path: root/part_4/ex16/db/prev_cmp_ex16.qmsg
blob: 9563fd9df10b4bd209047b1f81fd722561d721f6 (plain)
{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "*******************************************************************" {  } {  } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670816941 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "Analysis & Synthesis Quartus Prime " "Running Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition " "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition" {  } {  } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670816943 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:26:56 2016 " "Processing started: Fri Dec 02 09:26:56 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670816943 ""}  } {  } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670816943 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top " "Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top" {  } {  } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670816944 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_USER_SHOULD_SPECIFY_NUM_PROC" "" "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." {  } {  } 0 18236 "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670817483 ""}
{ "Info" "IQCU_PARALLEL_AUTODETECT_MULTIPLE_PROCESSORS" "4 4 " "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected" {  } {  } 0 20030 "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use %1!i! of the %2!i! processors detected" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670817483 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "hex_to_7seg.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file hex_to_7seg.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 hex_to_7seg " "Found entity 1: hex_to_7seg" {  } { { "hex_to_7seg.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/hex_to_7seg.v" 10 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825753 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825753 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "clktick_16.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file clktick_16.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 clktick_16 " "Found entity 1: clktick_16" {  } { { "clktick_16.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/clktick_16.v" 6 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825755 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825755 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "spi2dac.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file spi2dac.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 spi2dac " "Found entity 1: spi2dac" {  } { { "spi2dac.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/spi2dac.v" 9 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825756 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825756 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "spi2adc.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file spi2adc.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 spi2adc " "Found entity 1: spi2adc" {  } { { "spi2adc.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/spi2adc.v" 9 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825758 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825758 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "pwm.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file pwm.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 pwm " "Found entity 1: pwm" {  } { { "pwm.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/pwm.v" 1 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825759 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825759 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "delay_ram.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file delay_ram.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 delay_ram " "Found entity 1: delay_ram" {  } { { "delay_ram.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/delay_ram.v" 39 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825761 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825761 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "allpass.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file allpass.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 processor " "Found entity 1: processor" {  } { { "allpass.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/allpass.v" 9 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825763 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825763 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_NUM_OF_DESIGN_UNITS_AND_ENTITIES" "ex16_top.v 1 1 " "Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file ex16_top.v" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 ex16_top " "Found entity 1: ex16_top" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 9 -1 0 } }  } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670825764 ""}  } {  } 0 12021 "Found %2!llu! design units, including %3!llu! entities, in source file %1!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825764 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_TOP" "ex16_top " "Elaborating entity \"ex16_top\" for the top level hierarchy" {  } {  } 0 12127 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for the top level hierarchy" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825801 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "clktick_16 clktick_16:GEN_10K " "Elaborating entity \"clktick_16\" for hierarchy \"clktick_16:GEN_10K\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "GEN_10K" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 32 0 0 } }  } 0 12128 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825820 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "spi2dac spi2dac:SPI_DAC " "Elaborating entity \"spi2dac\" for hierarchy \"spi2dac:SPI_DAC\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "SPI_DAC" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 34 0 0 } }  } 0 12128 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825828 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "pwm pwm:PWM_DC " "Elaborating entity \"pwm\" for hierarchy \"pwm:PWM_DC\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "PWM_DC" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 35 0 0 } }  } 0 12128 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825836 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "spi2adc spi2adc:SPI_ADC " "Elaborating entity \"spi2adc\" for hierarchy \"spi2adc:SPI_ADC\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "SPI_ADC" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 46 0 0 } }  } 0 12128 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825841 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "processor processor:ALLPASS " "Elaborating entity \"processor\" for hierarchy \"processor:ALLPASS\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "ALLPASS" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 48 0 0 } }  } 0 12128 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825848 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_HIERARCHY" "hex_to_7seg hex_to_7seg:SEG0 " "Elaborating entity \"hex_to_7seg\" for hierarchy \"hex_to_7seg:SEG0\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "SEG0" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 50 0 0 } }  } 0 12128 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for hierarchy \"%2!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670825852 ""}
