path: root/part_1/ex1/output_files/ex1.sta.rpt
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+TimeQuest Timing Analyzer report for ex1
+Tue Nov 15 09:50:02 2016
+Quartus Prime Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition
+; Table of Contents ;
+ 1. Legal Notice
+ 2. TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Summary
+ 3. Parallel Compilation
+ 4. Clocks
+ 5. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Fmax Summary
+ 6. Timing Closure Recommendations
+ 7. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary
+ 8. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary
+ 9. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary
+ 10. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary
+ 11. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary
+ 12. Slow 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary
+ 13. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Fmax Summary
+ 14. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary
+ 15. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary
+ 16. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary
+ 17. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary
+ 18. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary
+ 19. Slow 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary
+ 20. Fast 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary
+ 21. Fast 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary
+ 22. Fast 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary
+ 23. Fast 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary
+ 24. Fast 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary
+ 25. Fast 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary
+ 26. Fast 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary
+ 27. Fast 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary
+ 28. Fast 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary
+ 29. Fast 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary
+ 30. Fast 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary
+ 31. Fast 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary
+ 32. Multicorner Timing Analysis Summary
+ 33. Board Trace Model Assignments
+ 34. Input Transition Times
+ 35. Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 0c Model)
+ 36. Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 85c Model)
+ 37. Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 0c Model)
+ 38. Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 85c Model)
+ 39. Clock Transfers
+ 40. Report TCCS
+ 41. Report RSKM
+ 42. Unconstrained Paths Summary
+ 43. Unconstrained Input Ports
+ 44. Unconstrained Output Ports
+ 45. Unconstrained Input Ports
+ 46. Unconstrained Output Ports
+ 47. TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Messages
+; Legal Notice ;
+Copyright (C) 1991-2016 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+(including device programming or simulation files), and any
+associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+Subscription Agreement, the Altera Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+the Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
+applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
+that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
+devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera or its
+authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+agreement for further details.
+; TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Summary ;
+; Quartus Prime Version ; Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition ;
+; Timing Analyzer ; TimeQuest ;
+; Revision Name ; ex1 ;
+; Device Family ; Cyclone V ;
+; Device Name ; 5CSEMA5F31C6 ;
+; Timing Models ; Final ;
+; Delay Model ; Combined ;
+; Rise/Fall Delays ; Enabled ;
+; Parallel Compilation ;
+; Processors ; Number ;
+; Number detected on machine ; 8 ;
+; Maximum allowed ; 4 ;
+; ; ;
+; Average used ; 1.01 ;
+; Maximum used ; 4 ;
+; ; ;
+; Usage by Processor ; % Time Used ;
+; Processor 1 ; 100.0% ;
+; Processor 2 ; 0.9% ;
+; Processors 3-4 ; 0.2% ;
+; Clocks ;
+No clocks to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Fmax Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Timing Closure Recommendations ;
+HTML report is unavailable in plain text report export.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary ;
+No synchronizer chains to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Fmax Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary ;
+No synchronizer chains to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary ;
+No synchronizer chains to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary ;
+No paths to report.
+; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary ;
+No synchronizer chains to report.
