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val paddX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol
+ -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val psubX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
+ pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val padd :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol
+val psub :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val pmulC_aux :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ pol
+val pmulC :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1 pol
+val pmulI :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val pmul :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val psquare :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+type 'c pExpr =
+| PEc of 'c
+| PEX of positive
+| PEadd of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+| PEsub of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+| PEmul of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+| PEopp of 'c pExpr
+| PEpow of 'c pExpr * n
+val mk_X : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol
+val ppow_pos :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol
+val ppow_N :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> n -> 'a1 pol
+val norm_aux :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol
+type 'a bFormula =
+| TT
+| FF
+| X
+| A of 'a
+| Cj of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+| D of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+| N of 'a bFormula
+| I of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+type 'term' clause = 'term' list
+type 'term' cnf = 'term' clause list
+val tt : 'a1 cnf
+val ff : 'a1 cnf
+val add_term :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1
+ clause option
+val or_clause :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 clause ->
+ 'a1 clause option
+val or_clause_cnf :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 clause -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1
+ cnf
+val or_cnf :
+ ('a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 option) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1
+ cnf
+val and_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf
+val xcnf :
+ ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1 ->
+ 'a2 cnf) -> bool -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 cnf
+val cnf_checker : ('a1 list -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a2 list -> bool
+val tauto_checker :
+ ('a2 -> bool) -> ('a2 -> 'a2 -> 'a2 option) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1 ->
+ 'a2 cnf) -> ('a2 list -> 'a3 -> bool) -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a3 list -> bool
+val cneqb : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool
+val cltb : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 -> 'a1 -> bool
+type 'c polC = 'c pol
+type op1 =
+| Equal
+| NonEqual
+| Strict
+| NonStrict
+type 'c nFormula = 'c polC*op1
+val opMult : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option
+val opAdd : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option
+type 'c psatz =
+| PsatzIn of nat
+| PsatzSquare of 'c polC
+| PsatzMulC of 'c polC * 'c psatz
+| PsatzMulE of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+| PsatzAdd of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+| PsatzC of 'c
+| PsatzZ
+val map_option : ('a1 -> 'a2 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option
+val map_option2 :
+ ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3 option) -> 'a1 option -> 'a2 option -> 'a3 option
+val pexpr_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 polC -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
+val nformula_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
+val nformula_plus_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1
+ nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
+val eval_Psatz :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz -> 'a1
+ nFormula option
+val check_inconsistent :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> bool
+type op2 =
+| OpEq
+| OpNEq
+| OpLe
+| OpGe
+| OpLt
+| OpGt
+type 't formula = { flhs : 't pExpr; fop : op2; frhs : 't pExpr }
+val norm :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol
+val psub0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val padd0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol
+type zWitness = z psatz
+val psub1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol
+val padd1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol
+val norm0 : z pExpr -> z pol
+val xnormalise : z formula -> z nFormula list
+val normalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
+val xnegate : z formula -> z nFormula list
+val negate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
+val zunsat : z nFormula -> bool
+val zdeduce : z nFormula -> z nFormula -> z nFormula option
+val ceiling : z -> z -> z
+type zArithProof =
+| DoneProof
+| RatProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+| CutProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+| EnumProof of zWitness * zWitness * zArithProof list
+val zgcdM : z -> z -> z
+val zgcd_pol : z polC -> z*z
+val zdiv_pol : z polC -> z -> z polC
+val makeCuttingPlane : z polC -> z polC*z
+val genCuttingPlane : z nFormula -> ((z polC*z)*op1) option
+val nformula_of_cutting_plane : ((z polC*z)*op1) -> z nFormula
+val is_pol_Z0 : z polC -> bool
+val eval_Psatz0 : z nFormula list -> zWitness -> z nFormula option
+val valid_cut_sign : op1 -> bool
+val zChecker : z nFormula list -> zArithProof -> bool
+val zTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> zArithProof list -> bool
+val build_positive_atom_aux :
+ (int -> positive option) -> Atom.atom -> positive option
+val build_positive : Atom.atom array -> int -> positive option
+val build_z_atom_aux : Atom.atom array -> Atom.atom -> z option
+val build_z_atom : Atom.atom array -> Atom.atom -> z option
+type vmap = positive*Atom.atom list
+val find_var_aux : Atom.atom -> positive -> Atom.atom list -> positive option
+val find_var : vmap -> Atom.atom -> vmap*positive
+val empty_vmap : vmap
+val build_pexpr_atom_aux :
+ Atom.atom array -> (vmap -> int -> vmap*z pExpr) -> vmap -> Atom.atom ->
+ vmap*z pExpr
+val build_pexpr : Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> vmap*z pExpr
+val build_op2 : Atom.binop -> op2 option
+val build_formula_atom :
+ Atom.atom array -> vmap -> Atom.atom -> (vmap*z formula) option
+val build_formula : Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula) option
+val build_not2 : int -> z formula bFormula -> z formula bFormula
+val build_hform :
+ Atom.atom array -> (vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula bFormula) option) ->
+ vmap -> Form.form -> (vmap*z formula bFormula) option
+val build_var :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option
+val build_form :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> Form.form -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option
+val build_nlit :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option
+val build_clause_aux :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int list -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option
+val build_clause :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> vmap -> int list -> (vmap*z formula
+ bFormula) option
+val get_eq0 :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> (int -> int -> C.t) -> C.t
+val get_not_le :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> (int -> int -> C.t) -> C.t
+val check_micromega :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int list -> zArithProof list -> C.t
+val check_diseq : Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> C.t
+val check_atom_aux :
+ Atom.atom array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> Atom.atom -> Atom.atom -> bool
+val check_hatom : Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool
+val check_neg_hatom : Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool
+val remove_not : Form.form array -> int -> int
+val get_and : Form.form array -> int -> int array option
+val get_or : Form.form array -> int -> int array option
+val flatten_op_body :
+ (int -> int array option) -> (int list -> int -> int list) -> int list ->
+ int -> int list
+val flatten_op_lit :
+ (int -> int array option) -> int -> int list -> int -> int list
+val flatten_and : Form.form array -> int array -> int list
+val flatten_or : Form.form array -> int array -> int list
+val check_flatten_body :
+ Form.form array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int ->