{ "Warning" "WMLS_MLS_STUCK_PIN_HDR" "" "Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND" { { "Warning" "WMLS_MLS_STUCK_PIN" "HEX2\[1\] GND " "Pin \"HEX2\[1\]\" is stuck at GND" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 15 -1 0 } }  } 0 13410 "Pin \"%1!s!\" is stuck at %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670826449 "|ex16_top|HEX2[1]"}  } {  } 0 13024 "Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670826449 ""}
{ "Info" "ISUTIL_TIMING_DRIVEN_SYNTHESIS_RUNNING" "" "Timing-Driven Synthesis is running" {  } {  } 0 286030 "Timing-Driven Synthesis is running" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670826535 ""}
{ "Info" "IBPM_HARD_BLOCK_PARTITION_CREATED" "hard_block:auto_generated_inst " "Generating hard_block partition \"hard_block:auto_generated_inst\"" { { "Info" "IBPM_HARD_BLOCK_PARTITION_NODE" "0 0 0 0 0 " "Adding 0 node(s), including 0 DDIO, 0 PLL, 0 transceiver and 0 LCELL" {  } {  } 0 16011 "Adding %1!d! node(s), including %2!d! DDIO, %3!d! PLL, %4!d! transceiver and %5!d! LCELL" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670826904 ""}  } {  } 0 16010 "Generating hard_block partition \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670826904 ""}
{ "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN_HDR" "10 " "Design contains 10 input pin(s) that do not drive logic" { { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[0\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[0\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[0]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[1\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[1\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[1]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[2\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[2\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[2]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[3\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[3\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[3]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[4\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[4\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[4]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[5\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[5\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[5]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[6\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[6\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[6]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[7\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[7\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[7]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[8\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[8\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[8]"} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNNECESSARY_INPUT_PIN" "SW\[9\] " "No output dependent on input pin \"SW\[9\]\"" {  } { { "ex16_top.v" "" { Text "C:/New folder/ex16/ex16_top.v" 14 0 0 } }  } 0 15610 "No output dependent on input pin \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827120 "|ex16_top|SW[9]"}  } {  } 0 21074 "Design contains %1!d! input pin(s) that do not drive logic" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670827120 ""}
{ "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_SUMMARY" "189 " "Implemented 189 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different" { { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_IPINS" "12 " "Implemented 12 input pins" {  } {  } 0 21058 "Implemented %1!d! input pins" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827121 ""} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_OPINS" "29 " "Implemented 29 output pins" {  } {  } 0 21059 "Implemented %1!d! output pins" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827121 ""} { "Info" "ICUT_CUT_TM_LCELLS" "148 " "Implemented 148 logic cells" {  } {  } 0 21061 "Implemented %1!d! logic cells" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827121 ""}  } {  } 0 21057 "Implemented %1!d! device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670827121 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "Analysis & Synthesis 0 s 14 s Quartus Prime " "Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 14 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "895 " "Peak virtual memory: 895 megabytes" {  } {  } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827133 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:07 2016 " "Processing ended: Fri Dec 02 09:27:07 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827133 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:11 " "Elapsed time: 00:00:11" {  } {  } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827133 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:21 " "Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:21" {  } {  } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670827133 ""}  } {  } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670827133 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "*******************************************************************" {  } {  } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1480670829197 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "Fitter Quartus Prime " "Running Quartus Prime Fitter" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition " "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition" {  } {  } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670829198 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:08 2016 " "Processing started: Fri Dec 02 09:27:08 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670829198 ""}  } {  } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670829198 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_fit --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top " "Command: quartus_fit --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top" {  } {  } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670829198 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "qfit2_default_script.tcl version: #1" {  } {  } 0 0 "qfit2_default_script.tcl version: #1" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 0 1480670829464 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Project  = ex16" {  } {  } 0 0 "Project  = ex16" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 0 1480670829465 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Revision = ex16_top" {  } {  } 0 0 "Revision = ex16_top" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 0 1480670829465 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_USER_SHOULD_SPECIFY_NUM_PROC" "" "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." {  } {  } 0 18236 "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670829594 ""}
{ "Info" "IQCU_PARALLEL_AUTODETECT_MULTIPLE_PROCESSORS" "4 4 " "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected" {  } {  } 0 20030 "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use %1!i! of the %2!i! processors detected" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670829595 ""}
