path: root/bcd_to_display/simulation/modelsim/bcd_to_display_min_1200mv_0c_vhd_fast.sdo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bcd_to_display/simulation/modelsim/bcd_to_display_min_1200mv_0c_vhd_fast.sdo')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bcd_to_display/simulation/modelsim/bcd_to_display_min_1200mv_0c_vhd_fast.sdo b/bcd_to_display/simulation/modelsim/bcd_to_display_min_1200mv_0c_vhd_fast.sdo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ea8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bcd_to_display/simulation/modelsim/bcd_to_display_min_1200mv_0c_vhd_fast.sdo
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+// Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+// applicable agreement for further details.
+// Device: Altera EP3C16F484C6 Package FBGA484
+// This file contains Fast Corner delays for the design using part EP3C16F484C6,
+// with speed grade M, core voltage 1.2V, and temperature 0 Celsius
+// This SDF file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (VHDL) only
+ (SDFVERSION "2.1")
+ (DESIGN "bcd_to_display")
+ (DATE "02/26/2016 15:29:32")
+ (VENDOR "Altera")
+ (PROGRAM "Quartus II 64-Bit")
+ (VERSION "Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version")
+ (TIMESCALE 1 ps)
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[6\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (161:161:161) (181:181:181))
+ (IOPATH i o (1358:1358:1358) (1378:1378:1378))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[5\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (343:343:343) (380:380:380))
+ (IOPATH i o (1456:1456:1456) (1440:1440:1440))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[4\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (327:327:327) (367:367:367))
+ (IOPATH i o (1348:1348:1348) (1368:1368:1368))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[3\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (164:164:164) (185:185:185))
+ (IOPATH i o (1456:1456:1456) (1440:1440:1440))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[2\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (334:334:334) (368:368:368))
+ (IOPATH i o (1466:1466:1466) (1450:1450:1450))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[1\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (362:362:362) (322:322:322))
+ (IOPATH i o (1480:1480:1480) (1496:1496:1496))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\DISPout\[0\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (599:599:599) (684:684:684))
+ (IOPATH i o (1486:1486:1486) (1470:1470:1470))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\BCDin\[2\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (421:421:421) (803:803:803))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\BCDin\[1\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (391:391:391) (773:773:773))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\BCDin\[3\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (381:381:381) (763:763:763))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\BCDin\[0\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (431:431:431) (813:813:813))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst30\~0\\)
+ (PORT dataa (1497:1497:1497) (1684:1684:1684))
+ (PORT datab (1504:1504:1504) (1681:1681:1681))
+ (PORT datac (1640:1640:1640) (1835:1835:1835))
+ (PORT datad (1639:1639:1639) (1829:1829:1829))
+ (IOPATH dataa combout (186:186:186) (175:175:175))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
+ (IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst29\~0\\)
+ (PORT dataa (1497:1497:1497) (1684:1684:1684))
+ (PORT datab (1504:1504:1504) (1681:1681:1681))
+ (PORT datac (1641:1641:1641) (1835:1835:1835))
+ (PORT datad (1637:1637:1637) (1827:1827:1827))
+ (IOPATH dataa combout (170:170:170) (163:163:163))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
+ (IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst32\~0\\)
+ (PORT dataa (1496:1496:1496) (1681:1681:1681))
+ (PORT datab (1507:1507:1507) (1684:1684:1684))
+ (PORT datad (1642:1642:1642) (1833:1833:1833))
+ (IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (168:168:168) (167:167:167))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst23\~0\\)
+ (PORT dataa (1496:1496:1496) (1682:1682:1682))
+ (PORT datab (1505:1505:1505) (1683:1683:1683))
+ (PORT datac (1639:1639:1639) (1833:1833:1833))
+ (PORT datad (1641:1641:1641) (1832:1832:1832))
+ (IOPATH dataa combout (165:165:165) (159:159:159))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (190:190:190) (177:177:177))
+ (IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst21\~0\\)
+ (PORT dataa (1494:1494:1494) (1679:1679:1679))
+ (PORT datab (1507:1507:1507) (1685:1685:1685))
+ (PORT datac (1637:1637:1637) (1831:1831:1831))
+ (PORT datad (1643:1643:1643) (1834:1834:1834))
+ (IOPATH dataa combout (170:170:170) (163:163:163))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
+ (IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst24\~0\\)
+ (PORT datab (1509:1509:1509) (1687:1687:1687))
+ (PORT datad (1644:1644:1644) (1835:1835:1835))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (168:168:168) (167:167:167))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst20\~0\\)
+ (PORT dataa (1493:1493:1493) (1676:1676:1676))
+ (PORT datab (1507:1507:1507) (1685:1685:1685))
+ (PORT datac (1636:1636:1636) (1830:1830:1830))
+ (PORT datad (1643:1643:1643) (1834:1834:1834))
+ (IOPATH dataa combout (165:165:165) (159:159:159))
+ (IOPATH datab combout (168:168:168) (167:167:167))
+ (IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
+ )
+ )
+ )