+ int -> bool) -> int -> int -> bool
+val check_flatten_aux :
+ Form.form array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int -> int -> bool) -> int ->
+ int -> bool
+val check_flatten :
+ Form.form array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> (int -> int -> bool) -> S.t ->
+ int -> int -> C.t
+val check_spl_arith :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int list -> int -> zArithProof list
+ -> C.t
+val check_in : int -> int list -> bool
+val check_diseqs_complete_aux :
+ int -> int list -> (int*int) option array -> bool
+val check_diseqs_complete : int list -> (int*int) option array -> bool
+val check_diseqs :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> Typ.coq_type -> int list -> int array
+ -> bool
+val check_distinct :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int array -> bool
+val check_distinct_two_args :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool
+val check_lit :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> int -> int ->
+ bool
+val check_form_aux :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> (int -> int -> bool) -> Form.form ->
+ Form.form -> bool
+val check_hform : Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool
+val check_lit' : Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int -> int -> bool
+val check_distinct_elim :
+ Form.form array -> Atom.atom array -> int list -> int -> int list
+type 'step _trace_ = 'step array array
+val _checker_ :
+ (S.t -> 'a1 -> S.t) -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> 'a1 _trace_ -> int -> bool
+module Euf_Checker :
+ sig
+ type step =
+ | Res of int * int array
+ | ImmFlatten of int * int * int
+ | CTrue of int
+ | CFalse of int
+ | BuildDef of int * int
+ | BuildDef2 of int * int
+ | BuildProj of int * int * int
+ | ImmBuildDef of int * int
+ | ImmBuildDef2 of int * int
+ | ImmBuildProj of int * int * int
+ | EqTr of int * int * int list
+ | EqCgr of int * int * int option list
+ | EqCgrP of int * int * int * int option list
+ | LiaMicromega of int * int list * zArithProof list
+ | LiaDiseq of int * int
+ | SplArith of int * int * int * zArithProof list
+ | SplDistinctElim of int * int * int
+ val step_rect :
+ (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> 'a1)
+ -> (int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int ->
+ int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int
+ -> int option list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> int option list ->
+ 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int ->
+ 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int ->
+ int -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1
+ val step_rec :
+ (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> 'a1)
+ -> (int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int ->
+ int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int
+ -> int -> int -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int
+ -> int option list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> int option list ->
+ 'a1) -> (int -> int list -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int ->
+ 'a1) -> (int -> int -> int -> zArithProof list -> 'a1) -> (int -> int ->
+ int -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1
+ val step_checker : Atom.atom array -> Form.form array -> S.t -> step -> S.t
+ val euf_checker :
+ Atom.atom array -> Form.form array -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> step
+ _trace_ -> int -> bool
+ type certif =
+ | Certif of int * step _trace_ * int
+ val certif_rect : (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1
+ val certif_rec : (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1
+ val add_roots : S.t -> int array -> int array option -> S.t
+ val valid :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array ->
+ int array -> bool
+ val checker :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array ->
+ int array -> int array option -> certif -> bool
+ val checker_b :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array ->
+ int -> bool -> certif -> bool
+ val checker_eq :
+ typ_eqb array -> Atom.tval array -> Atom.atom array -> Form.form array ->
+ int -> int -> int -> certif -> bool
+ val checker_ext :