{ "Info" "IMPP_MPP_USER_DEVICE" "ex16_top 5CSEMA5F31C6 " "Selected device 5CSEMA5F31C6 for design \"ex16_top\"" {  } {  } 0 119006 "Selected device %2!s! for design \"%1!s!\"" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670829877 ""}
{ "Info" "ICUT_CUT_USING_OPERATING_CONDITION" "Low junction temperature 0 degrees C " "Low junction temperature is 0 degrees C" {  } {  } 0 21077 "%1!s! is %2!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670830007 ""}
{ "Info" "ICUT_CUT_USING_OPERATING_CONDITION" "High junction temperature 85 degrees C " "High junction temperature is 85 degrees C" {  } {  } 0 21077 "%1!s! is %2!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670830007 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITCC_FITCC_INFO_AUTO_FIT_COMPILATION_ON" "" "Fitter is performing an Auto Fit compilation, which may decrease Fitter effort to reduce compilation time" {  } {  } 0 171003 "Fitter is performing an Auto Fit compilation, which may decrease Fitter effort to reduce compilation time" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670830416 ""}
{ "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_ATOM_PINS_WITH_INCOMPLETE_IO_ASSIGNMENTS" "" "Some pins have incomplete I/O assignments. Refer to the I/O Assignment Warnings report for details" {  } {  } 0 15714 "Some pins have incomplete I/O assignments. Refer to the I/O Assignment Warnings report for details" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670830737 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITCC_FITCC_FITTER_PERIPHERY_PLACEMENT_START_INFO" "" "Starting Fitter periphery placement operations" {  } {  } 0 184020 "Starting Fitter periphery placement operations" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670840916 ""}
{ "Info" "ICCLK_CLOCKS_TOP_AUTO" "1  (1 global) " "Automatically promoted 1 clock (1 global)" { { "Info" "ICCLK_PROMOTE_ASSIGNMENT" "CLOCK_50~inputCLKENA0 61 global CLKCTRL_G6 " "CLOCK_50~inputCLKENA0 with 61 fanout uses global clock CLKCTRL_G6" {  } {  } 0 11162 "%1!s! with %2!d! fanout uses %3!s! clock %4!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841004 ""}  } {  } 0 11191 "Automatically promoted %1!d! clock%2!s! %3!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841004 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITCC_FITCC_FITTER_PERIPHERY_PLACEMENT_END_INFO" "00:00:00 " "Fitter periphery placement operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:00" {  } {  } 0 184021 "Fitter periphery placement operations ending: elapsed time is %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841004 ""}
{ "Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_REGISTER_PACKING_START_REGPACKING_INFO" "" "Starting register packing" {  } {  } 0 176233 "Starting register packing" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841026 ""}
{ "Extra Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_REGISTER_PACKING_BEGIN_FAST_REGISTER_INFO" "" "Started Fast Input/Output/OE register processing" {  } {  } 1 176236 "Started Fast Input/Output/OE register processing" 1 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841027 ""}
{ "Extra Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_REGISTER_PACKING_FINISH_FAST_REGISTER_INFO" "" "Finished Fast Input/Output/OE register processing" {  } {  } 1 176237 "Finished Fast Input/Output/OE register processing" 1 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841028 ""}
{ "Extra Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_START_MAC_SCAN_CHAIN_INFERENCING" "" "Start inferring scan chains for DSP blocks" {  } {  } 1 176238 "Start inferring scan chains for DSP blocks" 1 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841028 ""}
{ "Extra Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_FINISH_MAC_SCAN_CHAIN_INFERENCING" "" "Inferring scan chains for DSP blocks is complete" {  } {  } 1 176239 "Inferring scan chains for DSP blocks is complete" 1 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841029 ""}
{ "Extra Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_START_IO_MAC_RAM_PACKING" "" "Moving registers into I/O cells, DSP blocks, and RAM blocks to improve timing and density" {  } {  } 1 176246 "Moving registers into I/O cells, DSP blocks, and RAM blocks to improve timing and density" 1 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841029 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_SDC_FOUND" "ex16_top.sdc " "Reading SDC File: 'ex16_top.sdc'" {  } {  } 0 332104 "Reading SDC File: '%1!s!'" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841668 ""}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[0\] spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[0\] is being clocked by spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841671 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841671 "|ex16_top|spi2adc:SPI_ADC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] is being clocked by spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841671 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841671 "|ex16_top|spi2dac:SPI_DAC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_FOUND_DERIVING" "\"derive_clock_uncertainty\" " "No user constrained clock uncertainty found in the design. Calling \"derive_clock_uncertainty\"" {  } {  } 0 332143 "No user constrained clock uncertainty found in the design. Calling %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841673 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_INFO" "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties. " "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties." {  } {  } 0 332123 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841673 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_USER_TDC_OPTIMIZATION_GOALS" "" "Detected timing requirements -- optimizing circuit to achieve only the specified requirements" {  } {  } 0 332129 "Detected timing requirements -- optimizing circuit to achieve only the specified requirements" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841674 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_REPORT_CLOCKS_INFO" "Found 1 clocks " "Found 1 clocks" { { "Info" "ISTA_REPORT_CLOCKS_INFO" "  Period   Clock Name " "  Period   Clock Name" {  } {  } 0 332111 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841674 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_REPORT_CLOCKS_INFO" "======== ============ " "======== ============" {  } {  } 0 332111 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841674 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_REPORT_CLOCKS_INFO" "  20.000     CLOCK_50 " "  20.000     CLOCK_50" {  } {  } 0 332111 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841674 ""}  } {  } 0 332111 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841674 ""}
{ "Extra Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_FINISH_IO_MAC_RAM_PACKING" "" "Finished moving registers into I/O cells, DSP blocks, and RAM blocks" {  } {  } 1 176247 "Finished moving registers into I/O cells, DSP blocks, and RAM blocks" 1 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841685 ""}
{ "Info" "IFSAC_FSAC_REGISTER_PACKING_FINISH_REGPACKING_INFO" "" "Finished register packing" { { "Extra Info" "IFSAC_NO_REGISTERS_WERE_PACKED" "" "No registers were packed into other blocks" {  } {  } 1 176219 "No registers were packed into other blocks" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841685 ""}  } {  } 0 176235 "Finished register packing" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841685 ""}
