path: root/sobel_filter/student_files_2015/student_files_2015/prj2/quartus_proj/DE0_CAMERA_MOUSE/db/a_graycounter_s57.tdf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sobel_filter/student_files_2015/student_files_2015/prj2/quartus_proj/DE0_CAMERA_MOUSE/db/a_graycounter_s57.tdf')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sobel_filter/student_files_2015/student_files_2015/prj2/quartus_proj/DE0_CAMERA_MOUSE/db/a_graycounter_s57.tdf b/sobel_filter/student_files_2015/student_files_2015/prj2/quartus_proj/DE0_CAMERA_MOUSE/db/a_graycounter_s57.tdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776938d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sobel_filter/student_files_2015/student_files_2015/prj2/quartus_proj/DE0_CAMERA_MOUSE/db/a_graycounter_s57.tdf
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+--a_graycounter DEVICE_FAMILY="Cyclone III" PVALUE=1 WIDTH=10 aclr clock cnt_en q
+--VERSION_BEGIN 13.0 cbx_a_gray2bin 2013:06:12:18:03:43:SJ cbx_a_graycounter 2013:06:12:18:03:43:SJ cbx_cycloneii 2013:06:12:18:03:43:SJ cbx_mgl 2013:06:12:18:05:10:SJ cbx_stratix 2013:06:12:18:03:43:SJ cbx_stratixii 2013:06:12:18:03:43:SJ VERSION_END
+-- Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
+-- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+-- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+-- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+-- (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+-- associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+-- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+-- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+-- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+-- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+-- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+-- Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+-- applicable agreement for further details.
+--synthesis_resources = reg 14
+SUBDESIGN a_graycounter_s57
+ aclr : input;
+ clock : input;
+ cnt_en : input;
+ q[9..0] : output;
+ counter5a0 : dffeas
+ WITH (
+ power_up = "high"
+ );
+ counter5a1 : dffeas;
+ counter5a2 : dffeas;
+ counter5a3 : dffeas;
+ counter5a4 : dffeas;
+ counter5a5 : dffeas;
+ counter5a6 : dffeas;
+ counter5a7 : dffeas;
+ counter5a8 : dffeas;
+ counter5a9 : dffeas;
+ parity6 : dffeas
+ WITH (
+ power_up = "high"
+ );
+ sub_parity7a[2..0] : dffeas;
+ cntr_cout[9..0] : WIRE;
+ parity_cout : WIRE;
+ sclr : NODE;
+ updown : NODE;
+ counter5a[9..0].clk = clock;
+ counter5a[9..1].clrn = (! aclr);
+ counter5a[9..0].d = ( (counter5a[9].q $ cntr_cout[8..8]), (counter5a[8].q $ (counter5a[7].q & cntr_cout[7..7])), (counter5a[7].q $ (counter5a[6].q & cntr_cout[6..6])), (counter5a[6].q $ (counter5a[5].q & cntr_cout[5..5])), (counter5a[5].q $ (counter5a[4].q & cntr_cout[4..4])), (counter5a[4].q $ (counter5a[3].q & cntr_cout[3..3])), (counter5a[3].q $ (counter5a[2].q & cntr_cout[2..2])), (counter5a[2].q $ (counter5a[1].q & cntr_cout[1..1])), (counter5a[1].q $ (counter5a[0].q & cntr_cout[0..0])), ((cnt_en & (counter5a[0].q $ (! parity_cout))) # ((! cnt_en) & counter5a[0].q)));
+ counter5a[0].prn = (! aclr);
+ counter5a[9..0].sclr = sclr;
+ parity6.clk = clock;
+ parity6.d = ((cnt_en & ((sub_parity7a[0..0].q $ sub_parity7a[1..1].q) $ sub_parity7a[2..2].q)) # ((! cnt_en) & parity6.q));
+ parity6.prn = (! aclr);
+ parity6.sclr = sclr;
+ sub_parity7a[].clk = ( clock, clock, clock);
+ sub_parity7a[].clrn = ( (! aclr), (! aclr), (! aclr));
+ sub_parity7a[].d = ( ((cnt_en & (counter5a[8..8].q $ counter5a[9..9].q)) # ((! cnt_en) & sub_parity7a[2].q)), ((cnt_en & (((counter5a[4..4].q $ counter5a[5..5].q) $ counter5a[6..6].q) $ counter5a[7..7].q)) # ((! cnt_en) & sub_parity7a[1].q)), ((cnt_en & (((counter5a[0..0].q $ counter5a[1..1].q) $ counter5a[2..2].q) $ counter5a[3..3].q)) # ((! cnt_en) & sub_parity7a[0].q)));
+ sub_parity7a[].sclr = ( sclr, sclr, sclr);
+ cntr_cout[] = ( B"0", (cntr_cout[7..7] & (! counter5a[7].q)), (cntr_cout[6..6] & (! counter5a[6].q)), (cntr_cout[5..5] & (! counter5a[5].q)), (cntr_cout[4..4] & (! counter5a[4].q)), (cntr_cout[3..3] & (! counter5a[3].q)), (cntr_cout[2..2] & (! counter5a[2].q)), (cntr_cout[1..1] & (! counter5a[1].q)), (cntr_cout[0..0] & (! counter5a[0].q)), (cnt_en & parity_cout));
+ parity_cout = (((! parity6.q) $ updown) & cnt_en);
+ q[] = counter5a[9..0].q;
+ sclr = GND;
+ updown = VCC;