+ Atom.atom array -> Form.form array -> int array -> int array option ->
+ certif -> bool
+ end
diff --git a/src/extraction/test.ml b/src/extraction/test.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b16b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/sat1.cnf\" \"tests/sat1.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/sat1.cnf" "tests/sat1.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/sat2.cnf\" \"tests/sat2.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/sat2.cnf" "tests/sat2.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/sat3.cnf\" \"tests/sat3.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/sat3.cnf" "tests/sat3.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/sat5.cnf\" \"tests/sat5.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/sat5.cnf" "tests/sat5.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/sat6.cnf\" \"tests/sat6.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/sat6.cnf" "tests/sat6.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/sat7.cnf\" \"tests/sat7.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/sat7.cnf" "tests/sat7.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/hole4.cnf\" \"tests/hole4.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/hole4.cnf" "tests/hole4.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/cmu-bmc-barrel6.cnf\" \"tests/cmu-bmc-barrel6.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/cmu-bmc-barrel6.cnf" "tests/cmu-bmc-barrel6.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Zchaff_checker.checker \"tests/velev-sss-1.0-05.cnf\" \"tests/velev-sss-1.0-05.zlog\" = %b\n" (Zchaff_checker.checker "tests/velev-sss-1.0-05.cnf" "tests/velev-sss-1.0-05.zlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat1.smt2\" \"tests/sat1.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat1.smt2" "tests/sat1.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat2.smt2\" \"tests/sat2.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat2.smt2" "tests/sat2.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat3.smt2\" \"tests/sat3.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat3.smt2" "tests/sat3.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat4.smt2\" \"tests/sat4.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat4.smt2" "tests/sat4.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat5.smt2\" \"tests/sat5.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat5.smt2" "tests/sat5.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat6.smt2\" \"tests/sat6.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat6.smt2" "tests/sat6.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat7.smt2\" \"tests/sat7.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat7.smt2" "tests/sat7.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat8.smt2\" \"tests/sat8.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat8.smt2" "tests/sat8.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat9.smt2\" \"tests/sat9.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat9.smt2" "tests/sat9.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat11.smt2\" \"tests/sat11.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat11.smt2" "tests/sat11.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat12.smt2\" \"tests/sat12.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat12.smt2" "tests/sat12.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/sat13.smt2\" \"tests/sat13.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/sat13.smt2" "tests/sat13.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/hole4.smt2\" \"tests/hole4.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/hole4.smt2" "tests/hole4.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf1.smt2\" \"tests/uf1.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf1.smt2" "tests/uf1.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf2.smt2\" \"tests/uf2.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf2.smt2" "tests/uf2.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf3.smt2\" \"tests/uf3.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf3.smt2" "tests/uf3.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf4.smt2\" \"tests/uf4.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf4.smt2" "tests/uf4.