{ "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN" "" "Ignored locations or region assignments to the following nodes" { { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[0\] " "Node \"HEX3\[0\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[0\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[1\] " "Node \"HEX3\[1\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[1\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[2\] " "Node \"HEX3\[2\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[2\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[3\] " "Node \"HEX3\[3\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[3\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[4\] " "Node \"HEX3\[4\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[4\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[5\] " "Node \"HEX3\[5\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[5\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX3\[6\] " "Node \"HEX3\[6\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX3\[6\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[0\] " "Node \"HEX4\[0\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[0\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[1\] " "Node \"HEX4\[1\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[1\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[2\] " "Node \"HEX4\[2\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[2\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[3\] " "Node \"HEX4\[3\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[3\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[4\] " "Node \"HEX4\[4\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[4\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[5\] " "Node \"HEX4\[5\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[5\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX4\[6\] " "Node \"HEX4\[6\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX4\[6\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[0\] " "Node \"HEX5\[0\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[0\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[1\] " "Node \"HEX5\[1\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[1\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[2\] " "Node \"HEX5\[2\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[2\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[3\] " "Node \"HEX5\[3\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[3\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[4\] " "Node \"HEX5\[4\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[4\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[5\] " "Node \"HEX5\[5\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[5\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "HEX5\[6\] " "Node \"HEX5\[6\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "HEX5\[6\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "KEY\[0\] " "Node \"KEY\[0\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "KEY\[0\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "KEY\[1\] " "Node \"KEY\[1\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "KEY\[1\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "KEY\[2\] " "Node \"KEY\[2\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "KEY\[2\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "KEY\[3\] " "Node \"KEY\[3\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "KEY\[3\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[0\] " "Node \"LEDR\[0\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[0\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[1\] " "Node \"LEDR\[1\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[1\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[2\] " "Node \"LEDR\[2\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[2\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[3\] " "Node \"LEDR\[3\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[3\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[4\] " "Node \"LEDR\[4\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[4\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[5\] " "Node \"LEDR\[5\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[5\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[6\] " "Node \"LEDR\[6\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[6\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[7\] " "Node \"LEDR\[7\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[7\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[8\] " "Node \"LEDR\[8\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[8\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "LEDR\[9\] " "Node \"LEDR\[9\]\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "LEDR\[9\]" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "OLED_CLK " "Node \"OLED_CLK\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "OLED_CLK" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "OLED_CS " "Node \"OLED_CS\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "OLED_CS" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "OLED_DATA " "Node \"OLED_DATA\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "OLED_DATA" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "OLED_DC " "Node \"OLED_DC\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "OLED_DC" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""} { "Warning" "WCUT_CUT_UNATTACHED_ASGN_SUB" "OLED_RST " "Node \"OLED_RST\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" {  } { { "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/16.0/quartus/bin64/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "OLED_RST" } } } }  } 0 15706 "Node \"%1!s!\" is assigned to location or region, but does not exist in design" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""}  } {  } 0 15705 "Ignored locations or region assignments to the following nodes" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841750 ""}
{ "Info" "IFSV_FITTER_PREPARATION_END" "00:00:11 " "Fitter preparation operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:11" {  } {  } 0 11798 "Fitter preparation operations ending: elapsed time is %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670841751 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_FITTER_PLACEMENT_PREP_START" "" "Fitter placement preparation operations beginning" {  } {  } 0 170189 "Fitter placement preparation operations beginning" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670846806 ""}
