diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2021-07-14 19:53:06 +0200
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2021-07-14 19:53:06 +0200
commitea17cde8c571e8b2f0b999b25de57d331267b4f4 (patch)
parent4042138101d433cefed0a9157a2dc6fda54e4b60 (diff)
Add shuffling of Verilog items
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Shuffle.hs b/src/Verismith/Shuffle.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c72900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verismith/Shuffle.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Verismith.Shuffle
+-- Description : Shuffle Verilog around.
+-- Copyright : (c) 2021, Yann Herklotz
+-- License : GPL-3
+-- Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : POSIX
+-- Shuffles the Verilog file around a bit.
+module Verismith.Shuffle where
+import Control.Lens hiding (Context)
+import Control.Monad (replicateM)
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.List (intercalate, partition)
+import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Hedgehog (Gen, GenT, MonadGen)
+import qualified Hedgehog as Hog
+import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Hog
+import qualified Hedgehog.Range as HogR
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Verismith.Config
+import Verismith.Internal
+import Verismith.Verilog.AST
+import Verismith.Verilog.BitVec
+import Verismith.Verilog.Eval
+import Verismith.Verilog.Internal
+import Verismith.Verilog.Mutate
+import Verismith.Generate
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen
+import Verismith.Verilog.Quote
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import Hedgehog (Gen, GenT, MonadGen)
+-- | Shuffles assign statements and always blocks in a Verilog file.
+shuffleLinesModule :: (MonadGen m) => ModDecl a -> m (ModDecl a)
+shuffleLinesModule m = do
+ shuf' <- Hog.shuffle shuf
+ return (m&modItems.~(stat <> shuf'))
+ where
+ (shuf, stat) = partition (\x -> case x of
+ Always _ -> True
+ ModCA _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+ ) (m^.modItems)
+renameIdent :: Map.Map Text Text -> Identifier -> Identifier
+renameIdent map (Identifier e) = Identifier $ Map.findWithDefault e e map
+renameExpr :: Map.Map Text Text -> Expr -> Expr
+renameExpr map (Id e) = Id (renameIdent map e)
+renameExpr _ e = e
+renameVariablesModule :: (MonadGen m) => ModDecl a -> m (ModDecl a)
+renameVariablesModule m = do
+ shuf' <- Hog.shuffle ids
+ let map = Map.fromList $ zip ids shuf'
+ return (m &
+ (modItems.traverse %~ (mutExpr (transform $ renameExpr map)))
+ . (modOutPorts.traverse.portName %~ renameIdent map)
+ . (modInPorts.traverse.portName %~ renameIdent map)
+ . (modItems.traverse.declPort.portName %~ renameIdent map)
+ . (transformOn (modItems.traverse._Always) (stmntBA.assignReg.regId %~ renameIdent map))
+ . (transformOn (modItems.traverse._Always) (stmntNBA.assignReg.regId %~ renameIdent map))
+ . (transformOn (modItems.traverse._Initial) (stmntBA.assignReg.regId %~ renameIdent map))
+ . (transformOn (modItems.traverse._Initial) (stmntNBA.assignReg.regId %~ renameIdent map))
+ . (modItems.traverse.modContAssign.contAssignNetLVal %~ renameIdent map))
+ where
+ ids = nubOrd $ (concatMap universe $ allExprCA <> allExprStmnt)^..traverse._Id._Wrapped
+ allExprCA = m^..modItems.traverse.modContAssign.contAssignExpr
+ allExprStmnt =
+ (allStat^..traverse.stmntCondExpr)
+ <> (allStat^..traverse.stmntCaseExpr)
+ <> (allStat^..traverse.forExpr)
+ <> (allStat^..traverse.stmntBA.assignExpr)
+ <> (allStat^..traverse.stmntNBA.assignExpr)
+ allStat = concatMap universe stat
+ stat = (m^..modItems.traverse._Initial)
+ <> (m^..modItems.traverse._Always)
+identModule :: (MonadGen m) => ModDecl a -> m (ModDecl a)
+identModule = return
+applyModules :: (MonadGen m) => (ModDecl a -> m (ModDecl a)) -> SourceInfo a -> m (SourceInfo a)
+applyModules f s = do
+ ms' <- sequence (f <$> ms)
+ return (s & infoSrc._Wrapped .~ ms')
+ where
+ ms = s^.infoSrc._Wrapped
+shuffleLines, renameVariables, identityMod :: (SourceInfo a) -> Gen (SourceInfo a)
+shuffleLines = applyModules shuffleLinesModule
+renameVariables = applyModules renameVariablesModule
+identityMod = applyModules identModule
+m' :: SourceInfo ()
+m' = SourceInfo "m" [verilog|
+module fir_kernel_4tap_arch_1 #(
+ parameter BW = 32,
+ parameter SW = 5
+) (X1, X2, X3, X5, X4, S, result);
+ input [BW-1:0] X1;
+ input [BW-1:0] X2;
+ input [BW-1:0] X3;
+ input [BW-1:0] X5;
+ input [BW-1:0] X4;
+ input [SW-1:0] S;
+ output [BW-1:0] result;
+ reg [SW:0] two_shift;
+ wire [BW-1:0] first_sum;
+ wire [BW-1:0] second_sum;
+ always @* two_shift = S<<1;
+ assign first_sum = X1 + X2 + (X3<<S);
+ assign second_sum = X4 + (X5 << S);
+ assign result = ((first_sum >> two_shift) + second_sum) >> S;
+renameExample, shuffleExample :: IO (GenVerilog (SourceInfo ()))
+renameExample = GenVerilog <$> Hog.sample (renameVariables m')
+shuffleExample = GenVerilog <$> Hog.sample (shuffleLines m')