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf5.smt2\" \"tests/uf5.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf5.smt2" "tests/uf5.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf6.smt2\" \"tests/uf6.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf6.smt2" "tests/uf6.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/uf7.smt2\" \"tests/uf7.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/uf7.smt2" "tests/uf7.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia1.smt2\" \"tests/lia1.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia1.smt2" "tests/lia1.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia2.smt2\" \"tests/lia2.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia2.smt2" "tests/lia2.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia3.smt2\" \"tests/lia3.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia3.smt2" "tests/lia3.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia4.smt2\" \"tests/lia4.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia4.smt2" "tests/lia4.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia5.smt2\" \"tests/lia5.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia5.smt2" "tests/lia5.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia6.smt2\" \"tests/lia6.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia6.smt2" "tests/lia6.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/lia7.smt2\" \"tests/lia7.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/lia7.smt2" "tests/lia7.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/let1.smt2\" \"tests/let1.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/let1.smt2" "tests/let1.vtlog")
+let _ = Printf.printf "Verit_checker.checker \"tests/let2.smt2\" \"tests/let2.vtlog\" = %b\n" (Verit_checker.checker "tests/let2.smt2" "tests/let2.vtlog")
diff --git a/src/extraction/verit_checker.ml b/src/extraction/verit_checker.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e317dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/verit_checker.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+open SmtMisc
+open SmtCertif
+open SmtForm
+open SmtAtom
+open SmtTrace
+open Verit
+open Smtlib2_ast
+open Smtlib2_genConstr
+(* open Smt_checker *)
+module Mc = Micromega
+let mkInt = ExtrNative.of_int
+let mkArray = ExtrNative.of_array
+let rec dump_nat x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.O -> Smt_checker.O
+ | Mc.S p -> Smt_checker.S (dump_nat p)
+let rec dump_positive x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.XH -> Smt_checker.XH
+ | Mc.XO p -> Smt_checker.XO (dump_positive p)
+ | Mc.XI p -> Smt_checker.XI (dump_positive p)
+let dump_z x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.Z0 -> Smt_checker.Z0
+ | Mc.Zpos p -> Smt_checker.Zpos (dump_positive p)
+ | Mc.Zneg p -> Smt_checker.Zneg (dump_positive p)
+let dump_pol e =
+ let rec dump_pol e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.Pc n -> Smt_checker.Pc (dump_z n)
+ | Mc.Pinj(p,pol) -> Smt_checker.Pinj (dump_positive p, dump_pol pol)
+ | Mc.PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> Smt_checker.PX (dump_pol pol1, dump_positive p, dump_pol pol2) in
+ dump_pol e
+let dump_psatz e =
+ let rec dump_cone e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n -> Smt_checker.PsatzIn (dump_nat n)
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(e,c) -> Smt_checker.PsatzMulC (dump_pol e, dump_cone c)
+ | Mc.PsatzSquare e -> Smt_checker.PsatzSquare (dump_pol e)
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) -> Smt_checker.PsatzAdd (dump_cone e1, dump_cone e2)
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> Smt_checker.PsatzMulE (dump_cone e1, dump_cone e2)
+ | Mc.PsatzC p -> Smt_checker.PsatzC (dump_z p)
+ | Mc.PsatzZ -> Smt_checker.PsatzZ in
+ dump_cone e
+let rec dump_list dump_elt l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> Smt_checker.Nil
+ | e :: l -> Smt_checker.Cons (dump_elt e, dump_list dump_elt l)
+let rec dump_proof_term = function
+ | Micromega.DoneProof -> Smt_checker.DoneProof
+ | Micromega.RatProof(cone,rst) ->
+ Smt_checker.RatProof (dump_psatz cone, dump_proof_term rst)
+ | Micromega.CutProof(cone,prf) ->
+ Smt_checker.CutProof (dump_psatz cone, dump_proof_term prf)
+ | Micromega.EnumProof(c1,c2,prfs) ->