{ "Info" "IVPR20K_VPR_APL_ENABLED" "" "The Fitter is using Advanced Physical Optimization." {  } {  } 0 14951 "The Fitter is using Advanced Physical Optimization." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670847016 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_FITTER_PLACEMENT_PREP_END" "00:00:01 " "Fitter placement preparation operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:01" {  } {  } 0 170190 "Fitter placement preparation operations ending: elapsed time is %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670847746 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_FITTER_PLACEMENT_START" "" "Fitter placement operations beginning" {  } {  } 0 170191 "Fitter placement operations beginning" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670848489 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_INFO_VPR_PLACEMENT_FINISH" "" "Fitter placement was successful" {  } {  } 0 170137 "Fitter placement was successful" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670848833 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_FITTER_PLACEMENT_END" "00:00:01 " "Fitter placement operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:01" {  } {  } 0 170192 "Fitter placement operations ending: elapsed time is %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670848833 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_FITTER_ROUTING_START" "" "Fitter routing operations beginning" {  } {  } 0 170193 "Fitter routing operations beginning" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670849945 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_PERCENT_ROUTING_RESOURCE_USAGE" "0 " "Router estimated average interconnect usage is 0% of the available device resources" { { "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_PEAK_ROUTING_REGION" "1 X67_Y0 X77_Y10 " "Router estimated peak interconnect usage is 1% of the available device resources in the region that extends from location X67_Y0 to location X77_Y10" {  } { { "loc" "" { Generic "C:/New folder/ex16/" { { 1 { 0 "Router estimated peak interconnect usage is 1% of the available device resources in the region that extends from location X67_Y0 to location X77_Y10"} { { 12 { 0 ""} 67 0 11 11 }  }  }  }  } }  } 0 170196 "Router estimated peak interconnect usage is %1!d!%% of the available device resources in the region that extends from location %2!s! to location %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670854424 ""}  } {  } 0 170195 "Router estimated average interconnect usage is %1!d!%% of the available device resources" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670854424 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_AUTO_FIT_ENABLED_AND_USED" "" "The Fitter performed an Auto Fit compilation.  Optimizations were skipped to reduce compilation time." { { "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_AUTO_FIT_ENABLED_AND_USED_FOR_ROUTABILITY" "" "Optimizations that may affect the design's routability were skipped" {  } {  } 0 170201 "Optimizations that may affect the design's routability were skipped" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670854744 ""} { "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_AUTO_FIT_ENABLED_AND_USED_FOR_TIMING" "" "Optimizations that may affect the design's timing were skipped" {  } {  } 0 170200 "Optimizations that may affect the design's timing were skipped" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670854744 ""}  } {  } 0 170199 "The Fitter performed an Auto Fit compilation.  Optimizations were skipped to reduce compilation time." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670854744 ""}
{ "Info" "IFITAPI_FITAPI_VPR_FITTER_ROUTING_END" "00:00:01 " "Fitter routing operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:01" {  } {  } 0 170194 "Fitter routing operations ending: elapsed time is %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670854748 ""}
{ "Info" "IVPR20K_VPR_TIMING_ANALYSIS_TIME" "the Fitter 0.28 " "Total time spent on timing analysis during the Fitter is 0.28 seconds." {  } {  } 0 11888 "Total time spent on timing analysis during %1!s! is %2!s! seconds." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670856282 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_STARTED" "" "Started post-fitting delay annotation" {  } {  } 0 334003 "Started post-fitting delay annotation" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670856328 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_COMPLETED" "" "Delay annotation completed successfully" {  } {  } 0 334004 "Delay annotation completed successfully" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670856710 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_STARTED" "" "Started post-fitting delay annotation" {  } {  } 0 334003 "Started post-fitting delay annotation" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670856710 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_COMPLETED" "" "Delay annotation completed successfully" {  } {  } 0 334004 "Delay annotation completed successfully" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670857059 ""}
{ "Info" "IFSV_FITTER_POST_OPERATION_END" "00:00:03 " "Fitter post-fit operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:03" {  } {  } 0 11801 "Fitter post-fit operations ending: elapsed time is %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670859473 ""}
{ "Warning" "WFITCC_FITCC_IGNORED_ASSIGNMENT" "" "Found invalid Fitter assignments. See the Ignored Assignments panel in the Fitter Compilation Report for more information." {  } {  } 0 171167 "Found invalid Fitter assignments. See the Ignored Assignments panel in the Fitter Compilation Report for more information." 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670859715 ""}
{ "Info" "IRDB_WROTE_SUPPRESSED_MSGS" "C:/New folder/ex16/ " "Generated suppressed messages file C:/New folder/ex16/" {  } {  } 0 144001 "Generated suppressed messages file %1!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670859797 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "Fitter 0 s 46 s Quartus Prime " "Quartus Prime Fitter was successful. 0 errors, 46 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "2589 " "Peak virtual memory: 2589 megabytes" {  } {  } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670860255 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:40 2016 " "Processing ended: Fri Dec 02 09:27:40 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670860255 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:32 " "Elapsed time: 00:00:32" {  } {  } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670860255 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:54 " "Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:54" {  } {  } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670860255 ""}  } {  } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670860255 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "*******************************************************************" {  } {  } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "Fitter" 0 -1 1480670862017 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "Assembler Quartus Prime " "Running Quartus Prime Assembler" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition " "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition" {  } {  } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670862020 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:41 2016 " "Processing started: Fri Dec 02 09:27:41 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670862020 ""}  } {  } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670862020 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_asm --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top " "Command: quartus_asm --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top" {  } {  } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670862020 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_USER_SHOULD_SPECIFY_NUM_PROC" "" "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." {  } {  } 0 18236 "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670862795 ""}
