path: root/ten_d_flip_flop/simulation/modelsim/ten_d_flip_flop_vhd.sdo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ten_d_flip_flop/simulation/modelsim/ten_d_flip_flop_vhd.sdo')
1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ten_d_flip_flop/simulation/modelsim/ten_d_flip_flop_vhd.sdo b/ten_d_flip_flop/simulation/modelsim/ten_d_flip_flop_vhd.sdo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1b4d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ten_d_flip_flop/simulation/modelsim/ten_d_flip_flop_vhd.sdo
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+// Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+// applicable agreement for further details.
+// Device: Altera EP4CGX15BF14C6 Package FBGA169
+// This file contains Slow Corner delays for the design using part EP4CGX15BF14C6,
+// with speed grade 6, core voltage 1.2V, and temperature 85 Celsius
+// This SDF file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (VHDL) only
+ (SDFVERSION "2.1")
+ (DESIGN "ten_d_flip_flop")
+ (DATE "02/19/2016 16:48:21")
+ (VENDOR "Altera")
+ (PROGRAM "Quartus II 64-Bit")
+ (VERSION "Version 13.1.0 Build 162 10/23/2013 SJ Web Edition")
+ (TIMESCALE 1 ps)
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[9\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (1037:1037:1037) (1073:1073:1073))
+ (IOPATH i o (2534:2534:2534) (2436:2436:2436))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[8\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (345:345:345) (382:382:382))
+ (IOPATH i o (2745:2745:2745) (2674:2674:2674))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[7\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (527:527:527) (546:546:546))
+ (IOPATH i o (2659:2659:2659) (2557:2557:2557))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[6\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (616:616:616) (662:662:662))
+ (IOPATH i o (2745:2745:2745) (2674:2674:2674))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[5\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (1265:1265:1265) (1369:1369:1369))
+ (IOPATH i o (2544:2544:2544) (2446:2446:2446))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[4\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (615:615:615) (645:645:645))
+ (IOPATH i o (2745:2745:2745) (2674:2674:2674))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[3\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (877:877:877) (925:925:925))
+ (IOPATH i o (2649:2649:2649) (2547:2547:2547))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[2\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (1023:1023:1023) (1071:1071:1071))
+ (IOPATH i o (2534:2534:2534) (2436:2436:2436))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[1\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (345:345:345) (382:382:382))
+ (IOPATH i o (2589:2589:2589) (2486:2486:2486))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_obuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\Q\[0\]\~output\\)
+ (PORT i (611:611:611) (651:651:651))
+ (IOPATH i o (3425:3425:3425) (3387:3387:3387))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\CLK\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (527:527:527) (701:701:701))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_clkctrl")
+ (INSTANCE \\CLK\~inputclkctrl\\)
+ (PORT inclk[0] (390:390:390) (378:378:378))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[9\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (525:525:525) (698:698:698))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst9)
+ (PORT clk (1430:1430:1430) (1401:1401:1401))
+ (PORT asdata (1778:1778:1778) (1758:1758:1758))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[8\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (515:515:515) (688:688:688))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst8)
+ (PORT clk (1422:1422:1422) (1399:1399:1399))
+ (PORT asdata (1458:1458:1458) (1444:1444:1444))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[7\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (537:537:537) (711:711:711))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst7)
+ (PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1425:1425:1425))
+ (PORT asdata (3750:3750:3750) (4006:4006:4006))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[6\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (525:525:525) (698:698:698))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst6\~feeder\\)
+ (PORT datad (3385:3385:3385) (3658:3658:3658))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst6)
+ (PORT clk (1428:1428:1428) (1403:1403:1403))
+ (PORT d (74:74:74) (91:91:91))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD d (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[5\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (537:537:537) (711:711:711))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst5)
+ (PORT clk (1450:1450:1450) (1425:1425:1425))
+ (PORT asdata (3393:3393:3393) (3633:3633:3633))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[4\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (525:525:525) (698:698:698))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst4\~feeder\\)
+ (PORT datad (3079:3079:3079) (3352:3352:3352))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst4)
+ (PORT clk (1431:1431:1431) (1402:1402:1402))
+ (PORT d (74:74:74) (91:91:91))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD d (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[3\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (535:535:535) (708:708:708))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst3\~feeder\\)
+ (PORT datad (3011:3011:3011) (3264:3264:3264))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst3)
+ (PORT clk (1435:1435:1435) (1410:1410:1410))
+ (PORT d (74:74:74) (91:91:91))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD d (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[2\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (517:517:517) (691:691:691))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst2\~feeder\\)
+ (PORT datad (3064:3064:3064) (3315:3315:3315))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst2)
+ (PORT clk (1456:1456:1456) (1430:1430:1430))
+ (PORT d (74:74:74) (91:91:91))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD d (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[1\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (525:525:525) (698:698:698))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst1)
+ (PORT clk (1432:1432:1432) (1409:1409:1409))
+ (PORT asdata (3461:3461:3461) (3731:3731:3731))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_io_ibuf")
+ (INSTANCE \\D\[0\]\~input\\)
+ (IOPATH i o (535:535:535) (708:708:708))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "cycloneiv_lcell_comb")
+ (INSTANCE \\inst\~feeder\\)
+ (PORT datad (3078:3078:3078) (3341:3341:3341))
+ (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (CELLTYPE "dffeas")
+ (INSTANCE inst)
+ (PORT clk (1434:1434:1434) (1409:1409:1409))
+ (PORT d (74:74:74) (91:91:91))
+ (IOPATH (posedge clk) q (199:199:199) (199:199:199))
+ )
+ )
+ (HOLD d (posedge clk) (157:157:157))
+ )
+ )