+ Smt_checker.EnumProof (dump_psatz c1, dump_psatz c2, dump_list dump_proof_term prfs)
+let to_coq to_lit confl =
+ let out_f f = to_lit f in
+ let out_c c = mkInt (get_pos c) in
+ let step_to_coq c =
+ match c.kind with
+ | Res res ->
+ let size = List.length res.rtail + 3 in
+ let args = Array.make size (mkInt 0) in
+ args.(0) <- mkInt (get_pos res.rc1);
+ args.(1) <- mkInt (get_pos res.rc2);
+ let l = ref res.rtail in
+ for i = 2 to size - 2 do
+ match !l with
+ | c::tl ->
+ args.(i) <- mkInt (get_pos c);
+ l := tl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ done;
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.Res (mkInt (get_pos c), mkArray args)
+ | Other other ->
+ begin match other with
+ | ImmFlatten (c',f) -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.ImmFlatten (out_c c, out_c c', out_f f)
+ | True -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.CTrue (out_c c)
+ | False -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.CFalse (out_c c)
+ | BuildDef f -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.BuildDef (out_c c, out_f f)
+ | BuildDef2 f -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.BuildDef2 (out_c c, out_f f)
+ | BuildProj (f, i) -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.BuildProj (out_c c, out_f f, mkInt i)
+ | ImmBuildDef c' -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.ImmBuildDef (out_c c, out_c c')
+ | ImmBuildDef2 c' -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.ImmBuildDef2 (out_c c, out_c c')
+ | ImmBuildProj(c', i) -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.ImmBuildProj (out_c c, out_c c',mkInt i)
+ | EqTr (f, fl) ->
+ let res = List.fold_right (fun f l -> Smt_checker.Cons (out_f f, l)) fl Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.EqTr (out_c c, out_f f, res)
+ | EqCgr (f, fl) ->
+ let res = List.fold_right (fun f l -> Smt_checker.Cons ((match f with | Some f -> Smt_checker.Some (out_f f) | None -> Smt_checker.None), l)) fl Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.EqCgr (out_c c, out_f f, res)
+ | EqCgrP (f1, f2, fl) ->
+ let res = List.fold_right (fun f l -> Smt_checker.Cons ((match f with | Some f -> Smt_checker.Some (out_f f) | None -> Smt_checker.None), l)) fl Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.EqCgrP (out_c c, out_f f1, out_f f2, res)
+ | LiaMicromega (cl,d) ->
+ let cl' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> Smt_checker.Cons (out_f f, l)) cl Smt_checker.Nil in
+ let c' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> Smt_checker.Cons (dump_proof_term f, l)) d Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.LiaMicromega (out_c c, cl', c')
+ | LiaDiseq l -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.LiaDiseq (out_c c, out_f l)
+ | SplArith (orig,res,l) ->
+ let res' = out_f res in
+ let l' = List.fold_right (fun f l -> Smt_checker.Cons (dump_proof_term f, l)) l Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.SplArith (out_c c, out_c orig, res', l')
+ | SplDistinctElim (c',f) -> Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.SplDistinctElim (out_c c, out_c c', out_f f)
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let def_step =
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.Res (mkInt 0, mkArray [|mkInt 0|]) in
+ let r = ref confl in
+ let nc = ref 0 in
+ while not (isRoot !r.kind) do r := prev !r; incr nc done;
+ let last_root = !r in
+ let size = !nc in
+ let max = (Parray.trunc_size (Uint63.of_int 4194303)) - 1 in
+ let q,r1 = size / max, size mod max in
+ let trace =
+ let len = if r1 = 0 then q + 1 else q + 2 in
+ Array.make len (mkArray [|def_step|]) in
+ for j = 0 to q - 1 do
+ let tracej = Array.make (Parray.trunc_size (Uint63.of_int 4194303)) def_step in
+ for i = 0 to max - 1 do
+ r := next !r;
+ tracej.(i) <- step_to_coq !r;
+ done;
+ trace.(j) <- mkArray tracej
+ done;
+ if r1 <> 0 then begin
+ let traceq = Array.make (r1 + 1) def_step in
+ for i = 0 to r1-1 do
+ r := next !r;
+ traceq.(i) <- step_to_coq !r;
+ done;
+ trace.(q) <- mkArray traceq
+ end;
+ (mkArray trace, last_root)
+let btype_to_coq = function
+ | TZ -> Smt_checker.Typ.TZ
+ | Tbool -> Smt_checker.Typ.Tbool
+ | Tpositive -> Smt_checker.Typ.Tpositive
+ | Tindex i -> Smt_checker.Typ.Tindex (mkInt (SmtAtom.indexed_type_index i))
+let c_to_coq = function