{ "Info" "IASM_ASM_GENERATING_PROGRAMMING_FILES" "" "Assembler is generating device programming files" {  } {  } 0 115030 "Assembler is generating device programming files" 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670867718 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "Assembler 0 s 1  Quartus Prime " "Quartus Prime Assembler was successful. 0 errors, 1 warning" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "891 " "Peak virtual memory: 891 megabytes" {  } {  } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670868097 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:48 2016 " "Processing ended: Fri Dec 02 09:27:48 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670868097 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:07 " "Elapsed time: 00:00:07" {  } {  } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670868097 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:06 " "Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:06" {  } {  } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670868097 ""}  } {  } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670868097 ""}
{ "Info" "IFLOW_DISABLED_MODULE" "PowerPlay Power Analyzer FLOW_ENABLE_POWER_ANALYZER " "Skipped module PowerPlay Power Analyzer due to the assignment FLOW_ENABLE_POWER_ANALYZER" {  } {  } 0 293026 "Skipped module %1!s! due to the assignment %2!s!" 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670868900 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "*******************************************************************" {  } {  } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "Assembler" 0 -1 1480670869814 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Quartus Prime " "Running Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition " "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition" {  } {  } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670869815 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:49 2016 " "Processing started: Fri Dec 02 09:27:49 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670869815 ""}  } {  } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670869815 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_sta ex16 -c ex16_top " "Command: quartus_sta ex16 -c ex16_top" {  } {  } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670869815 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "qsta_default_script.tcl version: #1" {  } {  } 0 0 "qsta_default_script.tcl version: #1" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 0 1480670869998 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_USER_SHOULD_SPECIFY_NUM_PROC" "" "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." {  } {  } 0 18236 "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670870618 ""}
{ "Info" "IQCU_PARALLEL_AUTODETECT_MULTIPLE_PROCESSORS" "4 4 " "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected" {  } {  } 0 20030 "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use %1!i! of the %2!i! processors detected" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670870618 ""}
{ "Info" "ICUT_CUT_USING_OPERATING_CONDITION" "Low junction temperature 0 degrees C " "Low junction temperature is 0 degrees C" {  } {  } 0 21077 "%1!s! is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670870665 ""}
{ "Info" "ICUT_CUT_USING_OPERATING_CONDITION" "High junction temperature 85 degrees C " "High junction temperature is 85 degrees C" {  } {  } 0 21077 "%1!s! is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670870665 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_SDC_FOUND" "ex16_top.sdc " "Reading SDC File: 'ex16_top.sdc'" {  } {  } 0 332104 "Reading SDC File: '%1!s!'" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871195 ""}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] is being clocked by spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871198 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871198 "|ex16_top|spi2adc:SPI_ADC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] is being clocked by spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871198 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871198 "|ex16_top|spi2dac:SPI_DAC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_FOUND_DERIVING" "\"derive_clock_uncertainty\" " "No user constrained clock uncertainty found in the design. Calling \"derive_clock_uncertainty\"" {  } {  } 0 332143 "No user constrained clock uncertainty found in the design. Calling %1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871199 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_INFO" "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties. " "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties." {  } {  } 0 332123 "%1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871200 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Found TIMEQUEST_REPORT_SCRIPT_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS = ON" {  } {  } 0 0 "Found TIMEQUEST_REPORT_SCRIPT_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS = ON" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 0 1480670871201 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Analyzing Slow 1100mV 85C Model" {  } {  } 0 0 "Analyzing Slow 1100mV 85C Model" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 0 1480670871208 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "setup 16.406 " "Worst-case setup slack is 16.406" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871215 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871215 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "   16.406               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "   16.406               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871215 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871215 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "hold 0.384 " "Worst-case hold slack is 0.384" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871217 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871217 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    0.384               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    0.384               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871217 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871217 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Recovery " "No Recovery paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871220 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Removal " "No Removal paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871221 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "minimum pulse width 8.903 " "Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 8.903" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871223 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871223 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    8.903               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    8.903               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670871223 