+; Multicorner Timing Analysis Summary ;
+; Clock ; Setup ; Hold ; Recovery ; Removal ; Minimum Pulse Width ;
+; Worst-case Slack ; N/A ; N/A ; N/A ; N/A ; N/A ;
+; Design-wide TNS ; 0.0 ; 0.0 ; 0.0 ; 0.0 ; 0.0 ;
+; Board Trace Model Assignments ;
+; Pin ; I/O Standard ; Near Tline Length ; Near Tline L per Length ; Near Tline C per Length ; Near Series R ; Near Differential R ; Near Pull-up R ; Near Pull-down R ; Near C ; Far Tline Length ; Far Tline L per Length ; Far Tline C per Length ; Far Series R ; Far Pull-up R ; Far Pull-down R ; Far C ; Termination Voltage ; Far Differential R ; EBD File Name ; EBD Signal Name ; EBD Far-end ;
+; HEX0[6] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; HEX0[5] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; HEX0[4] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; HEX0[3] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; HEX0[2] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; HEX0[1] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; HEX0[0] ; 2.5 V ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; - ; open ; open ; open ; 0 in ; 0 H/in ; 0 F/in ; short ; open ; open ; open ; 0 V ; - ; n/a ; n/a ; n/a ;
+; Input Transition Times ;
+; Pin ; I/O Standard ; 10-90 Rise Time ; 90-10 Fall Time ;
+; SW[2] ; 2.5 V ; 2000 ps ; 2000 ps ;
+; SW[3] ; 2.5 V ; 2000 ps ; 2000 ps ;
+; SW[1] ; 2.5 V ; 2000 ps ; 2000 ps ;
+; SW[0] ; 2.5 V ; 2000 ps ; 2000 ps ;
+; Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 0c Model) ;
+; Pin ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
+; HEX0[6] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0557 V ; 0.175 V ; 0.114 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0557 V ; 0.175 V ; 0.114 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[5] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[4] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0557 V ; 0.175 V ; 0.114 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0557 V ; 0.175 V ; 0.114 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[3] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[2] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0557 V ; 0.175 V ; 0.114 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0557 V ; 0.175 V ; 0.114 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[1] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[0] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.32 V ; 3.52e-07 V ; 2.42 V ; -0.0568 V ; 0.173 V ; 0.113 V ; 4.5e-10 s ; 4.35e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 85c Model) ;
+; Pin ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
+; HEX0[6] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.037 V ; 0.188 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.67e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.037 V ; 0.188 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.67e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; HEX0[5] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; HEX0[4] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.037 V ; 0.188 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.67e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.037 V ; 0.188 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.67e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; HEX0[3] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; HEX0[2] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.037 V ; 0.188 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.67e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.037 V ; 0.188 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.67e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; HEX0[1] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; HEX0[0] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ; 2.32 V ; 3.88e-05 V ; 2.39 V ; -0.0374 V ; 0.189 V ; 0.158 V ; 4.66e-10 s ; 4.67e-10 s ; No ; Yes ;
+; Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 0c Model) ;
+; Pin ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
+; HEX0[6] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.121 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.297 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.121 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.297 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[5] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[4] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.121 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.297 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.121 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.297 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[3] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[2] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.121 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.297 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.121 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.297 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[1] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[0] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 4.14e-06 V ; 2.91 V ; -0.119 V ; 0.326 V ; 0.298 V ; 2.74e-10 s ; 2.8e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 85c Model) ;
+; Pin ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
+; HEX0[6] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0814 V ; 0.36 V ; 0.156 V ; 3e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0814 V ; 0.36 V ; 0.156 V ; 3e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[5] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[4] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0814 V ; 0.36 V ; 0.156 V ; 3e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0814 V ; 0.36 V ; 0.156 V ; 3e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[3] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[2] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0814 V ; 0.36 V ; 0.156 V ; 3e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0814 V ; 0.36 V ; 0.156 V ; 3e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[1] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; HEX0[0] ; 2.5 V ; 0 s ; 0 s ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ; 2.75 V ; 0.000242 V ; 2.86 V ; -0.0805 V ; 0.358 V ; 0.156 V ; 3.01e-10 s ; 4.34e-10 s ; No ; No ;
+; Clock Transfers ;
+Nothing to report.
+; Report TCCS ;
+No dedicated SERDES Transmitter circuitry present in device or used in design
+; Report RSKM ;
+No non-DPA dedicated SERDES Receiver circuitry present in device or used in design
+; Unconstrained Paths Summary ;
+; Property ; Setup ; Hold ;
+; Illegal Clocks ; 0 ; 0 ;
+; Unconstrained Clocks ; 0 ; 0 ;
+; Unconstrained Input Ports ; 4 ; 4 ;
+; Unconstrained Input Port Paths ; 28 ; 28 ;
+; Unconstrained Output Ports ; 7 ; 7 ;
+; Unconstrained Output Port Paths ; 28 ; 28 ;
+; Unconstrained Input Ports ;
+; Input Port ; Comment ;
+; SW[0] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; SW[1] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; SW[2] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; SW[3] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; Unconstrained Output Ports ;
+; Output Port ; Comment ;
+; HEX0[0] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[1] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[2] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[3] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[4] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[5] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[6] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; Unconstrained Input Ports ;
+; Input Port ; Comment ;
+; SW[0] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; SW[1] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; SW[2] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; SW[3] ; No input delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; Unconstrained Output Ports ;
+; Output Port ; Comment ;
+; HEX0[0] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[1] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[2] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[3] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[4] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[5] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; HEX0[6] ; No output delay, min/max delays, false-path exceptions, or max skew assignments found ;
+; TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Messages ;
+Info: *******************************************************************
+Info: Running Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
+ Info: Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition
+ Info: Processing started: Tue Nov 15 09:49:54 2016
+Info: Command: quartus_sta ex1 -c ex1
+Info: qsta_default_script.tcl version: #1
+Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.
+Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected
+Info (21077): Low junction temperature is 0 degrees C
+Info (21077): High junction temperature is 85 degrees C
+Critical Warning (332012): Synopsys Design Constraints File file not found: 'ex1.sdc'. A Synopsys Design Constraints File is required by the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to get proper timing constraints. Without it, the Compiler will not properly optimize the design.
+Info (332142): No user constrained base clocks found in the design. Calling "derive_clocks -period 1.0"
+Info (332096): The command derive_clocks did not find any clocks to derive. No clocks were created or changed.
+Warning (332068): No clocks defined in design.
+Info (332143): No user constrained clock uncertainty found in the design. Calling "derive_clock_uncertainty"
+Info (332154): The derive_clock_uncertainty command did not apply clock uncertainty to any clock-to-clock transfers.
+Info (332159): No clocks to report
+Info: Analyzing Slow 1100mV 85C Model
+Info (332140): No fmax paths to report
+Info (332140): No Setup paths to report
+Info (332140): No Hold paths to report
+Info (332140): No Recovery paths to report
+Info (332140): No Removal paths to report
+Info (332140): No Minimum Pulse Width paths to report
+Info: Analyzing Slow 1100mV 0C Model
+Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
+Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
+Info (332142): No user constrained base clocks found in the design. Calling "derive_clocks -period 1.0"
+Info (332096): The command derive_clocks did not find any clocks to derive. No clocks were created or changed.
+Warning (332068): No clocks defined in design.
+Info (332154): The derive_clock_uncertainty command did not apply clock uncertainty to any clock-to-clock transfers.
+Info (332140): No fmax paths to report
+Info (332140): No Setup paths to report
+Info (332140): No Hold paths to report
+Info (332140): No Recovery paths to report
+Info (332140): No Removal paths to report
+Info (332140): No Minimum Pulse Width paths to report
+Info: Analyzing Fast 1100mV 85C Model
+Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
+Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
+Info (332142): No user constrained base clocks found in the design. Calling "derive_clocks -period 1.0"
+Info (332096): The command derive_clocks did not find any clocks to derive. No clocks were created or changed.
+Warning (332068): No clocks defined in design.
+Info (332154): The derive_clock_uncertainty command did not apply clock uncertainty to any clock-to-clock transfers.
+Info (332140): No Setup paths to report
+Info (332140): No Hold paths to report
+Info (332140): No Recovery paths to report
+Info (332140): No Removal paths to report
+Info (332140): No Minimum Pulse Width paths to report
+Info: Analyzing Fast 1100mV 0C Model
+Info (332142): No user constrained base clocks found in the design. Calling "derive_clocks -period 1.0"
+Info (332096): The command derive_clocks did not find any clocks to derive. No clocks were created or changed.
+Warning (332068): No clocks defined in design.
+Info (332154): The derive_clock_uncertainty command did not apply clock uncertainty to any clock-to-clock transfers.
+Info (332140): No Setup paths to report
+Info (332140): No Hold paths to report
+Info (332140): No Recovery paths to report
+Info (332140): No Removal paths to report
+Info (332140): No Minimum Pulse Width paths to report
+Info (332102): Design is not fully constrained for setup requirements
+Info (332102): Design is not fully constrained for hold requirements
+Info: Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 6 warnings
+ Info: Peak virtual memory: 1173 megabytes
+ Info: Processing ended: Tue Nov 15 09:50:02 2016
+ Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:08
+ Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:05