+ | CO_xH -> Smt_checker.Atom.CO_xH
+ | CO_Z0 -> Smt_checker.Atom.CO_Z0
+let u_to_coq = function
+ | UO_xO -> Smt_checker.Atom.UO_xO
+ | UO_xI -> Smt_checker.Atom.UO_xI
+ | UO_Zpos -> Smt_checker.Atom.UO_Zpos
+ | UO_Zneg -> Smt_checker.Atom.UO_Zneg
+ | UO_Zopp -> Smt_checker.Atom.UO_Zopp
+let b_to_coq = function
+ | BO_Zplus -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zplus
+ | BO_Zminus -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zminus
+ | BO_Zmult -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zmult
+ | BO_Zlt -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zlt
+ | BO_Zle -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zle
+ | BO_Zge -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zge
+ | BO_Zgt -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_Zgt
+ | BO_eq t -> Smt_checker.Atom.BO_eq (btype_to_coq t)
+let n_to_coq = function
+ | NO_distinct t -> btype_to_coq t
+let i_to_coq i = mkInt (SmtAtom.indexed_op_index i)
+let a_to_coq a =
+ let to_coq h = mkInt (Atom.index h) in
+ match a with
+ | Acop op -> Smt_checker.Atom.Acop (c_to_coq op)
+ | Auop (op,h) -> Smt_checker.Atom.Auop (u_to_coq op, to_coq h)
+ | Abop (op,h1,h2) ->
+ Smt_checker.Atom.Abop (b_to_coq op, to_coq h1, to_coq h2)
+ | Anop (op,ha) ->
+ let cop = n_to_coq op in
+ let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> Smt_checker.Cons (to_coq h, l)) ha Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Atom.Anop (cop, cargs)
+ | Aapp (op,args) ->
+ let cop = i_to_coq op in
+ let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> Smt_checker.Cons (to_coq h, l)) args Smt_checker.Nil in
+ Smt_checker.Atom.Aapp (cop, cargs)
+let atom_interp_tbl reify =
+ let t = Atom.to_array reify (Smt_checker.Atom.Acop Smt_checker.Atom.CO_xH) a_to_coq in
+ mkArray t
+let form_to_coq hf = mkInt (Form.to_lit hf)
+let args_to_coq args =
+ let cargs = Array.make (Array.length args + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ Array.iteri (fun i hf -> cargs.(i) <- form_to_coq hf) args;
+ mkArray cargs
+let pf_to_coq = function
+ | Fatom a -> Smt_checker.Form.Fatom (mkInt (Atom.index a))
+ | Fapp(op,args) ->
+ match op with
+ | Ftrue -> Smt_checker.Form.Ftrue
+ | Ffalse -> Smt_checker.Form.Ffalse
+ | Fand -> Smt_checker.Form.Fand (args_to_coq args)
+ | For -> Smt_checker.Form.For (args_to_coq args)
+ | Fimp -> Smt_checker.Form.Fimp (args_to_coq args)
+ | Fxor -> if Array.length args = 2 then Smt_checker.Form.Fxor (form_to_coq args.(0), form_to_coq args.(1)) else assert false
+ | Fiff -> if Array.length args = 2 then Smt_checker.Form.Fiff (form_to_coq args.(0), form_to_coq args.(1)) else assert false
+ | Fite -> if Array.length args = 3 then Smt_checker.Form.Fite (form_to_coq args.(0), form_to_coq args.(1), form_to_coq args.(2)) else assert false
+ | Fnot2 i -> Smt_checker.Form.Fnot2 (mkInt i, form_to_coq args.(0))
+let form_interp_tbl reify =
+ let (_,t) = Form.to_array reify Smt_checker.Form.Ftrue pf_to_coq in
+ mkArray t
+(* Importing from SMT-LIB v.2 without generating section variables *)
+let count_btype = ref 0
+let count_op = ref 0
+let declare_sort sym =
+ let s = string_of_symbol sym in
+ let res = Tindex (dummy_indexed_type !count_btype) in
+ incr count_btype;
+ VeritSyntax.add_btype s res;
+ res
+let declare_fun sym arg cod =
+ let s = string_of_symbol sym in
+ let tyl = List.map sort_of_sort arg in
+ let ty = sort_of_sort cod in
+ let op = dummy_indexed_op !count_op (Array.of_list (List.map fst tyl)) (fst ty) in
+ incr count_op;
+ VeritSyntax.add_fun s op;
+ op
+let declare_commands ra rf acc = function
+ | CDeclareSort (_,sym,_) -> let _ = declare_sort sym in acc
+ | CDeclareFun (_,sym, (_, arg), cod) -> let _ = declare_fun sym arg cod in acc
+ | CAssert (_, t) -> (make_root ra rf t)::acc
+ | _ -> acc
+let import_smtlib2 ra rf filename =
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let commands = Smtlib2_parse.main Smtlib2_lex.token lexbuf in
+ close_in chan;
+ match commands with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (Smtlib2_ast.Commands (_,(_,res))) ->
+ List.rev (List.fold_left (declare_commands ra rf) [] res)
+(* The final checker *)
+let this_clear_all () =
+ Verit.clear_all ();
+ count_btype := 0;
+ count_op := 0
+let checker fsmt fproof =
+ this_clear_all ();