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871223 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Analyzing Slow 1100mV 0C Model" {  } {  } 0 0 "Analyzing Slow 1100mV 0C Model" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 0 1480670871234 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_STARTED" "" "Started post-fitting delay annotation" {  } {  } 0 334003 "Started post-fitting delay annotation" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670871272 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_COMPLETED" "" "Delay annotation completed successfully" {  } {  } 0 334004 "Delay annotation completed successfully" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872119 ""}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] is being clocked by spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872173 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872173 "|ex16_top|spi2adc:SPI_ADC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] is being clocked by spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872173 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872173 "|ex16_top|spi2dac:SPI_DAC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_INFO" "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties. " "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties." {  } {  } 0 332123 "%1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872173 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "setup 16.310 " "Worst-case setup slack is 16.310" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872179 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872179 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "   16.310               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "   16.310               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872179 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872179 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "hold 0.378 " "Worst-case hold slack is 0.378" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872181 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872181 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    0.378               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    0.378               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872181 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872181 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Recovery " "No Recovery paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872183 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Removal " "No Removal paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872184 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "minimum pulse width 8.841 " "Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 8.841" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872186 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872186 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    8.841               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    8.841               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670872186 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872186 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Analyzing Fast 1100mV 85C Model" {  } {  } 0 0 "Analyzing Fast 1100mV 85C Model" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 0 1480670872195 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_STARTED" "" "Started post-fitting delay annotation" {  } {  } 0 334003 "Started post-fitting delay annotation" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670872348 ""}
{ "Info" "ITAPI_TAPI_COMPLETED" "" "Delay annotation completed successfully" {  } {  } 0 334004 "Delay annotation completed successfully" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873054 ""}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] is being clocked by spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873114 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873114 "|ex16_top|spi2adc:SPI_ADC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] is being clocked by spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873114 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873114 "|ex16_top|spi2dac:SPI_DAC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_INFO" "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties. " "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties." {  } {  } 0 332123 "%1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873115 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "setup 17.639 " "Worst-case setup slack is 17.639" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873118 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873118 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "   17.639               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "   17.639               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873118 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873118 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "hold 0.189 " "Worst-case hold slack is 0.189" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873120 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873120 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    0.189               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    0.189               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873120 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873120 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Recovery " "No Recovery paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873122 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Removal " "No Removal paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873124 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "minimum pulse width 8.768 " "Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 8.768" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873126 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873126 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    8.768               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    8.768               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873126 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873126 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "Analyzing Fast 1100mV 0C Model" {  } {  } 0 0 "Analyzing Fast 1100mV 0C Model" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 0 1480670873136 ""}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|data_from_adc\[3\] is being clocked by spi2adc:SPI_ADC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873280 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873280 "|ex16_top|spi2adc:SPI_ADC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Warning" "WSTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT" "spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Node: spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." { { "Info" "ISTA_NODE_FOUND_WITHOUT_CLOCK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS" "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz " "Register spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|shift_reg\[11\] is being clocked by spi2dac:SPI_DAC\|clk_1MHz" {  } {  } 0 13166 "%1!s! %2!s! is being clocked by %3!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873281 ""}  } {  } 0 332060 "Node: %1!s! was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment." 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873281 "|ex16_top|spi2dac:SPI_DAC|clk_1MHz"}
{ "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY_INFO" "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties. " "Deriving Clock Uncertainty. Please refer to report_sdc in TimeQuest to see clock uncertainties." {  } {  } 0 332123 "%1!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873281 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "setup 17.754 " "Worst-case setup slack is 17.754" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873284 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873284 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "   17.754               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "   17.754               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873284 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873284 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "hold 0.181 " "Worst-case hold slack is 0.181" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873287 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873287 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    0.181               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    0.181               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873287 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873287 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Recovery " "No Recovery paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873288 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Removal " "No Removal paths to report" {  } {  } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873290 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "minimum pulse width 8.708 " "Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 8.708" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock  " "    Slack       End Point TNS Clock " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873292 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= =================== ===================== " "========= =================== =====================" {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873292 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "    8.708               0.000 CLOCK_50  " "    8.708               0.000 CLOCK_50 " {  } {  } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670873292 ""}  } {  } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670873292 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_UCP_NOT_CONSTRAINED" "setup " "Design is not fully constrained for setup requirements" {  } {  } 0 332102 "Design is not fully constrained for %1!s! requirements" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670874634 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_UCP_NOT_CONSTRAINED" "hold " "Design is not fully constrained for hold requirements" {  } {  } 0 332102 "Design is not fully constrained for %1!s! requirements" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670874642 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer 0 s 9 s Quartus Prime " "Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 9 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "1210 " "Peak virtual memory: 1210 megabytes" {  } {  } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670874685 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:54 2016 " "Processing ended: Fri Dec 02 09:27:54 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670874685 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:05 " "Elapsed time: 00:00:05" {  } {  } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670874685 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:05 " "Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:05" {  } {  } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670874685 ""}  } {  } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670874685 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "*******************************************************************" {  } {  } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" 0 -1 1480670876135 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "EDA Netlist Writer Quartus Prime " "Running Quartus Prime EDA Netlist Writer" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition " "Version 16.0.0 Build 211 04/27/2016 SJ Standard Edition" {  } {  } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670876136 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:55 2016 " "Processing started: Fri Dec 02 09:27:55 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670876136 ""}  } {  } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670876136 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_eda --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top " "Command: quartus_eda --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off ex16 -c ex16_top" {  } {  } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670876136 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_USER_SHOULD_SPECIFY_NUM_PROC" "" "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." {  } {  } 0 18236 "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670877050 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQNETO_SWITCH_TO_FUNCTIONAL_SIMULATION" "" "Generated the EDA functional simulation netlist because it is the only supported netlist type for this device." {  } {  } 0 10905 "Generated the EDA functional simulation netlist because it is the only supported netlist type for this device." 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670877092 ""}
{ "Info" "IWSC_DONE_HDL_GENERATION" "ex16_top.vo C:/New folder/ex16/simulation/modelsim/ simulation " "Generated file ex16_top.vo in folder \"C:/New folder/ex16/simulation/modelsim/\" for EDA simulation tool" {  } {  } 0 204019 "Generated file %1!s! in folder \"%2!s!\" for EDA %3!s! tool" 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670877265 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "EDA Netlist Writer 0 s 2 s Quartus Prime " "Quartus Prime EDA Netlist Writer was successful. 0 errors, 2 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "807 " "Peak virtual memory: 807 megabytes" {  } {  } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670877327 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Dec 02 09:27:57 2016 " "Processing ended: Fri Dec 02 09:27:57 2016" {  } {  } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670877327 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:02 " "Elapsed time: 00:00:02" {  } {  } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670877327 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:01 " "Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01" {  } {  } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1480670877327 ""}  } {  } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670877327 ""}
{ "Info" "IFLOW_ERROR_COUNT" "Full Compilation 0 s 72 s " "Quartus Prime Full Compilation was successful. 0 errors, 72 warnings" {  } {  } 0 293000 "Quartus Prime %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "EDA Netlist Writer" 0 -1 1480670877967 ""}