+ let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in
+ let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in
+ let roots = import_smtlib2 ra rf fsmt in
+ let (max_id, confl) = import_trace fproof None in
+ let (tres,last_root) = to_coq (fun i -> mkInt (SmtAtom.Form.to_lit i)) confl in
+ let certif =
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.Certif (mkInt (max_id + 1), tres, mkInt (get_pos confl)) in
+ let used_roots = compute_roots roots last_root in
+ let used_rootsCstr =
+ let l = List.length used_roots in
+ let res = Array.make (l + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref (l-1) in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt j; decr i) used_roots;
+ Smt_checker.Some (mkArray res) in
+ let rootsCstr =
+ let res = Array.make (List.length roots + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.iter (fun j -> res.(!i) <- mkInt (SmtAtom.Form.to_lit j); incr i) roots;
+ mkArray res in
+ let t_atom = atom_interp_tbl ra in
+ let t_form = form_interp_tbl rf in
+ Smt_checker.Euf_Checker.checker_ext t_atom t_form rootsCstr used_rootsCstr certif
diff --git a/src/extraction/zchaff_checker.ml b/src/extraction/zchaff_checker.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e87cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extraction/zchaff_checker.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+open SmtCertif
+open SmtForm
+open SatAtom
+open SmtTrace
+open Zchaff
+open Sat_checker
+let mkInt = ExtrNative.of_int
+let mkArray = ExtrNative.of_array
+let make_roots first last =
+ let roots = Array.make (last.id + 2) (mkArray (Array.make 1 (mkInt 0))) in
+ let mk_elem l =
+ let x = match Form.pform l with
+ | Fatom x -> x + 2
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ mkInt (if Form.is_pos l then x lsl 1 else (x lsl 1) lxor 1) in
+ let r = ref first in
+ while !r.id < last.id do
+ let root = Array.of_list (get_val !r) in
+ let croot = Array.make (Array.length root + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ Array.iteri (fun i l -> croot.(i) <- mk_elem l) root;
+ roots.(!r.id) <- mkArray croot;
+ r := next !r
+ done;
+ let root = Array.of_list (get_val !r) in
+ let croot = Array.make (Array.length root + 1) (mkInt 0) in
+ Array.iteri (fun i l -> croot.(i) <- mk_elem l) root;
+ roots.(!r.id) <- mkArray croot;
+ mkArray roots
+let to_coq to_lit (cstep,
+ cRes, cImmFlatten,
+ cTrue, cFalse, cBuildDef, cBuildDef2, cBuildProj,
+ cImmBuildProj,cImmBuildDef,cImmBuildDef2,
+ cEqTr, cEqCgr, cEqCgrP,
+ cLiaMicromega, cLiaDiseq, cSplArith, cSplDistinctElim) confl =
+ let step_to_coq c =
+ match c.kind with
+ | Res res ->
+ let size = List.length res.rtail + 3 in
+ let args = Array.make size (mkInt 0) in
+ args.(0) <- mkInt (get_pos res.rc1);
+ args.(1) <- mkInt (get_pos res.rc2);
+ let l = ref res.rtail in
+ for i = 2 to size - 2 do
+ match !l with
+ | c::tl ->
+ args.(i) <- mkInt (get_pos c);
+ l := tl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ done;
+ Sat_Checker.Res (mkInt (get_pos c), mkArray args)
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let def_step =
+ Sat_Checker.Res (mkInt 0, mkArray [|mkInt 0|]) in
+ let r = ref confl in
+ let nc = ref 0 in
+ while not (isRoot !r.kind) do r := prev !r; incr nc done;
+ let last_root = !r in
+ let size = !nc in
+ let max = (Parray.trunc_size (Uint63.of_int 4194303)) - 1 in
+ let q,r1 = size / max, size mod max in
+ let trace =
+ let len = if r1 = 0 then q + 1 else q + 2 in
+ Array.make len (mkArray [|def_step|]) in
+ for j = 0 to q - 1 do
+ let tracej = Array.make (Parray.trunc_size (Uint63.of_int 4194303)) def_step in
+ for i = 0 to max - 1 do
+ r := next !r;
+ tracej.(i) <- step_to_coq !r;
+ done;
+ trace.(j) <- mkArray tracej
+ done;
+ if r1 <> 0 then begin
+ let traceq = Array.make (r1 + 1) def_step in
+ for i = 0 to r1-1 do
+ r := next !r;
+ traceq.(i) <- step_to_coq !r;
+ done;
+ trace.(q) <- mkArray traceq
+ end;
+ (mkArray trace, last_root)
+let checker fdimacs ftrace =
+ SmtTrace.clear ();
+ let _,first,last,reloc = import_cnf fdimacs in
+ let d = make_roots first last in
+ let max_id, confl = import_cnf_trace reloc ftrace first last in
+ let (tres,_) =
+ to_coq (fun _ -> assert false) certif_ops confl in
+ let certif =
+ Sat_Checker.Certif (mkInt (max_id + 1), tres, mkInt (get_pos confl)) in
+ Sat_Checker.checker d certif